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2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

I have to assume that they use Bamford for these big episodes to help keep cost down, its the only thing that makes sense. 

They also seem to think they should give him fight heavy episodes I think.  So I expect a lot of hand to hand fights in jail.  Maybe the lighting will be better in prison.  

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I'm not thrilled with BamBam directing, but I think that I'm in the minority of people who just can't stand the way he directs. I've seen a lot more praise for his directing style than critiques. He's an excellent fight coordinator, but he's still very much a rookie when it comes to directing, but he doesn't seem to be progressing much since his directorial debut. Unfortunately for me, I think people have been praising his directing style so that's why he keeps doing what he's doing. Meanwhile, I always get nauseous once during his episode so I guess that streak will continue. It could be that Beth likes BamBam's directing style too, amongst other reasons, why he's directing the premiere...again. 

It is what it is, even if I'm not happy with it.

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30 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

but I think that I'm in the minority of people who just can't stand the way he directs.

Lol obviously not on this board.

31 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Unfortunately for me, I think people have been praising his directing style so that's why he keeps doing what he's doing.

It could be that Beth likes BamBam's directing style too, amongst other reasons, why he's directing the premiere...again.

I think it's more convenience over genuine desire (not that I think they hate him or anything. It seems that they like him and thinks he does a fine job). He's a guy who's there, knows the cast and crew, and knows how to deliver his job quickly and promptly (whether good or not, he knew how to work with his team to deliver last minute stunts and he was able to direct last minute scenes/episodes for s4 and that's a marketable skill). 

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Here's an audition for an unidentified role on Arrow (remember, the off-screen reader could be reading the lines for a male or female character). I think this could either be a new audition scene for "Daniel Porter" or the audition scene for a new character. (It's also possible that this is an old audition for Ray Palmer that was just uploaded to Vimeo.) There are three takes of the same scene, with minor dialogue variations, so my transcription is a combination of all three takes...

Arrow take 1
Posted: June 27, 2018  Carey Feehan

Arrow take 2
Posted: June 27, 2018  Carey Feehan

Arrow take 3
Posted: June 27, 2018  Carey Feehan

CF: "Hey! Thanks again for your help the other day."
Male Voice (off-screen): "It was nothing."
CF: "Oh, it was more than nothing. That app is number one on Tom's Guide List because of your expertise. You are full of suprises, [Aaron/Erin]."
Male Voice: "Ah, I'm pretty sure I just touched someone's soggy snot rag. So I'm also living the dream."
CF: "Hey, I hope I'm not one of those customers that you secretly complain about."
Male Voice: "You? No way. You're polite. You clean up after yourself. And your hygiene game's pretty on point."
CF: "That bar seems pretty low."
Male Voice: "Work here five months, you'll change your mind."
CF: "Oh, maybe you can change my mind for me. Over dinner? I owe you a thank you drink, at least. Unless, that just put me onto your creepy customer list."
Male Voice: "You're asking me out?"
CF: "And now I'm regretting it."
Male Voice: "No, I'm flattered. Because you're very, very charming and nice. But I'm kinda - well, it's complicated."
CF: "You're not interested. I get it."
Male Voice: "Trust me. You definitely don't."
CF: "It's okay. Thanks."

Edited by tv echo
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Unconfirmed S7 leaked spoilers...

Arrow Season 7 LEAKS! - Crossover Villains and *SPOILER* Returns!
Published on Jul 1, 2018, by Pagey

-- Pagey: "These Arrow leaks actually came out roughly a day before those Flash ones... Some confirmed information from Warner Brothers actually supports the legitimacy of some of these leaks and I will point that out when it's relevant in the video. But regardless, it is important - just like those leaks with The Flash - take these with a grain of salt. I'm not here to say these are 100% #CONFIRMED or anything like that. I am just relaying this information to all of you."

-- Pagey: "Oliver Queen will be in prison for three episodes."

-- Pagey: "Previous villains that Oliver had faced and put into prison will be in the same prison as him, which is, of course, Slabside." He then referenced this same reveal from SDCC's Arrow synopsis.

