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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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9 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:

I think this is the result of their sweetheart deal allowing them to broadcast from their basement. No sense of professionalism, no decorum, no rules. No one there on site to raise an eyebrow or actually discipline their behavior. Anything goes. 

I agree with you. The show is much less interesting to watch now. There are very few guests worth tuning in for. I watch CNBC in the morning. The broadcasters are very professional & don't go on ill informed rants like Joe.

It might get better in the summer. I know that Joe was planning to bring his large entourage to the DNC convention in Milwaukee. Joe will likely volunteer to be one of the musical acts at the convention.

It would be very exciting to see Joe appear at the GOP convention, but the party will probably issue a restraining order against him.

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Joe said he played the Rolling Stones and U2 really loud to drown out the sound of Trump's press conference yesterday.  Mika was watching the press conference on the TV downstairs.

Joe and Mika are upset that the Director of the CDC spoke about his interview with the Washington Post.  

Joe is screaming that networks said coronavirus was a hoax.  He is screaming at the top of his lungs.  Joe says everyone knows everything will be worse in the fall.  Holy shit.  Joe needs some of Mika's valium.

So basically Joe is a Covid and epidemiology expert.  Just listen to Joe.

Edited by nittanycougar
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6:10 a.m.    Joe has been screaming for 5 minutes.   And still going strong.   He's not wrong, but he has to calm the hell down.   He almost broke his audio with that last screech.  He's scaring me but I can't look away.

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I turned the show on for the first time in months this morning, just as Joe was scream ranting. What was that about? Dude, no one needs that at 6 in the morning. He did remind me of why I’ve stayed away. So, I turned on Psych. 

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Joe says the overwhelming majority of Americans want states to remain locked down through May.

Willie said it is not a partisan pandemic.

They have not mentioned that Trump said yesterday that Georgia is reopening too soon.

Joe thinks that Trump's numbers are collapsing in battleground states.

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Oh no. Joe described trump's back pedaling of Gov Kemp as, he threw him under the truck than ran over him, backed up and ran over him again and again. 

Edited by tres bien
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Mika didn't always have these bigger lips, right?   Is she smearing lipstick all over them a la Lucille Ball?   They look all crooked.  And what's gonna happen when she can no longer hide the dark roots?   Home bleach job?  Turbans?  

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Joe is 100% going to be getting an aneurysm on screen during todays show.


RE: Mika's roots: her hairdresser is definitely an essential worker! She probably smuggles her in thru the back door of the breakfast nook

Edited by WhineandCheez
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As a service to MJ and most importantly to us viewers,  if Joe wants to scream and yell into a TV camera every morning,  at least revamp the first 30 minutes into a old CNN favorite,  Crossfire. 

Get a foible, Joe. There are regulars that work for MSNBC that fit the bill. Claire McCaskill or Rev Al for instance.  This one sided ranting with two bobbleheads sitting there is maddening. 

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2 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

Mika didn't always have these bigger lips, right?   Is she smearing lipstick all over them a la Lucille Ball?   They look all crooked.  And what's gonna happen when she can no longer hide the dark roots?   Home bleach job?  Turbans?  

OK, you've conjured up an image. 


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2 hours ago, nittanycougar said:

Joe said he played the Rolling Stones and U2 really loud to drown out the sound of Trump's press conference yesterday.  Mika was watching the press conference on the TV downstairs.

Somebody show Grandpa Crazypants how to work the remote on the tv.   APparently they don't realize you can record it and then just watch any pertinent information being given by medical authorities and FF thru parts you don't want to see. 

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8 minutes ago, xaxat said:

I will probably never say this again, but I am in total agreement with Joe and Mika's look of revulsion while watching Sen. Warner's "cooking" video.

I read about it last night and if it's as bad as they were saying on Twitter, hard pass.  WTF

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3 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I read about it last night and if it's as bad as they were saying on Twitter, hard pass.  WTF

The whole thing is a joke, meant to be a PSA for hand washing.  The tuna melt part is hilarious. “Now, if you’re not a professional chef, you may want to pause so you understand all the steps.”  Did Mika/Joe think it was serious? 

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1 minute ago, freddi said:

The whole thing is a joke, meant to be a PSA for hand washing.  The tuna melt part is hilarious. “Now, if you’re not a professional chef, you may want to pause so you understand all the steps.”  Did Mika/Joe think it was serious? 

I thought it was sweet - a little lightness in a field of gloom.  And yes, of course, it was a joke, but the brain trust hosts . . . well . . . you know.

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41 minutes ago, freddi said:

The whole thing is a joke, meant to be a PSA for hand washing

Oh!  I just read something to the effect "Mark Warner not draining the can of tuna is something you can't unsee", so I didn't have the context. 

