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S07.E06: Ring The Bell!

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The couple looks back at the challenges they have faced with their new family, all while battling a rare cancer. Jen receives news from her oncologist.

Original airdate: 4/8/14

PLEASE NOTE! This thread is for discussion of the episode, S06.E06: Ring the Bell!. Posts that discuss issues OUTSIDE of this episode will be moved to the appropriate topic. 

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I moved some of these posts over to the Opinions thread, as they aren't talking directly about this episode, so if you have a post you think disappears, please check there. This topic is about the S06.E06: Ring the Bell!

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Very touching episode!  Will and Zoey bouncing through the hospital with their balloons was just the cutest--and I'm so happy that Jen rang the bell--congrats to the Klein/Arnold Family!

Edited by Goldielocked
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CAKE!  Will couldn't get those balloons in the room fast enough so they could dig into that CAKE!  And maybe Mr. Matty or others could clarify for me, as I was confused; four months for six courses of chemo?  I understood them to say she went in every week for one short treatment (out-patient) and then one in-patient overnighter?  How does that all work?  Just curious about the timeline.  Glad she finally hit zero; that 2. whatever wasn't as reassuring!

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So happy the bell was rung! Glad Kate is not a regular part of the show. Jen and Bill are incredible parents, loved they shared their happiness at beating cancer. The kids were adorable. What an incredible family.

Every time I watch the series, I am left with a smile at the end of each and every episode. This one rocked!

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What an awesome episode!   I am so glad Jen won the battle.  Little Will's fascination has turned from cars to cake!  I love cake too - lol   I hope they showcase some of Zoey's personaltity a bit more soon.

Regarding the timeline.  4 months seems right.  I am assuming they are going from the time she was diagnosed.  She had 2 surgeries she needed to recover from, plus then they needed to stage it.  I'm not sure if she had radiation.  Plus, there are weeks, which we saw, that you cannot get the chemo if your bloodwork deems you not healthy enough to tolerate it.

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Glad Jen got to ring the bell although it became a "ceremony" I guess more so because the cameras were there....her oncologist was finally like "ring the friggin' bell already!"   They showed very little of the kids which was disappointing and Will would have kissed anything to get that cake!!    

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Also confused by the "I want to focus less on work and more on my private life" speech and then the resolution to fly to California in two weeks.  I realize Jen is considered beyond reproach by many, and especially now, but the woman just bugs!  More Will and Zoey time.

Did I hear it wrong or, as the kids were leaving the room, did Jen say, "Mommy will be home tomorrow," and did Will say, "No-no"?  LOL

Edited by all4mom
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I've had the pleasure of having 2 close relatives "ring the bell" at MDA, and it IS a ceremony!  It signifies victory over cancer and the beginning of a new life, free of cancer.  I'm always glad to see anyone celebrate this ritual after months of grueling treatment.  Glad Jen was able to do this as well!

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Luckily, you get to call out who just "bugs."  I'm not sure I'm allowed to on this Forum :). 

What a wonderful family and wonderful show.  I started watching this show because I used to live in Houston and loved seeing the city again.  Little did I know how much I would appreciate these people for themselves...not the freak show so many other reality shows become.  Each episode is full of love and joy.  Warms my cold heart against the very negative things people want to put out in the world.

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I too don't think Jen has any intention of allowing her career to take a back seat.  Her oncologist telling her how contraindicated it is to do anything within 2 weeks of finishing chemo but why listen to her, what does she know or was this for added drama and for the "wow go Jen go fans"....LOL

I understand a ceremony but this was the one to end all ceremonies!

I didn't hear what Will said at the end but would have LOL if he said that, will have to play it again then delete that episode, not worth keeping as there was so little of the kids on it.  

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I was watching The Duggars before this episode last night and Mackynzie (Anna/Josh's daughter) is 4 years old, same age as Will.  I was astounded at the differences between these 2 kids of the same age, Will is very far behind in his development.  Mackynzie is speaking sentences and forming thoughts.  Because the shows were back to back it was a total wow.  

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Will is new to English and couldn't hear well for half his life. He seems to understand everything said to him now, but just isn't speaking well yet. I think he'll catch up fairly quickly, especially as Zoey starts to speak more English. 

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Wow, I was a blubbering mess last night when Jen and Bill were talking about the struggle and their lives together.  Their love for each other was almost palpable.  It was so touching. I can't stand reality shows with the exception of this one but I'm fairly certain that I would not be moved to tears by Boo-Boo or the Stepford Duggars!

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I am deaf. I have two hearing children. I am fluent in sign but rely more on speech. I also have MS so I have been lucky. LOL.

My son had a delayed reaction to talking. He was five before he decided he had plenty to say. And the Dr's were soooo worried. "He talks like a deaf person" (you mean like me?) but I had no concerns.

Will knows some basic sign language. :-) Makes me laugh!

edited for spelling

Edited by Jellybeans
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lol Jellybeans--just shows that in many cases, Mom knows best!  Reminds me of when my son had 90% hearing loss due to fluid in both ears.  He was 2 years old and minutes after he woke up from having the tubes put in his ears, I bent over his bed and whispered "I love you."  He said, "why are you yelling???"  I was so happy to hear that!

