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S06.E10: Backwards In Heels

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Back fat Kyle! You have big boobs, you need support and a little higher cut to not have back fat, armpit fat and whatever else the hell was flopping around the edges of your costume.  

All the women with bigger breasts had higher backed outfits to support the girls and they looked great.  Kyle just doesn't get it.  Who the hell is styling her?  She has a cute figure and always looks terrible!


She and Mauricio are such too much with the lovey-dovey stuff.  We get it, Mauricio is never ever straying from the splits. /s/


I think if Faye ever had apologized to Lisa V, maybe she would have given up the grudge, well maybe not, she really is the energizer bunny of grudge holding, but I don't mind here.


Kyle was drunk I think by the end of the party - or definitely buzzed.  I think she was really hoping for a little to do b/w LVP and Faye at the party. 


They must have Rinna on tape talking about Munchhausen - probably to Taylor.  It's more than that convo with LVP and Kyle or she wouldn't be coming clean with Yo.

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I so do hate it when the wives do things to turn off viewers. It leads to their real legitimate gripes getting dismissed or downplayed. Look I can't tell anyone how to feel about a bitch that had something that significant to share (whether it was her words or someone else's words) under such tragic and very unnerving circumstances. I'm not on board with people acting like Kathryn should be all bygones be bygones just because that shit was 20 years ago. Some things just don't have a statute of limitations and that's okay. Faye's aloofness over it all is subject to criticism and her I would expect would drudge up negative feelings and energy and I understand that Kathryn's part is rather small in all that was of the OJ thing but it was something that attacked her character. Not to mention it ain't just about what was mentioned. It was the timing the disrespect the nerve, the audacity the disregard the selfishness the inconsiderate the horrible timing the inappropriateness and above all TETHERING her even with such a thin thread (cause look at us now) to such a horrid act. Yeah, nah. Faye wouldn't be off the hook with me neither.


Now do I think Kathryn needs to be bellowing about it at every function. Nope but in this instance I saw it as Kyle knowing bringing that bitches name up to TWO people who can't stand that bitch almost daring them to try and say something in front of her. And well she got what she wanted and guess what you ain't got a leg to stand on Kyle cause your friend, That Hoe Over There, the Morraly corrupt Faye Resnick is a grimey ass shady motherfucker. There's nothing that can change that. I don't care how many years she's been "sober" or "clean". Just the way she acts now reaffirms my feeling about that skank and I don't even know her. Now this is the thing. If Kyle want's to do that whole unwavering loyalty thing for someone who is so suspect in her behavior then that's on her but to act like NO ONE is gonna trash Faye in her presence. Bitch Bye, or take several seats or call your girl Bethenny but whatever you do just shut the fuck up already.


Also, and I wasn't gonna say it but Kyle sure does have it in her to defend, with teeth beared those she is loyal to. She was unwaivering, strong and determined even though she KNEW that Faye is a tough person to defend. I mean that display was nothing but blind loyalty. You know the kind where a friend will defend her prostitute bestie to a priest even. Like that sorta, "I know that bitch did it, I know she shady as hell, I know she killed that motherfucker, but fuck that she is MY people and Imma let others know it". That shit was real and get this, she wasn't bugged eyed, frantic, scared, intimidated none of it during her delivery. Hmmmmmm. Seems she's capable of having that backbone even when the one she is protecting isn't the most defendable. Just sayin'.

Edited by Yours Truly
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I noticed the spread open legs and in my brain the cheesy song of Luann de Lesseps started playing, 'money can't buy you class'.




Did anyone else but me notice how indelicately Erika got into the limo or how Kathryn rose from the couch to greet another housewife? Keep those legs closed, ladies!



O that was something. There was a brief clip, as well, where some random dame is walking up the stairs at the Culver, after which the camera cuts to the wives on the sofa and Erika splays, welcoming the world into her cooch. 

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Faye never said that Kathryn turned a blind eye.  She said Kris K said that Kathryn turned a blind eye.

Faye may not have "said" it, but she is the one who wrote it in a book that was published.  No one would ever have known that Kris K said it if Faye didn't put it in her book. Nor would Marcus Allen have been dragged into the circus that was that trial. I think Kathryn's early marriage was probably tense and thrown into the media's eye because of Faye's actions, not who said what.


I do think it's funny that Kathryn is throwing shade about what Kyle was doing if she was hanging around with Faye at that time if Faye was a druggie.  If Kyle gets upset, then Kathryn can just say, "Well it was 20 years ago, why are you upset?"

Edited by jinjer
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Damn I missed the beginning of the episode so I missed Erika's spilled tea to Yolanda but I did see had me liking Erika only to come here and find out that MAYBE she slipped up. What I'm getting at was when she was talking in the limo with Kathryn. Updating her about the talk Lisa R supposed to have had with Yolanda about the M word. At first I was all No girl get the wording right. When she first blurted it out it was very minimal but when she continued on she covered all of the information down to elaborating that Lisa R was talking it out with Yolanda about a conversation she "engaged" in where people where questioning Yolanda's ill and i was like good girl, good save. And even happy when she found it necessary to point out the Lisa R wasn't the one to bring up the M word and that she didn't know who mention it first. I was so happy that she word for word explained exactly what that conversation was supposed to go over. Lisa R feeling guilty about participating in a conversation involving the M word and curiosity surrounding the legitimacy of her illness. I was thinking yes well done only to come here and see post saying that she wasn't as clear with another message when talking to Yolanda. I have to watch and hope it isn't as messy as all that because when she was in the limo she showed how well she can keep a story straight and I haven't seen this desire to twist or purposefully amp up what's going on in order to create conflict. Does she look disgusted or not pleased with the details yes but i don't consider that her trying to upplay stuff for effect. So far she's just passed on information in it's entirety and believe she has kept it as close to accurate as she could. I'm hoping when I see the part when she's talking to Yolanda I see more of the same and not the messiness that's being implied on here. Please, please please cause I want her in a prime position to give smackdowns to whomever needs it without any messiness of her "character" to detract from it like what happened with Brandi and whoever else. 

