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S19.E01: Week 1

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I wonder why Chris didn't try farmersonly.com?  Maybe he's not planning to stay on the farm.

Because farmersonly.com is full of the worst people EVER. I'm on that site and every day I get sent five "best matches" that are the dregs of humanity, none I would even look at/talk to in a grocery store much less want to spend one minute with on a "date." That is the worst dating site EVER and guess what ... practically NO farmers on it. Horrible.


And yes, most definitely, he's planning on staying on the farm. Farming 6,000 freaking acres? Holy crap, I said that to my tv when he said 6,000 acres. You don't walk away from millions of dollars of income combined with millions of dollars of debt without some steep consequences. And doing the C-list star routine in  Hollywood won't pay those bank loans or land rent fees. Interesting he also said they had hogs but only showed cattle, which obviously belong to a tenant or a farmer friend. I dated a hog farmer for a bit. I walked into a farrowing barn, SUPER clean, sows/piglets all bedded on super-clean straw. I spent 10 minutes in there and had to wash all of my clothes when I got home. Pee-YEW. And yes, I'm a farmer used to manure. But hogs are a different "smell" altogether.


Kaitlyn reminded me just too much of Freespirit who went naked on Bachelor in Paradise. Same voice, same sleazy talk. Chris, however, seemed to like it. Men do view women differently than other women.


First-impression-rose Brit is GORGEOUS. But a waitress in Hollywood? Yeah, right. No way can Chris keep her down on the farm.


Loved all the film of Chris at home. First, it's July/August with all the corn/beans green and growing. (Chris taste-tests the soybeans? Oh, please! Those are not raised as human food.) Then there's him whining he'll be gone during harvest, which is October/November. THEN there's a shot of him walking in a snow-covered field already picked.


Then he says, he can see any one of those women living there as his wife. Yeah, right, Chris, how about having them all visit today, when it's -20 in Arlington and a foot of snow is blowing your roads closed? I don't live all that far from Arlington and winters are brutal. Might as well live in Antarctica, the climate is the same.


Whitney's OLD looking face combined with her WHINY nasal voice .... just kill me now.


When the women all said Chris is SO HOT and the most perfect man EVER, all I could think of was, what would they be saying if they saw him in some Des Moines nightclub? Stockholm Syndrome, anyone?


All the women inside the mansion catting on the incoming women ... I'm positive that goes on each season, they just elected to show it this time.


Could Chris H. have spent any more time trying to get Nikki to say something negative about Juan Pablo? Good on her that she kept to the high road. I actually liked JP during his season. He sure ranks higher IMO than SeanCatherine, neither of which I can tolerate. Thank goodness for the remote control when they came on.


What I want to know is were those other limos filled up with girls and parked outside the Casa deBachelore for three hours?

Maybe it was my tv, but it looked like daylight when the rejected B-ettes were sent home. Which means the rose ceremony/drinking party went on ALL freaking night. The heck!

Edited by saber5055
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I'm assuming that Nicki got her boobs done AFTER the breakup.  I really don't think she had them when they were on "Couples Therapy".  They are VERY noticible now.  She probably got them done to show JP what he was gonna miss out on.  I would have. 

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Was there any food at the drinking party? Because I think the producers set things up for drunken drama. The women are nervous, dieting to fit their dress, add alcohol, and voila! 


Thanks for the info on farmersonly, saber5055.

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Because farmersonly.com is full of the worst people EVER. I'm on that site and every day I get sent five "best matches" that are the dregs of humanity, none I would even look at/talk to in a grocery store much less want to spend one minute with on a "date." That is the worst dating site EVER and guess what ... practically NO farmers on it. Horrible.


And yes, most definitely, he's planning on staying on the farm. Farming 6,000 freaking acres? Holy crap, I said that to my tv when he said 6,000 acres. You don't walk away from millions of dollars of income combined with millions of dollars of debt without some steep consequences. And doing the C-list star routine in  Hollywood won't pay those bank loans or land rent fees. Interesting he also said they had hogs but only showed cattle, which obviously belong to a tenant or a farmer friend. I dated a hog farmer for a bit. I walked into a farrowing barn, SUPER clean, sows/piglets all bedded on super-clean straw. I spent 10 minutes in there and had to wash all of my clothes when I got home. Pee-YEW. And yes, I'm a farmer used to manure. But hogs are a different "smell" altogether.



