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Unpopular Opinions: "I hate BLTs from Kelly's!"

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There's actual precedent for Paul to commit illegal acts to protect his child so I'd accept it - if nothing else, in the interest of not wasting a good actor on a Sonny/mob story. For me, the worst thing he's done is sleep with Ava while blackmailing her - that sh*t is gross!


But, getting Sloane off my screen was the Lord's work and I do not judge him for it. 

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I think most of the adults and psuedo adults (ahem Michael QuarterCorinthos) would be better in business stories than mob stories or whatnot.

Half the characters on this show would be unbelievable in business stories because they lack business savy. Would you really find characters Michael, Morgan, and Kristina believable in the corporate world? More characters are needed in the hospital and not just as doctors and nurses. There's so many job opportunities within a hospital they could easily fit characters in.

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I could picture Michael in a business story.  While he wasn't believable as ELQ's CEO I'd buy him as a junior executive ... if he wasn't saddled with such disgusting parents, that is.  But Morgan and Kristina?  No.  I don't think there's a full brain between the two of them.

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Kristina could be an intern. Morgan fits as a bartender or bellhop. Service person is still in business. Kristina could be at the front desk of the Metro Court or receptionist at Crimson. Or going with hospital, Morgan as an orderly. I think he's bound to do something dumb anyway and get sentenced to community service eventually. It's got to be Bryan Craig because I see Morgan and I think janitor or whatnot. Michael I can buy as a junior executive. He's okay as Business Cat Michael. He does need more seminars on hiring practices though.

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Morgan could've gone into physical therapy, Kristina wasa talking about being pre-law andI liked Michael in a suit at ELQ with AJ. That was the most I've ever liked Michael and the first time I didn't autoFF

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On of this show's biggest problems is white washing the mob so I have no interest in seeing them do it to yet another mobster.


Oh, I understand that. But as others have said, I've never really bought him as a mobster, anyway. Could be because I knew the last time, he was reluctant about the violent side of it at least, and to have him come back just shooting people...it wasn't Paul, anyway. I don't expect Burgi to stick around long, if he can help it. So I'm okay with Paul getting some redemption before  Burgi goes.

I could picture Michael in a business story.  While he wasn't believable as ELQ's CEO I'd buy him as a junior executive ... if he wasn't saddled with such disgusting parents, that is.  But Morgan and Kristina?  No.  I don't think there's a full brain between the two of them.


I want to marry this post. I don't even think there's a brain CELL between Kristina and Morgan. Perhaps they share one, alternating days?

I would love a true mentorship story with Michael/Tracy or Michael/Ned.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I don't want new writers. They won't go outside the pool of "soap writers that have already failed at or outright killed multiple series" so it won't make anything better. It would just be bad in a different way.


I am retroactively putting this opinion back to RC, at least he'd proven that he would occasionally write something that I found entertaining. Don't get me wrong, he drove me away from the show at multiple points. Sometimes, though, he gave me Scorpio spy thrillers, AJ returning, Michael turning on Sonny and Carly and Two Todds. All of these either brought me back to the show in question or made it fairly appointment viewing. I haven't watched since before Michael gave Avery back and deleted the episodes on the DVR and cancelled the recordings when you all told me that was going to happen. I keep watching these forums for something that actually triggers a desire to watch again and finding nothing. (Well, nothing long term. I was tempted to watch the Scrubs departure.) This doesn't mean I want RC back (I'm neither sadistic nor a masochist - and not watching any more I can't say that the current regime is better or worse) just that I don't think that his leaving fixed anything. It rather sounds like the show went from WTF drek to boring drek, which isn't an improvement.

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I don't know what the fuck happen 15 years ago to make soaps so shitty. I can't 100% chalk it up to Frons mismanagement since GH hasn't improved since he stepped down. I think the problem is ego. When you are scared when you take big risks or show a restraint, in the end it is for the good of the show like when Gloria Monty took over in the 70s, but when you believe your own hype you pull things not for the good of the show, but ti satisfy your ego and take care of your pets like Monty in the 90s.

