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S27.E11: It's Not Easy Beating Green

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I think Krista couldn't dive because she has too much buoyancy.


So, the Pope and Raquel Welch are in a lifeboat...and yada yada yada Raquel Welch says "Those aren't buoys"


Sorry, couldn't resist.

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Justin weeping like a baby and yelling at Diana was just embarrassing. I really, really don't want him to win. I thought both the cell phone task and the pattern making one seemed really easy, I expected Justin to have to search through tons of phones. The dancing waters show though looked exhausting. Having to jump from such a height and to search while all that greasy makeup was probably obscuring your vision-yikes! I give credit to Krista for trying five times and not giving up.


If Justin really were a super fan and not an entitled ass, he would have realized that no one is automatically promised either first place or any place. Anything can happen even to the most competent racers. Either of the other two teams winning is fine by me. Oddly, I don't mind the paps too much-they do bicker a lot but it doesn't seem to bother either of them too much. 

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Green team (mostly Justin) can't blame their problems on the taxi driver -- they never asked anyone around them where the address was. Why assume the location required a taxi...without checking first?

Let's state for the record that the Perfect Race Tactic in that situation is to ask someone on the street for directions before seeking out a cab. Let's also state for the record that even teams we love unreservedly -- and we should definitely have reservations about how Justin conducts himself -- don't race perfectly.

I'm not comfortable with the idea that the cheerleaders were eliminated because of a shitty cab driver. But I'm also not comfortable with how the Green team got fucked over by their cab driver after apparently completing the hard part of their Detour task efficiently and with good speed. This was not an especially well-planned leg for it to be an F3 elimination leg.

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my stomach feels like it's been turned inside out.


the one cheerleader calmly pep-talking krista after the third or fourth try was so sweet and touching, especially juxtaposed with all of Justin's histrionic sobbing.   those cheerleaders showed grace and class in the face of imminent loss.   each was more concerned that she might be letting her friend down


Meanwhile Justin bawled, "If I lose now, I'll never get over this!"


I wanted a bus or taxi to lose control and careen into him during the last moments of the show as he stood there waggling his fingers and hooting with imbecile laughter.  not since the Afghanimals have i disliked a racer this much, and that disdain pales by comparison to how much I despise Justin


i can't wait until this season is over and I never have to see him again.

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Last week I posted about wanting J&D to experience a really bad taxi driver as other teams in past seasons have done. This week I kept saying to myself "I can't believe it's coming true! I can't believe it!" And then when they took the wrong ferry, I kept hoping that maybe when they got to the mat, it wouldn't be just a penalty but Phil would send them back to take the right ferry. And then Krista took 5 tries to find the gold fish.........  I turned off the TV with 10 minutes left and came here to see the results. Shit.


Next week I'll DVR the finale but won't watch live. And if I find out J&D win, I'll just delete it without watching.


Do we know if there will be a spring season?


ETA: I see we already have a spoiler thread for next season, so it's obviously happening. Can't wait for February.

Edited by Quilt Fairy
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Justin was too much of a dick to Diana in the taxi. She needs to seriously consider that whenever he's not getting his way, he acts out and shows her zero respect.


I liked how the cheerleader who was watching the diving task didn't get nasty towards her partner. That was rough. I've liked her better of the two of them all along (the short one complains and whines endlessly), and when they got eliminated she was still the one who came off better, as the one who'd failed at the roadblock didn't have the grace to apologize to her supportive partner, but leapt right into saying it was okay, to comfort herself. I'd like to have seen Diana race with the taller, less whiny, unfailingly supportive cheerleader.


I liked that they showed Logan refusing to do what every person who ever sewed anything knows is the right thing to do, and how confidently she completely dismissed Chris for suggesting it. She is another one who has zero respect for her partner. Chris was dithering and driving me crazy earlier in the race, but he settled down and Logan took up the horribleness slack as soon as he got a grip on himself and started functioning. It wears me out to watch them be in conflict all the time.


