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S10.E04: Charity Case

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Shannon was really rude to Meghan. Meghan wanted to call her out and be like, "okay, you know who I am now, so apologize." I think probably in St. Louis being a wife/ gf of an athlete carries way more prestige than in the OC. In any case, Meghan is obviously used to people kissing her but because of her husband and she is milking it, but its not working in the OC world. She's a little unaware and in over her head.


I thought it was AWESOME that the ladies all ditched her party. That was the sweetest revenge ever and plus, the party didn't look very fun at all. 

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I edited my original post to let you know I could see how it looked like I said that by the way I typed it :-).  


Yes, Shannon IS a raw nerve and if you so much as brush against it, she bristles, but Megan is pinching and pulling on that nerve relentlessly.  A bully can sniff a weak or damaged person a mile away, and Megan is taking advantage of her sense of smell.  You can tell she's always been a bully by the way she suavely delivers her bullyisms. It takes years of practice to be that comfortable on that level of bitchitude.


Oh my gosh, so much more to say, like how I loved Vicki calling Megan out on how she says  everything is "hers" when it's all Jimmy's, and how she landed her cash cow, and how entitled she is after only 4 months of marriage  (nailed it!). But I've already posted too much and everyone is covering everything perfectly. so now I'm just going to enjoy reading! :)

LOL, it is fun to read everyone's opinions!


As for Meghan being a bully... not buying into the idea/belief that any of the HWs on any of the HW shows are "bullies" and that includes Meghan. They ALL get paid to fight/argue/question and talk smack about each other, Meghan included just as Shannon is. That in itself removes the "label" of bully IMO.


And, once again, there was no way for Meghan to know that Shannon is a walking raw nerve. Is Meghan a twit, immature and trying too hard for the show, YES, but Shannon is the self righteous, perpetual victim that expects everyone to walk on eggshells around her at all times and is desperately clinging to her "victim" storyline/status.


Vicki hates any woman that does not earn their own money, she will eventually throw this at Shannon as well because Shannon does not work outside the home. LOL



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I have a feeling Kevin Dubrow or hits former bandmates didn't end up with a big financial cushion. Like someone else mentioned, Kevin had a drug problem, which I'm sure was very expensive and the 2 biggest hits out of the 3 were cover songs written by members of a band called Slade who were very popular in the UK.

Funny with that one episode a couple years ago, when they were at the 80's party, Terry walked in looking just like his late bro.

There were some pieces last year, timed with the five year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death, about how beneficial an artist's death is to the estate because they stop accumulating debt. I don't think Kevin Dubrow's is bringing in beaucoup bucks, but it's probably not nothing either. And given that Terry and Heather aren't exactly wanting, they might be using it as their dedicated charity fund. Like why spend their real money on all of those charity events that they must be invited to, when they can sprinkle some Quiet Riot cash.

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I want to say one thing in defense of...Heather. When these shows first started, they were supposed to showcase women of outrageous wealth. It's a shame that this cast of busted busters makes it seem like Heather is shameless braggart, which she is. If she had been cast on Beverly Hills, she wouldn't have looked out of place among LVP's mirrored palace with gay guard swans, YoFo's glass refrigerator, and Maloof's parties that always seem to have naked people.

Is Shannon an excitable loon? Yes. Is Meghan a gigantic inflamed asshole? Absolutely. There was literally no reason to double down on battle Beador.

I agree. I always see people saying they want "house porn" and things like that from these shows. That's what Heather is giving.

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The most disturbing thing about tonight's episode for me:  Vickie's comment about everything being Jim's.  What an insult to SAHMs and to marriage. 


Legally, it's true-- in a community property state, at least.  The marriage has only existed for 4 months, so Meghan would only be entitled to the marital community's earnings (Jim's combined with hers) during those four months.  Everything else that Jim earned prior to the marriage is still his. Legally speaking, which I assume is what Vicki meant.  If Jim and Meghan call everything theirs, that's great and as it should be.  It's just that when he divorces her, she'll only get the earnings that were made during the marriage.  She's proving to be one nasty piece, though, so Jim may be too scared to divorce this one, lol.    

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I agree, if you don't recognize the #, why answer the phone to begin with? Shannon even stated she does not answer calls from unknown numbers so why did she answer that call from Meghan then? It still does not excuse her ignoring the text message when she got that because she then knew it came from the newbie. Unless of course, she needed a storyline outside David's cheating storyline! LOL

That's a great question. Why answer that call from an unknown out of state number when she was driving with her kids in the car? If we assume that Meghan got Shannon's cell number from production, can we also assume that they prompted Shannon to answer it? Or perhaps since it came from an unknown "female" did Shannon think it might be one of David's side pieces calling her? Maybe that has happened before???? I'm just speculating because based on what Shannon said, she never would have answered that call. Edited by AnnA
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The most disturbing thing about tonight's episode for me:  Vickie's comment about everything being Jim's.  What an insult to SAHMs and to marriage. 

