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I don't mind a little Quentin & Donna loving... but I really don't want them to be an official or unofficial couple. And I really can't stomach the thought of LL & FS ever being considered sisters regardless of what their parents do or don't do. Sorry.


They can be friends, if the writers feel like actually writing an authentic female friendship. But for me personally I don't need to see them as anything more than friendly co-workers on a Vigilante team.

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Ok funny but Malcolm had a lot to do with the Lance's issues. He sabotaged the Gambit which "killed" Sara, caused the undertaking that Killed Laurel's sometimes BF that got her into a down spiral and he had Thea kill Sara.


Barf. I rather have Donna hook up with Malcom then go anywhere near the toxic Lance family.

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I'm actually wondering if we are getting Malcolm and Donna scenes.


John Barrowman posted a photo on Facebook and he said he was coming back for some Olicity and Family Distinction. Can you imagine a Queen-Smoak-Merlyn Dinner?


It's everything I never knew I wanted.

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I'm not anti Donna/Lance because, pre-Jekface Quentin in S3, I thought Donna/Lance (Dance? - haha lame) would b a good way to keep QL and write out Laurel. Especially with Sara dead. I don't like it as much if Laurel is still around and after QL is still being mean to Oliver in the S4 teaser.


I'm happy that Donna is back for multiple episodes and I'm looking forward to FS father info and seeing her and Oliver interact.


Why is S4 still 1 week away.....ugh!!!!



I'm actually wondering if we are getting Malcolm and Donna scenes.


John Barrowman posted a photo on Facebook and he said he was coming back for some Olicity and Family Distinction. Can you imagine a Queen-Smoak-Merlyn Dinner?


It's everything I never knew I wanted.



Colour me wary, but intrigued.....

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I could seriously see QL & DS having a one night stand and not realizing who the other was. Then having an official meeting at some Queen event that will be part awkward and part hysterical. Like the beginning of every awkward TV one-night stand.


But yes consider me on board for a Queen-Smoak-Lance-Merlyn dinner party. That just has disaster and juicy drama all over it. And I am a sucker for drama filled dinner parties.

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Not to be a pain, but could we go back to posting links in the Spoilers Only thread?

-someone with a 'where did I read this?'~5 months from now disease.

Yes, please. We're not going to be hardasses about it, but it would be very nice gesture for your fellow Arrow posters who want to be able to read Spoilers only.
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I think Donna is only going to be in like three episodes.  That seems awfully fast to meet, fall in love, and get married... Plus, romance ≠ marriage.

I was joking for the most part but you never know with this show. They could look into each others eyes and deiced they are soulmates.

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You see my thought is that Donna will be the one damseled, kidnapped, or killed (please no) in these episodes. I feel like DD might target Donna Smoak, one she seems like an easy target to go after (no offense meant). But by going after her you go after FS, which in turn goes after OQ/GA. It's very devious. He gets his man by convoluted methods, since all of OQ's other loved ones are pretty much well protected by being dead or on TA.

As much as I want it to be about FS's father, I personally feel like they might delay that until s4b or even s5. From what WM said during con time, it seemed like they weren't sure what they were doing with PapaSmoak yet, but maybe they figured it out. However, hypothesizing that the multi-ep arc by DS will reveal PapaSmoak is a logical one.

I'm just excited for more SmoakTime!

Oh, this is an interesting thought. And the entire team gets pissed.

Felicity: He took mom!

Oliver: He took mom!

Dig: He took Donna, who babysits on no notice and calls my daughter a little munchkin!

Thea: He took Donna after she finally introduced me to primary colors!

I'm stuck on Laurel but fill in the blank.

I'm actually wondering if we are getting Malcolm and Donna scenes.

John Barrowman posted a photo on Facebook and he said he was coming back for some Olicity and Family Distinction. Can you imagine a Queen-Smoak-Merlyn Dinner?

It's everything I never knew I wanted.

:o Ditto. Make it happen. I assume the younger generation would be petrified but Donna would get Malcolm's number and cut him off at the knees faster than her daughter even. Edited by bijoux
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Ok funny but Malcolm had a lot to do with the Lance's issues. He sabotaged the Gambit which "killed" Sara, caused the undertaking that Killed Laurel's sometimes BF that got her into a down spiral and he had Thea kill Sara.

And yet this show lets him get away scott free. Everyone just gets amnesia when around him.

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Oh, this is an interesting thought. And the entire team gets pissed.

Felicity: He took mom!

Oliver: He took mom!