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I didn't like the SORAS'd Georgie, the Scott Clifton version of Dillon, or the combination. The way Georgie was written off was overkill (literally), but I never missed her. I didn't think the actress/character was strong enough to carry stories. And, oh God, that was also the dawn of Spinelli and his nicknames. Ugh. It was the beginning of a terrible time! 

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Ok here goes....I hope Robin & Patrick keep their HEA and never return. I think KMc is a nice person, but Robin is so very blah for me. I tried really really hard to get into the Scrubs reunion but I felt nothing. I just wanted them to hurry up and leave. The only chem I saw between her & Jason felt more like a 'mothering' kind of love rather than sexual. I think KMc has an old soul, so I didn't see any romantic chem with anyone. I would not be happy if she came back & got with Jason. As much as the Jiz relationship felt like a mother & her slow witted child, JnR make me feel all squicky thinking about them having sex.

I know, I know, blasphemy. Bring it ;-)

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I hope Robin & Patrick keep their HEA and never return.

Me too! But for different reasons. Keep them far, far away from this shitshow, pls.

thus never paid any attention to Patrick until these last three years

So you've never actually watched Patrick? Heh. Edited by HeatLifer
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I didn't like the SORAS'd Georgie, the Scott Clifton version of Dillon, or the combination. The way Georgie was written off was overkill (literally), but I never missed her. I didn't think the actress/character was strong enough to carry stories. And, oh God, that was also the dawn of Spinelli and his nicknames. Ugh. It was the beginning of a terrible time! 

I thought I was the only one who didn't think that actress was anything special and she's since retired from acting anyway so it was not her calling. 

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I um thought Georgie was Ted's daughter from How I Met Your Mother. They look alike!

Anyway, I wouldn't mind 2012 Ron back. I think ME worked in that Sonny hating detective role. Todd and Starr didn't work because Starr sucked and Todd wasn't Todd. (See you tube or the OLTL forum for more Todd knowledge.) There was kinks- Retconia McBainia, Dr Matt going to prison, Spinelli and Maxie being pregnant, Ewen being evil, Connie, relish- but overall it was way better than Boobgate, Det Tree and The Scooby Gang, Ava Escapes Prison IV, Sonny Walks on Water, Morgan R Teh Crazeee, and Kiki and Teh Captain IX.

I think if the show allowed writers to write Sonny and Carly as what they are.... not heroes, it'd be way better. Also, either bring back AJ/let Jason be a Q or kill Jason/send him to prison.

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I think the confusion may also stem from their names. Lindze Letherman was Georgie; Lyndsy Fonseca (and how odd that both had different spellings for the more-traditional "Lindsay/Lindsey") was the daughter on HIMYM and the original Colleen on Y&R.

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The sad thing is that my real name is actually Lindsey as well. True story, when I was 16 I was so upset that people kept misspelling it (I had a very unique spelling, not Linzie or Lyndsy) that my dad let my legally change the spelling.

Um on topic....

I think Y&R actress would make a good recast Serena.

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The sad thing is that my real name is actually Lindsey as well. True story, when I was 16 I was so upset that people kept misspelling it (I had a very unique spelling, not Linzie or Lyndsy) that my dad let my legally change the spelling.

Um on topic....

I think Y&R actress would make a good recast Serena.

Her soap days are long over. She's had a successful primetime career and is currently on Agent Carter.

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Her soap days are long over. She's had a successful primetime career and is currently on Agent Carter.

She was on the first season, but at least so far she has not been in the current/second season.

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LF looks younger than ER, plus she'd be cute with The Chad. If she could make the horrible ending of HIMYM kinda tolerable, well, eh she can spit out GH lines.

She's not coming back to soaps. Also her segment of the HIMYM finale was filmed years prior to when it aired.

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I've said this before, but here it is again. I don't give a rat's ass about legacy characters. I don't get special privileges at my job just because I've been here longer than others. I don't see why fictional characters should either.

