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The Annual Academy Awards - General Discussion

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Man this is painful to watch. A good comedian needs to host this show not an actor. The Tonys are one thing that group doesn't have a stick up his ass this group does. Still pissed that Lego Movie didn't get nominated. 

A good comedian would likely get a cold reception as well.  I feel like this audience has just gotten colder over the past few years.  Even Billy Crystal, one of the consummate Oscar hosts, seemed to struggle. 


Oscars need to do what the Golden Globes do and serve this group alochol.

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Why does it matter than Tim McGraw is Gwinnie's friend?   These people are so self-involved.


Why am I watching?   I think there is a cheesy scifi flick I could be watching.


Let's face it, all awards shows are about the "Look At Me!" complex as much as the awards now.

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It seems like the only time NPH gets any kind of reaction from this audience, it's when making a reference to the Selma snubs.  Won't be surprised if he keeps dipping back into this pool.  Too bad it was all just the set-up for a typical "Everything sounds better British!", which I felt like has been played out.

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That had to be the third speech so far that they tried to play someone off the stage while they spoke about a dead loved one/s.  This time involving a mother losing her son to suicide...they really want tonight to be remembered for all the wrong reasons I guess.


They're going to the "British accents make everything funny" route? Oh lord...just when you think it can't get worse.


Something pink and furry was eating Gwen's shoulder. Too bad it didn't start with her head... 

Edited by CPP83
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I was not paying attention. What song is this movie from?

A documentary about Glen Campbell and his decline due to Alzheimer's. The last song he ever wrote. This is one time I'd have liked to see the song actually being sung by Glen in the film.

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This thing with the guy from Selma is borderline offensive.

Oprah was giving NPH the death stare.


This show lacks Hollywood royalty.

Sadly it's been like that for years. When I was a kid, the presenters were A list people. Now Dakota Johnson is doing presentations (no dig against her, but she's not A list yet).  And if they wasted Shirley McClaine mid-show and use some boring TV person or meh movie actor to give out a major award, that would be annoying.


If IMDB is right, Maureen O'Hara will be 95 this year. She sounded great.

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I loooooved the shot of the two ladies' husbands both taking pictures of them on cellphones.  You know they both said, "If we win, be sure to take my picture on the stage."  Good man!

Edited by candall
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I don't love Gwyneth's dress but I don't hate it either. I think it doesn't flatter her figure that much and makes her look straighter (as opposed to curvier) than she is but I kind of like just going for a giant rose given all the stupid ruffles and shoulder lifeforms we usually see. Just own it. It's a big flower.

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Dr. Skoda, shrink...and Oscar winner. Woot!


I tuned in in hope of Skoda winning the Oscar!  Yes!  Thanks to the Academy for always starting with best supporting actor. 


If they wanted to make this show classier, they would present the Governor's Award as part of the show live.  Congrats to all four recipients, well deserved needless to say.

Edited by roseha
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I think there is a cheesy scifi flick I could be watching.


Hah... that's funny. I was just thinking about the fact that I caught the first part of "Cloverfield" the other day on SyFy channel and was remarkably disappointed that I had to leave before it was over. I hope it's on "On Demand". 

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It seems like the only time NPH gets any kind of reaction from this audience, it's when making a reference to the Selma snubs.

Weird. If they cared so much about Selma, maybe they shouldn't have snubbed them in the first place.

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Even Billy Crystal, one of the consummate Oscar hosts, seemed to struggle.

I will be at my table for one for rarely finding Billy Crystal funny. I thought when he returned to host he was so bad. I just think this is a hard show to host. 



Is it some contractual obligation that every time Gwyneth stupid Paltrow announces someone she has to make sure the copy says they're her friend?

I think she is like Taylor Swift with all their "friends". I think they confuse "friends" with "acquaintances".

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A good comedian would likely get a cold reception as well.  I feel like this audience has just gotten colder over the past few years.  Even Billy Crystal, one of the consummate Oscar hosts, seemed to struggle. 


Oscars need to do what the Golden Globes do and serve this group alochol.

I agree, it must be hell to try and be funny in that tense dead-serious atmosphere. Like trying to do standup comedy during a job interview.

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I tuned in in hope of Skoda winning the Oscar!  Yes!  Thanks to the Academy for always starting with best supporting actor. 


Yep, that was really all I cared about. I'm just here now for this thread and the snark.

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They probably mostly throw it out since they make more money than God yet act like they are all about the less fortunate.

A lot of gift bag goodies get passed on to family members, friends and assistants.

The Oscars are what they are. They're not going to be streamlined or serve booze inside the ceremony, especially since the Globes already do that. The montages are demanded by the studios to promote their back catalogues. The hosts that would go over well with the audience inside the room and "middle America" seem to be frowned upon by the "cool kids".

Edited by Dejana
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NPH in his undies?  Boy are they desperate.   Worse than Chris Rock hunting someone down in the bathroom.

Pretty sure it was a sendup of Birdman and Whiplash.

Why does Sienna Miller look like a wax figurine of Sienna Miller?

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