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S06.E12: Hearing Problems

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It would have been so easily solved had she answered : "Ever thought about Mohammed not wanting to "out" our children health problems in order to preserve them ?"  that would have been settled in 10 seconds and LVP would have been considered as a huge insensitive bitch !

Yo, you still have a lot of things to learn... You're not as smart as you think you are. Really not.


But that would highlight how Yo herself "outed" her children's health problems "to the universe" on camera.


You guys, I just looked up Munchhausen, and um, yeah, maybe LisaR's hairdresser is not so wrong.


Possible warning signs of Munchausen syndrome include:

    Dramatic but inconsistent medical history - check

    Unclear symptoms that are not controllable and that become more severe or change once treatment has begun - check

    Predictable relapses following improvement in the condition - check

    Extensive knowledge of hospitals and/or medical terminology, as well as the textbook descriptions of illnesses - she's an expert on "Lyme brain" and "Lyme fog"

    Presence of multiple surgical scars - ports, IV's, breast implants, check

    Appearance of new or additional symptoms following negative test results - she doesn't go to real doctors for real test results

    Presence of symptoms only when the patient is with others or being observed - camera caught her faking sleeping when the ladies came to view her drug closet, plus her hundreds of inconsistencies

    Willingness or eagerness to have medical tests, operations, or other procedures - check

    History of seeking treatment at numerous hospitals, clinics, and doctors offices, possibly even in different cities  - check

    Reluctance by the patient to allow doctors to meet with or talk to family, friends, or prior doctors - check

    Problems with identity and self-esteem - check

Edited by izabella
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But the real reason I think Yo "won" was because Lisar was immediately backpedalling, refusing to say why she engaged in the conversation at all, what her questions and doubts were.  She just ran away from the whole thing and it made her seem even shadier than she really was.




Yeah, the problem with Lisar is she's still trying to play the part of being "tortured" by her guilt. Like how she wants to talk about Kim like she's just crazy and annoying and then also jump on the "I'm so saddened by the idea of anyone with an addiction" bandwagon. But I do have to say I do think that along with being an addict Kim actually does seem to be a terrible person. Maybe her addiction has made that worse over the years, but nobody should have to translate everything about her behavior into "it's just the disease talking." At this point Kim has very little personality outside her disease. Lisar exaggerates the stuff Kim's done to her, but she is a toxic person.


It's so much more pleasant watching LVP just refuse to feel guilty about things she has little reason to feel guilty about: Oh, you're saying I heard wrong information and you are not the only person in your family with LD? Fine. No need to feel guilty about my mistaken impression, which I got from your husband." And then the even better, "We're just confused since you flat-out lie about a lot of things." 


Yolanda claims "Lyme Brain" but her nonsensical replies are actually completely clever. She hears Lisa point out her saying one thing that isn't true (she hasn't gotten out of bed in a year/she was literally running around with them during that time) and jumps to a related topic that she plans days for running in the hope that she'll have one of her rare good days that she'll be able to stand up. That's not confusion. That's the instincts of a habitual liar. You can't claim to be educating people and then be unable to keep from exaggerating even little things.


Yo is such a liar here. During the conversation with Lisar when she received her apology, she asked why anyone would pretend to be ill, so she completely got that this was the accusation.



Yup. It would have been such a relief if Lisar had just said, "Yes, I understand. You accepted my apology but then realized you wanted to continue to milk the victim routine so you're pretending you just now found out what it was...and you've now decided to add the by-proxy version as well."

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Did anyone catch who committed suicide or died of a drug overdose in Harry's family?  I know they are a family of addicts.  I wish Lisar would stop using the word addict, interchangeably with drug use.  I am thinking her sister wasn't addicted to seconal but used a drug not prescribed to her.

Lisa has stated that Harry had a problem with 'addictions' due to the fact that two of his brothers committed suicide because of addictions.


Here's Lisa arriving in New York this week in her full length mink coat. She better hope someone from PETA doesn't sneak up behind her and spray paint it red.



Edited by HumblePi
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I think Yolanda should thank Rinna for bringing the chatter and gossip on camera the way she did. It could have gone OC, if any of them tried to flesh it out, make it about whether or not Yolanda was sick. They made it about the existence of gossip, however, which gave Yolanda opportunities to clarify things that some find confusing.

