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Unpopular Opinions: "I hate BLTs from Kelly's!"

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36 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

Got it, I haven't seen that yet. The dress she wore when she was talking to Carly looked like hands were grabbing her boobs.

So glad you mentioned this because it was my first thought when I saw it! The red 'dress' she wore yesterday wasn't bad...for a 25-year-old. It was about 6 inches too short and her slouching made it look like she's pregnant. I mean, she has an awesome body, but that dress was just all kinds of wrong, especially for a 'high powered fashion editor.' Anna Wintour would not approve.

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I know this might get delete, but Antonio Sabato Jr. can support whoever the hell he wants, I don't care. His speech for Trump wasn't terrible and it was under 3 minutes, to an audience that was already supporting Trump. How many left leaning celebs campaign extensively for Obama? Most, going to college campus and convincing impressionable students to vote for Obama. And I don't hold it against them. He either has freedom of speech of he doesn't, and what little career he has will be torpedoed. Considering how petty this regime is, I won't be surprised if we hear out of the blue that Jagger is now a dirty cop who murders little girls, despite him not being mentioned since the last Night Shift series. This statement might slightly contradict what I have just written, while I never hold it against anyone their views, I do resent it when left or right leaning celebrities use what ever fame they have to push any political agenda. In conclusion, shut up and sing, both sides, but one side doesn't get a pass. 

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I think most people don't really care about Sabato's politics. It's just funny because he seems to think they will affect his career somehow when what's really affecting his career is that he can't act.

Edited by ulkis
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Well, that, and because as far as celebrity endorsements for any candidates go, it's random as all hell. Someone like Robert Duvall or Jon Voight (GOPers themselves) would carry a little more weight here. 

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1 hour ago, Ambrosefolly said:

. In conclusion, shut up and sing, both sides, but one side doesn't get a pass. 


Actually, I'm the opposite here. As much as it can color one's views of a person, the fact is that entertainers are American citizens as much as anyone else, and while I don't agree with some of their politics/find some of these endorsements/hilarious/random, they have the right to say it, and I'm not going to threaten them over it (see: the Dixie Chicks--the backlash over them was disgusting). I don't agree with Pat Sajak's views, but I still like Wheel of Fortune and think he's a good host. Same goes for John Wayne re: his politics and his movies.

And some entertainers are more informed/skilled at politics than others (example: Fred Grandy, Gopher from The Love Boat, studied/worked in politics before becoming an actor, and THEN served in Congress years later). 

ETA: Not to mention that both a former president (Reagan) and one of the current candidates (Trump) were/are entertainers themselves. 

Edited by UYI
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Also putting a note here to please cease with the political talk in the thread. This isn't the forum for it and things can deteriorate quickly. There are sites out there to visit if anyone wants to discuss this.

Thanks and carry on.

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20 hours ago, ulkis said:

I think most people don't really care about Sabato's politics. It's just funny because he seems to think they will affect his career somehow when what's really affecting his career is that he can't act.

He can't dance either.   Nor is he that charming either.  As someone who watched a few episodes of his shit vh1 reality show.... I don't see charm.  I see douche.  But I also hate Mo.  So, if you'd ask me to choose....I'd fucking walk the other way and pick SK.  Find a way to hack it.  

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4 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

He can't dance either.   Nor is he that charming either.  As someone who watched a few episodes of his shit vh1 reality show.... I don't see charm.  I see douche.  But I also hate Mo.  So, if you'd ask me to choose....I'd fucking walk the other way and pick SK.  Find a way to hack it.  

Without starting anything up again, SK actually sent ASJ a Tweet of support the night of his speech, so I think their views are somewhat similar.


I like watching 1992-1993 era Holly, at least her scenes with Robin and Tiffany. 

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Here goes: Every single time Kevin Collins and Laura are the only people in a scene, I fast-forward. When I started doing it, I had a pang of guilt, because I feel I should support the idea of veterans getting a romantic story. But nothing of interest ever happens with those two, and I think their romantic chemistry is nonexistent. The pairing actually highlights GF's limitations. The very last thing she needs for a love interest is someone "sweet." 

They work okay in support of other characters, but when they're alone...deadly.  

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Kevin and Laura seem very random to me. Like the only reason this pairing is happening is because the writers want to give some vets minimal screen time but don't know what else to do with them. I'm not against the pairing but I would have like to see more of it develop on screen. 

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8 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Kevin and Laura seem very random to me. Like the only reason this pairing is happening is because the writers want to give some vets minimal screen time but don't know what else to do with them. I'm not against the pairing but I would have like to see more of it develop on screen. 

I like them, but I agree with this.

