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S10.E12: Racing To The Truth

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Well, this is rapidly turning into the most depressing HW season ever.   What made Bravo think that focusing on 2 people with cancer (at least one of which was terminal) was the way to go this season?

It's true that Bravo did insist on keeping Crooks in the show but Meghan is the one constantly talking about Leann and her cancer; actually I think Meghan mentions Leann's cancer way more than Vickie has talked about Brooks health. I'm guessing that Meghan talks about Leann's cancer more than Leann probably talks about it.    Leann made one brief appearance on the show for her daughter's pre-dance thing.  She's really not part of the show - except of course being used by Meghan for a story line. 


Vicki comes really comes off a lunatic shrew when she does her screaming bits. And what is up with "take you down" as a threat, lol. So childish and classless. She needs to look in the mirror while she is in the midst of a fit, maybe then she would stop. She always looks worse to me than whoever she is going off on.

And that's why Vickie is still on this show - those golden "Family Vaaaaaaan" moments.   Although my favorite was when Vickie let loose on Whori Laurie at the ski resort over "Never having mulitple sex partners in her life!!" 


I wonder if Shannon thinks not divorcing David is some sort of virtuous gesture?  I remember last year she said, "Divorce is not an option" but I don't remember why - was it something about her own parents divorcing?    My parents have been making each other miserable for over 50 years now and what I learned from that is divorce is always an option. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Vicki seems jealous of Meghan (especially the part where her spouse supports her), and continually pounding on how Meghan is "young" is just her chosen way to try to discredit her. Vicki's not very bright, creative or original, so she can't come up with anything else (other than nasty, hypocritical digs about Meghan's marriage), so she just harps  on it (in talking heads, too).  If I didn't know better, I'd think those two idiots were in cahoots, because Meghan is just as obsessed with making comments about age.  I don't know if it's a reaction to Vicki or what.

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Shannon and David built their home just 3 years ago. Shannon took great pains to make it a 'toxic-free' home. They have 'hospital grade' air with the help of enormous air and carbon filtering systems. The home also features an electromagnetic radiation meter, as well as a strict adherence to all things organic -- food and fabric included. The home was originally listed for $16 million but the price had been dropped to a more affordable $13.5 million.

The estate is a whopping 13,306 square feet and features seven bedrooms, eight full and five half bathrooms, multiple kitchens, a craft room, and a “secret tea room” — and also comes with a personal basketball court!



I think this pretty much sums up why Shannon does not like to let the girls sleep over at friends' houses. Obviously, their friends's parents are as invested in a toxic free environment with hospital great air circulation.

All these comments about Meghan being ignorant and I just want to scream "Meghan, you ignorant slut"


Too bad Mehgan wouldn't get the joke. If she is "too young" to know who Tommy Lee and Richie Sambora are, no way she will get an old SNL reference.


Also, for those who were wondering, OG means Original Gangsta. It is 25 year old slang term used a great deal in early and even current hip hop music. There was even a movie in early to mid 90's starring Pam Greer and other blaxploitation alum by the same name. 

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Re: Vicki's tagline...I can't tell if y'all are just making fun of it (which is hilarious!), but OG stands for Original Gangster. Cuz, Vicki is hip!

I noticed when Jim said his name, he'd pause slightly before he said Edmonds. It was weird.

Other than that, I've got nothing to add, but am cracking up at the posts! Carry on!


I think that when Vicki refers to herself as the "OG", it is in the same way that Andy Cohen does - she is the "Original Girl" of the Orange County women.  If I remember correctly, he says that on WWHL to a lot of the Housewives that have been on their respective shows since their first seasons.  


However, Vicki is the only REAL original girl - the Real Housewives franchises started with Orange County, and Vicki has been on since Season One.  

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I'm sure if you asked Meghan, OG would mean Old Geiser for the Vickster.


Since we're talking about Meghan, I'll defend Jim somewhat (don't kick me out of here.)  I didn't see him introducing himself with his full name as some sort of ego trip.  My parents and even my friends will do that sometimes.  I think it used to be considered common courtesy when you were meeting someone new to use your full name.  Of course that may have gone the way of kids addressing adults as "Mr. So-and-So" and "Mrs. So-and-So" versus "John" and "Jane." 


Anyhow, I enjoyed seeing the Nascar bit but I like Nascar.  I never got into it until I went to an actual race and did what these chucklefucks did -- pay to walk around the pit area and garage.  And like Shannon said, if you can't hear, you've got good seats.


