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S11.E08: Week 7

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Kaitlyn and nine bachelors continue their quest to find love in Dublin, Ireland, where one suitor sneaks up to her room for an intense confrontation. Later, Kaitlyn takes two guys to the island of Ireland's Eye for a date; and she tries to make up for past mistakes at the cocktail party. The next day, the seven remaining men travel with Kaitlyn to Killarney, Ireland.
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What a mess. Every week I think it can't possibly get worse, but of course it does. I want my crush Ben H. to run like his ass is on fire- he's way too normal, cute, smart and mature for Kaitlyn, even though he's several years younger. Actually, most of these guys deserve better. Every time they confront her or ask her difficult questions, she talks in circles, groans about how hard all of this is, and then kisses them. I don't feel like anyone actually ever gets an answer from her. 


I also found it telling that Kaitlyn's first reponse to hearing that Shawn was on his way over was something like "I don't need this today," followed by "I can't even handle this right now." I'm sure these situations are genuinely difficult and uncomfortable for her, but I found it interesting that her first thoughts were about her own discomfort and almost annoyance at having to deal with Shawn potentially leaving rather than worrying about him. I don't think she's a bad person, but I do think she's very self-absorbed and immature which makes her a very bad Bachelorette. Finally, I think the stylists on this show hate her-the see through gowns?


The guys in general seem like a nice enough bunch, though I was glad to see JJ leave. Tanner and Ben Z I will miss!


Chris crying at the end was...uncomfortable. I hope that was fake. 

Edited by SallyAlbright
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Nervous. Terrifying. Hard. Weird. Confused. Stressed. Tension. Concerns. Unfair. Reassurance. Pressure. Tough. Scared.


And Cupcake heartbreak.


That's what I got out of this depressing episode.

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Normally I type up my post as I'm watching, but my daughter and husband were playing so loudly that I barely heard the first 45 minutes, so starting in late. I don't know what Sean said the first time, but really, Sean, you can't go running to Kaitlyn after every date! If he's this jealous about her just going on dates with other guys, he would lose his shit if he knew about Nick. (Why is Kaitlyn saying if he's the final 2 she'd meet families when they always meet families at F4?) It almost doesn't seem fair to Shawn to not tell him the truth if she really cares about him. But I get that this is how the show goes so it's not cheating...unlike that scaly wag JJ! He cheated on his wife three years ago and his daughter is three. I can do the math on that one! What kind of asshole cheats on his wife who has a newborn child?! Clint, you can do better! This was the least dramatic 2:1 ever because the whole rest of the show is amped up straight out of UnREAL!

Nick is the first one to speak up after Kaitlyn broke down at the Rose ceremony. I can't tell whether he was trying to deflect in front of the guys or get them to figure out that something happened between them. I'm putting my money on the latter. And then Ben is pulling a Shawn ABOUT Shawn...but Kaitlyn still thinks everyone is thinking it's about Nick. Nick said he didn't say it was "intimate"--yes he did! Where's Harrison with the video tape?! Now Nick is giving Kaitlyn the same speech she gave Shawn--just get through this time and then it could be us for the rest of our lives. Kaitlyn is more regretful about telling Shawn he's the one than she is sleeping with Nick. But now we see how the previews looked like she was saying she was regretful about sleeping with Nick to the guys. I can't wait until TMTA to see what they thought when they found out watching this show!

Way out of context voice over to Harrison saying she can't tell Shawn about Nick and put that on him, he's been through too much. Bullshit! But nice try at an after production fix to try to make Kaitlyn look better. Didn't work, though!

Heartfelt Bachelor audition reel goodbye from Benzie. Unsurprisingly not a peep from Tanner. Thought we'd at least get a thanks for the good times--it was a pleasure being an interim rose-holder since everyone else left on their own week after week.

"Nothing can go wrong." Cue ominous music and Harrison! Really, they're both wearing army green jackets? This after their matching purple prom outfits last week, I think Harrison is having wardrobe coordinate their outfits. And on Wednesday we wear pink!

UnREAL-level editing! So Kaitlyn tells Shawn "2 nights ago" (or possibly 3) that the final 2 will meet parents and then Harrison tells her this in Kilarney?! Why the fuck would they leave that in the "earlier" scene with Shawn?! They're not even TRYING to cover up their tracks! I'm curious to find out what prompted all this! I'm guessing Kaitlyn's multiple meltdowns about putting the relationships in jeopardy that she cares about that she can't keep faking it any more with anyone but Jared, Nick, and Shawn. But I also guessed last week that they didn't have enough guys to fill all of the episodes with so many guys leaving and that's why they've been dragging out each episode. I guess that was right!

