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S06.E12: Hearing Problems

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What was the scene with David being in Yo's bedroom kissing her, when we all know they don't live together, their marriage was in trouble long before this season or last. I feel like production must think we're all suffering from memory issues.

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I think Kyle may be not entirely correct-Season 4 opener at her house with SUR catering, I can't believe she paid SUR to cater the party with the tie into Vanderpump Rules.  Quite honestly Kyle's BBQs  r Kathryn's luncheon don't seem to reek of opulence.  I don't think bravo paid for Jamie Lee Curtis event, Nicky Hilton's book signing.  It may be a yardstick production uses to measure and entice viewers with who throws the best parties.


I totally believe brandi financed her housewarming-she was counting how many limes were being used.


I've never believed that Bravo paid for the parties, because it just made no sense to me. The parties are a huge deal, and guarantee more camera time for the host. They get more TH interviews, more reactions, more shots of them preparing, etc. Since garnering camera time is the most important deal in this game, I just cannot imagine that Bravo is paying for them. Why wouldn't someone like Brandi or Kim (neither of whom hosted much of anything) not complain that they were being treated unfairly? That the rich gals were getting Bravo to pay for all of these gatherings, while the gals with less resources were left with little to do except attend the events? I think that the gals who can afford to host events end up on top with regard to this. One could argue that both Kim and Brandi never had a decent house to really host much of anything, but then they could have had their parties at other venues. For the most part, neither one of them did, I believe because they couldn't afford it. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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I like Ericka but she does something that drives me insane--loudly proclaiming all of her friends are gays or men as if she herself does not possess the horrific qualities of womanhood and so does not fit in with the tribe. Scheana did this on Vanderpump Rules before she became queen bee. Lala does it now. "Women hate me, I'm just like, you know, a guy's girl. I'm not into being petty." That shit. Except Ericka does it with her pet gays.

I know what you mean and I run from women like this. If you can't get along with one person of the same sex other than yourself, there's something wrong with you. Not the other way around. Maybe that's why Erika had to create Erika Jayne, so she'd have a girlfriend who could stand her. When I was in school, every girl who said she didn't like other girls because they "were too much drama," it was usually because she was the girl who slept with everyone else's boyfriend.
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I know what you mean and I run from women like this. If you can't get along with one person of the same sex other than yourself, there's something wrong with you. Not the other way around. Maybe that's why Erika had to create Erika Jayne, so she'd have a girlfriend who could stand her. When I was in school, every girl who said she didn't like other girls because they "were too much drama," it was usually because she was the girl who slept with everyone else's boyfriend.


I agree.  Also I didn't like her 'Thank God I had a boy!!!!' comment.  Hey we get it, you don't like women.  So don't be surprised when women really don't like you.

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I'm sure Erika and "her gays" have a symbiotic, mutually rewarding relationship.  I'm sure they're in on the joke, but it still seems exploitive.


Chiming in (perhaps unnecessarily at this point!) on this question - I do think there's a fair amount of both going on. I think Erika is absolutely trying to buy cache by surrounding herself with hot gay men and it's part of an ongoing problem with the way LGBT acceptance has unfolded - gay men are for some hetero women a consumption item, a must-have accessory that gives, for example, bored rich women some color to their otherwise beige-washed life. And that's fucked up.


On the other hand, though, I also think these guys are perfectly aware of the situation and are gogo-ing all the way to the bank. And good for them.


In any event, it really bums me out because I'm otherwise Team Erika all the way. She has breathed new life into this dusty old franchise and I love her for it.  And you know what, yeah, I'LL SAY IT - I LOVED THAT CAVALLI CAFTAN, dammit!

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I know what you mean and I run from women like this. If you can't get along with one person of the same sex other than yourself, there's something wrong with you. Not the other way around. Maybe that's why Erika had to create Erika Jayne, so she'd have a girlfriend who could stand her. When I was in school, every girl who said she didn't like other girls because they "were too much drama," it was usually because she was the girl who slept with everyone else's boyfriend.

Those same women were always walking around complaining that 'XXXXX hates me because I am so better looking/well off/drive a nice car/have better skin'. They are drama queens of the first order and look for ways to keep other women at bay.