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Let us all drop everything and help that poor woman with the 8 acre $20+ million Malibu ocean front estate and downtown condo, staff, excellent health insurance, tens of millions of dollars, a private health advocate and flies all over the world for every hair brained treatment on a private jet. Don't forget to bring a casserole. Her private chef is too busy squeezing lemons.  Not that it matters. It will all be rinsed out of her during her daily colonics. You can probably eat off her colon and I bet it has a high gloss sheen. 

But, don't dare bring a bottle of alcohol! Granted, kind of dumb to bring, but she certainly did not accept it with any modicum of grace. And, y'all, she hadn't walked in 9 months!

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I could have sworn in Lisar's response to YoYos question about "why do you think I post the pictures?," that Lisar was about to say "for attention!" and caught herself. I'd have to see it again to be sure, but she then spit out "for awareness."  She should've said the truth - yes of course for attention!  Just say it someone! I have a feeling Yo won't be well enough to attend the reunion - I see a taped TH only from her bed - because if she shows up she would have to talk about the King leaving her in the midst of her "awareness" campaign.


As for Taylor, I thought she was summoning the ghost of her former "battered" self with her bruised eye makeup.  Keep it at home with your sleazy divorce lawyer Taylor.  Yeah he was married when you met.  You needed a new wallet now go away.         

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Faye may not have "said" it, but she is the one who wrote it in a book that was published.  No one would ever have known that Kris K said it if Faye didn't put it in her book. Nor would Marcus Allen have been dragged into the circus that was that trial. I think Kathryn's early marriage was probably tense and thrown into the media's eye because of Faye's actions, not who said what.


I do think it's funny that Kathryn is throwing shade about what Kyle was doing if she was hanging around with Faye at that time if Faye was a druggie.  If Kyle gets upset, then Kathryn can just say, "Well it was 20 years ago, why are you upset?"

Oh that was awesome the way Kathryn just leaned back with that look when Kyle confirmed when she met Faye. Kyle needs to just let it go cause even tho Kathryn's gripe was that long ago she has every right to have it. Point. Blank. Period. And it isn't Kyle's place to suggest otherwise ESPECIALLY when her association with Faye back then can be completely questionable. How about leave the hollier than thou attitude out of the picture and let people feel however they want to feel about Faye. Don't bring the bitch up if you know that people aren't going to speak favorably of her. Kyle just wants it all her way all the fucking time. Geez! Go do some splits on your fugly husband and make some more fugly kids. 


Yes, I'm in the minority that thinks Mauricio is not attractive at all. He looks greasy and unkempt and slightly odd although I will admit that he looks more groomed this season and that helps a bit.

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I'm so over Yolanda telling the audience how "real" friends behave.  She has too many rules to be a friend IMO.  According to her:

  - Real Friends do no take Yo's name in vain- if you say her name or talk about her -good or bad - Yo must be present. 

  - Real Friends must sit by her bedside, or call or drop in to visit at all hours of the day, even if Yo posts on social media that she is feeling weak, tired, ill, etc.

  - Real Friends will not question or opine on her medical conditions even if it is to show concern or offer suggestions

  - Real Friends will not roll eyes when Yo makes ridiculous pronouncements like "I haven't walked in 9 months"

  - Real Friends will not make comments like "I saw your post on Instagram & you looked great!" when a Real Friend should know Yo is now experiencing unbearable pain- 1 hour later.


It's exhausting.  And so is the whole Munchausen plot to nowhere.  My Brownie troop of 13 9 yr olds could have resolved this in 10 minutes.  "I heard you said something mean behind my back."  "Actually, I didn't say it, but I did repeat the mean thing someone else said.  I shouldn't have done that and I'm sorry."  "Ok, cool.  Want to glue some glitter on this poster with me?"  THE END. 


And it's already been said across the seasons, but LVP so two-faced re. holding grudges and being miffed.  When she is the "victim", she is standing up for herself, or being the bigger person.  If someone else takes offense to shade thrown by LVP, that person is being ridiculous and petty, and just needs to get over it.


Of all the houses we've seen on this show Kyle's is still my favorite.  I don't like Faye Resnick one bit, but if she truly did handle the design and décor of Kyle's house, than I am begrudgingly impressed by her interior design skills.

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I think Mauricio is not that fine either.

As far, as what went down in 1994 with the Hilton clan and by extension, Kyle and her friends, is well established. They were all partying.

In fact, I do not know that Kyle is truly loyal or afraid that Faye will let it all out....

Kyle is pushing it and she might lose big time....

Speaking of losing, Kyle is the type of women who looks better naked, IMO.

What is it with male lawyers?

Are they really that subject to the captain save a ho syndrome?

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I feel terribly guilty about this but I find Lisa Rinna entertaining as hell to watch. She's a nosy-as-hell gossip, she can't have a thought pass through that brain of hers without uttering it, especially if it's a not nice one about someone in the Beverly Hills circles, she's a snob, she's self-important and probably a host of other major personality flaws but she is definitely not a bore (which is more than I can say for some of these women).


I'll probably go to hell for this.

omg, Lisa Rinna is the real-life Valerie Cherish!!!

Edited by thewhiteowl
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Kathryn's husband is a cool drink of water.

I didn't find him attractive the pervious episodes, but he looked really handsome at the party. I think Kathryn looks like Chelsea Handler.