I'm also going to defend Shannon because I was in her shoes myself.  She clearly has not gotten over David's infidelity and I'm not going to fault her totally since word on the street (TM Aviva) is that David's ho befriended Shannon.  That is some straight up bullshit.  That would be bad enough but if this person is someone she might possibly see out and about, Good Lord.  She has not made things any better by being on this show and airing this but he's done his part too.  He's obviously passive aggressive, as witnessed by his comments that he can't do anything right and by taking her to a pub for her birthday.  WE all know Shannon would probably rather spend an evening braiding Meghan's hair and eating carbs than go to a pub so he knew exactly what he was doing.  Why not take Shannon for a boating dinner like Brooks did with Vicki?  Or a hot air balloon ride?  There are so many options in the OC, especially when money isn't a concern.  Heck, drive to Santa Barbara or the Temecula area and get a B&B for the night.  You don't HAVE to include the children. 


That said, Shannon does need to try and keep as much of this as possible from her kids.  They don't need to be involved.  Both she and David are at fault for telling them too much.


I know some posters have said that Tamra can do as she pleases with her money but I disagree.  I agree that for whatever other faults he may have (and there are some because he married that harpy shrew Tamra) he does appear to be a hard worker and for her to give Ryan a sum of money like that without discussing it with Eddie first is disrespectful.  She should also be talking to Eddie about co-signing the lease because I'm sure she would have to in order for them to rent that house. 


Add me to the growing number of people who don't understand why Tamra keeps sliding by on the psychic thing.  She's been like a cockroach for years that manages to avoid any fallout.  She starts the shit stirring, she blabs, she lies, she gets caught and yet people still don't take her to task for it.  Why? 


I loved seeing Heather's HoJo.  Absolutely ridiculous on so many levels but that's basically why I started watching this show.  A luggage room?  Fill me with glee.  We know that Heather cannot possibly put her luggage in the attic or garage like everyone else.

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"She was all talking about Saddleback, and I was thinking - I do not remember Vicki mentioning God, church, or faith a lot in the past decade. Now she's lifting her hands in the air and praising Jesus with the best of them. And then we have Tamra getting baptized. Did Alexis Bellino come over and brainwash the two of them?"



Actually, she mentioned it quite a bit when she was still married to Don, all the while cheating on him with Brooks as we all found out after the split. Hypocrite. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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No Heather. My idea of fun is not walking around a construction site in six-inch heels and a cocktail dress. But that's just me.

I thought Danica Patrick was divorced. Did she get married again? She looked like she couldn't get away from this group fast enough.

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I just can't wrap my head around this situation.  So rat-face Ryan is 30.  He doesn't seem to work.  He lives with & now has a baby with this woman who has 3 other kids, and they just moved away from her only form of income -- and now they're mostly, maybe even fully, dependant financially on Tams?  Maybe Sara still earns something from the gun store, if she actually owns it?  Eh, Ryan is a slimy lazy creep.  Why would Sara get involved with him?  Maybe she wanted to be on the show or she thought Tams would be good to sponge off of too?  But if she's got that money-making gun store, why would she need slimy Ryan or Tams & her Bravo dough?  And now he's beatin' her up too?  I don't get any of this.  I'm totally baffled.

It's pretty obvious to me - storyline. It's pretty clear how important story lines are to the HW's, and how far they'll venture to get or create one, how desperate they are to keep the gig, and how in fear they are of losing their orange, peach, apple, etc., especially someone like Tamra, whose behavior always makes fans call for her head. Tamra's kids can't film with her, Eddie doesn't want a kid, the gym business storyline is played out, so there's really nothing else going on in her life that she can portray. That's why she's pretending to find Jesus (totally fake), pretending to get back into real estate (fake), and it's why Ryan and his family moved back to the OC. Notice how they're renting. Why? Because it's temporary. Notice how she purposefully showed her covering the large deposit, something that would normally be kept private if true b/c it's embarrassing and emasculating, and how the "I haven't told Eddie yet" thing is getting played up. Why? Because it's a storyline for the show, and they're all in on it.

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Since we're talking about Meghan, I'll defend Jim somewhat (don't kick me out of here.)  I didn't see him introducing himself with his full name as some sort of ego trip.  My parents and even my friends will do that sometimes.  I think it used to be considered common courtesy when you were meeting someone new to use your full name.  Of course that may have gone the way of kids addressing adults as "Mr. So-and-So" and "Mrs. So-and-So" versus "John" and "Jane." 