-- Pagey: "Ricardo Diaz, or Richard Dragon, isn't the main threat or even that big of a threat in general in Season 7. He serves more as connective tissue." 

-- Pagey quoted the "mysterious new enemy" reveal from SDCC's Arrow synopsis.

-- Pagey: "The Longbow Hunters will all be new characters. Now that's all it said. So I'm not too sure if this means they will all be original creations for the show, so, you know, not from the comics, like Diggle, or if it means they will be, you know, comic book characters but just ones that haven't been on Arrow or possibly even just in the entire Arrowverse at all yet. ... But either way, it means we won't be getting Brick or Count Vertigo as part of the Longbow Hunters. Both Brick and Count Vertigo were a part of the Longbow Hunters in the New 52, with Ricardo Diaz, and many, along with myself, thought that, you know, it could be an option that they could come back and be a part of those Longbow Hunters again."

-- Pagey: "Next up, some exciting and brilliant news that everyone has been waiting to hear. And that is that Earth-2 Tommy Merlyn will be showing - oh, hold on, that's for clickbait video for next week."

-- Pagey: "Dinah Drake gets a new love interest. And this new love interest will cause a divide. ... I really don't know what they will do with Dinah this season, well, apart from this apparently, but maybe also some stuff with Black Siren? Because of what happened at the end of last season with them." He then said that we also know from that audition video for "Konomi Rhodes" that Dinah will be a "mentor of sorts" for her. 

-- Pagey: "The crossover villains are a take on the Court of Owls, but they won't be going by that name. But they will have the same traits and everything like that. ... The crossover for this season is meant to be much more grounded and be, like, very Arrow in tone in how it plays out. We know the crossover is in Gotham, so this does make sense in regards to the Court of Owls being involved, or a take on them. But the only big issue around this is, like, how would Supergirl and Flash, like, not deal with this group fairly quickly? ... That's my only issue with it."

-- Pagey: "The flashbacks will be returning. So Oliver flashbacks will be returning in Season 7 for a part of it. And apparently these flashbacks are apparently going to be showing us Oliver's time in prison and how it connects to events going on in the present day."

-- Pagey: "Felicity Smoak will have her own season long storyline outside of Team Arrow. Now my only guess for what this could be is that it has to do with Helix Dynamics, the company that she started with Curtis. I don't see what else it could be unless Felicity becomes a vigilante and, uh - yeah, I don't think, uh - no, no, no one wants to see that."

-- Pagey: "Black Siren will start off as, like, a no-nonsense vigilante type, following the death of Quentin Lance. Her story is based around Diaz, so that's the wording of the leak. So I'm guessing that, since Season 6 ended, Laurel has gone off on her own to track down Diaz. I hope that during that time, she has run into other team members as well, mainly Dinah Drake, just because of what happened with them at the end of Season 6. ... Black Siren should be an interesting character to see play out in Season 7 and how they carry on the strong ending that she had in Season 6. Even if you didn't like Earth-1 Laurel from Seasons 1 to 4, you have to admit Black Siren is a bit of a badass and - you know, I'd be a bit shocked if you said you weren't sort of interested to see what happened there."

Edited by tv echo
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I kind of hope one of the things they took from s6 wasn't "we gotta bring those flashbacks back," since even the meh episodes of s6 episodes were way better paced than many s5 episodes because of no flashbacks. This would be similar to how one of the things they took from s4 was "we have to make Oliver all broody again" going into s5 though. Like the Flash spoilers, we'll see if these are true by what they decide to tease at SDCC, plus since none of these were actually implemented yet they are all subject to change based on bts issues, are not all that terrible tbh.

Edited by way2interested
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Everything there is pretty reasonable given what’s already been said about the upcoming season.

A couple things I question though is Dinah’s LI causing a divide (Its literally S6 again) and the flashbacks. Didn’t they say the flashbacks would be something they have never done before? I don’t know how giving Oliver flashbacks that relate to present day count.