I didn't take it that way at all.  She seemed pretty clear that the length of the marriage was an important part of her diss, and I tend to agree that after four months- with a frickin' assistant apparently handling much of the business- it's absurd to claim things.  Meghan is almost an unpaid employee at this point, if her husband is as cool with her off-camera as he is on (that scene where she kissed him on the cheek and he didn't even react...weird, imho) and all she's doing is co-organizing moves from one property to another.


I don't think Meghan has done anything that egregious, especially by HW standards.  My take is that Shannon said she's direct, Meghan then tried to be direct, and Shannon did her Shannon thing with it.  This is not to say that I'm faulting Shannon, or loving Meghan.  I just don't think Meghan deserves the flack she's getting, especially since she at least said she was willing to deal with the consequences of her decision- something you don't see everyday on these shows.


That said...this is some of the lamest HW drama ever, because I don't care about the players and they aren't making it interesting for me (Meghan could at least pretend to have emotions).  I mean, I suppose I'm defending one of them even though I don't feel very passionate about it.  The other one went from being kind of awesome to over-sharing in ways I find creepy.  And nobody else seems to be doing anything, other than Heather who is building some kind of castle while telling me she wanted to downsize (like I believe that she'd be so magnanimous as to just do this for her husband).  It's boring.


The only thing I'm really curious about...Meghan said either the charity invites you or the host does.  In this case the host did not...did the charity not invite Shannon, either?  Would Meghan have any pull to control the charity's guest list?  Point is...I'm not even sure the non-invite was even Meghan's doing...


Oh- I'm also curious how reselling wine benefits a charity all that much.  Is there some value added based on who donated it?  Is it all really, really rare stuff (which I can't imagine being the case in the OC...maybe in BH but not here...no offense to the OC).

Edited by phoenix780
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She's just not that likeable. And she's so midwestern sorority girl. Looks just like a pharmaceutical sales rep. Would have been interesting if last season we had Edmonds wife # 2 and this season, the current wife. He could rotate a wife every season or 2. That'd keep it fresh.

You know... I actually couldn't see it til you told me.

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That's a great question. Why answer that call from an unknown out of state numberarrow-10x10.png when she was driving with her kids in the car? If we assume that Meghan got Shannon's cell number from production, can we also assume that they prompted Shannon to answer it? Or perhaps since it came from an unknown "female" did Shannon think it might be one of David's side pieces calling her? Maybe that has happened before???? I'm just speculating because based on what Shannon said, she never would have answered that call.

Do you really think with her kids in the car and the phone on hands free mode that Shannon would be taking a call from one of David's side pieces?  First off there is no indication there is more than one person that David had an affair with and how often does a side piece call the wife and kids and where would she get Shannon's private number from?

I did not hear anything that would indicate Shannon would not take the call and clearly she took the call.  Again probably right around the time filming begins the ladies get calls from production assistants and the like getting stuff set up.

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It may be something more west coast.  I know I get contact information for people and it is their cell phone number. I think it comes more from people who just use their cell phone and may not have another phone.


Vicki said she got a call as well from Meghan about the wine party.  I want to hear all these calls she made.  I would ignore Mehgan's text. If it were that important someone from JDRF should have made the call and introduced Mehgan.

I think if you list it with your home address on public sites, like FB and other social media sites, then it may be out there for anyone to find. Which is, IMO, a stupid thing to do. There is no way for anyone's cell number to be made public knowledge unless that person, the cell phone owner, makes it public. LOL

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I don't think Vickie's comment about everything being Jim's had anything to do with length of time they were married.  I think this is Vickie's attitude toward marriage in general.  And I think this comes from her own experience in marriage because she had to pay spousal support to Don (or at least was requested to do so).  


The interesting part is that according to Meg, she was making good money when they married.  Maybe not the money Jim made (and I have no idea of what he was making) but it seemed that she gave that up when they moved to CA.  Bottom line, for me, is that Vickie doesn't get what marriage is.  And her two divorces kind of point to that, but here she is with Brooks....whose lifestyle she seems to be financially supporting.  Kind of hypocritical.   

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Do you really think with her kids in the car and the phone on hands free mode that Shannon would be taking a call from one of David's side pieces?  First off there is no indication there is more than one person that David had an affair with and how often does a side piece call the wife and kids and where would she get Shannon's private number from?