But for some reason she's not into clearing things up, really educating us about Lyme and other invisible illnesses and whatnot by explaining how her seemingly-selective good days work. Maybe with some tears for good measure. She's making it a battle, though, which seems shortsighted to me. And a bit like deflection, if I think about it.

I'm refusing to watch that linked extra footage. If it's illuminating they should have cut out Kim and put it in the show,imho.

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This was the first episode I actually liked and was entertained by all season. Finally

Next week looks really good too. 


Thoughts- Erica was annoying being Yolanda's guard dog. Her hubby seemed like a pompous ass but I mean he is a rich as fuck lawyer with a trophy wife who knows her role...lets not pretend he would be anything else lol


Love LVP forever. 

Also- I really enjoy the authentic interactions like LisaR and Eileen and Kyle and LVP. I'm sick of these manufactured fights and do not give two shits about Yolanda's lyme or mouchieflossy


Glad Yolo got called out on her inconsistencies at least. . She was damn near rabid during that confrontation with LisaR. Shut up Yolo!!!! How many times do they need to say they believe you?  Doth protest to much?


As far as LisaR and her eating habits...Ok this is LA. I am sure 85% of the working actresses exhibit some sort of disordered eating. In fact, most women do in general. She probably thinks she eats normally for her culture so to speak. lol. 

LisaR may or may not fall into that category and I thought it was really calculated that it came up at all during the mounchiehousie conversation. 


Bravo- is every season of the Real Housewives going to have a mystery diagnoses? Are we going to be speculating if Teresa has diabetes or if Nene may or may not have gout? What the ever loving fuck is with this gross storyline?

Edited by yogi2014L
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Yolanda is considering legally changing her name back to Yolanda Hadid, that condition could have been in the pre-nup with David.  Although Yolanda was like a pitbull with Lisa Rinna, she deserved it. Lisa likes to create trouble then fall into her safety net  "I feel so guilty being part of that conversation". It's a way of saying, "I'll pass on the rumor about Yolanda having Munchausen but I'll get away from the guilt of it by saying it came from someone else and I feel bad even mentioning it."

I bet you are right that it is part of a pre-nup or like most multi-divorced moms, they retain the name of their children's father.


Rinna will latch onto anything. Enough of the being "deeply affected" by Kim and her alcoholism.  You threw yourself into that storyline like a coke-whore after a good line.  And frankly I am glad Yolanda read her the riot act about Munchhausen. There was absolutely no need for Rinna to bring that on the show.  Kyle and LVP the whole time looked at Rinna like, "WTF are you telling us this for? We are not 'engaging' in this shit for you to have a storyline."  


Frankly most people associate munchhausen with munchhausen by proxy, as Kyle noted. So I don't blame Yolanda for being so offended that Lisar put it out there.  I just looked at her instagrams, and if they are what sparked all of this nonsense by Rinna, then she is overreacting by engaging in her conversation - clearly her hairdresser is. Yeah, Yo is fast and loose with dates, even in the same sentence - but I have to assume Yo doesn't share the hairdresser with Rinna.  She doesn't want her so-called friends accusing her of being crazy on tv. I think Yo did reflect upon the implications of Munchhausen and went nuts about it.  I don't mind Rinna getting called out on it.

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But that would highlight how Yo herself "outed" her children's health problems "to the universe" on camera...

Absolutely. But she still had the "I, MyMyselfAndIQueenOfTheLemonAcidity" can speak whatever I want regarding the health of MY children. YOU can't !" exit :)

Edited by Diane Mars
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Yeah, the problem with Lisar is she's still trying to play the part of being "tortured" by her guilt. Like how she wants to talk about Kim like she's just crazy and annoying and then also jump on the "I'm so saddened by the idea of anyone with an addiction" bandwagon...


It's so much more pleasant watching LVP just refuse to feel guilty about things she has little reason to feel guilty about: Oh, you're saying I heard wrong information and you are not the only person in your family with LD? Fine. No need to feel guilty about my mistaken impression, which I got from your husband." And then the even better, "We're just confused since you flat-out lie about a lot of things."


Yup. It would have been such a relief if Lisar had just said, "Yes, I understand. You accepted my apology but then realized you wanted to continue to milk the victim routine so you're pretending you just now found out what it was...and you've now decided to add the by-proxy version as well."