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Rumored ‘Arrow’ Season 7 and ‘Arrowverse’ Crossover Details Appear
By Eric Karnes July 2, 2018    


Ever since Beth Schwartz was announced as the new showrunner and Colton Haynes announced his character Roy Harper would be returning as a series regular, fans have been clamoring for details and hoping they point in a new and better direction for the CW’s former top dog. Over the weekend some rumors about season 7 appeared on the Arrow Reddit, and previous plot details to emerge there have proved surprisingly accurate, so they’re worth looking at.



Posted byu/Intelligent_Arachnid 1 day ago
[Potential spoilers] Rumoured spoilers for Arrow S7spoiler
1. Oliver in prison for only 3 episodes

2. Felicity will have an arc outside the team

3. Court of Owls will be introduced in the crossover

4. New love interest for Dinah that will cause trouble in the team

5. Diaz isn't the main villain but will help introduce whoever it is

6. E2 Tommy Merlyn set to make an appearance

7. Andrew Lees confirmed that he has auditioned for an upcoming role on Arrow

Edited by tv echo
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6 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I don’t know how giving Oliver flashbacks that relate to present day count.

That and idk how SA would figure that would give him more time off, when the only time he did get off in the first few seasons was when his character didn't have flashbacks. Then again the flashback thing doesn't seem to be on the actual reddit list so maybe that's just a jump to conclusion?

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Not sure I trust that guy but I have to admit the list sounds pretty plausible just based on the few things we already know. Though Dinah getting another love interest which divides the team is very "S6 mess" and should go in the garbage where it belongs. Haha.

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2 hours ago, tv echo said:

Even if you didn't like Earth-1 Laurel from Seasons 1 to 4, you have to admit Black Siren is a bit of a badass and - you know, I'd be a bit shocked if you said you weren't sort of interested to see what happened there."

Er, no, because while Black Siren was interesting in the first part of the season, they ruined her with the bad redemption stuff.  They never explained why she didn't just take the money and leave, and the fear of Diaz when 1. she had been killing all along herself and 2. she could easily have killed Diaz if she thought he was that bad makes no sense. In addition, the idea that the big scene was Sara meeting her rather than saying goodbye to her father has left a bad taste in my mouth for any future Black Siren scenes.


6. E2 Tommy Merlyn set to make an appearance

Any chance he's coming for Black Siren?


4. New love interest for Dinah that will cause trouble in the team

Live Vince did? Wash, rinse, repeat.

I hope Dinah's new love interest is as significant as Thea's DJ was.  It's ridiculous that they sell Vince as the love of her life and already she's moving on.

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I'm baffled why anyone would think viewers care about new romances for Dinah and Curtis. I'm not even interested in seeing them do vigilante things anymore, so I definitely don't want any scenes wasted on their love lives. 



Even if you didn't like Earth-1 Laurel from Seasons 1 to 4, you have to admit Black Siren is a bit of a badass and - you know, I'd be a bit shocked if you said you weren't sort of interested to see what happened there.


Yes, she was super badass when she spent the last 5 episodes cowering in fear of Diaz. I can't wait to see what two-bit villain she works for, sleeps with, and is afraid of next!

How come there aren't any Diggle spoilers?

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5 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Ha, well that's that. Unless he's lying again, but there's far less to go on for that.

Yeah, I can see him lying if asked directly (which seems to be his new thing) but I don't know why he'd point it out unless it really was false.

Assuming some of the spoilers are still legit, I wonder if the season opens with Oliver getting out of jail immediately -- and then we spend a handful of episodes flashing back to what happened when he was in jail? It would explain the structure change everyone is talking about (though wouldn't really give SA any additional time off. Plus, I don't know how they would shoot that with his facial hair...)

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6 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Assuming some of the spoilers are still legit, I wonder if the season opens with Oliver getting out of jail immediately -- and then we spend a handful of episodes flashing back to what happened when he was in jail? It would explain the structure change everyone is talking about (though wouldn't really give SA any additional time off. Plus, I don't know how they would shoot that with his facial hair...)