OMG. Sneak peek (or updated flashback, really) of Claire talking to the raccoon was even better than the Magic Mike extended preview. Glad YOPO doesn't apply to you, Clare!

Don't jump, Cupcake! Whew! He got me nervous when he stepped closer to the edge. Pulling a Cupcake--sobbing over the edge of a cliff--is the new (and improved) Mesnick! And yet even Dr. Cupcake, DDS threw in a I don't think she's here for the right reasons, she's a mess.

Edited by JenE4
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All I got out of this episode was:


1.) I want to give my little Cupcake a hug. And both him and Ben Z were angling hard for the Bachelor gig. I'd be okay with either of them actually.


2.) Kaitlyn and Shawn are perfect for each other. They are both Drama Queens.


3.) I have got to get my ass over to Ireland. That countryside was breathtaking. The cliff. OMG I could live and die there and never want for anything more.

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That was a real Mesnick.  He topped it off with that fall to his side like a sack of potatoes.  Well played, cupcake.

God, two hours of Shawn looking like he was passing a kidney stone.

Kaitlyn is a drip.   I think JJ told her he was a cheater so he could leave then and there, instead of having o endure her interminable faux sniffles.    It didn't appear that either he or Joe could care less.

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There's your next Bachelor.

Cupcake, you are too good for Duck Face. I'm telling myself that those tears were about years of frustration and past painful breakups and had nothing to do with Kaitlyn. I love Chris.

Shawn is more self-important than Nick ever seemed. Sit down, Busted Gosling.

Ben H. is awesome and I loved him calling Kaitlyn out in a most calm and respectful manner. He's the best looking man left.

Jared is also hot in a scruffy way and I think he'd be a great Bachelor too. He gets the most sanctioned alone time with Kaitlyn. Foreshadowing or a red herring? Time will tell.

Poor Ben Z. He has no idea what a huge bullet he dodged. And Tanner! What a guy. Loved his eye rolling at the Rose ceremony. Like here we go again, I'm totally going home this time. He deserved much more camera time than mopey Shawn.

Anyone who makes Cupcake cry is on my shit list. Maybe Shawn deserves Kaitlyn. The other guys are way too cool for her.

Oh and Cupcake read Kaitlyn perfectly - a mess who isn't ready for true love. She does enjoy kissing multiple dudes on TV.

ETA: Worst editing ever. Chop chop chop. Looked like a totally different show from one scene to the next, epically the two-on-one.

Edited by thesupremediva1
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I've been to every place that was shown tonight on an epic trip to Ireland after college but I didn't cry into my scarf at the Cliffs of Mohr!  Such a beautiful country, everyone should go if they can!


Tanner, I'm going to miss you being my Monday night boyfriend.  oh is that you on a plane to Paradise.  Ok, see you in few weeks when this mess of a season is over with.


I think Ben Z's audition for the Bachelor went way better than Cupcakes as Ben is getting tons of love on social media;  Cupcake and his scarf, not so much.  

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Man all that Shawn drama was uncomfortable. he spent most of the episode looking like he was holding in a fart (sorry Ian!") lol

I would have been tempted to let him go. How will he ever handle Nick-gate part two?!?!

I had a major crush on Peter Brady back in the day. Ah Ben H I could have birthed you but damn you so dreamy!!

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I feel like I'm missing something here. I just can't shake the feeling that there's a big story behind this season and they had to cobble a show together from scraps that could be aired. Kaitlyn is a mess, absolutely. But why? I'm inclined to think it's not just the Nick-sex. I think she slept with Shawn because he's another editing case of 0 to amped up without any obvious reason why.


I'm just not believing that he's that intensely worked up because she's still dating other guys unless something significant happened between them and she asked him to stick out the show and she somehow broke her end of the deal. Their whole conversation was in code, and the body language was way more intimate than we've seen with anyone else, even Nick. 


I'm relatively unspoiled, but I think there wasn't a lot of usable tape for this season. Not because she's vapid, but because all her attention was always focused and she's not capable of faking interest in other guys. JMHO.

Edited by sarkygal
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I'm just not believing that he's that intensely worked up because she's still dating other guys unless something significant happened between them and she asked him to stick out the show and she somehow broke her end of the deal. Their whole conversation was in code, and the body language was way more intimate than we've seen with anyone else, even Nick.

