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S05.E10: House Of Cards

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Sorry, but I disagree. If the producers changed the event from a lunch to a wine tasting, even though that's a really shitty thing to do, there's no way they would force an alcoholic in recovery to participate, or fire her for not participating. That's not just cruel, but firing her might even be an actionable offense (ie. lawsuit!).

I don't know if it is actionable legally or not, I guess that would depend on what their contracts say and it is not like they demanded her to drink wine or else. That was/is always up to Kim herself. She could have left if she felt that strongly about it but she did not so that is on her. Also, we do not know if the producers changed anything, it is possible that they told Kyle, and the others, it was a lunch/wine tasting combined, there was food. Kim assured Kyle that she was fine, its not like she hasn't been around people drinking/partying on the show. Kim claims she is in control of her addictions, that means it is up to her to remove herself from situations that she feels tempted to indulge, not Kyle or the other HWs as you pointed out. Kyle did not ask Kim if she was ok until after the bar keep asked Kim if she wanted to smell the wine, I think that was when she noticed Kim looked uncomfortable, before that, Kim was joking and seemed relaxed.

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I don't know if it is actionable legally or not, I guess that would depend on what their contracts say and it is not like they demanded her to drink wine or else. That was/is always up to Kim herself. She could have left if she felt that strongly about it but she did not so that is on her. Also, we do not know if the producers changed anything, it is possible that they told Kyle, and the others, it was a lunch/wine tasting combined, there was food. Kim assured Kyle that she was fine, its not like she hasn't been around people drinking/partying on the show. Kim claims she is in control of her addictions, that means it is up to her to remove herself from situations that she feels tempted to indulge, not Kyle or the other HWs as you pointed out. Kyle did not ask Kim if she was ok until after the bar keep asked Kim if she wanted to smell the wine, I think that was when she noticed Kim looked uncomfortable, before that, Kim was joking and seemed relaxed.

I only talked about actionable offense in response to your allegation that if Kim didn't participate, it could cost her her job. To me, that's preposterous, as well as lower than low, and maybe even illegal, regardless of what's in her contract.

And to say "it's not like they demanded her to drink wine or else" is really like putting an addict in a drug den and saying "but they didn't put the needle in her arm." It is 100% Kim's responsibility to manage her sobriety. But IDK, I think I would show more sensitivity if the addict I was traveling or hanging out with was someone I cared about. I've never liked Kim, and I hate her neediness and addict behavior. But what's Kyle's excuse? The shitty producers, if they did indeed orchestrate this? Or how 'bout Brandi, Kim's new bff? Or was she too drunk herself?

Edited by LotusFlower
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I don't mean to be so hard on Kyle, because like I said earlier in reference to something else, Kyle is not her sister's keeper. But asking Kim if she was ok felt like a cop-out, a sort of weak and ineffective way of handling the wine situation. Kind of like when you ask "how are you?" to someone you're greeting - you don't really mean it; it's just what you say to be polite. Of course she's not ok! How is it ok for an alcoholic to sit at a bar at an arranged wine tasting? Why not bring a recovering drug addict to a meth den and ask if they're ok? If the event was a surprise to everyone, why not speak to someone in charge and ask to change it up in some way...maybe a lunch at a table in the restaurant instead of at the bar? That's allowed! No one is forcing them to participate in the wine tasting, and that includes production. As WireWrap would say - SHM!

Alcohol is a legal substance and is available pretty much everywhere.  So the meth comparison is way off-you go to a meth den to get high-it isn't as if they duty drivers .  If you had a sister who was a severe diabetic and the event you and she were attending for work included wine tasting, pasta and desserts would you expect everyone to refrain from the wine tasting, dessert offerings and pasta offerings because your sister had a tendency to cheat on her diet and the temptation is too great?  Alcoholics can chose where and who they spend their time with -except at work functions.  Kim is working and she did what I expected her do if the alcohol was bothering her-left the room.


I think Kyle went down to ask Kim if she was okay because she was clowning around with the oversized wine glass and it has been uncharacteristic of what we have seen of Kim to joke around about her alcoholism.  Brandi and the sour puss and then the comment that she is all the women have to talk about.

Sorry, but I disagree. If the producers changed the event from a lunch to a wine tasting, even though that's a really shitty thing to do, there's no way they would force an alcoholic in recovery to participate, or fire her for not participating. That's not just cruel, but firing her might even be an actionable offense (ie. lawsuit!).