The reporters being thisclose to first leg after leg is starting to feel like one of the more amazing elements of the race this season. They are soooooclose, and they miss it every time. Must be driving them completely nuts.


I thought the ending was genuinely suspenseful. Maybe that was good editing, but they don't always get me like they did this time.


I wonder if they gave the phone tasks better odds than needle in haystack tasks of previous seasons, and made a high number of the phones work, or if Justin and Diana are just that lucky.


While taxi problems did influence the way things happened this leg, both teams who had the problems were also having plenty of problems they themselves caused. The failure at the diving is why the taxi made any difference, and the failure to follow the clue's instructions is what gave Justin and Diana that huge penalty.

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Ironically, they got sent to the Kowloon ferry precisely because they asked someone around them. This is the danger in asking locals for help - they will suggest a better way how to get somewhere, but their definition of "better" may be very different from that of the racers'.


If you've just finished part of your challenge...and the next step is to find a specific address, that's the time to ask locals where you are for help.  They did not.  


If you read your instructions, and they say to take a specific ferry...then you should just ask for directions to that ferry.  If the local(s) offer other ferry info, politely decline and insist on directions to the one you need.

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Let's state for the record that the Perfect Race Tactic in that situation is to ask someone on the street for directions before seeking out a cab. Let's also state for the record that even teams we love unreservedly -- and we should definitely have reservations about how Justin conducts himself -- don't race perfectly.

I'm not comfortable with the idea that the cheerleaders were eliminated because of a shitty cab driver. But I'm also not comfortable with how the Green team got fucked over by their cab driver after apparently completing the hard part of their Detour task efficiently and with good speed. This was not an especially well-planned leg for it to be an F3 elimination leg.

But, why were they taking a cab when the next step (after they found the cell phone) was within walking distance. That didn't make sense to me.

Edited by preeya
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Normally, I'd say Phil's "Didn't see that coming!" comment was out of character.  But:


First, he didn't say that to Justin & Diane.  He was speaking to the Paps and the News Anchors who were standing there with their mouths open while Justin sat to one side disintegrating in a puddle of his own tears.  Frankly, when the penalty was awarded (no surprise) I guffawed and hooted with laughter for about a minute.  How the others were able to refrain from laughing in Justin's face so hard as to make his hat fly off, I don't know!


Second, think how repulsive a character Justin has become to us, who only have to deal with him for a few minutes on a Friday.   Now think what it must be like for Phil, to have to put up with him, day after day for three+ weeks!  I think Phil can be forgiven for leaking a little distain for such a reprehensible personality.  In fact, it's probably fair to say Phil exhibited rare restraint!


(Edited, because Justin is not Dustin)

Edited by Netfoot
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That was a great Episode.  Lots of scenery, lots of excitement.   I don't really want to hang out with Justin, but he doesn't bother me as much as he seems to bug most of you. Logan and Chris are what makes me turn the volumes down.  Really looking forward to next week!

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I have given Justin benefit of the doubt but it's gone now after the way he addressed Diana when she was just trying to help and keep his attitude his check when he's frustrated. Isn't that how partnerships work? She's as bad as him if she just sat by and enable his bad behavior. But of course, he just berated her quite nastily. This is not the first time he has done this. He loves being in the position of power and doesn't like it when she opposes his opinions. Good luck being married to someone like that, Diana. And what's with Justin automatically assuming that Diana is going to struggle at the Roadblock without even seeing her attempt it? 


I am not bothered by Logan and Chris and their bickering at all because they don't seem to take it to heart and both can take it as much as they dish out. I'm not saying it's healthy but both are on level playing field, unlike Justin and Diana.

