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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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According to that TMZ story, Walgreens is an advertiser. 

Are they insane to keep advertising on TLC after the success of their red noses FOR CHILDREN campaign?  Make all that money to help children while supporting a network and TV show that allows their abusers to be validated? 

Nice work, Walgreens.  I'll head to CVS instead.

TMZ updated their post to include Walgreens:


3:20 PM PT -- Walgreens just officially pulled the plug on its ads saying, "In the wake of recent news, we are no longer advertising on the '19 Kids and Counting' program."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2015/05/26/19-kids-and-counting-advertisers-payless-walgreens-choice-hotels-josh-duggar-molestation-tlc/#ixzz3bHuuDZ5Y

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This is the list of sponsors from change.org. Walgreens is only listed as carrying a drink from Coke.

19 Kids and Counting Sponsors: Ace Hardware Party City Arm & Hammer (cat litter) King's Hawaiian Cortizone 10 Progressive Insurance Kohl's (department store) Choice Hotels Firehouse Subs Philadelphia Cream Cheese Pure Leaf Tea Walgreen's Minute Maid ( part of the COCA COLA COMPANY!) Payless Shoes Beauty Rest Matress Sherwin WIlliams Frontline Plus

Walgreens and Minute Maid are two different companies. The list makes it look confusing. Complain to both Walgreen's AND Coke (owner of Minute Maid).

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Well, I think it's safe to say that the show is going to be officially done soon. If there aren't any sponsors, how can TLC continue? I'm sure the Duggar family was earning a decent salary from being on the air for 10 years. Without advertising, the show can't exist anymore.

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I'm trying to remember a TV show that has survived major withdrawal of sponsors, and I can't. Radio shows (Rush Limbaugh, for example) can manage that more easily. But can TV shows? I would research this if I had time, but I don't.

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That is his wife's name and she's also noted as a past producer for 19 Kids but I can't imagine she'd post that. There's several different C.E. listed if you google the name so probably not her.

Yep, it's the same Courtney.  She's disabled her twitter account, so that was probably her parting shot.

Wow, if so that was some shot!
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Seriously, that's the same Courtney Enlow? That's -- hard to believe. Courtney Enlow who said on the crew episode: “Michelle is probably the most patient person you will ever meet. I do not know how Michelle does it. I’m a mom myself, and there’s a lot to learn from her,” Courtney said. “She runs a great house. She runs a tight ship.” That's the same person?

Edited by JenCarroll
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Here is Courtney Enlow's response to the scandal. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think she is the wife of Scott Enlow and part of the "behind the camera/interview the crew" episode. Also the one who had a baby on the Duggar's Asia trip.


I don't know because she doesn't out herself. If it was Courtney is she distancing herself from them? Strange that if she worked with them for years and years she would make it more heartfelt. More of what she witnessed. More of how she saw brother/sister real interactions. IDK 

Edited by Rhondinella
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Here is Courtney Enlow's response to the scandal. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think she is the wife of Scott Enlow and part of the "behind the camera/interview the crew" episode. Also the one who had a baby on the Duggar's Asia trip.


Best quote of the article:

"I went ahead and reached out to God for this piece, and God has granted me this statement: God thinks these people are fucking evil assholes."

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I would be shocked if anything came out of this investigation. The amount of evidence you have to prove any sort of finding is astounding. I once worked with a little boy whose grandfather repeatedly molested him, but because there were slight variations to his story, the case was dismissed completely. Plus, his grandfather was a bigwig in the county and was friends with the judge. Without irrefutable proof that anything is currently happening, nothing will happen.

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I don't believe that this is the same Courtney. The one who wrote that piece lives in Chicago. Sorry but I think it's just a coincidence


That's what I was thinking...but what are the odds that a writer with the very same name would also be the very name of a co-producer?  It's not a common name.  i wonder if TLC knew about the case, but the production company did not, and then when the production team found out, like us, they felt kicked in the gut.  Actually, I'm assuming they'd be even angrier their relationships with the family.  Did they get wind that this release of info would be coming down the pike, felt betrayed by this, then not so nice "man on the street" interviews on one of the last "very special episodes"?

