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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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6 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

This is something I forgot to mention in my last post. He keeps saying that, but it doesn't track with even my knowledge of his history (as someone who hasn't been watching as long as a lot of others here). From what I know, after Steffy married Liam the first time, she was afraid Liam would go back to Hope, so she enlisted Thomas to spend time with her and distract her. That never seemed like a love match as much as a "well, she's pretty and I've got nothing better to do, so why not" agreement to his sister's plan. Then, he was all in on Caroline, obsessing over her similarly to how he'd eventually come to obsess over Hope, leading to Misunderstanding Night. After that, he was in an actual good relationship with Sally that ended because he went to be with Douglas and try to make a go of being a family with Caroline. 

Basically, this. This also doesn't cover his ill-fated and inappropriate relationship with Rick's ex-wife Amber (a grown ass woman when he was a senior in high school at the oldest), his green card marriage to the granddaughter of the maid Stephanie got killed (the second healthiest relationship in his entire history, and it's not even close) or the weird obsession he had with Brooke just a few months before the ten second fling with Hope you mentioned.

Dude has been a train wreck all his adult life except for the brief six months he was with Sally.

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I will say this, Matt and Annika did a good job today. I have always thought they didn't do so well with the dramatic scenes.  They're great with hot sex and the fun and flirty stuff.  But the deep drama, I have found them to be a bit meh.  Cue when Hope left Thomas after Beth's party and he let her go.  I didn't feel the gravitas of that scene.  Today was a completely different reaction.

Kudos to them both - the atmosphere change from when Thomas came through the door to the end of his confession was stark.  The setup, the music and the facial expressions. I felt the gravitas.

I re-watched the scenes - you could see the anger in Hope's eyes - I kind of hope she slaps him across the face and curses him out.  I ultimately want her to forgive him but for now he should be on her 💩 list.. As much as I hate the Xander return, Thomas/Hope cannot move forward without addressing the elephant in the room that is invisi-Beth.

Lame the douche as always was prophetic...

RJ/Luna - so saccharine sweet they will give you diabetes!


Edited by bluvelvet
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Too bad Vinnie isn't still around so Hope could maybe find out about how Thomas drugged Liam to sleep with Steffy and had plans to drug her so he could rape her. 

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I noticed that RJ talks to Eric like Eric is hard of hearing and senile. He speaks very loudly and in simplistic terms sort of like the way a little kid would address a grandparent. None of the other adults talks to Eric that way. It's just weird. 

I just can't with Thomas and Hope. Hope is stupid for getting involved with him and I am getting irritated by the way she dances around the question when people ask her how she feels about Thomas. Granted, it's none of their business, but I feel her lack of response indicates that she really isn't that into Thomas. 

And ... she really needs to start locking the cabin door. That way, Lame couldn't just waltz in and from where things are headed, she won't want Thomas just breezing in either.

Finn needs to put his Scooby-Do skills back into medical research instead of chasing Xander's story about Thomas. That is going to unravel on its own without the good doctor's interference. 

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8 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Too bad Vinnie isn't still around so Hope could maybe find out about how Thomas drugged Liam to sleep with Steffy and had plans to drug her so he could rape her. 

If I live to be 10000 I will never understand what the hell the writers were thinking when they wrote Vinny's exit story. He threw himself in front of Liam's car so Liam would go to jail and Thomas would finally get Hope? Really, Bell??

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Man, this show has got to ease up on RJ & Luna being pure light and love and joy and all that other saccharine claptrap they’re trying to sell. Can’t they just be a fun, light, young couple? Everything is zero to twu wuv with this show’s clown ass head writer.

Good ol’ Truthful Thomas. “Yes, I tore after Emma hell-bent for leather because she was going to tell you Beth was alive, which would have cockblocked me, btw, and I pursued her aggressively enough that her high rate of speed took her off the road. I then became an instant vehicular accident analyst and deduced survival was impossible. I tampered with evidence so no one would know I was there. But I’m not responsible. Forgive me?” Sure, bud.