Edited by waving feather
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Normally, I'd say Phil's "Didn't see that coming!" comment was out of character.  But:


First, he didn't say that to Justin & Diane.  He was speaking to the Paps and the News Anchors who were standing there with their mouths open while Dustin sat to one side disintegrating in a puddle of his own tears.  Frankly, when the penalty was awarded (no surprise) I guffawed and hooted with laughter for about a minute.  How the others were able to refrain from laughing in Justin's face so hard as to make his hat fly off, I don't know!


Second, think how repulsive a character Justin has become to us, who only have to deal with him for a few minutes on a Friday.   Now think what it must be like for Phil, to have to put up with him, day after day for three+ weeks!  I think Phil can be forgiven for leaking a little distain for such a reprehensible personality.  In fact, it's probably fair to say Phil exhibited rare restraint!

This!  I too think the green team was driving production crazy.


Do we know if there will be a spring season?

I believe it starts up again in February.  Woo hoo.  I think they found a good slot on Friday night.

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Justin may be annoying, but he's in similar company.


I found the cheerleaders to have such a weird attitude at times throughout the race (particularly during their alliance with​ Tanner & Josh when they acted like it was a team of 4 instead of a team of 2). And the Paparazzi were negative nannies during every leg.


The only ones who aren't crazy are the Reporters, but they're not as fun to watch.

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The reporters being thisclose to first leg after leg is starting to feel like one of the more amazing elements of the race this season. They are soooooclose, and they miss it every time. Must be driving them completely nuts.


Well if it is, at least they're not manifesting it with obnoxious behavior. Can you imagine what Justin would've been like if he'd come in second five times in a row?

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Aargh. Justin is truly one of the worst contestants ever on TAR. He's all happy and dancing when they are doing well. The minute anything goes wrong he's blaming and yelling. Oh, and crying. Oh the crying.

I was so sick of hearing Krista say "I can't see anything" and "Where is it". Ugh. "I just feel like I ruined it". She sure did.

Loved Phil's "you didn't see that coming". Seemed like he wanted Justin to lose. Alas.

I will have to DVR next week and see if Justin wins before deciding to watch.

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Well if it is, at least they're not manifesting it with obnoxious behavior. Can you imagine what Justin would've been like if he'd come in second five times in a row?



Unthinkable, because then he couldn't get his name in the Who Gives a Shit Book of Records.

Edited by millennium
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I haven't hated Justin, but I do now.  Diana needs to run far and fast...after she kicks him hard in the balls.  I have so much second hand embarrassment at how he was acting towards that poor cab driver.


The cab driver was probably thrown by them asking for a cab ride to an address within a fucking block.  That's probably why he thought it was something else. 


I wasn't a huge fan of the cheerleaders, especially their kissing and hugging the locals, but I really appreciated how they treated each other this episode.  They have a much deeper, healthier relationship than Justin/Diana and Chris/Logan.


I've been cheering for the reporters for awhile now.  I think their personalities are charming.  But then again, I prefer British "reality" shows* as I find I enjoy their more respectable actions more than the ugly drama that American producers seem to think we need.  


I hope the Kelsey and Joey win.  


*Eg: Great British Bakeoff and Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares

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Arghhhhhh.....so mad!


I only take solace in the fact that its going to break Justin's little heart when he finds out how much people dislike him.  A million dollars or two dollars, that is a man who is desperate to be liked by America.  When he finds out people don't like him, and think he is a douche the money will be good -- but it won't be a compensation to him for not being liked.  He can call it "haters" all he wants, but this is Justin's 15 minutes of fame.  I'm sure in his mind, this show is going to launch him to great, great things.  But if he is a standout, its because he is wildly unlikable.  He can join the hall of fame of unlikable racers.  If he is lucky he will just fade silently into obscurity, if he is unlucky he will fade into obscurity with people always remembering him as that asshole from The Amazing Race.


But man would that have been so sweet to have the Green Team yanked out of the competition before the final 3.  He was already breaking down when they had 11 more minutes.  That would have been awesome.  


