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"The View": Week of 11/23/15

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I probably should mute the discussion when they talk about Isis, because Candace and Paula make my blood boil. Paula is supposed to be a journalist, but I don't think she's up on the situation with our actions against Isis. We are bombing oil facilities and oil tanker trucks.  In the past, they didn't want to kill too many innocent oil workers, but that's changed. We are NOT going down with the Titanic, Candace. If you feel that we should step up our actions so much, volunteer your three teenagers for the armed forces as soon as they are eligible and let them fight a new war in the middle east.

Edited by Kenz
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I rarely watch this show anymore, but I had it on in the background today while I cleaned the house and heard someone mention that she was thankful for knowing what her illness is and that there is medication to treat it.  Who said it and what illness is it?  


Thanks in advance.  

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So Candace doesn't want someone (President Obama) saying, "Stay calm.  Stay calm, everybody.  Just get into the boat," while the Titanic is sinking?   Doesn't she know that's the professional (trained) way to handle it?  Has she never participated in fire drills?  Does she want him screeching in panic...trying to direct people when he doesn't know what he's doing himself?  Believe me, he would have saved more Titanic lives with calm and intended directions.
I have seen many executives passed over because they can direct sticky situations with calm dedication. Too often the panicked wannabes get the the attention, CANDACE.


THIS! I wanted to reach into my teevee and just slap her.  So we should all be yelling and running and causing chaos? What about when there's a fire? Instead of walking everyone should run and push and shove each other to the exits, right?


There are maroons and there are nimrodic maroons. Candace is definitely the latter.

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I rarely watch this show anymore, but I had it on in the background today while I cleaned the house and heard someone mention that she was thankful for knowing what her illness is and that there is medication to treat it.  Who said it and what illness is it?  


Thanks in advance.  

Paula said it, but didn't say what the "illness" was.  Edited to add CORRECTION as per athousandclowns:  It was Raven who had an illness.

Who broke Joy's marble countertop? Did she say? I got home too late for the beginning of the show.

A guest on Late Night Joy.

Edited by Medicine Crow
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I probably should mute the discussion when they talk about Isis, because Candace and Paula make my blood boil. Paula is supposed to be a journalist, but I don't think she's up on the situation with our actions against Isis. We are bombing oil facilities and oil tanker trucks.  In the past, they didn't want to kill too many innocent oil workers, but that's changed. We are NOT going down with the Titanic, Candace. If you feel that we should step up our actions so much, volunteer your three teenagers for the armed forces as soon as they are eligible and let them fight a new war in the middle east.



The War drum beats on.... and the wealth piles up.  the cost of which will not involve their kids however.

Edited by Dahlia
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Yes, we are bombing oil facilities but have been dropping notifications to innocent workers to evacaulate first........according to one report.

Evidently this would not work for many hawks.

Of course Raven would get angry and demand bank statements immediately if it was her marble. Joy might look into talking to the marble and installers prior to her insurance.

Did CCB actully say Obama was too calm and telling people to step into the boats and stay calm while the Titantic is sinking - rather than say wildly saying everyman for himself!

Edited by maggiemae
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Paula said it, but didn't say what the "illness" was.

A guest on Late Night Joy.

Thanks. Joy didn't say who it was on Meredith's show either. Why I care about this I will never know! LOL

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Yes, we are bombing oil facilities but have been dropping notifications to innocent workers to evacaulate first........according to one report.

Evidently this would not work for many hawks.

Of course Raven would get angry and demand bank statements immediately if it was her marble. Joy might look into talking to the marble and installers prior to her insurance.

Did CCB actully say Obama was too calm and telling people to step into the boats and stay calm while the Titantic is sinking - rather than say wildly saying everyman for himself!

Or telling everyone to blame "those people" and to take it out on "them" by any means possible.  

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It was Raven who was thankful for knowing her illness and having medication for it. Joy then said, well that's a downer and said she was thankful for her Lipitor. Both Candace and Paula were thankful for their salvation.