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And why tell now, almost five years after the fact, and not, oh I dunno, after he first got Hope? Or any of the times he was declared cured?

This is a very obvious vehicle to set up Hinn but if this is what wakes Hope up, so be it.

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Is it really to set up Hope and Finn? Which I hope it's not. Or is it something even worse? Is it just the only way they could come up with to re-introduce Liam back into Hope and/or Steffy's lives.

Liam came in to the cabin, Hope's home, not his, and I'm sure he knew that Katie had the kids, and proceeded to pontificate to Hope that he's not judgmental of her... as he was judging her.

Thomas' almost full confession to Hope could crack open the door for that fly Liam to buzz in. Liam hasn't expressed any interest in her and as far as we know his fickle heart still belongs to Steffy, but he may have realized that Steffy is not going to leave Finn for him. Stay strong Steffy.

If Hope's only choices are the waffle, Thomas or maybe Finn, it's sad to say, but her best option is Thomas. For the obvious, Thomas would never leave her for Steffy. The waffle has, (how many times?), and Finn, even though I don't see it happening, but if they do go there then he potentially could. I thought that Dr. Bridget and Finn were sparking over Eric's innards. Is she still in town? And I have to question this - they keep showing Steffy stopping by at Finn's office in the hospital, and she asks Finn how her grandad is doing, so why don't they have her say that she was just visiting Eric and had to pop in to say hi to Finn while she was there? Am I more concerned about Eric than she is? Just me and the salt and pepper shakers.

I think we need more fashion stories. I hope that when Eric is well enough we get back to that. And why aren't we seeing Donna constantly by his side whenever we see someone visit him? Even if we just see her leaving the room. Now I'm worried about that damn stapler. Do the nurses and orderlies know how important it is? Having Popeye and Luna go through the vault for weird outdated fashion don'ts was fun filler. And who was it they referenced, Arturo, who let them borrow that giant bow dress? I'm sure we'll never hear his name mentioned again.

How long do safaris usually last?

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4 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

If Hope's only choices are the waffle, Thomas or maybe Finn, it's sad to say, but her best option is Thomas. For the obvious, Thomas would never leave her for Steffy. The waffle has, (how many times?), and Finn, even though I don't see it happening, but if they do go there then he potentially could.

I suspect that, once they go back to Steam, we're going to have multiple scenes of Steffy telling Liam (and everyone else) how she only ever truly loved Liam, but she was just so afraid of being hurt again that she had to shut down her heart to protect herself*, but now he's proven that he truly loves her above all else, and he sees who Hope really is now, so she has no fear he'll ever leave her again, and she has no desire to be with anyone else. So Finn going back to Steffy won't even be an option. At this point, though, he's going to be lucky to get out of this unscathed and involved with Hope, as opposed to Thomas killing him first. 

*Never mind that we all saw her almost suicidal with grief when she thought Finn was dead. That will have to be ignored for the glory of Steam. 

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“Popeye” 🤣 🤣 ooh that’s a good one and oh so appropriate!!

Yes when Steffy was grieving Finn and Lame stayed by overnight to comfort her. I betcha if Finn hadn’t liberty bibertied his way back in town Liam would’ve given Steffy a grief f**k..

Speaking of “collaborating” Thomas should’ve gotten it in one last time cuz you just know he isn’t getting any for a while if ever…May as well become a eunuch if Hope never sleeps with him again..


ETA- apparently there is a bonus scene out there from Friday where Hope tells Liam "Maybe if you didn’t waste so much energy trying to talk some sense into me & redirected that toward yourself, it could work right? Invest that energy in u, our daughter, Spencer Publications. I don't know. get a hobby, download a dating app. Whatever works for u"..😂

I love a snarky Hope - Brooke in all her years never dragged Ridge the way Hope is dragging Liam these days..

Edited by bluvelvet
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MA and AN have such great chemistry. But Hope being the reason for his change is so unhealthy. His obsession with her hasn't changed. He is just not crazy/criminal about it anymore. Thus far.


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Todays episode was a duplicate of Fridays. So dumb. If Hope forgave Thomas for keeping her daughter from her is she really going to give a shit that he watched Emma crash to her death?  

