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S05.E16: Skeletons In The Closet

Tara Ariano
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She gets to crawl through homemade mazes of empty Natty Ice cans and discarded syringes at Grandma April's apartment with the eventual goal of learning how to feed herself. That's plenty of stimulation.

Tyler and Catelynn aren't broke. They can afford baby music classes or Gymboree. What's the excuse except for laziness and disinterest?

Just cause they can afford it doesn't mean they are doing it. Plus I was really referring to HER parents teaching her and setting an example to become a well rounded person.

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Is Matt going to say if the kids are his or not? Or...is he just gonna sit on that couch like a kid waiting to see if his mom can tell he forged his report card?

What a perfect description and yes, I think that's his plan.

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Right? Either they are sitting around on the couch or going out to eat at some strip mall restaurant. Does anyone have any hobbies? Their houses are all so depressing--no houseplants, no books, no art on the walls, no knickknacks or keepsakes around, just ugly furniture pushed up against the walls, and a laptop. They all have dogs--does anyone walk the dogs, play with them, take them to the park? Jesus, I'm lazy. I'm as lazy as can be, and my idea of a perfect day is to remain supine, with snacks close at hand. BUT my house is clean, I played with and enjoyed my son's company when he was little (still do!), I love to bake and cook, I have plants, I read, I play board games, go out with friends, and so on. Oh, and have a job. To see these kids, so young, doing nothing but lie around makes my blood boil. Aren't they interested in anything? They have nothing but time and plenty of money. At 23 I would have given an organ for that opportunity. (still would!). Do they not realize that the day is coming when Cate is going to be doing double shifts at Burger King to make ends meet?

I so agree with all of this.

These girls are missing so much, Cate should be grateful that she's able to stay home with Nova while she's so young, I know so many moms who would have given anything to have that opportunity. These years go by so fast, they'll be grown before they know it. If they're not going to work outside the home, I don't understand why they're not spending as much time as they can with their baby.

There will come a time when they will HAVE to work outside the home and be away from their kids. If I were them I'd be with my baby every minute until the time comes that I have to go work.

To me, them squandering this time is so much worse than the money they squander. I had both of my kids before my 20th birthday and even that young I knew how important it was to spend as much time with them as I could.

The years go by so fast, you blink your eyes and they're grown.

I can't believe that Tyler is so arrogant that he thinks that even after watching all of this shit that Carly will run to them the minute she turns 18 and move into the Carly room.

She'll watch this and be so damn happy that they didn't raise her. I wouldn't be surprised if she wants nothing to do with them when she gets older.

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Couple of things I haven't seen mentioned.

- Didn't Tyler say he wanted Cate to go to his therapy session with him to talk about things? I thought that's what I heard. I was kind of pleasantly shocked he had his own therapist with regular sessions.

- Also Cate and Ty related I thought I heard him say that Nova would be home for 'a night or two' and then back at Cate's mom's house. He kind of stopped himself but if that was accurate I bet April has her more than Cate and Ty do.

(edited for typos)

Edited by NikSac
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Is there any way to watch the aftershows online?  I live in Canada and we don't get them on MTV Canada.  They aren't streaming on the MTV Canada Website and you have to log onto the MTV US site using information about your cable provider.  I love reading about what happens, but I would love to see some of it with my own eyes. 



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Tyler isn't going to be a writer. I don't think he has any aspirations beyond keeping a storyline going In hopes of another season of teen mom. Honestly I think that is the only reason he married cate and had another kid with her.

It's interesting that cate isn't even trying to fake being happy. She's letting it all hang out. I think she regrets giving up Carly and sees that she could have kept her. But everyone is constantly telling her she did the right thing. What must that do to her self esteem? she is getting props ffor placing Carly for adoption which must feed her obvious need for attention and acceptance but on a deeper level she she is not validated because the general census is that her daughter is better off being raised by other people. I think that, compared with how Tyler is a dick, and cate knows on some level that she made the decision to place Carly because Tyler wanted to is really affecting her. Look at how Tyler was popping off at her on the last special when she wanted to get married and he didn't. Imagine how he probably shut her down when they discussed adoption.

