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Small Talk: Out of Genoa

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LOL  yeah, i know all about making yourself feel better by dying your hair.  mine has been every colour imaginable.  brown, red, blonde, black, burgundy...i used to say it made me feel like a whole different person...

now, i am allergic to hair dye and can only use henna..:(

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Bummer, dude. My hair has also been a bunch of colors (though not black, I'm way too pasty for that) right now it's blond (Preference #8) but up until last year it was auburn for years (which is my natural color) now there is too much white in it to get away with such a dark color all over.

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Boes said, in the "Getting to Genoa You" thread: That's some major worry and stress, Pearlite.  How's your cat doing and how are YOU doing?


First, I'm sorry if that felt like I was fishing for pity. Didn't mean it that way.

Blanche, one of my younger cats, suddenly stopped eating and everything else, and was dormant. Got her into my vet yesterday afternoon, worried as hell. So was the vet--her uterus had become infected and was filling her abdomen and mid-section--turned out part of it had twisted, and the whole thing was serious. They operated this morning, and she came through well. But it was really major and I'm solid marshmallow when it comes to worrying; anxiety just eats me up. Daughter and I burned up the texting-lines between Toronto and New Haven for twelve hours.

Moving on, it's odd because very little in public bothers me--I can and do lecture to 150 students, and address herds of people in meetings and neither thing fazes me. But my daughter or my pets, that's another thing.

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Pearlite, that's scary stuff.  I'd be, have been, in the same emotional headspace.  I think it's part of deal we make, with those animal beings, to care as much about them as they do about us. 

I think your cat's chose well when they adopted you!?

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25 minutes ago, pearlite said:

Yup. Firm believer in rescue and the kindness of strangers.

I bet she's a beautiful white kitty. Peaches LaTour is my rescue cat's name, French kitties got to stick together.

/Actually, I got her name from Arsenic and Old Lace.

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It's horrible,  just horrible when our little ones are in distress.  Bless her heart and best wishes for a speedy uneventful recovery for wee Blanche. 

Love the name Blanche.  As an old Corrie vet yourself pearlite,  you might appreciate my envisaging your Blanche as an acerbic, sharp tongued kitty purrrrrring pearls of wisdom like,   "Good looks are a curse Deirdre,  you and Kenneth should count yourselves lucky."  lol

Edited by klopek
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Sending the patented Preverted Healing Vibes to Blanche Le Chat de la Pearlite!  I have the purple candle burning right now.

I guess she'll have to wear an e-collar for a while?  The look of chagrin those collars provoke is sad and funny all at once.  I hope she's rolling in catnip and Temptations very soon!

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On 2016-09-17 at 3:13 PM, PatsyandEddie said:

valley, didn't you know that you're supposed to ignore your child's screams so that you can do your hair, apply makeup and chose an appropriate outfit  before you go in? 

My one son made so many trips to Emerg that they knew his first name. 

I used to spend so much time in emergency with my son that they asked me if I wanted them to keep a bed just for him.  Children get sick and have accidents but I guess they have no choice but to make sure the child is not being abused.

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3 hours ago, valleycliffe said:

miamama, read the review, sounds awesome and very very interesting..

on a shallow note, i think you are beautiful.

Thank you! Sweet. That Star review has the pic so HUGE. lol.

Blanche and Steve McQueen! Everyone on this board is so cool. 

I love you guys. 

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6 hours ago, pearlite said:

Boes said, in the "Getting to Genoa You" thread: That's some major worry and stress, Pearlite.  How's your cat doing and how are YOU doing?


First, I'm sorry if that felt like I was fishing for pity. Didn't mean it that way.

Blanche, one of my younger cats, suddenly stopped eating and everything else, and was dormant. Got her into my vet yesterday afternoon, worried as hell. So was the vet--her uterus had become infected and was filling her abdomen and mid-section--turned out part of it had twisted, and the whole thing was serious. They operated this morning, and she came through well. But it was really major and I'm solid marshmallow when it comes to worrying; anxiety just eats me up. Daughter and I burned up the texting-lines between Toronto and New Haven for twelve hours.

Moving on, it's odd because very little in public bothers me--I can and do lecture to 150 students, and address herds of people in meetings and neither thing fazes me. But my daughter or my pets, that's another thing.

OMG what a close call and talk about scary. I'm glad you caught it and she's on the mend. 

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11 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Good catty thoughts for Blanche! 

ShopAss was a giant weenie again today. I'm glad I only have to work with him once per week. Too bad I have to listen my mother hector me for being a doormat all the time. 