I wish the other teams had helped Krista.  It benefited them all to get the Green Team out, they could have just said "you have to go all the way to the bottom to get the fish" because whatever she was doing was not working.  I don't know how she ever figured it out.


I don't care who wins, I just don't want Justin to win.  If Diana wants to run the race solo and they will allow it fine, but if she is anchored to Justin then I don't want her to win either.

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Diana really wasn't any better; that "oh sure now the encouragement?" after she'd completed the Roadblock was uncalled for.

I bet Justin's been driving Phil nuts trying to impress him.

That water show looked really cool.

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I wanted a bus or taxi to lose control and careen into him during the last moments of the show as he stood there waggling his fingers and hooting with imbecile laughter.  not since the Afghanimals have i disliked a racer this much, and that disdain pales by comparison to how much I despise Justin

 I've watched since the first season and there has never been a team that I ever hoped would be eliminated as much as I was hoping they would leave tonight,  and that is primarily because of his behavior and not her.   He has ruined my usual enjoyment of this show.  It has been a fair amount of luck that kept these two in first place.  When was the last time there was any bunching during this season?  Let's see how they do next week when they are either behind or bunched up with the others. 

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I'm sick of Justin (clearly the only one), but just as annoyed with the show hanging everything on this "Justin-is-a-superfan-and-keeps-winning-but-hey-is-a-dick-so-now-let's-all-root-for-him-to-get-philiminated-in-a-suspensefulcomeuppance-way" arc. Since when is Phil the kind of Probsty host who offers "what a blindside!" type of comments like "Bet you didn't see that coming!"? And since when did the show allow every team to stay at the mat after they've checked in, just so that they can see and possibly influence the nail-biting finish? I'm almost surprised that it did not allow the paps and the reporters to scream at the cheerleaders to hurry up and sprint to the mat the second they appeared on the horizon. I guess the show at least knew there were tampering lines it couldn't cross. 


Meanwhile, as much as I hate Justinthedickoftime, I also couldn't with those cheerleaders. Look, I know the race is fatiguing, and it's hard to think clearly in the moment. But I also have little patience with teams trying a task over and over in the same way. Having trouble seeing underwater? Try taking out your contacts, if you're wearing them. At least ask the producers if it's against the rules to put on swim goggles (you are carrying some, aren't you?). Try working smarter.


I was watching one of Anthony Bourdain's shows the other day, he was in Hong Kong and was talking to an American expat who was explaining some nuances of Chinese culture. One of the things he said was that one never ever yells at another person in public there, because when you yell at someone, it's not a reflection on them, it's a reflection on you.



Heh. If Bourdain or anyone thinks people in Hong Kong never yell at each other in public, there's a bridge that I can offer you a good price on.


The cab driver was probably thrown by them asking for a cab ride to an address within a fucking block.  That's probably why he thought it was something else.



As he got out at the hotel to ask for directions, he was holding his phone and muttering, in Cantonese, "but there is no such street!" So it was probably a combination of the above, and the street being one of those alleys that did not show up on GPS. Which certainly means that Justin is allowed to be a cunt to him, if you ask me. 

Edited by Corgi-ears
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I disliked Justin at first, then saw him as competitive and enthusiastic, and a good racer. Until tonight's episode.

So, I want to apologize for Defending him the last two weeks. I was wrong, you all were right. He's an entitled cry-baby who doesn't appreciate the opportunity he's been given. Six year old kids playing soccer learn not to cry and carry on when you lose. Justin didn't just shed a tear, he acted like not winning would be the worst thing that could ever happen to him.

You know what would have been worse, Justin? If you had never been given the chance to race.

Well, worse for you. Better for us.

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Whew!  So very glad Green Team gets to race to the end.  Yeah I figured they would since the previews seemed to show they wouldn't.  But still that was an intense finish to the leg to watch.  Anyway I'm glad that Green Team will get to circumnavigate the globe.  They deserve it.  Their one mistake, after reading the clues so well all race, was not reading the clue regards the ferryboat.  The taxi thing was on the cabbie. 