They are not forcing Kim to drink.  Does that mean if these ladies go on a home tour Kim can't see the wine cellar or a man cave with a well stocked bar?  Kim contract pays her for the season if she stops participating they can not invite her back for the next season.  At this point it would surprise me if Kim isn't paid incrementally like the RHONY or Teresa.

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Inititally, I did a big eye roll when there was so much supposed DRAMA!!! surrounding the afternoon wine tasting that included Kim. Because, like it or not, alcohol is indeed legal and also considered an acceptable social lubricant, so anyone who has had a problem with it will have to at some point be confronted with others drinking, unless they decide to never socialize again with other non-teatotalers. One of my good friends is almost two years sober and she said one of the first things she had to tackle was being around others who were drinking, but she's also said she's come to terms with the fact that some people can have a glass of wine or a cocktail and then stop, while she can't, because she'd never stop. And, that is hers to deal with, not everyone else's.


Kim seemed to handling it pretty okay at first, and I thought her picking up the extra large wine glass and comparing it to her former "one glass of wine" days was light and self-depreciating. Things took a turn though when the wine host asked if she wanted to smell the wine, which was just so inappropriate and wrong. I actually hope that was producer driven because I would want to think any smart wine seller would know better. Would you dangle a piece of chocolate cake in front of someone who just lost a ton of weight and ask if they wanted to smell it?

Edited by glasscaseofemotion
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That Kyle was decent enough to check in with Kim was kind. That she still supports her sister after everything she has put her family through is beyond kind.


I felt bad for both of them.  Kyle said there was a misunderstanding about there being a wine tasting, so if it was something the production staff set up, then it was a shitty thing to do.  YMMV.  It's one thing when Kim goes to a party knowing there will be alcohol served there, but it's another thing to get blindsided by a wine tasting and you feel like the third wheel.   I'm sure it was awkward and embarrassing for Kim.  She has shown that she can handle being at parties and lunches in which there is drinking, and she blends in with her non-alcoholic beverage, but with a wine tasting, I can understand her feeling so awkward and left out.  As a friend or sister, I would've politely excused myself and asked her to go do something else while everybody else participated. 


She went to the Spa day with the anticipation of relaxing with her friends, not being asked to sit there and smell the wine.  Again, if she had been told ahead of time about the wine tasting, she could've arranged to have some other treatment done in the spa during that time. 

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I'm pretty sure they don't get paid for episodes they aren't on.  Kim needs the money, so of course she's going to show up.


It will be interesting to see how this plays out.  Kim DID try to leave, and Kyle seemed to be trying to make a scene about her sobriety.  "ARE YOU OK?"  It was such a small clip, but my impression was Kim saw Kyle trying to play the long suffering victim (again) and had put in her time for the episode and was trying to leave.  Kyle chased after her, trying to have a Kim-not-being-sober screen moment.  Brandi sees it and tries to assist Kim in getting away from her viper sister and the cameras, Kyle grabs at Brandi, desperate to embarrass Kim, and cut her down a few more pegs, and slip back into her saint role.


I also think it may finally be dawning on Brandi that Kyle used her to get at Lisa, and also to leave Brandi friendless, without her loyal defenders, Lisa and Ken.  She was played, and just maybe she's finally getting that.


Now, do I think Kim is really sober?  Maybe, as far as the booze in concerned, but certainly not the pills, even if they are legally prescribed.  No matter what Kim's situation, if I am correct and Kyle is using it against Kim for sympathy/screen time/story?  She sucks.


Brandi is being stupid and she is out of control, and has been for a while.  (I kind of hope she pulls it together.)  Kyle though?  Is a mean girl through and through, as she's shown us several times.  She's that junior high school bully who gets her gang together and has to be Queen Bee, and her childhood jealousies of Kim's success fairly reek from her pours.  She'd make a great witch in an unedited original children's story.


All 3 of them bug me, but my money is on this being Kyle's fault, through and through.

Edited by Umbelina
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Ok, I know I should reserve judgment until I see the episode, but from the clip on Bravotv, when you're with a small group on a trip, and one is an alcoholic, and an event planner or whomever says "let's now move on to a wine tasting," shouldn't you step in and say "let's not." ?

I think so, for sure. It was super uncomfortable to watch that scene much less be there. I thought Kyle getting up to ask Kim if she was "ok" was totally for show and a bitch ass move. She should have shut the entire thing down or gone elsewhere with Kim if she was concerned.