I don't know how they even admit in the show the butch and April are babysitting. When they were exactly the excuse for placing Carly. Crazy. They should keep their stories straight if they want to be more convincing.

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She should have been in legitimate counseling from the moment she decided on adoption. I thought that's usually what happens and counseling continued until a few months after birth. God knows Catelynn could have benefited from it with all the shit that was being spewed at her by her mother and step father every fucking day.

I will never not get over that shit. That was tough for me to even watch, couldn't imagine living it.

Bethenny christian is bs. The only type of counseling there is is giving up your baby
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PPD this. PPD that. Why is Catelynn's slovenliness being pathologized? She was without goals and lived attached to the sofa for years before Nova.

Thank you. What's next? Cate is Bipolar. Cate suffers from Schizophrenia. Cate suffers from Anorexia. Oh, scratch that one.


I was rolling my eyes at her "having an anxiety attack" comments a few episodes back. Too many people throw that term around including "panic attack" without really knowing what a true panic or anxiety attack is all about. Having anxiety over a college exam final or having anxiety prior to a job interview is not the same as having an anxiety attack.  The same holds for depression, Bipolar, and apparently PPD. I had PPD after my second child and it is no joke.  The only thing Cate suffers from is chronic laziness, lack of motivation, and having a few enablers. I see more movement and vigor from the people on that TLC show My 600 Pound Life.


I concur with the comments about Nova needing a lot of stimulation. Hopefully, she is getting a lot of it at whatever house she is staying 50% of the time.


I am sorry, I keep reading comments about April's addiction. I could have sworn that she kicked her addiction and was doing pretty damn good. Did I miss something? Comments about the welfare of Nova seem to indicate April is back to her old ways but I am pretty sure she is clean.

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Not to mention, that bastard said it IN FRONT OF LEAH!! That is her father. Gary is not the best guy in the world, but he deserves the respect for being Leah's father. He is not the deadbeat, Matt is. Gary made sure to be in Leah's life when Amber couldn't bother to do so. Matt has no business pointing fingers at anyone while four of those fingers are pointing right back at him.

Word, Brooklynista. He started on that as soon as they drove away. You could see the anger in Matt's face as Amber dared to give him the side-eye. Then, when they rolled on in to the garage, Matt and Amber start pulling out the cameras from the car. You know there was a lot of major shit going down that the editors didn't show us. Amber can be just as mean and nasty as any guy, but I get the feeling Matt is beating her down (figuratively speaking). He quickly made it about Gary. Why so defensive Matt? Whatcha got to hide? You are mad because someone threw a wrench into your plans. Matt had to act quickly and make Gary look like the bad guy. And what the fuck was it with him yelling at Heather? When Amber sat on the couch in the After-Show special, she had the audacity to say how the crew is her family yet, she didn't say a damn thing when Matt cursed out Heather and the crew. He was no different than Farrah. Matt just showed how bad a temper he really has, more so than Tyler. Matt is likely one to harm animals, women, and children in more ways than one.

I'm gonna show my age here. Tyler reminds me of the singer/musician Richard Carpenter, looks-wise.

How is it a guy like him can own a home, have a huge wedding, plan a honeymoon, bring another child into the world and then sit back and not have a care in the world about his future?

I loved how Cate was quick to say she was a stay-at-home mom when Tyler's mom brought up the topic about Tyler's future plans for work. She then balked at having to care for Nova in a different scene. She is so stressed, she has to dump Nova at her mom's or wherever. Sorry dear, that is what a stay-at-home mom does when they you know, STAY AT HOME.

I got a little bit nervous as Cate seemed to be a wee bit aggravated at Nova when she was changing her. I thought she was going to yank her arm to pull the child up into a seating position out of anger.

