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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

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This list is rich. I wonder if it came from Gothard. I think we can all safely say that Boob did not devise this (now highly ironic) list regarding Godly political servants. 


eta It would help if I actually included said list! LOL



That page led me to this old article, which had the following gem:

Asked how he can support the state sodomy law in light of his just-stated belief in the Declaration of Independence, Duggar said, “I

believe the bible is the owner’s manual for our lives. “Sodomy, and other sins like adultery, violate what scripture says. God doesn’t give us laws because he doesn’t want us to have fun, he gives us laws to protect us. Promiscuity increases AIDS and other diseases. God’s design is one man and one woman for a lifetime.” What about gay people in monogamous relationships? the Citizen asked. “I’ve never heard of that. I’m sure it could happen.

Bless his heart. 

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This list is rich. I wonder if it came from Gothard. I think we can all safely say that Boob did not devise this (now highly ironic) list regarding Godly political servants. 


eta It would help if I actually included said list! LOL




This is my favorite:


Failure to Act "The Day You Hear It"

    Hoping that problems will go away and therefore not investigating and dealing with a matter on the day that is comes to light.


I wish he were capable of understanding irony and learning from it. But, alas ....

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Are the Duggars even sentient?!

I ask myself this on almost a daily basis. :D


I'm glad you guys saw the irony in that list. My eyes met themselves coming and going, they rolled so far back in my head. 

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Not a Josh supporter but we really don't know if he is on a job hunt. How would we know? Maybe he is talking to folks. In the best of circumstances jobs take a while to find. Is he on LinkedIn? Monster.com? My guess is no. I am guessing he is passing his resume around to those most likely to give him a chance. Someone posted a while back that he would likely find a behind the scenes job with someone he knows. Am I remembering that right?

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He may even have a job lined up with someone with the agreement that the lawsuit issues be resolved and he simply lie low and say nothing about the whole thing.

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Josh met a lot of people in DC. He knows how to do a lot more than people give him credit for, I think. He can work for a Congressman or Senator behind the scenes. There are ways where you set up dummy companies who hire consultants who aren't named so he himself never appears.

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Josh isn't really trained to do anything other than windbaggery, and he can't do that anymore. If he gets a real job, it'll be through JimBob's networking. 

Exactly !    He also has no qualifications and his education is very questionable.      He could be a wedding singer, a really bad wedding singer.

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Josh met a lot of people in DC. He knows how to do a lot more than people give him credit for, I think. He can work for a Congressman or Senator behind the scenes. There are ways where you set up dummy companies who hire consultants who aren't named so he himself never appears.

He should be good at all that, seeing as he's "sly." Working behind the scenes, so to speak, is not new for him.

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"Josh met a lot of people in DC."


That would highly diminish his chances, not that I think he has any chance at all.    Of course there are lots of toilets to clean in Dee Cee.

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Josh met a lot of people in DC. He knows how to do a lot more than people give him credit for, I think. He can work for a Congressman or Senator behind the scenes. There are ways where you set up dummy companies who hire consultants who aren't named so he himself never appears.

Was Josh good enough at the behind the scenes stuff for anyone to go all that trouble? I thought he was hired to be the face of the FRC, and other people probably did the hard work.
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I'm glad you guys saw the irony in that list. My eyes met themselves coming and going, they rolled so far back in my head.

that list was a younger-hearted, more "humble" JB. As he aged, gained notoriety (and arrows), basic greed took over his thought processes. I read through them mentally saying "check", "check" aaaaaaand "check".

And I'm not even sure what he was trying to SAY with the "focus on retirement" bit. We focus on it too much or too little?

Edited by Happyfatchick
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And I'm not even sure what he was trying to SAY with the "focus on retirement" bit. We focus on it too much or too little?


I thought he was taking a shot at people in his own party who were less inclined to be bombthrowers than he was. His political career started during the ascendance of Gingrich's blitzkrieg-style Contract With America, which was already a distant memory by 2002. Tim Hutchinson, in particular, tried really hard to distance himself from the hardball, partly, I think, since a lot of folks had issues with a Senator who voted for impeachment leaving his wife for one of his aides. 


Ironically enough, considering the way he's softened his religious beliefs and influences for television, Jim Bob appears to have disapproved of everyone going soft like that.


eta: although I guess he wasn't all that anxious to talk about the issues himself...


Many of the Republican women in Washington County are irritated with Jim Bob Duggar, who is running against incumbent Tim Hutchinson in the May 21 Republican primary for U.S. Senate.


The problem? They can't ever seem to get Duggar to address any of the issues.


At a Washington County Republican Women luncheon on April 24, each candidate was given only three minutes to talk about issues. Instead, Duggar paraded some of his 13 children up to the front and had them sing a song.


Anne Britton, a candidate for constable and member of the group, tried to stop the Duggar clan from singing and get him to talk instead.


But Duggar dismissed her in front of the group by saying, "Well, you're a Hutchinson supporter."


The kids sang, and Duggar said he would answer questions after the event.


