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S07.E13: Countdown To The Crown

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RuPaul's makeup was off this episode.

I loved Raja's point about Snatch Game. Yes, Little Richard's a man, but so are Sharon Needles & Alyssa Edwards.

I still don't like Sharon's new face.

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RuPaul's makeup was off this episode.

I loved Raja's point about Snatch Game. Yes, Little Richard's a man, but so are Sharon Needles & Alyssa Edwards.

I still don't like Sharon's new face.

Yeah, what happened to Sharon? I didn't recognize her. Jinx also looked like she had a rounder face. I know I'm in the minority but I never got the Alaska love, and her parts just reinforced that for me

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It's almost like they realized they really fucked up by letting Pearl float her way to the top 3. LOL loved all the shade she got, while the other two finalists got at least some positive comments.

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I'm a sucker for an episode of a show that gives a synopsis of the season so far, what 's happened, who is who, who did/said what, never-seen scenes, etc. AND it had the added bonus of showing so many of my fave queens giving shade, love, opinions, etc: Bianca, Latrice, Raja, Sharon, Alaska, Jujubee, Jinkx.


And wow, Adore STILL annoys me.


Can Bianca win the crown again this season? She was more memorable in her few minutes' face time in last night's episode than the majority of this season's queens.

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I loved Raja's point about Snatch Game. Yes, Little Richard's a man, but so are Sharon Needles & Alyssa Edwards.


Yeah I get it but when you imitate a drag queen you are imitating the female drag, meaning when you do Sharon Needles you are impersonating the female version not the boy.  *shrug*  Little Richard is a man that behaves in a feminine fashion (and wears makeup) but he is always a man.....



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Little Richard is a man that behaves in a feminine fashion (and wears makeup) but he is always a man.....


Enh, as Kennedy said in the Snatch Game episode, Little Richard is draggedy.


Yeah, what happened to Sharon? I didn't recognize her. Jinx also looked like she had a rounder face.


When they showed the eight "all-star" queens in the opening credits, I couldn't tell Sharon & Jinkx apart. Also, Sharon's new face looks a lot like Alaska. (I love Alaska. I also loved that her chyron read "Not Anna Wintour.")

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I came back to watch this one because it was filled with seasoned veterans, finally, some fucking talent!  Oh Bianca, how I missed you.  And Jinkx, Latrice, Alaska et al...   Seeing their awesomeness just proved how incredibly lacklustre this season is.  


And I wasn't a Kennedy fan, but damn, she's the only one who could have saved that horrendous video.  Horrid.

Edited by briochetwist
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It was great seeing Jinx and Jujube again.  Sharon was unrecognizable.  Queens have read Michelle on past seasons, so that entire segment seemed stupid and hypocritical.  I guess this was 'the fashion edition' because all the performance was so bad throughout the season, but obviously the fashion wasn't that great either; I can't beleive that Raven and Raja really chose their picks themselves. 


But there was very little good to reminisce about this season, so they had to highlight some mediocre shit as their 'faves' such as kennedy or kandy ho wearing plain black dresses, and keenedy's ridiculously desperate lipsync against katya.  Sadly next week is just going to be more of this, and I really don't care to 'celebrate' the worst season ever of the show so I'll probably just ff if I watch at all.  I hope Violet wins.

Edited by Glade
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Wow, Sharon really has refurbished that face. I remember her being sharper, she was kind of boring this episode. 


Man, if Adore had waited just a few seasons she would have had this shit in the bag. She is so flipping adorable. "He can get me pregnant. I'll raise it." I died. Of course, I hated her all during Bianca's season because I would have raged so hard if she'd beaten Bianca.


Latrice gives a great talking head (heh). Alaska also did very well, her laconic sarcasm is what Pearl wishes she was. It was pretty clear they all liked Ginger the best of the remaining three.

Edited by rozen
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Ok, so far the clip show is my favorite episode this season.

Jesus, I forgot what a delight Adore is.


Yep, I'd forgotten how much I enjoy Adore. The under-25 "baby queens" this season are no match for her in terms of charm, charisma, humor, and talent; TPTB made a mistake in trying to replicate the Adore phenomenon cheaply. She's gotten alot of flak lately from fandom and other queens (notably Raven and Delta) for giving up on perfectionist glamor drag - she doesn't even attempt to corset or wear dresses anymore, and mostly shows up in a blue wig with a ripped T-shirt and tights. Her explanation is that she's a "drag rock singer", not a drag queen per se like Delta and Raven. I was still disappointed by Adore giving up the fantasy drag until I saw the clip show and her "Hey Qween" interview with Jonny McGovern, but I see now that she's expanding the territory of drag performance in an interesting way (even if she perpetually looks like Magenta from The Rocky Horror Picture Show.) Her T on "Hey Qween" with Jonny McGovern on the BOTS tour was fascinating, as were her opinions on the queens of the current season (there's a double-sized "Look at Huh" segment where she gives her opinions on a ton of present and past RPDR queens.) Notably, Adore reiterated how kind, talented, and welcoming Jasmine Masters is (apparently, Jasmine was one of the first queens Adore met working in and around LA) - and how nice to young and new queens she is, which definitely counters Jasmine's portrayal on the show (and makes me believe that there was more "Aryan Airlines" bitchery than we saw). She also voiced her opinion that Katya, based on her abilities, should have won the whole season - and, in essence, is the "real winner" of the season based on the fan reaction to both her personality and talent (she cited the

fact that Katya received louder applause at the reunion taping than RuPaul

). I agree to some degree with the former statement and entirely with the latter. She had very kind words for Kennedy, Ginger, and Violet personally and as entertainers, but threw some shade at Pearl. When asked by Jonny McGovern about Pearl, she simply started laughing uncomfortably and said "She's gorgeous." Apparently, Pearl posted something about Adore being ugly on social media a couple of years ago.


