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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I am temporarily Team Steffy, with her insistence on doing the right thing and that moment, when Taylor heard the wedding music, and seemed to have a mental break made me feel for Steffy. She, like Hope, Rick and Bridget, has had to parent her own parents, Taylor especially. That as much as she wants her parents reunited, it’s not at all costs and not at Brooke’s expense. 

As far as Taylor possibly opting to confront Ridge at the altar, I’m not so sure. She has herself convinced that Ridge would have pursued her and proposed to her anyway - as she’s done so many times before. 

The question for me is will Steffy speak now and it should be her (if Taylor will not do so) and it should not be put on Douglas, a child, to do the right thing. 

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After the truth fully comes out, I want to see scenes of Hope eviscerating Thomas. I want her to point out that shit like this is why, even if Liam wasn't in the picture, she would never, ever be with him. Ever. I want her to say she's pissed at herself for meekly going along with Douglas living with him because whenever he has unfettered access to Douglas, he emotionally abuses him. I want "I will never forgive you. For Douglas, for my mother, I will never forgive you and never look at you with even a thread of respect. I gave you so much benefit of the doubt. I wanted you to be better because that was what was best for my son. But you can't be better, can you? Not even for your son. You just can't stop yourself from manipulating and harming everyone you come in contact with." And then she needs to get Douglas (Liam should have been upstairs helping him get packed while Hope read Thomas for filth), and take him home, where she calls her lawyer and prepares for a custody battle. 

I swear, if they yadda yadda Hope finding out about this and whatever confrontation she has with him, I will throw shit at my TV. We need to see all those beats, show. After having to sit through months of "Hope and Thomas: BFFs!" complete with sleepovers, I need some payback. 

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The fact that Taylor had any decision to make says everything. Steffy, who is not a WRP, has surprised me by getting it. All of it. She expressed some outrage for Brooke, but her focus was on Thomas and his treatment of Douglas. Taylor can't be bothered with any of that. She knows her son is sick. She knows what he did was wrong on every level. She knows he was abusing Douglas by telling him to keep quiet, reinforcing that doing the right thing is not the right thing. She knows he put his son smack in the middle of a very adult situation. Maybe she doesn't know the full story just yet, but she knows enough to know that she should not be standing at any altars with Ridge. As always, Taylor has chosen to use her advanced psychiatric mind when it suits her, because I don't think she is going to say a damn thing. It will fall to Steffy, or God forbid, Douglas. 

I agree about Taylor's makeup, she looked rather vampiresque, or like one of those sirens from an old Vincent Price film. I thought her dress was lovely, except for the bodice, which I did not like at all. She could have done something with her hair too. 

Daddy Stephen came by what a nice surprise. And who is that actress with him? She is so familiar to me, but I can't place her. 

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25 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Daddy Stephen came by what a nice surprise. And who is that actress with him? She is so familiar to me, but I can't place her. 

That was Patrick Duffy's real life partner Linda Purl, actress of many things since the 1970s.

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24 minutes ago, nilyank said:

That was Patrick Duffy's real life partner Linda Purl, actress of many things since the 1970s.

Though it was about ten years ago, re-runs and streaming have her fresh in my memory as Pam’s mom on The Office who Michael gets involved with.

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I honestly didn't recognize Linda Pearl. And speaking of a Pam, Stephen also went out with Pam (Douglas) who's been MIA for quite some time. I hope the actress is well.

I have to say, I do miss the infuriating hokey Thanksgiving dinner at Eric's. No honey glazed ham for Eric's family this year.

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14 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

I honestly didn't recognize Linda Pearl. And speaking of a Pam, Stephen also went out with Pam (Douglas) who's been MIA for quite some time. I hope the actress is well.

You can catch Alley Mills on General Hospital where she had started playing the role of Heather Webber for the last month or so. She will be on next week.

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Loved the subtle shout-out to "Dallas," by naming Stephen's girlfriend Lucy! 😉 I guess they really couldn't name her "Pamela." 