Maybe I'm just suspect of all of these reality folks, but I'm thinking it's daddy's farm, daddy's money and that if he can parlay this into bigger fame he will.  I fully expect him to be moving to LA with the waitress while they hope to get into acting/modeling.

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I agree; someone's running the farm while Chris is off being the bachelor. It's either family, or a manager.


It is a huge farm so there is a staff.  His father owns it and I assume the plan is for Chris to take it over.  I don't think that will happen.  He mentioned, some place, that he would like to live in Chicago.  It is 4 hours away, hardly a commute.  His resume will probably land him a decent job managing a business or they will sell and Chris will benefit.  Something.  I think Kimmel nailed it when he said, "no you don't."  The shared laughter said it all. 

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I have a terrible memory for names when I meet people in a crowd. As someone who taught large classes in the past, I was sadly notorious for never being able to acknowledge a student by name without the seating chart in front of me for at least the first half of the semester. So I always wonder how the Bachelors and Bachelorettes remember the names of the Chosen Ones when the time comes for the first rose ceremony. Chris starts by telling the camera he's overwhelmed by the number of pretty women there, in the middle of the party he forgets the name of one of the women he's already had a brief one-on-one with and apologizes, but when the time comes, he reels off the names as if he's known them all forever. Are the producers holding up signs with the names on them?

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6000 acres??? Holey-moley. He surely has a large number of employees who keep it all going with or without him. Why does TB always make it look like a mom and pop organization, with Chris doing the work?


With all that income, he doesn't have to stay in his little town of 400 and I wonder why he has. It wouldn't surprise me if he's only there part of the year already (pre Bachelor). Didn't he go away to college? I just feel I haven't heard the real story from him.


As for the women in town, they seemed nice and fielded CH's questions well. But I sense a little not-so-nice message from TB in showing Chris' matronly, unglamorous hs classmate, as if to underscore the contrast between "the girls back home" and all the women he was meeting last night.


Speaking of them, I might agree they were all very pretty if they took off about 80% of the makeup and fake eyelashes. Not a flattering look at all, imo, though apparently others disagree. And as for Britt, I wanted to think she was genuine (TB audience seemed to love her already), but I thought the "I'm so sweet and genuine and sincere" thing was consciously amped up to (shrewdly) give her an advantage on the first night. Smart move, in that it really seemed to work to make her stand out and suggest "love at first sight" to him. But I actually think she's quite calculating, and I hope someone else will give her a run for her money.


As for the women in general, I have to compliment all of them for holding up through that long day. First, all the stress of getting ready to meet him on television, then the cameras and "party" plus hours of liquor (including hard liquor if you want it--Tara ordered scotch when she got there, accd to CH)...all lasting until at least 5 or 6 a.m....I have to say they all looked pretty good by then, considering the long tiring day. (Chris, too, still looked fairly fresh and not exhausted.) I would have been a cranky, sleepy, no-longer-elegant wreck. So good for them for keeping it all together through such an (unnecessarily) grueling shoot!

Edited by Padma
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I agree; someone's running the farm while Chris is off being the bachelor. It's either family, or a manager.

Two people cannot farm 6,000 acres and raise hogs by themselves. The daughters might have husbands who farm with them, plus there are combine crews for hire and hired men/women who work the harvest every year. (One can make good money working harvest.)  One person drives the combine, but people are needed to drive the grain trucks to the elevators, plus multiple combines are working fields, from before dawn to WAY after dark, every day weather allows. Family farming is usually done in partnerships and/or shares, it's all put on paper and is legal. Dad does not rule the roost. It might be Daddy's money and Daddy's farm, but it's not ALL Daddy's money/farm. Chris didn't go to college and go into that business an idiot. However, as anyone knows who works in a family business, there are lots of "issues" involved.


People leave farming because it's a very hard and very dangerous life, plus your income depends on bank loans for seed, fuel, equipment (that tractor Chris drove during his hometown? Cost six figures.) Have a bad year, drought, too much rain, a tornado flattens your crops just when they were ready to harvest ...  you are now in serious debt for that year, and need yet another bank loan to buy seeds, fuel, equipment to plant NEXT year's crops which, again, depend on the weather.


The farm behind mine, the son farmed with his dad and had forever. He went to college, had a family, built his own house on family land. Then he had enough of the stress, sold his part and moved his family to Orlando where he bought a gas station.


