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The Storybrooke Daily Mirror: OUaT in the Media, Cons and Other Real Life Encounters

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I always find Swan Queen understandable and completely bizarre at the same time. I mean there's the joint mom thing, the do have decent on screen chemistry, but on the other hand one of them spent an entire season trying to kill the other.

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but on the other hand one of them spent an entire season trying to kill the other.

I could even get that, provided the writing supported it--depending on what part of BtVS I'm watching, I ship Buffy and Spike (not Riley, though. Not Riley.).  It's the almost hallucinatory level of rewriting some seem to do, to demonstrate that their ship really, truly, is canon.

Edited by Mari
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Except that Riley represented Normal for Buffy, something she desperately aspired to. She even told Riley "If I wanted superpowers I'd be dating Spike." Thing is, Riley clearly wasn't right for her and he recognized this long before she did. OTOH, Spike was right for her, but she was ambiguous towards him, just as she was ambiguous about the whole Slayer gig.

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I had to laugh at the exchange.  The original poster was asking in all sincerity who JMo was, and her followers all started geeking out and saying "Are you KIDDING????"


Of course, if I'd been sitting across from her in that airport, I'd have been too shy to approach her, especially since she was clearly busy reading, and I'd have hated to bother her.  But damned if I wouldn't have been spazzing on the inside!

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Except that Riley represented Normal for Buffy, something she desperately aspired to. She even told Riley "If I wanted superpowers I'd be dating Spike." Thing is, Riley clearly wasn't right for her and he recognized this long before she did. OTOH, Spike was right for her, but she was ambiguous towards him, just as she was ambiguous about the whole Slayer gig.

I'm not sure Spike was right for her either to be honest. I felt like all the men they put her with just seemed unhealthy for her which is why I was so happy she ended the series single.

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Zelena isn't going to break up the couple she ships. Unless she does temporarily for angst. I mean, she does have a thing for male Dark Ones. ;)

Zelena just likes to cause trouble for sh*ts and giggles, which is refreshing so yea, I can see her doing it for fun.. I am suprised she hasnt magically aged Henry, and put a love spell on him just to piss everyone off, "Darling Regina and Emma, how am I ever going to deal with having two Mummy in Laws...and you BOTH are going to throw me seperate showers correct???"

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Zelena just likes to cause trouble for sh*ts and giggles, which is refreshing so yea, I can see her doing it for fun.. I am surprised she hasn't magically aged Henry, and put a love spell on him just to piss everyone off, "Darling Regina and Emma, how am I ever going to deal with having two Mummy in Laws...and you BOTH are going to throw me separate showers correct???"


Considering that Henry is her adoptive nephew, I would hope that even Zelena wouldn't cross that line.  I mean, there's "Ew," and there's "EEEEWWWWW!!!!"

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On a side note to Mari: Wasn't Riley (and that whole ridiculous plot for that matter) a Jane E creation?. Le sigh.

He might have been, but I don't know. I just know that he lost me when he gave her that condescending speech in Doomed.

There's a controversial characters article complete with voting at Tvline.com. Apparently, Hook is more controversial than Regina. Who knew?


Edited by Mari
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Considering that Henry is her adoptive nephew, I would hope that even Zelena wouldn't cross that line.  I mean, there's "Ew," and there's "EEEEWWWWW!!!!"

LOL..well this is Zelena......and she would love that reaction!

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Spuffy was meant to be dysfunctional, it's true, but embracing him in the end was a huge part of her character arc. JM kinda confirmed this (?) when he said something about having messed up her arc with his interpretation of her "I love you" after the series finale aired. He represented a part of her, just like we saw with the others when they did the joining spell in Primeval.


At least semi-reformed pirate is well in the lead. Hook was never really a womanizer per se. He had what seemed to be a committed relationship with Milah, and then he was able to commit to Emma, to the point of turning down the services of the woman his crew hired for him. It's just more Hook Derangement Syndrome, IMO. 

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"Womanizer" might be a bit strong, and I agree that Hook has a strong monogamy drive, but the S3 finale did imply that Hook, when unattached, doesn't mind some NSA sex.

That's like Emma who had drunken one night stands in her day.

They could've said "Guy with weird accent who doesn't change clothes."