Kyle was a huge hypocrite about Kathryn. LisaV shouldn't be upset that Faye confronted her at Lisa's own party , but how dare Kathryn have a bad opinion about Faye at Kyle's party.... Huh?

I think all the women looked great.

Edited by imjagain
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I could have sworn in Lisar's response to YoYos question about "why do you think I post the pictures?," that Lisar was about to say "for attention!" and caught herself. I'd have to see it again to be sure, but she then spit out "for awareness."  She should've said the truth - yes of course for attention!  Just say it someone! 

Thank you!  I totally thought Rinna was going to say something garbled like, "for attenshhhhhh - er, ah, awareness!  Yes, I meant awareness!"  LOL.


If Erika's house is Pasadena, I'll pass.  I'd like to visit Malibu, please.


And Kathryn/Donnie:


"I'll make you some oatmeal."


"With blueberries?"


"And I'll make you some tea."


Scintillating conversation on par with the Kardashian sisters.  Yawn.

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Shut UP Kyle.  You have no right whatsoever to tell people who to like or dislike.  Both LVP and Kathryn have the right to their feelings. If you invite people who dislike one another to the same party?  Expect some opinions and drama honey.

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Eileen needs to come up with some more imaginative "staged" scenes with Vince other than standing in her bad, right-off-the-highway Bed & Breakfast-decor bedroom. Seriously, she could update her decor at HomeGoods for no money if only she cared. Heck, she could get the Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick to go to HomeGoods for her, I'd settle for that. And thank goodness we got back inside Erika's house. THIS is what we deserve as viewers. Also,  couldn't stop staring at the cup Kyle was drinking her tea out of at LVP's. It looked like half a Cheshire cat? I want that!!!


Best scene: Portia and Mauricio hanging out together on the bed and putting that little party hat on Chloe, the dog.  


I got a creepy Mommy vibe between Katherine and her husband in the oatmeal making scene. Shudder. Weird. Go away, you don't bring it. Oh, and speaking of creepy, weird, please go-away: Taylor, the Zombie. Was she playing Satine, ala Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge, ten year's after her consumptive demise?  What was her motivation? I really need to understand.  


Poor Lisar.  She is working sooo hard at this show with her Munchausen gossiping and her confessing and her bringing up OJ and her waxing. Someone should take her aside (LVP?) and tell her to chill ... she's coming off as desperate and it's bugging me now.


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But, don't dare bring a bottle of alcohol! Granted, kind of dumb to bring, but she certainly did not accept it with any modicum of grace. And, y'all, she hadn't walked in 9 months!


I didn't like that at all. I suppose you could say it was thoughtless of Rinna to bring her alcohol, but her reasoning was kind of sweet. That was the first gift she ever brought her and she was anticipating the day when Yo would be healthy enough to imbibe like normal. It had a bit of a hopeful message to it. But Her Lady of Lemons was quick to remind Lisa that she would not be able to use that gift!

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I looked in on this show briefly and Maugham said it best:

"American women...exquisitely gowned, (wearing)

pearls...diamonds...costly rings. Though (one was dark and one fair) they were strangely alike. They had the same heavily mascared eyelashes, the same slim figures, maintained at the cost of extreme mortification, the same clear, sharp features, the same hungry restless eyes; and you could not be but conscious that their lives were a desperate struggle to maintain their fading charms. They talked with inanity..."

Kathryn's husband looks like her son.

These women are so sad to me.

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Damn I missed the beginning of the episode so I missed Erika's spilled tea to Yolanda but I did see had me liking Erika only to come here and find out that MAYBE she slipped up. What I'm getting at was when she was talking in the limo with Kathryn. Updating her about the talk Lisa R supposed to have had with Yolanda about the M word. At first I was all No girl get the wording right. When she first blurted it out it was very minimal but when she continued on she covered all of the information down to elaborating that Lisa R was talking it out with Yolanda about a conversation she "engaged" in where people where questioning Yolanda's ill and i was like good girl, good save. And even happy when she found it necessary to point out the Lisa R wasn't the one to bring up the M word and that she didn't know who mention it first. I was so happy that she word for word explained exactly what that conversation was supposed to go over. Lisa R feeling guilty about participating in a conversation involving the M word and curiosity surrounding the legitimacy of her illness. I was thinking yes well done only to come here and see post saying that she wasn't as clear with another message when talking to Yolanda. I have to watch and hope it isn't as messy as all that because when she was in the limo she showed how well she can keep a story straight and I haven't seen this desire to twist or purposefully amp up what's going on in order to create conflict. Does she look disgusted or not pleased with the details yes but i don't consider that her trying to upplay stuff for effect. So far she's just passed on information in it's entirety and believe she has kept it as close to accurate as she could. I'm hoping when I see the part when she's talking to Yolanda I see more of the same and not the messiness that's being implied on here. Please, please please cause I want her in a prime position to give smackdowns to whomever needs it without any messiness of her "character" to detract from it like what happened with Brandi and whoever else. 

But, no one has claimed that Yolanda isn't ill, at all. They have all expressed concern that there is or may be something else at play other then LD. So......Erika isn't telling Yolanda the whole truth IMO, NOT at all.


But, don't dare bring a bottle of alcohol! Granted, kind of dumb to bring, but she certainly did not accept it with any modicum of grace. And, y'all, she hadn't walked in 9 months!

Yet, we all saw with our own eyes her taking a walk in the park with both Erika and Kyle just days before her explant surgery! LOL


I could have sworn in Lisar's response to YoYos question about "why do you think I post the pictures?," that Lisar was about to say "for attention!" and caught herself. I'd have to see it again to be sure, but she then spit out "for awareness."  She should've said the truth - yes of course for attention!  Just say it someone! I have a feeling Yo won't be well enough to attend the reunion - I see a taped TH only from her bed - because if she shows up she would have to talk about the King leaving her in the midst of her "awareness" campaign.