Farmers work with chemicals that can easily kill them, and Chris shoveling in the grain bin ...  yikes, so many people have died in bins. Farmers get hands/fingers cut off all the time. It's not a life for the faint-of-heart.


So, yes, Chris might be using TB as his way of getting out. Only Chris knows his "right reason" for being on this show.


Thought it was funny he was only shown riding a Harley. Where was his pickup truck?


Are the producers holding up signs with the names on them?

I always thought the contestants should wear name tags. But I believe each rose has a small name tag on it. I've seen them in other seasons, small, you have to look closely. The Bach always looks at the rose before calling the name. Then people are edited to be before/after others so there's DRAMA in the name called last.

Edited by saber5055
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Chris starts by telling the camera he's overwhelmed by the number of pretty women there, in the middle of the party he forgets the name of one of the women he's already had a brief one-on-one with and apologizes, but when the time comes, he reels off the names as if he's known them all forever. Are the producers holding up signs with the names on them?


The rose ceremony actually takes a loooooong time. He and the producers meet in the room with all the photos several times throughout, to negotiate who stays and who goes*. He probably loads up 2 or 3 names at a time.


* The way Jason Mesnick explained it, from night 1 there are only a handful of women he's interested in. He can't send all the rest home, so there's negotiating over which of them he has to keep. Hence all the kooky troublemakers TB never really liked.

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Ug, Whitney- in addition to the unbearable voice, she was doing that "duck lips" thing that seems to be so popular these days- keeping her top lip stiffened so she has a slight pout perpetually.  


I was also going to say that this is a seriously beautiful group- I usually can't stand all the made up, identical, pageant-y girls, but there was a good variety of faces, hair styles/colors (although NOT much/any diversity!).  Honestly I rarely find a crop of Bachelors very attractive at all.  Most of them are silly- or odd-looking.  Even the ones that are "conventionally" handsome, I'm not into.  


I was suspecting that Britt was an actress when I saw waitress from LA.  Even though it appears she's the front-runner (that first impression rose was completely telegraphed!), I don't think they'd make it that obvious from day 1- I think they want us to think that :)  And I never understand what it means that someone has "a target on their back" in this show- it's not like the other contestants can vote out a frontrunner like on Survivor.  The worst they can do is bad-mouth the person to the Lead, or ostracize them in the house.  And we've seen how that turns out!


The never having heard of alfalfa comment was too much!!  Too ironic!  I was wondering the same thing about Chris growing GMO corn and soy and contributing to all kinds of evils like HFCS and other junk.  I would like to think not, but I doubt it.  I'd love that question to be asked straight out and hear his answer (it almost was, by Kale Mom asking if it was organic, but they didn't show his answer)


And the cruise ship singer- Carly?- did anyone notice that as she sang into that corny microphone, she was gritting her teeth and singing almost like she was being a ventriloquist?  I found that odd that a professional singer wouldn't open their mouth and enunciate!


Yikes, and the eyebrows on display this season!!  Some were so heavily done, some were like tiny commas, making the women look surprised.  And the massive fake eyelashes shown on the woman crying hysterically on the previews was hilarious!


Onion/Pomegranate (O-Po if you will) is seriously nuts. I thought she was blind when she got out of the limo because as someone upthread noted she looked like she had no idea where she was and her eyes weren't fixing on anything!


OMG, I'm dying!  Nearly spit drink.  O-Po now and forever she will be!  It was really bizarre how disoriented she was when she got out of the limo.  It was like she had no idea why she was there!  I really did like her dress though!  

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The news producer.  I hate her.  Why would anyone that young with such a promising career already cheapen herself by appearing on that show?  And frankly, she looks well worn for 25.



She seriously looked like she was very close to kicking Chris' ass the longer he went without calling her name during the rose ceremony.


The rose ceremony actually takes a loooooong time.



I always remember last season, when Andi came to give Nick the first impression rose, he and all the guys he was sitting with were clearly drinking coffee. And he made some joke about her making his morning instead of his night because it was already the next day. 


But you know, that's why I still don't feel so bad for people like Tara because it's like if these women have watched this show long enough, they should have an idea that this could take a long time so they should pace themselves. Sure the producers would love to ply them with alcohol and hope someone makes an ass of themselves because it makes for great television but they can't force anyone to drink. Have a glass or two and then drink water, coffee, etc. so they don't end up an embarrassing mess. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Onion/Pomegranate (O-Po if you will) is seriously nuts. I thought she was blind when she got out of the limo because as someone upthread noted she looked like she had no idea where she was and her eyes weren't fixing on anything!