Why do our mothers not realize that the constant hectoring is precisely why we may let ourselves be treated like doormats? 

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16 hours ago, klopek said:

It's horrible,  just horrible when our little ones are in distress.  Bless her heart and best wishes for a speedy uneventful recovery for wee Blanche. 

Love the name Blanche.  As an old Corrie vet yourself pearlite,  you might appreciate my envisaging your Blanche as an acerbic, sharp tongued kitty purrrrrring pearls of wisdom like,   "Good looks are a curse Deirdre,  you and Kenneth should count yourselves lucky."  lol

Oh, Klopek, I did so love C-Street's Blanche!

Thank all of you for your wishes and prayers--you are genuinely the nicest group of people I've ever been "on a board" with!

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18 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

I bet she's a beautiful white kitty. Peaches LaTour is my rescue cat's name, French kitties got to stick together.

/Actually, I got her name from Arsenic and Old Lace.

She's a long-haired tortie--with a lot of shaved sections at the mo...

I'll post a picture when I'm at home--no pix on my office computer.

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1 hour ago, Snaporaz said:

How is Blanche's recovery coming along, pearlite?

Thanks for asking, snap!

I'm bringing her home this afternoon--she's eating, and performing the main functions. Now, to keep the other cats from getting too rambunctious...

Not the best picture, but the only one I had on my other office computer, and I can't resize the file, sorry.

Blanche Nov 15.jpg

Edited by pearlite
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12 hours ago, pearlite said:

Thanks for asking, snap!

I'm bringing her home this afternoon--she's eating, and performing the main functions. Now, to keep the other cats from getting too rambunctious...

Not the best picture, but the only one I had on my other office computer, and I can't resize the file, sorry.

Blanche Nov 15.jpg

She is beautiful, just beautiful.

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Beautiful kitty!  I hope she is recovering nicely. 

What an interesting coinkidink.  Tippi is the name of our tortoiseshell cat. She is all black and orange except for a white tip on the end of her tail.  And she is full of tortitude! 

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59 minutes ago, Tippi said:

Beautiful kitty!  I hope she is recovering nicely. 

What an interesting coinkidink.  Tippi is the name of our tortoiseshell cat. She is all black and orange except for a white tip on the end of her tail.  And she is full of tortitude! 

Peaches is all orange and black too, except about the last 1/4 of her tail is pale peach. Also her face looks like it was painted by Picasso. Hurray for tortitude!

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22 hours ago, pearlite said:

Thanks for asking, snap!

I'm bringing her home this afternoon--she's eating, and performing the main functions. Now, to keep the other cats from getting too rambunctious...

Not the best picture, but the only one I had on my other office computer, and I can't resize the file, sorry.

Blanche Nov 15.jpg

She has such a pretty face.

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Thanks, all of you, for your kindness and wishes! Again, you are the best group of people!

Her Blancheness is home--after I tried various hygienic measures, worried as usual--she gets out of the carrier, runs up and down three flights of stairs, and finds the filthiest surface in the house to sit on [an old chair in a work-closet left open by mistake]. Hmmm.

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1 minute ago, Petunia13 said:

That's because she's a secret circus cat. I can tell by how she perches on the rail edge all precisely and looks like she's gonna take a leap. ?

I love that! "Secret Circus Cat"! That suits Blanche completely--and yes, she leaps off that banister to a nearby window ledge--but she better not being doing that at the moment.

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I'm glad Secret Circus Cat is doing better, hee!

Steve's infection is still there so we're switching to a more aggressive antibiotic. This one has to be mixed by me and needs to be taken for 14 days. And, I had to schedule another re-reval for him in 13 days. Oh, Steve.

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Poor Steve and poor you! A couple weeks ago I found a lump in Peaches' teat. I spent the whole weekend being sure it was cancer and she was going to die. I took her to the vet and he squeezed it out. Turns out, even though she's spayed, they still secrete hormonal discharge and sometimes they can get backed up. Talk about relief! Whew!

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TV and I just don't get along.  When I happen to watch, I stumble on things like that "debate".  Trump is an inconsiderate, self-important slob.  (among a whole list of other negatives)  Did he not go to high school and have one class in public speaking/debating that taught him not to interrupt, to stay on topic, to answer the freaking question?  What an asshole.

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And the weird facial expressions, the sniffing, the rolling his head around, the pouting mouth. Ugh. I think he was on something. Can you imagine him addressing the UN? Or speaking to foreign leaders? My god, he'd be laughed off the world stage and so would we.

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