Cate seems to be a bit angry herself. She didn't want to hear about how she drops her kid off. She was also one lazy ass bitch at the therapist's office. She was leaning on Tyler as she was looking at her phone as if she was at home. Why is this girl so damn lazy? She couldn't bother to give the therapist her full attention. See, that shit bugs because if you can't put 100 percent into therapy, why the fuck do you go? Yeah, Cate can go kick rocks. She doesn't get any sympathy from me. You reap what you sow. She wanted a baby so now she must deal with it. All her talk about a career was just a story line for the cameras.

Whoa, did Farrah really reach her arm out to her mom in that therapy session? Color me shocked. Then again, it could have been for the sake of the cameras and the therapist who seemed to be siding with the parents and pointing out Farrah's negative attitude. Thank goodness. Even Michael was not taking Farrah's shit. I think I saw a back-bone literally growing on his back!

Caitlnn or Tyler never had to be accountable for anything. Caitlnn is lazy because she's gotten use to do nothing.
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I think the problem for Cate is this show. When she gave Carly up for adoption she had no idea that there was going to be a Teen Mom show. She was imagining life as a normal 16 year old with a baby and no parental help at all (or even parental hindrance). So she did the right thing and knew it at the time. The problem is, since Teen Mom was picked up, they've been rolling in money so they easily could have raised Carly, regardless of their parents' situation. So now she regrets it because in hindsight, she can say 'yeah I could have done it' but at the time, she couldn't possibly have known that. If Teen Mom had never happened, she'd probably be a lot happier with her decision.

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Tyler and Catelynn aren't broke. They can afford baby music classes or Gymboree. What's the excuse except for laziness and disinterest?

I doubt Cate or Tyler were ever taken to a baby music class or Gymboree. It takes a lot of thought, effort, and commitment to raise your children better than you were raised and I don't think either of them have enough distance from their own poor upbringing or the maturity to be able to do that for Nova.

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Couple of things I haven't seen mentioned.

- Didn't Tyler say he wanted Cate to go to his therapy session with him to talk about things? I thought that's what I heard. I was kind of pleasantly shocked he had his own therapist with regular sessions.

- Also Cate and Ty related I thought I heard him say that Nova would be home for 'a night or two' and then back at Cate's mom's house. He kind of stopped himself but if that was accurate I bet April has her more than Cate and Ty do.

(edited for typos)

I was flipping through the channels last night and I happened to catch the therapy scene again and that's what I heard also. I didn't really catch it the first time I watched.

He said something like Nova will be gone for a few days and come home for a night or two. I think Nova is gone a lot more than than Tyler and Cate want people to believe.

Edited by grumpypanda
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I doubt Cate or Tyler were ever taken to a baby music class or Gymboree. It takes a lot of thought, effort, and commitment to raise your children better than you were raised and I don't think either of them have enough distance from their own poor upbringing or the maturity to be able to do that for Nova.



If anything they have become more embedded in the world they were trying to leave.  Cate is probably the main bread winner for the whole clan (including Tyler), since she was the actual one who got pregnant and gave up Carly.  She is now supporting the very people that made her childhood miserable (April and Butch). They are also the local celebrities among their friends/family and we know how much Tyler loves that attention.


If the were serious, Cate and Tyler would have taken the money and tried to set themselves up in a more economically viable area.  There they could have had much more in the way of educational and career opportunities.  However, this would take gumption and drive that neither one of them possess.


It's sad, because they were given a once in a lifetime opportunity to lift themselves out of poverty and distress, without having to put in the years of hard work required to accomplish such a goal.  So far, they have squandered it.

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Just rewatching. Was Debra driving while she was on FaceTime with Farrah? You could see the steering wheel moving while she was on the video call.

I think she was at first but to me it looked like towards the end she was stopped or parked somewhere.  


I'm surprised they don't do more advocacy about that with these girls cause they do it ALL THE TIME.  Not facetiming, but just talking or texting while driving.


I work for an organization where this is a huge deal and it's hammered into my brain daily so I notice these things lol

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I am sorry, I keep reading comments about April's addiction. I could have sworn that she kicked her addiction and was doing pretty damn good. Did I miss something? Comments about the welfare of Nova seem to indicate April is back to her old ways but I am pretty sure she is clean.