Damn you, writers, for making me cheer for Steffy, although I believe that morality-wise, this incident is the exception, not the rule. I also believe that if Douglas weren't involved, she would applaud Thomas' "stunt."

After this all blows over, both of the Taytots need to be taken to task for their aggressive OTT meddling, pressure, and manipulation. While Thomas was the one to actually get his hands dirty, Steffy doesn't warrant the Teflon treatment. She is just as culpable. 

Taylor and Steffy had better not heap the altar-reveal on Douglas' young shoulders. Now that's really cruel. Hope and Liam need to come rescue him after the wedding debacle, take him home, and maybe have him see a child psychologist. NOT RWP Grandma!

UO, but I thought both Steffy and Taylor looked really nice and I liked how the styles of their dresses complimented each other. In my eyes, it looked like Taylor's hair and makeup was going for more old Hollywood glam, a nice juxtaposition to the modern bridal gown. 

I am a bit curious about what happened to TK's hand IRL. Even thought I am not a fan, I hope it's nothing serious or painful.

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22 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

Many people might know Linda Purl from Matlock. 

If you go back in time a little further, Linda Purl did 27 episodes of Happy Days.  In addition she was in 2 episodes of True Blood. 

I didn’t recognize her at first.  I didn’t recognize Patrick Duffy either at first. 

Edited by Waldo13
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On 11/25/2022 at 7:58 AM, Waldo13 said:

If you go back in time a little further, Linda Purl did 27 episodes of Happy Days.  In addition she was in 2 episodes of True Blood. 

I didn’t recognize her at first.  I didn’t recognize Patrick Duffy either at first. 

That's where I know her from, Happy Days.

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Ridge you destroyed your own marriage. 

Aww Finn being such a dad with Kelly and Douglas. First with Kelly on his lap and then putting a hand on Douglas` shoulder when shit was going down. 🥰You can tell Tanner is a dad in real life.

So sick of the Brooke pity party everyday. Her dad comes to town and all they talk about is her and Ridge. 

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Again, if Phoebe was alive, she'd have totally been the one to bust up that wedding; I guess the show doesn't want to have both of the Tridge kids being lying, manipulating jerks. We all know Steffy would've let this all ride normally but I think that because Douglas came to her she was actually trying to act like a responsible adult/auntie and she really came through for that little boy. Steffy does have integrity when she wants to.

Taylor, OTOH, was blinded by grabbing that booby prize that is Ridge and let herself and Douglas down big time. You could see the thought bubble above his head of 'Am I really gonna have to be the one to stop this too?!' Then his little sigh of relief when Steffy spoke up was sweet.  Taylor simply standing there like she isn't a grown woman with a medical degree and psychiatrist and letting her kids argue and grandson have to intervene all while KNOWING the truth? Oooooo girl, you ain't right.  Ridge isn't worth all this. And listening to him talk to Thomas you already know the truth is gonna set Ridge free to run back to Brooke.

Sucks that Hope didn't have a front row seat to this but I suspect that it's because Steffy had to be the one to save the day; we all know if Hope was in town she'd have gotten the truth out of Douglas and been at the wedding to blow it to high hell. Steffy would've accused Hope of manipulating Douglas until she heard the recording.

So now in addition to the 'Thomas freed Liam from prison by coming forward with Vinny's recorded confession so he's good now and you should leave him alone!' defense (when in my reality Thomas doing the right thing shouldn't score him points- it's what sane, good people do) the Taytot defenders now have that Steffy busted up her own parents' wedding and threw her brother under the bus so Hope and Brooke can't say poop about her not liking or supporting Brooke in their arsenal.  However in Steffy's case she really didn't have anything to gain in exposing the truth and everything to lose in terms of her relationship with her brother and her parents not getting married so I give her a heck of a lot more credit with this action than I do with what Thomas did.

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

However in Steffy's case she really didn't have anything to gain in exposing the truth and everything to lose in terms of her relationship with her brother and her parents not getting married so I give her a heck of a lot more credit with this action than I do with what Thomas did.

The show has been trying to turn Stuffy into the heroine, but no matter what they do with her, I'll never forget that she killed on cousin and tried to kill another.

