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General Gabbery: DWTS

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It leads me to believe that her season with Maks wasn't completely his fault. We'll never know but I just think there was more to it than the incident that was caught on camera. She seems like a toxic personality.

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What the hell is this guy doing on the show if he can't choreograph anything by himself? I sympathize with Derek, Sharna, Maks, Karina, and any other choreographer that gets their hard work ripped off by someone either too lazy or too incompetent to come up with their own routines. The *least* that show could do is credit the original person whose work is being used.

Edited by COESpiral
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Oh wow, I just looked at that Facebook page, you'll find James and Peta's Cha Cha, Candace and Charlie's contemporary, I can't be sure, but I swear that Maks and Meryl's jive is there.


WTH, does anyone on that show come up with their own material?

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What the hell is this guy doing on the show if he can't choreograph anything by himself?



Well honestly the stealing is not even so shocking when you actually watch him perform the dances because I'm wondering what the hell is he doing on the show when he can barely dance. Honestly it took me a minute to realize he was supposed to the Pro and the woman the celebrity, because she's actually pretty decent but that guy looks like how some of the male celebrities have looked on DWTS.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Granted I stopped after the move for move swing performance (up to and including the girl dragging him to the judges, really?!) but clearly this pro needs all the help he can get given his dance technique.


I'm a little surprised Bulgaria didn't just buy the original instead of making their own carbon copy. Must have been cheaper to bring in the hacks I guess.

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Hi everyone!  Just wanted to pop in and tell you that we saw Gladys Knight in concert at the Hollywood Bowl on Friday and her second number was "You Should Be Dancing" by the BeeGees. As soon as it started Sasha and three others from the troop (I didn't recognize them--we had tickets pretty far back and they were moving so fast, it was hard to identify them on the large screen) came on stage and did a number that Sasha choreographed.  Part of it included him and Gladys doing a few moves (cha cha, it looked like). They looked like they were having a blast and when they left the stage, she said how much fun it was and that having them perform with her during a show was on her bucket list.  It was fun to watch.  She may have been too old to keep up with the younger dancers on the DWTS, but, for 70, she kept up the energy through her whole show. 

Edited by Shannon L.
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So much for the idea that the older celebs do it as a way of reviving a faded career or as an attempt to stay culturally relevant.  I'll bet she was a huge fan of DWTS even before she was on it, and it was just something that she really wanted to do for the experience.

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I was looking closely to see if Tristan was there, but between the dancing and the people in front of me and the cameras, it was hard to get a lock on one face for a decent amount of time!  I wondered if he was still in America--didn't he get a gig as a dancer or judge on a European dance show?  Strictly Come Dancing maybe?

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Thanks, @Buggin!  It's nice to be able to see it close up.  It was a bit nuts, because we were all dancing along with them--if I'd known that the one who ran out to dance with her was Tristan, I'd have stopped and concentrated even harder on seeing their faces!

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This season's pro dancers will be announced on GMA tomorrow. Wonder if it's just to generate buzz or to stay ahead of the Twitter leaks? Maybe the cast is so obscure this season that they're going to promote the pros instead since they're better known than the celebrities they have? ;)

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Allison Holker is a great dancer but why? I know she has some training in everything but I wish they would have stuck with the more Ballroom pros. Does she have any training teaching Ballroom to dancers who can't dance?

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I'm just surprised that Cheryl and Tony are still around.  It's not that I don't like them (I actually like them a lot), but they are now the two pros with the longest tenure, and I think they've earned a break several times over.

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Allison Holker is a great dancer but why? I know she has some training in everything but I wish they would have stuck with the more Ballroom pros. Does she have any training teaching Ballroom to dancers who can't dance?

I've been seriously considering quitting this show and this just adds to my feeling of "I'm done".  I like Allison Holker, she's an immensely talented dancer, but I do not consider her a ballroom expert.  I'm tired of the Ballroom Lite pros.  Unless they get a star or two I really want to see, I just don't think I care to watch anymore.  Peta and Witney are back but no Sharna?  Bleh.


And Tony needs to retire from the show for good.  Dull and lackluster doesn't even begin to describe him.

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Ugh, do we have Derek and his influence to thank for getting another ballroom lite pro on the roster? Tyene, Lindsay, Witney, it's too much. Despite not living up to sky high expectations with Charlie last season Sharna is still one of the few newbie pros who's managed to make an impression with her style and choreography


Maybe it's a sign of how lackluster these interchangable new pros are but I've grown to find Peta less objectionable. At least her height and style help her stand out a bit.


A couple seasons ago Cheryl gave a pretty interesting interview discussing just how hard it is for pros to stay away from the call of the show, despite the burnout. She's one of the few pros who I think could absoloutely sit out a season or two and still have a spot guranteed whenever she wants to come back, so I hope it's not fear for job security that influences her not taking a break.

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I would rather Sharna than Peta, or in the place of Karina or Cheryl if they took a season off. I'm going to miss her this season.


I'm tired of some of the pros not getting a real chance while others get asked back every season. I would rather see Henry or Gleb get a second chance and have Tony, Mark, or Derek sit out a season. I've heard SCD is better about giving contenders to their new pros so they have a chance to show what they're capable of. I wish DWTS would adopt that mindset.

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I'm tired of some of the pros not getting a real chance while others get asked back every season. I would rather see Henry or Gleb get a second chance and have Tony, Mark, or Derek sit out a season. I've heard SCD is better about giving contenders to their new pros so they have a chance to show what they're capable of. I wish DWTS would adopt that mindset.

