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Meri Brown and her Wet Bar of Tears

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Just curious Gardendiva,..how would u feel if Sam was real and Meri had done all the same things..voicemails, texts planning to meet etc. Not even "plan" to meet, since she actually went to California to be with him, and he stood her up

Edited by Christi
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Thanks Razzleberry. I was beginning to think I was the only one who thinks Meri is responsible for her situation. Sure. This fake person is horrible and did a terrible thing. But Meri reciprocated. She wasn't innocent and a mere victim here. If she hadn't been willing to try to establish a relationship outside of her "marriage" with Kody it wouldn't have happened. I think we are more willing to cut Meri slack because Kody is an ass and has another wives. But Meri agreed to the relationship with other wives and actually facilitated his getting other wives. Her vows to him were that she would be monogamous. She can't not turn around and use the fact that he sleeps with other wives as a justification for looking for another man. If she wants to leave him then I will cheer for her. But the fact that her attempt to have a man on the side blew up horribly in her face doesn't garner a lot of sympathy from me. 

THANK YOU and I agree with everything you said. I'm not really a 'tit for tat' person, but player got played. Meri said vow of monogomy for herself with Kody (while he had multiple wives), and she broke those vows. She committed adultery by starting a relationship with another man while married to Kody. She sought out and continued a relationship with Catfish Sam, and it backfired. If she had severed ties with Kody and then was scammed, I'd feel sorry for her. Maybe. I've thought she was sneaky and vile from the start, so I don't cut her much slack, but I have no sympathy for her in this matter.


I know Meri is no angel in this circumstance, but this catfisher had the advantage of knowing all about Meri and her vulnerabilities by watching her on TV. Somebody could really manipulate another person with that kind of insight.

Despite how bad the situation looks, and admittedly Meri put herself in all of the messes and entanglements she is in right now, but I can't help but feel compassion for how out of control her life probably feels right now. I would not want to be her.

Meri knew a whole lot about Robyn, too, and Robyn's vulnerabilities (living in [self-inflicted] poverty, scared of her ex, dealing with an autistic child, etc.) when she initiated that whole relationship, too. It just really backfired as well.


She scratched his name into his arm.

That's cray. Disturbing, but not surprised. I can see Meri burying rivals in little holes in the dessert. Maybe I watched too much Big Love back in the day.

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"If she had severed ties with Kody and then was scammed, I'd feel sorry for her. Maybe. I've thought she was sneaky and vile from the start, so I don't cut her much slack, but I have no sympathy for her in this matter."


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Just curious Gardendiva,..how would u feel if Sam was real and Meri had done all the same things..voicemails, texts planning to meet etc. Not even "plan" to meet, since she actually went to California to be with him, and he stood her up

Meh. It's hard for me to get too worked up about this. Edited by gardendiva
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WOAH...I just heard many of the voicemails Meri left for "Sam Cooper". What I'm wondering is whether they just kept leaving each other voicemails or actually had a phone conversation--and if so, who was talking as "Sam Cooper"? I don't care what her ulterior motives may have been for bringing Robyn into the family, Meri did not deserve this kind of deception and humiliation. It is downright creepy! But I agree that she put herself in this situation willingly and was not faithful in her marriage. 

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So the so called 'sex tapes' are only of Meri?  Nothing recorded from 'Sam'?

We don't know yet. 


1) Meri solo tape.

2) Jackie hired a male escort to have sex with Meri.

3) Meri and Jackie.

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Lol ok

I just feel like Meri was on the edge of a nervous breakdown anyway, between her only child leaving the nest, no possibility of any more children on the horizon, and this divorce thing, however that came about. She was emotionally fragile, and this person basically entrapped her.

Yes, it's not a good character quality to fall for another man while you are "married" to someone already, but I feel like only Kody gets to be as pissed off at her as she may deserve.

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There is absolutely no jot of evidence that this whole Sam thing started before the divorce was final. It appears the catfishing wasn't until March, that's her earliest contact with "Sam".

This wasn't adultery.

It was a sick sociopath preying on a lonely hurt woman. I have never really bought the party line that Meri was responsible for getting Robyn into the family. I think it was more like Robyn saw Kody and vice versa and they made up the story that Meri was the instigator. The other two were not picked by Meri. They both sought out Kody.

Yes, Meri as an 18 year old in love with the only guy she ever dated and even then not being such a prize herself made a deal with the devil to keep Kody in her life. At the time I suppose it seemed like a good trade. She was raised in it after all.

But all the stories they tell in their book...it was clear they had major jealousy issues.

Also, If Meri was so gung-ho about Robyn joining the family why did she and Kody seek marriage counseling before the "wedding"? They admitted to going through a very rough patch at the time Kody started seeing Robyn.

Meri's no saint, but she was divorced. I don't think she was actively seeking a new guy in her life, I think Overton took advantage and knew she had a vulnerable fish.