I sure hope we get to hear Ridge say to Taylor, "and you knew???"

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I am temporarily Team Steffy but am side-eyeing myself a bit that her being a decent person and doing the right thing for once has me praising her. I mean, it is the lowest of bars. I do think it is the Douglas factor that is making me respect her a tiny smidge as she is being the grown up he needs so much right now. I also have to wonder if her being let down by Taylor in the past and present is informing her actions now. 

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Hope? Dash over to Eric’s house and get your kid. Don’t pack anything-you can buy anything he needs and you don’t want to bring any bad mojo home with him. Brooke? Throw that hateful, lousy ex-husband out of your house forever and live alone for at least 2 years. Get back to work and be a whole person on your own. I’m so over the red eyes/tears and moaning/sighing/crying. Geez, woman. Grow the hell up!

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I'm truly awed both by Steffy actually telling the truth...and that Bell didn't leave Taylor any plausible deniability this time. In the past he'd leave her some wiggle room by keeping her in the dark when Stephanie and Stomas did something underhanded for her benefit. I wonder if Ridge will treat Taylor as awfully as he's treated Brooke for all the stuff Brooke didn't actually do. After a year of endless Brooke bashing...I want to see Taylor and Thomas ostracized. 

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Having Steffy stop it and tell truths was satisfying.

Watching and listening as Brooke goes on about how much she loves Ridge and she’s sure he still loves her, all while he’s in the act of marrying another woman a day after he had her sign an annulment? Vomit inducing.

I have a family member who’s husband suddenly said he wants a divorce (after 30 years). She finds out he’s been involved in some way with another woman. And though she’s stunned and heartbroken, you know what else she is? She’s angry. 

I understand conflicted feelings about someone you love, but Brooke is acting as though Ridge has no agency in this at all. ‘Something” is making him do this but he really, truly loves her, so she’s just sad for poor Ridge and herself.

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I know, having Brooke excuse Ridge’s actions due to his kids’ and his ex-wife’s manipulations is deaf, dumb and blind. I’f he’s such a wuss and so easily conned, why would you want him anyway?!

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With Taylor and Ridge as parents, how could Stuffy and Lurch not be shallow?  

The positive thing is that Stuffy told the truth today but she’s still shallow.  The other positive thing is that Lurch won’t be so full of shit since Ridge enlarged his ass hole. 

I have to say Linda Purl has aged extremely well.  It’s hard for me to believe she’s 67. 

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I just realized that TK’s method of acting is to go from curious (furrowed brow) to yelling out loud and waving his eyes in a split second. Are those his only two options for acting/reacting? I think so. Bye, Ridge!!

Oops! Waving his arms not eyes. I would like to see him waving his eyes around!

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3 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

I sure hope we get to hear Ridge say to Taylor, "and you knew???"



Preview for the rest of the week. Ask and ye shall receive. 
Taylor asking if he is still gonna marry her is bonkers! 


I missed Li’s reaction the first time. On rewatch her expression was gold. Thank goodness she survived Sheila so that Hayes would have one sane grandma.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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I’m still waiting for Steffy to go off on Thomas for being partly responsible for endangering Finn and Steffy’s lives with his involvement with Sheila. Thomas has been allowed to slide on so many of the awful things he’s done because his family has pleaded his case time and again. Steffy came forward for her Dad at the wedding, but she should have come forward as soon as she regained consciousness from being shot by Sheila. 

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For some reason, I can’t react to any posts, but please know that I’m loving every post. 😉 

Yesterday was just good soap, plain & simple. It was the climax of a few months of multiple storylines, in a fantastic way. Thomas is good, see, Hope? Thomas is bad, see, Steffy? Ridge loves Taylor, see, Brooke? Ridge left Brooke over a lie that you now know about, see, Taylor? Thomas hasn’t changed, see Ridge? Bobby Ewing is a better actor than most of the characters on the show, see Bell? 