I've also read a lot of comments about how April smokes and that is bad for baby Nova, when both Tyler and Catelynn smoke!

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I truly don't understand how Tyler and Cait could mourn giving up Carly, miss her, look forward to seeing her etc but treat their own baby daughter like such a throwaway thing.  They are two selfish horribly lazy slovenly people who honestly don't deserve to have kids. I feel terrible for Nova. Her biological sister is living the good life with two people who adore her and she will never want for anything. On the other hand Nova has two parents who literally have NO responsibilities other than taking care of her, no jobs to wake up early for and they don't have to worry about paying bills (yet). With all this freedom and the fact that she was born into a two parent household where both parents can easily (as in they don't work, don't have anything else to occupy their time, are physically healthy enough to take care of her, have no disabilities etc) take care of her, they are too goddamned lazy to even meet her basic needs and have outsourced her care to a (former) addict. Makes my blood boil and I bet Teresa can't even watch this crap without crying. Cait is a total worthless piece of shit (and Tyler too) in my book. that poor little helpless baby should be held and played with and loved and cherished. All these years they have struggled and grieved over giving Carly up.. now they have their own beautiful daughter and they pawn her off and everyone else. Two to three times per week!! I bet its even more than that! My own daughter is 3 and she probably goes to her grandparents 4 or five times a year to spend the night! And she didn't even do that till she was over a year old. April couldn't even be bothered to raise Nick, I doubt she is paying much attention to Nova. The way Caitlyn snarled liked a feral dog about how its no one's business and that she needs a break. Girl you are pathetic! I complain about Maci leaving her kids with other people too often. But at least she is going and doing things (things that aren't appropriate for a young baby to be there) you are leaving your child with your mom probably more often than not and  for what? to sit on your fat ass and do nothing? Not working, not in school, obviously not exercising. You can't even clean your damn house! And if Cait needs a break why the hell isn't Tyler taking care of Nova. Too busy writing his non existent book? You are married and have a child. Time to grow the f*ck up. And wow Tyler's mom really can't stand Cait can she?


Amber is delusional. Sweetie if there are child support cases against Matt, those are definitely without a doubt his children. Most states require a paternity test (which is pretty darn accurate) for a child support case in which the father disputes the fact that he is the father. I'm sure all of those cases are legit and those kids are his. What a deadbeat. Why isn't he is "jell"? Have fun marrying him and having the great state of Indian attaching YOUR earnings  because you are supporting Matt and he refuses to work. I can't wait til this show is done and these idiots have to get real jobs.

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- Didn't Tyler say he wanted Cate to go to his therapy session with him to talk about things? I thought that's what I heard. I was kind of pleasantly shocked he had his own therapist with regular sessions.


I think this is just because he likes to talk about himself. It's the same with Farrah. She has regularly seen a therapist for years. No real progress has been made. The right narcissist can find the therapist that fits their desire to have sycophants all around them. 

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Why for fuck's sake do Cate and Tyler need to go on a honeymoon? Haven't their lives been one big ol' honeymoon for the past six years? Eh. Maybe I should cut them some slack. They deserve to go on a fun-filled trip to get away from the stress of...*thinking*


True dat about Cate and Tyler both smoking. You gotta love how MTV makes sure to edit out the bad stuff from this show although, I do remember a glimpse of cigarette smoke emitting from Tyler's hand in some episode a while back. The camera person made sure to not show his hand, though.


Has April been shown smoking lately? I did notice her teeth were very white during the wedding scene. Veneers or teeth whitening perhaps. They look better.


I didn't realize Tyler had stated Nova is over at April's more often than I thought.  Saying Nova is over at April's for three nights and then they go pick her up for one full day and return her just blows me away. Yeah, I think Cate is using whatever excuse she has to steer away from her duties as a "SAHM". She sure as hell isn't too depressed to plan a wedding, going out to party, have a big wedding, go to Hawaii. But just mention school, work, and you know, LIFE IN GENERAL and she quickly becomes defensive or reminds people she is a SAHM.