No one, NO ONE, deserves this.

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 If she had severed ties with Kody and then was scammed, I'd feel sorry for her. Maybe. I've thought she was sneaky and vile from the start, so I don't cut her much slack, but I have no sympathy for her in this matter.



THIS!!! And no - the divorce is not severing ties with him. She flat out said it was not an actual divorce and that she and Kody were still a married couple. Meri may not be Josh Duggar but she's also not the trusting little old lady being scammed by fake Nigerians. 


And just because I don't really feel that sorry for Meri because she put herself in this situation doesn't mean I think what this fake "Sam" person did was ok. That person is evil. 


It's interesting where we all draw the line at sympathy and acceptable behavior. I realized today that if this had been Christine I would probably feel worse for her than I do for Meri. Meri is 100% in a position to be able to leave. So any kind of cheating/sneaking around etc doesn't fly with me. Either be in the relationship or get out. But Christine is so much more trapped. She has kids at home and leaving would be logistically much more difficult. So if she felt the only way to get some attention from someone else was to look for the someone else I might understand. It would still be wrong but if she got scammed like that I would feel at least a bit badly for her. 


Sometimes judgements make no sense LOL

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If Meri was so gung-ho about Robyn joining the family why did she and Kody seek marriage counseling before the "wedding"? They admitted to going through a very rough patch at the time Kody started seeing Robyn.


Perhaps it was because Meri was caught off guard when Kody actually fell in love with the "gross" divorcee. Something about this impending union probably felt different.  Janelle and Kody are more like siblings and "with Christine there is no romance", so Meri never felt threatened.  I believe they saw a marriage counselor because she sensed/had a gut feeling, that things would be different; and she would be right.

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Kody most likely became attracted to Robyn long before any of the other wives noticed Robyn. He most likely manipulated Meri into thinking that Robyn was her idea. This whole catfish debacle demonstrates how Meri is gullible and naive. Meri's life was pretty sweet right before Robyn came aboard. Of all the wives, she had the best life. School, job she enjoyed, best unit with best furniture. I honestly don't see why she would have wanted a 4th wife other than Kody's manipulation.

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I actually don't put much credence on whatever the party line is they spout for the sake of the show. "Reality" is seldom real in these shows. We've seen that over and over again. Yes, Meri has no kids and theoretically can just leave. But go where? How does she support herself? What about the daughter she is still putting through college?

And her home is in the cul de sac. Who would buy it? Really? And Kody would have to agree as part owner to any sale. How much equity, if any, is actually in the house? Do you think she'd be left with anything to start over?

What about a job? She was working part time (don't even know if it was a paying gig) with "at risk kids". Lost that due to being on the show. She hasn't worked in 5 years. She has this scandal around her.

She's trapped - her income is the TLC show money. She leaves, then no money. Kody doesn't owe her alimony.

I think she got conned into the divorce by Robyn and Kody. They convinced her that nothing would change but they lied to her.

What they say on TV and in social media is lies and half truths.

Meri loved and probably still loves Kody but he doesn't love her anymore. Most likely doesn't sleep with her, hasn't been since last year. He has what he wants - so does Robyn.

Personal experience here on how much it hurts when the person you love is with someone else. I can't imagine how painful it is to have to witness them on a daily basis.

I'm sure Meri wants more than anything to leave that mess, but she's trapped.

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She scratched his name into her arm.


I am not sure that she really scratched his name into her arm.  To me it looks written on her arm in lipstick or something. The outlines of the letters are darker than the interior of all of the letters consistently, and all the letters are the same width. Scratches wouldn't be that uniform.   It's weird as hell, especially for a grown ass woman.  But I don't think it's scratches.  At least I sure hope not, cuz that would be nuts ymmv.




Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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Yes, Meri has no kids and theoretically can just leave. But go where? How does she support herself? What about the daughter she is still putting through college?

And her home is in the cul de sac. Who would buy it? Really? And Kody would have to agree as part owner to any sale. How much equity, if any, is actually in the house? Do you think she'd be left with anything to start over?

What about a job? She was working part time (don't even know if it was a paying gig) with "at risk kids". Lost that due to being on the show. She hasn't worked in 5 years. She has this scandal around her.

She's trapped - her income is the TLC show money. She leaves, then no money. Kody doesn't owe her alimony.

I always kind of wondered what the motivation really was for Meri going back to school, but putting it in the context of what you have said here makes a lot of sense.

I think Meri has been thinking about her escape for a while.

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I don't condone cheating but I don't blame Meri one bit for what she tried to do. I don't even like the woman. She seems like a nasty person to the other wives but nobody deserves to be publicly outed and humiliated for their private loneliness. To me she's an abusive victim. Under the reign of a tyrannical, misogynistic, jack wagon and he's getting what he deserves. He treats all but Robyn like dirt and I'm hoping even he wasn't surprised by this. I think she got in over her head with the show and "keeping sweet" but everybody makes mistakes and unfortunately this is what happens when you're a public figure. Kody is just gross and I hope she finds an actual man that will cherish her, along with the others.

