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Any last thoughts on the "him"?

I went back to it being Darhk and I guessed an alleyway but now I think it happens at the prison

 I just don’t know anymore.  Andy would be the swerve, Malcolm the emotionally satisfying one, DD the logical one.

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 I know there is a lot to hold against Laurel and it is a badly worded line - but Oliver still deserves all the shade in the world for his tendency to withhold important information until plot dictates it is revealed.


I don't even think she was being shady. It kind of seemed like she was almost teasing him about it, which...duh. Of course he doesn't like talking about it, haha. 

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But how is Oliver supposed to tell them ALL the things if something doesn't trigger him to THINK about all the things? This what I can't understand about the anger towards Oliver for not telling things that he can't tell because he doesn't recollect them OR he legitimately doesn't think it will necessarily be a THING again.   I mean it's not like Oliver is writing a memoir here  nor should he.


I really think this is mostly just a product of really bad writing making Oliver look bad.


But it is also the reason why I can't rank season two above season one even though I mostly loved it.  The fact that he wouldn't tell his mom and sister that he lied and wasn't alone on the island and that Slade was dangerous was infuriating. The fact that he took forever to remember that there was a cure for mirukuru and Roy ended up killing a police officer and is haunted by it is equally infuriating. 


And what's really annoying is that they could have written around it by having Oliver mention that there was once a cure and having Felicity try and fail to reproduce it or something and they didn't solve the problem until the end of the season.  And they could have had Oliver tell his mom that Slade was dangerous and she just had to trust him. 


But they just LOVE their flashback reveals matching up perfectly with present day episodes so much they refuse to FIX it.


So yea, they really do need to explain it away as a spotty memory or something so we can at least stop wanting to strangle the man.  This is not something we should have to head canon.

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Well yes but in Laurel's defense - because Sara was also on the island and Oliver supposedly cared about righting the wrong he did those two sisters when he shagged one while dating the other - he probably did owe her a little sit down at some point to talk about a few things. I know there is a lot to hold against Laurel and it is a badly worded line - but Oliver still deserves all the shade in the world for his tendency to withhold important information until plot dictates it is revealed.

When he came back, she wasn't really in the mood to listen to him, and later it seemed as if they had both just moved on and left it in the past.

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I really think this is mostly just a product of really bad writing making Oliver look bad.


But it is also the reason why I can't rank season two above season one even though I mostly loved it.  The fact that he wouldn't tell his mom and sister that he lied and wasn't alone on the island and that Slade was dangerous was infuriating. The fact that he took forever to remember that there was a cure for mirukuru and Roy ended up killing a police officer and is haunted by it is equally infuriating. 


And what's really annoying is that they could have written around it by having Oliver mention that there was once a cure and having Felicity try and fail to reproduce it or something and they didn't solve the problem until the end of the season.  And they could have had Oliver tell his mom that Slade was dangerous and she just had to trust him. 


But they just LOVE their flashback reveals matching up perfectly with present day episodes so much they refuse to FIX it.


So yea, they really do need to explain it away as a spotty memory or something so we can at least stop wanting to strangle the man.  This is not something we should have to head canon.

Other than the stupid love triangle crap and all the Laurel, S1 was really the best. It's dragged down by that awfulness.

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But how is Oliver supposed to tell them ALL the things if something doesn't trigger him to THINK about all the things? This what I can't understand about the anger towards Oliver for not telling things that he can't tell because he doesn't recollect them OR he legitimately doesn't think it will necessarily be a THING again.   I mean it's not like Oliver is writing a memoir here  nor should he.


In 4x1, when they discovered DD's powers, Oliver told the team that he is pretty sure that DD wasn't a metahuman, it was something mystical.  He was absolutely sure because he has seen these things before.  Diggle then gave him a hard time about not expanding on what these things he has seen...Oliver changed the subject by saying that they need to focus on finding the bombs that DD was hiding.


It would have been an opportune time for Oliver to have talked a bit about Reiter's magical tour would have been back then - by the way he addressed Diggle's pointed remark about talking about what he has seen, his memories were intact, he just didn't feel it was important to disclose at the time. 


He could have said when Diggle prompted him, well there was a guy on the island, Reiter, that used a mask that gave him magic powers that look just like DD's powers.  Then someone else would say, oh so he used a mask, maybe we can look into if DD has some sort of power source too. 


