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Kim Kardashian Thomas Humphries West

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As horrible as Kim is, at least she's not the one walking onto the stage during other people's awards.  But yeah, I bet she's already making excuses for his latest burst of egotism in front of the world.

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Her dress is way too big on her, from the sleeves obscuring her hands, to the droopy shoulders, to the length. Why would it not be tailored for the Grammys?? The whole thing makes her look short and squat. I don't understand.


Even as meant to be on the runway, I still don't care for the dress, but it looks a hell of a lot better as intended. The ladies at Go Fug Yourself referred to her as "Kimerace," which is my new favorite name for her now.

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Indeed, it did look much better on the model.  The length was shorter, the sleeves were the right length, and I think she was wearing some kind of sheer thing on top.  Almost everything Kanye puts on Kim these days is either two sizes too small or two sizes too big.  Styling genius that he claims to be, Kim looks like crap in just about everything she wears.  Of course, so does he.


Obviously, the genius doesn't realize that Kim's squatty body isn't going to look the same in an outfit as the young models with the tall, slim bodies.

Edited by parisprincess
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Even as meant to be on the runway, I still don't care for the dress, but it looks a hell of a lot better as intended.


It's such an ugly dress but it did look better on the model.  I think Kayne envisions Kim's body different than what it actually is.  It's like he thinks she's this 5'11 woman that is runway ready but in reality she's someone with a stubby body. Kind of like the movie Shallow Hal.  What he's seeing isn't what she really is.  But that's just me.

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Fashion Police wasn't a fan. They pointed out that haute couture is supposed to mean that the outfit was tailored perfectly for the person wearing it -- but Kim looked like she took it straight out of the box and wore it without having it properly fitted.


I just don't think Kim can wear high fashion. Her body is just so odd. I don't think there are many designers who can alter their clothes to fit a woman who is 84-135-65

Fashion Police wasn't a fan. They pointed out that haute couture is supposed to mean that the outfit was tailored perfectly for the person wearing it -- but Kim looked like she took it straight out of the box and wore it without having it properly fitted.


I just don't think Kim can wear high fashion. Her body is just so odd. I don't think there are many designers who can alter their clothes to fit a woman who is 84-135-65

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Kim needs to stop dressing in clothing meant for women who are 5'10". She also needs to stop letting Kanye pick her outfits. It's not like Kim doesn't know how to dress, she always looked cute pre-Kanye.


As for the kissing pic, Kim looks like she can barely tolerate him touching her. So much for all the wild sex they allegedly have.


I'm also surprised none of you mentioned Kim's badly fitting hairpiece. It looks like a five year-old sewed half a wig onto her head.

Edited by BitterApple
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Good lord, her latest interview included, as usual, TMI.  Don't know how I lived without knowing that her favorite position is in the rear and that there's no such thing as a man being too "big".  However, the icing on the cake was her sharing that she pees all over her spanx because they're not crotchless enough.  She also loves being nude (no kidding!), and Kanye keeps telling her to dress sexier.  If he wants to see her nude/semi-nude, I wish she'd keep it in the bedroom just for him, and spare the rest of us of having to see it all over the internet, 'cause it ain't pretty.  Kanye has said he is addicted to porn, so now he has Kim posing as his own private porn star. 

Edited by parisprincess
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However, the icing on the cake was her sharing that she pees all over her spanx because they're not crotchless enough.  

Great, now every time I see a picture of her, I'm going to think about how she's wearing peed in spanx. I seriously didn't need that visual.

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For fuck's sakes, this moron actually pees on herself because of the Spanx she wears? The fact that she thinks this is normal adult behavior so she freely admits it just further shows how messed up she is.


Seriously, if they don't come with crotch holes, just grab a pair of scissors and make your own. Instead, she'd rather just pee all over herself?

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Seriously, if they don't come with crotch holes, just grab a pair of scissors and make your own.


Or here is an idea, admit you are not really a size 2 and buy clothes that fit.   That way you don't have to wear spanx to squish into things.