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I actually don't put much credence on whatever the party line is they spout for the sake of the show. "Reality" is seldom real in these shows. We've seen that over and over again. Yes, Meri has no kids and theoretically can just leave. But go where? How does she support herself? What about the daughter she is still putting through college?

And her home is in the cul de sac. Who would buy it? Really? And Kody would have to agree as part owner to any sale. How much equity, if any, is actually in the house? Do you think she'd be left with anything to start over?

What about a job? She was working part time (don't even know if it was a paying gig) with "at risk kids". Lost that due to being on the show. She hasn't worked in 5 years. She has this scandal around her.

She's trapped - her income is the TLC show money. She leaves, then no money. Kody doesn't owe her alimony.

I think she got conned into the divorce by Robyn and Kody. They convinced her that nothing would change but they lied to her.

What they say on TV and in social media is lies and half truths.

Meri loved and probably still loves Kody but he doesn't love her anymore. Most likely doesn't sleep with her, hasn't been since last year. He has what he wants - so does Robyn.

Personal experience here on how much it hurts when the person you love is with someone else. I can't imagine how painful it is to have to witness them on a daily basis.

I'm sure Meri wants more than anything to leave that mess, but she's trapped.


See I don't buy that she's trapped. She's only trapped if she wants to live like she lives now but then that's her choosing. I'm sure she could get a job that would pay for a small apartment. Kody doesn't owe her alimony but he would have to settle college money for Mariah. I actually don't believe leaving Kody would cut the TLC money either. I think people would be happier to watch 'Meri leaves Kody' than the current crap they are putting on. 

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It seems to me that there is something so utterly ridiculous that on a show involving polygamy, emotional abuse, welfare fraud, multiple bankruptcies, and attempted parental alienation, that people are climbing up on high horses and schreeching about Meri having an affair! And I must say, the best part has to be when pointing out that Meri had already divorced Kody, the response is - but they still have a spiritual marriage. I've fallen down the rabbit hole. Otherwise, I'm wondering if Jackie/Sam/Lindsey/Kendra or Robyn have joined us.

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See I don't buy that she's trapped. She's only trapped if she wants to live like she lives now but then that's her choosing. I'm sure she could get a job that would pay for a small apartment. Kody doesn't owe her alimony but he would have to settle college money for Mariah. I actually don't believe leaving Kody would cut the TLC money either. I think people would be happier to watch 'Meri leaves Kody' than the current crap they are putting on. 

What kind of job is she really skilled for?  Walmart?  House cleaning?  She's limited by her notoriety at this point.  She didn't lose her "at risk kids" part time gig because she was a polygamist (I understand Lehi has many polygamists so it's not that unusual)  - she lost it because she was on the show.  That kind of job - I would think an employer would want someone relatively anonymous.   Does working a close-to-minimum-wage job even pay for a "small apartment"?  


Remember too, how these women were raised.  They were raised not to think really.  None of them save Janelle have any marketable skills or experience to speak of.  Kody would be liable for half of Mariah's tuition, if that - Mariah might be going on loans at this point. but she still needs a place to live.  


I think "Meri leaves Kody" would be good for 2 episodes at best.  Who wants to watch her suffer?  she's used to not having to think about that stuff. She's really no different than Christine in that regard.  Janelle in the book says that Meri would leave her job on a whim to go on vacation with Kody.  "Meri Leaves Kody" would be so depressing NO ONE would watch it.  I doubt the catfish incident is going to make it to the show at all.  

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See I don't buy that she's trapped. She's only trapped if she wants to live like she lives now but then that's her choosing. I'm sure she could get a job that would pay for a small apartment. Kody doesn't owe her alimony but he would have to settle college money for Mariah. I actually don't believe leaving Kody would cut the TLC money either. I think people would be happier to watch 'Meri leaves Kody' than the current crap they are putting on. 

She's not trapped. She's addicted to Kody, the drama and the TLC fame. Probably is a bit co-dependent and would hitch her wagon to the first man who came along and 'rescued' her. She's one of those women who will call every man she's attracted to her 'soul mate.' 

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I actually don't put much credence on whatever the party line is they spout for the sake of the show. "Reality" is seldom real in these shows. We've seen that over and over again. Yes, Meri has no kids and theoretically can just leave. But go where? How does she support herself? What about the daughter she is still putting through college?

And her home is in the cul de sac. Who would buy it? Really? And Kody would have to agree as part owner to any sale. How much equity, if any, is actually in the house? Do you think she'd be left with anything to start over?

What about a job? She was working part time (don't even know if it was a paying gig) with "at risk kids". Lost that due to being on the show. She hasn't worked in 5 years. She has this scandal around her.

She's trapped - her income is the TLC show money. She leaves, then no money. Kody doesn't owe her alimony.