To cross-reference one of those classic RH feuds, this made me think of Jill vs. Alex the Messenger in S3 of RHONY. Alex kept looking for a satisfying resolution to her beef with Jill, but Jill just kinda shrugged it off as a "meh, we aren't friends so IDGAF" instead of launching into a weepy apology. While I still detest Jill and kinda felt bad for the awkward Alex, I have a begrudging respect for how Jill just sort of swatted away Alex.


I'm not sure if LisaR's pandering is because she's a producer stooge or if she really does feel bad, but I'd rather see her "own her shit" and just swat away Yolo's wailing. You made your apologies, now kindly say "meh" to the rest of the Lemon Lying.

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I can see as long as Gigi is the it girl, Bravo isn't letting Yolanda go away.... Ugh!


I'm afraid you might be right. 


Did anyone else notice that when someone (I can't recall who) complimented her on her outfit, she made sure to say she got it out of Gigi's closet?


The little scene with Yolanda and David: "I packed your suitcase." "You didn't have to do that... Oh wait, you REALLY didn't have to because I already did it." "Tee hee! It's all I can do for you."

If I were in my fifties--heck, at my own age!--and someone repacked my suitcase unbidden... That would get super old, super quick.


What was the point of repacking anyhow? I felt like it was probably snooping under the guise of organizing it better. 


I am still at a loss why the biggest offense on the planet is LVP saying Mohamed told her only Yolanda had Lyme Disease and the kids were fine.  I just don't get how that is so devastating to the children.  I look at it this way, back when I was in high school a couple of kids a year would get mononucleosis and be out the entire year.  Other kids would get it and be out for days or weeks.  When did Lyme Disease become incurable in all cases?


I agree. His "fine" didn't have to mean they didn't have it. It simply could have just meant that they are feeling fine, and not chained to their beds like their long suffering mother, despite having the same disease. It's very true that different people have a different severity of the same disease all the time. Also, some people aren't huge, hysterical hypochondriacs. 

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Unlike some others, I have no problem with Kyle talking about Kim with Bethenny, Faye and Adrienne. You know the old saying "I can find fault with members of my family, but don't YOU talk about them"? This group of ladies (Katherine, Erika, LisaR, etc.) are Kyle's co-workers, not close friends, so she shouldn't have to sit there and listen to them discuss Kim. However, everyone needs someone they can talk to about intimate things, and Kyle is very close to Faye and obviously feels that Bethenny and Adrienne are good enough friends that she feels comfortable discussing her feelings regarding Kim with them. I totally get it.

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I'm starting to believe that Rinna really did hear the Munchausen thing from her hair dresser. I suspect that she said something to Kyle and Lisa V about it off camera because she was worried that it would get back to the women that she had engaged in a conversation about it outside of filming. I suspect that Kyle and Lisa V, along with production prodded LisaR to bring it to the camera in an effort to "take ownership of it' and thus have some transparency.

Hairdressers in a small town like Beverly Hills (and let's face it, Beverly Hills is a small town when it comes to who knows whom), would know all kinds of gossip. And I wouldn't be surprised if LisaR realized that by engaging in that conversation with her hairdresser, she would have her name attached to that gossip in some way that she couldn't control. So, she probably went to the OG's of the show to figure out how to cover her ass and they in turn encouraged her to bring it to the camera.

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I think Yolanda should thank Rinna for bringing the chatter and gossip on camera the way she did. It could have gone OC, if any of them tried to flesh it out, make it about whether or not Yolanda was sick. They made it about the existence of gossip, however, which gave Yolanda opportunities to clarify things that some find confusing.

But for some reason she's not into clearing things up, really educating us about Lyme and other invisible illnesses and whatnot by explaining how her seemingly-selective good days work. Maybe with some tears for good measure. She's making it a battle, though, which seems shortsighted to me. And a bit like deflection, if I think about it.

I'm refusing to watch that linked extra footage. If it's illuminating they should have cut out Kim and put it in the show,imho.

I think the editors realized too late, the problem with not including it was it did not set the stage for the women's continuing bickering.  It is powerful Yolanda claims the only reason she hasn't jumped is because her kids have Lyme Disease and she needs to cure theirs.  It is kind of creepy having someone throw suicide out there knowing the woman sitting next to her had just revealed her drug addict father had committed suicide by firearm. 

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Off the top of my head, with Faye, with Mauricio, with the women in the Hamptons. She just wants to control what is said and who she talks about it with.

Does Kyle even have a story this year other than Kim?

I would have to reach to find out what storyline any of them have.  They all seem to have the Yo storyline in common, but outside of that, I've got nothing. 