The blonde who broke Joy's counter was someone who wrote for the NY Times I believe. 

Joy said the finale was Sunday that she was only signed for 5 episodes so there is still one tonight. I really enjoy it but then I'm a Joy fan.

Listen up, What wrong with you people have you eaten your turkey already?? Or  have your minds gone numb from Whoopi farting and her inability to read the prompter and the new Jesus twins?

Have a good TG everyone keep the funny coming.

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My last soapbox comment. I appreciated Joy mentioning that we need a calm, collected president, not someone who is threatening and bombastic, especially so our children won't get scared. I remember when I was in grade school in the 60's (yes, I'm old), and I lived in Colorado Springs, CO. We were told that the Russians would bomb us first because that was where NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) was located. For years I worried that I would be nuked, even if I hid under my desk. (!) So would we like to have a hateful, aggressive bully for a president or someone who stays calm and intelligent during a crisis? As they say, Isis would love to have us all shaking in our boots and then start another occupation in Syria or somewhere else in the Middle East. Look how well Iraq worked out for us, spawning Isis, no doubt.


With that, I plan to read no newspapers or watch TV on Thanksgiving. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.

Edited by Kenz
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Of course Raven would get angry and demand bank statements immediately if it was her marble. Joy might look into talking to the marble and installers prior to her insurance.


Yeah, Joy may have had a warranty or something .... better to check that out than make an insurance claim right off the bat. 


Just as an FYI, a lot of builders are really against installing marble in a kitchen.  It is WAY more fragile then granite and breaks and cracks all the time no matter how careful you are with it.  When we built a house, the builder had marble in the model house (for some dumb reason, since they were against the practice) and some woman insisted she get it put in hers, just like the model.  She had to sign a release and waiver of the countertop warranty, and her island slab of beautiful brown emperador had cracked within a few months of her moving in.  After that, the builders wouldn't put marble in kitchens even with a waiver.   I had the same marble in my bathroom and it was fine for the whole ten years I lived there.  It has to do with just taking more abuse in a kitchen, more frequent temperature changes, the tendency for slabs used in kitchens to be rather large, and  the tendency for kitchens to have big stone overhangs that leave part of the slab unsupported from underneath.  


I had to laugh at stupid, stupid Raven, getting all badass saying she would want to see people's bank info.  What a little twerp.  To begin with, she doesn't have balls that way and I don't even believe she would pull that attitude on someone.  And she would have no right at all to demand someone pay for her marble slab breaking even if she had that kind of nerve.  That woman didn't do anything out of line to cause it ... obviously the marble had a flaw in it and it was destined to break at some point.  That's like saying someone who walks across your deck and their foot falls through a rotten plank is to blame and should be financially responsible.  What nonsense.


If anything like that ever happened to her, rather than getting haughty and demanding tax returns (tax returns? why?) Raven should thank her lucky stars her guest didn't get a nasty cut from that marble when it broke.  Depending upon how it fractures, broken stone can be damn sharp. I'd be falling all over myself apologizing to my guest if something like that ever happened in my home, not demanding they get out their check book.


Did Paula say something about making the guest pay for the damage, too?  I am surprised if she did.  She didn't strike me as that kind of person (and by that, I mean "stupid" and "low class."). 

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My last soapbox comment. I appreciated Joy mentioning that we need a calm, collected president, not someone who is threatening and bombastic, especially so our children won't get scared. I remember when I was in grade school in the 50's (yes, I'm old), and I lived in Colorado Springs, CO. We were told that the Russians would bomb us first because that was where NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) was located. For years I worried that I would be nuked, even if I hid under my desk. (!) So would we like to have a hateful, aggressive bully for a president or someone who stays calm and intelligent during a crisis? As they say, Isis would love to have us all shaking in our boots and then start another occupation in Syria or somewhere else in the Middle East. Look how well Iraq worked out for us, spawning Isis, no doubt.


With that, I plan to read no newspapers or watch TV on Thanksgiving. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.