I think she got conned into the divorce by Robyn and Kody. They convinced her that nothing would change but they lied to her.

What they say on TV and in social media is lies and half truths.

Meri loved and probably still loves Kody but he doesn't love her anymore. Most likely doesn't sleep with her, hasn't been since last year. He has what he wants - so does Robyn.

Personal experience here on how much it hurts when the person you love is with someone else. I can't imagine how painful it is to have to witness them on a daily basis.

I'm sure Meri wants more than anything to leave that mess, but she's trapped.

Yes. And to not only witness it, but to be expected to think it's WONDERFUL.

Meri is trapped, and the only way she'll get untrapped is if she actually goes to school as she's been pretending she wants to, gets herself a job whether Kody likes it or not, squirrels away every frickin penny she can find, and just hauls ass out of there. Hell, Kody should be all for it--as an audience grabber, it would work...for awhile.


ETA: When I say trapped, I don't mean Kody keeps her in a cage under the wet bar, of course. Sure, she has enough personal agency that she could get in a car and drive out of the cul-de-sac forever. But in addition to whatever various economic hurdles she'd have, she would be swimming upstream against the religion she was raised in, and even though she's not exactly a beacon of fundamental Mormonism at this point in her life, the psychological effort required to shift out of her inertia would be steep. I say this as a former Christian fundie; it took me several false starts and and 18 years of hell to finally make my move, and fighting the self-doubt and fear of the unknown was a much bigger factor than the practical matters of finding a place to live and getting a job for the first time since before I was married. Worth it though, Meri. So worth it!

Edited by SometimesBites
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It's not always as easy to leave a man and a way of life as you would think. Even to move into an apartment you need a source of income, first and last months rent and good credit. Meri may not have access to any money if she leaves the 'tribe'. Then they have religious considerations which we don't even quite know and understand. And Meri loves the other children in the family and would probably be pretty much shunned. 


So I think she may get out someday, but it is never easy or quick. I know a woman who recently left a long term marriage and no one would rent to her because she didn't have savings or credit in her own name and she was only working part-time. This woman had to actually live with relatives for awhile until she could find a full time job and come up with rent and security deposits. It would be interesting to see this all unfold on TV, but they wouldn't do it because it would upstage Robyn and her new pregnancy.

Edited by Madding crowd
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Kody most likely became attracted to Robyn long before any of the other wives noticed Robyn. He most likely manipulated Meri into thinking that Robyn was her idea. This whole catfish debacle demonstrates how Meri is gullible and naive. Meri's life was pretty sweet right before Robyn came aboard. Of all the wives, she had the best life. School, job she enjoyed, best unit with best furniture. I honestly don't see why she would have wanted a 4th wife other than Kody's manipulation.

Rumor was that pursuit of a 4th wife and the dynamics that would bring was what sealed the deal with TLC. Meri knew that she could keep Kody's attention and Alpha wife role with the whole "I want another baby" drama, but truth be told, her daughter was about the leave the nest, and she needed something to keep her relevant. She and Janelle have had friction from the start, and Janelle and Christine got along and worked well together, to the self-exclusion of Meri.


Bringing in #4 kept Meri's HBIC status intact, because she'd win points with Kody, seal the TLC show, tick off the ever pregnant Christine, AND have an ally with the new wife. I do think she chose Robyn, because she knew her - Robyn's ex is Christine's first cousin, Kody's third cousin and related to one of Meri's father's wives (Meri's sister mom?). They knew exactly who Robyn was and had an idea of her character and background. I totally get why Christine, especially, who was huge pregnant during Kody and Robyn's dating, was so upset that Kody (and Meri) picked Drama Robyn. 


I also think Robyn flipped the tables on Meri. Robyn is Stealth. Meri's prior tears and guilt reminding that she only has one child were superseded by what ever tricks Robyn is pulling on Kody. She convinced Meri that she would fall in line, then has totally mesmerized Kody, and now convinced him to divorce Meri and marry her. Girl has skills. She should've set her aim a lot higher than Kody Brown.


If Meri is guillable, it's because instead of just being an honest, direct person, she wants to play dramatic games and scheme all the time. Sometimes scheming works, sometimes it doesn't. This time it didn't.

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See I don't buy that she's trapped. She's only trapped if she wants to live like she lives now but then that's her choosing. I'm sure she could get a job that would pay for a small apartment. Kody doesn't owe her alimony but he would have to settle college money for Mariah. I actually don't believe leaving Kody would cut the TLC money either. I think people would be happier to watch 'Meri leaves Kody' than the current crap they are putting on. 