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I don't agree with the Erika doesn't like women talk. Erika did go shopping with Eileen which we didn't get to see, and she has been with Yolanda 3x alone on screen.  She did a couples dinner with Lisa V.  Rinna came over for a pep talk to see Yolanda. She was chummy with all the women at the moulin rouge (except for Kathryn's cunty comment - and that didn't rise to a fight) and laughed with them about Kyle's splits etc.  She hasn't said anything about the other women not liking her bc of her money, skin or clothes. She's a far cry above Carlton interacting with Kyle.  I mean she and Kathryn got over the cunty thing.  She only yelled at Rinna at the BBQ. She even tried to get Kathryn and Rinna to back off of Kyle about Kim at the lunch.  I know she's a friend of Yolanda, but I don't see the episodes backing up the Erika treats other the women badly.  She may be all those things people are writing about, but we haven't seen it yet on screen.  IMO she puts on an act when she is with her dancers more than when she is with the women.


I don't know if Erika has IRL women friends or not, and I don't know if we will ever know bc I don't think we will ever see Erika's real life on the show.

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I just got to watch this last night (stupid real life work eating up all of my time lately), and while the bloom is off the rose for me with Erika, I will say she did crack me up at one point. When the ladies were at Kathryn's house and Kyle and LisaV came back to the table and saw that Kathryn was crying, I loved how Erika succinctly, without a breath, laid out a 10 minute story into 5 seconds ("she's crying because her father committed suicide when she was 13"). Kathryn didn't even have a chance to take a breath and Erika had the story out. 


I'm over Kyle crying over Kim every time her name comes up, I'm over Eileen dredging up old conversations just because she "doesn't like things left open", I'm over LisaR talking about Kim and Yolanda (even if I'm on her side sometimes), I'm over LisaV telling everyone she meets "ask me anything", and I'm over Yolanda's lies, poor me routine and vindictiveness. I'm very sorry she's sick, but she's a bitch and there's only so much those ladies can take. The look on her face when she was going after LisaR and Erika was screaming was chilling. She's got some serious personality issues.

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For someone who can barely get out of bed, can't put on makeup, read, walk, or you know..be anything except be in a Lyme coma she sure was knocking those balls down at the "hillbilly bbq" pretty bloody hard. She is such a LIAR I can hardly stand it.

And if your going to cut your hair short stop pulling it back in a  2" ponytail! You cut your hair, deal with it. She looks like she's running to the grocery all the time with no chance to wash her dirty hair because she needs baking soda NOW dammit.

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I was thrilled when LisaV brought up Yo's running all over Beverly Hills when she was supposedly on her death bed. Yo forgets that she puts all of her ills on Instagram or wherever, then she's seen doing the exact opposite onscreen. I mean, I think it would take a lot of energy to start a yelling match with LisaR, right? I got tired just watching her.

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What was the scene with David being in Yo's bedroom kissing her, when we all know they don't live together, their marriage was in trouble long before this season or last. I feel like production must think we're all suffering from memory issues.


To me, it looked like David never actually lived in the Malibu house and just visited for when Yo wanted him to pose as My Love for the camera.  They never felt like a married couple to me, no matter how much Yo pushed their Epic Love Story.

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Check out the size of the limos they travel in when they pull up to an event/place. They don't travel in town cars - they travel in stretch limos (Town Cars are the smaller cars that are most like a 'regular' vehicle.) that way they can get a camera and sound man into the cabin. One way to see how many cameras there are in a scene is to pay attention to the cutting/editing of a scene.- that gives you an idea of how many camera people there are.

In the scene we were referencing, Kim and LisaR were in an SUV not a limo so that was another reason I thought there was no cameraman. 

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I don't agree with the Erika doesn't like women talk. Erika did go shopping with Eileen which we didn't get to see, and she has been with Yolanda 3x alone on screen.  She did a couples dinner with Lisa V.  Rinna came over for a pep talk to see Yolanda. She was chummy with all the women at the moulin rouge (except for Kathryn's cunty comment - and that didn't rise to a fight) and laughed with them about Kyle's splits etc.  She hasn't said anything about the other women not liking her bc of her money, skin or clothes. She's a far cry above Carlton interacting with Kyle.  I mean she and Kathryn got over the cunty thing.  She only yelled at Rinna at the BBQ. She even tried to get Kathryn and Rinna to back off of Kyle about Kim at the lunch.  I know she's a friend of Yolanda, but I don't see the episodes backing up the Erika treats other the women badly.  She may be all those things people are writing about, but we haven't seen it yet on screen.  IMO she puts on an act when she is with her dancers more than when she is with the women.