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4 hours ago, backhometome said:

MA and AN have such great chemistry. But Hope being the reason for his change is so unhealthy. His obsession with her hasn't changed. He is just not crazy/criminal about it anymore. Thus far.


I really wish they would stop this narrative. Thomas changed after he got kicked out FC and lost his job and Douglas after the CPS fiasco. He did whatever he did and came back with an attitude that he would never be with Hope. He didn’t do anything until she kissed him in Rome. That’s a much healthier narrative than I changed because of Hope.

On another note. Thomas couldn’t squeeze out a tear ? I know MA can cry, I wanted to see tears of regret dammit!

Hope is PISSED..

Edited by bluvelvet
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15 minutes ago, bluvelvet said:

On another note. Thomas couldn’t squeeze out a tear ? I know MA can cry, I wanted to see tears of regret dammit!

Yes, that's another thing. I dont really think Emma has haunted him like he says. He was saying it to come across more sympathetic to Hope.

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Yes Steffy, Lurch is not a danger to anyone just like Shiela is not a danger to anyone.  Lurch can change but not Shiela according to Stuffy. 

As I said before, technically Lurch is not a murderer but he contributed to Emma’s accident. This flashback today was more revisionist history.  Lurch tried to get Emma to slow down by chasing after her?  If he wanted her to slow down, he would have slowed down himself.  Did Lurch actually admit that he wanted Stuffy to keep Hope’s baby.  This is the truth according to Lurch but is Hope really buying it.  Nothing can convince me that Lurch has changed one iota. 

I can see it now. Stuffy finds out that Lurch was there and “caused” Emma to crash but she still defends him above all because he’s changed. When Hope rejects Lurch and he goes off the rails once again, Stuffy will blame Hope.  

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On 1/13/2024 at 5:28 AM, FancyRhubarb said:

If I live to be 10000 I will never understand what the hell the writers were thinking when they wrote Vinny's exit story. He threw himself in front of Liam's car so Liam would go to jail and Thomas would finally get Hope? Really, Bell??

It's Bradley Bell.  'Nuff said.

On 1/13/2024 at 10:19 AM, NinjaPenguins said:

Good ol’ Truthful Thomas. “Yes, I tore after Emma hell-bent for leather because she was going to tell you Beth was alive, which would have cockblocked me, btw, and I pursued her aggressively enough that her high rate of speed took her off the road. I then became an instant vehicular accident analyst and deduced survival was impossible. I tampered with evidence so no one would know I was there. But I’m not responsible. Forgive me?” Sure, bud.

On 1/14/2024 at 8:23 AM, Anna Yolei said:

And why tell now, almost five years after the fact, and not, oh I dunno, after he first got Hope? Or any of the times he was declared cured?

This is a very obvious vehicle to set up Hinn but if this is what wakes Hope up, so be it.

I am so happy that this Emma murder is finally getting resolved.  I have disliked every incarnation of Thomas.  The creepy teen version was the best, this actor was the best of the three.  But I hated his illegal immigrant storyline with the daughter of the maid that Stephanie got killed, and he was really wacko when he burned Rick's car and slept with Amber.

The plastic mannequin version was a bad actor, he makes the actor playing Finn look like a thespian.  Best known for the RV hijinks in Cabo San Lucas and the boinkberries with Brooke.

This latest version of Thomas is my least favourite because he just oozes creepy sleaze and I hate that nobody on the show sees that at all.  

Why has it taken so long for him to admit that he saw Emma go off the road, and he didn't say anything about it?  Really?  A woman died and he didn't call anyone?

Since this is Bradley Bell, and Bradley seems to view certain characters as his alter egos, I predict that absolutely nothing will happen to Thomas other than possibly losing Hope.  He's Ridge's son so of course he isn't going to prison.


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8 minutes ago, blackwing said:

The plastic mannequin version was a bad actor, he makes the actor playing Finn look like a thespian.  Best known for the RV hijinks in Cabo San Lucas and the boinkberries with Brooke.