As for Taylor, I thought she was summoning the ghost of her former "battered" self with her bruised eye makeup.  Keep it at home with your sleazy divorce lawyer Taylor.  Yeah he was married when you met.  You needed a new wallet now go away.         

Nahhhhh, Yolanda will be at the reunion this year. She has a get out of everything going on here between her "illness", her explant surgery and her upcoming divorce. It will be dangerous for any of the others to call her out on her many lies, the backlash they would get from Yolanda's legion of supporters will be horrendous if they do. JMO 

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TexasGal, on 03 Feb 2016 - 10:54 AM, said:TexasGal, on 03 Feb 2016 - 10:54 AM, said:

But, don't dare bring a bottle of alcohol! Granted, kind of dumb to bring, but she certainly did not accept it with any modicum of grace. And, y'all, she hadn't walked in 9 months!


Riiight.  Yanno, except for that walk she took with Kyle and Erika towards the beginning of the season. But I'm sure she wasn't exaggerating at ALL about the extent of her housebound-ness. Nope it was her "Lyme brain" that made her forget about that scene. 


In other words, shut up, Yolanda.


eta: LOL Wirewrap I think you and I were typing the same thing at the same time!

Edited by Duke2801
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I looked in on this show briefly and Maugham said it best:

"American women...exquisitely gowned, (wearing)

pearls...diamonds...costly rings. Though (one was dark and one fair) they were strangely alike. They had the same heavily mascared eyelashes, the same slim figures, maintained at the cost of extreme mortification, the same clear, sharp features, the same hungry restless eyes; and you could not be but conscious that their lives were a desperate struggle to maintain their fading charms. They talked with inanity..."

My favorite book by my favorite author.  They're all sad Isabels.  And Kim is Sophie.  

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But, no one has claimed that Yolanda isn't ill, at all. They have all expressed concern that there is or may be something else at play other then LD. So......Erika isn't telling Yolanda the whole truth IMO, NOT at all.


Like I said I didn't see that part but from what I've seen of Erika's delivery is that she's sharing what she's hearing is the situation. That one conversation I missed aside I hear Erika's position on the subject as her not being happy with any of the conversations being had in general. I can't remember if Erika was present for some of the initial conversations that did include the questioning of what else can be in play but eventually all the speculation finally got twisted up enough that Mun, can't spell it.... was introduced into the conversation. I think Erika plainly points out the detail that within these conversations of Yolanda's illness Mun.... managed to be incorporated and no matter how benign or innocent the conversations are up to that point, just the use of that word spins and taints the conversation from that point forward no matter how you look at it. And so far I think Erika is coming from that point of view. I don't think it's wrong that Erika expresses distaste that the conversation managed to go in that direction even if most of the conversation was rather respectful and not accusatory. I don't think she needs to tip toe around it. The other women are capable of explaining themselves if it comes to that and clarifying whatever conversations there weren't or were involved with but Erika sharing information that is actually being said in her presence isn't shady to me. It only took one moment, word, unintended insertion of doubt to create a very ill willed connotation to the whole thing and now here we are. That's not Erika's fault.

Edited by Yours Truly
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Erika looked so pretty in some of her beach scenes with Yo and her makeup is always pretty damn perfect. Doesn't hurt that she seems to have nice skin and doesn't seem to worship at the altar of self tanner. Few people can make those shades of pink sing like she does. 


I didn't mind the theme party and everyone looked great minus Taylor but it reminded me of that Mean Girl quote about Halloween: ""Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it." I feel that way mainly because the women were all so undressed, while the men were literally covered from head to toe with no skin showing other than there heads and hands. I mean were there no Cabaret boys ever in the history of the world? Granted, no one wants to see Ken shirtless, but damn Mauricio or Kathryn's husband could have given us a little something. I am just asking for parity here. 


Kathryn is just not cute to me, and her and her husband are trying to hard.


If Erika's house represent typical Pasadena then I wants no parts of that part of California. Sure I can appreciate the wealth that can get you a home and grounds like that, but damn that shit is ugly! Give me Yolanda's Malibu home please or Lisa's pre-renovation. I liked Lisa VP's house before she got her mitts on it.

There are many beautiful homes in Pasadena. Some are modern, some aren't. Erika is in a great neighborhood and I wouldn't say that the interiors are "typical" Pasadena. There's a wide variety. ;) 

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That joint anniversary party was rediculous with those costumes.

I don't believe Kyle set up or paid for the party especially for her 20th. This was party had to be all Bravo/Evolution to get these women in a room like usual to have their drama. I'm pretty sure the costumes were paid for by them too.

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Favorite moment of the episode was Erika's reaction to Kathryn telling her not to use the "c" word "you're too good for that, don't use it, it's disgusting so don't ever say that word again."  Erika: "a) I don't care; and b) I'll use it as much as I want, which is constantly."  Erika is hands down my favorite housewife of all time (so far).  Additionally, she was the only one who could pull off the Moulin Rouge look.





You can tell me you don't care to hear "that word"   =:-O   and I'll refrain from using it in conversation with you ( I'll reserve the right to call you that if circumstances for it's use arise) BUT DO NOT EVER tell me what I can and can not say nor dictate what I should say (unless it's your playground or you are my lawyer.) My parents taught me manners and I know how to hold a conversation, when bite my tongue or couch my words and be gracious.


Personally I don't mind that big ol' nasty "C" word. It has no power over me. Call me that and it will only sting if I have truly acted in that manner and deserve to be called that.