I did not hear anything that would indicate Shannon would not take the call and clearly she took the call.  Again probably right around the time filming begins the ladies get calls from production assistants and the like getting stuff set up.

Shannon, herself, said that she does not take calls from unknown numbers and that she did not recognize that out of state number so why then did she take the call to begin with? IMO, she was given a heads up that she would be getting a call but not who was calling her or why.  JMO

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I didn't take it that way. I think that Vicki was pointing out that they end only been married for four months.

Personally, I think that being married to a man for four months and already referring to his ex's former marital home as "my house" is different from being a stay-at-home mom and contributing to the household with childcare, housekeeping, and everything else that entails. Meghan just seems extremely entitled, and I think that's what's rubbing Vicki the wrong way. Plus, Vicki's daughter is a stay-at-home mom who was living with her at one point so I don't think Vicki has anything against stay-at-home moms. Ugh, can't believe I sort of defended Vicki.

Vicki has made these types of comments before, to Alexis and Gretchen when she was with Jeff. It is her mind set, that all women should work outside the home and earn a paycheck. IMO, Vicki holds SATH moms with real distain and considers them less than. JMO

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From Meghan's blog: "LeAnn [wife #1] is very sick with cancer and looks extremely different than she did at the party. It's hard to watch her losing her battle but I'm glad to have a special moment between us caught on camera."

"Losing her battle." -- who says that? who says that about a sick person? YOU DO NOT SAY THAT. You hope, hope, hope for recovery, always, always. I think the fact that she puts it that way -- "losing"-- shows her inner ugliness, and probably her real wishes, IMO. I think she's really quite a vicious person.

I don't buy her bullshit lovey dovey stepmother stories for a minute. She's mentioned that poor woman's condition a few times now, and always in a way that seems to coincidentally makes her shine, while eerily throwing that sick woman under the bus. Nope, not buying it at all.

Oh and a Meghan, "hashtag you're not a 14 yr old girl so you can stop with the hashtag nonsense now".

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The most disturbing thing about tonight's episode for me: Vickie's comment about everything being Jim's. What an insult to SAHMs and to marriage.

See now I found her comments about Brooks most disturbing. To paraphrase "Brooks spends 5 days after chemo throwing up. Who has 5 days to skip work to just sit around while your loved one is violently ill. My awards mean a lot to me".

And apparently so does Micky Mouse.

If Brooks ends up taking her for all she's got I'd say she deserves it right about now.

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Oh and a Meghan, "hashtag you're not a 14 yr old girl so you can stop with the hashtag nonsense now".

I believe she was using the # for its original use as the number sign not as a hashtag, unless she used it somewhere else.

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I believe she was using the # for its original use as the number sign not as a hashtag, unless she used it somewhere else.

Well, she does say "Hashtag burn" but it was directed towards Vicki's nasty dig about Meghan not having a financial interest in  the house/furnishings Jim sold/was selling. From her blog.


"And a note to Vicki - you're right, the old house wasn't mine and it wasn't "my stuff" in that house, it was Jimmy's. But since we've gotten rid of everything and have started over everything is "ours". I was blessed enough to grow up with a stay at home mom (and sometimes ICU RN) and a dad who worked his patootie off every day. But 39 years later my dad still calls every penny he earns "their" money and always has. Jimmy and I see that as a testament to their teamwork and we strive to model our marriage after that "teamwork concept" which may be foreign to the selfish individuals who constantly remind their spouse how they have their OWN money. Oh, and if you are still suspicious of whether or not "we" own a home together with "our" money, check the real estate records. Hashtag burn. "


I don't think we have heard the last from Vicki about SAHM's or wives that earn less than their husbands this season but something tells me she will never confront Shannon about being a SAHM, she fears the backlash that would bring her IMO! LOL

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I believe she was using the # for its original use as the number sign not as a hashtag, unless she used it somewhere else.

I'm pretty confident the few times we've seen her use the hashtag gang symbol and the context in which she uses it, she's the mental equivalent of an 8th grader.

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I'm pretty confident the few times we've seen her use the hashtag gang symbol and the context in which she uses it, she's the mental equivalent of an 8th grader.

In that case, she is in the company of a lot of people on TV, in movies, the press....ect, that are all on twitter, many that are older than Meghan is, not to mention millions of "regular" people that use twitter daily! There are a lot of people that seem to use the "hashtag" symbol a lot now days and I really do not think it is a "gang symbol"! LOL

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I am in the minority, but I am repulsed by the Dubrow's house building scenes and the constant dollar tags. And how the hell can the cabinets alone be $135,000 over budget?! What are they, carved ivory?! Jeebus, that is just a gross, pretentious expenditure of money. Many people's homes don't cost $135,00 and Heather is over budget that much on cabinets. Yeah, that's a great use of money.