I'm starting to believe that Rinna really did hear the Munchausen thing from her hair dresser. I suspect that she said something to Kyle and Lisa V about it off camera because she was worried that it would get back to the women that she had engaged in a conversation about it outside of filming. I suspect that Kyle and Lisa V, along with production prodded LisaR to bring it to the camera in an effort to "take ownership of it' and thus have some transparency.

Hairdressers in a small town like Beverly Hills (and let's face it, Beverly Hills is a small town when it comes to who knows whom), would know all kinds of gossip. And I wouldn't be surprised if LisaR realized that by engaging in that conversation with her hairdresser, she would have her name attached to that gossip in some way that she couldn't control. So, she probably went to the OG's of the show to figure out how to cover her ass and they in turn encouraged her to bring it to the camera.

I actually think that the conversation might have happened on camera, and Lisar moved to do damage control because she thought we might see it. 

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This episode really brought out to me what a hypocrite Yo is.  Wasn't it just last week she was going on and on about people coming and saying things to her face and not talking behind her back?  So now Yo is complaining about Rinna to everyone with ears but Rinna should have been clairvoyant and known Yo was going to actually understand the definition of MS and be upset with her?  No, Rinna reiterated back to Yo what she had said.  If you have a problem with me, talk to me about it.  I'm no Rinna apologist but in this case, Yo was totally in the wrong.  


I'm glad Lisa V gave Yo examples about her exaggerating situations.  Remember when she and Erica went for a walk on the beach and she said it was the first time she's walked?  You know except for the beginning of the season when she and Erica went for a walk with Kyle.  The Brandi thing drove me nuts too.  Lisa V was the one who took the stance that sometimes sorry isn't good enough.  Yo never backed her and never gave Brandi a talking to about her terrible behavior being too extreme to be fixed by an "I'm sorry."

Also a hypocrite? Erika.  Screaming that Yolonda has the right to know who said her kids don't have Lyme's when just last week Erika refused to fess up to being the one who told Yo the kids were brought up in the first place, albeit in a very exaggerated account.  So Yo has the right to know whatever she wants but everyone else can go scratch until Erika decides they can know what they want.  Got it.  


Finally, i'll never stop loving Eileen.  She's the kindest and most relateable person in the bunch.  I think it's less that she's stirring shit (which can be said about every member of this cast) and more that she really needs resolution in life.  Maybe it's because of how her sister died that she wants the whole truth out on the table. I don't know but I do like it.  

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Does Kyle even have a story this year other than Kim?



As much of a storyline as everyone else. There's usually not a lot of people that have a whole arc going on--Kyle's usually one of them because she's always got Kim in her life. But she's certainly been as busy as everyone else. Yolanda has a storyline because she's only got one thing going on. The others do multiple things.

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Absolutely. But she still had the "I, MyMyselfAndIQueenOfTheLemonAcidity" can speak whatever I want regarding the health of MY children. YOU can't !" exit :)


Would that be the reason she and Erica are now such "good friends"??  Isn't Erica always being called the "Queen of Everything" by her entourage?  

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Gotta say that Yolanda's extreme defensiveness, coupled with her Munchen-Munchkin-Mauhausen-what!? several times caused this poster to raise the old eye brow of skepticism.  I would not be surprised if she has some combination of Lyme Disease plus, and lemme be generous here, sub-clinical Munchausen Syndrome/hypochondriasis and or clinical depression. She could have a few checks on the Psychopathy Checklist, too, for all I know; her glee at cornering someone in an argument -- ugh.


Yo's munch-what-hausen-who thing reminded me of a comedian (Martin Short?) who used to joke about celebs on talk shows acting all surprised when there was a clip. "There's a clip?! Oh you have one?!" when s/he was the person who brought the damn clip.


Rinna, also not completely squeaky clean though -- her "Oh, Munchausen Syndrome? What is that!? Let's look it up so I can read a definition of it. Right now. While we are being filmed. Because I am so curious and super concerned! was also in the same vein. Another eyebrow raised. (Will likely never need a brow lift because of this show.)


And Erika. Blah, her husband shutting her down, twice, so cringey.  But she's modern and liberated, right, so modern that she's cool with calling other women c*nts! But not quite liberated enough to be uncool with her husband being the boss. Somewhere our Feminist foremothers are thinking, geez, I burned my bra for this?