I use it against others male and female alike when their actions or words have warranted its use. It is the perfect insult to use towards both genders. Females because they tend to get their panties in a twist when called that and males cringe because you have just called them a word they use to debase females. It especially stings the recipient when a female throws it at them. Maybe it carries more weight.


I've been told I can't use it here and even had a few posts deleted, because of the panty twisting issue, unless it was used or discussed in the show (no problem... your playground) BUT I find it interesting how here and in the public arena of life we can casually use "dick" and "prick" but not the all powerful "C" word. If men can be called those words then women can be called "BLEEP!" . It's a double standard.  

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All of these women are obnoxious is some way - mean girl tactics, gossipmongering, narcissism, holier-than-thou speeches, look-at-me displays, all kinds of competitive crap - there wouldn't be a show if they weren't. But on my walk this morning I thought about whether I'd want to spend time with any of these people, and tried to come up with one thing that would be fun to do with each of them (except Kathryn; don't know enough about her yet). Here's what I came up with:

- Attend a garden party at Lisa V's

- Travel with Kyle

- Be in a book club with Eileen

- Do yoga with Lisa R

- Walk on the beach with Yo

- Go to a karaoke bar with Erika

Turns out it wasn't so hard after all!

Your turn...

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I don't believe for one second that Kathryn didn't read that book.  I think she read every single word; at least the chapter that was about her.  I agree that it runs way deeper than saying she turned a blind eye to her then husband's cheating.  I think it has to do with the whole alleged affair her ex had with Nicole and the allegation that he also propositioned Faye herself.  I think she's saying she hasn't read the book because she wants everyone to think she's so tough she couldn't be bothered.  Only thing is, she's beyond bothered.  She's a walking contradiction.

I can't know if she read the book, but the Faye's claims that Marcus Allen had an affair with Nicole was repeated nationwide. I read parts of her civil case deposition (thanks to whoever posted that link!) and she actually claims Marcus and Nicole had an affair when he was engaged to Kathryn and then again just before Nicole died (when Kathryn and Marcus were married). Since Marcus has always denied it - and to my knowledge no one but Faye (and maybe Kris K who I don't find credible in any way shape or form) has claimed there was an affair, I can understand Kathryn being angry. (I'll take the rest of my thought on this to the OJ players thread)

Is she really still angry today? Who knows, I can see getting mad again all over again when confronted with the person. But it doesn't seem like she focuses on that at all times.

on the party - I wish Bravo would drop the excuses for a RH party. What a horrible idea for an anniversary par? I co-sign everyone talking about how horrible Taylor looked - the raccoon eyes are RHOC, not RHBH! Also co-sign those pointing out Kyle's bullshit on demanding LisaV back her up (what, are we in junior high!?!) about being annoyed that Kathryn voiced an opinion, while still maintaining Faye's behavior - identical in confronting a hostess - was fine. Kyle needs to learn that supporting your friends does NOT require stridently and loudly supporting each and every thing they do! Sometimes you do disagree, and if you don't want to admit that, just keep quiet.

I side-eyed Erika's repeated "let me show you MY (dining room/living room/etc)." Let's be honest, hubby paid for that house, and pays all the ongoing expenses. Jeez, at least say "our." And I'd be more impressed with the "chapel" if it didn't seem like just some room containing the religious artifacts s/he have bought. I don't imagine she holds services or prays there. I wonder if hubby insisted she move al that stuff out of the other portions of the home?

And I agree with Kathryn on the "c" word. I hate that word, it is used solely to demean women. Erika's comeback that she would continue to use the f-word missed the point.

Yo hasn't walked in 9 months? Just like she didn't leave the house for 18 months. I wish LisaR hadn't apologized, I don't think the question of Munchausen's is that far off, considering the numerous and various symptoms Yo has reported. Not sure she has it, but it's not an outrageous question to ask.

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You can tell me you don't care to hear "that word"   =:-O   and I'll refrain from using it in conversation with you ( I'll reserve the right to call you that if circumstances for it's use arise) BUT DO NOT EVER tell me what I can and can not say nor dictate what I should say (unless it's your playground or you are my lawyer.) My parents taught me manners and I know how to hold a conversation, when bite my tongue or couch my words and be gracious.


Personally I don't mind that big ol' nasty "C" word. It has no power over me. Call me that and it will only sting if I have truly acted in that manner and deserve to be called that.


I use it against others male and female alike when their actions or words have warranted its use. It is the perfect insult to use towards both genders. Females because they tend to get their panties in a twist when called that and males cringe because you have just called them a word they use to debase females. It especially stings the recipient when a female throws it at them. Maybe it carries more weight.


I've been told I can't use it here and even had a few posts deleted, because of the panty twisting issue, unless it was used or discussed in the show (no problem... your playground) BUT I find it interesting how here and in the public arena of life we can casually use "dick" and "prick" but not the all powerful "C" word. If men can be called those words then women can be called "BLEEP!" . It's a double standard.  

See I hate the word.. I really really hate the word. Don't know why it does have so much more of an affect to me but it is what it is and I was ok with Kathryn letting Erika know that that's just a word that she just doesn't want to hear even in jest I would do the same cause honestly it's like nails on a chalkboard when I hear the word. Even now I'm making faces and grimacing while typing this cause I'm thinking about it. I just wish Kathryn would have just left it at the request she not use it around her. It's not her place to pretty much scold Erika for using the word (unless of course Erika was actually hurling the insult at her) like the woman was a child. Hey I hate the word and you better believe I'm going to execute my right to request it not be used around me but then continuing to express the amount of disgust that Katheryn had for it like it needed such an explanation and then to continue to act so judgmental towards Erika for her choice in using it. Girl Bye! Plus all Kathryn did was ensure that Erika would be having that word on the tip of her tongue regularly from now on. Sheesh, these women.