Look, I agree it's their money and they can waste it anyway they want, but I don't want to see the glee in which they are doing it. All to construct a house that is too big, too cold, and too grandiose just for the sake of being grandiose. None of that is my idea of a home. I love house porn, but I want to see homes, not monuments to ostentatiousness.

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Shannon posted a picture of herself on Instagram wearing a shirt with the text "Not that famous" and she wrote

shannonbeador What you missed in tonight's episode in the exchange between Meghan and I. She said, "You think you're famous? You're not that famous. My husband is famous." We all got a big laugh out of that. Tamra had this shirt made and gave it to me after Napa at the dinner I had with she and Vicki.

Oh, grammar.  https://instagram.com/p/4iOFmkD3MX/

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I believe she was using the # for its original use as the numberarrow-10x10.png sign not as a hashtag, unless she used it somewhere else.

She uses the term hashtag in her blogs to toss out insults.  So she is every bit the teenager.

Well, she does say "Hashtag burn" but it was directed towards Vicki's nasty dig about Meghan not having a financial interest in  the house/furnishings Jim sold/was selling. From her blog.


"And a note to Vicki - you're right, the old house wasn't mine and it wasn't "my stuff" in that house, it was Jimmy's. But since we've gotten rid of everything and have started over everything is "ours". I was blessed enough to grow up with a stay at homearrow-10x10.png mom (and sometimes ICU RN) and a dad who worked his patootie off every day. But 39 years later my dad still calls every penny he earns "their" money and always has. Jimmy and I see that as a testament to their teamwork and we strive to model our marriage after that "teamwork concept" which may be foreign to the selfish individuals who constantly remind their spouse how they have their OWN money. Oh, and if you are still suspicious of whether or not "we" own a home together with "our" money, check the real estate records. Hashtag burn. "


I don't think we have heard the last from Vicki about SAHM's or wives that earnarrow-10x10.png less than their husbands this season but something tells me she will never confront Shannon about being a SAHM, she fears the backlash that would bring her IMO! LOL

All I want to know is what the Edmonds' pre-nup says.  I doubt there is a whole lot of ours in there.

Edited by zoeysmom
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I feel a little cheated. I don't like how they edit those dinners. I feel like we missed a lot. Meghan's "you're not such a big todo" lecture was much longer it seems. 


The way she addresses all every little dig from the show, I think this is one girl who passive aggressively dishes it out and cannot take even a little bit. Maybe she is Brandi's mini-me.


Blaming the dis-invite on the husband? Really? Show me the footage.

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I was really bothered by the Heather house walk through with her contractor and I'm trying to figure out why.  I really don't begrudge the 1 percenters the money they work hard to earn (and we know, courtesy of Heather, that Terry was busy "WORKING!!!!").  I love getting a glimpse of the beautiful homes.  Yolanda's refrigerator is a joy to behold.  I just had a bad taste in my mouth last night after that scene.


Maybe the reason is because it was interspersed with talk about a charity function.  I kept thinking the house was budgeted to have nice materials but she was going over, way over, on everything.  I wanted to say "Pull back on something and give that money to charity" even though I am quite sure that the DuBrow's support charities.  Do I love the beautiful homes but don't like the process to build them?  Maybe this "house" was striking me more as a palace or museum than a home.

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On the phone number deal? I'm thinking Shannon has a cell phone for emergencies/close friends/family. Personal use. Everyone else gets the house phone number. She may have a cell for TV purposes, possibly provided by production, and this is the number/phone that rang. Why wouldn't she answer it? It's a work phone. Its likely Shannon knew the person that Meghan said she got the number from, did not have that particular number. I'd perk up my ear hairs over that, too.

FYI, you used to be able to get multiple numbers to ring the same phone. I assume you still can. You can also get a separate number to no phone, as well. I know this is true because my ex has one. It doesn't have a phone to ring to he just checks the voice mail periodically and pays for the extra voice mail every month.

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Maybe the reason is because it was interspersed with talk about a charity function.  I kept thinking the house was budgeted to have nice materials but she was going over, way over, on everything.  I wanted to say "Pull back on something and give that money to charity" even though I am quite sure that the DuBrow's support charities.  Do I love the beautiful homes but don't like the process to build them?  Maybe this "house" was striking me more as a palace or museum than a home.



I know what  you mean. When I was looking at the structure it does seem more like a showplace than a home-- almost like commercial property like a hotel's public rooms. I can't imagine the army that will be required for it's upkeep because we know Heather isn't doing it. It's the DuBrow's Downton.


