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S05.E05: Dreamcatcher

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I'm surprised that so many people think the show is equating fighter with hero. Emma sent her to make him a hero but when she said she was teaching him to fight because "How else will you take on Emma" that she was actually getting him angry and teaching him to fight so he could defeat Emma, not to support Emma's plans.

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Emma looked like she felt terrible when she was taken Violets heart. She didn't have the glee Cora did when she took Daniels. Even taking Meridas heart,while troublesome, is hardly the evil that Regina or Rumple did. Regina is such a hypocrite.

Really Snow (and Charming)? Your daughter is consumed by the darkness so you want to have a party? Especially for the villainous king? Maybe you should try to talk to your daughter or do you not care about her now that you got your baby you can raise from the start? Emma and Hook should just leave StoryBrooke and let these ungrateful jerks fend for themselves. And by that I'm talking about the whole town because bine if them besides hook have ever done anything for Emma and now that she has darkness they write her off and have a fucking party.

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Entirely too much Henry. That's all.


Henry's existence is too much. 


I didn't take too much issue with Sir Morgan ripping into Henry, and the things he said to him. And that's not because I'm a notorious Henry disliker (read hater), but because I get where he's coming from. In Camelot/EF are primitive societies, where girls probably married super young. Do you want your daughter to marry someone who writes stories, or someone who can protect her? If Sir Morgan was from our world, he would probably have freaked out about a boy sniffing around his 13 year old, especially as a single father.

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I'm surprised that so many people think the show is equating fighter with hero. Emma sent her to make him a hero but when she said she was teaching him to fight because "How else will you take on Emma" that she was actually getting him angry and teaching him to fight so he could defeat Emma, not to support Emma's plans.

Yeah--Merida seems have some such idea. But I donno why she thinks Gold can defeat the Dark One by sword-fighting her.

Edited by Rumsy4
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Yeah--Merida seems have some such idea. But I donno why she thinks Gold can defeat the Dark One by sword-fighting her.


Maybe she thinks he can be distraction enough that she'd be able to take her heart back, and not be under Emma's thumb anymore.

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Just finished the episode. Hulu kept doing this weird thing where the volume kept dropping out.

I thought the episode was great. Did not see Emma taking Violet's heart coming. Probably the most disturbing thing I've seen on TV in some time -- and I watch American Horror Story.

Also, they are really getting their money's worth for the licensing of that Yaz song.

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I think that's the real reason that Emma turned Dark. Someone played that song too many times. 


I don't know if it's the reason Emma turned dark, but I do know it's the reason why I want to throw things at my TV whenever they play it or a character mentions it's a "great song."

Edited by Curio
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Good episode and wonders of wonders, it was a "Henry-Centric," one. Luckily, despite the teen drama as a background, there was not a HUGE amount of Henry and he didn't spout off about heroes too much. The kid seems to be getting to be a better actor. 


The best thing about this cycle of stories is that Camelot is a backdrop to the main characters, not like Frozen, the main focus.  I know Regina haters are going to disagree but I like the show best when Emma and Regina are pushing and pulling with each other.  Liked their talk on the porch (and wonders of wonders Regina's house is back, I am so sick of her hanging in that crypt) and far from it being Regina being selfrighteous, she seems perfectly aware ..("If I have the higher moral grown you have dropped very far...") and like the inversion of the usual Emma/Regina dynamic. And we heard the return of "Ms.Swan,"  Parrila actually naided the "EMMA" line and damn, do I love Regina's house.  Heny is more upset at Emma as he has always hero worshipped her..time for him to grow the hell up.


Other good things, the boring Charmings had three seconds of air time of someone else once again saving their butts, Belle is not annoying and the actress looks great...(also Parrilla rocks the Camelot look...) not any boring Hook/Emma gooeyness, and Caryle is great as weak normal Gold and for once the flashbacks and present day worked together.

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Luckily, despite the teen drama as a background, there was not a HUGE amount of Henry and he didn't spout off about heroes too much.