Edited by GreatKazu
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It's so interesting that the producers/editors will carefully frame C&T's scenes so that the casual viewer don't notice the cigarettes -- even when Nova is right there. If it were Amber, they would probably zoom right in and even slow motion her enjoyment of a cigarette.

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It's so interesting that the producers/editors will carefully frame C&T's scenes so that the casual viewer don't notice the cigarettes -- even when Nova is right there. If it were Amber, they would probably zoom right in and even slow motion her enjoyment of a cigarette.

Hell, we got to enjoy the drug fuel joy of Jenelle and Keefa. God forbid we see precious TyTy and Cate smoking a pack of Camels a day. Instead, we get to watch Cate gorge on food, chew the fuckin' nubs off her fingers, and scratch her scalp which make her look like she is some meth head who is itching for her next hit.

Edited by GreatKazu
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At least Maci doesn't leave her kids with people who qualify for an episode of "Intervention."


Yup. I'll take her passive aggressive attempts at getting Mimi to babysit her kid from another dude ANY day over having Sock Puppet Prison Papa in charge of an infant. 

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Yeah I don't have any problem with Maci having Jen and Larry watching Jayde, it seems like the times we have seen her asking them is when she went on that mud run and when she went to a wedding, but Cate and Tyler seem to be asking April almost everyday. My favorite thing that I mentioned earlier was that Tyler is so self-centered, he probably doesn't even realize when the baby isn't there. I'm sorry, but he seems like one of those fathers who he is fine with baby playtime but when serious stuff needs to happen, he isn't into it. 

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I thought Tyler had to think awfully hard about how often Nova is even home, and for how long before she's gone again. I don't think he really notices or cares much.

Edited by NikSac
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Can Mimi Jen watch Nova?

Check out the deleted scene at MTV.com where Butch slyly offers to accompany C&T to Hawaii to babysit Nova just because he wants a vacation too.

April was a terrible mother and is overcompensating by being the bestest grandma ever --- but at the expense of Catylnn's mothering skills.

Edited by CofCinci
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I thought Tyler had to think awfully hard about how often Nova is even home, and for how long before she's gone again. I don't think he really notices or cares much.

That's what I mean. When his mom mentioned it, he was like, "oh? that's a lot?" He doesn't notice because it doesn't affect him. I really don't like him. There are times where I think I could but then he will do something to make me not like him. I still like Catelynn but I agree, she's lazy and for all her talk, she hasn't done much of what her goals were, she wanted to go to college too and she didn't do any of that. It makes me sad. 

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I have a feeling with Cate and Tyler they don't seem to give that much of a shit about parenting with Nova is because she is not Carly. She's basically the replacement baby for Carly, but since she's not actually Carly she will never measure up...which to me explains why Tyler and Cate seem to have a negative view towards her (like calling her needy and hyper to the therapist and getting defensive when she started to question them....she's a baby for chrissakes!!!) and why they are so cavalier about leaving her with April multiple times a week(!!!!) and even Butch. Nova will probably grow up resenting Carly cos I bet she's in store for a helluva lot of comparisons to her "sister" throughout her life.


Carly is just the golden child, hands down.

Edited by fliptopbox
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That's what I mean. When his mom mentioned it, he was like, "oh? that's a lot?" He doesn't notice because it doesn't affect him. I really don't like him. There are times where I think I could but then he will do something to make me not like him. I still like Catelynn but I agree, she's lazy and for all her talk, she hasn't done much of what her goals were, she wanted to go to college too and she didn't do any of that. It makes me sad.

I actually got a different feeling from Tyler when he was asking both his mom and therapist if they thought Nova was gone too often, he seemed to be trying too hard to ask innocently and act shocked by their responses. It seemed very manipulative to me like he had those thoughts already and wanted to enlist others in trying to shame Cate for it in a way that wouldn't make it look like it was his idea. Trouble is, he is just as responsible for Nova and where she spends the night as Cate is.