That's absolutely a plausible explanation for anyone else, OTHER than asshole Jimmy, to introduce themselves with their full name.  No, given asshole Jimmy's oh-so-charming personality, which we've seen him exhibit so far this season, don't think this explains it.  There's a very simple explanation to me.  He said his full name cuz he thinks any & all will recognize it & just be oh-so-impressed by his mere presence.  Yup, it was totally about asshole Jimmy's super-inflated ego.  Man, Miss Terry sure likes to keep asshole Jimmy's ego way pumped, doesn't he?  What up with that?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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It's pretty obvious to me - storyline. It's pretty clear how important story lines are to the HW's, and how far they'll venture to get or create one, how desperate they are to keep the gig, and how in fear they are of losing their orange, peach, apple, etc., especially someone like Tamra, whose behavior always makes fans call for her head. Tamra's kids can't film with her, Eddie doesn't want a kid, the gym business storyline is played out, so there's really nothing else going on in her life that she can portray. That's why she's pretending to find Jesus (totally fake), pretending to get back into real estate (fake), and it's why Ryan and his family moved back to the OC. Notice how they're renting. Why? Because it's temporary. Notice how she purposefully showed her covering the large deposit, something that would normally be kept private if true b/c it's embarrassing and emasculating, and how the "I haven't told Eddie yet" thing is getting played up. Why? Because it's a storyline for the show, and they're all in on it.


Sounds about right & I'll theorize on this a bit further.  What if Satan Andy is the one financially backing this move & paying the rent as long as they film?  Possible?

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Also precious was Meghan bragging about getting the comp tickets to concerts and sporting events because of it being one of the perks of being married to Jim Edmonds.  Meanwhile Jim has to introduce himself to every single person.  So much for his fame.


Haha!  Very true!  


I can't stand women who brag about their husband's accomplishments (and subsequent perks) as though it increases their own value as a person when they had nothing at all to do with it.  Being proud of a husband is one thing and of course admirable, but not when it's all about, "Oooh, I get to do all these cool things that the little people envy!"   Megan is really immature and shallow.  I never call anyone a mean girl, but she really is.


And yes, it's even more comical that no one recognized Jim.    I don't care about someone's professional accomplishments when they show themselves to be total assholes.  I think they're both pretty awful.

Edited by DebbieM4
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From the look on Jim's face I think he very much wanted someone to recognize him. He was a professional athlete, they are professional racecar drivers, he wanted them to know that he wasn't just another goofball paying for "the VIP tour".

Edited by RedHawk
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Sounds about right & I'll theorize on this a bit further.  What if Satan Andy is the one financially backing this move & paying the rent as long as they film?  Possible?

No way. Is Ryan and his family such a compelling storyline that he would do that? I don't think so, and I'd be shocked if Andy did. But guess who would think this way? His in-denial mother. The desperation is on her end, so she's the one that has to put up the dough. When the desperation is on the show's end, ie. with RHONY's low ratings last year, then they might consider something like this, ie. what they gave Bethenny. But Tamra is no Bethenny (or what Andy thought Bethenny would be for the show), and Ryan is no Skinnygirl cocktail.

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No, trust me, we would have heard & seen Gretchie-poo if it was her.  And she probably woulda made some excuse to drag along Slade.  There was a woman at the party with a similar blonde haircolor as Gretch's & an oddball Gretch-alike hairdo, but she was captioned as a friend of Heather's.


 I saw that too.  I actually gasped at first glance because I thought it was Gretchen.  But the caption appeared quickly and she was a whole other person.

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No Heather. My idea of fun is not walking around a construction site in six-inch heels and a cocktail dress. But that's just me.

I thought Danica Patrick was divorced. Did she get married again? She looked like she couldn't get away from this group fast enough.

To be fair, she had appropriate footwear for the group.

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I know that David eventually confessed about his cheating on Shannon, but did he really have to go into this much detail about it?  Did he really have to divulge that he banged his side piece on Shannon's birthday?  He could have just said that he cheated and left it at that.  He didn't need to tell Shannon about every single meeting did he?  Did he also tell her about every position they did it in and how many times he made her cum?  Sheesh!  Talk about over disclosing!  smdh


I could be wrong, of course, but I think it's likely that she badgered him (and probably continues to badger him) for details.  She is very good at playing the martyr, long-suffering role, and we know that she demanded a list of restaurants he had taken his mistress to.  I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's been interrogated by her over & over.  Especially since David is a pretty quiet guy who speaks in short sentences, never goes on & on, and probably didn't want her to know anything at all.  And Shannon is a neurotic mess who questions even small things repeatedly, and is obsessive about pretty much everything.  I could easily see her saying, "What about that Tuesday when you got home late and said you had to work?  Were you really working?"  Or "Is that where you ran off to the night of my birthday?"  And I'm sure she asked about positions too.  I bet she makes him tell her every detail every time a new thought about it pops into her head, and she probably tells him that he owes it to her to tell it all.   She's gonna whip that puppy every chance she gets because she has an overwhelming need to punish him over & over & over.


If she thinks that staying together is something they should do to benefit the kids, she really needs to take another look.  Because those kids are way too aware of what's going on, and it's glaringly obvious that Mommy is still wanting Daddy to atone for his sins.  She clearly doesn't want any of them to ever forget that.  Every single one of them would be happier if this marriage ended.  