I don't know if Erika has IRL women friends or not, and I don't know if we will ever know bc I don't think we will ever see Erika's real life on the show.

Just based on what we've seen on the show, I get the impression that Erika isn't wild about women. I'm not calling her a misogynist or anything like that but you're definitely getting the side eye from me when cunt is your go-to word to describe a woman who is "mean". When Kathryn told her that she didn't like the word, Erika played dumb and asked her why she didn't like it as if she's never heard of a woman getting offended by the word before. So Kathryn states her position and Erika's response is to wear the necklace because she knows that Kathryn won't like it. 


Erika is the one who says that she prefers to hang around "her gays" as opposed to hanging out with women. Once Erika put that out there and said things like how she has to "pay attention" around women in a way that she doesn't have to around gay men, I thought, 'Okay, what other gender silliness is going to come out of this woman's mouth?' 


I didn't give Erika flack for being quick to use the J word but this is also IMO a telltale sign of a certain type of person when they're quick to assume that other people are jealous of them.  


I think she hangs out with Yolanda because Yolanda is her connection to the show. Eileen was kissing Erika's ass big time and everything I've seen from Erika so far is that you have to worship her in order for her to really want to spend time with you. I didn't like the way she spoke over Kathryn at the lunch at Kathryn's and I didn't like the way she was making it seem like she was the only one at the table who was properly understanding the situation after commenting on how she and Kathryn weren't even there. 


I can buy that Erika's real friends don't want to be on the show, that's fair enough, but so far I think that Erika has put out the vibe that she isn't exactly a girl's girl for lack of a better way to put it. 

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I'm late but ...


* Tom Girardi looks like a real life Cotton Hill.

* That dog is too big to not be better trained; she shouldn't have to drag him by his collar the whole time guests are at the door.

* If you actually have a library, you should know it's not a liberry.
* I'm tired of seeing that drab, aged and badly decorated mansion Bravo. Not much sadder than an aging pop star whose idea of FUN!! is "boys and beer."

* Her "shows" are artistic and beautiful? Cotton must have cataracts. And telling her to STFU was RUDE.

* We talk about how these women treat gay men like accessories ... at some point you have to stop putting it on them, when said men gladly jump into that role. 

* That said ... Erika's probably THE most annoying Ho' in her complete objectification of the gay men who surround her. They looked like fucking puppies she trained to walk behind her during the barbeque? carnival? set up. Then all the posing to fawning accolades.They should have a little pride in how they represent themselves, but then it's a paycheck. I guess. What's the gay version of Hollywood Shuffle?

* Hey Erika, instead of screaming "Tell her who said it!" why not advise your friend to "let it go," "don't take it on, then if it's not true?" You're showing more and more your feet of clay. And also why you roll with Yolanda - you're both hypocrites.

*"I'm all about integrity." Yolanda, sit yo ass down.


Black Mamba, I'm mad at you for that profile pic.

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I'm late but ...


* Tom Girardi looks like a real life Cotton Hill.

* That dog is too big to not be better trained; she shouldn't have to drag him by his collar the whole time guests are at the door.

* If you actually have a library, you should know it's not a liberry.

* I'm tired of seeing that drab, aged and badly decorated mansion Bravo. Not much sadder than an aging pop star whose idea of FUN!! is "boys and beer."

* Her "shows" are artistic and beautiful? Cotton must have cataracts. And telling her to STFU was RUDE.

* We talk about how these women treat gay men like accessories ... at some point you have to stop putting it on them, when said men gladly jump into that role. 

* That said ... Erika's probably THE most annoying Ho' in her complete objectification of the gay men who surround her. They looked like fucking puppies she trained to walk behind her during the barbeque? carnival? set up. Then all the posing to fawning accolades.They should have a little pride in how they represent themselves, but then it's a paycheck. I guess. What's the gay version of Hollywood Shuffle?

* Hey Erika, instead of screaming "Tell her who said it!" why not advise your friend to "let it go," "don't take it on, then if it's not true?" You're showing more and more your feet of clay. And also why you roll with Yolanda - you're both hypocrites.

*"I'm all about integrity." Yolanda, sit yo ass down.