I'd guess that if there was a pee test shortly before getting into the limo, she might not have made it to the mansion.  All of her behaviour seemed to be more in line with recreational pharmaceuticals than alcohol-  she got out of the limo and both my daughter and I said "stoned" pretty much immediately.  The sunflowers kind of nailed it :-) 

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Ug, Whitney- in addition to the unbearable voice, she was doing that "duck lips" thing that seems to be so popular these days- keeping her top lip stiffened so she has a slight pout perpetually.

For a minute, I thought Duck Lip Andi was back in the mix.


Did anyone notice how ragged the first-impression rose was when Chris gave it to Brit? The head was bent over its stem and petals were  hanging off, like someone had played keep away with it. Then later Brit shows it off in her TH and it's all pretty and perfect. Ha ha!


Sure the producers would love to ply them with alcohol and hope someone makes an ass of themselves because it makes for great television but they can't force anyone to drink. Have a glass or two and then drink water, coffee, etc. so they don't end up an embarrassing mess.

When one of the women told Tara she smelled like whiskey, she said sure she did, she was drinking Jack. Or one of those J whiskey names. In reply to another poster, I've never seen food at the "cocktail" parties, just lots of alcohol, which is freely served to create DRAMA!


As for everyone looking alike, I always think that. The women all are in ball gowns, LONG hair extensions, same hair dos, same makeup. I give Tara credit for arriving in Daisy Dukes and cowboy boots. I wish more would do that. Too bad she's a sloppy drinker.


That big-eyed woman was the ballet teacher, if I remember right. The one who doesn't cook, clean, do dishes, lives with mom. She got sent home.

Edited by saber5055
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That big-eyed woman was the ballet teacher, if I remember right. The one who doesn't cook, clean, do dishes, lives with mom. She got sent home.


I enjoyed that so much,  She was so proud of her preciousness.  

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I'm so sad I wasn't able to watch "live" and comment with everyone...hopefully next week! This forum makes my day. 


On another note...I've started up my weekly Bachelor blog series again. S19E01: Farmer Chris Meets Crazy Eyes is up if anyone is interested in reading it. It talks about all of my Bachelor-rrific thoughts on last night's episode.

But you know, that's why I still don't feel so bad for people like Tara because it's like if these women have watched this show long enough, they should have an idea that this could take a long time so they should pace themselves. Sure the producers would love to ply them with alcohol and hope someone makes an ass of themselves because it makes for great television but they can't force anyone to drink. Have a glass or two and then drink water, coffee, etc. so they don't end up an embarrassing mess. 


I was actually recently talking to a past contestant who was telling me about how he once had to ride around in a limo pre-date for over an hour with the heat cranked up and only alcohol to drink in what he felt was a ploy to make him look like a drunk.

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Whew, I finally got through the show on my 3rd attempt. I fell asleep the first 2 times I tried to watch it.


I agreed with much of what's been said so far.



Did anyone notice how ragged the first-impression rose was when Chris gave it to Brit? The head was bent over its stem and petals were  hanging off, like someone had played keep away with it. Then later Brit shows it off in her TH and it's all pretty and perfect. Ha ha!

When one of the women told Tara she smelled like whiskey, she said sure she did, she was drinking Jack. Or one of those J whiskey names. In reply to another poster, I've never seen food at the "cocktail" parties, just lots of alcohol, which is freely served to create DRAMA!


As for everyone looking alike, I always think that. The women all are in ball gowns, LONG hair extensions, same hair dos, same makeup. I give Tara credit for arriving in Daisy Dukes and cowboy boots. I wish more would do that. Too bad she's a sloppy drinker.


YES the first impression rose looked hilariously bad when he first gave it. I was thinking maybe it showed just HOW long the cocktail party was - so long that the rose wilted and gave up on the whole thing. It was funny they obviously gave her a new one for the TH. You'd think they could have maybe refreshed the first impression rose every so often if it took so long.


I liked Tara's outfit when she got out of the limo as well. It seemed so real compared to many of the other ladies.


I look forward to the "pool" of women getting smaller so it's easier to tell them apart and know who's who.

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I saw Ali Fedotowsky (previous Bachelorette) on E! today and she said they film until 8 am, so it's a pretty long night! 


What was with that weird back rub Andi was giving Josh throughout her entire interview with Chris H? 