Yes, I am very confused too. Last week didn't Shawn say Kaitlyn told him he was the one when they spent 6 hours in bed together? And this week they said she snuck down to see two of them and it was supposedly when Ben H. was in the shower. Does Ben just take really long showers?

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Shawn and Kaitlyn are more Britt than Britt at this point.  


And the editing fuck-ups continue, as they showed Kaitlyn telling Shawn "at the final two, if you're there, I'm gonna meet someone else's family" before they showed Chris Harrison reveal that "twist" to Kaitlyn.

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These episodes focus too much on Nick and Shawn. Guy's that I absolutely hate! Show me Jared, Ben H, who else is left? That Cupcake is so theatrical. Kaitlyn would never be happy with him. I think I'm done until the Men Tell All episode. This is torture.

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Shawn and Kaitlyn are more Britt than Britt at this point.

Yeah, good thing for all those anti-Britt folks that they aren't being subjected to weekly bouts of tears, recriminations and emotion.....oh.....wait.....    :)

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Their whole conversation was in code, and the body language was way more intimate than we've seen with anyone else, even Nick.



I agree.  Also, there was a shot of Shawn, shot from behind Kaitlyn's shoulder, during which Shawn was just staring at her (and, we were meant to believe, simply not responding to what she'd just said).  But if you look closely, you see Kaitlyn's head moving a way that makes it clear that she was actually talking (but they were muting her audio).


And I agree that we haven't really gotten the true scoop on the crux of the tension.  Last week Shawn made it sound like he had extended time alone with Kaitlyn during which she said or did something that convinced him that he would be the F1.  This week, Kaitlyn made it sound like she was just hanging out with Ben and Shawn, and then while Ben took a shower "something" happened between Shawn and Kaitlyn that made Ben feel awkward.  It's hard to reconcile those two accounts.


And when they were talking about "regrets", Shawn and Kaitlyn were talking about different things.  Kaitlyn seemed to be saying she regretted telling Shawn (or at least giving him the impression) that he was the F1.  Shawn seemed to regret wigging out on Kaitlyn after she gave Jared a rose.  


On the one hand, Shawn is putting Kaitlyn in an impossible situation by seeming to demand something from her that she cannot possibly deliver within the constructs of the show.  On the other hand, if Kaitlyn really did tell Shawn he was F1, and wants him to just chill out until they get through the taping, she's certainly not making it easy for him.

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Nobody is happy and no one is having fun. I really didn't understand Kaitlyn crying every minute. I was kind of hoping all of the remaining guys would just walk out. I'm not even really sure why Shawn was so upset. If she did tell him he was the one (apparently while Ben H was in the shower), wouldn't she also tell him she had to play this out? I don't even like Shawn, but she acted pretty cold to him when she said maybe they should take a step back. 


Ben Z is really cute to me (as is Ben H) and I don't like Cupcake or poor Joe. It also seemed weird to me that Kaitlyn gave Chris a rose and then the very next morning told him she didn't have feelings for him. Why did she give him a rose then? She made it seem like she needed to spend a lot more time with the remaining guys but she didn't spend time with Chris at all. It was (it seemed anyway), a quick helicopter ride and the world's shortest picnic.


I really am dying to know exactly what Ben H heard or saw while Kaitlyn was with Shawn. And why didn't we hear about it before? Sometime does seem really off this season and Kaitlyn's crying alternating with being annoyed at the guys is annoying to me. 

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Mr. Higgins (? the Irish Wolfhound we saw for two seconds) brought a smile in yet another angsty episode. Jared's humor was a plus too, he seems fun--and similar to Ben H, level-headed and low on drama.

People's connections to Kaitlyn haven't been shown much, so I find it hard to believe when some of them claim to love/want to marry her. I don't feel particularly invested in these characters, to the point of not caring if I continue to watch 'til the end or not. Meh. What a weird season.

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I'm convinced that Shawn and Kaitlyn had sex in San Antonio and then a follow up "quickie" in the room while Ben H was in the shower. Tack-y! But with Kaitlyn is anyone really at all surprised?


Shawn doesn't seem like much of a prize anymore either. Made for each other. At least until he sees the show (and if it's Nick, I don't think he'll stick around after that either).