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Mika said that she watched the Rolling Stones perform on Saturday night. She said they were incredible. I am shocked that she knew who they were.

Mika likes Kasie Hunt's show on Sunday night. Mika is nicer to Kasie now & doesn't treat her like a teenager that needs a lightning rock star introduction.

Joe said that Mika puts on all the TV's in the house to watch Trump's press conferences .

Joe plays rock music to drown out the sound.

Joe should stop yelling & pounding the desk at 6 am. The neighbors will start to complain.


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To whoever brought this up in an earlier post....yes, these two need to get out of their bubble once reporters and anchors start appearing in studio again.  They are too cloistered - and this was BEFORE social distancing and everyone-work-from-home.  Their own bubble is an echo chamber and their commentary is beyond stale. The network should shut their at-home-studio down and insist they come back to NY to do the show.  I swear, if they hired new hosts for the 6-9 block...there would probably not be much difference in the ratings.  All the MSNBC shows follow the same formula.  Have Steve Schmidt on as a guest a few times a week to do the ranting; he is far better at it than Joe.  Speaking of Joe ranting....

This morning Mr. Kemper and I were breakfasting in bed (really, why get up and dressed - no one is coming into our house right now); we had been watching local news until 8:00.  Then we turned on The Twins - just in time to hear Joe's off-the-rails screaming, shouting rant.  What on earth is wrong with him?  Does he sense CNN nipping at his heels?  

Both of us stopped sipping respective tea and coffee; it was a sight to see and hear.  We had to turn it off; I cannot imagine the reactions of any reporters waiting to speak; sadly, I forgot to look at Meeka.  Let's give them both the hook.

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1 hour ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

I thought it was sweet - a little lightness in a field of gloom.  And yes, of course, it was a joke, but the brain trust hosts . . . well . . . you know.

I thought it was hilarious. It was obviously sarcastic, but that "sandwich" was horrific.

13 minutes ago, oakville said:

The network should take action to give him a week off.

The person I'm worried about is Mika. Any time she strings together more than three sentences she gets so agitated she's almost hyperventilating. 

6 minutes ago, Kemper said:

really, why get up and dressed - no one is coming into our house right now

I seriously wonder if the reason the switched from the plexi table sitting side by side in the bunker to the separate cameras is because Joe doesn't have to wear pants. 

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38 minutes ago, Kemper said:

Have Steve Schmidt on as a guest a few times a week to do the ranting; he is far better at it than Joe.

I could listen to Steve Schmidt rant all day long.   He says the most biting, cutting, over-the-top things without raising his voice one iota.   He makes you pay attention to what he's saying, not how angrily he's saying it - because he's so calm, it's chilling.  I come running INTO the room when I hear his voice on the TV,    With Joe, I run OUT.

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I find it very unseemly that Mika continues to plug her silly little vanity project during this crisis. There is nothing - NOTHING - on knowyourvalue.com that I find remotely useful in normal times. The pandemic just highlights how frivolous and worthless it really is.

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 There is nothing - NOTHING - on knowyourvalue.com that I find remotely useful in normal times. "The pandemic just highlights how frivolous and worthless it and she really is."

Fixed it for you. 😃

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6 hours ago, xaxat said:

Joe and Mika's look of revulsion

IMO, it doesn't matter what they are talking about; this is just their "look". (I found the tuna melt vid adorable.) JoMika hate everything except their own inflated egos. Meeks doesn't have to worry about just saying no to Botox...she sure isn't growing any laugh lines on that dour mug of hers. 

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1 hour ago, Eliot said:

I find it very unseemly that Mika continues to plug her silly little vanity project during this crisis. There is nothing - NOTHING - on knowyourvalue.com that I find remotely useful in normal times. The pandemic just highlights how frivolous and worthless it really is.

I would think that this vanity project will have to stop having seminars with audiences for the next few years.

I can't believe that any company would want to pay to send their employees to these seminars.

I remember when Mika freaked out when people were spending too much money on Starbucks Lattes after the financial crisis in 2008 . She had to stop her complaints when she realized that the show was sponsored by Starbucks .

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Not only was Joe screaming and ranting this morning, but I think this was the first time I ever saw him repeatedly striking the table.  He was hitting it so hard I thought it would break.  Honestly, if we were in normal times and Joe was in a television studio, they would be coming to take him away in a straight jacket.

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Joe is wearing his ugly blue and brown jacket.  At least he showed up.

They ran a bunch of clips of The Simpsons interspersed with footage of the president's press conference yesterday.  I find that disrespectful regardless of political party.

There is a meme online comparing Joe and Mika to Beavis and Butthead.  Maybe their greatest revenge is to compare someone else to a cartoon character.

I actually tried to find the meme but I can't paste it.

Trump said something about disinfectant and Covid.  I didn't watch the press conference yesterday but the show spent 20 minutes debating this issue.  My takeaway was that John Heileman has a nice kitchen.