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You know, I feel like Satan Andy is shoving at us his version of "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" with these 2 fuckin' horrible characters.  You're so right to point out this piece of fuck is a millionaire & this was an absolutely cruddy (and cheap as hell) way for a millionaire to celebrate his wife's birthday.  I thought maybe he took her there cuz of the kids, but no, he musta luved how miserable she looked.  Ah, but she got him back with her TH's, telling us how he banged his girlfriend right after he banged her on her last birthday.  Sheesh, the way these 2 jab at each other -- YIKES!  Honestly, I don't like either one of these 2.  It'll be a miracle if those kids come outta this war-zone/hell-hole of a marriage as decent human beings.

David going to his sidepiece after having sex with his wife on her 50th birthday seems to me like the biggest "F. U.!" ever from a husband who wanted out but didn't have the balls or patience to GET out in the right way. Yup, Mrs. Sidepiece apparently was so good he couldn't keep it at home in his pants for that one milestone day in his wife's life.


If her "friend" Mrs. Sidepiece knew that it was Shannon's 50th birthday when she and David were together that night, then both are sick and horrible human beings.

Sounds about right & I'll theorize on this a bit further.  What if Satan Andy is the one financially backing this move & paying the rent as long as they film?  Possible?

I'd say yes except even Andy can't be so deluded as to think that any of us actually want to see Ryan's weasel face every week or give two shits about his girlfriend and their shotgun wedding.

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I loved seeing Heather's HoJo.  Absolutely ridiculous on so many levels but that's basically why I started watching this show.  A luggage room?  Fill me with glee.  We know that Heather cannot possibly put her luggage in the attic or garage like everyone else.


Man, I so wanted someone to ask Heather where the check-in desk is gonna be & if she's gonna clock in as a night manager.  Actually, Heather seems to have more of a sense of humor this season & a bit less of that stick-up-her-ass attitude (well, a bit anyway).  She mighta laughed at that.  Oh, but Miss Terry sure wouldn't.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Not to defend what's-his-name....Jim...Jim Edmonds? Because seriously, the guy seems like a douchenozzle. But. I introduce myself to people with first and last name, and I promise it's not because anyone will recognize my name. I'm not sure why I do. Now I'm going to need to think about it.


Also, Shannon. It's a birthday. I understand it sucked that your husband cheated on you on your 50th birthday and all those other times, that sucks. But seriously - it's just a birthday and you're a 51-year-old woman. Many people (myself included) are lucky if anyone even remembers it's their birthday. My hubby and sons forget about half the time, so it's delightful if they actually remember and do anything. I'd totally take a sports bar. Or a sports bra, for that matter.


Every year, the people on this show just seem to be more awful than the previous year.

Edited by NoWhammies
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David going to his sidepiece after having sex with his wife on her 50th birthday seems to me like the biggest "F. U.!" ever from a husband who wanted out but didn't have the balls or patience to GET out in the right way. Yup, Mrs. Sidepiece apparently was so good he couldn't keep it at home in his pants for that one milestone day in his wife's life.

And then TOLD HER ABOUT IT!  If she was pressing him for details he should have lied - but maybe he enjoys it.   And then telling her that this birthday will be a good one, a special one, that he will make it up to her but then takes her to a sports bar?  


I hate that guy. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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It's pretty obvious to me - storyline. It's pretty clear how important story lines are to the HW's, and how far they'll venture to get or create one, how desperate they are to keep the gig, and how in fear they are of losing their orange, peach, apple, etc., especially someone like Tamra, whose behavior always makes fans call for her head. Tamra's kids can't film with her, Eddie doesn't want a kid, the gym business storyline is played out, so there's really nothing else going on in her life that she can portray. That's why she's pretending to find Jesus (totally fake), pretending to get back into real estate (fake), and it's why Ryan and his family moved back to the OC. Notice how they're renting. Why? Because it's temporary. Notice how she purposefully showed her covering the large deposit, something that would normally be kept private if true b/c it's embarrassing and emasculating, and how the "I haven't told Eddie yet" thing is getting played up. Why? Because it's a storyline for the show, and they're all in on it.


That would definitely explain why she came so hard for Brandi of BH before remembering that she was now a Christian and talked about how much she loved Brandi.



And then TOLD HER ABOUT IT!  If she was pressing him for details he should have lied - but maybe he enjoys it.   And then telling her that this birthday will be a good one, a special one, that he will make it up to her but then takes her to a sports bar? 