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I seem to recall seeing Cate and Ty holding cigarettes.  Cate definitely during the bachelor party episode.  Saw April with a butt when she was talking to Carly at the wedding.  And I remember seeing packs of cigarettes on the table at Maci's when she was living with Kyle.  And in the scene when she were driving to the wedding talking about how much she had accomplished in her short life (!), I'm pretty sure Maci was holding a vape pen.

Edited by Marisagf
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Tyler and Cate are a train wreck. She is in her early twenties, a whale, who claims debilitating anxiety whenever the dust blows the wrong way. She should be insecure! What positives does she bring to this relationship? She is banking HARD on their history...

...and Tyler is a flat out idiot and loser. He's living a "show" life and not an actual life. I remember there was some speculation on here that he's a closet case, which tracks for me and makes the whole thing even more sad. Their lives are fragile shells being sustained by a disinterested camera crew and "fans" who won't buy his shitty book, as if such a thing will ever exist in the first place.

Rundown on the others: a T-shirt with a pocket! Now I've heard everything! Farrah is just a whore, right? I know it was reported she got millions for that sex tape, but there is NO WAY that's true. The porn industry is in shambles, and they over report to entice other stupid women like Farrah into selling sex tapes. I can't imagine her being good to any client, though. What a nightmare. Amber. I was rooting for her a few years ago, but she's heading right back to where she started. Sad.

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I actually got a different feeling from Tyler when he was asking both his mom and therapist if they thought Nova was gone too often, he seemed to be trying too hard to ask innocently and act shocked by their responses. It seemed very manipulative to me like he had those thoughts already and wanted to enlist others in trying to shame Cate for it in a way that wouldn't make it look like it was his idea. Trouble is, he is just as responsible for Nova and where she spends the night as Cate is.

Yes, Tyler is very manipulative. You can see how he has disdain for Catelynn. She is a codependent in love with a narcissist. Tyler is a narcissist just like his father.
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I actually got a different feeling from Tyler when he was asking both his mom and therapist if they thought Nova was gone too often, he seemed to be trying too hard to ask innocently and act shocked by their responses. It seemed very manipulative to me like he had those thoughts already and wanted to enlist others in trying to shame Cate for it in a way that wouldn't make it look like it was his idea. Trouble is, he is just as responsible for Nova and where she spends the night as Cate is.

I thought the same, he seemed to know it wasn't normal although I also think he had no idea how often she's even home (also not normal!). I couldn't decide if his fakeness in those scenes was due to them being reenactments or him being manipulative. I also think he's probably one of those guys who thinks "she's a stay at home Mom so I'm not responsible for any child care." Which is generally BS in my opinion anyway (yes she should do most of it but he should be a dad too), but when BOTH of them stay at home all day, I really don't get it.

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Finally caught the episode. You guys have covered most of it, so I'll just say this: reason 3,423 how we know Taylor is not that into Maci- his willingness (in fact, I'd call it vested interest) to sit and discuss Ryan's motivations and character weaknesses. Even if he was not the jealous type, wouldn't he find it boring to sit and break down every nuance of Ryan's moods? At this point I'd say Taylor is more interested in Ryan than Maci.

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Yest. 8:52 pm

Finally caught the episode. You guys have covered most of it, so I'll just say this: reason 3,423 how we know Taylor is not that into Maci- his willingness (in fact, I'd call it vested interest) to sit and discuss Ryan's motivations and character weaknesses. Even if he was not the jealous type, wouldn't he find it boring to sit and break down every nuance of Ryan's moods? At this point I'd say Taylor is more interested in Ryan than Maci


I agree that Taylor is not into Maci at all. Just her fame, connections and money. Nice that he bought a really ugly t shirt line and started a company using Maci's money (i'm sure, because he doesn't appear to work) but did not put her name on the company and they aren't married. I think taylor is a user and I actually feel a tiny bit bad for maci. However seeing her light up when Ryan was holding Jayde (which was adorable) I think she still has some feelings for Ryan. I wish they would just get back together and get married like their parents wanted them to.  Then Taylor loses all connections to Maci's fame. Jayde isn't really well known on TM like Bentley is so no one will care that he's one of Maci's baby daddys. Fans will swoon that Ryan and Maci are back together and taylor will be totally forgotten about and his dumb tshirt company will go bust but he will be on the hook for child support for Jayde so he will have to get a real-world job. Would serve him right. I honestly feel bad for how dumb these girls are.  Even Tyler is using Cait for the TM connection. Taylor would have no interest in Maci if she wasn't on TM. Hell he can barely fake an interest in her now.