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I posted this in the Josh & Anna thread but thought people only following in the Media thread might be interested, so now that I found a link adding it here:


Access Hollywood had a story tonight with a sound bite from an In Touch editor saying of the forcible fondling "it's possible that this could have been conducted on over 20 occasions."  He didn't say where the 20 occasions came from, though.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/inside-the-duggar-scandal-what-comes-next_video_2804537?utm_source=access&utm_medium=insite&utm_campaign=hero(the 20 occasions comment is at about the :30 mark)

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Note: The story about CPS investigating that was posted in several places earlier this evening has been proven to be bogus.  So I have deleted the posts that had the link and others that responded to them.

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This is the list of sponsors from change.org. Walgreens is only listed as carrying a drink from Coke.

19 Kids and Counting Sponsors: Ace Hardware Party City Arm & Hammer (cat litter) King's Hawaiian Cortizone 10 Progressive Insurance Kohl's (department store) Choice Hotels Firehouse Subs Philadelphia Cream Cheese Pure Leaf Tea Walgreen's Minute Maid ( part of the COCA COLA COMPANY!) Payless Shoes Beauty Rest Matress Sherwin WIlliams Frontline Plus

Ugh. I see "Beauty Rest Mattress" on that list and now I picture JimBoob and Me chelle rolling around on one "righteously".

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Have loved getting up early reading the news the last five days, but am taking a break from posting. Seems like the Duggars are circling the wagons and TLC is staying mute. I pray for healing for all, even Josh and his parents. I pray for peace for victims, Anna and her children. Nobody wins in this tragedy.

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Rick Santorum is slated to announce his run for the White House later today (yeah, good luck with that, Ricky, let us know how that works out for you). It just occurred to me that he's been very quiet about his connection to the Duggars since the scandal broke. No press release, no Facebook post, no public support. He's been a lot more cautious than Mike Huckabee who came out in support of Josh and has been getting blasted by the voters he thought he would be scoring points with. 


And Santorum is the politician the Duggars have done the most to support. They've been right beside him on the campaign trail every step of  the way. He's been more than happy to associate himself with their celebrity. I guess it's times like these when you find out who your friends are, huh, Jim Bob.

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Santorum is also the only major politician (meaning, he actually gets major press) who genuinely welcomed the Duggars' support. Even Huckabee was always sort of lukewarm about it. (The Iowa visit much discussed here was a tiny blip on the political scene.). I've always wondered if Santorum were really angry that the Duggars so quickly dumped him for Huckabee, after he was so enthusiastic about them. And of course, there have been a number of anti-Catholic remarks made by Generation II that probably did help matters either.

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Heavy hitters mounting in those sponsors.  Put a fork in it.


I was always puzzled by the Santorum connection to the Duggars - he's going to hell in their book anyways, no Catholics allowed in fundie heaven.

Edited by NextIteration
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Heavy hitters mounting in those sponsors.  Put a fork in it.


I was always puzzled by the Santorum connection to the Duggars - he's going to hell in their book anyways, no Catholics allowed in fundie heaven.

Wonder if Bin's very open anti-Catholic social-media screeds finally convinced Santorum's people to back away. Because they got a fair amount of press and may have aroused ire among his conservative-Catholic base? 


Oops: I see that GEML has already noted this above. Missed that post. Sorry.