  • "What's that, lady Violet? If I pull Excalibur from this stone, I will be forever your hero?"
  • "Violet belongs with someone who will become a knight, a hero who understands this world... someone like her."
  • "Thank you, Henry. You're our hero."
  • "He doesn't think I'm a hero. Well, I am."
  • "Violet's right. In this world, I'll never be a hero."
  • "You may not be a hero in her world... But you will be in ours."
  • "It was nothing, sir." "Heroic and humble."



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  • "What's that, lady Violet? If I pull Excalibur from this stone, I will be forever your hero?"
  • "Violet belongs with someone who will become a knight, a hero who understands this world... someone like her."
  • "Thank you, Henry. You're our hero."
  • "He doesn't think I'm a hero. Well, I am."
  • "Violet's right. In this world, I'll never be a hero."
  • "You may not be a hero in her world... But you will be in ours."
  • "It was nothing, sir." "Heroic and humble."



I feel for you, having to go back and watch those scenes again.


Here's a virtual cookie, that I'm to lazy to go find a picture of, for all your heroic efforts!

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I feel for you, having to go back and watch those scenes again.


Heh. I wouldn't go back and watch that turd of an episode if you paid me. I just look through the episode transcripts. ;) (CTRL-F is your friend.) But thanks for the virtual cookie anyways!

Edited by Curio
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  • "What's that, lady Violet? If I pull Excalibur from this stone, I will be forever your hero?"
  • "Violet belongs with someone who will become a knight, a hero who understands this world... someone like her."
  • "Thank you, Henry. You're our hero."
  • "He doesn't think I'm a hero. Well, I am."
  • "Violet's right. In this world, I'll never be a hero."
  • "You may not be a hero in her world... But you will be in ours."
  • "It was nothing, sir." "Heroic and humble."



LOL..okay..maybe I don't listen that well when Henry appears.  I give the kid a break as his brain damaged Grandpa who is in his 30's (but really in his 60s) keep blathering on about it.


I did think that the tag team of Evil Moms did a good job with trying to let him know he doesnt have to be a "hero." or like eveyrone else to get attention.


Oh, i forgot to add, Morrison's acting has never bothered me but she is making the Dark One seem like she just is overworked, and didnt get enough sleep. I guess its better then the usual scenery chewing the villains do. Also, had to laugh at the real houses seen from Emma's backyard, ("There goes the neighborhood" ) wouldnt the Dark One want a house in the woods or something?

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Also, had to laugh at the real houses seen from Emma's backyard, ("There goes the neighborhood" ) wouldnt the Dark One want a house in the woods or something?

I want to see the neighbors do a fairy tale version of The Burbs. Emma has the perfect house for it.



Oh, i forgot to add, Morrison's acting has never bothered me but she is making the Dark One seem like she just is overworked, and didnt get enough sleep. I guess its better then the usual scenery chewing the villains do.

Well since Dark Ones can't sleep, I suppose it makes sense.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Reaching back a bit, because I had one of those wide-awake-at-2 a.m. thoughts ... (Re: Rumple, cowardice, the Milah incident)

He could hardly risk leaving his son without either parent.

While that makes sense logically, I don't think it was the way they played it. Someone who wasn't being a coward but was thinking of practical things would at least have acted more torn about his wife being in extreme danger, and he might even have said something like "I know I can't beat you, and I have a son to think about. He can't lose both parents" before walking away. But he was shown to be practically paralyzed, and like he wasn't even thinking about trying, which matches what we saw here. Merida wasn't even really fighting him. She was just training him. And he was still so paralyzed he didn't even want to try picking up the sword.


Maybe he's more pessimistic than cowardly. He decides that there's no way he can win, so he doesn't even try. However, that doesn't at all match the way he's acted outside Storybrooke when he had no power. When Belle kicked him out, he was acting like there was no way he could lose.


wouldnt the Dark One want a house in the woods or something?