"He's clearly exploiting his kids," Britton said the next day. "I told him it's bordering on child abuse. I've had it."

Edited by Julia
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I thought he was taking a shot at people in his own party who were less inclined to be bombthrowers than he was. His political career started during the ascendance of Gingrich's blitzkrieg-style Contract With America, which was already a distant memory by 2002. Tim Hutchinson, in particular, tried really hard to distance himself from the hardball, partly, I think, since a lot of folks had issues with a Senator who voted for impeachment leaving his wife for one of his aides.



And, iirc, Gingrich served his wife divorce papers while she was in the hospital recuperating from breast cancer surgery. Whattaguy!

I had no idea those red dresses were relatively current. I figured they were stitched up before anyone learned to, like, sew?

And I cannot begin to imagine what any of them could do to earn an honest wage!

Grifters all.

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It doesn't surprise me that JB would want the laws of the government based upon the laws of the bible because HE believes in the bible and would like to limit MY FREEDOM in not believing in the bible - or his version of it, and  interpretation of it.   Maybe I'm a shaman and believe Jesus was a shaman as well.  Guess what Jim Bob, this is America and I CAN believe that if I want to.  I also believe Jim Bob that you are a closed and simple minded moron.

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Josh met a lot of people in DC. He knows how to do a lot more than people give him credit for, I think. He can work for a Congressman or Senator behind the scenes. There are ways where you set up dummy companies who hire consultants who aren't named so he himself never appears.


Although I have no doubt this is true, I really don't think Josh will be getting himself any job in the near future. If he finds employment in the next few months, it's nearly a given - IMO at least - it will be via Boob's hyuck-hyuck good old boy connections. From Boob himself, or a friend of Boob, or a friend of a friend. Or some other family member. Maybe John-David needs help with the towing business? Or the Kellers will unearth something in Florida for him.

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My guess? The IBLP has a political wing, I'm sure. He will be doing essentially what he was doing, only on the other side and not visibly. Different candidates still need those votes, and he (via connections such as David Waller) will be the person to talk to about delivering them.

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Josh is a molester.   This is something that no one is going to forget.    

 Even before the scandal hit, he was a joke. The organization he worked for is identified as a hate group.

           If the grifter freaks who make up these Gothard groups want to support him, then bless their little hearts.  I am sure the money will be rolling in from folks like the ones who live on a bus who can't feed the kids they keep having.

           While Jim Bob mysteriously came up with $250,000.00  (probably from mommy and daddy) he was feeding babies canned peas.

                      The only positive to come out of this is that we are all aware of how abusive, damaging and sick and twisted their beliefs are.

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So stupid Jim Bob thinks that AIDS is God's punishment for sin.  His God, the one he worships and adores punishes people cruelly for homosexuality.  Fuck you Jim Bob.  I BELIEVE that it's possible that Nature creates homosexuality as a way of controlling an overpopulation problem because Nature KINDLY doesn't expect the entire world's population to stand shoulder to shoulder in Jacksonville, Florida like baby Mechelle thinks they can do. Idiots. 

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So stupid Jim Bob thinks that AIDS is God's punishment for sin.  His God, the one he worships and adores punishes people cruelly for homosexuality.  Fuck you Jim Bob.  I BELIEVE that it's possible that Nature creates homosexuality as a way of controlling an overpopulation problem because Nature KINDLY doesn't expect the entire world's population to stand shoulder to shoulder in Jacksonville, Florida like baby Mechelle thinks they can do. Idiots. 


THIS. I have long thought so as well.

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So stupid Jim Bob thinks that AIDS is God's punishment for sin. His God, the one he worships and adores punishes people cruelly for homosexuality. Fuck you Jim Bob. I BELIEVE that it's possible that Nature creates homosexuality as a way of controlling an overpopulation problem because Nature KINDLY doesn't expect the entire world's population to stand shoulder to shoulder in Jacksonville, Florida like baby Mechelle thinks they can do. Idiots.

Taking away the show is gods punishment to Jimbob
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So stupid Jim Bob thinks that AIDS is God's punishment for sin. His God, the one he worships and adores punishes people cruelly for homosexuality. Fuck you Jim Bob. I BELIEVE that it's possible that Nature creates homosexuality as a way of controlling an overpopulation problem because Nature KINDLY doesn't expect the entire world's population to stand shoulder to shoulder in Jacksonville, Florida like baby Mechelle thinks they can do. Idiots.

Is he on the record stating AIDS is God's punishment for sin? I tried to find a statement on the archives website, these two pleas popped up when I clicked on 'issues'. ie43er.jpg


I'm sure his children's performance of I've Been Redeemed at the debate answered the question.

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Anyone else getting ads for birth control throughout the Duggar threads? 


Ha... no, I'm still getting super tacky rings, but that's funny. Apparently I need to browse other stuff more often.

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Not a Josh supporter but we really don't know if he is on a job hunt. How would we know? Maybe he is talking to folks. In the best of circumstances jobs take a while to find. Is he on LinkedIn? Monster.com? My guess is no. I am guessing he is passing his resume around to those most likely to give him a chance. Someone posted a while back that he would likely find a behind the scenes job with someone he knows. Am I remembering that right?

