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Killian Jones/Captain Hook: One Handed Pirate With A Drinking Problem

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We're 50% away from the dream, you guys! 


And no, I don't mean the vote total. I mean Sam Heughan has agreed to the bet! Come on Colin, the Internet needs this.

Colin currently faking sleep.

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Lol. Poor colin. He'll rock that kilt though. My one wish in this poll is that colin can at least reach 40%. I don't know if our fandom's just being too lazy, or are just too emotionally scarred from the last poll, or want to see him in a kilt, or if there's a secret anti-army the size of a continent voting against us...i don't see how we can't seem to get Colin to 40%. :( i feel like we're failing him.

Anyways, I've gotta take a break from voting before my eyes start bleeding from staring at a screen most of the day. I have a busy day tomorrow too, but I'll try to squeeze in some votes. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I'll try to vote for a little while then too.

One stupid question: when you vote mobile, do you only have to click the box and complete the captcha for the vote to count? Or is it supposed to be like when you're on a computer and you have to click "vote" after completing the captcha? I probably should have asked this sooner.

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I just noticed the bet is that the winner dresses up in the other's costume. So unless Colin wins, there will be no seeing him in a kilt.

One stupid question: when you vote mobile, do you only have to click the box and complete the captcha for the vote to count? Or is it supposed to be like when you're on a computer and you have to click "vote" after completing the captcha? I probably should have asked this sooner.

I don't use mobile, but I would assume you have to click on the vote button.

Edited by pezgirl7
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Does it let you vote more than once? I tried voting a second time, and instead of getting the captcha thingy, it just went straight to saying I'd voted and giving me the current results. I couldn't tell if that was just a case of not having to prove again that I wasn't a robot or a case of "you've already voted, you idiot." Or is there something sneaky you have to do to vote more than once?

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It lets me vote more than once. 


How is Colin dropping so fast?? It's got to be bots, because the percentage changes by the time I'm done voting once! Maybe Colin's votes are being diverted to Sam? I can't believe the Outlander fanbase is that rabid.

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I don't think there's anything funny going on with the actual poll script, but some fans might be using bots to vote more. I do think the poll updates every 10 minutes or something. So you can vote 20 times and not see any change, and then all of a sudden on your next vote, there's a big change.

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I don't understand how bots work, but someone could probably write a script that says 'yes' the captcha is correct, and this is the option I'm voting for, which would make voting much faster.

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I quit when I failed to correctly identify enough sushi pictures. I should not have to play (not so) hidden object games to vote. Colin can just wear a kilt and be satisfied with making the finals.

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I just noticed the bet is that the winner dresses up in the other's costume. So unless Colin wins, there will be no seeing him in a kilt.

It should be the loser has to do it, right? I guess that prevents one side from throwing the contest. But then we'd just see who could get the lowest vote.....we seem to be good at that in E! Poll finals.

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Normally it's the loser who has to do the "punishment", and I'm sure neither of the guys really want to put on a costume. But Kristin said having the winner do it would encourage voting, and I think she's right in this case, since the "punishment" is not a punishment for the fans. :) Maybe Colin will be a good sport and put on a kilt for us! Don't they have a type of kilt in Ireland as well? Maybe he already has one on his closet. :)

ETA Colin has agreed to the bet and said he would happily wear a dress.

Edited by pezgirl7
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These two nerds. Seriously. We are all winners. [Almost typed "we are all winers" which would've been accurate for me at least. My wine rack is ready for Sunday!]

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I am voting on multiple tabs; the numbers are still not moving. I would never use a bot...it just isn't fair. Much like Storybrooke, our fandom is low tech ;)

As a foodie, I do feel obligated to complain about the quality of their captcha pictures.

Edited by OnceUponAJen
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Yeah, those food captchas aren't the best. It's hard to tell what some of those images are with a small screen.

I wonder if Colin has seen what percentage he's at. I know most of the #AlphaMaleMadness twitter feed is mostly about Sam. He's probably got a bigger following than we think he does.

I still think we should aim for at least 40%. Go Colin, go!

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I just noticed the bet is that the winner dresses up in the other's costume. So unless Colin wins, there will be no seeing him in a kilt.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. That's not cool. Kristin, you can't just change the rules on us like that! So first she says:


RT if you think #AlphaMaleMadness loser should dress up as the winner & take a pic. @colinodonoghue1 & @SamHeughan?

And then she says:

@samheughan @colinodonoghue1 Last chance to vow to dress as the other if you WIN to rally votes! Proof u'd look good


Because of this wishy washy error, I hereby decree both men need to dress up regardless of the result.

Edited by Curio
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Most people haven't caught on with the switch. If Colin loses (as seems most likely at this point), we won't even get to see him in a kilt. Dang... 

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There's always shenanigans, but at least we get to see one (and if we're lucky, both) of them dressed up. I think Colin's cursed. Both finals I think we were in the 30%s, but one of these days the curse shall be broken and it will be glorious.

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Guest firealarm099

Sam Heughan's fans are fewer but way more rabid and fanatic. Some have waited 20 years for these books to become a TV show so they get excited about every small thing. If Colin has a chance at winning fans need to get their fingers numb voting like crazy.

Edited by Ramonacoaster
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Up .1%. Sigh.

Just spent another hour voting. My mint syrup for the Derby juleps is chilling. Everyone come on over!

Voting once again. I said I was not going to do this. Am I allowed to swear in frustration on the board? Probably not, :)

Edited by OnceUponAJen
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I doubt the show will go into who the author has written about, who he hasn't written about, and what events he tampered with because the writers don't want to deal with that kind of important stuff, but my head canon is that Hook's story was written by a different author. Hook lived centuries before everyone else in Henry's storybook, and unless the Isaac guy is also immortal, I doubt he was around during most of Hook's life. I'm hoping the continuity fairy remembers the pop-up book Will was looking at in the library where it had a big ship in it, and I'm hoping that's actually Hook's story we'll eventually learn about in Season 5 ...probably never.