And I have to respectfully disagree with the poster that said they should have asked a local first before getting in the cab.  They did ask a local.  A local cabbie. 


I've watched every season of the Race and though sometimes they might ask someone on the street it often times is after their cab has gotten lost.  Yes occasionally they will ask first but doesn't happen the majority of times.  Remember they just can't ask for directions in a few seconds and run so asking more than one person can be time consuming.


Remember, they have to get the person asked to sign a waiver form granting permission for that person's image to appear on American broadcast TV.  This often times involves language problems as well as the time to explain what the heck the form is and why the local has to sign it.


And if the local is suspicious in signing a form written in a language they can't read then they have to ask someone else instead and just wasted a bunch more time too.  It is a complicated process that consumes time where not consuming time is what is needed.  Especially since Green team wasn't with teh otehr three teams so didn't know where their place in the Race was at that point.


So if you have to choose between a random person on the street and a local cab driver who should know the area well, cabbies are often chosen.  And sometimes with the disasterous results we see here or in other Races.  I assume the Cheerleaders didn't ask anyone before getting a cab and had the same problem with their first cabbie on the way to the pitstop too.


I would have wished the Paps had been eliminated.  But the Cheerleaders, though they had some good legs recently, have been a pretty weak team on the whole surviving through "the kindness of strangers" (Texans) and u-turns of others and other team's mistakes for the majority of the race.  So I think 4th is more than even they expected.  But kudos to them at the end.  The one for not givng up and the other for giving one of the few really supportive pep talks I've seen on TAR ever.


Welp! I think the Green Team can be a little much - but I think they deserve to be in the Final 3 so I'm happy. I'd have preferred the Cheerleaders over the Paparazzi to make it to the final however.

I've found Justin exhausting but his enthusiasm for the race has made me root for his team. My money is on the reporters to win the big prize but I'm hoping that the team that has run such a dominant race pulls through. I'm going to show myself out :)


Why do you want to show yourself out?  Never apologize for rooting for who you root for.  I'm Green Team all the way even when the editing has told me early on they can't win.  Anyway TAR's editors pretty much say your money golden.  I have never ever seen such hamfisted, over-the-top editing regards the Reporters vs the Green Team.


Oh the hyperbole.  Green Team, can anyone ever possibly defeat them in the end?????  Reporters, always coming in a few minutes behind in second.  Can they ever win a leg of the Race????  Come on!  Anvils hitting our heads.  Hey editors, I'd love if you faked me out and Green Team actually wins.  But everything is saying the Reporters win.  And if so then you have never given away the winners' editing-wise as much as you have this season.  Back to Editing 101 for you asap!


If the edit is set up so that Live Local Action Eyewitness News finally goes from second to first for the big final bath mat -- and dear me, it's been foreshadowed that way -- then I'll be basically okay with it, because they've been a competent and un-annoying team, though, as so often is the case with Live Local Action Eyewitness News, they have not a person's worth of personality between the two of them. Chris and Logan can GTFO, because they are (based on their showing on TAR) terrible people and weak racers.


I agree about the editing totally.


And the lack of any real personality amonst local TV reporters.  Ever.  Interchanable parts.   I think they all attend "The Local Reporters Training School to Develop Bland, Plastic Personalities".  Nothing against them.  Just nothing for them.  That's why I call them Ken & Barbie a lot.  The looks and personalities of their profession match up well with those dolls.  Guess there aren't any budding young Edward R Murrows in the making left in this country.


Still editing says they win and editing says Green Team loses so though I wish it was the other way around it is still better than the Paps winning.  And as long as Green Team gets to step on the final mat even for the silver or bronze, I can live with that.

Edited by green
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Once again, Justin has demonstrated that he has only two modes: obnoxious/smug while winning and verbally abusive/rude/crying when he's losing. Either way, he's always turned up to 11 because it's all annoying Justin all the time.