She got the house with the white picket fence, like she discussed with Hook. It remains to be seen whether she was being ironic about that (the Dark One living in a house with a white picket fence) or whether she means it sincerely.


One more 2 a.m. thought: One reason all the retroactive Neal praise in this episode is so odd is that, when you think about it, the current situation is somewhat his fault. The Dark One had been killed without anyone else to take his place and was apparently safely locked in his vault until Neal decided to bring him back, in spite of being told that it was a trap and in spite of having no other real plan than "my Papa will think of something." If he hadn't done that, then Emma would be dealing with this at all. Though I guess Emma might still be in New York or might not exist, because Neal's stupidity at least put him in a position to warn Hook, and without that, Zelena might have gone through with the time travel spell, but considering how little Emma ended up contributing and how bad Zelena was about telling everyone her plans, they might have managed to defeat Zelena without Emma, and then sent someone to restore her memories.

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Finally got to see the episode...the Neal retcon stuff was annoying, but at the same time, Neal did have some likeable qualities and it's important for Henry to know that because he was missing his dad.  Sure, Emma was lying about Neal being himself, but she probably wasn't lying about the song (way to ruin the song for me show).  Henry was looking for similarities between he and his father and we were shown the biggest one, both of them had their hearts broken by the Dark

One...Rumple broke Bae's and Emma broke Henry's.


What are we supposed to think about the Charmings?  Last episode Charming was upset because he felt paralyzed about helping Emma, this week they decide to throw a party for the Camelotians?  Is helping Emma a priority to them at all?  Is it interesting that Hook doesn't seem to care if they help him or not?


I did like the new Nevengers--Hook, Regina, Belle and Robin, seems like a good group of not quite friends but no longer enemies.  Why was DO Emma keeping Violet's dreamcatcher on the table in the house?  If Henry could get in with out her, surely he could've found it.  I do wonder if Hook is allowed in as well, too bad he didn't try the door.  Also, was their fight big enough on the boat that we're really supposed to think Emma's done with him?

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What are we supposed to think about the Charmings?  Last episode Charming was upset because he felt paralyzed about helping Emma, this week they decide to throw a party for the Camelotians?  Is helping Emma a priority to them at all?  Is it interesting that Hook doesn't seem to care if they help him or not?


It's more important for the Charmings to cheer up their Camelot friends rather than help Emma out.  It's ridiculous.  They are most likely going to be very upset with Emma when they hear how she broke Henry's heart on purpose back in Camelot because the first love is the ultimate love and she ruined it just like Neal ruined it for her.  Well he not only ruined it but crushed her heart in an epic way that she couldn't trust anyone since.  There's no comparison to what has been done to her.  

Why was DO Emma keeping Violet's dreamcatcher on the table in the house?


She probably wanted it to be found.

Also, was their fight big enough on the boat that we're really supposed to think Emma's done with him?


She might have let him go like she promised.    

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I wonder how much of Henry asking for help was him wanting to spend time with her and try to reach her, and how much was that he really meant what he said about her being the Savior and needing to bring Violet her happy ending. Because if he actually needed Emma's help to figure out that a horse whose favorite treat was pumpkin would end up at the town's pumpkin patch, and if the kid who grew up in this town wouldn't have known about Peter Peter's pumpkin patch (yay, an actual fairy tale type reference!), then Henry's kind of an idiot. Meanwhile, in setting it up, did Emma plan to help Henry and work together or was she merely giving him a chance to impress Violet? Leaving the dreamcatcher out made it seem like she wanted them to know what she did (like she didn't know that Hook would be sneaking in again to try to find out what was in the basement -- she has met him), which adds to that sense that she's deliberately working to alienate everyone and keep them at a distance.

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She is deliberately keeping them at a distance and alienating them. Why else would she dress the way she does. It's to make sure they don't see old Emma through the darkness. She's still there. She has a plan and she wants her loved ones far away from it.