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Like I said I didn't see that part but from what I've seen of Erika's delivery is that she's sharing what she's hearing is the situation. That one conversation I missed aside I hear Erika's position on the subject as her not being happy with any of the conversations being had in general. I can't remember if Erika was present for some of the initial conversations that did include the questioning of what else can be in play but eventually all the speculation finally got twisted up enough that Mun, can't spell it.... was introduced into the conversation. I think Erika plainly points out the detail that within these conversations of Yolanda's illness Mun.... managed to be incorporated and no matter how benign or innocent the conversations are up to that point, just the use of that word spins and taints the conversation from that point forward no matter how you look at it. And so far I think Erika is coming from that point of view. I don't think it's wrong that Erika expresses distaste that the conversation managed to go in that direction even if most of the conversation was rather respectful and not accusatory. I don't think she needs to tip toe around it. The other women are capable of explaining themselves if it comes to that and clarifying whatever conversations there weren't or were involved with but Erika sharing information that is actually being said in her presence isn't shady to me. It only took one moment, word, unintended insertion of doubt to create a very ill willed connotation to the whole thing and now here we are. That's not Erika's fault.

Telling Yolanda that they women are talking about her, concerned about her and wondering if something else is also going on health wise would be fine but that is NOT what she has been doing. She is leaving out a critical part, that the women ARE concerned about how sick Yolanda is and instead making it sound like they think she is faking it all.


Of course Erika was not present at LisaV's house when Munchausen was first brought up by LisaR and she would not have known that LisaV, Kyle and then Eileen shot that idea down but she did hear that when Eileen spilled the beans to Yolanda, as both LisaV and Kyle plainly said that. YET, here we are, LisaV and Kyle are getting painted with the same brush stroke by both Yolanda AND Erika.  The same thing happened again, LisaV was asked if she had heard anything about the kids having LD from Mohamed, she says No, she has heard nothing and it is Kyle (with backup from Eileen) that suggest she talk to Mohamed to find out the truth from him, yet Erika makes it sound like LisaV brought this up on her own. Then at the BBQ party, she makes it sound like that once again LisaV brings up the kids all on her own, that Kyle/LisaR didn't ask her about them and in relaying the conversation, she also fails to include that it was Mohamed that told LisaV the kids were "fine and only Yolanda had LD" or that Lisa included that if Yolanda said the kids were sick, she said "Yolanda said they are sick so I take her at her word" or something to that effect. In other words, Erika leaves out very important parts to the conversation when she plays runtellthat with Yolanda.

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It's stuff like that, regarding Yo not walking for 9 months! She make these freaking grand statements and we're left looking around like confused foggy brained children. We saw Yo walking in the park the first couple episodes. I know yo is ill, but damn she loves people to feel sorry for her. She is tiresome. I hope she's not back next season. If Bravo wants her back, she will, because she loves the attention. I can't see what she adds. According to her, she is to weak and above the other women's drama. Well then go away! Go get better, go heal, cleanse soak in Salt. Take every supplement you WANT, just go away! I can't stand when people try to make others feel sorry for them.

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And Kathryn/Donnie:


"I'll make you some oatmeal."


"With blueberries?"


"And I'll make you some tea."


Scintillating conversation on par with the Kardashian sisters.  Yawn.

Not enough "likes", as in "with, like, blueberries" to be the kardashions.
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Giselle, on 03 Feb 2016 - 09:19 AM, said:




You can tell me you don't care to hear "that word"   =:-O   and I'll refrain from using it in conversation with you ( I'll reserve the right to call you that if circumstances for it's use arise) BUT DO NOT EVER tell me what I can and can not say nor dictate what I should say (unless it's your playground or you are my lawyer.) My parents taught me manners and I know how to hold a conversation, when bite my tongue or couch my words and be gracious.


Personally I don't mind that big ol' nasty "C" word. It has no power over me. Call me that and it will only sting if I have truly acted in that manner and deserve to be called that.


I use it against others male and female alike when their actions or words have warranted its use. It is the perfect insult to use towards both genders. Females because they tend to get their panties in a twist when called that and males cringe because you have just called them a word they use to debase females. It especially stings the recipient when a female throws it at them. Maybe it carries more weight.


I've been told I can't use it here and even had a few posts deleted, because of the panty twisting issue, unless it was used or discussed in the show (no problem... your playground) BUT I find it interesting how here and in the public arena of life we can casually use "dick" and "prick" but not the all powerful "C" word. If men can be called those words then women can be called "BLEEP!" . It's a double standard.  


^^^ I'm giving you a standing ovation for this post, Giselle.  Double standard, indeed. 

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I find it a little ridiculous that there's a hierarchy of slang where pussy is situationally acceptable, the c-word is akin to a racial slur, and then the no man's land of twat, cooch, etc.


Good grief, it's just a vagina.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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All of these women are obnoxious is some way - mean girl tactics, gossipmongering, narcissism, holier-than-thou speeches, look-at-me displays, all kinds of competitive crap - there wouldn't be a show if they weren't. But on my walk this morning I thought about whether I'd want to spend time with any of these people, and tried to come up with one thing that would be fun to do with each of them (except Kathryn; don't know enough about her yet). Here's what I came up with:

- Attend a garden party at Lisa V's

- Travel with Kyle

- Be in a book club with Eileen

- Do yoga with Lisa R

- Walk on the beach with Yo

- Go to a karaoke bar with Erika

Turns out it wasn't so hard after all!

Your turn...


I would also love to sit in LisaV's garden sipping tea but add in playing with all the dogs/mini horses and enjoying the views of the wooden/green valley from her back yard. 


Kyle, sit and play with her pups as well and listen to her interact with her girls.


Help her clean up her yard. She seems to like gardening but doesn't have much help or time for it.