I usually see these over-large homes and think about all the homeless people-- how many 2-3 bedroom starter homes could be made to house people. California's housing prices are so unbelievably high for just a regular house.  I get the same kind of sick feeling in my stomach when I hear or read about political campaign monies (which I think are such a criminal waste of resources-- especially in the case of vanity candidates). In a time when an entire nation is about to lose it's currency- so many people are going to be left with nothing, losing their entire savings and/or security.. and then the vultures will fly in.


While I am sure the Dubrow's give to charity, it obviously isn't at any major sacrifice to them. I guess what I am saying is to take off your coat to clothe the naked loses it's meaning a little when you have a chandelier lit closet filled with hundreds of coats. Charity donation is just a box on the list, not an aspiration as the Dubrows are not gunning for sainthood, just sanctimonious superficiiality.

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I have an issue when people "bury" people who are alive.  Heather in her TH - "she's dying of cancer!" in reference to the ex.  Um, yeah Heather but she was at the party and looking great.  And apparently she is still with us as of last night's show, so maybe she got to see that! I expect more from Heather than dumass Meghan - she is older and is a doc's wife.  I allow Meghan a bit of leeway over the illness as I expect she has some panic over the thought of raising a teenage girl without relief from her mom - at least until Jim's next wife takes over the duty.  

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I am just really not liking Megan. It seems quite apparent to me that she went into this thing looking for an opportunity for conflict, and she has decided that Shannon is her target, no matter what. Shannon can't come to your party because she's just SO "unpredictable" and you never know when she will cause a scene? Girl, you have known for all of two seconds, and so far the only "scenes" she's had, is due to YOU approaching her with some utter BS. Twice! I love how Megan was all, "Shannon's apology was insincere, so I won't accept it". Hah. What about YOUR apology??? You know, the one where you were "so sorry" and "felt so bad", but then proceeded to berate Shannon again? For a stupid fucking phone call? Yea, get over it, you hypocrite. 


Look, Shannon aint perfect, by any stretch. The way she interacts with her husband is painful, and she does have a tendency to be overdramatic. But it seems really clear to me that Megan is trying to manipulate the situation here, and I think Shannon senses that too. Hence getting so incensed. 


Vicki's back! Just in time to hear about Brook's plans for coffee enemas. C'mon, Vick, you know you want to assist. That's true love right there. Hey, I have a better idea, maybe Shannon can give him a 9 lemon enema?


At first I was all, "Vicki, you're being just as petty as Megan, by NOT going" - but I changed my mind. She gave her donation and she was up front about not attending. Really, it would suck to know all of your friends were at an event that YOU weren't invited to. So I actually think it was kind of nice that Vicki offered to take Shannon out and make her feel better. As petty as this shit is, it does hurt to feel slighted. 


And, of course, Tamballs was the one to spill the beans. I loved the look on Vicki's face when she was all, "I don't want to be the big mouth". It totally said, "Well, you ARE!" 


Eddie was absent because he was working? Just how late is CUT open??? Hmmmm.....


Shannon orders like Sally Albright. "I'll have a Grey Goose and soda. Wish just a splash of cranberry. Make sure it's JUST a splash. Two splashes and I send in back. In a tall glass.If you don't have a tall glass, I'll take a medium. But then no soda.  With lemon. But on the side". 


So Heather has a "fancy" light in her closet? She might want to get a couple more because she clearly cannot see when she looks ridiculous. I mean, either commit to actually wearing the leather jacket, or take it off. The way she had it draped over her shoulders just made her look like a linebacker. 

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I completely agree that Meghan is a grade-A shit stirrer ("Now that I'm in the OC it's a whole new ballgame") but I just can't with Shannon. Maybe it's because I didn't watch last season therefore the only behavior I have of hers to go on is this season's which is legit batshit nuts.  3 episodes in and she's already contradicted herself an been hypocritical of her husband having "a" drink but its totally justified for her to go out and get shitfaced with Vicki.  Then this episode she says that the whole issue shouldn't be about her and Meghan but should be about the charity (paraphrasing) which is EXACTLY the reason Meghan called her precious private cell phone in the first place.  She wasn't asking her out for lunch. She wanted advice about the charity.


I also don't think Meghan patting her assistant on the head was that big of a deal.  I actually took it as funny because of the height difference between the two women.

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Who knows, maybe Vicki and Shannon discussed this addition to the cast before the phone call and decided they would not be well-wishers. Anything is possible behind the fourth wall.

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I actually liked what Meghan did. I used to flove Shannon but she really is so tightly wound she's incredibly uncomfortable to watch. I would be concerned she'd drive away in her golf cart or something. Still like her though.

 Shannon was rude on the phone, Meghan was more offended than she needed to be, but damn skippy Shannon's apology was not for real and just a "let's just humor the crazy".  