I never liked or disliked Kyle & Kim. I reserve my hate for Brandi. But watching that wine tasting scene, I resented Kyle for some reason. Maybe it had more to do with her ridiculous crying last espisode. I wish she'd walk 2 miles in the shoes of someone with real problems.

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I'm pretty sure they don't get paid for episodes they aren't on.  Kim needs the money, so of course she's going to show up.


It will be interesting to see how this plays out.  Kim DID try to leave, and Kyle seemed to be trying to make a scene about her sobriety.  "ARE YOU OK?"  It was such a small clip, but my impression was Kim saw Kyle trying to play the long suffering victim (again) and had put in her time for the episode and was trying to leave.  Kyle chased after her, trying to have a Kim-not-being-sober screen moment.  Brandi sees it and tries to assist Kim in getting away from her viper sister and the cameras, Kyle grabs at Brandi, desperate to embarrass Kim, and cut her down a few more pegs, and slip back into her saint role.


I also think it may finally be dawning on Brandi that Kyle used her to get at Lisa, and also to leave Brandi friendless, without her loyal defenders, Lisa and Ken.  She was played, and just maybe she's finally getting that.


Now, do I think Kim is really sober?  Maybe, as far as the booze in concerned, but certainly not the pills, even if they are legally prescribed.  No matter what Kim's situation, if I am correct and Kyle is using it against Kim for sympathy/screen time/story?  She sucks.


Brandi is being stupid and she is out of control, and has been for a while.  (I kind of hope she pulls it together.)  Kyle though?  Is a mean girl through and through, as she's shown us several times.  She's that junior high school bully who gets her gang together and has to be Queen Bee, and her childhood jealousies of Kim's success fairly reek from her pours.  She'd make a great witch in an unedited original children's story.


All 3 of them bug me, but my money is on this being Kyle's fault, through and through.

Those were 2 different events, the wine tasting and then the fight/push, I think. If you re-watch the wine tasting, look for where the door is, there are no steps in/out but when Kyle chases after Kim to talk to her, there are steps. Kyle almost falls down them when Brandi pushes her away. I do think the wine tasting was set up by the producers, I wonder which was filmed first LOL, to set us up for the drama that happens poker night at Eileen's when the drama unfolds between Kyle/Kim/Brandi.

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Alcohol is a legal substance and is available pretty much everywhere.  So the meth comparison is way off-you go to a meth den to get high-it isn't as if they duty drivers .  If you had a sister who was a severe diabetic and the event you and she were attending for work included wine tasting, pasta and desserts would you expect everyone to refrain from the wine tasting, dessert offerings and pasta offerings because your sister had a tendency to cheat on her diet and the temptation is too great?  Alcoholics can chose where and who they spend their time with -except at work functions.  Kim is working and she did what I expected her do if the alcohol was bothering her-left the room.


I don't think this is an apt comparison.  First of all, unlike alcohol, food is a necessity of life - it cannot be avoided.  Second, diabetics are not powerless over food, but alcoholics are powerless over alcohol.  Third, a diabetic can cheat, check their blood sugar, and adjust their insulin dosage.  And after cheating one time, a diabetic does not "fall off the wagon" and snowball into a diabetic coma.  While diabetics need to be careful of what they eat, food is not their true problem - lack of insulin is.


By no means do I believe that Kim should be babied, but there's just human decency.  Remember Carlton bitching that Kim didn't provide alcohol in her own home?  I enjoy a social drink just as much as the next woman, but I would find it very difficult to drink in front of my alcoholic loved one.  Lastly, if these idiots haven't figured out that Bravo provides limos and pushes alcohol so they make drunken asses out of themselves ........ well I just don't know.

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For purposes of filming it looked to me as if they were filming in the bar.  The bar doesn't open until late afternoon so for the privacy of the guests they may have wanted to keep the filming guest free. 


Here is my gripe about the Bacara,and I have had the pleasure of staying there on a couple of occasions.

(1)  It was in poor taste to offer a tray with champagne and just one alcohol free beverage on the same tray.  One should offer a two trays- one with champagne and one with alcohol free beverages.  No need to put a label on the alcoholic.  There is always the chance that all or even another lady would have passed on the champagne.