I completely agree.  I didn't even notice that Henry's name wasn't on the pro list.  WTF - he gets one shot and that's it?  I would a million times prefer to have Gleb and Henry rather than Tony and frankly, I would prefer if they were used instead of Derek and Mark.  I think Mark and Derek are talented, but I'm so TIRED of them and the inevitable arguments about them especially Derek.  And I would be okay with Cheryl and Karina taking time off too.  It's just the same old thing, over and over again.

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My only real beef is Sharna being cut.  I don't get that one at all.  The woman is a goddess.  Plus for her sake I hope she knew prior to the announcement on television, because otherwise that was shitty of the show. 


Everything else I'm okay with, or should I say doesn't come as a surprise.  I expected Artem to get a shot.  Keo looks like he has potential.  I expected Derek to be back.


My only sort of surprises were Cheryl, who had been teasing about possibly taking time off.  As she doesn't usually do that, I was expecting her to take the season off.  Also Allison, which I'm torn on. I adore Allison and I think she will be better than Tyne, but she's not a ballroom dancer.   But I think she's more versatile than Tyne and she's known with a pre-existing fanbase.


I have never loved Peta, but I saw her live recently and found her more impressive after watching her in person.  I just don't love her tactics as a pro.


I expect the male side of the troupe to be some combo of Gleb, Henry and Sasha.  Female, Lindsay and Jenna?  I wouldn't mind seeing some new blood on the female side of the troupe since neither Lindsay nor Jenna do a thing for me.

Edited by spanana
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I will miss Sharna. She's my favorite of the new stars. I can't stand Witney in sexy mode. She mugs. I hope she is given a partner that she can just relax with and have some fun. 


Alison is a beautiful dancer and she'll be able to fake it well enough but still...


Hope I like the stars...

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I'm really sad about the lack of Henry, but Keo was apparently an undefeated South Africa latin champion for eight years in a row, so I'm excited about him.


I'm ambivalent about Allison. Loved her on SYTYCD and in the Macy's showcases she's done with Derek, but I don't know that DWTS pro is the right fit for her. The last time they had a non-ballroom pro, they gave her Bill Nye, who was so bad that her background didn't matter.


Oh, and didn't Artem use to date Carrie-Anne Inaba? How can she be a judge when he's a pro?

Edited by chocolatine
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I'm hoping they'll pair Witney with someone older. I thought she did great with Drew, but she let Cody get away with too much.


Not happy about Sharna, she's a fabulous dancer and I just adore her. Would much rather have her than Witney.

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Thank you Buggin for the list of pros appearing next season.   I had put myself in exile from this show for two seasons after watching every single episode of every single season since the show premiered because I loathe Derek. everytime I see his face on tv, I want to throw something at him. so before I cost myself thousands of dollars, i stopped watching. however, i came back last season because my gorgeous Max was back on and adorable Charlie was competing. since neither one will be there this coming season, i go back into self-imposed exile, emerging only to come here and have some laughs because I know you will snark very well.


finally, why is it whenever I see the name "Witney" i read "Whitey"? strange.

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They also mentioned the switch-up would be back this season...because it was such a hit last season?? Seriously, the pros hated it, the celebs hated it, the fans hated it. Totally makes sense to do it again! Ugh.

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The pros/celebs hated the switch up last time, but I think a lot of it was the uncertainty of how it was going to work and if any of them would be stuck changing partners for the entirety of the season.  Because when it was teased last season, that is what the show implied.  So everyone was understandably freaked out.  If it works the way it did last season where people know going into it that it's a one week experiment, everybody goes back to their original partners and nobody is going home that week, people will probably be somewhat more relaxed.


Plus if not for the switch-up we wouldn't have gotten the Val/Meryl AT last season, which IMO was the best dance of the season (sorry Maks/Meryl fans) so I think there were some upsides to the whole experiment.

Edited by spanana
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Yeah, as long as there's no elimination during a one-off Switch Up week I don't think I'd mind so much. I do hope that that's the only gimmick employed this season though. I'm beyond weary of the Side-by-Side, Instant Dance, Fusions, Immunity Challenges, predictible freestyle team dances and the revolving door of guest judges to screw with the scoring totals.

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My only real beef is Sharna being cut.  I don't get that one at all.  The woman is a goddess.  Plus for her sake I hope she knew prior to the announcement on television, because otherwise that was shitty of the show.


It was indeed shitty - according to her boyfriend, she was blindsided:

@PaulKirkland01 makes no since at all ! I'm pissed at the respect level. Not a phone call or anything.


That's low, especially after she (and Charlie) were never anything but positive towards the show despite everything they had to put up with.

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I actually like the fusion dances - especially when the two styles are vastly different, like a Standard dance with a Latin dance. I too was a little thrown by Alison being made a Pro since I know her to be a phenomenal dancer yes, but a phenomenal contemporary dancer. That said, like many of the SYTYCD alum she has taken lessons and gotten some training in many different styles and she's a sweetheart so I'm not outraged about it. I actually was really hoping Derek would finally take that season off because ugh, I'm not looking forward to more of the "Derek is the Golden child/spawn of evil/Derek, Derek, etc." conversation during the season. 

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Cheryl's Asian, in case it escaped your attention.


As long as he's good, I don't care if the new "dancer of color" is purple with neon-green polka dots.


It's nice to have people from different backgrounds/ethinicities/cultures represented--I think most would agree.  It shows that ballroom isn't just for one group of people.  And based on his resume, Keo is quite good.  It's a win-win, IMO. 

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