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I guess I'm in the minority, because I don't like this dress at all. I think it almost looks borderline tacky (I do like the longer version on the website - maybe it needs a longer body to look better for me though). And I find it kind of funny that she's wearing that on a date to a coffee shop, haha.

While I do think she looks smoakin' hot, I much prefer her red dress. It's much classier and elegant. The black dress looks like what you would wear to a rock concert or a club... Definitely not coffee date appropriate. But I appreciate Felicity being bold enough to actually wear something like that. It shows how confident she is. 

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Odd that laurel blames the LOA about Sara's death. In the S2 finale she didn't seem to mind waving Sara off with a big shit eating grin on her face.

I don't know about it being the kid. I think I remember SA being interviewed saying that the kid was seeded in S2 but might not come to anything until S4.

Of course:

A. That might be my wishful thinking

ii. SA just guessing

3. Original plan, now changed.

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That seems like a HUGE stretch to make haha, even for Felicity. My head canon, for now, unless told differently by the show, is just Oliver told her. 


Oh I do hope Oliver did tell her but it doesn't seem like it. She tells Ray about her friend who was struck by lightning and is in a coma, then corrects herself and says "was. ... I don't know." That tells me she didn't get the info Barry is awake from Oliver. And it's not that much of a stretch that Felicity would realize the "streak" has something to do with Barry, though. She knows the story about how Barry's mother was killed. Barry had described a blur. Blur ... streak? Even if she doesn't immediately suspect it is actually Barry running around in a red suit, she'd still think he'd have a much better idea than most citizens in Central City. That's why I said she realized Barry COULD BE The Flash and may have gone there for confirmation. I guess we'll see :)

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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There have been a lot of questions asked of the casts of both shows about the Ep8 Flash/Arrow cross-overs and as far as I can recall, no-one has mentioned Felicity once (even though we know she's in the cross-over, and she's the most obvious link between the two shows, and is facing her own personal nemesis, the Clock King, in one of the episodes).  I'm wondering if this might be because she's a bit too pivotal to the cross-over plot-line for them to say anything without spoiling something they shouldn't?  Or did I miss something?

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There have been a lot of questions asked of the casts of both shows about the Ep8 Flash/Arrow cross-overs and as far as I can recall, no-one has mentioned Felicity once (even though we know she's in the cross-over, and she's the most obvious link between the two shows, and is facing her own personal nemesis, the Clock King, in one of the episodes).  I'm wondering if this might be because she's a bit too pivotal to the cross-over plot-line for them to say anything without spoiling something they shouldn't?  Or did I miss something?

I have no doubt she'll be heavy involved, but I think they've generally been pretty quiet as a whole about specific plot points for all the characters. I'm not worried.

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The Clock King is in episode 107, the crossover is in 108, I don't think he's involved in the crossover is he?  I know Captain Boomerang is in 307/308 and possibly 108 (not really sure on that) but I haven't heard anything about Clock King being in the crossover.

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If the director of photography is involved, then it's going to be an action sequence rather than a reveal about his kid is my guess.  SA seems most excited for the action stuff (see: The Promise)


I really hope that Oliver told Felicity that Barry woke up with super speed and that's why when she read Iris' blog she decided to go to Central City.  Because if he didn't.... just no words.


I'm not a fan of gauzy long skirts over short solid ones but I think that dress works better with the long skirt as a dressy affair.  For a casual dinner with friends or even a fake date, it seems a little sleazy.  I know they love to put Felicity in cut-away dresses (which seems strange to me because she's not a Look at me! type of person) but that seems too much for a casual dinner with a friend, even more so to meet friends of your friend.

Edited by statsgirl
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I don't know. Maybe it's just that I thought the red dress was kind of boring. *shrugs* I really think this dress looks amazing on her, but I totally agree that it's way not appropriate for a coffee date. Not sure what the wardrobe department was thinking there. :/

Edited by Starfish35
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I don't know. Maybe it's just that I thought the red dress was kind of boring. *shrugs* I really think this dress looks amazing on her, but I totally agree that it's way not appropriate for a coffee date. Not sure what the wardrobe department was thinking there. :/


They're thinking, 'get horny teenage boys to watch by putting the girl in a slutty dress for the promo'. At least that's my guess, because that dress is ridiculous. And not in a good way. Felicity must have been loaded on booze when she bought that.

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They're thinking, 'get horny teenage boys to watch by putting the girl in a slutty dress for the promo'. At least that's my guess, because that dress is ridiculous. And not in a good way. Felicity must have been loaded on booze when she bought that.

Whoa. Slutty dress? I don't think so. It's sexy and revealing but I think Felicity looks great no worse than many things I've seen young women wear in a nightclub.