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Will seems to know enough words to make his wishes and needs known (whether or not it gets him caaaaaaake), so maybe he doesn't feel the need to say more?  Perhaps he's just a man of few words!  There are ways of making him talk; perhaps they'll pursue that now.

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Will is in speech therapy according to Jen and now (spring 2014) is speaking in sentences. We should begin to see increased speech in the upcoming episodes.

Last night had 2.831 M viewers and a .8 rating.

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I am deaf. I have two hearing children. I am fluent in sign but rely more on speech. I also have MS so I have been lucky. LOL.

My son had a delayed reaction to talking. He was five before he decided he had plenty to say. And the Dr's were soooo worried. "He talks like a deaf person" (you mean like me?) but I had no concerns.

Will knows some basic sign language. :-) Makes me laugh!

edited for spelling

I thought I saw him signing. I wonder if Zoey has been taught any sign, I know a lot of people and organizations are advocating teaching toddlers sign to allow them some basic communication. 

I've also been lucky! LOL! I too have MS, not deaf, but I'm diabetic. Look at us, doubly lucky. 

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Re: saying "no" to the nap, I figured that was the spin Jen fans would try to put on it, but no; listen to it again...  "Nappy" - no response.  "Bring Mommy home" - Will says, "Uh-uh!"  I think they should rename this show "The Teflon Couple" or perhaps "The Untouchables"...  LOL

Edited by all4mom
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Everything we see may be edited.  In the last few episodes, I swear I hear dubbed in "voiceover" words coming from Will and Zoey such as "Mommy" or "Love you" when you can't see their face and it comes out of context.  

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Re: Will's ability to sign.  If memory serves, they teach sign at New Day, his foster home.  I recall a video of his first birthday where it was noted that he knew the sign for cake.

The kid has apparently been cake obsessed since birth.  LOL

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I do sometimes wonder if they insert words the kids have said before as sometimes they seem louder than the rest of the segment and if they don't know what the kids are going to say then how do they know to turn that part louder..it jumps out at you sometimes.  I guess we can't escape that this is still tv and some drama is inserted like the time when Zoey was getting her first check up since arriving and they made it seem like the oncologist was chasing Jen down to get her back in bed or some such crap.  

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But I doubt if the production crew would tweak the editing to put Jen in anything like a bad light, since they - along with the entire viewing public - is engaging in a mass Jen love fest.  Personally, I'm on saccharine overload!  No caaaaaaaaaaaaaake for me.

Edited by all4mom
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Great episode.  I don't cry about TV, but I maybe did have something in my eye there for a minute. 

I'm sure Jen agreed to the San Francisco trip a long time ago; conferences book their keynote speakers well in advance.  A sane person might have cancelled, but she is "Jennifer Arnold, M.D., crazy person, and she will do what she wants." /Bill.

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Cute episode, I respect the hell out of Jen, and adore how much her husband loves and is patient with her, because she can (admittedly so) be very hard-headed. I had to agree with her oncologist, but Jen surely knew her risks.

I have to wonder if she's trying to make up for leaving India early in some way. She seemed determined to experience traveling with two toddlers in tow (like Bill did); the simulation/speaking gig in San Fran was just an added bonus as she misses being at work and feeling 'normal' again.

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Actually, I think it is boring to read negative and snarky remarks over and over using different adjectives and misconstruing words or gestures just to have something to complain about.  I find that a complete waste of time.  And no, I don't think Jen "walks on water," should be called "Saint," or is "above reproach."  

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I think snark has its place, certainly with some of the more off the wall stars like the Kardashians or shows like Sister Wives or My Five Wives because, well, they just scream "rip me apart!"  But The Little Couple, not so much.  And part of me feels like they have been bullied and made fun of all of their lives, why continue that?  Its a feel-good show and I will continue to post my positive opinions and try to ignore the rest.  

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I had to go to OnDemand and pull up that last episode since I didn't notice Will saying "Uh-uh" when Bill said "we'll bring mommy home later."   After rewinding it 3 times, I think it sounded more like "oh oh" and I think it was Zoey, not Will.  But I guess that's just me cheering for the "Teflon Couple."  (And THAT is me being snarky!)  lol

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I wonder if they will cross the line into letting us see hm at pre-school.  I'm not sure too many schools might allow that.  It does make me wonder why we don't see them doing more educational things with the kids.  I can imagine that's off camera for the most part.

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I wonder if they will cross the line into letting us see hm at pre-school.  I'm not sure too many schools might allow that.  It does make me wonder why we don't see them doing more educational things with the kids.  I can imagine that's off camera for the most part.

I recall last season there were scenes of Jen and Will going over the alphabet & animals/what sounds they make. As far as Pre-K,  We'll probably get Will's first day of school footage, and meet his teacher. After that, probably parking lot pickup scenes with Will and his race car backpack lol.

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I loved everything Bill had to say about marriage. That's exactly what I aspire to have in my future marriage. The good-times-and-bad support is so refreshing to see on TV. We got a good fictional version with Coach and Mrs. Coach on Friday Night Lights, but on reality TV? Never.

Who knows whether we're seeing the whole truth of the relationship on the show, but that was really well said.

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They're a good example of one being, shall we say, "intense" and the other being laid back.  It's a formula that works, but it's hardly unique to reality TV couples.  That said, we do need more Bills in the world-wide marriage pool...  If only they had spent all that fertility-treatment money on cloning instead!

Edited by all4mom
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