Finn was darling, first with Kelly, then checking on Douglas. Poor Li, I know she loves her son, but, damn, did he marry into the drama?? I also think I’m a bit over-attached to Douglas, because when the adults were snipping, & Douglas calmly played the recording, I belted out “oh, my baby saves the day!” My husband is concerned for my sanity. 

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15 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I am temporarily Team Steffy but am side-eyeing myself a bit that her being a decent person and doing the right thing for once has me praising her. I mean, it is the lowest of bars. I do think it is the Douglas factor that is making me respect her a tiny smidge as she is being the grown up he needs so much right now. I also have to wonder if her being let down by Taylor in the past and present is informing her actions now. 

I feel exactly the same way.  I loved the little nod she gave to Douglas on last Wednesday's episode, and he nodded back to her and then she just coolly slipped his phone back to him--she's doing the right thing by her young nephew and I respect her immensely for it.  

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I was thrilled, and pleasantly surprised, that Ridge was actually outraged with his son. Hearing him say Thomas wasn't "all better" and a "good kid" made my day. I really don't care what Ridge does as long as he holds Thomas accountable for his actions, and for being a horrible father. 

OMG Taylor. Standing there as her world crashed around her, so desperate for Ridge that she would sacrifice the mental health of her young grandson as she conspires with her mentally unstable son. She talks about Brooke being obsessed, and of course she is, but Taylor is just as guilty. Is this how all WRP conduct their personal affairs? Throwing shade on others for doing the exact same things they are doing? Allowing their grown children to fight their battles? Allowing their grown children to lie and manipulate with impunity? Taylor is a sad, and very sick woman. They should call in her old colleague Dr. Warwick to sit her troubled ass down and have a heart to heart. After all, he was only about 100 steps from "curing" Sheila, so he should be able to get into Taylor's head. But my big question, is will Ridge hold Taylor accountable? I can't help but remember the way he treated Brooke after finding out Thomas was his son. As the mother, it was Taylor's responsibility to tell the father of the child, but Ridge didn't have much to say to her at all and focused all his anger on Brooke. Will he be upset with Taylor for knowing about the call, but not telling him, and moving forward with the wedding? 

I wish this would all unravel in a truly unexpected way. I wish Brooke would be mad as hell, but instead, she will be weepy and falling on her knees to forgive that brute. 

Show used to be able to give us satisfying endings, but that was before they turned all the females into Stepford Wives. 

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Co-signing all these excellent posts!

Add Ridge to the list of those who needs some sessions on a shrink's couch. For starters, he needs anger management training. Next, he needs to examine why he must always have one active woman in his life and another waiting in the wings. 

Add to that, mommy issues and I am sure that finding out later in life that Eric isn't his bio-dad f***ed with his head quite a bit.

All three participants in the original ToD need to take some serious time off from each other and spend time ALONE. That means no Deacon, Bill, Shauna (who I could see scurry back to town once she knows Ridge is available), or any other hangers-on. 

But ... Douglas FTW! 

P.S.: I absolutely LOVE Katie's dress. She's worn it before, which I think is very cool. Most outfits on the show are one and done. 

Edited by CharlizeCat
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Taylor really thinks she and Thomas giving an "apology" is enough to excuse this mess he created? It's easy to see why Thomas is so loony...his mommy has instilled in him her belief that their family is just "better" than everyone else no matter what they do.

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Eric rushing Thomas like he was about to throw hands only for Ridge to hold him back cracked.me.up. Thomas forgot that both Ridge AND Eric love them some Brooke.

Taylor, I respect you playing the game and throwing Ridge's words back at him in challenge. She's right, Ridge told her that he chose her, loved her, wanted to marry her and it had nothing to do with what Brooke did or didn't do. And now Ridge is up here tie undone, bellowing about the injustice and all but out the door to go back to Brooke and Taylor is calling his ass out in challenge. Of course he'll twist it to say that to test him now is unfair; the true test would've been to tell him the truth before the wedding; she should've believed in him enough and their 'love' to tell him the truth before the wedding (nevermind that it doesn't matter when she told him, he'd want to go back to Brooke; and nevermind that he's shown that HE won't give you the benefit of the doubt and believe in a person - Brooke vis a vis CPS - when it doesn't suit his purposes).  NOW Ridge is trying to make everyone else the villain when the real bad guy here is him with his shady love and waffle ways.