Clean out Yolanda's medicine closet (aka throw most if not all out), it would be fun for me, not so much Yolanda though.


Erika, go out dancing


LisaR, also go out dancing, she gave me an "Elaine" dance vibe last night. LOL


Kathryn, go window shopping for jewelry.

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All of these women are obnoxious is some way - mean girl tactics, gossipmongering, narcissism, holier-than-thou speeches, look-at-me displays, all kinds of competitive crap - there wouldn't be a show if they weren't. But on my walk this morning I thought about whether I'd want to spend time with any of these people, and tried to come up with one thing that would be fun to do with each of them (except Kathryn; don't know enough about her yet). Here's what I came up with:

- Attend a garden party at Lisa V's

- Travel with Kyle

- Be in a book club with Eileen

- Do yoga with Lisa R

- Walk on the beach with Yo

- Go to a karaoke bar with Erika

Turns out it wasn't so hard after all!

Your turn...

At this point, the only character I am interested in at all is Tom Girardi, for obvious reasons.....
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Shut UP Kyle.  You have no right whatsoever to tell people who to like or dislike.  Both LVP and Kathryn have the right to their feelings. If you invite people who dislike one another to the same party?  Expect some opinions and drama honey.

Kyle has shown again and again that she's socially inept. Dinner from hell with Faye and Brandi, the BBQ last week which wasn't a BBQ and she wasn't dressed for a BBQ, and then this party. I could probably come up with a whole list of Kyle's failures of being a gracious hostess. In my opinion, she cannot come up with a good guest list, a good theme, or food that fits the invitation. Then she gets all bent out of shape when things don't go smoothly. Or... go her way.

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Telling Yolanda that they women are talking about her, concerned about her and wondering if something else is also going on health wise would be fine but that is NOT what she has been doing. She is leaving out a critical part, that the women ARE concerned about how sick Yolanda is and instead making it sound like they think she is faking it all.


Of course Erika was not present at LisaV's house when Munchausen was first brought up by LisaR and she would not have known that LisaV, Kyle and then Eileen shot that idea down but she did hear that when Eileen spilled the beans to Yolanda, as both LisaV and Kyle plainly said that. YET, here we are, LisaV and Kyle are getting painted with the same brush stroke by both Yolanda AND Erika.  The same thing happened again, LisaV was asked if she had heard anything about the kids having LD from Mohamed, she says No, she has heard nothing and it is Kyle (with backup from Eileen) that suggest she talk to Mohamed to find out the truth from him, yet Erika makes it sound like LisaV brought this up on her own. Then at the BBQ party, she makes it sound like that once again LisaV brings up the kids all on her own, that Kyle/LisaR didn't ask her about them and in relaying the conversation, she also fails to include that it was Mohamed that told LisaV the kids were "fine and only Yolanda had LD" or that Lisa included that if Yolanda said the kids were sick, she said "Yolanda said they are sick so I take her at her word" or something to that effect. In other words, Erika leaves out very important parts to the conversation when she plays runtellthat with Yolanda.

But if Erika was there during a previous conversation where Eileen clarifies some of the positions of herself and the other ladies to Yolanda herself then there's nothing for Erika to include or be clear about moving forward. Those set of conversations have been addressed and Yolanda has received the information. Erika's opinion of those conversation while talking to Yolanda AFTER that doesn't require Erika to omit or include everything since it's already been covered.


I'm seeing it as Erika not believing that ANY of those conversations were in good taste and what I'm sensing is that Erika DOES believe that there was ill intent during the conversations she wasn't a part of first hand and that it shows in how she's handled it thus far. Is she wrong? I don't think so, I just think that she isn't quick to believe that the others were as benign in their inquiries as the footage now shows they were for the most part. Footage that Erika wasn't privy too at the time she was incorporated into the conversation and formulating her own opinion on the matter.


Remember, her first appearance with the other ladies was after all this talk was already set in motion so from the get her first experience with it was that people were having unecessary conversations that apparently went south about Yolanda's health. I'm not surprised that from that moment on she was already turned off about the topic even though we saw that there weren't really any negatives discussed when Taylor first brought it up and also that the "faking" didn't really take off at all EVEN with the introduction of the M word however Erika didn't see it edited and presented in the way we did. She came into that particular storyline jaded so therefore I do applaud just how diplomatic she has been when discussing the parts she is privy to and yes I do see that she has this underlying distaste with it all that she's trying to keep in check. To me I can tell so I guess that's why I'm more willing to give her a pass here and there when she's not 100% diplomatic when it comes to her and this particular subject. I see it as her being annoyed at the idea that it would even be up for discussion and why the hell it even needs to be up for discussion time and time again.


Faking or not it will always be completely unacceptable to question someone else's health or imply that proof is required from someone who has no bearing on your life. Now and forever. We see that it wasn't exactly the case with these woman but for a good time during filming the idea that there was doubt somehow, somewhere floating around in the corners of people's mind was apparently a reasonable conclusion to come to and I don't fault Erika for reacting negatively to even the slightest implications.


To me it's like this. The conversations were benign.... sort of... Now whether this whole hubalo came about innocently or not, the point is that because multiple conversations that didn't need to be had were had and done irresponsibly therefore it created the M Monster and all these hard feelings. The clumsy handling of it all is the part that I do feel should be called out. Yes, even when nothing really mean is being said it still is in really bad taste to talk about anyone that isn't present. Aside from the, how's this one, did you hear the good news about so and so, or I hope XYZ is doing well tell them I said Hi a person shouldn't be the topic of a group conversation. End of story and I think the bad taste of it all is what's really driving the scandalous aspect of it and not necessarily what was or wasn't said.