(2)  It was apparent to the Bacara that one guest was a non-drinker, for whatever reason, to have a wine flight shoved down the women's throats was odd.  It would also seem for filming purposes better suited to the women sitting at a table-one at the head of the table flanked by two on either side.  This may be on production but it seemed to me Brandi was seething she was down away from the Lisas.   Not to imply she dislikes Kim but I think Brandi feels d-listed if she isn't with Lisa V., in the scenes.  Brandi has never liked and it has little or nothing to do with Kyle's personality and everything to do with the fact Kyle has everything Brandi wants. good-looking, age appropriate husband who is wildly successful in business, devoted to his wife and children and sticks up for his friends even in the face of adversity.


(3) I may be wrong but I believe I saw red wine in front of Brandi, leading me to believe it was a pre-selected flight chosen because Brandi had just said she doesn't drink red wine.  I noticed both Kim and Kyle had what appeared to be a cola type beverage in addition to the alternative beverage for Kim and the wine flight for Kyle.


Had Kyle ignored Kim there would have been hell to pay.  Had she stayed in her seat and attempted to ask Kim how she was doing-she would have drawn Brandi's ire for talking around her.


So I do think Bacara could have done a better job and this when you have to point a finger at production and say WTH? 

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Those were 2 different events, the wine tasting and then the fight/push, I think. If you re-watch the wine tasting, look for where the door is, there are no steps in/out but when Kyle chases after Kim to talk to her, there are steps. Kyle almost falls down them when Brandi pushes her away. I do think the wine tasting was set up by the producers, I wonder which was filmed first LOL, to set us up for the drama that happens poker night at Eileen's when the drama unfolds between Kyle/Kim/Brandi.


Yup. The Brandi/Kyle fight happens at Eileen's poker party.  I only know this because the WWHL ep with LisaR, Andy showed an extended clip and mentioned that it happened at Eileen's home during poker night. I have to believe the wine tasting happened first because Kyle and Brandi seemed to be getting along at that point.  After the shoving match, I don't see them being friends.


Just watching that clip (fight), I have to say that all 3 seemed to be acting like assholes.  Kim was obnoxious, Kyle was relentless, and Brandi should have stayed out of it.  I honestly can't tell who was originally at fault when things got physical.  Did Kyle grab Brandi's arm and when Brandi swung it away, it knocked Kyle back? Or, did Kyle grab Brandi's arm, which set off Brandi, causing her to shove Kyle?


If it's the former, than I can't really blame Brandi. If it's the latter, then, while I don't think Kyle should have put her hands on Brandi, shoving her was completely uncalled for.

Edited by CatMomma
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Eh. I've never seen any remorse or accountability from Brandi vis-a-vis her intentionally malicious and destructive behavior over the years, so it's difficult for me to muster sympathy for her in general. However, if Kyle did indeed initiate physical contact - and it looks like she did - I'm not surprised that Brandi pushed her away. Don't start no shit, won't be no shit. That being said, Brandi herself seems to think it's cute to invade the physical spaces of others, assault them, etc, so whatever, there's no one for whom to root in this altercation . . . Kyle has acted sensibly and graciously in certain situations; her friendliness and respect toward Joyce as a hostess during the Palm Springs trip was refreshing whenever the rest of the ladies tripped over themselves to cackle at Brandi's antics. I think she has flashes of cruelty and ignorance that are countered by other instances when she very consciously strives to do the right thing. However, what's unsettling to me about the preview are the direct echoes of the limousine argument. In both situations, Kim tries to extricate herself from the conflict. In both, Kyle refuses to let this happen and intentionally escalates the ill will. During the season one finale, didn't she even tell production to stop Kim's car from leaving? And in both arguments, she completely disregards accepted parameters of personal space and behaves in a physically threatening/intimidating manner, like when she lunged across the seats in the car and Adrienne turned to block her from hitting Kim. I know Kyle is occasionally viewed as a long-suffering, put-upon woman who can't win for losing, but she appears to be totally oblivious to the toxicity she herself contributes to the dynamic with her sister. I recall when she summarily dismissed Adrienne's suggestion that she might benefit from therapy in conjunction with Kim's recovery; ALANON exists for a reason. The limousine scene didn't have to crescendo to a public outing of Kim's mental health issues had Kyle not done everything in her power to have a fight on camera. I don't think Kim is a victim, and the footage of her blaming Brandi after she crawled around on the bathroom floor trying to scrape up a fix for her children and the country at large to see makes me question if she's developed the tools to sustain sobriety. But I find Kyle's impulses when confronted with Kim's troubles totally confounding considering this is the fifth season that cameras have been recording their interactions.

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It is 100% Kim's responsibility to manage her sobriety.