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10 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Kevin and Laura seem very random to me. Like the only reason this pairing is happening is because the writers want to give some vets minimal screen time but don't know what else to do with them. I'm not against the pairing but I would have like to see more of it develop on screen. 

For these writers—grading on a curve, as always—the pairing has had decent development. Laura and Kevin were chatting online without realizing it, then they met at the MetroCourt and all was revealed. They had some conversations about Helena, clued around together, and were in Greece and held hostage together. Kevin took a bullet meant for Laura; she removed it. (People were saying Ava and Nik traveling together fast-forwarded their relationship, so it should be the same for Laura and Kevin.) Now they're going on a date. 

Laura and Kevin aren't on much, but we are seeing the relationship grow onscreen, instead of being told about a bunch of stuff that happened offscreen. 

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14 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Kevin and Laura seem very random to me. Like the only reason this pairing is happening is because the writers want to give some vets minimal screen time but don't know what else to do with them. I'm not against the pairing but I would have like to see more of it develop on screen. 

This pairing is absolutely only happening because Genie Francis apparently got Frank to agree to giving Laura a romantic storyline when she signed on.  But it's been an oasis among other boring, stupid crap on the show so I'm enjoying it, even though, as you all know, I'd prefer a return to Kevin with Lucy.

What I am worried is going to happen is that it's going to be all Laura having crises and Kevin supporting because that's what it's mainly been so far - Kevin is there for Laura while she investigates Helena's gift, Kevin is there to help Laura with Spencer, Kevin is there to support her when she's grieving for Nikolas, etc.

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Lexi Ainsworth is a horrible actress and I'm ready for them to send Kristina back to college. The writing is atrocious but her acting doesn't help and she has no chemistry with her love interests.

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I don't think RC did a 180 with Jake/Elizabeth; I think that was the story he intended to tell when he began the amnesia story and he put a hell of a lot more thought into it than he did when he trashed Nik

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23 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

I don't think RC did a 180 with Jake/Elizabeth; I think that was the story he intended to tell when he began the amnesia story and he put a hell of a lot more thought into it than he did when he trashed Nik

Are you referring to her keeping his identity a secret? 

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I don't hate Franco, I just wish he wasn't Franco, if that makes sense.  It's a total waste of Roger Howarth's strengths as an actor to have saddled him with James Franco's vanity project (or one of his many vanity projects is probably more apt).

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2 hours ago, Oracle42 said:


I go back-and-forth on his intentions with that story. I always felt like the Liason angle and The Lie was his Plan B, though. The real drama was in another quad that he couldn't get on-screen for a variety of reasons.

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2 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

I think if he could've kept McBain, he would've done Jason/Liz for awhile but once he lost his beloved OLTL characters?  

Oh, yeah. If McBain stayed, it would have been Liz/Jason/Sam/McBain. I wonder if he would have recast Jason then instead of killing him off...

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21 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Oh, yeah. If McBain stayed, it would have been Liz/Jason/Sam/McBain.

With Natalie either being shit on off-screen (as they started to do with that letter from Clint John immediately took as gospel) or showing up in town to beg for John back when she should have been jumping for joy she was rid of him.

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4 hours ago, jsbt said:

RC never gave a shit about Liz and Jason. All he cared about was her place in a quadrangle. Liz was of use to leave Jason conflicted and/or in the dark.

Agreed.  Not one HW has cared about them, for them.  Since Guza came back in 2002 up to the present.   

Edited by coffee drinker
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16 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

I go back-and-forth on his intentions with that story. I always felt like the Liason angle and The Lie was his Plan B, though. The real drama was in another quad that he couldn't get on-screen for a variety of reasons.

The potential with a Patrick/Robin/Jason/Sam quad was immense but RC would've wasted it anyway.

Robin/Jason were easy. Just leave them in the facility, give him amnesia and have him fall back in love with her while she tries to help him remember and helps him deal with losing his memory again. They already had chemistry and I think BM's version of Jason would've been more coherent if we'd seen that personality develop in reaction to the circumstances as a Jason Q/Morgan hybrid or Jason Morgan without Sonny's influence - especially since Robin knew both of them. 

RC's writing for Sam/Patrick was abysmal. These were two pretty clearly defined personalities, who, by virtue of their history and priorities should have had conflict. Patrick would've had issues with Sam's priorities because he wouldn't respect her work - missing an important event because you're saving a life is one thing, missing it because you're dangling from a building following a cheater? Nope.  And tolerance for mourning Jason? Double Nope.  Not to mention the lack of common ground for basic conversations, parenting styles, their threshold for acceptable risk and most importantly what they both wanted out of life. Because the love of your life isn't just about the person, it's about the life that you want. I think that same issue would've been a problem for Robin/Jason, plus the question of whether the thing you wanted (more than anything) in your early twenties is what you want for the rest of your life. But working through all of that could've been very good soap

Edited by Oracle42
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4 hours ago, coffee drinker said:
8 hours ago, jsbt said:

RC never gave a shit about Liz and Jason. All he cared about was her place in a quadrangle. Liz was of use to leave Jason conflicted and/or in the dark.