As for the other queens guesting on the reunion show...Alaska, Latrice, Raven, Raja, Alyssa, and Jujubee (and RuPaul) were hilarious and on point. I understand how posters like those above don't get Alaska's sense of humor - it's not for everyone and humor is very personal - but I think we saw her laconic, vaguely absurd sarcasm, to quote rozen, at its best. Sharon seemed a bit reserved (and unrecognizable). I know she's gotten quite a bit of work done, in particular around her jaw, but her nose looked different (and not in a good way.) I also think Jinkx fell flat - and yes, she looks different, but I'd just attribute that to three years age difference and maybe a little weight gain. She can be utterly hilarious, but she's not always great in situations where she's asked to be spontaneously witty. I might get read for saying this, but Bianca, to me, was inconsistent. Her jokes are tried and true (and very broad) and often verge on the obvious, and I think a lot of her humor depends on context and on the counterintuitive appeal of her personality. I thought she was consistently hilarious on her season, but without a supporting narrative I can find her blunt without being particularly funny or insightful. Her Kasha and Ginger reads, for one, fell flat, but I thought her Pearl read was superb.


I was amused by the consternation and shock of Latrice, Alyssa, and even Sharon at Pearl and Violet's audacity through the season.

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Wow, Sharon really has refurbished that face. I remember her being sharper, she was kind of boring this episode. 


Man, if Adore had waited just a few seasons she would have had this shit in the bag. She is so flipping adorable. "He can get me pregnant. I'll raise it." I died. Of course, I hated her all during Bianca's season because I would have raged so hard if she'd beaten Bianca.


Latrice gives a great talking head (heh). Alaska also did very well, her laconic sarcasm is what Pearl wishes she was. It was pretty clear they all liked Ginger the best of the remaining three.

Actually, Adore is on record as saying she wants Violet to win...she also claims to have picked the winners the majority of the time by the third episode.

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Man, if Adore had waited just a few seasons she would have had this shit in the bag. She is so flipping adorable. "He can get me pregnant. I'll raise it." I died. Of course, I hated her all during Bianca's season because I would have raged so hard if she'd beaten Bianca.



I was slightly more torn because I loved Adore from the "my hair is naturally pink" moment in MTQ, but midway through the season I had fallen so hard for Bianca that anything that threatened her win seemed terrifying, so yeah, I get it.


I guess it was a good problem to have, compared to S7. 


On that note, I agree that Bianca's product seems a bit ... pre-packaged now. 


I can't believe I didn't mention Alaska. I do love her. She's the best thing that ever happened to Laganja. 

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It was great seeing Jinx and Jujube again.  Sharon was unrecognizable.  Queens have read Michelle on past seasons, so that entire segment seemed stupid and hypocritical.  I guess this was 'the fashion edition' because all the performance was so bad throughout the season, but obviously the fashion wasn't that great either; I can't beleive that Raven and Raja really chose their picks themselves. 


Regarding Raven and Raja's picks... they jive with how they responded in the weekly "Photo Fashion Ru-view" but I will say that the options they were given to re-hash were certainly ... shall we say 'curated' by the producers....

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I hope that 7th grade class that made Ru's "All Born Naked" video got permission slips from their parents first.  Craptastic.


Jinx, who I never liked was ruling it with the 1961 middle aged actress appearing on a game show look.  I can only hope she was wearing one of those hostess gowns which were like an open dress over cigarette pants.


This episode makes it impossible to tell if Violet or Ginger will win.  It did paint Ginger in a pretty good light though.


Anyone catch the poster behind Ru--"32 and looking great!' (or something like that)  SNERK

Edited by WhineandCheez
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Loved Jinx's glamour look.  Her makeup skills have improved 10 fold IMO.


Latrice and Alyssa were hilarious as usual!  Alyssa's humor just tickles me to death.


Bianca was funny as well but I agree with a previous post she's starting to look cross eyed with all that makeup.


Adore was charming--I had forgotten what a sweet doll she is.

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I agree - drag is about the illusion and having the edges of your breast plate visible really takes away from that. I want more polish than that. I'm not saying that you need to be perfect but this is like the equivalent of visible panty lines with leggings. Look in the mirror before you go out like that!

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Given that Alaska's current style is all about breaking the illusion, big messy obvious wigs, make up that deliberately doesn't work to paint a realistic face etc I think the obvious breastplate is completely in keeping with it. As seen with his Wintour persona he can do that when he wants to, but the Alaska persona is all about not doing that.

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Alaska looks busted and nasty. I never liked her during her season and was glad she didn't win. Sharon Needles looks different but much hotter as a boy! Latrice Royale's talking heads are everything! She should've won her season if there were to ever be a plus-size Queen being crowned. Adore is still annoying as fuck. Katya should've won this season!

Edited by Mattipoo
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