Steffy, way to go trying to save your mom there: ' Dad, she didn't tell you because she was trying to protect Thomas'. I mean it's a reasonable explanation for why Taylor didn't tell him but we a) know that wasn't true (Ha!) and b) Steffy had no problem throwing her brother under the bus -although he did deserve it.

RJ being Ridge's other 'boy' and Brooke's son was sorely needed at this wedding. Douglas is a great emotional touchstone in all of this but RJ really should be the emotional touchstone for Bridge when Tridge has the Taytots pushing their own agenda.  Steffy and Thomas would have to think twice about trashing Brooke the way they do if they had to look RJ in the eye and he began punching back.

Katie telling Brooke how Bill approached both her and Katie about reconciling back-to-back was hilarious. I mean they're laughing now but I hope one of them laughs in his face and calls him out on his thirsty, waffling, bad playa behavior.

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While I don't care for Taylor's character, I understand her response after everything Ridge said to her. He lied to her. She was adamant that's she didn't want him, if she was once again second choice because he was upset with Brooke. Instead of being angry with him, it looks like she's going to almost beg him to go through with the marriage. Ugh!

As others have said in so many recent posts, honesty looks very good on Steffy. I liked both Li's and Finn's reactions in taking care of the children.  Didn't see any mentions, but it was a good scene when Li took Kelly's hand and left the room. Now she's supposed to be in the kitchen baking cupcakes with them. 

The frank discussion about Bill going after Brooke and then Katie was more true to life and spot on. Now we need a more realistic reaction to Ridge by Taylor and Brooke.

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I haven't had a chance to watch the full episode - yet - but have heard this line from Taylor:

Taylor: "I made the decision not to tell you about the recording because I wanted to believe that your promises to me had nothing to do with what Brooke did to our son."


Yes, Ridge lied, but how fucking dumb is she not to recognize that from jump?

Also, Brooke didn't do anything to your precious psychopath, you twit. 

As soon as she heard about the CPS call, she should have called his shit out then and there but she chose not to.

She chose to listen to her Parent Trap kids and her own inner voices telling her to believe Ridge. The same man who has always chosen her second, as the default, and who has gone back to Brooke time and again. She chose to stick her head in the sand and ignore the red flags and ringing sirens and decide that he was telling the truth about her being the only woman for him forever and ever amen this time. 

It's what she has always done. Lather, rinse, repeat. 

What, exactly, was different about this time vs the eleventy other times?

Even before she knew the specifics about the CPS call, she knew he was pissed off at Brooke for something. She should have kept running in Aspen. but instead, she lets him chase her for all of 15 minutes before capitulating and given up the booty when she could and should have told him to kick rocks. Which is what Brooke should do, too, but we both know neither woman will ever be written to be anything other than doormats for him to wipe his filthy boots on.

And Steffy trying to give her mother an out by saying she was just protecting Thomas. Right back to parent-trapping bullshit. I knew her doing the right thing was too good to last. But protecting Thomas my ass. She was protecting herself and her "so close I can taste it" victory by marrying Ridge. 

Taylor has willingly chosen to be Ridge's back-up plan over and over and over again.

I don't feel the least bit sorry for her.

And I don't feel sorry for Brooke, either, when she takes him back only for him to turn around and fuck her over six months from now.

What's the saying?

Shit on me once, shame on you.

Shit on me twice, shame on me

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While I know Brooke can be persona non grata here, if I were her, and if Ridge were to come sniffing back, I’d tell him to shove it up his wrinkled ass and never come back.  Why do people think he’s such a prize?  Is he in Jon Hamm and Pete Davidson territory with a huge pant monkey of 9 inches?  If it’s not that, why do woman pant over him.  I mean, he’s not good looking at all, looking like he needs a good flea dip.