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I'm going to ignore the peeing conversation, because I just can't, and instead say that I actually think that the pictures of Kim at the Academy Mansion are actually pretty good.  I like her shorter hair, and while I wouldn't have chosen a shoe with an ankle strap, at least she's not wearing those god awful clunky heeled shoes.  Her outfit is very "Upper East Side" and while I'm not sure what's going on with the necklace she's wearing (at first I thought her hair got caught across her neck)...At least I'm not seeing her tits and ass.  So...I'll take it.  She looked better than Khloe, in my opinion, who had some serious butter face going on and was popping out of her skirt.  And speaking of her face, whoever did her lip injections failed to inflate one side of her mouth.



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If either of them had any actual fashion sense they would have found a body con midi dress for Kim then had her wear the parka.  Unfortunately, she's tacky and he has no sense of anything aesthetically pleasing, so this is what we get.

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It isn't even nicely made. It's like that cheap panty hose you bought in the drugstore years ago and prayed it would last at least one wearing.

Lol, you mean like the ones that would run the second you pulled them over your knees?


Kim would never be caught dead in these rags if she wasn't married to Kanye.

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I can see wearing clothes your husband designed, even if they are craptastic, (which in this case, is being very generous.) It's being supportive. What I fail to understand is WHY Kim allows this jackass to dictate her wardrobe. Can't she put her foot down. Seriously, what would be the consequences. If this is all Kris' idea, well, I didn't see her or Kendall wearing that Salvation Army chic themselves.

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Kim and Kanye sat front row at Alexander Wang's show - with North.

Look I LOVE my two year old. Love her. But there is no way in hell I would take her to an adult event. She would be fussy, annoyed at her inability to run, and plain bored (and rightfully so). Why make other people listen to that? It's rude to everyone else and its rude to your kid

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Can they at least give her a pacifier maybe that would soothe her when they;re parading a cranky toddler to events she shouldn't be at? But these fools probably don't care to give her one because it would go with her outfit, because that's what is important.

Edited by Artsda
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I did see a pic from last night (there's tons all over twitter) where it looks like Kim gave her a little toy to play with and supposedly that calmed her down, also it looked like she was feeding her raisins or something at some point.  There are also pictures of her walking North outside in the snow where it was 14 degrees in NYC yesterday and she didnt even have a hat or gloves on her.  Dumbass.

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If I had to caption their expressions:

North: "Who are these two strangers all up in my face?"

Kim: "Dammit kid, sit still, you're wrinkling my outfit!"

Kanye: "If you don't keep quiet, I'll make sure you never work in this town again! Don't you know who I am?"


I will say that after reading the comments on various sites, I'm glad no one is accusing North of being bratty or spoiled. Everyone is placing the blame squarely where it belongs: her two idiot parents.

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Kim will keep bringing her to those places till she learns to behave. North will either start enjoying it and grow up just like her douchebag parents or silently go along until she's old enough to rebel. Why put gloves and a hat on her? She needs to learn to suffer for fashion, suffer so the paps can see how fashionably she's dressed, Kim forgoes warmth so we can all ogle her titties and ass.

Crappy parents the both of them.

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Nice to see the pair is strictly focused on themselves.  Why respect the designers show and others who are there to see it.  It's all about Kimye.  I would really love it if a designer said they weren't welcome at the show if they are bringing North. 

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Nice to see the pair is strictly focused on themselves.  Why respect the designers show and others who are there to see it.  It's all about Kimye.  I would really love it if a designer said they weren't welcome at the show if they are bringing North. 


Was hardly likely to happen with Alexander though as he was the one who made North's outfit for the night .And they were sat next to his niece Aila who has been going to these shows since about the same age as North.Aila was apparently giving her stickers to play with

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It won't happen with any designer.  I would just love to see it happen is all.  If I was the designer I'd be mad - evidently he wasn't since he made the outfit for North.   They disrespected him, I think, by taking her there only to have another tantrum.  I stand by my opinion in that a child that age should not be at a show.  They can show off his designs for North on many, many occasions.  That's my view though.

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One of the pics I saw had Anna Wintour sitting next to Kim and North - I cannot believe Anna would ever agree to that!!!


Scroll down to see Anna looking very not into it while North is screaming:



The article actually says this:


Still, North is known for getting what she wants and was even spotted wearing a fur coat in New York City estimated to be worth $3,500.

North is known for getting what she wants? What moron wrote this? Kylie & Kendall?

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