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S01.E14: Fallout

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I look for quality regardless personally and agent carter has far more than this show.

Maybe we could move on from this discussion?

So to the comic book people, any we will get to see victor garber in the future instead of Robbie Amell?

On the CW, it's more likely that we'll see Robbie Amell without Victor Garber.

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Nope, I look for quality, not quotas mate.


Nice alliteration, mate. So you also support the casting of people in the leads of this show based on talent and not the race/gender of their comic book counterparts? ...


Oh no, you probably meant the lazier interpretation which would then imply that that casting a person of color or female in a starring role on one of these shows would somehow reduce the quality of said show.


You might want to be careful with that, mate.  Somebody might think you're sexist and racist by making such statements.

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Barry stole a pizza! Sure, he can run fast there and back. But the pizza had to be ordered and made. So either he bought one someone else had ordered, or he stole one.


"No, a Flash tax. It's to cover all the meta-human damages and loss from all the science-y gizmos and imploding flapdoodlers, and whatnot."



I think something like this every time I see an Avengers-related movie or show. If I lived in that city, I would demand that the Avengers and Stark move their HQ elsewhere.

Edited by Ottis
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Barry stole a pizza! Sure, he can run fast there and back. But the pizza had to be ordered and made. So either he bought one someone else had ordered, or he stole one.


Or he raced through the kitchen, paid for the ingredients, assembled a pizza and, uh, friction-baked it on the way back to Stein's house. Er. In the box.

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Barry stole a pizza! Sure, he can run fast there and back. But the pizza had to be ordered and made. So either he bought one someone else had ordered, or he stole one.

Maybe he picked up a hot and ready at dominos.
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Stein already had the pizza coming, right? My guess is Barry raced off, found the nearest pizza delivery car, got the pizza, dropped off a random amount of cash and ran back to Stein's house. Which could mean the right pizza guy arrived a few minutes later and somebody somewhere else never got theirs. 

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Barry stole a pizza! Sure, he can run fast there and back. But the pizza had to be ordered and made. So either he bought one someone else had ordered, or he stole one.


Not that Barry is above stealing food (you may remember that he swiped Capt. Singh's Big Belly Burger meal that Capt. Singh's mean ol' boyfriend won't allow him to eat at their home).


But there are a lot of pizza places that sell by the slice and bake pizzas without any specific customer in mind. So he could have gone to one of those.

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I feel badly for the delivery guy that shows up under thirty minutes but Stein no longer wants the pizza!  *g*  Clarissa seemed like she's not a fan, so unless Martin has Ronnie's appetite for the pies, Pizza Delivery Guy may be SOL.


Another thing: how out-of-their-ass is the "regularly scheduled" Tuesday suppers, since I am pretty certain Iris would tell her dad to stop getting misty over her leaving because..." I'll be back on Tuesday!" So, another nit to throw on the pile? I want to see one now, to be honest. To see the awkward Eddie/Joe small talk, to see the awkward Barry/Iris "paper talk" and to see how all three men talk around their various secrets with Iris in the room and how she gives them looks like " I was a detective's daughter, fools."  Potential comedy gold, just waiting to be mined. 

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Well, to be fair, Iris's reminder that "It's Tuesday" could mean that it's an every-Tuesday regular event, or it could refer to a previously agreed-upon "this Tuesday I'm cooking at Dad's house" thing. Still pretty out-of-their-ass, though.

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Iris was the one cooking so she had to be early. It doesn't mean Eddie couldn't have joined them a little later. 


What jumped out at me was Iris' "I knew you'd forget."


Was that an innocent jab, or am I supposed to draw conclusions about Joe as a parent based on this? We see so little of him and Iris, it's a hard call. 

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Can they just Iris in on the secret. Seriously, everyone knows but her. At this point it's just ridiculous(and insulting) that she doesn't know. She's a reporter, she's got gumption and is bold. She'll put herself in danger, so to keep out of danger being keeping a secret from her is actually...putting her in danger. Plus, it would allow her to become more of the DNA of the show. It's just bad writing at this point and really makes me dislike Joe that he'd  have so little trust in his own daughter. 


I guess I get what they're doing. They want to build Iris into an investigative reporter but I just want them to get this point already. 

Edited by XtremeOne1
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There have definitely been times when people have been tortured/kidnapped in an attempt to extract the secret (Pete Ross from "Smallville" comes to mind), and presumably the person would not be tortured/kidnapped if they didn't know, or their torture and kidnapping would last far shorter. 


One of the classic ones would be the notion that Aunt May's health is so fragile that she would keel over and die if she knew the secret back in the Stan Lee days. Fortunately, she seems to have been alright since being in the know since, what, the 90s? 


Whatever the case generally, it totally doesn't make sense in the context of the Flash, where Reverse Flash and Girder have both already kidnapped or threatened Iris and where Capt. Cold and Heat Wave kidnapped Caitlin. 

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There have definitely been times when people have been tortured/kidnapped in an attempt to extract the secret (Pete Ross from "Smallville" comes to mind), and presumably the person would not be tortured/kidnapped if they didn't know, or their torture and kidnapping would last far shorter. 


One of the classic ones would be the notion that Aunt May's health is so fragile that she would keel over and die if she knew the secret back in the Stan Lee days. Fortunately, she seems to have been alright since being in the know since, what, the 90s? 


Whatever the case generally, it totally doesn't make sense in the context of the Flash, where Reverse Flash and Girder have both already kidnapped or threatened Iris and where Capt. Cold and Heat Wave kidnapped Caitlin. 


Especially since Iris is already assumed by the reporting community to have an 'in' with Flash considering she took a photo of his face and had a blog about him that may have included special content from their interactions.


Iris is already associated with The Flash, in theory she gave him his name so it's not like being ignorant of his actual identity protects her from torture or kidnap. If she was in the know then she could be informed when Barry loses a fight against a super villain and she could take whatever precautions were deemed necessary to deal with the situation.

Edited by wayne67
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I took it to mean that she planned to cook that specific Tuesday. But why didn't Eddie come along? LOL


I'll give the show a pass on that one and hand wave it as being Eddie's time with his boys.


Was that an innocent jab, or am I supposed to draw conclusions about Joe as a parent based on this? We see so little of him and Iris, it's a hard call.


That was another bit of failed comedy that the writers inserted that once again highlights what a piss-poor father Joe is to Iris. Seriously, writers, quit doing that.


As for telling Iris about Flash, the only real obstacle is Joe. Since we've seen Barry be more then willing to tell her.


The real pizza question though is how did he  know what toppings that Stein wanted?

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I liked the episode.

The end with Grodd just made me scream like a little child and I don't even know that much about his comic origin. "Not God...Grodd!" HA!



A bit too reminiscent of Superman II:   The President kneels before General Zod and says "Oh God."   And Zod says, "That's Zod."

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On ‎2‎/‎18‎/‎2015 at 10:27 AM, Oscirus said:

Well since he tipped the coffee guy after one of his many stunts out of costume, I assume that he tipped the pizza person.  Also, somewhere in that universe, there's a customer infuriated by the fact that his pizza's taking so long.  Sometimes Flash can be a real prick.

Just watched this episode and, as far as I remember, Stein had already ordered a pizza and was waiting impatiently for it to arrive. Barry intercepted the pizza delivery and brought it himself. I accept that he tipped the delivery person before he took the pizza from the car.  (I also assume that Stein paid by credit card when he ordered the pizza on the phone.)

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