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It's more important for the Charmings to cheer up their Camelot friends rather than help Emma out.


It would make more sense if they showed tension and conflict between the new Camelot population and the existing Storybrooke population, or a rebellion near the tents.  Essentially, it was a way to get Snowing off-screen WHILE allowing for Henry and his girlfriend to share a dance with him arriving on a horse.

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Does anyone else wonder why the hell no one searched the garage? If you think she's got Gold tied up somewhere, wouldn't you search the entire property?


These are the same people who didn't bother to look at the security cameras at the beginning of the episode. They aren't very smart.

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Does anyone else wonder why the hell no one searched the garage? If you think she's got Gold tied up somewhere, wouldn't you search the entire property?


Because they started in the basement where Hook thought she was hiding something, and Belle figured out that that's where she got Gold tied up when she found the ropes and the bowl of food.


At least Emma is feeding him, I guess.

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I'm way more interested in hottie Merlin's lady. Are they going to introduce a Morgana character, or will she be someone we've already met?


I'm still expecting Nimue. I had feared that Emma would turn out to be her, but now we know she wasn't, i'm going back to suspecting that Emma will be Mrogan.



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Somewhat OT - I bought myself a dreamcatcher kit a while back, with the idea of making more, but I wasn't happy with it. The blue dye from the suede got all over my fingers and the fake sinew stuff, which felt kinda gross. I saw multiple dreamcatchers at a customer's house this morning, including a large one hanging from the porch.

It's like the name Milah. I'd never heard it before OUaT. Turns out, there's a company by that name making vacuum cleaners. It seems the name is Germanic in origin and means "hard working."

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To backtrack a page or so: I find it plausible that Rumpel's behavior is different this time than, say, when Belle booted him in S4. The big difference this time is that his name is off the dagger.

We've seen since S2 that magic (conveniently) works in the "Land Without Magic" Poisons, potions, glamour spells, memory revisions, Flying Monkey-itis... even Gold's magically induced black hearted Ness manifested in the LWM as a heart attack.

So it wouldn't be too much of a headcanon to say that his conniving to get his power back in S4 was because the DO curse was still exerting it's pull on him, even outside Storybrook. And that, having removed his name and removed that blackness, he'd revert back to his pre-DO persona.

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Haha, I love that you all hated Merlin last week, now one look at him and everyone's like "damn, gurl!"


I agree this episode felt like we missed some key scenes. One roll in the flower bed and suddenly Emma knows all sorts of information and seems to be into the darkness. I guess I would have thought last week's events would have pushed her to want to not do things like yank people's hearts out? I'm just going to guess we are supposed to assume that Emma started making the dreamcatchers because she couldn't sleep and about halfway in realized she could spy on people's memories with them even if the person wasn't nearby?


Maybe the voice in her head purposely stayed away to make her think for awhile that what she was doing was ok?


And god, I wish they didn't write Henry to be so Wesley Crusher-ish. I mean, I know real 13 year old boys are pretty foul, but a little bit of realism. Flip Emma the bird for what she did, or something. And for all that's holy, download some stuff to your phone that's less polarizing. Something simple like an episode of Parks and Rec would be way less terrifying on a 1st date.

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And what was the point of Hook going to Robin at the diner and asking a (former) thief to help him break into Emma's house, but when it actually came to the breaking in, he basically just stood in the background and watched Regina do most of the work?

Edited by Curio
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Did hook actually try to open the door or did he just assume that it would be protected against him? I'm not 100% sure that he wouldn't have been able to open it.


You're correct, Hook didn't try to open the door. He just assumed it wouldn't work because he thinks Dark Swan is still pissed at him at the moment, but I think he might have been able to break through the spell if he had tried.

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And what was the point of Hook going to Robin at the diner and asking a (former) thief to help him break into Emma's house, but when it actually came to the breaking in, he basically just stood in the background and watched Regina do most of the work?