Edited by Yours Truly
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I side-eyed Erika's repeated "let me show you MY (dining room/living room/etc)." Let's be honest, hubby paid for that house, and pays all the ongoing expenses. Jeez, at least say "our." And I'd be more impressed with the "chapel" if it didn't seem like just some room containing the religious artifacts s/he have bought. I don't imagine she holds services or prays there. I wonder if hubby insisted she move al that stuff out of the other portions of the home?

I thought that was strange too - who does that, MY, MY, MY, when a house is shared with a husband? Makes me wonder if it really is just a business arrangement and HER house is specified in that deal.

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The women being dressed up like that was sad and pathetic.  Sure, they looked ok, but at this age I would hope women would feel like they have more to offer the world than cleavage and fishnets.  I realize it's a reality show.... They could totally write off those costumes as uniform expense if Bravo didn't pick up the tab.  No way could you wear those get-ups in real life....


I think Yolanda meant she hadn't gone for a walk on the beach in 9 months, not walking in general.  I wish she would be a spokesperson for the dangers of implants instead of being a spokesman for lyme disease.  The nerd in me was checking out the soil erosion and how close the beach houses were to the ocean now.  Malibu coastline is screwed.


I liked Erika's home.  I liked that she referred to her prayer area as a chapel and not a more trendy meditation room.  I really didn't get the references to Pasadena.  

Edited by MerryMary
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All of these women are obnoxious is some way - mean girl tactics, gossipmongering, narcissism, holier-than-thou speeches, look-at-me displays, all kinds of competitive crap - there wouldn't be a show if they weren't. But on my walk this morning I thought about whether I'd want to spend time with any of these people, and tried to come up with one thing that would be fun to do with each of them (except Kathryn; don't know enough about her yet). Here's what I came up with:

- Attend a garden party at Lisa V's

- Travel with Kyle

- Be in a book club with Eileen

- Do yoga with Lisa R

- Walk on the beach with Yo

- Go to a karaoke bar with Erika

Turns out it wasn't so hard after all!

Your turn...

go to SUR & spy on the VPR cast while getting special treatment w/Lisa V

go for a ride in one of Mauricio's crazy rental cars w/Kyle

go shopping with Eileen

go for many drinks with Lisa R & get to her to spill all the tea!

go to Fashion Week & sit in the front row with Yo

go to Erica's house & see her closet, I wonder if she has two, one for Erica Girardi & one for Erica Jayne  (I was bummed that we saw no closet porn last night!!!!)

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Kyle has shown again and again that she's socially inept. Dinner from hell with Faye and Brandi, the BBQ last week which wasn't a BBQ and she wasn't dressed for a BBQ, and then this party. I could probably come up with a whole list of Kyle's failures of being a gracious hostess. In my opinion, she cannot come up with a good guest list, a good theme, or food that fits the invitation. Then she gets all bent out of shape when things don't go smoothly. Or... go her way.

I think Kyle's parties always look like fun. Folks always seem to be having a good time.  

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The women being dressed up like that was sad and pathetic. Sure, they looked ok, but at this age I would hope women would feel like they have more to offer the world than cleavage and fishnets. I realize it's a reality show.... They could totally write off those costumes as uniform expense if Bravo didn't pick up the tab. No way could you wear those get-ups in real life....

I think Yolanda meant she hadn't gone for a walk on the beach in 9 months, not walking in general. I wish she would be a spokesperson for the dangers of implants instead of being a spokesman for lyme disease. The nerd in me was checking out the soil erosion and how close the beach houses were to the ocean now. Malibu coastline is screwed.

I liked Erika's home. I liked that she referred to her prayer area as a chapel and not a more trendy meditation room. I really didn't get the references to Pasadena.

OK, maybe she meant the beach, but I took it as not going for A walk. Whatever, at this point everything Yolanda does bugs the hell out of me. It's like people were talking about in the last thread, "look at that bitch eating those crackers like she owns them!" Lol.

And let us not forget she couldn't read, write, watch TV..... Then Instagram pics of her with 10 books she's reading. I'm just so over Yolanda.

Yeah, what WireWrap said (:

Edited by imjagain
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It's stuff like that, regarding Yo not walking for 9 months! She make these freaking grand statements and we're left looking around like confused foggy brained children. We saw Yo walking in the park the first couple episodes. I know yo is ill, but damn she loves people to feel sorry for her. She is tiresome.

If she hasn't walked around in nine months, she'd be big as an ox. Not really an ox, but at least gained a few pounds. Yoda just loves to exaggerate and bloviate. She's looking for anything that will stick to get the sympathy. The problem is not one woman in this cast seems to care and when they do only gossip and don't seem to buy the extremes of her Lymes.

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  I also laughed, and it is so bad, when Yolanda claimed to have "survived her surgery".  For chrissake woman you didn't have a heart lung transplant-they didn't even go into any body cavities. 



Thing is, being out on the table for 7hrs is nothing to sneeze at..many complications can arise.


I like Lisa R as well in a loose cannon unpredictable kind way


Loved seeing the old money decorated Pasadena house porn befitting a wealthy lawyer.

Edited by sheetmoss
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I think Yolanda meant she hadn't gone for a walk on the beach in 9 months, not walking in general.


While that is always possible, she has said in the past that she was confined to her bed/bedroom/house for 7/9/19 months, that she could NOT read, watch TV, hear music, write, drive a car, all during the time we all saw leave her house, drive a car, ride a bike, go on trips, listen to music, walk, run, write, read, well do all those exact things. LOL She wants everyone to buy into her stories and forget what our eyes/ears have seen/heard. We know that if she had really wanted to take a walk on the beach, she was in fact capable of doing so, she just chose not to and is trying to get us to buy she was physically incapable of doing it....which IS a LIE IMO. 

Edited by WireWrap
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