Edited by kira28
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Taylor is like Matt without the babies and the conning.  He has been up front that he is only with Maci for the show and she has had to buy a house and a business for him to get that ring on her finger.


Tyler and Cate are like low class people who have won the lottery. This has nothing to do with them coming from poorer backgrounds, because many people with little money are classy, but about how they act.  They are lazy and unmotivated.


Carly is just the golden child, hands down.



You are kinder then me.  I think Carly is the child that layed the golden eggs.  She gives them money and fame.  I also notice how they think her being a great kid is more to do with them being birth parents, then Brandon and Teresa doing all the hard work of raising her.


The nasty comment that Tyler made about her height, makes me thank God that she is being raised by what seem like decent people.  Think about how mortified Carly would be if she ever hears her birth father making fun of her in this manner and on camera on top of that.


Also, being Teen Mom's golden couple has really gone to their head.  They think they are awesome, particularly Tyler.

Edited by qtpye
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You are kinder then me.  I think Carly is the child that layed the golden eggs.  She gives them money and fame.  I also notice how they think her being a great kid is more to do with them being birth parents, then Brandon and Teresa doing all the hard work of raising her.


Exactly. Carly wouldn't be treated any more kindly than Nova is if raised by Cate and Tyler. I'm sure Carly had her fair share of nights keeping up Brandon and Theresa crying inexplicably, and she had her toddler meltdowns, and as a school age child probably misbehaves as much as the next kid. The difference is, when Carly does it, it's not Cate and Tyler that have to deal with it. B&T have to do all the hard work of raising a well mannered, thoughtful, hard working productive member of society, and C&T want to swoop in and take all the credit, as well as pointing out how they would have done it better.


Carly is essentially to C&T what Daddy Derek is to Farrah- a storyline that can be rewritten many times.

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Cate and Tyler are in for a rude awakening when the MTV money runs out and they have to get real jobs.  Being "Tyler from Teen Mom" is not a real way to go through life.  They are on the planet for another 60 years or so, how do they plan to support themselves?  They should have been using this free time of not having to work to get educations or build a brand or something.  Too bad.


I think Maci will be okay ultimately because her parents will support her financially if all else fails.  Farrah will browbeat her parents into selling organs to support her.  Amber and Cate are screwed.

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Cate and Tyler are in for a rude awakening when the MTV money runs out and they have to get real jobs.  Being "Tyler from Teen Mom" is not a real way to go through life.  They are on the planet for another 60 years or so, how do they plan to support themselves?  They should have been using this free time of not having to work to get educations or build a brand or something.  Too bad.



I wish this were true.  I would not be surprised if OG is renewed for another season. 


I guess I am part of the problems, because I watch this show.  However, I started out with 16 and P and was watching because my oldest child is the same age as the kids on the program.  I gave birth to my child around the same time these girls did, but I am no teenager.  I honestly liked a lot of the girls on the program, once.


Anyway, I am shocked that it is six years later and these girls are still collecting the checks.  Even Amber going to jail did not stop the gravy train.  I guess it is because we saw these children being born and are now invested in their lives.  However, I am disappointed that none of the girls have made anything of themselves, beyond D list reality celebrities.


There are many 23 year old women out there that are smart, responsible, and hard working.  However, those ladies are struggling because of economic forces out of their control.  These include things like the Great Recession and student loan debt (not everyone is fortunate enough to get 250K for every season of teen mom, so two seasons a year add up to 500K).  I know the numbers, because Amber was forced to disclose her salary in one of her hearings to the judge.