I love Shannon. I think that she has been a really good addition to the show in a lot of ways (not in every way because she really needs some discretion when it comes to her kids). But, I also think that she has a tendency towards exaggeration. I suspect that she asked David if he saw his mistress on her 50th birthday and he said yes. I think the rest of it, that they were intimate and then David was intimate with his mistress were literal in some sense. 


Obviously the sex was an issue since affairs are gross. But, I think that Shannon is more undone by the fact that David shared actual intimacy with the woman on her birthday (even if it wasn't sexual that night), and Shannon felt like her birthday was a truly intimate moment even if she and David hadn't had sex that night - although if there was vodka involved, who knows? Shannon seems to me to be the type to dwell on every time David even saw the mistress, regardless of whether they had sex at the time. And each time she demands and receives an answer about when the two last saw each other, or she assumes they last saw each other, it becomes cheating all over again. I think that is why she freaked out when David was so vague about seeing that "friend" of hers on the beach. 


I also think that is why she should simply divorce him and move on with her life. But, if she does, the mistress "wins."

Edited by MatildaMoody
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I always imagine Meghan as what Ja'mie King (any fellow Summer Heights High fans here?!) would have been like if she grew up. Not look-wise, but in terms of how she behaves.

Does that make Jim, Mr. G?
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Thanks for the pics and your awesome comments on Megan with the pink hair. This girl needs to grow the fuck up. I had more compassion and sense when i was 16, even 26. Megan is such a psychological mess and i do not believe it's an act being performed for the sake of being a "real housewife". She is dumb on the natural. So pathetic

Edited by chenoa333
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I think the bathrooms comment was more a commentary on Heather and her oneupsmanship than about the actual number of bathrooms in either her or Heather's house. Think about all the Heather /Terry conversations where they mentioned that they will have the biggest, largest or grandest whatever than anyone they know. Does anyone think that Heather seriously thinks she needs 14 bathrooms? But I do think that she researched what the largest number of bathrooms a house in the OC contained and made sure that she added one more. For sure.

Terry and Heather were totally scoping out and taking notes about Shannon and David's house when they were designing their monstrosity.
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I just can't with Shannon. She had such high expectations for her 51st birthday, that you know it was doomed before it even began. "This is a pub, David, I'm not even sure it's appropriate for the kids." "The ribs are all fat." "If I were skinny, I'd probably like this place." Good Lord, woman!! And don't even get me started on the little Shannons' comments of "Mom, you don't look happy tonight" and "I'm sick of seeing you teary eyed." David might as well cut his losses now and get the hell away from Shannon because she won't allow him to make it up to her in any way. I'm convinced that those two will never find happiness together. make sure of that.

ITA. I Thought it was odd that she didnt have say about where they went

In our circle of friends the birthay boy/girl chooses the Restaurant

Of course Shannon would have have hated that too. That marriage is doomed

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David is an asshole. He's a damn millionaire. Fly your wife on a private jet to Paris for a birthday dinner and night in a fancy hotel. David is showing Shannon just how little he cares for her feelings. I personally find nothing wrong with Shannon showing her true feelings in front of her daughters -- no need to teach them to have a stiff upper lip and all. Some things hurt too much to hide.


Shannon would have had complaints about Paris too.  Unless she's drunk, she's very rarely happy.  She seems to be disappointed, angry, offended, etc very easily - and not just when it comes to David.  She's wound pretty tight, and it takes very little to set her off.  For me, a birthday dinner with my kids is all I want.   There's no better way to celebrate, IMO.  And since things are tense with David, I would think she would be even more happy to have the kids there.  (They tried to get out of going, which is very telling.  Poor kids probably knew what was coming because they live it every day.)   If he had taken her somewhere just the two of them, I can easily see her bitching that she didn't want to celebrate her birthday without her children.  Or complaining that now she has to wonder if he had stayed in that same hotel with his mistress.  She always finds things to complain about and she always finds reasons to blame other people, so I don't think she would have been happy with anything he had done.  There was no winning with this one because she grabbed onto the birthday thing and wasn't going to cut him any slack no matter what he did.  She is never going to forgive him, so I don't understand why they're still together.  (I'm not saying she should forgive him.  But she said she wants to make the marriage work, so she should act that way instead of constantly talking about his affair as though anyone heaven forbid may have forgotten about it!)  How about being grateful that she has healthy children, friends, financial stability, a job, opportunities to travel?   How about counting her blessings that she reached another birthday?  