ITA with the post upthread about her response when Shawn was coming to see her. What a self-centered person she is! Really, I don't find her appealing or attractive in any way, when a few weeks ago she at least seemed spirited and cute. And also ITA that the show seems desperate to edit out stuff (what stuff? something that makes Kaitlyn look even worse is my guess) and fill time when so many guys left and make some kind of continuity to her "story".  But it's pretty apparent that even behind the scenes Kaitlyn's season is a mess.  

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I'm so confused.  Did they basically fast-forward this season by 2 or 3 weeks, and try to make it sound like it was because she boned Nick, and should have the chance to bone 3 of the other guys before the hometown dates?  Were they always planning to shorten the season this way, and then Kaitlyn gave them the gift of being able to say it's just being done to  "level the playing field"?  Did they panic because things were falling apart, and they were afraid guys were going to start bolting and they wouldn't have enough footage unless they rearranged the schedule?  The talk she had with Chris Harrison was so obviously done for exposition, and not the first time they discussed the new schedule.  There's no way he could just drop such a large change on Kaitlyn and then within 5 minutes she's just like, "The more I think about this, it all makes perfect sense for me.  Let's do this!" unless that scene was created just to patch things together for the viewers. 

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I feel like I'm missing something here. I just can't shake the feeling that there's a big story behind this season and they had to cobble a show together from scraps that could be aired. Kaitlyn is a mess, absolutely. But why? ....

I'm relatively unspoiled, but I think there wasn't a lot of usable tape for this season. ....

I feel like this too. I mean, wouldn't it have been over the top shocking that half of the remaining guys are going to leave so there can be FSD's right away? But Kaitlyn was "meh" in her reaction, and the guys were mildly surprised but not really upset. There is either a lot of unairable story lines (like everyone but Jared and Shawn and maybe Cupcake wanted to leave but saw the awful story lines the editors gave the guys who have left) or there is just boring stuff. I think they brought Nick in because none of the men are at all competitive with each other over Kaitlyn, so he is their bad guy.

Shawn is coming across as the male Britt with his entitledness. Nick is just so inappropriately giggling all the time he is with Kaitlyn even when he is crying--weird. Kaitlyn is worse and worse. Crying all the time--wait, she, not Shawn, really is Britt!!!

I would watch Ben Z as Bachelor any time. If Ben H isn't the final rose receiver, he too would be amazing--very cool, mature yet young, funny subtle (not knock knock joke funny), tall, so good looking, so well spoken.

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I feel a little sorry for Shawn. He's in love with her and in real life he could ask her "yes" or "no" and know how she feels, but he can't because of the show and it's driving him nuts. Or rather, he's asking but she can't give him a straight answer because of the show. This is such a strange season.


Cupcake's fake crying reminded me of Britt sitting on the curb bawling away. He probably hid his face in his coat to hide his laughing. Speaking of Britt, she and Cupcake should hook up once she's in Nashville! Ben Z made the better Bachelor audition speech.

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It seemed like Kaitlyn really liked Ben Z at first, and then nothing. I think the reason it is hard to follow her likes and dislikes for me is we don't see any of the usual cocktail party stuff with her having conversations with the various guys. It seems like weeks in between her actually having conversations with some of the guys (to us viewers of course, not IRL).


I still can't figure out why she gave Joe a rose, she could have sent both of them home and she clearly has no interest in him; and why she and Chris Harrison agreed on her getting to know Ben H, Cupcake and Joe on overnight dates and then she immediately sends Cupcake home. I also don't get the continual crying. I think the show is trying to be more "real" in some aspects this season, but a lot seems to be missing.

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As messy and unattractive and uncomfortable to watch as Shawn was it gave me flashbacks of how messy and unattractive I was in a somewhat similar situation. Whatever else is going on, he's got some real, painful emotions going on, and I almost feel embarrassed to watch him.

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I'm so glad this episode bored me enough that I got distracted doing other things & didn't fast forward through the commercials because Clare & Raccoon! That was a magic moment, not the same as seeing the men of Magic Mike, but magic in another way. IMO best part of the episode!

I did enjoy, in a sick, voyeuristic way Cupcake pulling a Full Mesnick with the added bonus of cliff-side teetering. I tried but couldn't tell if he was crying actual tears, but I didn't really care I thought his performance was brilliant!

As for the rest, yawn. So many tears & teases of drama, but not the drama I was hoping for. At this point I'm regretting that Kaitlyn had sex with Ick because I keep having to hear about their "intimacy" & the fall out that is going to occur any minute. Seriously any minute now. Drama. It's coming. Soon. Promise. Um, next week.