While we were watching Justin sob his little eyes out during his time out, I told Mr. EB that although this is an unnecessary discussion to have since we have absolutely no desire to ever be on TAR, if we were even given a time penalty, we were not allowed to spend that time sobbing about how this is the worst thing eeeeeeeever and talking about how we can't go home now. Mr. EB's response: "I'll just spend the whole time doing pushups." I decided I would see if there were any snacks nearby or maybe take a nap. Basically we would do anything but talk about poor us and what we would give up (like our seven first place finishes!) to stay in the race.


I haven't been a huge fan of the cheerleaders, but I loved that even when they thought they had no hope of making it to the mat before Justin and Diana, Tiffany didn't blame Krista or yell at her. Instead she continued to be encouraging and supportive and gave her a pep talk. Compare that to Justin pouting in the cab and telling Diana that he wasn't being rude to the cab driver. How dare someone in Asia not speak English? The nerve! And how dare Diana point out that he was being a dick?


I am sure that Kelsey and Joey DO have personalities.. but seeing as they're being overshadowed by Logan and Chris (awful) and Justin and DIana (uh... no words but definitely takes up the entire screen  I mean room) it didn't come through very well.

Quite frankly I prefer quiet hard working racers than either of the other two couple whether or not they worked their butts off or relied a lot on luck.

ITA - I think the reporters may come off to some as lacking in personality because they aren't as obnoxious or loud as some of the other teams. They tend to put their heads down and do the tasks without fighting with each other, yelling, or being attention whores. They kind of remind me of Nat and Kat who were quietly competent without drama. I remember some people said Nat and Kat were boring but I liked them because they did the tasks well without screaming, crying, blaming each other, accosting/insulting locals, being assholes, or shit stirring with the other teams. I'll take that kind of team over an annoying douchebag like Justin any day. Reporters for the win next week!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Papps are so much more obnoxious than anything Green has done, they are the only ones I want to see tapped out in the dark of night by Phil.

Really is this something we even want to try and gauge?  The Paps (well specifically that piece of shit Chris) and Green (well specifically that utter knob Justin) are pretty much a dead heat in terms of toolishness. This is the classic battle of idiots. There IS no winner there.

Edited by Kromm
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I cant believe it took Krista that long to find the gold fish and they had a 55 minute penalty to help them catch up what a horrifying ending. 

One of the two cheerleaders was constantly whining in every leg of the race about how tired she was, or how painful something was. Was it Krista or the other one?

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Diana really wasn't any better; that "oh sure now the encouragement?" after she'd completed the Roadblock was uncalled for.

I'm confused on what you mean... and oh  lord I'm trying to remember (I just did a binge watch of the last 8ish episodes of season 1  ouch)... but I could have sworn somebody else(not Diana) said that to Justin when HE was saying something like 'nice job way to go'? 


Downside with captions on TAR is that you can't always tell who is talking- at least on the live show, the ones on Amazon they did put who was speaking (though in some spots they used the wrong names oops).  I may have to fast forward to see that part again.

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Basically we would do anything but talk about poor us and what we would give up (like our seven first place finishes!) to stay in the race.



In my agitation over last night's leg, I completely forgot that the green booger and his partner each won several trips, plus nearly $40,000 in cash apiece (I think they each got $31,000 from FitBit, then another $5000 each a couple weeks ago). 


Justin can cry all the way to the bank.

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I thought the person that said "oh now the encouragement" was Krista, in response to Justin's fake "don't give up Krista, you can do it" as he and Diana were leaving. Classic Justin... a sobbing mess when things are bad but when he thinks he's on top, he's all smiley. At that point, he was convinced they were going to beat the cheerleaders so he had nothing to lose by being nice. It's just like how he apologises to Diana after he had been a jerk.