Oh, I remember doing this in high school!  I'm older. We lined up against a wall because the wall would protect us from the harmful radiation!  Ah, memories. Hope everyone does have a good holiday!

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KENZ, ON 25 NOV 2015 - 1:48 PM, SAID:

My last soapbox comment. I appreciated Joy mentioning that we need a calm, collected president, not someone who is threatening and bombastic, especially so our children won't get scared. I remember when I was in grade school in the 50's (yes, I'm old), and I lived in Colorado Springs, CO. We were told that the Russians would bomb us first because that was where NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) was located. For years I worried that I would be nuked, even if I hid under my desk. (!) So would we like to have a hateful, aggressive bully for a president or someone who stays calm and intelligent during a crisis? As they say, Isis would love to have us all shaking in our boots and then start another occupation in Syria or somewhere else in the Middle East. Look how well Iraq worked out for us, spawning Isis, no doubt.

With that, I plan to read no newspapers or watch TV on Thanksgiving. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.
Oh, I remember doing this in high school!  I'm older. We lined up against a wall because the wall would protect us from the harmful radiation!  Ah, memories. Hope everyone does have a good holiday!


Oh, I remember doing this in high school!  I'm older. We lined up against a wall because the wall would protect us from the harmful radiation!  Ah, memories. Hope everyone does have a good holiday!



I hope I'm the oldest...and want to share one of my "duck and cover" memories.  I went to Catholic schools and in high school we wore uniforms.  In 1956-ish I was in a dance group that was part of an exchange assembly (public schools acts came to our school--we went to theirs).  Our poor school was in the "inner city" before that term had been coined.  Our assemblies were in the gym (at least we had a gym). One of the exchange schools was a "rich school," and they had a beautiful auditorium with a professional stage, curtain, and velvet theater seats. Just before our act was to go on, the air raid alarm sounded.  All those beautifully-coiffed girls in their big crinolines had to crouch under those red velvet seats--actually the seat part tilted up.  For some reason those of us backstage just got to stand around.  We were snotty girls and LOVED that the beautiful outfits we yearned to wear were crumpled under gum-stained seats and dirty floors.   Happy Thanksgiving, Friends!


P.S.  We didn't even notice or care what the boys did.

Edited by Former Nun
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If you feel that we should step up our actions so much, volunteer your three teenagers for the armed forces as soon as they are eligible and let them fight a new war in the middle east.



I second that for Candace, but say it with MORE emphasis for Mrs. Patriotic America, Elisabeth Hasselbeck!


JOY'S MARBLE COUNTERTOP:   I think the culprit is more likely a crew member who's in the apartment filming her show.  Looks like there are a lot of people and lot of equipment.  Perhaps there was a bump that caused a crack and one innocent little elbow got the blame.  Joy, please read this and consider it...when speaking to your homeowner's insurance adjuster.

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I'm sure Joy is getting paid well for the use of her home for filming as well as repair of any damage done.

Happy TG to all!

I don't think Joy entertains at her apartment much.  On her late night show she always seems anxious to get the people out after the hour ends and never completely relaxes while they are there.   And I know it's a show and not real life but my nit-pick is I could never have people in my home without putting out something to eat and drink - even if no one touched it.

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I don't think Joy entertains at her apartment much.  On her late night show she always seems anxious to get the people out after the hour ends and never completely relaxes while they are there.   And I know it's a show and not real life but my nit-pick is I could never have people in my home without putting out something to eat and drink - even if no one touched it.


Joy is an anxious person to begin with.  Last night she was cutting up cheese and appeared to have munchies although I don't recall them nibbling on any.

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Yes it was a great spread. Perhaps they enjoyed it when the cameras stopped

The behind the scenes footage at the end almost made it seem like she 'kicks' everybody out for editing purposes. They need an ending point. It's a bit abrupt but a half hour show can't waste time with hellos AND goodbyes

If they didn't we the viewers would just be cut off wondering what we missed. It almost looks like they come back to wrap things up off camera ...?