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This season is such a drag. If I were one of the guys and took a break from my job and came on this show, and saw how Kaitlyn is, I too would leave. Why waste my time off on her and this show that is sucking the life out of everyone? Ben H. so gently told Kaitlyn to cut him loose if she was not interested. So much stuff has happened between Shawn and Kaitlyn off-camera. I think Shawn is the way he is because Kaitlyn's actions are not matching her words. She clearly promised Shawn that he was "the one" and probably slept with him, and now he finds out that Nick was "intimate" with her and he suspects that something happened between them, he doesn't trust her and feels like he maybe taken for a ride. So many guys have called her out for her actions not matching her words, and I think that is what is freaking Shawn out. He has fallen for her, he believed her, yet why would she be so into Nick if Shawn is the one. So I don't see him as entitled given what probably went on between him and Kaitlyn and what she has told him. She doesn't want to reassure Shawn since he seems to want that constantly, but I don't get how she cannot see that Nick and she had an overnight date that may have caused Shawn to question what was between them. She doesn't even trust that Nick would not tell the guys anything, I mean, with so little trust and so little self-control, why did she even come on this show. And Nick lied when he said he didn't use the word intimate. I don't even know what Nick was trying to tell the guys - was he trying to say that he came into the rose ceremony confident since he had a rose but is now not since Kaitlyn is a mess, or that he has a rose and is not worried? At this point the editors are just piecing things together and it makes NO SENSE. I don't even understand half these conversations. Why does Nick talk in a strange manner like he is always lying or something? So strange. Kaitlyn was such a mess, I can't watch this show anymore. It was so so so so so boring today. Cupcake was not crying, I mean, my 2 year old boys cry like that with no tears when I tell them they can't have something. He probably did it for the producers and hid his face because he had no tears! None of them have any connection with Kaitlyn, she herself is not interesting at all, and after Nick they don't seem to care. Please please just do Bachelor Pad or get a new fresh lead, I can't stand these recycled people anymore.

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Thanks for another miserable show Kaitlyn.  The most depressing Bachelorette ever.   "Imitation of Life" was more uplifting


I'm with you sarkygal  she pulled an all nighter with Ben and Shawn and no doubt in my mind she slept with Shawn during the night and/or at shower time. Shawn for sure figures she slept with Nick on his all-nighter too.. why wouldn't he.  And now realizes he was nothing special.  Bummer. And... she 'gets around'. shall we say.  Shawn, for some reason   may not find that such a great thing..just saying. (no "shame" tho..)


Apparently their on -staff counselor told her she has 'poor impulse control'..  she didn't think that up herself.  .Although I wouldn't consider her saying to Nick "come with me"    walking into the bedroom with camera crew in the room and etc etc a momentary loss of control.  Maybe a loss of common sense . At least tell him to come back after the crew leaves.


 Guess they figured they better speed up FS time as our Kaitlyn is feeling intimate in a hurry.   Meanwhile  put her in a hotel away from the guys.  We hardly needed the rose ceremonies..  FS time is becoming unnecessary as well.  Guess it's a good time/travel saver. 

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I dislike the way they don't end on the rose ceremony.  I got confused in the middle of the episode when Kaitlyn was sitting in a room with the men.  Was it time for a rose ceremony? I was looking at the clock and it just seemed off.  All the editing seems off this season.  I feel like they shot the season and then went back and mixed it up and figured out what kiind of story they wanted to tell.  


I enjoyed it because I have been to the Blarney castle and that interested me.  I did wonder if they were scared that Cupcake was getting to close to the edge of the cliff.  The crying just seemed off from him.  


Shawn is a bundle of emotions.  Have they ever had anyone on the show that ran to see the lead this often?  He is really showing a possesive side.  

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Such a letdown after last week's entertaining episode. This was just boring.


There are only a few moments of each of these seasons that I truly enjoy (the first episode is the best, the hometown dates, the fantasy suite speculation, and not much else). The revelation that they will limit the hometown dates to just two guys was disappointing.

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I'm so confused.  Did they basically fast-forward this season by 2 or 3 weeks, and try to make it sound like it was because she boned Nick, and should have the chance to bone 3 of the other guys before the hometown dates?  Were they always planning to shorten the season this way, and then Kaitlyn gave them the gift of being able to say it's just being done to  "level the playing field"?