ETA: wasn't it Taylor Armstrong who first mentioned Munchausen Syndrome, several episodes ago? 

Edited by Jel
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I would have to reach to find out what storyline any of them have.  They all seem to have the Yo storyline in common, but outside of that, I've got nothing.


This is very true. The bulk of the storyline this season has been Yo's "journey of 5 years" (and counting - she's going to start collecting diseases like the Duggars collect kids), and how the other women are reacting to it. We've had VERY small storylines from other women - trips for Kyle and Eileen and Lisa. Lisa had her pony. Kyle opened another store. There hasn't been a lot. I suppose the most other story we've gotten is Erika Jayne, being new and having an alter ego and all. But, honestly, I've found those tiny moments with the other girls so much more interesting than this drama over Lymehausen. 

Edited by ghoulina
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The only people at Erika's party besides the housewives were paid rent boys- usually when the women throw a party they include at least a few real friends- I think Erica probably doesn't have any. I liked her at first, but since she stirred Yolanda's pot and didn't own up to it, and with her need to surround herself with paid, ego boosting gay men, not so much anymore. It seems she acts quite differently around "The Boss"- he doesn't seem to like or even know about her penchant for using the C and F words.

Yolanda's maiden name is VanDer Herik- maybe too similar to Vanderpump for her to use it? Bet Mohammed wishes he had put in a name clause in their prenup like David must have!!

I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in the Vanderpump/Todd house when they returned from the dinner with the Girardi's- Ken, no doubt, trash talked about Tom. No way was he liking Tom flirting with his woman! And he called her an alligator! Haha!

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I bet you are right that it is part of a pre-nup or like most multi-divorced moms, they retain the name of their children's father.

Frankly most people associate munchhausen with munchhausen by proxy, as Kyle noted. So I don't blame Yolanda for being so offended that Lisar put it out there.  I just looked at her instagrams, and if they are what sparked all of this nonsense by Rinna, then she is overreacting by engaging in her conversation - clearly her hairdresser is. Yeah, Yo is fast and loose with dates, even in the same sentence - but I have to assume Yo doesn't share the hairdresser with Rinna.  She doesn't want her so-called friends accusing her of being crazy on tv. I think Yo did reflect upon the implications of Munchhausen and went nuts about it.  I don't mind Rinna getting called out on it.

I have to disagree about most people associating the two mental disorders. Munchausen by Proxy is really a form of child abuse in which a parent or guardian will actually cause or fabricate symptoms of a child in their care because they themselves need attention. Yolanda will instantly turn into a pit viper defending her young at the mere suggestion of her causing any harm to her precious children. If Yolanda was logical and the took time to enlighten herself correctly she would have researched the definition of Munchausen instead of doing a half-assed job and googling the wrong mental illness. I think Yolanda would still have reacted with anger at the gossip that she has Munchausen's but I think that believing that the gossip was about her harming her own children or using them for focus on herself really sent her out of control.

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Yo's munch-what-hausen-who thing reminded me of a comedian (Martin Short?) who used to joke about celebs on talk shows acting all surprised when there was a clip. "There's a clip?! Oh you have one?!" when s/he was the person who brought the damn clip.

Yes!! LOL.

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I have to disagree about most people associating the two mental disorders. Munchausen by Proxy is really a form of child abuse in which a parent or guardian will actually cause or fabricate symptoms of a child in their care because they themselves need attention. Yolanda will instantly turn into a pit viper defending her young at the mere suggestion of her causing any harm to her precious children. If Yolanda was logical and the took time to enlighten herself correctly she would have researched the definition of Munchausen instead of doing a half-assed job and googling the wrong mental illness. I think Yolanda would still have reacted with anger at the gossip that she has Munchausen's but I think that believing that the gossip was about her harming her own children or using them for focus on herself really sent her out of control.


Oh, I think she should be looking very closely at Munchausen by Proxy.  Very closely. 


She is feeding the non-Gigi's the baggies full of unregulated, untested, and unkown pills and potions in her closet.  She IS making them sick, and she is the only one who "gains" by that kind of attention by proxy (gain being in her own mind only).

Edited by izabella
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First of all, you guys give me LIFE with your insightful comments and delightful shade, and not infrequent compassion.   Honestly.  Thank you. 