Dig: He took Donna, who babysits on no notice and calls my daughter a little munchkin!

Thea: He took Donna after she finally introduced me to primary colors!

I'm stuck on Laurel but fill in the blank.

Laurel - Donna? Who's Donna?

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I never thought about it, but I can't imagine Lance being as forgiving as Laurel of Oliver's partnership of Malcolm.


I don't get the Queen and Lance relationship. And as much as I believe they need to have a bury the past moment with Laurel and Oliver. I can't watch anything that mentions past close friendship and trust. I hope its more along the lines of 'we were shit friends, let's put it behind us.'

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This really looks like the temporary lair, doesn't it? Does Felicity take him there after they're attacked? I know WM mentioned Curtis possibly cooperating with the team but I didn't think it would be so soon. I hope I'm wrong. It seems too hasty.
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Yeah, unless Laurel broke the news over the summer, that's a rather major secret that Quentin doesn't know yet, and I can't imagine him taking it well at all.


I think even if Laurel told him everything in offscreenville, it becomes a moot point when Sara comes back.


Plot Hole Lances is the name of their next band.

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Or she is like "I got this." I'm curious about how they end up in the lair. Maybe she is designing the new one and took him down there because she needed his help? Wonder what she would tell him...


My eyes go directly to her butt in that still.

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I wasn't thinking the lair was underneath PT, but that would make sense with the scene in the trailer.


That would mean that Dig's Team was operating at PT. Unless there two completely different lairs.

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I wasn't thinking the lair was underneath PT, but that would make sense with the scene in the trailer.


That would mean that Dig's Team was operating at PT. Unless there two completely different lairs.

Well the light fixtures in the temp lair and in the photo of Felicity with the machine gun were exact matches.  I was willing to believe they were using the same set and just redressing it but it seems like the temp lair is in the basement after all. 

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Felicity's shoes are incredible. When she kicks that guy (Double Down, I think) he should thank her for the privilege afterwards. Bahahaha. 

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Or she is like "I got this." I'm curious about how they end up in the lair. Maybe she is designing the new one and took him down there because she needed his help? Wonder what she would tell him...


My eyes go directly to her butt in that still.

Her butt usually looks great I don't blame ya

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My eyes went straight to the shoes. I want them. Bad!


So, from the BTS photos Paul posted on FB, that's a political event, right? Based on the tiny flags on the tables? So Oliver becomes mayor by 4x07? Seems awfully fast. Although, I guess, special elections were called. Moira's run didn't start until the later part of S2 so campaigning time seems par for the course for Arrow.

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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It looks like a ring but this episode is right before the Flash cross over episode, I'm just not not sure whatever happens with the ring is something we want to immediately go into a cross over event?

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Not that I can see a ring, nor do I think it's for sure happening in 407... But the one thing 407 has going for it is that the 7th episode is usually the last one of November Sweeps.


I actually can't even see a ring tbh but if it was one, she could have already had it. A proposal doesn't necessarily have to have happened in 407. Not my ideal scenario either because this just screams way too soon to me but I guess anything is possible!

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CQMMRRcWoAEl8i_.jpg CQMP3GlVEAAjs0y.png


Twitter people think that might be a ring EBR's holding. I can't tell. Have at it!

That DOES look like a ring! Maybe she finds it and is thinking things over,why I have no idea since I think Felicity would happily accept when asked. But Maybe it plays into Mama Smoak coming back in mid season premiere. I can see Felicity getting ready to tell Oliver she wants to marry him then BOOM she's kidnapped/missing/Presumed dead/seriously hurt for DRAAMMAA!

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IF that is a ring, Felicity getting engaged could be part of the reason why Donna returns for eps 9/10. And IF Felicity gets kidnapped/disappears for the midseason cliffhanger then I'll bet that ring will be the thing they find amidst whatever shambles will be left at the loft/lair/office.

That ring is so this season's fern.

This fandom seriously amuses me and leaves me in awe, sometimes. I mean, what kind of attention to detail?! Like, do they zoom in and out, go pixel by pixel of every photo, and frame by frame of every trailer? It's always a trip, too, when they point out parallels in moments on the show and such. Amazing.

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IF that is a ring, Felicity getting engaged could be part of the reason why Donna returns for eps 9/10. And IF Felicity gets kidnapped/disappears for the midseason cliffhanger then I'll bet that ring will be the thing they find amidst whatever shambles will be left at the loft/lair/office.

That ring is so this season's fern.