🤣 Plastic mannequin...
😂 I will never not drag AG, he was TERRIBLE!!

MA made me a Thomas fan-but I have always said that I was shallow lol.  Didn't care about Thomas before that. 

I am of the opinion that Bell is not a Thomas fan, why else does he write him so evil and terribly - that boy has never been happy and will never be happy on this soap.

Edited by bluvelvet
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10 minutes ago, blackwing said:

I have disliked every incarnation of Thomas. 

Pierson Fode's version, during the Sally story was, by far, my favorite. Of course, that was also the best writing the character has had. 

3 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

If Hope forgave Thomas for keeping her daughter from her is she really going to give a shit that he watched Emma crash to her death?  

I suspect that, if they go this route, it's not going to be that it's magnitudes worse than keeping Beth from her, but that it's going to be something that kind of jolts her back to the reality of who he is. It can also be kind of a cumulative thing, like "there's more? How much else is out there that will come up at some random point in the future?" 

I'm just getting into Friday's show, at the point where Thomas tells her he has to tell her what happened that night. AN is playing it like Hope is in denial and is afraid to hear the truth, because she knows it's going to blow up this bubble of denial she's been living in. 

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On 1/14/2024 at 11:40 AM, SweePea59 said:

Is it really to set up Hope and Finn? Which I hope it's not. Or is it something even worse? Is it just the only way they could come up with to re-introduce Liam back into Hope and/or Steffy's lives.

I think the answer is gonna prove to be "yes," because TPTB will absolutely pivot back to the status quo despite what the fandom want and there's no way in Hell  that Bell allows a woman to stay single longer than a week on this show and remain on contract. And I doubt he'll be writing Hope outta the show when the Team Hope vs Team Steffy fight gets him so much buzz. He can start it all over again with Finn, who is essentially a clean slate without Liam's baggage of whipping back and forth.

I would love to be wrong but Bell has long lost the benefit of the doubt from me.

45 minutes ago, bluvelvet said:


I am of the opinion that Bell is not a Thomas fan, why else does he write him so evil and terribly - that boy has never been happy and will never be happy on this soap.

If he was consistently evil or even a typical entitled rich brat like anymore born in Beverly Hills would be, I wouldn't mind. But TIIC can't seem to commit one way or the other. It speaks to Pierson Fodé and his talent that the character was salvaged after the shit with Caroline but all of that was wiped away the minute he left and they came in with this Adam Newman/Paul Ryan dark horse ass bullshit. 

I just hope Matthew Atkinson gets a better opportunity soon so we can just get on with the next version of Thomas. Maybe that one will be able to have a hobby beyond obsessing over Hope.

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Where was all this caring about crimes by Finn when they were covering up Taylor shot Bill? She actually shot someone and Finn didn't care. Or when he was telling Steffy to give his mommy a break? 

The more they show the flashbacks the more I remember how bad actress Emma was.  

Yay Hope believes him. He told her the truth.  It's good relationship angst with Thomas's speech. 


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2 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Pierson Fode's version, during the Sally story was, by far, my favorite. Of course, that was also the best writing the character has had. 

Ahhhh I completely forgot about this version!  I now revise my assessment, this Thomas was by far the best version.  Because he was completely normal and likeable.  It was quite a change from the previously teen Cruel Intentions creepy and previously plastic, it was like he was a completely different character.

I forget why he and Sally broke up.  Is it because the show fired Courtney Hope?  Or did she not get fired until after that?

I don't care for Matthew Atkinson.  It can't just be Thomas because he had a brief stint on Young and the Restless (I think he might have been a boyfriend of teenage Summer who ended up dead) and I didn't like him there either.  It's probably unfair to him, but I think there's something about his beady eyes combined with the way he plays Thomas.

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11 minutes ago, blackwing said:

I forget why he and Sally broke up.  Is it because the show fired Courtney Hope?  Or did she not get fired until after that?