My thoughts, in no particular order:


1.  I think that the producers cast Erica so they could get Tom because they thought "WHO IS SMART ENOUGH TO TAKE DOWN LISA VANDERPUMP?" and they had to go all the way to a world class litigator to pull it off.  The way he called her an alligator - "not in your looks" because it's not insulting to compare her to having the PERSONALITY of an alligator as long as he doesn't say she LOOKS like one - is brilliant.  Her response, to pretend to be flattered? Even better.  It took six seasons but  I think they have finally found a worthy adversary for LVP.


2.  LVP reiterated why she is so hard to beat when she managed to actually argue with Yolanda about Yolanda's illness AND WIN.  Especially in the bonus footage, when LVP shut her down so thoroughly ("We're just confused, darling, because you say you haven't been out in a year, but you were running with us through the city,") that Yolanda had to do her own version of crying uncle, only of course in her case, it's "Lyme brain! Lyme brain!"


3. This wasn't on camera, directly, but my current most frustrating thing is the narrative from a number of people that if Kyle really cared about her sister she would have taken the season off, but Kyle would NEVER do that because Kyle MUST be on camera.  a) How is that different from EVERY OTHER MEMBER OF THIS FRANCHISE?  If they weren't narcissists with an unhealthy need for attention, THERE WOULD BE NO SHOW.  So to single Kyle out is unfair, in my opinion.  b) So let me get this straight, because KIM is an addict, KYLE should quit a job that she enjoys and does well?  Like Kim's addiction hasn't cost Kyle enough?  Personally - and YMMV - I have agreed with 75% of Kyle's actions this season regarding Kim.  I get that she is conflicted about talking about it on camera because Kim isn't there to defend herself.  She hasn't said other people can't do it - just that she doesn't want to.  The 25% I don't get is the part where she will happily talk about it with Bethenny, Faye and now Adrienne.  In other words:  she will have the conversation, but only on her terms.  Which makes her like Yolanda and Lyme Disease.


4.  I really despise Yolanda.  Her hypocrisy and insane judgmentalism and nastiness is sort of staggering to me.  I agree with those who say that you can see her mask "drop" sometimes - when she gets a look of glee on her face to see Erica attack someone on her behalf, or when she makes a good point against Lisa Rinna - and it is terrifying.  My thing is - if an apology isn't enough, Yolanda, what do you want?  Blood, apparently.  


5.  And it is becoming VERY apparent that Lisa Rinna is collateral damage in the true fight against LVP.  In Season Four, Yolanda armed herself with Brandi, which was like going into battle with a single handgun with a faulty trigger and a broken scope (likely to fire at any time, and hit anyone); this season, she has come not just with Erica, but with Erica's world class attorney husband, PLUS an illness immunity shield.  Yolanda is making her last stand, folks.  This is going to be good.


6.  Finally, this episode pointed out  - YET AGAIN - how glad I am that Brandi is no longer on the show.  None of those scenes could have ever played out with Brandi, because five minutes in, she would have started screaming, cursed, and either thrown wine, slapped someone, or stormed out crying.  She did not have the emotional maturity or intellectual ability to follow or create a sustained argument/interaction and she hijacked every situation.  The BBQ scene was powerful because you could see the power dynamics shifting all the way through.  Never would have happened with the old cast. Well done on that front, Bravo.


(Do we feel like Bravo really doesn't like LVP behind the scenes?  They do seem to try herd to pull her mask back every season or so.  I think the producers can't STAND having a HW with the self control and intelligence to manipulate the narrative herself; they want that job left strictly to them.  Fist bump of respect to LVP, who I do NOT always like, at all, but who I do have to show props to for this particular skill.)


And finally:  Eileen is my favorite.  Even more than LVP, she seems to be the voice of reason.  She was able to articulate why the issue is complicated - that it's not just about "we believe Yolanda" or "we are bad people".  Plus she gave Yolanda some specific and well deserved shade in her blog this week. Plus she has a great sense of humor and the ability to laugh AT HERSELF which LVP would rather die than do.  Love you Eileen!


Agree with your post.


LVP isn't an alligator to me - she's more of a cat surrounded by a variety of mice and rats (interchangeable season to season and yes, I include Tom Girardi as a potential rat this season).  She's a cat in a good way haha...LVP is the quickest on her feet, the wittiest, and the best conversationalist whether purring or tiptoeing around.


Plus she and Eileen do the best THs.  I hope they can be on good terms again, because together they could totally own this show and I like how they roll.  They entertain me.  (I don't find Eileen boring.)