I agree with you except I think Meri has trapped herself.  She's made her bed and now she's lying in it.  I think there are more reasons than meet the eye as to why she doesn't just move on.  She is probably being manipulated by Kody into continuing to keep up appearances on the show because he doesn't want people to think that everything isn't "happy-happy" between all of them.  He is so invested in pushing this image of polygamists being happy in their relationships that he would do just about anything to make it look that way even if it isn't, including either blackmail Meri or pay her off to continue the charade.  It's about his ego, I think.  And Meri is too easily swayed by the money at this point to leave.  I wouldn't be surprised if she does leave when the show is cancelled, though.

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Whether she "trapped herself" or no matter how much of a hand she had in the Robyn selection, Meri DOES NOT DESERVE THIS.


And everyone seems to be related to everyone else - I have about 25 first cousins and I have only seen most of them once or twice in my LIFE, back when I was a kid and went to family reunions back East.  Christine must have hundreds of first cousins, but that doesn't mean she knows all of them or even half of them personally.


Meri and Kody are divorced.  If Kody can sleep with multiple women (he probably doesn't now, but he does have that option) then Meri sure as hell can if she wants.  but again, I believe she's quite naive and was drawn into this by a disturbed poor excuse of a human being who is still pretending to be "Sam", now migrating over to Facebook.


No one deserves this.  No one.

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I can only imagine how ANGRY Kody is about this.He must be seeething!

He has always garnered such control over these women and the family, and he cant control this catching media attention.

This story, Im sure in his eyes, will expose that someone in hus cult doesn't buy his Dreamboat/awesome dude persona he keeps desperately trying to convey

Edited by Christi
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Whether she "trapped herself" or no matter how much of a hand she had in the Robyn selection, Meri DOES NOT DESERVE THIS.




Meri and Kody are divorced.  If Kody can sleep with multiple women (he probably doesn't now, but he does have that option) then Meri sure as hell can if she wants.  but again, I believe she's quite naive and was drawn into this by a disturbed poor excuse of a human being who is still pretending to be "Sam", now migrating over to Facebook.


No one deserves this.  No one.


Oh for sure no one deserves this but I don't think that absolves Meri from some responsibility in getting into and keeping herself in this sorry situation.  I see it with friends who are in bad marriages all the time.  They are full of multiple self-defeating reasons why they don't leave but in the end it's their choice to stay.  I feel sorry for them on the one hand but not so sorry on the other.  I would not stay in such a situation myself.  If it's that bad, they should just leave, I don't care how hard it is.  My life hasn't been a piece of cake so I don't tend to be easy on people in such situations.  When I have been in traps like that I have gotten myself out of them no matter how hard it was and how many material sacrifices I had to make to achieve it.  So forgive me if I don't cut her a huge amount of slack.  Cry me a river if she has to give up her "wet bar of tears" (I love that title, it's so fitting) or if she gets caught being seduced by online predators - That's what not doing what she should do leads to.  She's only making her situation even worse.  I think she is being swayed by dollar signs, and that's why she doesn't get herself out of this situation, and maybe I'm just old fashioned or have extremely high principles, but I don't have a whole lot of respect for that.  I have lived like a pauper and almost been destitute in my past but I've managed to keep my self respect and my principles in tact.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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Spot on!

Plus...come ON..she must have sixteen siblings and eleventy-seven cousins at least. Plus her Mother. I would have been at my mom's months ago. .having her make me some grilled cheese and making me feel better. Then she would give me the strength and advice and maybe even some cash to start my new life.

Edited by MarysWetBar
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Spot on!

Plus...come ON..she must have sixteen siblings and eleventy-seven cousins at least. Plus her Mother. I would have been at my mom's months ago. .having her make me some grilled cheese and making me feel better. Then she would give me the strength and advice and maybe even some cash to start my new life.

But see, that's why you have the gumption you do: your mom is how she is. But Meri's mom is plyg. And her sibs are plyg. That's not a system geared to help her put the Ko-douche in her rearview.

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If Meri just left I think that would be great, but cheating is a problem. If she were to catch an STI and then sleep with Kody again, it could potentially be passed on to the other three wives as well. I find it hard to sympathize with Kody, but I think the other wives do have reason to be upset.


I still feel terrible for Meri and I don't even like her. She must feel awful right now.

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I actually don't put much credence on whatever the party line is they spout for the sake of the show. "Reality" is seldom real in these shows. We've seen that over and over again. Yes, Meri has no kids and theoretically can just leave. But go where? How does she support herself? What about the daughter she is still putting through college?

And her home is in the cul de sac. Who would buy it? Really? And Kody would have to agree as part owner to any sale. How much equity, if any, is actually in the house? Do you think she'd be left with anything to start over?

What about a job? She was working part time (don't even know if it was a paying gig) with "at risk kids". Lost that due to being on the show. She hasn't worked in 5 years. She has this scandal around her.

She's trapped - her income is the TLC show money. She leaves, then no money. Kody doesn't owe her alimony.

I think she got conned into the divorce by Robyn and Kody. They convinced her that nothing would change but they lied to her.

What they say on TV and in social media is lies and half truths.