Edited by catrox14
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It's not sexy. That dress is as tacky as anything I've seen a person wear on Arrow (and will probably remain the tackiest thing until Laurel starts fighting crime in fishnets). And this is, of course, my subjective opinion. Felicity was sexy when she was wearing normal work attire of a skirt and blouse, but the writers never seemed to understand the idea of less being more.


She's on a dinner date with Barry, Barry's sister and that cop boyfriend, right? This dress might be suitable for a night of clubbing (though I still don't think Felicity Smoak would wear it), but for that? Come on, she's not that dumb.

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LOL! I really don't see that dress Felicity is wearing as "slutty" or "sleazy" but this might be a mileage may vary thing. That's a Friday night drinks and dinner with friends for me :) I was also thinking that maybe the date is not actually at the coffee house? Maybe they're just meeting there?

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I could be that they had plans to go to a different venue where it would've been appropriate, but were diverted to this location because Iris wanted to meet the girl who visited Barry so often when he was in a coma and who is now going on an adorable date with adorable Barry.

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Oh Nyssa, you are so badass and focused. 
And Malcolm is taunting Oliver again. He really gets off on that.




Laurel to Oliver in The Magician: You have to do whatever it takes.


Felicity to Oliver in Deathstroke:  Do whatever it takes. End this once and for all

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From the Corto Maltese thread

I don't want to watch the interview again to be sure, but I actually got the impression from Amell that Quentin still doesn't know by 309. I HOPE I GOT THAT WRONG OMG.

Wasn't there a promo picture with Quentin, Nyssa and Laurel?  How are they going to explain Nyssa being in Starling City but not Sara?

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I think he is telling LL that Malcolm is back and she is asking him to do whatever it takes - such as killing Malcolm - but Oliver cannot really kill his sister's biological father so there is another thing that Laurel and Oliver will be adversarial about. (SA did say in his interview that his relationship with LL will be more adversarial than before in the first half of the season.)

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I thought it was Laurel talking to Oliver too. There isn't enough context to figure out the scene. At first I thought it was about Malcom, but Laurel is supposed to blame Nyssa so she could be telling Oliver to go after Nyssa. Which Oliver isn't going to do, in that case I don't see him going to kill Malcom right now either (He is Thea's Dad and I imagine they will team up this episode to find Thea). I can't believe that Laurel would be telling Oliver to do whatever it takes to get Thea back. It would be too close to the Oliver and Felicity scene. Unless they are setting up a very direct comparison, in which case Oliver is probably not going to leave but instead try to talk to Laurel or just shake his head. My guess is it relates to Sara and she tells him that when she finds out Nyssa is in town, probably at the beginning of the episode.

Edited by 10Eleven12
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I think Laurel is telling Oliver to do whatever it takes to get Sara's killer, whoever Laurel thinks it is at this time.


It's too soon for Oliver and Malcolm to team up yet, there's a lot more conflict that could be mined from them. On the other hand, given the way this show burns through storylines....


EBR said in an interview that Felicity's mother shows up at a really bad time.  If Oliver has just told her that Malcom Merlyn is alive and back in town, and Ra's al Ghul has pinged them on his radar, that would explain it.

Edited by statsgirl
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Nyssa - woohooo!!!


Smirky Malcolm - how I've missed him.


Looks like good hand to hand combat scenes again - the show does them so well.


Wish the lighting was a tad brighter, though - it's always SOOOOOO dark that it's hard to distinguish some details - like black vs dark green. Or is that just my laptop settings?




So is Laurel recycling Felicity's lines?  Does this character have anything that's original?

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The problem I have with Laurel telling Oliver "You have to do whatever it takes" is that it's such a friggin stupid line. No, Laurel, Oliver isn't going to do whatever it takes to catch Sara's killer, he's just gonna sit back and relax and not even try... Smh of COURSE Oliver is going to whatever it takes (other than kill of course).

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It looks like Nyssa has changed target for her tranq dart, poor Roy. (Did you notice Laurel's braid a la Hillary Swank? Even if Felicity is absent for most of the episode, at least we'll have a good laugh lol) 

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You know what I just noticed Diggle isn't mentioned at all in the episode descriptions for episode 4, 5 and 6. Like I know it's hard to mention everybody but I find that a little strange.

It looks like Nyssa has changed target for her tranq dart, poor Roy. (Did you notice Laurel's braid a la Hillary Swank? Even if Felicity is absent for most of the episode, at least we'll have a good laugh lol) 

haha yeah I wonder why she tranqs Roy? lol 

Edited by ban1o
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I think she tranqs Roy and kidnaps Thea..it looks like she's in the background in that shot. I actually can't wait for this episode :) 

oh yeah it definitely looks like Roy is with Thea there. Then she probably tranqs both of them. It's easier to kidnap someone who is unconsciousness after all :P. haha Nyssa is kinda crazy lol. And yeah I am super, super excited for this episode. 