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Lisa has stated that Harry had a problem with 'addictions' due to the fact that two of his brothers committed suicide because of addictions.

Here's Lisa arriving in New York this week in her full length mink coat. She better hope someone from PETA doesn't sneak up behind her and spray paint it red.


Good grief. I'm viewing this on a phone, so I scroll down and down and then suddenly the screen is just her gristly feet.

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Oh, I think she should be looking very closely at Munchausen by Proxy.  Very closely. 


She is feeding the non-Gigi's the baggies full of unregulated, untested, and unkown pills and potions in her closet.  She IS making them sick, and she is the only one who "gains" by that kind of attention by proxy (gain being in her own mind only).

I don't think that's fair, because I don't think her goal is to get the kids sick and that's my understanding of bunchenschnauzer or whatever it's called.  I think she believes in the shit she peddles, in all the untested stuff she has them eat to be healthy.  And hell, a diet of lemons and almonds worked for Gigi, so...

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Since all three lymey Hadids have likely been diagnosed by actual doctors, I think the scrutiny should be placed on those doctors. I have a feeling the same doctor diagnosed them all. Yolanda is merely an easy and lucrative mark.

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I have to disagree about most people associating the two mental disorders. Munchausen by Proxy is really a form of child abuse in which a parent or guardian will actually cause or fabricate symptoms of a child in their care because they themselves need attention. Yolanda will instantly turn into a pit viper defending her young at the mere suggestion of her causing any harm to her precious children. If Yolanda was logical and the took time to enlighten herself correctly she would have researched the definition of Munchausen instead of doing a half-assed job and googling the wrong mental illness. I think Yolanda would still have reacted with anger at the gossip that she has Munchausen's but I think that believing that the gossip was about her harming her own children or using them for focus on herself really sent her out of control.

We'll have to agree to disagree on this.  This has been the subject on soap operas back in the day and on things like law and order. When Kyle said I've never heard of it, she clarified that she had heard of MBP bc Hollywood used to love the crazy mom making her kid sick as a storyline.  I think hypochondriac is what most people would think of when someone would be overdramatizing an illness IMO.


Since all three lymey Hadids have likely been diagnosed by actual doctors, I think the scrutiny should be placed on those doctors. I have a feeling the same doctor diagnosed them all. Yolanda is merely an easy and lucrative mark.

ITA about being a lucrative mark. I think Yo was sick, complicated by her leaking silicone, they couldn't diagnose it, and she finally got a positive lyme titer test and has put all of her eggs into this questionable Dr. that has been discussed in the Yo thread. I don't know when she started seeing him.  Did he order the removal of fillings, the breast implants and the several rounds of IV antibiotics (I think that is the standard treatment)?  I don't know if the new alternative treatment stuff is harmful.


 I think she has latched onto organic make up and hair lighteners.  I also think that so long as the supplements that Anwar and Bella are on are nothing more than vitamins and ginger that aren't harmful (after their initial round of AB) then Mohammed won't care.  But if she is going to start getting them into anything wackier, then he will step in and cut her off too.  I have to believe that David said "enough" after awhile.  


I think she is a really easy mark for this guy. I don't know why she is so gullible.  She admitted on screen that she felt better almost immediately upon having the implants removed.  She isn't dumb enough to keep giving this guy money even if she wants to be the face of lyme. We are only at the point now in the show where she is recovering from the surgery. The only thing I can think is that she is desperate to feel better.  I know many feel she is just doing it for attention, but she could have gotten plenty of attention being on the show and sitting in the front row of all of Gigi and Bella's shows over the past two years. 

Edited by jinjer
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Yolanda was rich and very pretty, I can't fathom that she would willingly lose her rich man #2 and her looks, for pity. People envied her. She lived a glamorous life, and she values wealth, beauty and glamour, look at #1 daughter Gigi. I don't think she really wants pity.

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Wasn't it Yolanda who threw out there that she could call Rinna bipolar, but she wouldn't?  And it was Eileen who brought this info back to Rinna, or am I thinking about something different altogether?

I think you're right. Maybe Erika was innocent?

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I would have to reach to find out what storyline any of them have.  They all seem to have the Yo storyline in common, but outside of that, I've got nothing. 

I actually think that the conversation might have happened on camera, and Lisar moved to do damage control because she thought we might see it. 

Isn't there a hairdresser with Rinna in the opening segment?  I can't remember if it is more likely a male or female form?