Black Mamba, I'm mad at you for that profile pic.

This post gave me the best laugh of my day, especially the highlighted parts! I'm glad I wasn't enjoying a beverage when I read it because  I'm too tired to clean my keyboard tonight :) 

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I can't understand why he's filming at all now.

A quiet life?


 If they are going through divorce proceedings it's probably better to bite the bullet and be a loving husband for the cameras while this season films than refuse and get in the way of her paycheque.

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Lisa has more of a financial stake in her dealings with the gay community?  That has been her bread and butter for years.

​How so? It's not like PUMP is her main source of income, or that the restaurants, tv shows and sangria are geared towards a queer-centric clientele/audience.

Many heteros participate at Pride. If the community believes Lisa is a disingenuous ally, then they would make it known.

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​How so? It's not like PUMP is her main source of income, or that the restaurants, tv shows and sangria are geared towards a queer-centric clientele/audience.

Many heteros participate at Pride. If the community believes Lisa is a disingenuous ally, then they would make it known.

She does come across as an authentic advocate, imo.

The Todds are very tolerant.

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​How so? It's not like PUMP is her main source of income, or that the restaurants, tv shows and sangria are geared towards a queer-centric clientele/audience.

Many heteros participate at Pride. If the community believes Lisa is a disingenuous ally, then they would make it known.

No, I just said that Pinky's place on a GP float is just a fake elevation to some kind of 'queen of the gays' status. She's not as obscene as Erica is?

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No, I just said that Pinky's place on a GP float is just a fake elevation to some kind of 'queen of the gays' status. She's not as obscene as Erica is?

I guess it would come down to.....did Lisa assign herself to that role in the parade or did the parade organizers ask her to ride on a float in their parade? Does anyone know? LOL

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I guess it would come down to.....did Lisa assign herself to that role in the parade or did the parade organizers ask her to ride on a float in their parade? Does anyone know? LOL

Good question. I thought I remember the Sur crew and her wedding planner Lee decorating it but if not I lean to Pinky wanting the pretty, pink, princess chair. Its her thing...

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I guess it would come down to.....did Lisa assign herself to that role in the parade or did the parade organizers ask her to ride on a float in their parade? Does anyone know? LOL

If I remember correctly, they entered a float in the parade and it was up to her to decide the decoration.

Depending on the event, a city will ask businesses to participate in a parade, name a theme and let them biz decorate it the way they want.

The GP parade is just that, a GP parade.

Edited by ElDosEquis
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If I remember correctly, they entered a float in the parade and it was up to her to decide the decoration.

Depending on the event, a city will ask businesses to participate in a parade, name a theme and let them biz decorate it the way they want.

The GP parade is just that, a GP parade.

Still, my question is, was she ASKED to be in the parade by the organizers or did she just decide on her own to have a float?

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Greetings, all!  First-time poster, long-time lurker.  Thanks for entertaining me over the years.  This is going to be VERY long-winded, but I felt the need to explain where I stand with the ladies.  Going forward, I will keep it to episode commentary.  Here goes:


LVP- I thoroughly enjoy her and think she is one of the smartest HWs of all franchises, certainly up there with Bethenny and Carole (although very different personalities.)  I find her interesting, witty, and beautiful.  In spite of this, I absolutely believe she is the master manipulator that everyone claims she is.  And good for her for doing so- makes for great TV!  I also find her to be a narcissist.  While I have read others voicing that theory in the forums, I never realized it until her incident with Eileen.  The fact that she couldn’t just say, “I’m so sorry if I hurt your feelings- that wasn’t my intention” was mind-boggling! She’s very cunning in that she says the right words- “I’m sorry if I asked too many questions or made you uncomfortable,” so that she can always come back and say that she said she was sorry.  It’s the insincere, condescending and exasperated manner in which she says it.  The adage, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it” is very applicable here.  Anywho, being unable to admit any wrong doing is classic narcissist behavior, which sealed the deal for me.  I must also add that she has some of the best one-liners of this show and frequently makes me LLOL.  Love watching her and wonder if the show could continue without her (or Kyle.)  Most likely not.