Haha! And I thought I was the only one who noticed this. It was really bothering me by the end of the interview. It's as if Andi was trying to help Josh get through the interview without saying something stupid to embarrass her. He seems like kind of a meathead, and they seem like a mismatch as a couple. They might look good on paper and make an attractive couple, but there doesn't seem to be an intellectual equivalency there. But they are geniuses compared to Marcus and Lacey.


I didn't really enjoy the live event where they pimped out the success stories from past franchises of this craptacular show. It seems like they did the live event for this singular purpose even though this show fails way more often than it works. I certainly didn't appreciate Chris Harrison's cross examination of Nikki. Jeez. Let the poor girl move on already. That was just uncomfortable. TPTB seem to really want to continue painting a picture of just how bad Juan Pablo is because he didn't play the Bachelor role the way they wanted him to play it. Harrison is still upset how JP made him look like an idiot during the AFTR ceremony when JP refused to say "I love you" to Nikki despite Harrison's constant prodding. Kudos to Nikki for not taking the bait to bash Juan Pablo. That's been done enough.


I nodded off many times during the first 2 hours and missed the 3rd hour entirely. But I saw Sharlene in the background, so my night was made. She's so beautiful. For some reason, I loved seeing Bukowski in the background too. He's such a douche, and I like it. I guess I missed an overly drunk girl. How original. It's not like that doesn't appear in the script every season.


Britt is stunning. The chemistry between her and Chris is palpable. I thought they were going to bang right there. She's either going to win or she's going to be the next Bachelorette IMO. 


Whitney is a nice person, but THAT VOICE. OMG! Sometimes you have to ask why some of these contestants are single. I know why Whitney is single.


The women are beautiful as usual, but no more so than previous seasons IMO. There were more tats than usual, but that's a sign of the times. I like the girl who dropped the f-bomb and joked about Chris "plowing her field." That was classy. She's the comic relief and should stick around for a couple weeks, but isn't a serious contender. She's like the dog lover (I think it was Kelly) from Juan Pablo's season.


Mackenzie, the 21-year-old with a really cute kid, is so Cassandra from last season. I'm not so sure how compatible she'll be with Chris given their different life stages, but the script requires a parent to be on every season.


I live in Iowa, so I watch with great interest just to see shots of Northeast Iowa. It can be beautiful country, but the scenery is comatose to drive through. Arlington, Iowa could be tolerable in the summer, spring, and fall for a low-maintenance woman, but it absolutely SUCKS in the wintertime for everyone. It's supposed to be 30 below zero tonight with the wind chill, and we just got like 5 inches of snow. You're pretty much snowed in in rural towns because it takes some time to get the plows on the country roads. I wouldn't classify any of these women as low maintenance and don't see any of these primadonnas being able to hack it in rural Iowa where the nearest tanning salon would be an hour away. It's a good thing they're all on here to further their careers. I hope Chris doesn't end up getting hurt, but he might be in on the "fame whoring" thing as well.


I think Chris is pretty dull, but he's a good dude and there seems to be enough crazy chicks on here to make for a fun season. Simply putting these city girls on a farm should make for some entertaining shenanigans. At least that's Fleiss's thinking. 


I couldn't believe the women freaking out about there only being 15 people. There's no need to poop your pants about that. All the women can do is play their best games, and it seems like Britt is winning by a lot right now. She's either really into him or a fantastic actress.

Edited by jmonkey
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but it absolutely SUCKS in the wintertime for everyone. It's supposed to be 30 below zero tonight with the wind chill, and we just got like 5 inches of snow.

*waves at my neighbor!* Hi, jmonkey! I still have to go outside everyday to do an hour's worth of chores, regardless of weather. Where Chris lives, there are gates on the Interstate ramps to keep cars from entering when winter comes on like it is right now. I don't see any of Chris's B-ettes living there. But then, what do I know.


About Chris's 6,000 acres ... A safe bet would be, the majority of that is rented land, farmed on shares or rented outright. The farmer I buy hay from farms with his family, about 3,000 acres, the majority rented. But he is from the major farm family here, everyone knows them, LOTS of money. Even if a lot of it is tied up in mortages and bank loans. Farming is just a business after all.

Edited by saber5055
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Oh one other thought. I thought the women in the second group of limos generally had more cheesy and elaborate(?) meetings with Chris. I was wondering if they ended up cruising around bored, drinking, and thinking up stuff to do or getting up the courage to do whatever cheesy thing they originally considered doing.