Meri loved and probably still loves Kody but he doesn't love her anymore. Most likely doesn't sleep with her, hasn't been since last year. He has what he wants - so does Robyn.

Personal experience here on how much it hurts when the person you love is with someone else. I can't imagine how painful it is to have to witness them on a daily basis.

I'm sure Meri wants more than anything to leave that mess, but she's trapped.

Equity in their homes? Hahah. They have interest-only loans -- that are due for them to repurchase the home 3 years later (coming up soon). They have no equity.
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Just curious Gardendiva,..how would u feel if Sam was real and Meri had done all the same things..voicemails, texts planning to meet etc. Not even "plan" to meet, since she actually went to California to be with him, and he stood her up

considering the mess this plural marriage is AND that she is "legally" divorced, I'd say GO GIRL.  Get far away and live in love.

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If Meri left, I could also see Mariah cutting her off for a time, too. Mariah is heavily involved in their church, wants to marry into polygamy and seems to buy into the "happy Brown fahhhmily unit" b.s. hook, line and sinker.


I could also see Kody and Robyn manipulating Mariah into taking their side.


Can you imagine what it's like on the compound (I'm sorry Christine - the cul de sac) these days, with all of the news floating around about the catfishing?

Edited by egilsdottir
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Well, in addition to the catfishing debacle, they have other fish to fry (no pun intended) with the end of the gravy train in sight and the loans on those homes coming due.  The crap that hit the fan over Meri far overshadows the phony adoption story and dollars to donuts TLC missed the opportunity to film any of that if I understand the timeline correctly.  And even if they could film it, I'm sure Kody's humiliation over the complete loss of control over one of his concubines would be hidden.  Not gonna get that Celestial Planet without the harem.


Time to start getting those bankruptcy papers in order and fill out the welfare forms.  Once TLC pulls the plug it's back to tater tot casseroles.  And for the record, you assholes, you haven't sold polygamy to anyone.  In fact, you have made it abundantly clear that it's one of the most toxic forms of any lifestyle on earth.

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For years there had been a kind of prevailing attitude on social media (ie: here, the original SW blog, CJ's blog, FB) of "run, _____, run!"  Some have been very outspoken about the MAJOR emotional/mental/physical abuse and the horrible brainwashing, as well as the need for all plyg/AUB/FLDS women to get out of their situations. 


There have been many who said, "if HE can have sex with other people, THE WOMEN should be able to, also!"  There have been several times that posters, including me, have mocked their magic underwear and "commitment" ceremonies, have said over and over that these women needed to start their own lives because the Kingdom of Kody was a shameful abuse of power and misogyny and their commitment ceremonies were for the birds.   


Yet now, after Meri finally ventured into an escape attempt, she's being accused of CHEATING on f*cking KODY?  Kody, who clearly isn't her "lover" any longer and hasn't been for some time?  Kody, the power troll who only cares about himself, who didn't give a crap when she was having an emotional break while signing the divorce papers or having dizzy spells before they left for the lawyer's office?  Who gives a shit about Kody?  Seriously.


Meri’s first attempt at finding someone to love her (you know, the way that Kody loves Robyn) was a disaster that -- if real -- could have the even WORSE effect of keeping her in the Kody Brown Kult forever.  But at least she tried.

Maybe she asked for this lifestyle at an earlier time in her life, but hopefully that was in the past and she’s finally ready to run.  Maybe she is slowly becoming deprogrammed from the brainwashing, who knows, but I hope that she gets the HELL out of there.  Janelle and Christine, too.  And I hope that the kids never get involved in this crazy mess. 


For the record, hasn't it already been established -- in the book, I think -- that Meri didn't go out of her way to bring Robyn in, but that Robyn was keeping tabs on Kody and making sure that she put herself wherever he was going to be?  Maybe Meri liked her well enough after meeting her, maybe she told Kody to dance with Robyn or whatever, but I agree with those who doubt that she thought anything would ever happen between Kody and a divorcee with 3 kids.

Edited by AndreaF
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Well, in addition to the catfishing debacle, they have other fish to fry (no pun intended) with the end of the gravy train in sight and the loans on those homes coming due.  The crap that hit the fan over Meri far overshadows the phony adoption story and dollars to donuts TLC missed the opportunity to film any of that if I understand the timeline correctly.  And even if they could film it, I'm sure Kody's humiliation over the complete loss of control over one of his concubines would be hidden.  Not gonna get that Celestial Planet without the harem.


Time to start getting those bankruptcy papers in order and fill out the welfare forms.  Once TLC pulls the plug it's back to tater tot casseroles.  And for the record, you assholes, you haven't sold polygamy to anyone.  In fact, you have made it abundantly clear that it's one of the most toxic forms of any lifestyle on earth.