Speaking from painful experiences, putting the onus on anyone other than the alcoholic or any other addict is bullshit and a cop out. It was an accidental awkward situation, and it was on Kim to handle it. Had Kyle or anyone else purposely set up a wine-tasting knowing Kim would be present then yes I would question their morals.

That Kyle was decent enough to check in with Kim was kind. That she still supports her sister after everything she has put her family through is beyond kind.

I like Kim but also do not feel sorry for her. I'm over the whole oh poor thing her sister outed her alcoholism on television and is using her for story. Uh no. Anyone with half a brain could see clearly see that Kim had/has a substance abuse problem. And if you've been in Kyle's shoes, as I have, it's just as much a nightmare to love an addict through their spells.

It looks like Kyle is following Kim and Brandi is blocking Kyle? Hard to say what exactly is happening but I don't think either one of them is aggressively "going after" the other.


Alcohol is a legal substance and is available pretty much everywhere.  So the meth comparison is way off-you go to a meth den to get high-it isn't as if they duty drivers .  If you had a sister who was a severe diabetic and the event you and she were attending for work included wine tasting, pasta and desserts would you expect everyone to refrain from the wine tasting, dessert offerings and pasta offerings because your sister had a tendency to cheat on her diet and the temptation is too great?  Alcoholics can chose where and who they spend their time with -except at work functions.  Kim is working and she did what I expected her do if the alcohol was bothering her-left the room.


I think Kyle went down to ask Kim if she was okay because she was clowning around with the oversized wine glass and it has been uncharacteristic of what we have seen of Kim to joke around about her alcoholism.  Brandi and the sour puss and then the comment that she is all the women have to talk about.

They are not forcing Kim to drink.  Does that mean if these ladies go on a home tour Kim can't see the wine cellar or a man cave with a well stocked bar?  Kim contract pays her for the season if she stops participating they can not invite her back for the next season.  At this point it would surprise me if Kim isn't paid incrementally like the RHONY or Teresa.


Edited by Giselle
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Eh. I've never seen any remorse or accountability from Brandi vis-a-vis her intentionally malicious and destructive behavior over the years, so it's difficult for me to muster sympathy for her in general. However, if Kyle did indeed initiate physical contact - and it looks like she did - I'm not surprised that Brandi pushed her away. Don't start no shit, won't be no shit. That being said, Brandi herself seems to think it's cute to invade the physical spaces of others, assault them, etc, so whatever, there's no one for whom to root in this altercation . . . Kyle has acted sensibly and graciously in certain situations; her friendliness and respect toward Joyce as a hostess during the Palm Springs trip was refreshing whenever the rest of the ladies tripped over themselves to cackle at Brandi's antics. I think she has flashes of cruelty and ignorance that are countered by other instances when she very consciously strives to do the right thing. However, what's unsettling to me about the preview are the direct echoes of the limousine argument. In both situations, Kim tries to extricate herself from the conflict. In both, Kyle refuses to let this happen and intentionally escalates the ill will. During the season one finale, didn't she even tell production to stop Kim's car from leaving? And in both arguments, she completely disregards accepted parameters of personal space and behaves in a physically threatening/intimidating manner, like when she lunged across the seats in the car and Adrienne turned to block her from hitting Kim. I know Kyle is occasionally viewed as a long-suffering, put-upon woman who can't win for losing, but she appears to be totally oblivious to the toxicity she herself contributes to the dynamic with her sister. I recall when she summarily dismissed Adrienne's suggestion that she might benefit from therapy in conjunction with Kim's recovery; ALANON exists for a reason. The limousine scene didn't have to crescendo to a public outing of Kim's mental health issues had Kyle not done everything in her power to have a fight on camera. I don't think Kim is a victim, and the footage of her blaming Brandi after she crawled around on the bathroom floor trying to scrape up a fix for her children and the country at large to see makes me question if she's developed the tools to sustain sobriety. But I find Kyle's impulses when confronted with Kim's troubles totally confounding considering this is the fifth season that cameras have been recording their interactions.

It looked like Kyle was trying to talk to Kim and Brandi intentionally blocked her physically, she kept stepping between the sisters. IMO, both were wrong. I will reserve judgment about Kyle wanting to talk with Kim until I see the entire scene because we did not hear any real conversation. I, myself, do not like either Kyle or Kim, I think they are both juvenile and have a big mean streak. That said...........