I think SA already implied that Oliver's in jail for more than one episode and implied that the facial hair would change once he gets out of prison, didn't he? Idk I might be more biased since I just always assumed once they said that the prison thing wouldn't be solved soon that it would be a fall sweeps thing. It just doesn't strike me that they would suddenly decide to return to flashbacks since flashbacks aren't connected to anything that people liked/disliked regarding s6.

Like, every season over corrects on something that was disliked from the previous that inadvertently causes other problems in the season (s2: Laurel was separated from Oliver but had a new female character to push and suddenly introduced super powers and a larger universe, s3: tried to solidify its unique serious tone in a growing universe but became almost too serious and at times heavy-handed, s4: tried to lighten the tone but had tonal whiplash and a loss of the grounded structure of the show, s5: tried to get back to the original structure but ended up majorly regressing the main character to arguably unlikable standards (enough to comment on), s6: tried to focus on making the main character as sympathetic as possible but ended up alienating the supporting characters against the audience), so flashbacks doesn't strike me as something that solves a need for them. I'm not exactly sure what would be the answer they go with (other than making the newbies more supportive and sympathetic and give the other main cast something to do, inadvertently making the problems be that there seems to be a lack of Oliver in the overall plot post-7a, but even then there's nothing to go on with predicting that), but I do wonder how Beth will approach it. 

That and now I'm wondering if there's just technicalities in it being "false," meaning that it (and the other rumors) could be technically true, or if they and the Flash spoilers are now all bs, kind of leaning towards the latter now except for Andrew Lees possibly being a villain or the Blue Beetle-esque character.

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9 hours ago, tv echo said:

Even if you didn't like Earth-1 Laurel from Seasons 1 to 4, you have to admit Black Siren is a bit of a badass and - you know, I'd be a bit shocked if you said you weren't sort of interested to see what happened there."


Someone should be prepared to be shocked then.  

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If I'm understanding this right...Diaz introduces the season Big Bad then BS kills Diaz and then Vigilante E2 Tommy takes BS back to stand trial for her crimes. Cause mass-murdering-serial-killing-psychos don't win. Works for me.

I'm fine with Oliver staying in jail if it means focus on Felicity and Diggle. I could care less if its about Dinah and Curtis' love lives.

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5 hours ago, Chaser said:

WH appeared in 10 episodes last season and she was a series regular. 

Sure, but WH was a special case. She was done with the show and didn't want to do more. KC, on the other hand, isn't even close to being done with the show and might even have her role increased now that BS is on the road to redemption. 

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Of course but why waste the money if you dont want to use her, just drop her again. She'll get paid for at least 13 episodes. She did 16/17 last season so the likelihood of them not doing at least 13 is slim.

They could've forced Willa into more episodes.

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33 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Of course but why waste the money if you dont want to use her, just drop her again. She'll get paid for at least 13 episodes. She did 16/17 last season so the likelihood of them not doing at least 13 is slim.

They could've forced Willa into more episodes.

Well, stories change as you write them, and as they go they could decide they need less (or more) of her. They're just paying her to be available to them for X number of episodes, and if they decide they need less, they'll determine whether paying her for an episode she doesn't appear in is worth it or not. 

I'm not arguing that she'll be in fewer episodes than she's contracted for, I'm arguing that factoring her wanting to be on the show into the equation is absurd. If that mattered, only disgruntled people would ever be written off. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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I assumed that Felicity would be working with Diggle and the others when the show returned but Felicity and William are in protective custody right?

I wonder if they if we are going to do three separate plotlines for a bit. Oliver in prison, Felicity/William wherever and Diggle/company in Star City.

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35 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I assumed that Felicity would be working with Diggle and the others when the show returned but Felicity and William are in protective custody right?

I guess we wont know until there are definitive spoilers, but Oliver arranged for it. He first mentions in 621 that he and John discussed it as a contingency plan if he was convicted. And in 623 he says that Lyla was going to handle protective custody for Felicity and William just until Diaz is off the board. 

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Felicity and William being on Protective Custody Island for multiple episodes while Oliver in prison and NTA looking for Diaz was what I was afraid of.  I like Oliver as a character but isolating him in prison is giving me s4 Lian Yu flashbacks.  And I doubt I will ever care about any of NTA again so no interest there or in NTA+ Black Siren.