Edited by nittanycougar
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Since I listen to MJ on the radio I lost track of who said it, perhaps Mike Barnacle? but a long list of adjectives used to describe Trump included Mau-Mauing. Yes, a word - it means intimidating.

I'm not likely to use it in conversation though.

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40 minutes ago, xaxat said:

Hanity must have really hurt Joe's feelings. He couldn't even make it to the seven o'clock hour.

Mika's media criticism segment was weird. 

Yes. And if they thought it would be a good idea for Mika to spend five minutes to stand by her man, at least show or tell us what Hannity said that was so insulting.


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Why does Meek-a insist on pronouncing the drug as chloroQUEEN?    Everybody else says  chloroQUIN.   I even looked it up to be sure, because what do I know.  And why are all her little tics driving me up the wall.   Maybe that's why Joe keeps disappearing; he can't stand it either.

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Can Mika not even introduce a clip package from The Daily Show without sounding like a raving lunatic? 

She's hoping she has some influence over Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham? 

Yeah I keep hoping Chris Evans comes to his senses and calls me.  Let's see which one of those things happens first. I'm betting on Capt America. 


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24 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Can Mika not even introduce a clip package from The Daily Show without sounding like a raving lunatic?

What annoyed me about that most was the fact that she said "Of all places, The Daily Show".

The Daily Show has been running insightful political commentary for decades. Under both Stewart and Noah. Longer than Joe and Mika.

Oh, that's right. She wouldn't know that because she doesn't watch television.

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1 hour ago, xaxat said:

The Daily Show has been running insightful political commentary for decades. Under both Stewart and Noah. Longer than Joe and Mika.

They were even doing it to some extent when Craig Kilborne hosted. 

She's an idiot. 

"Of all places, The Daily Show".

Yeah cos we can't count on you and Doucheborough to do it, can we? 

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Are any of you Mika's Twitter friends?  If so she would love it if you would retweet this article about her rant this morning so that no one drinks bleach. 

Also, she "meant" to say Pawn Hannity because.... humor!! And Hashtag!!

The look on her face is akin to when Joe tells her Costco is out of cake. 


Edited by teddysmom
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I find it hard to believe that she is clever enough to come up with "Pawn" Hannity.   I think she either stumbled over his name and decided to run with it; or a staffer came up with the word/idea.  If Joe had thought of it - there is no way he would let Meeka use it; he would put on an accent and run with it.  

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Hannity's comments on Joe's rant yesterday appears at the 8:40 minute of the clip.


Don't other networks realize that Joe is sensitive about any criticism about his behavior on camera ?

I remember how upset Joe got at Sean Hannity when he revealed that Joe begged for a job on Fox News prior to the election of Trump.


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On 4/23/2020 at 8:29 AM, tres bien said:

As a service to MJ and most importantly to us viewers,  if Joe wants to scream and yell into a TV camera every morning,  at least revamp the first 30 minutes into a old CNN favorite,  Crossfire. 

Get a foible, Joe. There are regulars that work for MSNBC that fit the bill. Claire McCaskill or Rev Al for instance.  This one sided ranting with two bobbleheads sitting there is maddening. 

Joe used to debate with Mika before they made they announced their relationship to the public. Pat Buchanan was a regular panelist during the first years of the show & had similar political positions to Donald Trump. Joe & Pat liked to debate issues.

The show had guests from both political parties & discussed non political topics on a regular basis.

Joe has become increasingly frustrated with anyone in the media that doesn't agree with his fluctuating views on issues. He is very thin skinned.

Joe should be careful about pounding the table too hard. Mika uses the other side of the desk. It is custom made for the breakfast nook.

MSNBC will not pay to replace the desk if Joe breaks it.


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On 4/23/2020 at 9:03 AM, xaxat said:

I will probably never say this again, but I am in total agreement with Joe and Mika's look of revulsion while watching Sen. Warner's "cooking" video.


For the first time ever, Willie Giest and I shared an expression. 

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On 3/28/2014 at 8:29 AM, Eliot said:

They finally addressed the Daily Show takedown. Mika (teeth gritted in a totally phony smile) proclaimed her love for Samantha Bee and insisted she thought the skit was "hilarious" and "spot on."

Of course they shared no clips. Which pretty much says it all.

I find it ridiculous that Mika would pretend not to know about the Daily Show's critiques  today after the show did a critical commentary about  Morning Joe on March 26, 2014 .

Eliot posted about her reaction after the show aired. See quote above.

Mika & Joe were furious that Samantha Bee called them "star fuc#ers" for sucking up to certain guests. They refused to show the segment which made them look foolish.

I am not surprised that they didn't show Sean Hannity's comments about Joe's meltdown.

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