Agreed.  Not one HW has cared about them, for them.  Since Guza came back in 2002 up to the present.   

I think Guza probably would've done most of the Jason/SWSNBN story arc (except the Carly BFF stuff) with Liz if Frons hadn't insisted on Corky/Jasus. But, I think, at least in retrospect, the SOS and Jake were a soapier story.

Edited by Oracle42
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1 hour ago, Oracle42 said:

The potential with a Patrick/Robin/Jason/Sam quad was immense but RC would've wasted it anyway.

Well, it's a given that Ron would screw it up.

I think the way to have made Sam/Patrick work better (as in, actually kinda make sense) was to make Sam resentful of the mob/Jason's decision/violence after his "death." That would have also linked to why she would have wanted to be more domesticated and what she would see in Patrick: stability and safety. That would have given them at least one thing in common.

I actually wouldn't want Jason to have amnesia. I think he should have been JM or a combo of JM/JQ (he remembers all his memories) from the jump. Jason/Robin already have a lifelong connection. So that story is already there. I think the new bond would be everything they went through together at the hands of the Cassadines, something Sam and Patrick wouldn't be able to understand. And then also having to deal with the fact that their families moved on without them.

I could go on, there's so many ways it could have gone. Would be a great fanfic.

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I think amnesia (or brain damage) makes BM's rather drastically different take on the character a little more palatable and it gives the actor and the writers room to move the character in different directions without having fans screaming about things Jason would never do. I mean, that scene with Sonny last week was awful; there was ZERO sense of connection and he's supposed to have his memories back

Edited by Oracle42
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7 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

I think amnesia (or brain damage) makes BM's rather drastically different take on the character a little more palatable and it gives the actor and the writers room to move the character in different directions without having fans screaming about things Jason would never do. I mean, that scene with Sonny last week was awful; there was ZERO sense of connection and he's supposed to have his memories back

I think having him be part JQ could have helped, though. I guess I'm kinda envisioning a perfect world, where the writers care, where Billy researched the role and the history of the character....

Because, even now, he's supposed to have his memories back? I think? But he looks at characters like he has no idea who they are. I don't even know who to blame for this.

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I'm not trying to provide cover for Jason in a Jason/Robin pairing by giving him amnesia.  I just think the amnesia would have Robin falling into familiar patterns with Jason - and it would've been a way to work their history into their present while dealing with a recast.

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6 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

I'm not trying to provide cover for Jason in a Jason/Robin pairing by giving him amnesia.  I just think the amnesia would have Robin falling into familiar patterns with Jason - and it would've been a way to work their history into their present while dealing with a recast.

Oh, I got what you were saying. There are so many ways to have gone with the story overall, so many different avenues. I'm always trying to look at things objectively and seeing where the best story is, regardless of how I feel. I think you know how I felt about Sam/Patrick and I didn't want Robin/Jason romantically because the show did SUCH a good job with that relationship over the years and I wouldn't want it ruined. But, like I said,  that was the quad that had the best potential.

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17 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

 I think you know how I felt about Sam/Patrick and I didn't want Robin/Jason romantically because the show did SUCH a good job with that relationship over the years and I wouldn't want it ruined.

Fair point. And even if they didn't get romantic, which yeah, neither of them is prone to infidelity (but it'd be a lamentable waste of chemistry) - I think that knowing that Sam/Patrick had paired up and given up on them would provide story for both.

I'm already watching old GH instead of current episodes but Imma need some decent fanfic now.

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12 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Fair point. And even if they didn't get romantic, which yeah, neither of them is prone to infidelity (but it'd be a lamentable waste of chemistry) - I think that knowing that Sam/Patrick had paired up and given up on them would provide story for both.

I'm already watching old GH instead of current episodes but Imma need some decent fanfic now.

I just think it's cool to have a relationship on the show that's beyond romance. A pure love that never really ended; a true lasting connection that's somewhat unexplainable. It's actually amazing how much JnR dialogue from 20 years ago still applies today. But, yeah, BM and KMc had chemistry. I really enjoyed their work together.

And, YAS, we need someone to write this for us. 

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6 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

I just think it's cool to have a relationship on the show that's beyond romance. A pure love that never really ended; a true lasting connection that's somewhat unexplainable. It's actually amazing how much JnR dialogue from 20 years ago still applies today. But, yeah, BM and KMc had chemistry. I really enjoyed their work together.

And, YAS, we need someone to write this for us. 