Edited by Dahlia
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The food is required for ambiance but no one eats it because no one wants to eat on camera.  I am sure the snacks are consumed after the taping wraps.  Everyone "leaves" as a way to end the show.  The taping probably lasts well beyond the 30 mins by a lot.  I don;t think she wants them to leave so she can go to bed.  They have to have a conclusion to the 30 min time frame. 


Marble, no matter how thick can have faults.  It is the most tender of hard surface counter tops.  Her homeowners policy clearly covered it and anything they didn't production paid.  I am sure camera equipment was placed there.  We can see because of the angles of shooting. Blaming the guest was just to add drama/interest.  I like this show.  A lot. I adore Joy. 


I thought it was notable that she said she was grateful to  get her job back on the Tday show on The View.  She was canned, as we thought, rather than the predictable  reason that she wanted to do other things.  

Edited by wings707
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I thought it was notable that she said she was grateful to  get her job back on the Tday show on The View.  She was canned, as we thought, rather than the predictable  reason that she wanted to do other things.  

I've always thought she was let go, tbh. It was always (imo) because of the same reason Elisabeth was let go--they wanted a fluff show because "politics were polarizing," although their attempts at a fluff show have failed twice now with Jenny and then Raven/Michelle post-Rosie. (This is partly why I'm worried these crap showrunners might ask Elisabeth back....) Back then my personal theory was that either they let Joy go because she was getting paid quite a lot after so many years without bringing that much name value and also because at the time it left Barbara with the longest tenure on the show--and we know Barbara would want to have that kind of empty "award" for her own show.


Yes, LNJ is a fun 30 minutes' distraction. Still, I'm never going to get over her HLN show getting cancelled despite having the second-highest ratings on the channel. That's still my favorite of her three shows, and I miss it.


I have no experience with marble, so I'm wondering if anyone knows if a marble floor would be as bad as a marble countertop?

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"I have no experience with marble, so I'm wondering if anyone knows if a marble floor would be as bad as a marble countertop"

Yikes, I can't figure out why my 'copy' doesn't post........ANYWAY

Here is what I know about marble floors

SLIPPERY WHEN WET...and I do mean SLIPPERY.....do NOT ever put into a bathroom and I would question a kitchen where spills are constant.

Entries to the house? NO...when it rains, snows, mists and shoes are wet........SLIPPERY.

Seriously, when did marble become a thing to have - - put it on the walls or table tops or something, Never on a floor!

Edited by kaygeeret
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When I watch some of the real estate shows that are filled with fakery the couple or person looking at the homes usually always want to put Granite in if it's not there or are whining because there's no Granite. I don't think I've seen anyone say that wanted marble anything.

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One thing I love about Joy is that she is so comfortable in these situations. What is the point getting mad at the person that "did" it....or not understand this may be a solvable problem....no matter how inconvient.

Good grief, I've been going through a plumbing problem in my one bathroom for over 3 months, with an $11,000 payout from insurance. Not easy or quick....but what can one do except deal with the process? Especially when the b-room is the size of a postage stamp. And part of the hallway carpet.

BTW.....toilets last about 20 years......google it. And be prepared for expensive trouble if you don't know. I didn't.

ETA - and the new ones are great!

Edited by maggiemae
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Joy's show may air late night but couldn't they tape it in the early evening? I can't remember if her curtains are drawn or open and it is dark out. I guess it's also a possibility that they taped all five in one or two days. All that equipment being trucked in to her apartment must be an ordeal too.

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Surely they will not ask that Bitsy back THE HORROR. CCB already drives me plenty crazy.


I agreed with Whoopi about her Muslim comments. I know, I cant believe I agreed with Whoopi.


Raven is super annoying as mentioned,  but she isn't enraging (for me.)


And I also adore Joy.

Edited by ari333
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Oh god.  I had not thought that Elizabeth might be back. I doubt it though.  They don't need her, they already have two right wing Christians, and that is two, too many for my liking.  