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First things first:  The stereotype of the shit kicking farmer in "flyover country" is an invention  of ignorant people who are just as provincial as those they accuse of being provincial.  Moreso,  really.    Farming is a business, and it's not unusual for today's generation to be college educated.   The successful ones have long winters to go vacationing to exotic locales.   Their homes are nice, and their children are educated and well travelled.     The frumpy farmer wives with the awful Kate plus 8 do's were chosen to fulfill the ignorant stereotype.    There's this thing called the interwebs, and Iowa girls dress and groom themselves just like anywhere else. 


I like googly eye girl, and the human tissue broker who thinks her job is fun.   Gotta have a positive attitude.  At least she's not a "former NFL cheerleader/wanna be actress/bartender/model", etc


Bring on the weirdos!   Kaitlyn is 100% producer plant and a skilled actress.    Britt's an actress too, but really plastic.


The widow is both fortunate to resemble Alyssa Milano, yet unfortunate to resemble Jackie form "Roseann" at the same time.  Or O.J.  prosecutor Marcia Clark.   

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I shallowly couldn't get past McKenzie's forehead.  It's HUGE and her hairline starts so far back.  Superficial, but looks weird with her hairstyle.  She needs to say YES to bangs. 


One of the first group of girls was drinking coffee or tea.  She was holding a mug and you could see the steam rising off it.  Hell, it's a freakin' mansion.  There IS tap water, ladies!


About Chris's 6,000 acres ... A safe bet would be, the majority of that is rented land, farmed on shares or rented outright. The farmer I buy hay from farms with his family, about 3,000 acres, the majority rented. But he is from the major farm family here, everyone knows them, LOTS of money. Even if a lot of it is tied up in mortages and bank loans. Farming is just a business after all.


Totally agree.


Chris is a farmer the way Bill Gates is a computer guy or Donald Trump is a hotel guy.  Chris doesn't personally plant anything (unless he wants to play on a tractor), slop hogs or milk cows.  He has a company that invests in huge farms, commodities and farm futures.  He's more finance and deals than hay & hoedowns.  He's in the business of farms, and he's got a LOT of money.  While he grew up with the hands-on farming, he's way beyond that as an adult.  He hires people to get their hands dirty so he doesn't have to.  Unless he wants to.

Edited by leighdear
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My favorites-- cadaver tissue lady and ballerina girl were eliminated early. :(  Every single one of them is gorgeous, obviously, but yeah, why are they all so over-processed with the hair extensions, fake tans, and heavy makeup?  i think they would look better in a more natural state.

Edited by Gianthambeast
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Did anyone notice how ragged the first-impression rose was when Chris gave it to Brit? The head was bent over its stem and petals were  hanging off, like someone had played keep away with it. Then later Brit shows it off in her TH and it's all pretty and perfect. Ha ha!


Thanks for mentioning this.  When it was first given to her I thought it was wilted from being out of water so long but then saw the perfect one and thought I had hallucinated the whole thing (yes, I know, I should know better....)

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Oh one other thought. I thought the women in the second group of limos generally had more cheesy and elaborate(?) meetings with Chris. I was wondering if they ended up cruising around bored, drinking, and thinking up stuff to do or getting up the courage to do whatever cheesy thing they originally considered doing.


I thought it was producer driven --- the first group got to sit and watch and sneer b/c the other girls had props.

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Thanks for mentioning this.  When it was first given to her I thought it was wilted from being out of water so long but then saw the perfect one and thought I had hallucinated the whole thing (yes, I know, I should know better....)


I thought the producers should've known better and made sure the first impression rose looked decent all night if necessary too, though. You weren't hallucinating but I was wondering if the producers went and slept for awhile or something and missed this little detail.

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You know what I can't get enough of?


Chris Harrison spending about 3 hours (at least it felt that way) trying to put words in the mouth of the "winner" from two seasons ago because he still has an axe to grind with Juan Pablo for not playing their bullshit "I believe in this journey" game.  Let it go, Chris.  You sound pathetic.


Haha! And I thought I was the only one who noticed this. It was really bothering me by the end of the interview. It's as if Andi was trying to help Josh get through the interview without saying something stupid to embarrass her. He seems like kind of a meathead, and they seem like a mismatch as a couple. They might look good on paper and make an attractive couple, but there doesn't seem to be an intellectual equivalency there. But they are geniuses compared to Marcus and Lacey.