What was the point indeed. I must say I completely forgot about Hook asking Robin that last episode.  I guess these writers are really good and throwing in new distractors.  So I guess off-screen, Robin got Regina involved?  Because the whole break-into-Emma's-house thing just came out of nowhere partway into the episode.  I thought we would have to watch an episode of Snow and Regina organizing a block party.

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So I guess off-screen, Robin got Regina involved? Because the whole break-into-Emma's-house thing just came out of nowhere partway into the episode.


Hook must have asked Belle to join offscreen too because she was also randomly invited to their little break in.


Seriously, though. There was absolutely no point in having Hook ask Robin to help break in a couple of episodes ago because Robin didn't do shit besides running to Regina's side to make sure her owie wasn't too bad after Emma's spell blasted her back. This could have been a great opportunity to show off Robin's thief skills, but instead, the writers made Regina do all of his thievery. Regina was the one leading the group up the stairs to Emma's house even though it was Hook's plan to break in, and then Regina was the one to try and open the door and didn't even bother checking to see if it was locked.


So here's my head canon: Hook asked Robin in the diner to help him break in, but Robin has his stupid "code" he has to live by, so he asks Regina to help with the plan so he doesn't have to resort to his old ways. (Because if Regina breaks in on Robin's behalf, he somehow counts that as not breaking in and he comes off looking clean?) Hook heard about Regina joining their little party, rolled his eyes, and asked Belle to join too because he knows the last time he tried to accomplish something with Regina and Robin (going to talk to Zelena in her cell) they didn't get anything important done.

Edited by Curio
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Ok, so evidently I'm the exception to this Yaz song working on all the girls. I was in Jr High/High School during the 80's and I didn't/don't remember it at all from that time in my life. Back then, I had a bad case of loving Robert Palmer. Huey Lewis and the News, too (got to see them in concert).

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I guess I saw the Neal stuff entirely differently than many, because the only times Emma brought up nice memories about Neal was to Henry. To me, that's not "retcon." If Emma starts saying nice things about Neal to other adults, you could maybe make that argument. But what she did, to me, was just being a good mother and a decent human being. The man is dead. The child has no father. I believe everyone "whitewashes" the dead in their families, to some degree. I'm certainly not clamoring for her to bring up all their issues, because what a terrible thing to do to Henry!


And the kid is 13! Neal was his father. I remember Finn finding out the truth about his dad on "Glee" and he was, what, 17? Granted, we never knew or saw his dad, but that show was marginally more based in reality than this one, and his mom let him believe his dad was a hero for a long time. That struck me as very realistic, as did this. I can't call it "fanservice" when a mother is saying nice things to her son about his dead father. I just can't.

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If Emma starts saying nice things about Neal to other adults, you could maybe make that argument. But what she did, to me, was just being a good mother and a decent human being.


I agree that it makes sense for Emma to talk Neal up for Henry's sake, but that's not the root of most of the complaints here. Neal's relationship with Emma was highly problematic and unhealthy for a variety of reasons and the show has not addressed these concerns in a meaningful way. Even Jennifer Morrison once asked, at some convention years ago, when Charming was going to confront Neal over sending Emma to prison. The adults on this show, most notably Snow and Charming, never addressed the elephant carcass in the room that was Neal and Emma's relationship. The only mention of Neal's fail as a boyfriend, that I can remember, came from Hook in 3x10 when he mentioned Neal already walking out on Emma once before. If it was just Emma romanticising Neal for Henry's well-being, then okay. But the entire show has been whitewashing the guy for years.


I strongly suspect the writers didn't see what the big deal was about a twenty something guy hooking up with a homeless 16/17 year old, and were shocked that so many fans had such a negative reaction to him. To this day I bet they put Neal's unpopularity purely down to shipper bias instead of the obvious issues the character had.


Also, I admit to being a little uncomfortable when Emma compared Neal wooing her to Henry playing music for Violet. Henry's romance is so far innocent and age appropriate. And Emma's relationship with Neal was.... not.