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oh yeah it definitely looks like Roy is with Thea there. Then she probably tranqs both of them. It's easier to kidnap someone who is unconsciousness after all :P. haha Nyssa is kinda crazy lol. And yeah I am super, super excited for this episode. 

 yeah you're right :D it would be harder hanging her upside down otherwise lol. Between crazy Nyssa and crazy Malcolm it should be entertaining :)

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Oh shut up Laurel. Why does every stinking line out of her mouth sound the Same? Can we just give her the name Bossy Canary?

She is so unpleasant and not in the fun way. Waller is unpleasant and so was Isobel but the have cache to support the Bossy stuff. Again how can I possibly root for this person or love to hate her?

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So is Laurel recycling Felicity's lines?  Does this character have anything that's original?

I think that like they're setting up the Ray/Oliver comparison for Felicity, Laurel is being set up as the one who encourages the ruthless, vigilante-ing, entirely un-green, death focused Arrow as the go-to rather than the last ditch effort, while Felicity tries to find another way if at all possible.

Laurel is bloodthirsty. Perhaps formerly Blood-thirsty! But she has a mean streak that Felicity just lacks. Oliver doesn't have one either. I just think that Laurel mirroring Felicity is just intended to point up where they do contrast. Not because Laurel is a choice as a love interest, but because she is a woman who represents a warring philosophy with Felicity's.

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Oh shut up Laurel. Why does every stinking line out of her mouth sound the Same? Can we just give her the name Bossy Canary?

Well, if any of the rumors/speculations roaming around reveals true (Nyssa killed and/or Ted Grant's short stint ends by his death) considering her journey's body count she'll have to be the Grim Canary. Or the Canareaper.

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I'm getting bummed out reading about the upcoming episodes.  TG that episode 4 might be pre-empted by the World Series for me.


Laurel's journey this season? -- Laurel, the People Killer, transitions into Laurel, the Show Killer.

Edited by tv echo
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I also found the wording "this lady" to be very suspicious and thought Sara's killer might be an unknown female.  But I'm watching "Year's End" and the first person the "black archer" kills, Adam Hunt, is killed by 3 black arrows to the chest/gut.  So further indication, besides the promo pics with Nyssa taking Thea, etc., that the killer is Malcolm Merlyn.  Maybe an old LoA grudge?  Otherwise, not sure why he would want to kill her.   

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It has to be someone Sara knows, or at least recognizes, because her reaction was "What are you doing here?" and not "Who are you?" or "What do you want?" which is the kind of thing I would expect her to say to a stranger. Not only that, she must not have reacted to the fact the person obviously had a bow. If she saw Malcolm Merlyn with a bow on the roof she would have been more suspicious and not so easy to kill. She just stood there, without a chance to react before she was shot, so the person had to be someone she trusted enough to not put up her guard. It obviously wasn't Oliver. I doubt it was Nyssa since she showed up looking for Sara and there would be no reason I can think of for her to do that. Roy has no motivation. I think the most likely person is someone related to the League, who Sara could reasonably know but we haven't actually met yet, like Talia. Her reaction wasn't nearly big enough for it to be Ra's.


Now watch me be proven totally wrong.

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It couldn't be Roy? Could it? O_O ?


He's the only other one who is trained with a bow and arrow whom Sara would not be alarmed to see but might be surprised, which is how I interpreted her reaction.  What would be Roy's motive other than Mirakuru rage or blackmail.


I'm really trying to hold onto my fantasy that it's Laurel. That would make me happy for Oliver to find out it was Laurel and then he can put an arrow in her.

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It couldn't be Roy? Could it? O_O ?


He's the only other one who is trained with a bow and arrow whom Sara would not be alarmed to see but might be surprised, which is how I interpreted her reaction.  What would be Roy's motive other than Mirakuru rage or blackmail.


I'm really trying to hold onto my fantasy that it's Laurel. That would make me happy for Oliver to find out it was Laurel and then he can put an arrow in her.

You know Roy is actually a fairly common theory I've seen online, basically for the reasons you've said. I guess he would be one of the really "shocking" ones lol Same reason why a lot of people think it's Thea, because it would be so "shocking". The only thing is that so far he hasn't indicated to have any sort of mirakuru rage and has actually seemed to be mellowed down a lot so it would have to be blackmail or brainwashing or something. 


I really don't think it's him though. My guess it Ra's or Talia Al Guhl. 

Edited by ban1o
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