Tamra and the other girls gossiping was shut down by Meghan(love that), the ladies left to party with Shannon and Meghan said she understood she had to reap what she sowed.

I didn't like Shannon being excluded, but how refreshing to have a housewife actually accept they will pay for their choices. I hate when someone offends on these shows and then acts a victim. I can't really articulate this morning before coffee, but while I do feel for Shannon I thought Meghan was very accepting that the other ladies were going to support Shannon over her. I like that and don't think I've ever seen anyone other than occasionally Vicki own their crap.

Edited by LVmom
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I didn't take it that way. I think that Vicki was pointing out that they end only been married for four months.

Personally, I think that being married to a man for four months and already referring to his ex's former marital home as "my house" is different from being a stay-at-home mom and contributing to the household with childcare, housekeeping, and everything else that entails. Meghan just seems extremely entitled, and I think that's what's rubbing Vicki the wrong way. Plus, Vicki's daughter is a stay-at-home mom who was living with her at one point so I don't think Vicki has anything against stay-at-home moms. Ugh, can't believe I sort of defended Vicki.



No, I took it exactly the same way. I don't think Vicki would have the same mentality with Shannon, for example, who has been with her husband for over a decade and been there to support him as he built his business. Megan JUST married Jimmy, a man who is already well established and is living in a home furnished by his ex. Heck, she herself has mentioned several times how none of that stuff, including the home, feels like her own. So I don't see the big deal with Vicki's statement. And I'm a SAHM. 


Now, Vicki clearly prefers a working woman, that is well established. But I didn't think just the mere not-working status was what she meant in this instance. 

Shannon was rude on the phone, Meghan was more offended than she needed to be, but damn skippy Shannon's apology was not for real and just a "let's just humor the crazy".


But sometimes you just apologize to diffuse the situation. I, honestly, don't think Shannon and Megan were ever going to agree on this one. So I saw Shannon as apologizing so they could drop it and move on. I mean, how "real" was Megan's apology when two minutes later she's taking Shannon to task again? It was just such a little thing, IMO, and Megan could not let it go. I see these women as co-workers, not friends, so sometimes a fake apology is in order, just so the whole thing can be put to rest. 

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I know what  you mean. When I was looking at the structure it does seem more like a showplace than a home-- almost like commercial property like a hotel's public rooms. I can't imagine the army that will be required for it's upkeep because we know Heather isn't doing it. It's the DuBrow's Downton.


I usually see these over-large homes and think about all the homeless people-- how many 2-3 bedroom starter homes could be made to house people. California's housing prices are so unbelievably high for just a regular house.  I get the same kind of sick feeling in my stomach when I hear or read about political campaign monies (which I think are such a criminal waste of resources-- especially in the case of vanity candidates). In a time when an entire nation is about to lose it's currency- so many people are going to be left with nothing, losing their entire savings and/or security.. and then the vultures will fly in.


While I am sure the Dubrow's give to charity, it obviously isn't at any major sacrifice to them. I guess what I am saying is to take off your coat to clothe the naked loses it's meaning a little when you have a chandelier lit closet filled with hundreds of coats. Charity donation is just a box on the list, not an aspiration as the Dubrows are not gunning for sainthood, just sanctimonious superficiiality.

I get what you are saying, but if this kind of thing bothered me very much, I couldn't watch the show. This was originally what this was all supposed to be about. Getting a glimpse of how the other half lived. Trying to get a handle on their priorities, which are much, much different than most of our priorities are. Be they Botox, new boobs, or huge homes. As others have said, Heather stands out here because of her extreme wealth, although I believe that Shannon and David are on her same level. If we had seen Shannon building her home, I am sure we would have seen much the same thing. She told us the other night that they have something like 60 chandeliers in their home.  Last season when she was hammering away at David as he tried to clean one of their chandeliers, she said they had purchased it in Europe for something like $300,000. Can you imagine the conversation many would have had when they told us on camera that they were building a basketball court in their home? When they both said that neither one plays basketball, and they already had a full-size regulation court outside? Of course they don't need it. Of course it is a huge extravagance, but if they can afford it, I'm fine with it.


There was a similar discussion regarding Lisa V and Pandora's wedding in S2 on the BH show. We learned the price tag for most everything as they went along, heard the discussions of going over budget, etc. It was reported in the press that the wedding cost well over $1 million dollars, which Lisa denied. I agree with others who have said Heather's segment wouldn't feel the same were it on the BH show, or had we seen the other HW's over there building their homes. If we had seen Yo actually in the act of constructing her home, or Lisa V., or Camille, I am sure we would have seen much of the same behavior.  Most of us want house porn, and house porn we are getting. At the end of the day, none of the really wealthy ladies need most of the stuff they will have in their homes, so Heather is not really any different, we are just seeing her in the act of making decisions and thus talking about it.