 I would not be surprised to hear that her shows were all done in a couple of days.   I have deleted them but I did notice that her hair was exactly the same on each show and not at her best either.  I notice changes with it on the view day to day.  

Edited by wings707
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In the (hopefully unlikely) event that Bitsy were to return to The View, that would just confirm that her reason for leaving F&F absolutely was pure BS.  Aren't they due at the studio around 8:30/9:00 for indoctrination, hair and make-up?  That wouldn't give her much time to be CBO with an hour ride into NYC, so it would just prove she's a liar.


I'm betting today's audience was waiting to hear they were going to receive free tickets to Gloria Estefan's Broadway show...sorry, Folks!

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Whoopi seemed calmer today and I could actually hear every word from everyone in the first part of hot topics!  No overtalking for a change!  Paula wasn't there who possibly bugs WG.  Padma did the leftovers well and why Raven decided to go into a salt rant in the middle of her segment was a STFU moment and I loved Padma shutting her down!  Raven is a spoiled brat with a huge sense of self entitlement and everything being all about her.  Thank God for Joy on this show. 

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Raven is nothing but one huge STFU moment. Even when the show first started and they were talking about Black Friday, Raven disrupted the whole mood with a diatribe about it, bewildered at why people could possibly care that much about sales. They're poor, Raven, but I know that's beyond your comprehension level.

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Padma shut Raven down twice.  The whipped cream and bacon as a side on her waffle dish comment was ignored.  Good job!


Padma is lovely, I adore her.  I have to brace myself in the Top Chef threads when the season starts because so many dislike her. 

Edited by wings707
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I forgot about the bacon and whipped cream comment!  LOL  And Raven rolling her eyes?  GMAB.  And is this a regular schtick now with Whoopi coming in and stealing the food?  Yesterday them eating a meal was disgusting, homeless people without food and a whole table of it in front of people who don't need it?  Shameless.    

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I forgot about the bacon and whipped cream comment!  LOL  And Raven rolling her eyes?  GMAB.  And is this a regular schtick now with Whoopi coming in and stealing the food?  Yesterday them eating a meal was disgusting, homeless people without food and a whole table of it in front of people who don't need it?  Shameless.    



It is a thing with Whoopie now.  It was funny the first time. She has been doing it for awhile now.  


The crew snaps up all food.   Nothing goes to waste.  We cannot solve homeless hunger by not showing food on TV.  I cannot image the TV landscape with out cooking shows and food segments!  

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I forgot about the bacon and whipped cream comment!  LOL  And Raven rolling her eyes?  GMAB.  And is this a regular schtick now with Whoopi coming in and stealing the food?  Yesterday them eating a meal was disgusting, homeless people without food and a whole table of it in front of people who don't need it?  Shameless.    

Raven is a total waste of skin!!!  She just blurts out meaningless nonsense just to say something & her entitled superior attitude is very off-putting.  Padma handled the little brat well.

Whoopi scooping the food during the segment is really ignorant, but if TPTB cared, they would stop it.


My gripe is that there are lots of people watching that show that couldn't possibly afford a spread like they had yesterday & I find it totally insensitive & rude for them to be picking away while trying to carry on a conversation.  Another small irritation is that they give no credit to whoever prepared the meal.

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When I watch some of the real estate shows that are filled with fakery the couple or person looking at the homes usually always want to put Granite in if it's not there or are whining because there's no Granite. I don't think I've seen anyone say that wanted marble anything.



SHEEP!    I also love-hate all those young couples who expect more than their peers/parents could ever afford in starter homes.

Whoopi started on The View in September 2007.  She has been doing that "hilarious" food-stealing (and other products) schtick ever since.  As Wings707 said, it was funny the first time.  EIGHT FREAKIN' YEARS AGO!  Enough.


P.S.  And now Raven joins the thefts...followed by others.  As I said above, SHEEP!

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Padma is lovely, I adore her.  I have to brace myself in the Top Chef threads when the season starts because so many dislike her. 