When Big Kathy was on her death bed, it has been reported, that she made Kyle promise to take care of Kim because Kim is, well Kim. I think Kyle took this promise to heart and tends to act like Kim's mom more than her sister most of the time. I also think she resents it but will not admit to that and therefore resents Kim. I really do not think Kyle trusts Kim at all and for good reason, Kim has been an addict most of her adult life with only short periods of sobriety. Right after the Paris trip and Kim's lapse in sobriety there, the sisters had a conversation in a dressing room at Kyle's store. There, Kim admitted that the Dr.'s told her had she not gotten sober, she would have died shortly (in the next year or so) and I think that has increased Kyle's anxiety, about Kim relapsing, even greater than before.

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Oh boy.   Let's face it.  The wine tasting was a lose/lose for Kyle.  I have no doubt that this wasn't her idea.  So what should she have done.  If she shut it down, there would be a very good chance of Kim getting pissed off at her for treating her differently.  If she doesn't shut it down, she is going to be criticized for allowing her sister to be in that situation.  Dealing with alcoholism is firstly Kim's problem.  I found nothing wrong with Kyle going over and asking if she's ok.  And if Kyle decided not to participate, you know Kim would get pissed about that too.  Lose/lose.


Since we haven't seen everything that happened at poker night, I don't think any conclusions can be drawn.  You all know how Bravo loves to 'tease' us.

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Dramas surround Kim when the ladies journey to Santa Barbara, Cal., for a spa day. Elsewhere, Yolanda spends one last night with her daughters in New York City; and Eileen hosts a night of poker, resulting in a fiery confrontation.
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Oh boy.   Let's face it.  The wine tasting was a lose/lose for Kyle.  I have no doubt that this wasn't her idea.  So what should she have done.  If she shut it down, there would be a very good chance of Kim getting pissed off at her for treating her differently.  If she doesn't shut it down, she is going to be criticized for allowing her sister to be in that situation.  Dealing with alcoholism is firstly Kim's problem.  I found nothing wrong with Kyle going over and asking if she's ok.  And if Kyle decided not to participate, you know Kim would get pissed about that too.  Lose/lose.


Since we haven't seen everything that happened at poker night, I don't think any conclusions can be drawn.  You all know how Bravo loves to 'tease' us.

I am curious just how oddly Kim is behaving.


Last season, after Brandi was unsuccessful in trying to turn Joyce against Kim and Kyle, Brandi found an easy mark in Kim.  This is Kim who has always hated Lisa, even Lisa before she realized Brandi was backstabbing her, went to Brandi and admitted being "busted" by Kim about her alibi the night of the graduation party.  Once Kim heard Brandi's story about the tabloids she was like a pit pull with a bone.  I believe had Kim and Yolanda, to a lesser extent, not been so forceful at the dinner in Puerto Rico most likely Brandi would have ended up with egg on her face, instead of Ken and Lisa storming off.  Lisa mistake was not showing the umbrage she had for Adrienne when accused of teaming with the tabloids. 


So far Lisa and Ken  since Kim's alleged sobriety have been the only ones to directly question Kim's "lucidity".  Brandi and Kim have an alliance that is based on the fact they both fancy themselves as truth canons, albeit anxiety ridden,  they are going to expose the phoniness in the other women (except for Yolanda).  Brandi regularly touts she is the one responsible for the drama and outrageousness on the show and with just a little push from Brandi, Kim seems to be game to be outrageous and seemingly daft.  We saw her over the top attack on Ken, we saw her attack on Kyle at Lisa's renewal ceremony when it wasn't all about Kim.  Kyle on the other hand will always be the bad guy if she doesn't support her sister and has had to support Kim.  If Kim chooses to act oddly on camera she can't scream foul when her sister or anyone else calls her out.  The moment Kim chooses to break her sobriety be it with booze or psychotropic drugs that she either abuses or has the effects she has displayed in the past, and shows up to film - all bets are off regarding anyone challenging her behavior.  Kim cashes the paychecks every season and signs a contract asking for more.

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Eh. I've never seen any remorse or accountability from Brandi vis-a-vis her intentionally malicious and destructive behavior over the years, so it's difficult for me to muster sympathy for her in general. However, if Kyle did indeed initiate physical contact - and it looks like she did - I'm not surprised that Brandi pushed her away. Don't start no shit, won't be no shit. That being said, Brandi herself seems to think it's cute to invade the physical spaces of others, assault them, etc, so whatever, there's no one for whom to root in this altercation . . .