Whats with Taylor’s look?  The sunken cheeks, the worst boney shoulders, awful makeup and the truly terrible hair.  That has to be the worst wig ever.  You’d think that Sony/CBS could afford a really good wig instead of a nasty Eva Gabor one.  

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So now what?  Is that hypocrite Ridge going to be hypocritical and marry lying Taylor or going back to Brooke who didn’t lie this time.  Is the old school, the means justifies the end, going to play out. My only dog in the hunt is my disdain for a psudo Forester win even though the ultimate winner would be the Logans. 

I really want to know what Hope will do when she finds out that Lurch has manipulated Douglas once again. 

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How about if Hope, Brooke, NuTay, Katie and Donna manage to abduct Ridge and Thomass. They will then drive these monsters out into the desert, stake them out nude, cover their bodies in honey and then let the ants devour their worthless bodies. Hey! That works for me!

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Hey idiot, this is why you ask your wife why did she call child services on your son instead of taking off to Aspen, chasing your ex up a hill, pleading with your ex, chasing her down the hill and then reuniting with her when you are still in love with your now newest ex wife. 

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These people still don’t know the full extent of Thomas gaslighting Douglas during the time Thomas was trying to sex up that mannequin of Hope. Now throwing his son under the bus during this CPS crap. He is a horrible father and person. When/if Douglas snaps when he’s older, I volunteer Thomas for his first victim.

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17 minutes ago, tricknasty said:

These people still don’t know the full extent of Thomas gaslighting Douglas during the time Thomas was trying to sex up that mannequin of Hope. Now throwing his son under the bus during this CPS crap. He is a horrible father and person. When/if Douglas snaps when he’s older, I volunteer Thomas for his first victim.

Hope had no business leaving Douglas there for weeks on end. I feel like Douglas sees him for who he is with the exception of this recent escapade of living at Grandad Forresters. 

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12 minutes ago, tricknasty said:

These people still don’t know the full extent of Thomas gaslighting Douglas during the time Thomas was trying to sex up that mannequin of Hope. Now throwing his son under the bus during this CPS crap. He is a horrible father and person. When/if Douglas snaps when he’s older, I volunteer Thomas for his first victim.

I know it's not exactly the same, since Thomas is Douglas's father, and Brooke was Thomas's stepmother, but I so want to see, at some point in the future, a similar confrontation between Douglas and Thomas as the one a month or so ago between Thomas and Brooke, where Thomas went off on how (he thinks) Brooke ruined his life. Except Douglas's rant would be both justified and aimed at exactly the right person. Using him as a pawn to manipulate Hope, pressuring him, to an abusive degree, to keep secrets about daddy's crimes, and just in general letting him down when it comes to being a decent human being and role model. Grown up Douglas should consider Liam his "real" father. Thomas deserves that, especially since we all probably know this is not the last time he's going to be a shitty father. 

After all of this, it would be amazing character growth for Steffy if she takes this all in, thinks back on her parents' history and her own romantic history and tells her mom that she wants better for her, just like she's found better for herself. Being a waffler's backup option isn't a recipe for long term happiness or security. Yes, sure, Ridge loves her. Liam loves Steffy, too. But they both love other women more/differently, and want to be with those other women. 

Whoever did Taylor's makeup and wig for the wedding must have been drunk. I liked her dress, and I liked how Steffy's dress complimented it. And Steffy's hair and makeup were great (which is not always the case). Taylor, though...  That wig looked like it had been in storage for a long time, and someone just took it out and plopped it on her head without any combing or fluffing. And her face looked like she went out and got a facial and peel the night before the wedding. Either that or she was in the hospital with an allergy attack that morning. 

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4 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I know it's not exactly the same, since Thomas is Douglas's father, and Brooke was Thomas's stepmother, but I so want to see, at some point in the future, a similar confrontation between Douglas and Thomas as the one a month or so ago between Thomas and Brooke, where Thomas went off on how (he thinks) Brooke ruined his life. Except Douglas's rant would be both justified and aimed at exactly the right person. Using him as a pawn to manipulate Hope, pressuring him, to an abusive degree, to keep secrets about daddy's crimes, and just in general letting him down when it comes to being a decent human being and role model. Grown up Douglas should consider Liam his "real" father. Thomas deserves that, especially since we all probably know this is not the last time he's going to be a shitty father. 