I think what she's teaching her daughters is that self-worth depends on being with a man, and that women have no control over their own lives or happiness.  It would be a far better example if she would show some self-respect and  teach them that women can and should speak up for themselves, and care enough to walk away and make a better life if someone is treating them poorly.  She should be teaching them that there are some problems with the love she & David have for each other, but he is their father and he loves them.   IMO if she's decided to stay in this marriage and try to make it work, then she should stay in the marriage and try to make it work!   Continuing to be so critical of him and so damn wounded all the time is not helping anything and only doing harm to their daughters.   Complaining to girlfriends is fine, but complaining on-camera or in front of her children is selfish and harmful.  Feeling sorry for her isn't going to make them love her more, but she doesn't want them ever to forget that he did something terrible to her.   Outing every detail of his affair on national television is a really dumb move.  Yes, they can know that she was hurt.  Very hurt.  But if she's decided to stay in the marriage, then she should put her best foot forward, not wallow in the past.  Or at least not wallow in it so blatantly in front of her children.  If she can't do that, then the marriage should be over.  That's another thing her kids need to see.  Bad stuff happens, but that doesn't mean you have to be a victim forever.  It's okay for them to know that she's hurt and it's okay for them to see her cry.  But at some point - way before this - it's no longer healthy for her or for them if that's a continuing theme.  You get kicked, you nurse your wounds, and you get up.  The importance of moving forward is one of the most important lessons every parent should be teaching their children.  You're only a victim if you choose to be.  Surround yourself with people who make you feel good.  You don't have to stay.  Life can be better.


Her kids know what they're talking about when they say she isn't fun.  She isn't!   At least not from what they've seen, and will probably continue to see for a long time.  Piss or get off the pot, Shannon!  And shut up with the constant whining in front of your kids.  That's what therapy is for.  

Edited by DebbieM4
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A minor point, but would someone tell these dolts that Res-VER-atrol is not pronounced reserve-atrol.  Just look at how it is spelled, people.

That bothered me, too!  But, we're dealing with people who think a medium (as in a clairvoyant) is a "median" and twins are "twinkies".

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I could be wrong, of course, but I think it's likely that she badgered him (and probably continues to badger him) for details.  She is very good at playing the martyr, long-suffering role, and we know that she demanded a list of restaurants he had taken his mistress to.  I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's been interrogated by her over & over.  Especially since David is a pretty quiet guy who speaks in short sentences, never goes on & on, and probably didn't want her to know anything at all.  And Shannon is a neurotic mess who questions even small things repeatedly, and is obsessive about pretty much everything.  I could easily see her saying, "What about that Tuesday when you got home late and said you had to work?  Were you really working?"  Or "Is that where you ran off to the night of my birthday?"  And I'm sure she asked about positions too.  I bet she makes him tell her every detail every time a new thought about it pops into her head, and she probably tells him that he owes it to her to tell it all.   She's gonna whip that puppy every chance she gets because she has an overwhelming need to punish him over & over & over.


If she thinks that staying together is something they should do to benefit the kids, she really needs to take another look.  Because those kids are way too aware of what's going on, and it's glaringly obvious that Mommy is still wanting Daddy to atone for his sins.  She clearly doesn't want any of them to ever forget that.  Every single one of them would be happier if this marriage ended.

I agree with your assessment, and I would be as excessive as Shannon about it.....then I would get divorced. I could never get over it.....I'd want to.....but I couldn't.

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We don't know how Shannon found out about David sleeping with his mistress on the night of Shannon's 50th.

- Shannon demanded David tell her all the nitty gritty details

- David volunteered this information (some people feel they should confess all and beg forgiveness)

-David flung it at her during an argument (pretty good ammunition during a fight)

- The mistress told Shannon (or flung it at her during an argument)

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She should be working too. Being a SAHM is a luxury and it seems like they can't afford that.



That BRAVO paycheck ain't chump change (look at me, I'm a writer of 40s pulp detective stories).

ETA:  DebbieM4 your commentary (above) this evening is genius.  Genius!  

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We don't know how Shannon found out about David sleeping with his mistress on the night of Shannon's 50th.

- Shannon demanded David tell her all the nitty gritty details

- David volunteered this information (some people feel they should confess all and beg forgiveness)

-David flung it at her during an argument (pretty good ammunition during a fight)

- The mistress told Shannon (or flung it at her during an argument)

I thought she said David told her that bit of extremely hurtful information.  I don't care if it was during a fight or a grilling session or therapy - a decent man would have taken that information to his grave as well as a hundred other little details I'm sure he shared for whatever reason.  To me, the only thing worse than hurting your spouse like that "in the name of honesty" is doing it in the first place.  Shannon is not only his wife, she is the mother of his kids.   If he wanted to be with someone else then he should have left her and been with that person. 

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Jesus Shannon. She even bitched about them bringing extra limes when she asked for extra limes. 


Yes!  Because it wasn't exactly the way she wanted them.  She really needs to not harp on every little thing.   The problem with Shannon is that apparently there ARE no little things.  Everything is a huge deal to her.  