I will admit that I don't pay much attention to Brandi's scenes. I usually play Candy Crush when she shows up. So, I may have totally missed this over the seasons. When did Brandi assault someone? And who did she assault? I will actually go back and watch her scenes to see that, just to see how everyone reacted to it. 

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I will admit that I don't pay much attention to Brandi's scenes. I usually play Candy Crush when she shows up. So, I may have totally missed this over the seasons. When did Brandi assault someone? And who did she assault? I will actually go back and watch her scenes to see that, just to see how everyone reacted to it.

Throwing the glass of wine at Eileen was just one or two episodes ago.

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I don't know how Kim could ever trust Brandi again. Last year Brandi tweeted about Kim's drunken rampage in PR, Something to the effect of " at least production didn't find me passed out in the hall without pants on". So this new found friendship is baffling to me. If she chooses Brandi over Kyle I will know she has officially lost her damn mind. Kyle may have made mistakes (limo anyone?) but she certainly loves Kim and I beleive has her best interest at heart. Brandi only wants Kim as an ally because everyone else has wised up and doesn't want to film with her.

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I would love for Kim to distance herself from Brandi to support Kyle. Just so Brandi can go off the deep end and reveal everything Kim ever told her. Which is precisely why I don't think it will happen.

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I don't know how Kim could ever trust Brandi again. Last year Brandi tweeted about Kim's drunken rampage in PR, Something to the effect of " at least production didn't find me passed out in the hall without pants on". So this new found friendship is baffling to me. If she chooses Brandi over Kyle I will know she has officially lost her damn mind. Kyle may have made mistakes (limo anyone?) but she certainly loves Kim and I beleive has her best interest at heart. Brandi only wants Kim as an ally because everyone else has wised up and doesn't want to film with her.

I listened to Brandi's Podcast today and she was begging  Carlton Gebbia to come back on because she needed a friend. Brandi saids it a couple of times-so I am thinking she knows how Yolanda feels about her and Kim is iffy at best. So maybe after watching a few of the recent episodes Kim isn't as keen on Brandi as she once was.  I never understood why Kim wasn't a little more upset by the pantless in the hallway reveal.  It also made sense why Ken accused Kim of being drunk.   

Edited by zoeysmom
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Kyle, gladiator sandals are not your friend.

Eileen and her fire log. Best free advertising Duraflame ever got.

Kim was high as a kite. Sorry, but......whackadoodle was an understatement.

Kyle will regret telling Brandi anything. You can certainly pick out the smart ones who keep their mouths shut around her, and the others who can't stop talking. And "American Psycho?" Really? No way.... his apartment was all white and stainless steel, I think. Well, except for the blood and plastic..... and the chain saw.

I want Giggy to keep his clothes on. Bless him.

Vince herding cats at the poker table. God love him. But he looked a hot mess.

That was uncomfortable to watch.

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I swear if I was in that limo with Kim Richards, I would have had that driver pull over and put me out. Better in ten lanes of traffic than in the car with her. She was creepy!

But, in my opinion Kyle should have just let Kim go home. She was not worried about Kim's welfare. She was embarrassed because of Kim and then pissed at Kim. She wanted another confrontation where witnesses were present so she could "win". And it looks like she gets to do that next episode.

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I would love to see the unedited version of the poker night.  I have a really hard time watching Kim and Kyle interact regarding Kim's alcoholism and sobriety since it hits way too close to home.  I'm Kyle and my sister is Kim almost down to a T. 

Edited by crgirl412
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Kim handled the wine tasting well but after that she went downhill. She can't handle Monty's health and all of the feelings that are coming with it so she takes a pain pill to numb her emotional pain. She on the addict slippery slope indeed. I didn't get the feeling Kyle was calling her out, It looked like real concern from having been in this situation with her MANY times.

Brandi please just get off my TV!

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Kyle needs to stop being embarrassed.  No one looks at her for Kim's behavior, and if they do, shrug and say, "I don't know any more than you do."  But their relationship is so codependent she can't separate herself from Kim's behavior.  This isn't fun to watch at all.

Oh! And I need Lisa Rinna to be my best friend.  That TH when she said, "Oh, Brandi needs a moment."  ON FLEEK.

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Kim and Brandi are a good pair. Both love playing the victim and it's getting old. Drunk ass Brandi is an enabler because she's an alcoholic like Kim. My guess is that Kim's ex gave her one of his pain pills, and since he has cancer it was probably something pretty strong.

I don't blame Kyle for getting upset, she's gone thru a bunch of shit with Kim already and doesn't want to go thru it again.