Back in the day...maybe 4 or so years ago, there was a link to Linkedin or some such site for jobs/resumes/self-promotion, and on Josh's page (long gone now, so sorry I have no evidence, but it may be in the TWoP archives...) he had the following entry:


Education:   High School   -   High School


Seriously ! That's what it said !!!    His "High School" was "High School".   Like John Belushi in Animal House when his shirt just said "College". I'm still laughing over that little nugget...


The non-polished apple does't fall far from the non-polished apple tree, no ? Josh's political "career" was as successful as JB's. I'd bet JB himself helped Josh with that page, with all of his fancy learnin' he'd gained campaigning like a patriarchal tyrant, shoving his off-key children into the fracas of a genuine political debate while parading his menstrually-clad, super-fertile wife around like a talisman. 


He would have been better off carrying a rabbit's foot for luck. 

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Back in the day...maybe 4 or so years ago, there was a link to Linkedin or some such site for jobs/resumes/self-promotion, and on Josh's page (long gone now, so sorry I have no evidence, but it may be in the TWoP archives...) he had the following entry:

Education: High School - High School

Seriously ! That's what it said !!! His "High School" was "High School". Like John Belushi in Animal House when his shirt just said "College". I'm still laughing over that little nugget...

The non-polished apple does't fall far from the non-polished apple tree, no ? Josh's political "career" was as successful as JB's. I'd bet JB himself helped Josh with that page, with all of his fancy learnin' he'd gained campaigning like a patriarchal tyrant, shoving his off-key children into the fracas of a genuine political debate while parading his menstrually-clad, super-fertile wife around like a talisman.

He would have been better off carrying a rabbit's foot for luck.

Josh also had his wedding picture on his Linkedin profile.

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That page led me to this old article, which had the following gem:



Bless his heart. 

Thanks to both you and Sew Sumi.  I find both articles hilarious. 


My favorite quote from Boob:


"God doesn’t give us laws because he doesn’t want us to have fun, he

gives us laws to protect us. Promiscuity increases AIDS and other

diseases. God’s design is one man and one woman for a lifetime.”

What about gay people in monogamous relationships? the Citizen asked.

“I’ve never heard of that. I’m sure it could happen."


Sorry but that line really cracked me up.  What a dumb ass. 

Edited by truthtalk2014
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Education:   High School   -   High School


Seriously ! That's what it said !!!    His "High School" was "High School".  



I think "Junior High School" would probably have been more accurate.


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They were feeding babies canned peas while making thousands each show. Because they are people with no sense.


The pea-feeding, to me, was sheer, plain, out-and-out laziness - although there's no doubt there isn't any sense in this group either...

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Anyone else getting ads for birth control throughout the Duggar threads? 

Just seeing Mechelle and Boob is birth control for me.  


Can someone refresh my memory on the peas. I think I remember Boob eating out of a can of cold peas.  Were they feeding them to a baby or child?  All of the craziness runs together at some point.  

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I think it was a very young Jana feeding the peas straight from the can to one of the howlers I think who was in a high chair. Then we had a long discussion on the non- virtue of this practice. I remember because my mother always served us canned vegetables straight from the can. Drain them and plop them on the table. We didn't know any better as kids although none of us do this as adults. Now canned peas at room temperature are comfort food for me. Of course we weren't babies in high chairs. Just regular kids. We have all come to the conclusion that my mother was clinically depressed long before the good drugs were available. Not the case in the duggar family IMHO

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I think it was a very young Jana feeding the peas straight from the can to one of the howlers I think who was in a high chair

It as also a very old Michelle, with a giant wood spoon, feeding Jordyn vertically. So. very. stupid.

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So Lookey, when you get to Georgia and I bring you a housewarming gift, I guess a dozen or so cans of canned peas will make you a happy girl! Bonus: I know how to make that incredibly nasty pea salad that we also talked about on here. Ewww!!!

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To me, it wasn't Jana feeding cold peas that made my eyebrows go up, but Michelle feeding Jordyn. It least smash them for proper baby food....sigh.


She would have smashed them. But she has a missing muscle in her back.

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So Lookey, when you get to Georgia and I bring you a housewarming gift, I guess a dozen or so cans of canned peas will make you a happy girl! Bonus: I know how to make that incredibly nasty pea salad that we also talked about on here. Ewww!!!

Oh Happy! We would have to record it for the Board! But that's fine. I keep a can on hand. I do not like that pea salad. But I do like the carrot and raisin salad at the Piccadilly on North Druid Hills Road. It is Not Wet like the carrot and raisin salad at the Piccadilly where I live now.

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Braces for baby Mechelle paid for by TLC.  I guess she thinks her arms are too old at this point to be defrauding to anyone.   Meanwhile other quiverfull families can't afford to get a cavity filled with many kids and only one income.  I guess she doesn't care about them because when it comes to baby Mechelle she comes first.

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