I laughed when she complained about being seated near a noisy bar.  Seems to me that not too long ago that she was cackling up a storm while indulging in cocktail after cocktail with her shrieking friends in a public place.   I guess it's okay to drunkenly disturb other people in a noisy bar-type setting when it's what you want to do.  But it's not okay if you're the one who has to listen to it.  (And yes, I get it.  I know she wanted a nicer restaurant.  But I still thought being so high & mighty about the noisy bar was pretty funny!)

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That said, Shannon does need to try and keep as much of this as possible from her kids.  They don't need to be involved.  Both she and David are at fault for telling them too much.



Oops!  Too late.  She sold her soul to the devil--I mean, she signed a contract with BRAVO and Andy Cohen.  She's willing to put every tidbit of her life on television for everyone to see and DVR.  Even if her children were nowhere near the cameras and not allowed to watch the shows, parents talk and kids talk.  They will be filled in on every little tidbit...for years.  It's practically child abuse.

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I thought she said David told her that bit of extremely hurtful information.  I don't care if it was during a fight or a grilling session or therapy - a decent man would have taken that information to his grave as well as a hundred other little details I'm sure he shared for whatever reason.  To me, the only thing worse than hurting your spouse like that "in the name of honesty" is doing it in the first place.  Shannon is not only his wife, she is the mother of his kids.   If he wanted to be with someone else then he should have left her and been with that person.

Oh, ok. I must have missed that!

I agree he should never have told her. I dislike the 'tell everything because I'm feeling bad' modus operandi. Some things should just not be disclosed....it doesn't help anybody it just wounds everyone instead. Besides that, Shannon doesn't seem to be the type of person who copes with the honesty she demands. What is she going to do with the information about all the restaurants he took his mistress to? Nothing constructive that I can think of!

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Sorry, but I can't stand how Vickie and her crew are coming down on Meghan. I also don't understand the general dislike for Meghan. First of all, a clump of them get on HER case about her age; no comment from the other ladies. But when Meghan finally fights back, everyone jumps down her back. Honestly, I do NOT understand the Meghan hate. I quite like her. And yes, I am older than her. She ain't doing anything wrong....I'm sorry, but it's other people's insecurities.


And Vickie with her "JESUS and GOD!" stuff? Please. It's cheap.


Moreover, I'm just gonna say it: I don't believe a word that comes out of Vickie or Brook's mouth. I lived with a parent who had cancer for 13 years.....And I am very suspect of Brook's condition. Meghan is going through cancer with someone in her "21st century family." Why does no one have compassion for that? Or realize that she may have the best handle on how "cancer works."


As for Meghan at NASCAR? Please. She's probably so used to her husband introducing himself as Jimmie Edmonds that she just does it that way now, too. Homegirl ain't being obnoxious. Nor is she being obnoxious because she doesn't know who certain singers are. And she wasn't being obnoxious -- she was trying to pull a band name! Heck, I am 10 years younger than my husband, and I sometimes don't know TV shows or music he brings up. And yes, I would probably say something like, "that is from my husband's high school years." And again, I don't shade Meghan for shading the other woman's ages, because they do the same. Notice how she doesn't do that to the woman who don't pull that shit with her (i.e., Heather).


And now that Brooks and Vicks are no longer together? My spidey sense is insisting that Meghan and "the psychic" are right!

Edited by Lady Grump
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That BRAVO paycheck ain't chump change (look at me, I'm a writer of 40s pulp detective stories).

ETA:  DebbieM4 your commentary (above) this evening is genius.  Genius!  


Well, I couldn't let this go without responding, now could I?  :-)  Thank you so much.  You made my night!

Edited by DebbieM4
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Since we're talking about Meghan, I'll defend Jim somewhat (don't kick me out of here.)  I didn't see him introducing himself with his full name as some sort of ego trip.  My parents and even my friends will do that sometimes.  I think it used to be considered common courtesy when you were meeting someone new to use your full name.  Of course that may have gone the way of kids addressing adults as "Mr. So-and-So" and "Mrs. So-and-So" versus "John" and "Jane." 



I didn't see it at all as an ego trip.  I just thought it was hilarious that Megan went on about how famous he is and how people throw all kinds of perks at him (including at this very event), and then he had to introduce himself because no one knew who he was.


He might have thrown in his last name in the hopes that someone would then recognize it (or him)!  But I thought it was kind of a last-ditch effort to get some kind of recognition. So IMO it wasn't an ego trip at all.  In fact, quite the opposite.  Not someone who thought everyone would fall at his feet, but rather someone who was desperate to be acknowledged and was seeing that it wasn't happening.

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Of course!  She kinda said it like she thinks everyone does.  She also said 14 bathrooms is obnoxious.  OK then.


The way she said it, I don't think she was being serious.