I believe it was because PF was leaving, so they wrote Thomas deciding to move out east to try to make a go of being a family with Caroline and Douglas. Sally stuck around and ended up briefly involved with Wyatt, which was fun until they brought in Flo and decided they needed to make Sally batcrap crazy to justify the "twu wuv" that was Wyatt/Flo. (OK, phew, only mentioned her name twice. Don't want to risk a third mention summoning her.) 

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1 hour ago, Artsda said:

Where was all this caring about crimes by Finn when they were covering up Taylor shot Bill? She actually shot someone and Finn didn't care. Or when he was telling Steffy to give his mommy a break? 

Given Finn wasn't around for that shooting and seemed to be surprised when he learned about the paternity issue w Kelly long after he and Steffy were married, I'm sure Steffy probably hasn't even told him about that one.

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How many Thomas’s have we been through. MA is #5 I think. Previously plastic (love it) Thomas got fired and I think I read that PF left because he was unhappy with the writing for Thomas ??

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

Given Finn wasn't around for that shooting and seemed to be surprised when he learned about the paternity issue w Kelly long after he and Steffy were married, I'm sure Steffy probably hasn't even told him about that one.

He knows, that's what Bill used as blackmail against them for them not to testify against Sheila. 


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Good scenes with Thomas and the Hope Diamond. She is now aware that Thomas has still unrevealed darkness. Hope has lost her smile. 

If Steffy is to reunite with Liam, yawn, then at least pair Liberty Bibberty with Bridget. They can then go to some underdeveloped country and do good works.

There is actually ONE unattached male in town who is not Forrester/Logan/Spencer/Avant affiliated. AND he likes blondes. Daddy Deacon, please introduce your Baby Girl to your head waiter.

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1 hour ago, bluvelvet said:

How many Thomas’s have we been through. MA is #5 I think. Previously plastic (love it) Thomas got fired and I think I read that PF left because he was unhappy with the writing for Thomas ??

Hmm, I only know four.  Maybe there was one before Drew Tyler Bell, the Cruel Intentions creepy teen?

I think Previously Plastic Thomas chose to leave.  The rumour is that they were going to make Thomas gay, and the actor refused to play a gay character.  But I don't think that was ever confirmed anywhere, it was just speculation. 

Unlike the actor who played Adam Newman on Y&R (the one right before Allegedly Handsy Michael Muhney), who openly stated that his religious beliefs conflicted with the intended storyline for Adam.  I don't remember the story exactly, but I think Adam offered himself to the lawyer Rafe in order to try and get Rafe to defend him, or something like that.

I don't think Previously Plastic Thomas or Won't Go Gay Adam Newman have had much of a career ever since leaving their roles.

If I recall correctly, Pierson Fode left because he wanted to do a streaming series.

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12 hours ago, blackwing said:

I don't think Previously Plastic Thomas or Won't Go Gay Adam Newman have had much of a career ever since leaving their roles.

If the bolded is Adam Gregory, I think I watched him in one of those Hallmark/Lifetime movies...can't recall  if it was a Christmas themed movie. But in any event, I don't seek out projects from AG, so I don't know what's happening with his career. 

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16 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

How many Thomas’s have we been through. MA is #5 I think. Previously plastic (love it) Thomas got fired and I think I read that PF left because he was unhappy with the writing for Thomas ??

My favorite Thomas was Adam Gregory, whom my daughters called "The Flipper" because of his obvious veneers (I think this was back when one of them watched Toddlers & Tiaras and some of the kids had flippers to cover their lost baby teeth during pageants). He was the one that went to Trippin' Berries Island™️ with Brooke back in the day. 😂

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RJ is the worst thing about this show right now. Luna is fine without him. Them together is a cheesy cringe fest. Who are eating the show.

At least Liam and Sheila took a backseat. 


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1 hour ago, bluvelvet said:

RJ Luna had me cringing with that dialogue 😬

They make me cringe just standing there, together or separately

I know "young love, first love" sometimes moves fast (way too fast) but the speed of their twu wuv 4 evah is ridiculous.

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I guess it’s not RJs fault that he makes out in the Forrester offices. His whole family has used the office as a place to get down. You’d think his girlfriend would be put off by it though.