Yet, these gals are living the easy life because they got knocked up as teenagers.  I guess the saying "life is not fair" is very true in this case.

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Tyler's comments about Carly's height show that he is jealous and intimidated by a child. Expect more passive-aggressive comments about Carly as she ages. That Balteirra Ego.



It will get worse, as probably by age 10, Carly will be more articulate and educated then both of her birth parents.  That will be a blow to his ego.


What did Tyler say about Carly's height?



He commented that because Carly is tall (like him) that she will be manly and unfeminine.  He then parodied a deep manly voice and said "Hi, I'm Carly" to describe her walking into a room when she gets older.


He obviously does not know that many tall beautiful women that I know, who would never look twice at his smug scrawny ass.

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I am absolutely blown away by Tyler and Cait! I am a SAHM with a 2 year old, a 5 year old who goes to school, an 18 month old I babysit, and a 4 month old that I babysit. My husband is in the military and is gone all the time. My mom lives next door and my 2 year old has never spent the night over there and my 5 year old spent the night nearly a year ago. The last time my husband and I went anywhere without our children was 2 years ago.

What is so stressful in their life that they have to hand their child over so much? Why do they always just sit around? They have to be the laziest people I know! I don't think they would know how to be adults/parents even if they tried. I refuse to let their circumstances be an excuse because my father was a drug addict/alcoholic my whole life and while my mother was fantastic, she never showed any kind of affection. I have turned out to be a good mom. They seriously have the potential to do great things and be amazing parents to the little girl that they have, but I don't think they truly wanted a child. I believe that Nova is a sympathy child to replace their first child. They wanted this baby so bad, but they weren't ready to give up their lifestyle of pure laziness and work for it.

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Has April been shown smoking lately? I did notice her teeth were very white during the wedding scene. Veneers or teeth whitening perhaps. They look better.


I saw April hug someone, I think at the wedding, and noticed April had a lit cigarette in her hand.  I don't know anybody who smokes any more, but even back when it was acceptable in my crowd, I hated people hugging me while holding lit cigarettes.


April's teeth look like dentures to me.

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There are many 23 year old women out there that are smart, responsible, and hard working.  However, those ladies are struggling because of economic forces out of their control.  These include things like the Great Recession and student loan debt (not everyone is fortunate enough to get 250K for every season of teen mom, so two seasons a year add up to 500K).  I know the numbers, because Amber was forced to disclose her salary in one of her hearings to the judge.


Yet, these gals are living the easy life because they got knocked up as teenagers.  I guess the saying "life is not fair" is very true in this case.

What is even more appalling about the money they earn, is the fact Amber blew her earnings while she was a drug addict. All that money is gone except for what she pulled in once she got out of prison and started another season of this show. A lot of it was spent foolishly, no doubt, but a big part of it went into her renting one place after another and whatever drugs she ingested.  That is why she was court-ordered to set up that college fund for Leah. That was around the same time when she was required to fill out an income declaration and her salary was revealed. Now she has Matt in her life who is no doubt sucking her dry of her money.


Amber is not the only one. There is Maci who found herself with major tax issues. She owed at least three years of back taxes. Surely she wasted a lot of her money on alcohol, parties, paying for hotels for her friends as they head to concerts and such. Same thing with Karl from TM2 who also found herself owing a lot of money on taxes. She even mentioned not being able to have the wedding that she wanted because she had to "plan on a budget" due to having to pay taxes. Jenelle and Leah also had issues with owing the IRS back taxes and interest. Yep, they live the easy life, but Uncle Sam makes sure to get his cut. God knows how many people these girls are supporting with their earnings.

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"Since when has risk been an issue for us?" Matt to Amber, regarding the house

VoiceOver when looking at the first house.."Matt and I decided to invest OUR money..." Good one, Amber

Between this and Maci, I wonder if any of the TM girls are bisexual? Maybe I should catfish one and get houses and t shirt companies?

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