Kyle- by far my favorite HW to watch on any of the franchises.  She’s beautiful, bubbly, has gorgeous hair, clothes, and a perfect family.  The only time I have disliked her was her behavior towards Brandi in Season 2.  I will chalk some of that up to her crazy/evil sister, though.  I always find her to be entertaining, but sometimes I think she is a bit ditzy.  Although I once read someone’s post saying that she makes good decisions, which is a sign of intelligence.  Her healthy marriage, well-adjusted children, and good business decisions are examples of this.  Perhaps the occasional ditziness is more of a lighthearted personality trait rather than a real lack of intelligence.  I believe she has a strong, confident personality, but appears to be a bit influenced & intimidated by LVP- not that I blame her.  I also think their falling out in past seasons had to do with the fact that they were both the breakout stars/queen bees and there was a bit of competition there.  I believe their friendship is very genuine and that was a bump in the road brought on by fame.


Eileen is my favorite housewife- not necessarily the most interesting to watch, but I find her to be very honest and to be a person of good character and integrity.  I do not find her to be in the wrong WHATSOEVER in her falling out with LVP.  I think if LVP had given a sincere apology for hurting her feelings, it never would’ve been mentioned again.   I also think Eileen is a great friend to Rinna and love how she doesn’t play both sides of the fence regarding Yolanda.  I hope she stays on the show bc it’s refreshing to watch a nice, normal human being.


I enjoy Rinna despite finding her habit of laughing at her own jokes super annoying.  I think it’s forced, and think she’s ALWAYS “on.”  I like her bc she was DEAD ON about Kim Richards, and was the first HW in several seasons with the balls to call her out on her bullshit.  I also think her radar is pretty spot on with Yolanda.  She brings a lot to the show and I hope she remains.


Yolanda- Snooze-a-rama.  Aside from her gorgeous children, I’ve always found her to be a bore.  Even pre-Lyme when she was healthy, I’ve never been interested in her or what she brings to the show, aside from that gorgeous home.  I don’t find her to be a master manipulator as Rinna claims- LVP holds that title.  I always found Yo to be a straight shooter and somewhat above the petty nonsense.  What I do find is that she is a complete Debbie Downer, craves sympathy, and exaggerates a great deal.  Perhaps this is brought on by the loneliness and depression her illness has caused her.  Regardless, the show would be much better without her.  Sorry Yo.


Erika- I LOVE her.  Judging a book by its cover, I didn’t think I would.  I find her to be incredibly bright.  I love how assuredly she speaks- she never falters, uses filler words, or stutters.  I also find LVP to be rather intimidated by her- first time in history, I believe.  It would be interesting to see her in REAL verbal combat with LVP, as she totally shut her down when discussing her friendship with Yo.  I also find that intelligent people (women) don’t feel the need for fluffy acquaintances.  They are often happier with one or two GENUINELY close friendships than a bunch of phony friendships.  I hope she stays on the show and we see more of her.  I think there are many more layers of her personality to be seen.  I even think the music career is kind of cute, if a bit cheesy (no shade, Erika Jayne!)  She strikes me as a Britney Spears type growing up- always singing and dancing.  Kudos to her for continuing with and channeling that passion into something as an adult- many of us lose it.  And I believe most natural performers would do the same as she is if given the connections/advantages to do so.  Get it, gurrrrrrl.


Katherine- Yuck.  Dim, annoying, uninteresting.  She tries way too hard and is abrasive.  Reminds me of a junior highschooler trying to prove how “tough” she is.  Clear sign of insecurity.  Totally uncool what she did to Erika, although it was outrageously two-faced that I can’t help but wonder if there was some producer insistence.  She brings nothing to the show and I hope she is a one season wonder.

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Greetings, all!  First-time poster, long-time lurker.  Thanks for entertaining me over the years.  This is going to be VERY long-winded, but I felt the need to explain where I stand with the ladies.  Going forward, I will keep it to episode commentary.  Here goes:


LVP- I thoroughly enjoy her and think she is one of the smartest HWs of all franchises, certainly up there with Bethenny and Carole (although very different personalities.)  I find her interesting, witty, and beautiful.  In spite of this, I absolutely believe she is the master manipulator that everyone claims she is.  And good for her for doing so- makes for great TV!  I also find her to be a narcissist.  While I have read others voicing that theory in the forums, I never realized it until her incident with Eileen.  The fact that she couldn’t just say, “I’m so sorry if I hurt your feelings- that wasn’t my intention” was mind-boggling! She’s very cunning in that she says the right words- “I’m sorry if I asked too many questions or made you uncomfortable,” so that she can always come back and say that she said she was sorry.  It’s the insincere, condescending and exasperated manner in which she says it.  The adage, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it” is very applicable here.  Anywho, being unable to admit any wrong doing is classic narcissist behavior, which sealed the deal for me.  I must also add that she has some of the best one-liners of this show and frequently makes me LLOL.  Love watching her and wonder if the show could continue without her (or Kyle.)  Most likely not.