Hope needs to go ride or die for Thomas. He’s the best thing that’s happened to her. She needs to tell her meddling mommy to mind her own business.

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Those offices should be fumigated on a daily basis. 

Ridges comment to Brooke about showing them how it’s really done - calling RM, calling RM - because that’s the only way Bridge will have any steam 👀 

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Hope Hope Hope are you falling for Lurch’s complete and utter 🐂💩. If your going to bet your future just because Lurch loves you and nobody but you than you’re going to be in for a rude awakening one day.  



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RJ has been there 2 mins and he needs a place to live.  His forced character is the worst. 

Brooke and Ridge forced reunion just as bad. Her obsession over hating Thomas should not be something Ridge is ok with and just brushes off as don't worry about Brooke while she's telling Hope to end it. 

Carter's tip is next time lock the door? How about go home? 

Thomas isn't lying, he didn't run Emma off the road and he didn't call for help, he deleted the gps. All true. The fact he told Hope everything shows his change. 

About time someone points out everyone has made mistakes.  Based on this shows writing it's all Thomas only who made mistakes. 

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21 hours ago, blackwing said:

Hmm, I only know four.  Maybe there was one before Drew Tyler Bell, the Cruel Intentions creepy teen?

There were only four adult actors since his SORASing.

21 hours ago, blackwing said:

If I recall correctly, Pierson Fode left because he wanted to do a streaming series.

He had a long illness around the same time he left B&B that kept him outta work for some time before he got treatment. If he did in fact leave for better work, he made the right call because it would've been a matter of time until they ruined him yet again anyway.


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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

There were only four adult actors since his SORASing.

He had a long illness around the same time he left B&B that kept him outta work for some time before he got treatment. If he did in fact leave for better work, he made the right call because it would've been a matter of time until they ruined him yet again anyway.


Thanks for the info. 

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If Hope stops and thinks about everything Thomas told her, she should realize he's still just not being completely honest. He told her that he wanted to stop Emma for Steffy's sake, because she loved Beth so much, and he knew how much it would hurt her to have her taken away. But, we all, including Hope, know he did it because losing Beth was the reason Hope gave up Liam and locked onto Douglas, and if she found out Beth was alive before Thomas somehow managed to make her fall in love with him (or drugged her to sleep with him and hopefully got her pregnant, so she'd be tied to him), he'd lose her right back to Liam. 

He's still hedging his bets and not being fully honest about what he did and why. And Hope is so hung up on the whole "but he loves only me and won't waffle" along with not wanting to feel like a fool for believing he's changed, that she is missing the big picture. 

Here's my thing: If Thomas was really and truly "all better now" and really felt remorse for all he's done, then he'd just finally sit down and own up to all of it. Bullet point that shit if he needs to. The date rape drugs. Exactly how he manipulated and gaslighted Douglas into glomming onto Hope so she'd feel like he desperately needed her to be his mommy. Threatening Douglas not to tell the truth. Threatening everyone else to not tell the truth. Every single thing, along with the real reason behind each thing. Own every single bit of it. Oh, and he'd stop pushing the "I love you" shit on Hope, knowing she's not ready for that yet, and definitely wouldn't have bought an engagement ring for her right after they started hooking up, when she was still being very clear that sex was all it was, and that she couldn't say she'd ever feel anything more than that. He's not "all better" now, he's just better at hiding it because he's currently got Hope and thinks he's on his way to getting her to marry him. Hell, he practically said as much when he talked about what it means that she's wearing the ring around her neck. That ring being where it is is keeping him on the straight and narrow, because he thinks it means his reward is imminent. 

I know this is probably my one thousandth rant about how shittily they've done his "redemption" writing. One scene in a therapist's office with his mommy at his side, controlling the session, does not mean he's put in the work. Basically, his mommy told him he's better. Then she went to his sister (who was still, rightfully, pissed off at him) and browbeat her into believing he's better, and then his sister joined team "all better" and mommy and sis pushed that narrative onto everyone else. Then, he was handed what he wanted - his job back with no restrictions on his access to the object of his obsession, eventually leading to her kissing him. 