Edited by mjgchick
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That's cool! I wonder if they'll talk about anything new that hasn't been covered in that Walt Disney Doc from bbc/pbs. Disney seems to be having quite a few specials this month. snow White, Mary Poppins (hosted by Dick Van Dyke), Toy Story...

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All these articles with headlines "Once Upon a Time Kills Off A Major Character".  LOL.  This isn't "The Walking Dead" or "Game of Thrones".  Does anyone even mildly believe that Hook will stay dead?

Clickbait. Not even the actors/writers are pretending he's actually dead.


Did Amy Manson just ruined her career?

Yikes. Unprofessional. If she has, she deserves to. How young is she? If MRJ can remain gracious, then so can she. 

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um....what did she do? ?


She's been re-tweeting some tweets from fans saying they'll miss her on the show and that they were disappointed she wasn't in the finale. Surprisingly, she hasn't taken any of them down yet, but just in case PR kicks in and she's forced to eventually, here are the best ones:

I apologize for the shit arc #OnceUponATime has presented you with, as well as the lack of closure for your character. :(

You were great and I enjoyed your acting while you lasted, but don't return to #OUAT you're better than it

Edited by Curio
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I guess in a way, at least someone called A&E out (poor Michael Socha). But this is normal in TV and film. Sorry to say, Amy Manson seems to have borrowed some traits of Merida in her "hit first ask questions later" policy. Even Chrisopher Lee had scenes cut in LotR Two Towers. hehheh

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It was posted on the internet. I'm sure dozens of people have taken screenshots of it already. One thing you never do is post something stupid or embarrassing online since the internet is forever. I mean, King Arthur got even less closure but you don't see the actor doing anything like this.

It wasn't wise for Amy Manson to retweet those negative posts, but I doubt it will matter much since I doubt we will ever see Merida again. The Frozen characters were at least lucky to get a quick sendoff, but I'm not expecting to see them ever again either. A&E have already move on to their next shiny new toys.

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Yeah, gonna have to unfollow her on twitter. I get it, but maybe A&E are going to shoehorn in the Camelot Crew's departure into the 100th or something. I feel like she should have at least waited for Adam to address the issue on twitter or something, first.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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I feel bad, but I didn't think of the Camelot crew at all until after the episode was over. I do think cutting those scenes out was ultimately a wise decision (as long as they resolve it somehow in 5b, that is). I do hope the writers address it on Twitter today.

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abc gave an extra hour order for OUAT, and A&E gave it to Merida. I mean?!! 

Yes, she was featured a lot more than she deserved considering the lukewarm reception she got.

Edited by Serena
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Not only that, but she had more centric episodes this season than Hook or Emma and they were Dark Ones. Twitter can be a fickle place, but you would think that someone who is acting at that level would have a PR crew that would explain the basics. There are some actors who just don't give a fuck or create a persona to get more followers -- Adam Baldwin and John Cusack come to mind -- but Amy does not have that kind of even D-level cache in Hollywood.

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I'm inclined to cut Amy some slack here. Maybe she was pissed, maybe she was trying to come off as "cheeky," maybe she was really just happy that some fans were pissed on her behalf. This seems to be her first experience with US network television - maybe it's less common to get cut in the UK than it is here. For all we know, A&E made promises to her that didn't pan out. We know that they don't always keep their actors well-informed on the overall plot.


She didn't Perisocpe herself strangling a kitten with a string of Christmas lights; she didn't tweet links to a sex tape or a snuff film. She retweeted a couple of posts she probably shouldn't have. Casting people probably don't pay a whole lot of attention to social media, and if if they did, it's her social media reach they'd notice, a not a few off retweets. She's got a a decent-sized Twitter following. Up until last night, she did a very good job of promoting the show. This is not a big deal. 

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Meh, it was only two tweets out of a whole bunch that she retweeted, all of which had one of the show's hashtags. She or her publicist could have configured a tool to automatically retweet everything with certain tags. People are making way too much out of it.

Edited by orza
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Yeah, I doubt she's going to get reprimanded for it or anything. I just find it amusing. But I wouldn't put it past the actress if she legitimately felt that way. Didn't Ruby's actress have a similar falling out with A&E?

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^ LOL!!!!! That last stage is pricelsss! priceless. Whoever wrote that article must not like SQ. lol.

To be fair, the SQ fandom seems to be imploding on the tumblr posts I saw so this may be par for the course this hiatus.

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