Kyle- by far my favorite HW to watch on any of the franchises.  She’s beautiful, bubbly, has gorgeous hair, clothes, and a perfect family.  The only time I have disliked her was her behavior towards Brandi in Season 2.  I will chalk some of that up to her crazy/evil sister, though.  I always find her to be entertaining, but sometimes I think she is a bit ditzy.  Although I once read someone’s post saying that she makes good decisions, which is a sign of intelligence.  Her healthy marriage, well-adjusted children, and good business decisions are examples of this.  Perhaps the occasional ditziness is more of a lighthearted personality trait rather than a real lack of intelligence.  I believe she has a strong, confident personality, but appears to be a bit influenced & intimidated by LVP- not that I blame her.  I also think their falling out in past seasons had to do with the fact that they were both the breakout stars/queen bees and there was a bit of competition there.  I believe their friendship is very genuine and that was a bump in the road brought on by fame.


Eileen is my favorite housewife- not necessarily the most interesting to watch, but I find her to be very honest and to be a person of good character and integrity.  I do not find her to be in the wrong WHATSOEVER in her falling out with LVP.  I think if LVP had given a sincere apology for hurting her feelings, it never would’ve been mentioned again.   I also think Eileen is a great friend to Rinna and love how she doesn’t play both sides of the fence regarding Yolanda.  I hope she stays on the show bc it’s refreshing to watch a nice, normal human being.


I enjoy Rinna despite finding her habit of laughing at her own jokes super annoying.  I think it’s forced, and think she’s ALWAYS “on.”  I like her bc she was DEAD ON about Kim Richards, and was the first HW in several seasons with the balls to call her out on her bullshit.  I also think her radar is pretty spot on with Yolanda.  She brings a lot to the show and I hope she remains.


Yolanda- Snooze-a-rama.  Aside from her gorgeous children, I’ve always found her to be a bore.  Even pre-Lyme when she was healthy, I’ve never been interested in her or what she brings to the show, aside from that gorgeous home.  I don’t find her to be a master manipulator as Rinna claims- LVP holds that title.  I always found Yo to be a straight shooter and somewhat above the petty nonsense.  What I do find is that she is a complete Debbie Downer, craves sympathy, and exaggerates a great deal.  Perhaps this is brought on by the loneliness and depression her illness has caused her.  Regardless, the show would be much better without her.  Sorry Yo.


Erika- I LOVE her.  Judging a book by its cover, I didn’t think I would.  I find her to be incredibly bright.  I love how assuredly she speaks- she never falters, uses filler words, or stutters.  I also find LVP to be rather intimidated by her- first time in history, I believe.  It would be interesting to see her in REAL verbal combat with LVP, as she totally shut her down when discussing her friendship with Yo.  I also find that intelligent people (women) don’t feel the need for fluffy acquaintances.  They are often happier with one or two GENUINELY close friendships than a bunch of phony friendships.  I hope she stays on the show and we see more of her.  I think there are many more layers of her personality to be seen.  I even think the music career is kind of cute, if a bit cheesy (no shade, Erika Jayne!)  She strikes me as a Britney Spears type growing up- always singing and dancing.  Kudos to her for continuing with and channeling that passion into something as an adult- many of us lose it.  And I believe most natural performers would do the same as she is if given the connections/advantages to do so.  Get it, gurrrrrrl.


Katherine- Yuck.  Dim, annoying, uninteresting.  She tries way too hard and is abrasive.  Reminds me of a junior highschooler trying to prove how “tough” she is.  Clear sign of insecurity.  Totally uncool what she did to Erika, although it was outrageously two-faced that I can’t help but wonder if there was some producer insistence.  She brings nothing to the show and I hope she is a one season wonder.

Welcome! So nice when Lurkers become part of the group. Loved the analysis and agree with most every word. Can't wait to hear more.

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