This fandom seriously amuses me and leaves me in awe, sometimes. I mean, what kind of attention to detail?! Like, do they zoom in and out, go pixel by pixel of every photo, and frame by frame of every trailer? It's always a trip, too, when they point out parallels in moments on the show and such. Amazing.

Now I'm picturing her in the lair near the end of mid season finale. She calls Oliver tells him to get to the lair she wants to answer his proposal. Cue DD, Anarkhy, or a DD flunkie storming the lair and kidnapping Felicity but not before she puts up enough of a fight to make the lair look like a mess. Oliver gets there finds the lair destroyed and the ring lying on the floor maybe some blood as well, he yells her name, angry and sad at the same time END of Mid season finale

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If this is the mayoralty celebration dinner, does that mean that Oliver will be mayor all season?  And the next since mayoralty terms are 2 - 4 years.  Or will he resign over what happens with DD?


Maybe I'm wrong but I don't want them to be engaged yet.  It's too soon!  All we've seen of them together is 15 seconds of a car ride.  Just like we were cheated last summer of the flirty flirt, we've lost how they navigate as a couple but not with a legal commitment.  I want to enjoy Oliver and Felicity being together for a while before they take the next step.


If Oliver feels he must propose (in a crowded event?), and I hope he doesn't, I want them to have the cliff-hanger before she says yes.  And if she gets kidnapped before she can, it will parallel s3 when Oliver told Felicity he loved her but left before she could formulate a reply.


I like the idea of Donna being there for 9 & 10.  Long enough to meet Quentin (who hopefully has got his head out of his ass by then) and flirt a bit but not so long as to put the two of them in a relationship.



No, I meant Papa Smoak kidnapping Oliver. I'm still not convinced DD and Papa Smoak are the same person.


DD has no reason to kidnap Oliver. If Papa Smoak thinks Felicity won't help him with whatever [escaping DD, for example], unless he has some leverage above her, it could work for me.

Me too, hoping that DD isn't Papa Smoak.


I agree it would be nice to turn the trope on its head but I can't imagine a circumstance where Felicity would say 'no' to taking down DD.  Maybe if the killing of innocent people is involved but then, would kidnapping Oliver really cause her to sway from her moral code?

Edited by statsgirl
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She does have on dark nail polish so that could be a diamond ring she's holding. I think someone said previously this is the last sweeps episode. Since she has it in her hands it could have happened in either 4.06 (MamaSmoak's 1st appearance) or earlier in 4.07. 4.08 Launches LOT. 4.09 MS comes for the holidays? Felicity is either kidnapped or seriously injured which would explain MS being there 5 weeks later (4.10). Meanwhile Oliver is having to fight a "descent into darkness" spiral without Felicity to ground him. Growth to being the real Green Arrow ensues.

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Now I'm picturing her in the lair near the end of mid season finale. She calls Oliver tells him to get to the lair she wants to answer his proposal. Cue DD, Anarkhy, or a DD flunkie storming the lair and kidnapping Felicity but not before she puts up enough of a fight to make the lair look like a mess. Oliver gets there finds the lair destroyed and the ring lying on the floor maybe some blood as well, he yells her name, angry and sad at the same time END of Mid season finale

Please no break ins in the new lair!!


Does anyone know the origin of the picture of Felicity (maybe) holding the ring?  It looked to me that it's EBR in hair and make up.  Is it a BTS or supposed to be during the episode?  Who posted it? 

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Please no break ins in the new lair!!


Does anyone know the origin of the picture of Felicity (maybe) holding the ring?  It looked to me that it's EBR in hair and make up.  Is it a BTS or supposed to be during the episode?  Who posted it? 


PB posted several BTS pics on Facebook; that's one of them.


I hope it is a ring. Let's go all in. This show refuses to slow down story lines so why not accelerate this one as well. I'm good with it.

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This fandom seriously amuses me and leaves me in awe, sometimes. I mean, what kind of attention to detail?! Like, do they zoom in and out, go pixel by pixel of every photo, and frame by frame of every trailer? It's always a trip, too, when they point out parallels in moments on the show and such. Amazing.

They're pulling a felicity. 'It's Thea!' 'It's possibly an engagement ring!'


She does have on dark nail polish so that could be a diamond ring she's holding.

I don't get the connection.

Rather than there being a ring or not (and if there is, it could well be EBR's, or maybe she's playing with a key ring), I'm distracted by how short that dress is. It's floor length originally. Did they make it into a mini or did she just bunch it up while sitting down!

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