After all of this, it would be amazing character growth for Steffy if she takes this all in, thinks back on her parents' history and her own romantic history and tells her mom that she wants better for her, just like she's found better for herself. Being a waffler's backup option isn't a recipe for long term happiness or security. Yes, sure, Ridge loves her. Liam loves Steffy, too. But they both love other women more/differently, and want to be with those other women. 

Whoever did Taylor's makeup and wig for the wedding must have been drunk. I liked her dress, and I liked how Steffy's dress complimented it. And Steffy's hair and makeup were great (which is not always the case). Taylor, though...  That wig looked like it had been in storage for a long time, and someone just took it out and plopped it on her head without any combing or fluffing. And her face looked like she went out and got a facial and peel the night before the wedding. Either that or she was in the hospital with an allergy attack that morning. 

And don’t forget-as I mentioned earlier, her fake tan rubbing all over her wedding dress.

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4 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

And don’t forget-as I mentioned earlier, her fake tan rubbing all over her wedding dress.

I just watched it ... oh my God I cannot believe the spray tan was all over the White gown ! Was there nobody in the crew that saw that on camera ? For such a pretty woman, she looked like a hot mess...

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The gaslighting of Douglas is the worst part of all this. He's a child who just wanted a relationship with his father. 

He needs to go home to Hope. Hope needs to be in this plot, where is she?  

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10 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

RJ being Ridge's other 'boy' and Brooke's son was sorely needed at this wedding. Douglas is a great emotional touchstone in all of this but RJ really should be the emotional touchstone for Bridge when Tridge has the Taytots pushing their own agenda.  Steffy and Thomas would have to think twice about trashing Brooke the way they do if they had to look RJ in the eye and he began punching back.

They'd probably give them their ass to kiss all the same. R.J is just as much Brooke's son as he is Ridge's. And unlike Rick(who Steffy fucked) and Hope(who Thomas wants to fuck) he is blood related to them so they probably won't find much use for him. So since he's tainted with Logan genes, any gripes he as with those two are going to be shut down with "You had Ridge all to yourself as a kid because of your slut mother. Blah fuckity blah!" or some other bullshit like that. Ironically, I think R.J would be treated the way Adam Newman is treated by Victoria & Nick on Y&R. Not because he breaks any laws or lies compulsively, but because he's half Logan. I would be extremely surprised if R.J was allowed to bring up all the times his parents spilt up or weren't together while he was growing up, because their trash father is flaky as shit. But regardless, he can start with grandma Stephanie faking a heart attack so that their nearly 18 year old bratty asses could have both parents together, and go from there.  

Look at Hope, she can barely throw the horrible shit Steffy's done to her in the last 11 years in Steffy's face without Steffy dodging the judgment, forgetting facts or getting the last word in. And her few remining brain cells were sacrificed so she could believe that Thomas had changed, instead of taking his sorry ass to court over Douglas. Unpopular opinion incoming: Which is why I doubt she'll do jack shit when she finds out the CPS call, she'll be the only dumbass still defending him(even if only slightly), even after his own sister/parents have had enough of his garbage. So idk I don't have any faith it will be any better for R.J. He's better off in boarding school or hanging out with Rick. 

Ridge has talked & promised himself into a corner. That's what the selfish, sanctimonious bastard gets. He'll either backtrack and bullshit out of it or he might actually go ahead and marry the desperate twit of a doctor. That way Steffy will still have bragging rights but her hands will be effectively clean since she did tell the truth, so no one can hold this against her. Glad that the TPTB finally understand that to make Steffy a heroine she has to...you know...actually do heroic, I use this term loosely, shit instead of just bumping her useless gums about how much better she is than the Logans cos reasons. At least she has one example of her morality to use now. It's late in her character establishment & a little half-assed but I accept it. 

Edited by Skarzero
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