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There's also a way to talk someone up and say nice things without lying. Emma could have easily said to Henry, "That's what I liked about your father, he didn't care what other people thought of him." That's much more truthful than saying, "I liked your dad because he was always himself." They both convey similar concepts, but one of them is is a lot more valid, whereas the other is a straight up lie. It's just a small change in the wording but it can make a huge difference. This isn't an attack on Emma's character, it's frustration with the rose-tinted glasses the writers wear.


Edit: I'm now realizing that saying "he didn't care what other people thought of him" could also be interpreted as a lie, because he did care when August found out he was Bae. He didn't seem to care what others thought of Neal, but he was very self-conscious about protecting that fake identity. Someone help me out here...what's a truthful phrase Emma could say about Neal that isn't a lie? That he liked to have fun? He was spontaneous?

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I strongly suspect the writers didn't see what the big deal was about a twenty something guy hooking up with a homeless 16/17 year old, and were shocked that so many fans had such a negative reaction to him. To this day I bet they put Neal's unpopularity purely down to shipper bias instead of the obvious issues the character had.


But these are the same writers who came up with the idea of Tallahassee, and comparing 2 guys. I always wondered how much they truly cared about Neal. I think they loved Bae, I'm not sure they liked Neal all that much. If they did, then it never showed in the writing imo.


And Snow wanting Emma to resume a relationship with Neal shows how little she knows her daughter, or even knew what had gone down. If I told my mother that the guy who fathered my child was a bad guy, there's no way she'd encourage me to get back together with him a few weeks later. So that's a parenting fail. I wish they'd explained the logic away as in for Snow, between Hook and Neal, Neal is the lesser of two evils.


I've done a quick clip rewatch of the episode, and is it me, or does Merlin have a pretty clear idea how far Emma is in that pit of darkness. The way he looks at her before he says "sure" is like he's trying to assess how far she is on the Dark One scale or something.


I still think he lied about being able to help her though. And he might be pretty, and I enjoyed the actor's on screen presence. I thought he has enough charisma to carry the character. That's one thing I was worried about with Merlin. I still find him shady though.

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they were careful to get Merlin's comnent in that hulus prophecies ALWAYS come true. ....I so desperately want to know what The Prophecy about the remade sword and the DO is but I don't think we'll know until Emma and Merlin are alone together to chat.

I do think she has been trying to avoid at least part of it....but if they always come true she's just been a hamster on the wheel for all her time as Dark Swan....

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I think it would be quite easy for Emma to tell Henry something positive about Neal that wasn't a straight up lie like "He was always himself". Instead of saying "I liked Neal because he was ___", she could say "I liked Neal because he made me feel ___"

"Henry, you don't need to be a hero. Why don't you try asking Violet about her thoughts and dreams? I liked your father because he made me feel like he was really listening and taking me seriously when I talked."

Did Neal really listen and take her seriously? Who knows! But it doesn't matter, as long as Emma FELT like he was. 

Edited by Serena
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It shouldn't be this hard to come up with one truthfully nice thing to say about Neal.


Switching gears for a second, but I'm kind of confused when Emma decided she wanted to rip out Violet's heart. Did the idea come to her on the spot when she saw Cora rip out Daniel's heart? That would call back to her date with Hook on the ship where she suddenly got the idea to use his cutlass only when he mentioned it in the moment. So did Emma walk into that dreamcatcher plan with Regina thinking it would be enough, but halfway through watching the Daniel flashback, she thought to herself, "Crap, this memory isn't painful enough. We need someone else's tears. Oh, what's this? Cora is ripping his heart out? You know, Henry seems to be fond of Violet...maybe that would be enough to complete the spell. Maybe I'll just have her tell him they need to be friends as a backup plan in case Woegina's tears aren't enough. Which they probably won't be because seriously, this is why you were on a quest to destroy my mom for decades?" 

Edited by Curio
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