I felt bad for Eileen's husband, he seems like a decent guy and he had to put up with these moronic women.

Next week looks good, cat fight in a garage. Now that's down and dirty in the BH.

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I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she weren't letting Monty stay with her so she can get her grubby little addict hands on his pain medications (yes, my 1st-class ticket to hell is already booked and confirmed).  


I don't think this is an especially far-fetched hypothesis.  It's classic addict behavior.  

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I also loved how Brandi immediately went to "Kyle is jealous" of her, and Kim. Riiiiiiight. They both have so much for Kyle to be envious of.

Oh, and Kim? Kyle was trying to whisper when she was asking you questions. You're the dope who was speaking loud and clear into your microphone for the whole world to hear. She was not embarrassing you, you were embarrassing yourself.


Maybe Kyle is jealous of Brandi's height?  Thats all I got.

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Well, VVP is the worst poker teacher ever. Why didn't he print a cheat sheet for the women with the best hand at the top, then on down. He needed to explain what a flush is and a full house, etc. Yikes.

I agree with the upthreaders: Kim didn't take just one pill. And if she's "stealing" Monty's drugs, she's pretty despicable.

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First a couple of holy shits.


Holy shit what was Lisa Vanderpimp wearing in the little clip about Gigi?  the flowered thing with the ruffle and the fact I'm pretty sure witnesses could give a sketch artist plenty to work with in regards to tracking her down via her genitalia.


holy shit how evil is Brandi to use Kim's addiction and dysfuntional disorder to separate her from Kyle?  I'm not saying Kyle is right and maybe she is part of the problem.  But those last few minutes showed clearly that Brandi is not and never will be part of a solution.  To pretend that Kyle pushing her was somehow unprovoked.  I would have hauled back and laid that flabby sack of skin wrapped around bones and plastic down to the floor with my fist two seconds after that arm went up. 


Holy shit did Yolanda barely repress her cackle of glee in her talking heads about having both daughters as models?  Jesus woman put that erection away already. Nice to once again marginalize what family you had growing up.  You were not in some Nazi factory. you were modeling.  If you had not been modeling likely both you and your brother and mother would have survived just fine.  Get the fuck over yourself.


Holy Shit Kyle get a stylist already.  Walking beside Kim who many ways is just a slighter version of yourself as seen when you hug, in those sandals and that dress?  You looked like a talking stump from some Disney Woodland Fairy Tale Musical. 


I know this is unfair but gambling for some reasons touches buttons with me.  For some drinking is unpalable.  Or marijuana. Or porn.  Or all those other things we each have an issue with.  Or maybe not.  Still gambling is something I just find character challenging if you will.  No offense to gamblers.  I just find it yucky. How's that for being intelligent?  So it doesn't help eeing Eileen and her husband since something just has always seemed off to me.  Unpopular opinion I know.


I get that the Vanderpimp might not either be all that eager to share fantasies.  Both Brandi and Lisa Rinna have always thought their version of bawdy makes them fun and even more attractive. While I think both women have different levels of were to go, I also find both dead wrong in their assessment.  But I hate people like the Vanderpimp who wait until everyone opens up before dismissing it as being beneath them.  It might have been chance tonight but I have seen her do this again and again.  I can get being dismissive of a topic but to me she always does it in a way that dismisses not just the person who brought it up but she does it in a way of anyone who dares engage and have a bit of fun (for once I actually could get Kyle and the stripping fantasy even though I find stripping no matter what the gender stripping creedy and cheesy and completely unattractive as a means of selling sex).  Vanderpimp always somehow not only dismisses it but makes sure the rest beg for her participation.  Which to me is just passive agressive bullshit.

Edited by heebiejeebie
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That was some fucked up Twilight Zone viewing tonite.  I feel horrible for both Eileen and Vince for inviting this group to their lovely home for a fun night, and it dissolved into a pile of shit in a hurry.  Brandi needs to enter rehab STAT.  She is a flipping mess.  And my money is on Oxy being the drug that Kim took from Monty.  A large dose of Oxy. 


Lisa R handled it like a champ - I'd have been outta that car so fast. 

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Wow, this was beyond crazy, Brandi has no business in "protecting" Kim from her evil sister Kyle. It is not her place to do that especially when she herself is slurring her words and drunk as a skunk.

Has she already forgotten how she embarrassed and humiliated her own sister last year when she exposed tha t she had been sexually molested by her school principal without her sister's consent? Brandi is the last person who should talk about loyalty.

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