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I can't really say I give a fuck about legacy characters either. YR started off with the Brooks and Foster families. Now all that's left is Jill, and she wasn't a Foster by birth anyway. Guiding Light, the true Granddaddy of modern soaps, had some Bauers left at the end of their run but the Rutledge and Holden families had disappeared. ATWT did a better job of keeping Hughes's on board, but by the end there weren't nearly as many of them left on canvas. I got over never seeing the Brooks sisters again or Snapper or Greg, so if Bill Bell could dissolve his own core families that he created, I don't care about any other show's legacies. Just give me good stories with interesting characters played by people who can actually act. I couldn't care less if they're a founding member.

And honestly, when you talk to newer viewers, most don't give a fuck either because we don't know who the hell Steve Hardy is. I know he was the moral center of GH but I have no idea if I would've actually liked the character. So I don't care about someone or a family for which I have no frame of reference. Why would any newer viewer?

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I can't really say I give a fuck about legacy characters either. YR started off with the Brooks and Foster families. Now all that's left is Jill, and she wasn't a Foster by birth anyway. Guiding Light, the true Granddaddy of modern soaps, had some Bauers left at the end of their run but the Rutledge and Holden families had disappeared. ATWT did a better job of keeping Hughes's on board, but by the end there weren't nearly as many of them left on canvas. I got over never seeing the Brooks sisters again or Snapper or Greg, so if Bill Bell could dissolve his own core families that he created, I don't care about any other show's legacies. Just give me good stories with interesting characters played by people who can actually act. I couldn't care less if they're a founding member.

And honestly, when you talk to newer viewers, most don't give a fuck either because we don't know who the hell Steve Hardy is. I know he was the moral center of GH but I have no idea if I would've actually liked the character. So I don't care about someone or a family for which I have no frame of reference. Why would any newer viewer?


I'll reply in the history thread.

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The thing is, most of the legacy characters ARE the best actors. Playing the best characters. If anyone were to say Kelly Monaco was as good as, or better than, Finola or Jane, I'd fight you. That low talking whisperer is so low energy, she almost fades into the background.

And I don't find Sam Morgan to be the least bit interesting. What's more, I know that many, many people haaaated her pointless, irrelevant self for YEARS.
*disclaimer that Sam is an illustration, not the ONLY example*


Ultimately, I will agree that what matters most is that the character is interesting and the performer is well cast and engaging. But again, on this show, that usually ends up being a legacy character.

Unless someone out there really thinks Nathan is more relevant than Monica Quartermaine. Again, I will fight you.

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You may be right about that, but I guarantee you KeMo has a much bigger/more devoted fanbase than JE. And at the end of the day TPTB care more about that than they do, well, anything else really.


I think what they need is a balance. I don't think legacy characters/actors should be getting special treatment or be on every day, but neither should Sam, Nathan, etc. Right now they definitely aren't using the more legacy type characters/actors as much as they should or in the right way.

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You may be right about that, but I guarantee you KeMo has a much bigger/more devoted fanbase than JE. And at the end of the day TPTB care more about that than they do, well, anything else really.


I was going to say, look at the fanbase that someone like ME has. Being a fan of a character doesn't always mean you think they are the best actor or actress. Or vice versa. I think JE is a great actress, but I have very little use if any for Tracy. 


And I completely agree with the balance. For example, I have no history with Lucas before RC showed up a couple of years ago. But I definitely think he should be featured more. I would also love to see more of Lucy, Scott and Ric. But I am enjoying this short break from Liz, I cannot lie (unlike her).

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You may be right about that, but I guarantee you KeMo has a much bigger/more devoted fanbase than JE. And at the end of the day TPTB care more about that than they do, well, anything else really.


I think what they need is a balance. I don't think legacy characters/actors should be getting special treatment or be on every day, but neither should Sam, Nathan, etc. Right now they definitely aren't using the more legacy type characters/actors as much as they should or in the right way.


But that's okay, because again, there aren't any legacy characters getting special treatment, and they certainly aren't on every day,(though Liz comes close) so it's kind of a moot point.

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At this point, doesn't Sam count as a legacy character though? She's been on over a decade, has been in a popular romance and is part of a family that goes way back in GH history. I don't have much use for Sam but imo she fits the criteria.

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At this point, doesn't Sam count as a legacy character though? She's been on over a decade, has been in a popular romance and is part of a family that goes way back in GH history. I don't have much use for Sam but imo she fits the criteria.