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What else could Shannon possibly say to Meghan at that party to get the talons retracted and the hair down on the neck? Holy Chip on your shoulder Batman, they just met! If I had a private phone, for sure I would not be responding to any calls or texts on it from whom I personally did not give that number. Then I would be changing that number. At that point Mrs. Edmonds had been Mrs. Edmonds for 2-- maybe 3 months? Had she even seen the OC house yet to get an idea of the space for the party? I would not be handing my charity contact list to some young Not a Stay at Home Mom from St. Louis (she is not a Mom, she is a 3rd trophy wife who has staff to handle all the things she can't like dirty glassware, telephone calls to vendors, coordinating housekeeping staff, meals, emailing the nanny to show up with kids for photo ops...). She is the expensive housecat. Did she even get a vote on the new house the husband just signed an escrow agreement on? Or did he show up at breakfast with the portfolio and copy of the contract?

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The most disturbing thing about tonight's episode for me:  Vickie's comment about everything being Jim's.  What an insult to SAHMs and to marriage.

I'm a long time SAHM. I agree at times, Vicki is bitchy to SAHM. It's clear she belittles SAHM.

Although I am a SAHM, I worked when we were first married until we had our first child...(I have worked later on when kids were old and part time) Vicki was being bitchy because Meghan is NOT a SAHM, she's actually a just married, wife #3, who is really a side piece with a fresh piece of paper, pretending to the audience that she has been the step mother extraordinaire of the year! So far, we've seen her with her assistant in every scene, moving or shopping in almost every scene, with movers doing the actual work, and no minimal decorating as she told us the decore was wife #2's work. So, no, Meghan can claim she's a SAHM, but she's no LeeAnn Edmonds #1 or Allison Edmonds #2, YET. She's been a step mom, for what, 5 minutes?! So, Vicki, IMO wasn't ridiculing Meghan in this situation with her usual wrath for SAHM, she was being a bitch towards Meghan for claiming and presenting herself as a claimer, another words, taking credit for her value so far and Jims money.

The issue here is that Meghan acts like it's been her & Jim, the power couple, power family but she really just came in on the scene. Let's not forget Allison Edmonds, #2, was a prospective RHOC first. That was the real diss.

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Shannon may do and say a lot of stupid things, but she is at her core a likable and reasonable person.  She can go off on poor David like a crazy woman but will admit later that maybe she was a bit hasty.  I think that's why people don't really endorse her behavior, but still generally like her.


Meghan just gives off bitch vibes.  And I totally get what Vicki was saying about her.  Meghan is not a SAHM.  She's a gold digger.  Vicki is essentially saying, Slow your roll, bitch.  You gotta earn the right to throw around your new husband's money - especially when it's clear he hates you.  (Also - I just realized last night - Vicki isn't constantly talking about how much she works anymore - what's up with that?)


I will give Meghan a pass on all of the distasteful comments about the wife dying.  I'm sure she thought she was being magnanimous.  However, her line of bull about raising the daughter made me think of Gretchen when we met her with Jeff's kids.  As horrible as Gretchen was, she is a ball of sunshine compared to Meghan.  Meghan came in guns blazing but does not have the wit to back it up.  Let's hope she's one and done, I find her really terrible, and I'm glad that the other ladies seem united in their dislike.

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What else could Shannon possibly say to Meghan at that party to get the talons retracted and the hair down on the neck? Holy Chip on your shoulder Batman, they just met! If I had a private phone, for sure I would not be responding to any calls or texts on it from whom I personally did not give that number. Then I would be changing that number. At that point Mrs. Edmonds had been Mrs. Edmonds for 2-- maybe 3 months? Had she even seen the OC house yet to get an idea of the space for the party? I would not be handing my charity contact list to some young Not a Stay at Home Mom from St. Louis (she is not a Mom, she is a 3rd trophy wife who has staff to handle all the things she can't like dirty glassware, telephone calls to vendors, coordinating housekeeping staff, meals, emailing the nanny to show up with kids for photo ops...). She is the expensive housecat. Did she even get a vote on the new house the husband just signed an escrow agreement on? Or did he show up at breakfast with the portfolio and copy of the contract?

Lucelu, looks like our minds were going in the same direction at the same time here! :)

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So, Meghan ends her blog attempting to tell Vicki off, telling Vicki to check the real estate records to see if she and Jimmy both own their new house. And, her last words on her blog: "hashtag: burn." Really?!? She is so immature - which is why she gets along so well with Jimmy's 17 year old daughter. And, I'm willing to bet all my money that half of the cost of the house did NOT come from Meghan. She's the worst.