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Since all three lymey Hadids have likely been diagnosed by actual doctors, I think the scrutiny should be placed on those doctors. I have a feeling the same doctor diagnosed them all. Yolanda is merely an easy and lucrative mark.

I think you are correct.  And I bet if I spent a few hundred dollars I could get the same result.  I think Yolanda is very suggestible (it goes hand in hand with being not very bright) and once one of these gods of medicine make a declaration she blocks out everything else. 

Yolanda was rich and very pretty, I can't fathom that she would willingly lose her rich man #2 and her looks, for pity. People envied her. She lived a glamorous life, and she values wealth, beauty and glamour, look at #1 daughter Gigi. I don't think she really wants pity.

I think she wants attention and there is just never enough.

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I think Lisar has Histrionic Personality Disorder.

Provocative (or seductive) behavior

Relationships are considered more intimate than they actually are


Influenced easily

Speech (style) wants to impress; lacks detail

Emotional lability; shallowness

Make-up; physical appearance is used to draw attention to self

Exaggerated emotions; theatrical


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I thought the dinner between LVP/Erika and their husbands was awkward. Aside from there being no good reason to even have that dinner, I think LVP was physically taken aback when Tom basically told Erika to shut up. As would I be - that's such an old-fashioned attitude and not the way I'd let my husband treat me, money involved or no. I think that a lot of her laughter/comments were forced. She wouldn't really think highly or care what a guy like that thinks. As always she was very graceful about the entire dinner.


Yolanda's crusade is crazy as always. Why accept an apology and then rescind that, and expect LisaR not to be confused? What exactly did she even want if an apology wasn't good enough? Not to mention she was reading off on Munchausen-by-proxy which is not even anything that LisaR had ever brought up. I feel like the whole Munchausen direction was the wrong way to take it anyway - I don't doubt that Yolanda is sick, but I think she is more likely misguided and all the quackery she's bought into just isn't helping or is actively making her worse. And all her contradictions don't help.

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What Brandi said about Bella probably wasn't far from the truth. Yolly herself said Bella's car was full of empty prescription speed bottles, empty beer cans, empty vodka bottles, used tampons.

Lisar's Münchhausen speculation was pure baseless shit stirring.

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Isn't there a hairdresser with Rinna in the opening segment?  I can't remember if it is more likely a male or female form?

I think we did see a hairdresser with her in one of the first episodes.


It all reminds me of that deal with Joyce in S4. She had lunch with Yo and Brandi, and there was some gossip about Lisa V (or maybe it was just Yo she had lunch with).  Joyce said it was filmed, and she was afraid of how Lisa would take her role in the conversation after she reflected on it. To cover herself she told Lisa about it, which pissed off Yo and Brandi.  I honestly think that is what happened in this situation. 

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What Brandi said about Bella probably wasn't far from the truth. Yolly herself said Bella's car was full of empty prescription speed bottles, empty beer cans, empty vodka bottles, used tampons.

Lisar's Münchhausen speculation was pure baseless shit stirring.

Well, except that it wasn't necessarily. It's easy to go back in the Yo forum for the last few years and read literally hundreds of posts where people are questioning Yo and her illness. Is she really sick? If she is sick is she making herself sicker? Is she looking for sympathy? Is her diagnosis correct? I don't think anyone has ever said Munchausen before, but certainly folks have wondered if she is just a big fat faker. I said last year that there was zero chance that Yo could be on this show for yet another year without someone bringing up all of the doubt that surrounds her illness.  To do so is just pretending that this huge element of her persona doesn't actually exist. It has been in the press for so long, to just pretend like there are zero questions is beyond unrealistic. 

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It still hurts my soul so much what she has done to her face.

She was so beautiful back in the Days


O.M.G.!!!! that's what she used to look like?!?!?!?!?


On another note, everyone is cracking me up with all the misspellings of Munchausen's. I can't stop laughing.

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What Brandi said about Bella probably wasn't far from the truth. Yolly herself said Bella's car was full of empty prescription speed bottles, empty beer cans, empty vodka bottles, used tampons.


Lisar's Münchhausen speculation was pure baseless shit stirring.



I don't think Yolanda has Münchhausen's but empty beer cans and speed bottles in a car as evidence seems about on par with Yolanda's conflicting stories and weird medical treatments. And Brandi was totally just trying to deflect from herself when she threw that out about Bella, so it was pretty close to shit-stirring.

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