Had the Duggars themselves ever spoken or written anti-Catholic sentiments publicly before Bin? If they did, I didn't notice it. Although it's certainly clear from the number of Catholic countries that they and their buddies regularly attempt to convert to Christianity.  (Or just vacation in, depending on how you look at it. I notice there's not a lot of fundie evangelizing that goes on in very Catholic Poland, for example -- no beaches)

Edited by Churchhoney
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I wish someone in the media would pick up on the humiliation this show bestows on Josie. Abuse of a different kind. ( have to admit I don't watch, just read about it here)

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Nathan Bedford Forrest may be a relative. Further, although he helped found the Klan, he dissolved his chapter in 1869, and eventually went on to advocate a progressive for the time agenda of racial equality by 1875. I don't think you can make any determination of their feelings solely by a picture on a wall.

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Not to worry @JoanArc, I feel like some places on the InterToobz are being mined for more info about this situation.  I know it's really easy to think about hitting the wayback machine - but it was pretty eerie the way a certain cached link appeared on Defamer yesterday after it was mentioned here in this group on PTV. (JimBob's Campaign positions.)

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The Bates aren't related to Forrest. Forming the KKK is a pretty big faux pas, and something you don't advertise to the world that you admire, like the Bates did by putting this on their website. The irony of Stonewall Jackson, enemy of the America, over a God Bless America sign I leave to the viewer to interpret. I won't go OT any more.


It is nice to the Bates being revealed as more than 'the nicer version of the Duggars'. I'm sure Gawker will pick up that Joe Duggar has been hanging out with them as of late.

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Eh, I have a Mort Kunstler print called "Lee's Lieutenants" hanging in my own home. (Kunstler is a well known Civil War artist.). I also have a print of WWI dogfighting featuring the Red Baron. Are we to conclude from that I am in favor of Germanic Imperialism? Or that I collect military art?

But I don't know that the Bates come through unscathed. If Jim Bob goes down and had ANYTHING on Gil Bates, he'll use it. And it won't be anything silly like "Oh, he named his children after Southern Civil War generals." That risks a whole bunch of people liking the family even more.

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Let's take the discussion about the Bates family over to the Sweet Fellowship thread or over to the Bringing Up Bates forum. There is plenty to discuss about the Duggars in the media without bringing in these other families as well.

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In this latest Duggar-related story, Gawker notes that the Bateses are in the same cult. And perhaps in it even deeper than JimBob. Emphasizing the point wIth photos of Bill G at a Bates wedding and his Bates-baked birthday cake.

Edited by Churchhoney
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The Duggars are on the cover of People.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I would think them getting the cover is a bad thing brings bad publicly

I am on a mobile device and can't post a link. In Touch Weekly just posted an article. They interviewed the state trooper who is in prison. He said that Jim Bob and Josh didn't give him all the details when they reported to him. He said that if he knew the whole story, he would have handled it differently. Not that we can believe anything that that scum bag says.

I knew they would interview him. I don't believe him either. 56 years for child porn. Sick. That whole Arkansas department is corrupt

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Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I would think them getting the cover is a bad thing brings bad publicly

I knew they would interview him. I don't believe him either. 56 years for child porn. Sick. That whole Arkansas department is corrupt

Ironically, he sounds a whole lot more appropriate in his reactions than anyone in Camp Duggar has.

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Other than Mike Huckabee and Michael Seewald, has anyone else come out in support of the Duggars and made a public statement yet? These are the only two that I am aware of.

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This was on GMA today.  I'd love for someone from a major news organization to do some in-depth research into Gothard, IBLP, and ATI, looking into what they believe, the products they are putting out, and how they're trying to infiltrate the public schools.

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Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I would think them getting the cover is a bad thing brings bad publicly

I knew they would interview him. I don't believe him either. 56 years for child porn. Sick. That whole Arkansas department is corrupt


Do you get paid when you're on a People cover because you've suddenly become infamous? Did they take this photo especially for this event and this cover? A lot of the time their covers of the infamous are paparazzi shots or file shots, aren't they? (talking off the top of my head -- I haven't paid close enough attention at the supermarket checkout)


Anyway -- If they did get paid for the cover, then I'm sure JimBob thinks it's a very good thing.


Josh with his little mug-shotty insert, I'm not so sure about.

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