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If we had seen Yo actually in the act of constructing her home, or Lisa V., or Camille, I am sure we would have seen much of the same behavior.

I agree. I'm not too totally sure about Lisa or Camille but, I would watch Yo and listen all day long. All three of them have an unquestionable bank statement. But Yo? Even my low-class self would feel comfortable to walk around her house, barefoot, and sit on her couch. She doesn't even seem to mind when people stand in her fabulous glass front kitchen cooler.

I'd be anxious to even to wash my hands in "the help's" bathroom at the DuBrow's.

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And, I'm willing to bet all my money that half of the cost of the house did NOT come from Meghan. She's the worst.


Yes, I'm sure it has her name on the deed but I bet not the mortgage. She may have been making great money for the Midwest but this is the OC and I'm sure that her salary could have bought her a house but not one over 2000 sq ft with a mortgage she could pay with 1/4 annual income (or monthly mortgage she could cover with one week's pay). At any rate she isn't working now so has no income thus would not qualify for a loan. She is really immature. I mean, just own it like you set out to do in your introduction. For two newlyweds, they don't seem to have much chemistry. I think the 17 year old stepdaughter is being raised by her mother btw. She is adorable and the ex-wife was quite discreet and classy in that small vignette at the party. The one thing I don't get is the skewed sense of time these individuals have. Unless Jim was carrying on a very long extramarital affair with Meghan, they could not have known each other very long before he married her. 

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Yes, she kindly reminded us that Jim's ex is "dying" when she did an interview talking about how she is an expert in oncology because of her connection to Jim's ex.

Why was it even necessary to bring up the fact that the ex has cancer?  She's not on the show.  It's irrelevant and nobody's business.I would be livid if my ex's wife-du-jour went on national tv talking about my health problems.  Did she give permission?  Being an asswipe seems to be Megan's storyline.

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I was confused about the timeline of Jim's marriages myself prior to perusing Wikipedia a couple of days ago. When Allison backed out of season 8, it was misreported by several Housewives sites that it was she who was ailing. Apparently, Allison aka "wife number 2" is fine and was just astute enough not to let her husband offload her on national television a la Camille Grammer. Lee Ann evidently is friendly with Meghan enough that she helped craft those "chintzy" wine glasses that Meghan gave to everyone. So Meghan's expertise-by-proxy argument about Brooks and Jim's lightning-speed marriage is considerably less icky (if still somewhat troubling) once one realizes that Allison is okay . . . don't doubt that Shannon has contributed - and probably contributed generously for an event that she chaired - but her talking head made it seem as if she partnered with the magazine and supported the charity that they had decided to champion that year (and, the way it was articulated, it sounds like the magazine rotates the philanthropies it promotes). It was bad form to forego any donation to the organization over a picayune point of contention. But Shannon registered just as myopic and petty with her declaration that *her* party was three times bigger! Both women are really ungracious in this context; but if Shannon is committed to the cause, she will donate in turn to JCRF and I still think Meghan can edit the guests to whom she's opening up her home . . .

Wait, what??

Charming Jimmy's second wife was going to be on the show?

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Why was it even necessary to bring up the fact that the ex has cancer? She's not on the show. It's irrelevant and nobody's business.I would be livid if my ex's wife-du-jour went on national tv talking about my health problems. Did she give permission? Being an asswipe seems to be Megan's storyline.

I think that Meghan brought it up as foundation for her questioning Brooks' diagnosis later on in the season.

A poster up thread, or somewhere on the forum, summed this up perfectly. The first wife and the third wife get along because: the third wife is exactly what the second wife (and husband) DESERVE.

Just check out the snarky 17 year old daughter's reactions. The new wifey isn't too new to the old families. She's just the only one who doesn't "get it" yet.

ETA: not throwing shade at the second wife. I don't know anything about her. I am throwing major shade at jimmy-poo, though.

Edited by MissMel
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Here's my "Meghan is a ..."


Two face-- and by that I mean, she can look pretty at certain angles,  but her smile????  The horror.The horror. I look away at the end of  every one of her THs (which she always ends with a big smile)  for fear I could be turned to stone!

I swear she reminds me of Kara in her interview segments!


Every time they show the establishing shot of the Dubrow manse, I initially wonder why they're building a new LaQuinta Inn in Casa de Coto and why they are showing it.


I liked that Vicki skipped Meghan's event to be with Shannon, but was it necessary for her to tell Meghan the reason instead of just saying "something came up"?


Before I forget, what kind of doctor gives orange juice and coffee enemas as part of your cancer treatment? Also, do they allow you to take home food from the airport food court?

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