But Diana isn't great either. She enables his crappy behaviour and she is just as entitled as he is. She sits there in interviews and also smugly talks about "the record". I'm so glad they can't beat Army Dave and wife's record. They can only tie. And I would hope that the editing indicates that for as many times as they have talked about it, they won't win.

Up thread someone asked if Krista was always the whiny one. I would say yes. I always identified her as the one that looks like Laura San Giacomo in her prime. She whined in cabs often. Although Tiffany was the one that kept crying about how the plate of Jewish food was so heavy.

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Justin is insufferable when he's winning: loud, extremely obnoxious, and an endless braggart.

Justin is insufferable when he's losing: he cries like a baby, complains that he could have done a challenge better, talks about how it's the worst thing ever, and treats his fiancee and the locals like shit.

I REALLY hope he is served his comeuppance in the final leg, because he is one of the worst people I've ever seen on the race.

Edited by AEMom
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I found the cheerleaders to be so repetitive, mostly in a whiny way. It's too heavy, it's too heavy, it's too heavy... I can't see it, I can't see it, I can't see it... and it looked like she kept swimming in the same places every time.  And they were rather self-unaware - We're athletes, it's to heavy - We are good with fabric, then they go about it in a way that no one else does - you don't need to know how the parts go together, you just need to trace and cut.  Plus, all the hugging of locals and seeming to think that they should/could get anything because they are cute.  The cheerleaders bugged me, but I was rooting for them to make it to the mat before the penalty was gone and was so disappointed when they didn't.  That is how much I dislike Justin.  


And, no, partner girl, she didn't "got this."  How many times did it take her?  Four?  


Five.  Her first time was with Logan and the female reporter.  Then she did the second one while Diana waited (which was the start of my emotional roller coaster ride).  Krista's third try was Diana's first - and only.  Then she did it again after Diana left.  Got a pep talk from her partner. And finally found it on the fifth attempt.


DamnitDamnitDamnit!  So close... they might have made it if the first cab dropped them off at the RIGHT place... down to taxi luck...Again. 


That was my first thought too, but then I realized that J/D wouldn't have been that far behind if it wasn't for bad taxi luck (although they didn't need to take a taxi, so it is partly on them).


In the interests of American foreign policy, his passport should be voided and he should be banned from imposing his ugliness on innocent foreigners.


I am all for getting along with the rest of the world, however, if his passport is voided then we are stuck with him all the time.  Can we exile him to Antarctica somehow?


i can't wait until this season is over and I never have to see him again.


This made me realize that perhaps I should be rooting for Justin to win the whole thing.  If he loses they would likely bring him back for a redemption season.  But if he wins, he will fade into obscurity.

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Justin, you are a horrible representation of being an uber fan.  Doesn't matter if the guy still can't understand you, you're still a dick for doing that.  And that's even before you botched it with going to the wrong terminal. 


I'm just not into this season.  I guess Joey/Kelsey for the...win?  Hell even the paps, I really don't want Justin.

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Finally a leg with some suspense (see what happens when a team doesnt haven a big lead right at the beginning of the leg?), unfortunatelly with a disappointing closure.  Lmao at Justin saying that last challenge was perfect designed for HIM! He did this once before, seems like everytime theres a potential for DIana do struggle a bit (I mean a potential cause at the end she got the fish really fast) he has to mention how much better he would have done the challenge.

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I was rooting for Green Team before last night, but ... What. A. Dick.  And everyone who says Diana has to get away from that smug passive-aggressive ass:  word.


Now I have no one to root for because all 3 teams in the finale are obnoxious.  The paps are just horrible people doing a horrible job gleefully making the world a more rude, tacky place, which is fitting because they're both foul people who treat each other and everyone else badly.  As for the newscasters, and Miss "I'm-a-Christian-and-he's-a-Catholic" -- that's the kind of ignorant entitled fundie talk that raises the hackles on the back of my neck.  And that's the ONLY personality either has shown for the entire season.


*sigh*  Let's get this over with and move on with our lives, shall we?

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