Heather has a room for her luggage but Shannon needs a whole other home for her baggage.


LOL!  She should leave all the baggage at their current home when the Beadors move into their new home.

Edited by Lyra Angelica
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David had to have chosen that restaurant as a passive-aggressive FU. I don't even know Shannon and I'd have known she wouldn't like it. But would it kill her to pretend to be grateful and happy in front of the kids? That was so sad hearing Stella tell her mom she was tired of seeing her teary eyes and how she could feel the tension between her and David. She is so unhappy and it's negatively affecting her children... so there goes the reason that people use about staying together for the kids. It's such an unhealthy situation they're living in. Why won't she leave?? I just don't get it.

I don't like how he sneakily tries to pull the kids to his side with his "I'm in trouble again, oh gee I did such-and-such wrong, mom's mad at me" kind of thing. He's done it a few times now. Shannon sees right through it, but the kids don't. They don't need the added burden of choosing sides, even (especially) if it's subconsciously placed in their little heads. I don't like that.

I'm curious about whether him telling Shannon the intimate-then-saw-gf story was him being mean during a fight or him confessing and putting it all out there at her request. I just get the feeling that he's got a really mean side simmering beneath the surface.

I agree with you.  David's STARE as he looks at Shannon is just super creepy.  I can imagine him enjoying leaking details of his fun times while calling Shannon 'dear'....  (Ug, 'dear'.  Does anyone below the age of 80 use that term of endearment anymore?)  The kids weren't dressed for an upscale dining experience so I'm guessing Shannon wasn't expecting to go somewhere romantic, but something about the way she acted when she got to that place looked off to me, like we were missing some private scene, and it was a big FU to her from David.  And he acts all wide eyed and innocent.  I also get the impression he's the 'fun one' around the kids while she has to be the parent.  I may be wrong, but there's something we're not seeing here and I think that's what Shannon's responding to the most.  I think she feels totally betrayed and in shock over what she thought was a perfect marriage and every detail he leaks out is like another knife to the heart.  I agree with above posters who say she needs to get out of the marriage, as hard as that is to her because she remembers what it used to be like and wants desperately for it to be like that again, but she needs to let it go because you cant turn back time.  I know from experience :( 

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I think the bathrooms comment was more a commentary on Heather and her oneupsmanship than about the actual number of bathrooms in either her or Heather's house. Think about all the Heather /Terry conversations where they mentioned that they will have the biggest, largest or grandest whatever than anyone they know. Does anyone think that Heather seriously thinks she needs 14 bathrooms? But I do think that she researched what the largest number of bathrooms a house in the OC contained and made sure that she added one more. For sure. 


I do like Heather a lot more this season for the most part, but she still is pretentious as hell.  WTF about the "mudroom"???? No one in urban or suburban southern California needs a mudroom.  Now if she were building a house on a farm, a ranch, in the mountains, or even on the beach, I can see the need for a room for the kids to clean up in before coming into the house proper, but she's building a house in Newport Coast for God's sake.

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You hit the nail on the head with that one. I definitely get that vibe. I feel like, when the cameras are gone and the alcohol's flowing, it gets much worse. Remember when David took Shannon behind the closed door to speak to her? At the time I didn't think much of it, he just wanted privacy. But the more that I watch him, and the more Shannon reveals about the affair, the more cruel and intentional I find him to be. I bet those children have seen and heard worse than we have. 





She was all talking about Saddleback, and I was thinking - I do not remember Vicki mentioning God, church, or faith a lot in the past decade. Now she's lifting her hands in the air and praising Jesus with the best of them. And then we have Tamra getting baptized. Did Alexis Bellino come over and brainwash the two of them? 


(And I say this as a Christian, myself. It's just that neither of them seems genuine about it. It's like the latest OC fad.)


I can't stand their (Vicki's and Tamra's) convenient christianity.  They praise God and Jesus, and yet they get naked wasted, lie, gossip, have affairs, and break about just every other commandment as well as the Golden Rule, and then scream and question someone else's faith???


I don't think this type of christianity is necessarily an OC fad though.  A lot of God fearing Christians in this country give Christians a bad name.

You know, I feel like Satan Andy is shoving at us his version of "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"


This is spot on.

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Well, this is rapidly turning into the most depressing HW season ever.   What made Bravo think that focusing on 2 people with cancer (at least one of which was terminal) was the way to go this season?


I get it's "real life" but I watch these shows to escape. And this isn't working for me anymore.




The reunion should be loads of fun.


It is depressing and thoroughly not entertaining with the exeption of the trip to Moorea and maybe the NASCAR outing.  The cancer storylines and the Shannon/David mess are not enjoyable at all.

Edited by Lyra Angelica
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