They did--and it surprised me.  I was a diehard JnR fan during the late '90's (and am still bitter at the writing that ended it, with Carly and Michael, aka the Red Menace, being more important to Jason than Robin), but I could've gone with a new pairing with Kimberly and Billy.  Alas...

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27 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

They did--and it surprised me.  I was a diehard JnR fan during the late '90's (and am still bitter at the writing that ended it, with Carly and Michael, aka the Red Menace, being more important to Jason than Robin), but I could've gone with a new pairing with Kimberly and Billy.  Alas...

Aw, yeah, I loved JnR back then, too. I also hated the ending, but I always figured it would have to end in that way because Kimberly was leaving. It needed to be final. But I also never really thought of it as Jason choosing Carly and Michael. It was more Robin chose she wanted better for herself and her relationship. That's why she broke up with him. She wasn't going to deal with living with or near a woman who was actively trying to sleep with her boyfriend and using her son to do it. And Jason was too crazy for Michael that he refused to see those manipulations and how they affected him or Robin. He was content with being with Robin and living across from Carly for the sake of Michael.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Just now, HeatLifer said:

Aw, yeah, I loved JnR back then, too. I also hated the ending, but I always figured it would have to end in that way because Kimberly was leaving. It needed to be final. But I also never really thought of it as Jason choosing Carly and Michael. It was more Robin chose she wanted better for herself and her relationship. That's why she broke up with him. She wasn't going to deal with leaving with or near a woman who was actively trying to sleep with her boyfriend and using her son to do it. And Jason was too crazy for Michael that he refused to see those manipulations and how they affected him or Robin. He was content with being with Robin and living across from Carly for the sake of Michael.

True--though my head wanted to explode when they were all living in Cottage Hell.

In the end, though, I claimed a minor victory in that Jason and Carly never got their chance (and SBu pretty much tanked their scenes) and Jason rode off into the sunset for awhile, thus giving me a Borg Break.

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7 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

True--though my head wanted to explode when they were all living in Cottage Hell.

In the end, though, I claimed a minor victory in that Jason and Carly never got their chance (and SBu pretty much tanked their scenes) and Jason rode off into the sunset for awhile, thus giving me a Borg Break.

Carly was at her worst during Cottage Hell; I hated her so damn much. Now when I watch those scenes, it makes me laugh. She was so OTT and desperate.

Jason told Robin he would never sleep with Carly again and he really never did. Heh. And SBu always played Jason/Carly like he was dealing with a petulant child. It was great.

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On 8/31/2016 at 8:41 PM, HeatLifer said:

Carly was at her worst during Cottage Hell; I hated her so damn much. Now when I watch those scenes, it makes me laugh. She was so OTT and desperate.

She was SO STUPID! Carly deserved to have the Michael thing blow up in her face for sheer idiocy alone. I mean, good lord. If someone who dislikes you knows a secret that you would very much not want to get out, and is really only keeping that secret because of her romantic relationship, what do you do:

  1. Try to befriend this person so that you may encourage her to keep your secret.
  2. Encourage her romantic relationship so that she may continue to keep your secret.
  3. Constantly antagonize this person and undermine her relationship, thus increasing her personal dislike for you and decreasing her motive for keeping your secret.
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10 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

She was SO STUPID! Carly deserved to have the Michael thing blow up in her face for sheer idiocy alone. I mean, good lord. If someone who dislikes you knows a secret that you would very much not want to get out, and is really only keeping that secret because of her romantic relationship, what do you do:

  1. Try to befriend this person so that you may encourage her to keep your secret.
  2. Encourage her romantic relationship so that she may continue to keep your secret.
  3. Constantly antagonize this person and undermine her relationship, thus increasing her personal dislike for you and decreasing her motive for keeping your secret.

Carly was a plain idiot. She DID deserve to lose in the end after everything she pulled.

What's funny, though, is Robin STILL tried with Carly until the very end. She went over to Carly to plead, once again, for joint custody. She wasn't going to say anything to AJ. The only reason she did was when Carly ended with "Jason loves me and we're going to be a family one day with Michael!!", confirming to Robin that Carly was using Michael to be romantic with Jason and would take Michael away from him the second she realized he didn't love her like that.

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22 hours ago, In2You said:

They could've easily cast actors of mixed heritage to play Sonny's children

Well, the casting people did try with Kristina with Lindsey Morgan. She just wasn't suited to soaps (as she seems okay elsewhere).

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1 hour ago, WendyCR72 said:

Well, the casting people did try with Kristina with Lindsey Morgan. She just wasn't suited to soaps (as she seems okay elsewhere).

They didn't try that hard because her Kristina was a recurring player in what was supposed to be her story. Only on to prop their pets

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