Yeah, something's up.  Chris' explanation tonight of what's a huge change in the regular process of The Bachelorette makes little sense.  So now the rose ceremonies are seemingly at random points in an episode, guys are eliminated faster than usual, the family visits are cut in half, the overnight dates (and presumably the Fantasy Suite) occur before the family visits-- these are all weird changes.  I'm wondering if there wasn't some serious tension between the producers and this Bachelorette and they just want to be done with her.  Along with what often feels like negative editing towards the Bachelorette from the producers, from her side her whole Snapchat controversy, where she likely revealed the winner, seems either seriously stupid about the show's rules or actively aggressive.  Like others, I'm curious about what's really up.

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This used to be such a fun show.  It's always been a guaranteed 2 hours of laughter as I made fun of how corny (but hilarious) everything was. This season, I feel like the show is laughing at me for bothering to watch this mess. 


This was the most boring episode I've ever seen.  In the first hour, we had three -- three!-- angsty conversations between Shawn and Kaitlyn, where they basically said the same thing over and over.  I thought the rose ceremony was never going to happen.  The 2-on-1 date, always one of my favorites, was a waste of time.  The 3 of them sat on the grass and looked miserable, followed by JJ getting the boot (lucky guy).  Kaitlyn's date with Cupcake was ALSO just sitting on the grass.  What happened to fun dates and exciting stunts, or at least a decent meal?


And now, no4 home-town dates!  Are they purposely taking the best parts of this show away from us to see if we'll still watch?  I guess Kaitlyn got tired of waiting around for the Fantasy Suite and just wants to get down to business.


I hope Nick "wins" this season.  I'd like he and Kaitlyn to stick together and not bother the rest of the dateable population ever again.

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Let's see if I've got this right. Kaitlyn feels terrible and stressed and guilty. But it's not because she screwed Nick. It's because when she screwed Shawn in San Antonio a few days (?) before she screwed Nick, she felt so close to Shawn that she told him he was The One.


 So Shawn, as a result of Kaitlyn's "assurance" during what Tanner told Nick was five or six hours off-camera with Kaitlyn (but which the show now is implying was merely the length of time it took Ben H to take a shower) believed Kaitlyn had chosen him. Watching Jared get the group date rose upsets him to the point where he goes to confront Kaitlyn. She is upset by his arrival because she is afraid he has learned about Nick and is going to leave.


When his questioning and complaining make it clear he doesn't know about Nick, but is just feeling insecure in general, Kaitlyn (a) feels terrible because she doesn't trust Nick not to spill the beans and make things worse with Shawn; (b) is stressed by Shawn's need for reassurance and tells him she was wrong to tell him he was The One when they had sex because that just made things harder for him emotionally when she was trying to make it easier, and (c ) feels guilty because for some reason she previously didn't get that the other guys, including Shawn, might not feel good about her bedding Nick.


So now Kaitlyn goes through a complicated dance of self-justification and avoidance, concluding that her real mistake was not sleeping with Nick but being too encouraging  to Shawn. Therefore, she doesn't have to tell him about Nick.  She manages to tell Nick to keep his mouth shut, which he swears he has done and will do, conveniently forgetting he already told a bunch of the guys that his evening with her had been "intimate."  She arrives at the Rose Ceremony all upset to the bewilderment of everyone but Shawn, who blames himself, and corners her again to tell her how upsetting he's finding the whole process; she informs him they need to take a step back, while remaining relieved he still doesn't know about Nick.


Somehow Chris Harrison persuades/instructs her she has to "level the playing field" by giving the other guys a chance to get it on, and then the whole business about her sleeping with Bachelors before the designated Fantasy Suite dates will become irrelevant. (?)  Yet she becomes convinced that she now has to tell the "important" guys about Nick which is all terrifying and upsetting. And which may or may not actually happen.


I am very confused. The only thing I understand about this mess is how much I despised Kaitlyn for the way she treated Shawn. Look, Kaitlyn, you led him on, you made him believe you loved him, you arguably cheated on him even within the weird  parameters of the show,  and you didn't have the nerve to own it when he came to tell you he was upset by your  behavior. Granted, he didn't know exactly how much he had to be upset about, but you did. And you made him feel stupid and hyper-sensitive when you knew he had every right to be worried by your behavior. Because you knew if you told him, he'd probably walk. So no honesty for Shawn. Just "two steps back." Poor dope.

Edited by Ketzel
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I need a gif of Tanner's eyeroll. That was the best part of the season. His goodbye clip should have just been him getting on the plane directly to Bachelor in Paradise.


Ben Z had a great The Bachelor audition. See, Jonathan, that's how it's done.