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Why do people believe Felicity will be stuck somewhere else? If Rick, JH and KC are filming today its because we will see that trio maybe working together or even against each other as a side plot.  

Edited by Velocity23
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Because Oliver said she and William would go into protective custody until Diaz is caught, I think the assumption is that it's more witness protection with new names and a new city than just having protection is Star City. 

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2 minutes ago, JamieLynn832002 said:

Because Oliver said she and William would go into protective custody until Diaz is caught, I think the assumption is that it's more witness protection with new names and a new city than just having protection is Star City. 

But when do things go according to Olivers plans. 

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Idk I just thought that was what was going on during hiatus but then for some reason they come back in 701. Maybe Diaz gets caught then, maybe Felicity decides to come back to help, maybe something forces them back there, etc., but something would kick off in 701 to bring the full team (newbs, Diggle, and Felicity minus Oliver) together for the episode so it would be easier to establish all of the characters' starting points for the season.

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28 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I like Oliver as a character but isolating him in prison is giving me s4 Lian Yu flashbacks.  

Yeah, I've wondered how the show is going to handle Oliver being separated from his friend and family. (I was going to type "friends," but Diggle is Oliver's only actual friend on the canvas. I consider Roy family.)  If the show is at all realistic (stop laughing!) about his imprisonment, he can't have visitors in supermax. So is SA going to film with nothing but guest stars for multiple episodes?

I've been wondering if the writers might avoid this by having flashbacks of happy times with his family or fantasies where he's wishing he was with them. I'm gonna need something, because past experience has proven to me that my interest  in the show wanes when Oliver isn't interacting with Felicity and Digg.

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It will be interesting if we get reports of previous guest starts who played villains showing up in Vancouver.  Beth may want Oliver to encounter bad guys he helped put away in is prison.  No family visits but maybe phone calls.

34 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Idk I just thought that was what was going on during hiatus but then for some reason they come back in 701. Maybe Diaz gets caught then, maybe Felicity decides to come back to help, maybe something forces them back there, etc., but something would kick off in 701 to bring the full team (newbs, Diggle, and Felicity minus Oliver) together for the episode so it would be easier to establish all of the characters' starting points for the season.

Could she make that choice though?  Oliver outed himself and went to prison so that she and William would be protected (Oliver spoke of protective custody).  I can't see Felicity lightly choosing to disregard the sacrifice he made to keep them safe.

I'd be surprised if Diggle isn't working with the n00bs though.

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20 minutes ago, way2interested said:

Idk I just thought that was what was going on during hiatus but then for some reason they come back in 701. Maybe Diaz gets caught then, maybe Felicity decides to come back to help, maybe something forces them back there, etc., but something would kick off in 701 to bring the full team (newbs, Diggle, and Felicity minus Oliver) together for the episode so it would be easier to establish all of the characters' starting points for the season.

That's what I was thinking too, I just wondered if they would go a different route.

Personally I think I would be okay if Dinah/Rene/Curtis/BS were dealing with Diaz in the C-Plot and Felicity/Roy/Diggle were wherever trying to get Oliver out (and setting up their own storylines) in the B-Plot. And they just keep that separation till Oliver gets out in episode x and Diaz is killed off by BS or the real Big Bad.

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8 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Could she make that choice though?  Oliver outed himself and went to prison so that she and William would be protected (Oliver spoke of protective custody).  I can't see Felicity lightly choosing to disregard the sacrifice he made to keep them safe.

I'd be surprised if Diggle isn't working with the n00bs though.

Didn't Oliver go to jail so that the FBI wouldn't go after everyone else and so that they'd help him take down Diaz? Outing himself and going to prison is the opposite of protecting his family from anyone other then the feds. 

But if the writing team continues to write the show as it was written in S6, Oliver outting himself wont put Felicity/William in anymore danger then "Laurel" coming back from the dead and everyone knowing she was Black Canary but doing absolutely nothing about it.

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