I remember clearly how open I was to this show when I first tuned in. Because I'm generally a live-and-let-live person, I went in with no preconceptions or negative judgments. In fact, I was ready to be convinced that the system might be a workable deal among consenting adults. For the first portion of the first episode, I thought, well, they seem pretty happy and normal. My impression devolved steadily. In fact, the more my exposure to the Browns, the less I think polygamy is a psychologically healthy marital alternative. One of the common cries of the Browns is that people who find fault do so based on incomplete information. They look bad because the edit. They look bad because the viewer only gets a tiny snippet of their actual lives. What they don't get is that there are moments shown that just are what they are, and those moments speak volumes. The problem isn't that we haven't seen enough. The problem is that we've seen MORE than enough. Polygamy doesn't make you all better. It makes you sad and lonely and frustrated and broke.
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I always thought Meri was never suited for this lifestyle (not that I think it is really a great idea for the majority of people out there. However, if you remember the Dargers, the family with the twins and cousin wife, although we didn't have years of viewing them to see what they are truly like at best and worst, I did get the sense that they can accept their circumstances better and are more open around each other). Meri could not share a kitchen with sister wives, let alone a home. I think she only entered the lifestyle because of the religious aspect and maybe to hold on to Kody. The line she spouts at the opening credits about polygamy making each of them better is I think what she has to keep saying to convince herself there is a good reason for the misery. It feels so strange thinking back on the very first season because Meri literally said Christine and Janelle were her best friends. I don't know where that came from. 


About their houses, isn't Meri's the one house that Kody's name is on too? I don't know much about property and mortgage, etc., but would that make it more complicated for Meri to try to leave or sell her home? 

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Time to start getting those bankruptcy papers in order and fill out the welfare forms. Once TLC pulls the plug it's back to tater tot casseroles. And for the record, you assholes, you haven't sold polygamy to anyone. In fact, you have made it abundantly clear that it's one of the most toxic forms of any lifestyle on earth.

They probably have pre-filled .pdfs of the bankruptcy paperwork ready when needed.

In the next few months we will see a lot of movement with the houses.

Meri's house (and Wet Bar RIP) will be the first to go.

I could see Christine (4 minors?)and Janelle (3 minors?) pushed into the same household eventually. They'll sell it to us as Janelle being good ol' practical business-minded Janelle but we all know the truth.

Kody and his soulmate Kody will live continue to live above his means with Robyn. Eventually they won't have any available credit and will move out of Vegas. Kody will talk about how he was always a county boy and how much he missed ranch work-- but the truth is that they can't afford $2 million mortgages.

Edited by CofCinci
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Well, in addition to the catfishing debacle, they have other fish to fry (no pun intended) with the end of the gravy train in sight and the loans on those homes coming due.  The crap that hit the fan over Meri far overshadows the phony adoption story and dollars to donuts TLC missed the opportunity to film any of that if I understand the timeline correctly.  And even if they could film it, I'm sure Kody's humiliation over the complete loss of control over one of his concubines would be hidden.  Not gonna get that Celestial Planet without the harem.


TLC helped destroy this family, although I agree the family adults were fully capable of doing it on their own.  But TLC chose a family that, on the surface, was doing well on it's own.  Background checks had to have indicated that the Browns were habitual users of bankruptcy.  Somewhere along the line I heard that the addition of Robyn was one of the deciding factors to getting the show.  Maybe that was just conjecture, but from TLCs point of view they had a functioning poly family that was constantly strapped for cash and was also heavily involved in making polygamy legal.  The icing on the cake was Kody telling the producers that even though everything was chugging along, things were about to get interesting because after fifteen years he was taking a new wife.  And the kids didn't know about that yet, so you want to film that?  PAYDIRT!


TLC has to have known by this time that the families that participate in their reality shows usually crash and burn.

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For years there had been a kind of prevailing attitude on social media (ie: here, the original SW blog, CJ's blog, FB) of "run, _____, run!"  Some have been very outspoken about the MAJOR emotional/mental/physical abuse and the horrible brainwashing, as well as the need for all plyg/AUB/FLDS women to get out of their situations. 


There have been many who said, "if HE can have sex with other people, THE WOMEN should be able to, also!"  There have been several times that posters, including me, have mocked their magic underwear and "commitment" ceremonies, have said over and over that these women needed to start their own lives because the Kingdom of Kody was a shameful abuse of power and misogyny and their commitment ceremonies were for the birds.   


Yet now, after Meri finally ventured into an escape attempt, she's being accused of CHEATING on f*cking KODY?  Kody, who clearly isn't her "lover" any longer and hasn't been for some time?  Kody, the power troll who only cares about himself, who didn't give a crap when she was having an emotional break while signing the divorce papers or having dizzy spells before they left for the lawyer's office?  Who gives a shit about Kody?  Seriously.