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I'm convinced that Shawn and Kaitlyn had sex in San Antonio and then a follow up "quickie" in the room while Ben H was in the shower. Tack-y! But with Kaitlyn is anyone really at all surprised?


Of course she slept with him in San Antonio.  He wouldn't be so worked up and jealous about the other guys if she just told him he was "the one."


What was up with Cupcake's crying jag; that totally came out of nowhere.  I was shocked he got a rose over Ben Z.


Speaking of Ben Z, he's not my type physically, but he really is a handsome man.  He has very pretty eyes and an extremely sexy voice.


I can't wait for this season to be over.  Kaitlyn's a strange bird and I cannot stand looking at her weird duck-lips.

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So does Kaitlyn have to sleep with both Shawn and the third guy (Jared?) on the overnights to even things out? Especially once they hear she slept with Nick?


I find myself more sympathetic to Kaitlyn this week. She's owning her messes, and Shawn is so, so sensitive -- what woman would see that coming? So I can't fault her there.


A lot of Man Tears this episode. Good for the guys for letting it hang out there. LOL at Chris getting so close to the cliff edge, though -- I was afraid he was going to fall off, and clearly so were the producers. That has got to be THE worst place to break up with someone, on the edge of a cliff! 


Overall, the episode had a lot of drama, but was also really confusing. I wasn't sure what people were referring to a lot of the time. Most of the time, it clearly was about some "special time" that Ben noticed changed Shawn's entire outlook for the positive. Shawn wears his heart on his sleeve, so after she came downstairs to send them off to Ireland (Ben and Shawn were the only ones around), and Ben went to take a shower, this must be when she told Shawn he was "the one." But that was hardly six hours of conversation, so I'm unclear what that referred to — Ben can't need a six-hour shower, he's not Britt. And now next week we're back to more angst over sleeping with Nick. It's all a big sloppy Bachelor-ish mess, isn't it?

Edited by Andromeda
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I may have slipped into a coma during this episode. Those were two of the longest, most boring hours of television in the world.


I used to like the Bachelorette more because the guys always had a lot of fun together and there wasn't a lot of tension and it was fun. And there was a rose ceremony at the end of each episode.


Now it's like the worst possible episode of the world's worst soap opera. Just ugh. Fleiss must be on drugs if he thinks this is entertaining. I miss the FUN these people used to have. I would rather go to the dentist than watch this!

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This becomes more disastrous weekly, everyone appears so miserable and there's so much drama.


The fact Chris Harrison has to go to Kaitlyn and change how the show works probably because of the mess she's made by sleeping with how many of them I don't even know at this point. Another guy confronting her over her behavior and actions on top of that with her all her "guilt." If it wasn't wrong, she wouldn't be this miserable and thinking that sleeping with Nick ruined her forever and her future. She obviously knows that he's not the one or it wouldn't matter.

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I swear to god, Chris H seemed to be telling Kaitlyn "you slept with two guys, there's other guys here you have to sleep with to make things even."  

Yeah, everybody deserves "off camera  time. 


something IS off this season.  I wonder what the story is, because there is a lot of editing, back-pedaling, secrets, deception, unspoken stuff. 

That's exactly what I thought he was saying. I also laughed when she said she'd messed up (subtext: by having sex with Shawn twice and also with Nick) and Chris looked like he was trying for "stern father" expression as he said, "Yes, you did, but that's part of maturity, learning from and owning your mistakes." (paraphrasing)


I find it unbelievable that Kaitlyn doesn't seem to consider that the men might be telling each other (or braghomh even through hints) about having MUCH more physical relationship with her than others, including the guy he was talking to right then. Because I'm convinced that would be quite normal, especially for someone as possessive as Shawn. It would not surprise me if he told Ben H he'd had sex with Kaitlyn in SA and probably something in the "job" range while Ben was showering. If Ben has other friends in the house, I assume he shared that with them as well.


I really can't feel sorry for her. She had at least six good men to choose from as it now seems but is, imo, too promiscuous (okay, CH, "has impulse control problems") to commit to anyone for any significant length of time. (And I totally believe she did tell Shawn she loved him and he was "the One". We even saw her come close to that on camera before the big date.)


CH seemed stressed and I don't think it was because she needs to test drive a third man before going on hometowns. I think its because the producers (privy to all the conversations and confessions that we don't get) feel they have a big mess on their hands and are trying to get her to narrow it down quickly from 6 to 3 before more guys explode in anger or disgust. If its just 3, I think their reasoning is, it will be easier for HER to juggle her infidelities (Nick and Shawn) and teasing (i.e. Jerrod) and not risk it all going down hill in a major confrontation and walk out (maybe of everyone) really, really fast. 