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I'm guessing this is Wyatt's exit scene? The way this show operates, I'm surprised they even bothered. We already haven't seen him in months (except for a few random scenes having lunch with Liam and/or Bill). Did they even mention what happened to Flo?

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I'm kind of surprised they even bothered to give Wyatt an exit.  I don't think they ever mentioned what happened to Flo.  She got the typical Bradley Bell exit... one day you're on the show, the next day you disappear and no one ever talks about you again.  Then years later if Bradley ever decides to bring you back, you just walk through the door and everyone acts like you've been in town all along.  That's the way it happened with Felicia and Jake McClaine.  When Jake showed up several years ago it was like he's always been around.

Whatever happened to Jake's brother Mark?  He was Stephanie's doctor.  Stephanie paid him to fake a heart attack to guilt Ridge into leaving Brooke for Taylor.  The plan blew up and he was never mentioned again.  He got Bradleyed.

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What are you doing here Poppy says Li?  Why the fuck is Li there if it wasn’t to 💩 all over Poppy and Luna.  Lisa said that Luna had her eyes on RJ from the get go. I got news for you Li, your son married up, way up. 

Wyatt looks really good with his new haircut. So the monkeys with a keyboard are actually giving him a swan song but without a mention of what happened to Flo.  

No Bill, you and Poppy didn’t create magic. All signs point to you creating Luna 😉

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2 hours ago, blackwing said:

Whatever happened to Jake's brother Mark?  He was Stephanie's doctor.  Stephanie paid him to fake a heart attack to guilt Ridge into leaving Brooke for Taylor.  The plan blew up and he was never mentioned again.  He got Bradleyed.

Mark was Jake's nephew as a nitpick, but to my recollection once the issue of the heart attack was resolved, he was disappeared too. 

54 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Wyatt looks really good with his new haircut. So the monkeys with a keyboard are actually giving him a swan song but without a mention of what happened to Flo.  

I cannot even pretend to give a solid rat fuck about Flo Fulton. The character sucked on arrival, her connection to the Logans was every bit as forced at this bullshit with Luna and Bill, and she got to skate off on everything even more than Thomas, who at least got to be publicly embarrassed at his wedding to Zoe. Flo and Wyatt didn't even have a temporary split up over this FFS.

Sometimes, an idea gets so botched that it's just easier to throw it all out and start from scratch, like a bad sourdough starter. I'm perfectly fine with memory holing her entire existence and never mentioning her again, the way B&B never  concluded what happened to Deveney after she helped scam the Forrester as Angela for years, or Taylor's brother Zach or how Steffy and Rick's ill advised relationship ended off screen after that bullshit ate up the show for most of 2009.

Like, really, does anyone want to know where Flo is? Does anyone sincerely care? I know I don't.

3 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Li is such a miserable woman! Shut up already. 

Back in 2006, when TIIC decided to go all in on turning Nick Marone from a straight shooting thorn in the Forresters' side dragging them for their privilege into a character as petty and entitled as he accused Ridge of being, I didn't think it was possible to ruin a character more but Bill Bell saw how much fans loved Poppy and said "Hold my beer" with his entire chest.

I don't understand what her deal is? Poppy's (alledged)sluttiness didn't cost her a career and Jack's infidelity aside, her life is great with a son and grandkids but naw, she just gotta be more miserable than Stephanie was.

Make it make sense.

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Li seems to be able to call out Poppy's steps. Bill does fit exactly what Li called out as Poppy's type. 

Why is RJ and Luna visiting Eric more than anyone else?  He needs to be pushed as the heir of Eric. 

Wyatt needs to leave LA why to force Luna as a new child? No mention of Flo? Did they mention them breaking up? Poppy's gift?  Luna is the gift? No mention of Taylor living in the beach house either. The writing is so messy. 

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Does Poppy have a job?  Why is she popping up at Luna's place of work?  Why can't she meet her later?  Li has turned into a witch, but I can kind of understand why she's suspicious of her sister.

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