Kody gets whatever he deserves from these women whether that be dumping him, cheating on him, unhappiness, constant "counseling" sessions, jealousy, laundry lists of grievances with him, etc., etc., etc.  I don't give one crap how he feels about any of it because he has it coming.  The only thing Meri is guilty of is cheating herself out of a real relationship and compromising her self respect by continuing to stay in a negative situation if she really wants out - Not to mention her dishonesty with the rest of the family and with the TLC viewing audience.  The trouble is that Kodouche is in control of the rules of these relationships, not the women, and even though they all say they accept it (yeah right and I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell them) all their difficulties with the situation say otherwise so I'm not buying it.  Kody is not willing to rewrite the rules of their crazy relationship in order to be on board with the women pursuing other love interests while staying involved with him.  So if Meri stays there she's technically cheating.  The only way not to be cheating is to walk away from the relationship.  Don't divorce him but then say "everything's the same between us, right?" because if it is, that would mean pursuing other men is still out of the question.  There is no "half way" for these women - Either they're on board with Kodouche and his tyranny or they get out.  Anything else is being dishonest and below board with themselves and with him.  Even if Meri were to be open about pursuing other men I kind of doubt Kody would let her do it and still be in whatever "commitment" relationship they supposedly have.  If he did let that happen that would be another story altogether, but I still don't think such polyamorous situations ever work out for the best for all involved, but that's just me.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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TLC helped destroy this family, although I agree the family adults were fully capable of doing it on their own. But TLC chose a family that, on the surface, was doing well on it's own. Background checks had to have indicated that the Browns were habitual users of bankruptcy. Somewhere along the line I heard that the addition of Robyn was one of the deciding factors to getting the show. Maybe that was just conjecture, but from TLCs point of view they had a functioning poly family that was constantly strapped for cash and was also heavily involved in making polygamy legal. The icing on the cake was Kody telling the producers that even though everything was chugging along, things were about to get interesting because after fifteen years he was taking a new wife. And the kids didn't know about that yet, so you want to film that? PAYDIRT!

TLC has to have known by this time that the families that participate in their reality shows usually crash and burn.

Its the PEOPLE..not TLC

Come on..they have to he accountable for their own actions.

Jen Arnold and Bill Klein are really positive, happy role models who chose this venue to educate and inspire people...and to have fun. Other families have gone in much different directions...but I cant blame TLC

Edited by Christi
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Yeah, Meri needs to fix her business. I dont feel sorry for her AT ALL. You r unhappy? Leave! You have second thoughts about plural marriage? Come out and say that! You signed up for a REALITY show...so be REAL. This sneaking around stuff is ALL on her. Clean your mess, Meri

New update to the catfish drama. Robyn's bff, Kendra is far more involved than I thought. This blog exposes her even more:


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So Kendra was their "fashion consultant"? Barf. Can she be jailed for crimes against fashion -- felony sausage arms.



Remember that stupid family commitment or vow renewal ceremony or whatever it was a few years ago and the dresses the women wore? They made a big deal out of having the dresses custom made and they were so hideous that a couple of them had to get store-bought dresses. Robyn and Meri's dresses in particular were just awful. Kendra should be imprisoned for life without parole if she's responsible for those outfits.

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In fact, the more my exposure to the Browns, the less I think polygamy is a psychologically healthy marital alternative. One of the common cries of the Browns is that people who find fault do so based on incomplete information. They look bad because the edit. They look bad because the viewer only gets a tiny snippet of their actual lives. What they don't get is that there are moments shown that just are what they are, and those moments speak volumes. The problem isn't that we haven't seen enough. The problem is that we've seen MORE than enough. Polygamy doesn't make you all better. It makes you sad and lonely and frustrated and broke.



This does seem to be correct. In the beginning of the show they seemed some what happy, but then you read their

book and learn how bad it was for years. Meri, clearly wasn't a good sister wife to Janelle or Christine. Christine

used to be the favorite or thought she was until Robyn came along. Robyn seems to be fitting what a lot of descriptions

of wives. Climbing over the other wives to be an remain the favorite wife. Kody treats everyone but Robyn like crap.

He's clearly King and can do what ever he wants.

If we look at the Williams on the surface they seemed better. The family lived together and seemed closer. Except

after a few episodes it became clear Brady favorited Paulie and Rhonda and possibly Nonie. You have Nonie wanting

to "win" by being allowed to have another baby even though she tried to talk another sister wife out of adopting a child

because of the "stress" it would put Brady. There's Robyn and Rosemary who are clearly miserable. Brady's pretty

checked out on them. Paulie had no problem sweetly managing to get more time with Brady at the expense of Rosemary.



This are the only two examples we have of polygamy up close. Neither one is good. The only one that seemed

remotely happy was the Dargers but we only saw one episode of them. There was some weirdness in that he

married twin sisters and their cousin. He married one twin and the cousin on the same day and mentioned one had

to wait for their wedding night. Why not have separate weddings. He did seem a little controlling especially over their

early morning excerise. But would we have seen more weirdness and less happy if their show had gone forward?

Maybe not but given what we've seen from the two on tv it seems likely.

Edited by andromeda331
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