I don't think so. Not Sonny, not Sam, not Alexis nor any of her spawn.

Truly really, the only authentic "legacy" character is Liz. But I know that many, myself included, use the late seventies/early to mid eighties as a begin point for legacy characters because the show was so popular during that period. Some say a legacy character must be connected to a core family by blood, but then that means someone like Robert Scorpio is also not one, so YMMV.

But I do think the 70's/80's criteria is pretty well the plumb line for that issue.

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Yup, they sure were, but so was Colton Shore, so was Collin or whoever the guy was that was Sean DOnnelly's son. Are they legacy characters, too?

Of course they are not. That's why I added in the bit about CORE FAMILIES and blood relations. The Jeromes and Cassadines were never core families, they were both plot point villians. One family we didn't hear from for what, about fourteen years later, or whenever Nikolas popped up, the other family we didn't hear or see for close to twenty years or more?

I mean, if we're going to say they are legacy characters *just because* members of the family were on in the eighties, we have to include Joe Kelly.

WHO? Yeah, exactly. If Joe Kelly's kid showed up suddenly, would they be a legacy character ? NOPE.

And neither is Alexis, who showed up more than a dozen years after her supposed father aired.


And I have to change my stance slightly, because Liz and Jason are both legacy characters, and both of them get way too much airtime and focus.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I straddle the middle on this issue. All the soaps do add families as they go along. There was a time when Days of our Lives had no Bradys, which you'd have to go way back with that show to remember. I think the late actor Macdonald Carey, who played the Horton patriarch, was very sour about that addition. He said in an interview that the show was never as good once they added the trashy Brady family (his characterization, not mine) and took focus away from the professional, upscale Hortons. But to most viewers of that show, the Bradys are very much part of the DOOL lore and it's impossible to think of DOOL without them.  


I don't take pleasure in admitting it, but for most viewers of General Hospital, the Corinthoses and Cassadines are similar. They do have a lot of history by now. They're integral to the Port Charles universe.   


I do think legacy characters should be handled with care. That's why it's bothered me to see AJ Quartermaine murdered more than once on screen. I have no doubt that he could be resurrected again (the third time?), because death means absolutely nothing on soap operas, but it should never have come to this. If the actor was leaving and they didn't want to recast, they could have rested AJ by sending him out of town or having him disappear under mysterious circumstances. To have him brutally murdered and have people mourning him is overkill, literally. Same with Georgie, even though I thought she was dull. And to have her be taken out by someone as inconsequential as fucking Diego? 

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The only way to slightly rectify the AJ situation is for Monica to get her hands on AJ's recording and for have her torture both Ava and Sonny with it. I know it no longer has any effect on Sonny since his stupid pardon, but he would want it to put Ava in prison and to get Avery full time and it would keep Ava on edge all the time, knowing that Monica can get her sent to prison at anytime. 

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And if Jason was actually disgusted with his besties 4 life and went ham on Sonny/Carly/Ava for funsies. Well, for revenge, but I've seen Billy play sociopath. If he's doing former characters he's played, I'll take more Richie Novak and less Billy Abbott. JT has your job, Miller- deal with it. But Jason must also give tough love to Michael for his forgiveness of Sonny/Carly just .... for reasons. And punch Morgan in the face. If Jason is this violent robot, how has he not punched Morgan in the face?

Edited by Grrpants09
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And if Jason was actually disgusted with his besties 4 life and went ham on Sonny/Carly/Ava for funsies. Well, for revenge, but I've seen Billy play sociopath. If he's doing former characters he's played, I'll take more Richie Novak and less Billy Abbott. JT has your job, Miller- deal with it. But Jason must also give tough love to Michael for his forgiveness of Sonny/Carly just .... for reasons. And punch Morgan in the face. If Jason is this violent robot, how has he not punched Morgan in the face?

How has NO ONE punched Morgan in the face? Hell I'd take 'rando hospital employee #2' punching him. Doesn't even have to be the main scene, they could be in the background and some orderly walks by and chin checks him. Right in the choppers. Because, reasons. And, Helena.

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