Do they? I had no idea. I don't watch cooking shows, and I admit my eyes glaze over during cooking segments because I don't buy cookbooks and rarely follow other people's recipes. Maybe her food sucks and that's why they hate her?


I'm still hoping she'll join the panel full-time eventually.

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Granite is the least expensive hard surface counter and not expensive.  More than Formica but not unattainable.  Personally I hate granite.  I have only seen a couple of patterns I like and both resemble another stone.  I have marble now and only because it was in the house I recently bought.  It is beautiful. 


I love Padma, so no reflection on her segment.  But, seriously, how many of us turn thanksgiving leftovers into fancy little meals?  The weekend following this holiday I say, help yourself to leftovers and when they are picked through,  we order a pizza and eat it on paper plates.  Jesus.  


Do they? I had no idea. I don't watch cooking shows, and I admit my eyes glaze over during cooking segments because I don't buy cookbooks and rarely follow other people's recipes. Maybe her food sucks and that's why they hate her?


I'm still hoping she'll join the panel full-time eventually.


She is a judge on the show; it isn't about her cooking.   People like to find fault and rant.  ***shrug***  It is a common message board happening.  

Edited by wings707
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Maybe her food sucks and that's why they hate her?



I agree with Wings707 re "Top Chef" and Padma.  She's a knowledgeable judge.  Some viewers think she's a bit harsh to the contestants and too chummy-fangirl-ish with guest chefs, etc.


As for granite, I also haven't found it attractive and predicted its demise.  Of course my prediction was so long ago it's of no consequence.  I'm satisfied with my 30+ year old Formica.  I'd love to have concrete countertops and floors so I could just hose out the place.

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I agree with Wings707 re "Top Chef" and Padma.  She's a knowledgeable judge.  Some viewers think she's a bit harsh to the contestants and too chummy-fangirl-ish with guest chefs, etc.


As for granite, I also haven't found it attractive and predicted its demise.  Of course my prediction was so long ago it's of no consequence.  I'm satisfied with my 30+ year old Formica.  I'd love to have concrete countertops and floors so I could just hose out the place.



I have cement floors and LOVE them!  

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I wish they would assign the appropriate host to the segment. Someone with dietary restrictions should not be part of a cooking segment unless it deals with that particular issue (no salt Raven  or gluten free Bitsy before her). Gluttons and interrupters should not be the hosts of cooking segments. And under no circumstance should Whoopi ever be involved in a cooking segment except maybe if the topic is potato chips or edible marijuana. Joy does well. Probably Paula or Michelle, too.

Remember Bitsy picking up a ball shaped food item (Papas Rellenas?) and throwing it at an audience member when Gloria was at The View several years ago promoting her cookbook? Gloria looked horrified.

Edited by merriebreeze
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I'm a big Top Chef fan and I love Padma. She is under used on this show. She is smart and funny and can have intelligent, thoughtful conversations. She can be a little raunchy too. For you TC fans, remember when she said she wanted to motorboat that cheftestant (can't remember her name) and when she said, I want to see some mother effing rattle snakes on these mother effing plates.

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Another small irritation is that they give no credit to whoever prepared the meal

They said the Chew crew provided the food. Probably leftovers from their show. <snerk> That said, it is terribly rude to be chowing down while trying to carry on a conversation.

Wings707, how do you keep the marble from staining? I'd be afraid to put anything on it.

Edited by Haleth
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They said the Chew crew provided the food. Probably leftovers from their show. <snerk> That said, it is terribly rude to be chowing down while trying to carry on a conversation.

Wings707, how do you keep the marble from staining? I'd be afraid to put anything on it.



It is sealed.  If staining starts to occur just seal it again with Bullet Proof by Dupont.   The sealant lasts a long time.  You have to seal granite, too. 

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Just saw today's show...On Demand - preempted for college football earlier here.

The Estefan's segments were terrific.

Raven, salt has nothing to do with diabetes. And enough with the whipped cream.

Just STOP with the taking of things Whoopi.....not cute at all.

So generous TWO viewers can enter to win the toys.

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