Switching to "get rid of three fast" then "sleep overnight with the remaining three and see if you still have anything left with Shawn...or want Nick instead....and maybe keep Jerrod (just a guess) as the requisite F2."  Then only the most committed, most cooperative two men will go to hometowns--not risking another week of guys putting it all together and quitting.


I think the editors have been working overtime to salvage as much as they have and if they hadn't been so capable, tonight's episode would have been even -more- depressing. This season seems to have more secrets...more lies...more deceptions....more sex...than any in memory.

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It's like they are just throwing stuff up there to try to get the season over as fast as possible. I feel sorry for the guys (minus Nick) who do have feelings for Kaitlyn as it is pretty obvious that she is not ready for even a serious boyfriend, let alone a husband.  And if Nick is the F1, can't even imagine him seriously proposing. The producers are probably afraid of the outrage the families would eventually have after seeing what was going down on the show before "their son" took Kaitlyn home and want to eliminate any more problems. 


So, Chris Harrison thinks if she levels the playing ground, the remaining guys will be OK when they find out about having sex with Nick?  And he wants her to get rid of any non-contenders stat....so I assume any guys she does not want overnight dates with? 

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CH seemed stressed and I don't think it was because she needs to test drive a third man before going on hometowns. I think its because the producers (privy to all the conversations and confessions that we don't get) feel they have a big mess on their hands and are trying to get her to narrow it down quickly from 6 to 3 before more guys explode in anger or disgust. If its just 3, I think their reasoning is, it will be easier for HER to juggle her infidelities (Nick and Shawn) and teasing (i.e. Jerrod) and not risk it all going down hill in a major confrontation and walk out (maybe of everyone) really, really fast.

I think that might be it. Something's hinky, and I could believe some of the guys wanted to leave on their own terms, like so many before them had. Does she get two more one-on-ones (after the Chris one)? I wouldn't be surprised if she was insisting it be with Nick, Shawn and Jared again, and the producers had to tell her no way, because the other guys were on the verge of walking (since everyone is seeing she's got it bad for both Shawn and Nick -- it can't be a secret that Shawn has disappeared two evenings in a row for probably hours...).

Anyone else worried Shawn was going to have a major anxiety attack at the rose ceremony? He was so sweaty and uncomfortable!

Anyone else think the show was over after the rose ceremony? This mixed-up episode stuff is just so, so wrong.

Edited by Andromeda
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I was unable to watch tonight due to a problem with reception, so I'm glad to be able to get a good idea of what happened by reading here.  Thanks to all of you!  Sounds like I dodged a bullet.

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At this point I have to believe SadGosling slept with Kaitlyn bc he is acting like such a drag, a Stage 5 Clinger and more pathetically insecure than any of the girls who have appeared on the Bachelor ever. And  EWW to Ben H saying he could tell something happened when he got out of the shower. I hope all sharp objects and Cliffs of Moher are removed when Shawn finds out she boned Nick.

This was the most boring episode I've ever seen.  In the first hour, we had three -- three!-- angsty conversations between Shawn and Kaitlyn, where they basically said the same thing over and over.


"I have to talk to you about why I came to talk to you last night" BO-RiNG!

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Shawn's possessiveness is getting into creepy territory for me. No matter what she said or did to him, it's still The Bachelorette, i.e. there are going to be other guys there until the end. Dude needs to take a chill pill or three.


And getting physical with Shawn while Ben H is showering in what I assume is the en-suite bathroom? After last week's sleeping with Nick with the mic on and now this, I'm starting to wonder if Kaitlyn has an exhibitionist streak.


It was weird to me how in Cupcake's TH after being dumped he seems somewhat accepting of the situation, and then ten seconds later he's teetering on the edge of the cliff and sobbing hysterically into his scarf. That gave me flashbacks of Jake's Bachelor audition; I did not like.


I still don't find Jared attractive, but he does seem like a sweet guy, and he cares just the right amount to make him fun to watch. Shawn and Nick care way too much, and everyone else doesn't care at all (Joe's not fooling anyone with his declaration of love).


As a European, it always makes me laugh when Americans marvel at how "old" towns or buildings are. It's just not a big deal to us, because every town that hasn't been destroyed in one of the wars is "old".

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