Yeah, it is all for plot, but written in a way that shows that Oliver is constantly hiding things from the team until he makes the connection later.  Can you imagine if they started the flashbacks early on right into the adventures of Reiter's magical tour instead of the endless scenes of Poppy...may have been so much more interesting.

Edited by ComicFan777
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Yeah, it is all for plot, but written in a way that shows that Oliver is constantly hiding things from the team until he makes the connection later.


Okay, so maybe he's just stupid vs being a lying liar? But even with what he said to DD in the beginning of the season doesn't mean it's the case for everything he's ever experienced.

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It would have been an opportune time for Oliver to have talked a bit about Reiter's magical tour would have been back then

So it was a Magical Mystery Tour, then? 


Sorry, I'm pre-funking in CELEBRATION.

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This seismic change in Diggle and Andy's relationship kind of makes me think he is involved in Laurel's death. I don't think he is the 'him' just because I can't see Felicity telling Oliver to kill Diggle's brother but I bet his actions may contribute.


Maybe DD makes Andy a ghost again and has him kill Laurel? That way he would be involved but not the mastermind.

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This seismic change in Diggle and Andy's relationship kind of makes me think he is involved in Laurel's death. I don't think he is the 'him' just because I can't see Felicity telling Oliver to kill Diggle's brother but I bet his actions may contribute.


Maybe DD makes Andy a ghost again and has him kill Laurel? That way he would be involved but not the mastermind.

I am very much hoping that chosen family >>> than blood family is one of the season's lessons, so YES PLEASE. 

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I was told the spoiler about tonight's episode by a coworker today. I quit watching this show after Sara was killed. I was so upset by what I felt was the propping of someone who contributed greatly to the dislike of one of my favorite comic book characters along with the awful writing for said character that I just couldn't continue watching. I'm not sure how I feel about the spoiler or if I will watch tonight's episode, I probably won't, it's a matter of "too late" for me. The show was already ruined for me. I'll give the two episodes after a chance, though. I want to see the aftermath and how it affects Oliver's growth as well as the team and hopefully brings them closer together so it can have a season 1/ season 2 feel again.

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I was told the spoiler about tonight's episode by a coworker today. I quit watching this show after Sara was killed. I was so upset by what I felt was the propping of someone who contributed greatly to the dislike of one of my favorite comic book characters along with the awful writing for said character that I just couldn't continue watching. I'm not sure how I feel about the spoiler or if I will watch tonight's episode, I probably won't, it's a matter of "too late" for me. The show was already ruined for me. I'll give the two episodes after a chance, though. I want to see the aftermath and how it affects Oliver's growth as well as the team and hopefully brings them closer together so it can have a season 1/ season 2 feel again.


I'd probably suggest wait till the season's over and then watch episodes 18-23 if you want :) 

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I love that they've dismissed the photo as being not important now that they've done with the character "The person I was wouldn't have survived this island."

Edited by statsgirl
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Does Malcolm still have the cave under surveillance?  How else did he know they had the idol all put back together?  Maybe he just strolls in to check out the place every now and then.  Home away from home.  (Must be when Lance is out getting down with Donna)

Edited by BkWurm1
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Nice giving Thea and Laurel opportunity to be really bad-ass. Of course, they wouldn't have been in that position if Team Arrow hadn't been so stupid to rebuild that totem.


But how did Malcolm know that they did?  Did he feel The Force?

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Wow that photo mention. That's...uh. Okay then. Yikes.


I miss Felicity too. The lair is weird without her. It's just not the same at all.


Malcolm just hit Thea! STAB HIM.

Edited by Guest
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Ha!  During the fight when the camera was focused on Laurel (or the stunt double I should say) the score in the back ground sounded like a bird of prey screeching.  Lol. 

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My live stream has dropped out twice already - I can just see it happening at the big moment *sigh*

If I didn't already know Laurel was dying, the sudden resurrection of The Photo would have totally given the game away.

What did they say about the picture?

Poppy was looking at a photo of her and her brother, good times. Oliver commented that he had a photo he used to look at too when he first came to the island.

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Everyone is handwringing that DD is getting the idol back.... why is no one saying WHY DID WE PUT IT BACK TOGETHER????


He's probably got surveillance down there, haha

It worked the last time!

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Ha!  During the fight when the camera was focused on Laurel (or the stunt double I should say) the score in the back ground sounded like a bird of prey screeching.  Lol. 

well it isn't bts so it is Laurel technically.

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