Edited by Curio
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I just assumed that because the Author and Rumple seem to be besties (like for real, why were they letting these two hang out?), that Rumple filled him in on Hook.

I can just see him rambling on about him, "ugh, look at him, with his super perfect eyeliner, and his dashing good looks and his ability to rock leather! You know who rocks leather better than him? Me! He's so rude! He's such a pest! What did I ever do to him? The nerve of him interrupting my breakfast!"

Really, the only thing that the Author would have written about Hook is the time travel stuff. I don't think he was Author way way back, and we really don't know if Hook's recent activities (like in the few years leading up to the curse) are in the book.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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And the Author's reaction of "oh no, not this guy" was pretty funny,


Or it had to do with Patrick Fischler's tweet about Colin making a guy feel unattractive just by sitting next to him.


All joking aside, I think the look on the Author's face was more because Hook was rubbing it in about Emma not turning dark.  She doesn't turn dark, there's no ink, no ink, no story and homeboy apparently was jonesing (ha! not intended but stays!) to write the story Rumple had in mind.  He shifted allegiance to Regina the moment she showed him the ink.


Hook clapping the Author on the shoulder and not giving two fucks about him was pretty funny too.  And it's not because the Author is writing one book that he doesn't know of Captain Hook.  Not just that, but when the story changed in at the end of season 3, Hook and Emma did end up as part of Snowing's story, yes, as their alter egos, but still them nonetheless.

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Eduardo Castro posted a picture on his Facebook page of him having lunch with Colin & another friend. Looks like Colin was in L.A. for Sean & Tanya's baby shower. What a friend, to fly that far for it! I wonder if he and Eduardo were discussing costume options for Hook.... ;)

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He is. Coward! hook was so adorable! His character was like the embodiment of that cinnamon roll meme I've seen on tumblr. Also, loved how he was still able to pluck up the courage to fight. And of course the ultimate punishment would be being allergic to rum! Lol.

And I like how in the beginning Killian was just like, "welp. I'm a dead man." when they were discussing what Rumple would do (which I guess came true in a certain way).

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I know he's being called coward, but I didn't think he was. Rumple took away the things that made him the Hook we know. Hook is self-confident in eveything that he is, his skills as swordsman, his leadership qualities, his navigational skills. He ditched his crew and outran a curse for fuck's sake. Hook is confident in his charms and sexuality. Rumple turned him into a mouse, but he wasn't a coward.

As usual, Rumple forgot one of Hook's biggest qualities. The guy has a fucking big heart and is incredibly loyal.

Also, can we get Blackbeard for more than 15 seconds? He's so much fun!

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I loved AU Hook stammering when talking to Emma. The ums were subtlety done, so well done Colin. I also loved when Emma was talking to her parents about hope, the way Hook was holding the sword in the background was hilarious. We probably only got about 6 minutes of Hook in the finale, but they were good 6 minutes. That seems to be the way the last season has gone. Hopefully Colin will have a bigger role in season 5.

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I know he's being called coward, but I didn't think he was. Rumple took away the things that made him the Hook we know. Hook is self-confident in eveything that he is, his skills as swordsman, his leadership qualities, his navigational skills. He ditched his crew and outran a curse for fuck's sake. Hook is confident in his charms and sexuality. Rumple turned him into a mouse, but he wasn't a coward.

As usual, Rumple forgot one of Hook's biggest qualities. The guy has a fucking big heart and is incredibly loyal.

Also, can we get Blackbeard for more than 15 seconds? He's so much fun!

Yeah, he really wasn't a coward, but it's easier/quicker to write than Low-self-esteem! Hook. But I guess AU Hook would be the easiest way to refer to him.

I'm glad they finally put those Captain Cobra sailing scenes (the ones they've mentioned oh so many times, but we've never seen) to good use.

So if AU Hook could handle Evil! Charming, this well, jus think how easy it probably would be for him in real time? Unless we're going to argue that this sword fight didn't really count?

*Uggghh my tumblr app on my ipod is blowing up again! Of all the times it's chosen to malfunction again...I'm missing all the pretty CS gifs and reactions! ;_;

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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If Hook does take the Jolly Roger to find Emma in Canelot, he'd have to switch back to his pirate outfit for awhile, right? ;)

Well, leather would be more durable and protective than denim.  (I think it's hilarious that we're "Bring back Pirate Hook" after we spent so much time "Change Hook's clothes!"  I will admit to missing the coat.  And snark.  And swordfights.)

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I also loved when Emma was talking to her parents about hope, the way Hook was holding the sword in the background was hilarious.


That honestly might be the best moment of the entire finale. They really need to let Hook do more comedy on the show. I mean...




Even when he's not the focal point of the shot and blurred in the background, Colin can still steal a scene. I love rewatching scenes with him where he's standing in the background, because he's usually doing something with his body or giving an interesting facial expression, even when he doesn't have a line to say.

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Apparetly Colin and Lana were part of some ABCUpfronts opening vid?? I know this was posted elsewhere, but Colin looks amazing, so I'm posting it here.

It's just so darn amazing how much younger he looks with bangs/partial bangs/I don't know what to call it. He looks like he hasn't aged a day since he first appeared on Once.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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I'm curious if they chose Hook and Regina to be in that because: A) They were the only actors available to fly out to LA to do some shooting, B) They're the most recognizable/iconic fairytale characters on the show aesthetically, or C) ABC thinks they're the most popular characters to represent the showMaybe a mix of all three.


I laughed at how Colin raised his hook to answer the question. Seriously Once, let Hook have some more comedic scenes!  

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