Well, my hate of Andi knows no bounds.  So it doesn't take much for me.  But, boy, did that body language say a lot to me.  I think Josh didn't want anything to do with last night (and maybe not with Andi).  And how about Andi's overcompensation by talking about what "we think" or "we feel" about thisorthat?  She's trying to sell that story hard.


I assume that keeping woozy-drunk-girl was a Producer-pick, but it's got to make the ladies who got eliminated feel like shit.  


And you could tell from that one lady's interview outside the mansion that it was already daylight.

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I certainly didn't appreciate Chris Harrison's cross examination of Nikki. Jeez. Let the poor girl move on already. That was just uncomfortable. TPTB seem to really want to continue painting a picture of just how bad Juan Pablo is because he didn't play the Bachelor role the way they wanted him to play it. Harrison is still upset how JP made him look like an idiot during the AFTR ceremony when JP refused to say "I love you" to Nikki despite Harrison's constant prodding. Kudos to Nikki for not taking the bait to bash Juan Pablo. That's been done enough.


I kind of feel like the treatment of Juan Pablo is because of his homophobic comments that were made off the air.  There have been other jerky Bachelors that haven't received the same type of treatment.  And of course I think his homophobic comments sucked, so I'm not excusing them.  


Nikki handled it all well.

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I doubt it had anything to do with the homophobic comments. If Juan Pablo had played the Bachelor game and been the perfect little Bachelor, having the big dramatic engagement, saying "I Love You" to Nikki, etc. the show would have defended and not given a damn about his homophobic comments. They hate Juan Pablo because he had zero fucks to give during his season, would not play the game of pretending he was falling in love with anyone, treated the whole thing as some casual fling/dating situation rather than some "amazing journey to find his great love", made dickish comments to and about some of the women, supposedly even the crew members couldn't stand him and then he basically dismissed and ignored Chris Harrison's shit at the live finale. And that's why they still hate him so much.


Thing is, as I said when the whole season was falling apart and becoming an embarrassing mess, the producers and show deserved it. Juan Pablo never had any business being the Bachelor. The guy was barely on Des' season and Des herself said that Juan Pablo was nice enough and always complimentary to her with regards to the physical, as in she looked beautiful but there was never anything deeper than that from him and he always turned every conversation back to himself. Which is essentially exactly what they got when he was the Bachelor. How the people who have all these many hours of footage and seeing the things the viewers don't didn't realize this and realize that this guy was in no way serious about finding a wife or even a serious relationship, is beyond me. So they deserved what they got.

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Wait? Sharleen was there? She's one if my favorites! My habit of reading my iPad while this show is on came back to bite me.

I was really looking forward to this season cuz I think Chris is a total hottie and this,first show did not disappoint.

The only good thing about the red carpet was Nikki's boobs (good for her) and seeing all the ex bachelor folks. I still have a weird irrational crush on Brooks. I'm gonna go hang my head in shame now.......

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The widow is both fortunate to resemble Alyssa Milano, yet unfortunate to resemble Jackie form "Roseann" at the same time.  Or O.J.  prosecutor Marcia Clark.

Thank you!  It has been bugging me who she looks like.


I have said, since Chris was on Andi's season, that I smelled money.  Just the way he talks, he is a farmer ha.  They have a huge operation.  He is on the business end of things.  Is he an only son?

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Oh yeah, and the special ed teacher (tall blonde with hair pinned to the side, I think?) and 4th grade teacher (don't think she made it through)- said she talked about going on the bachelor with the class and they made cards for her!!!  Having both a 4th grader and special ed student, I'd be seriously pissed if even 30 seconds worth of school time was spent on talking about the teacher being on the Bachelor!!  How embarrassing, to have their students and their families seeing them throw themselves at this guy and be so disappointed if he doesn't pick them, and then see them at school again and want to be taken seriously!  

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Sorry, I'm late! ;-)


A few things:


  • Fleiss won't pay for and televise Des and Chris's wedding, even though they seem they have a puncher's chance of making it because they're "boring"? Sean and Catherine are a barrel of laughs, I guess (yawn!). Heck, Des/Chris weren't even invited to that circus they called a red carpet, but that clown Brooks is walking down as if HE was the one that was scorned.
  • Once I saw Steven Stagliano's twin brother, his fame whoring sister-in-law (Deanna), and their baby on the red carpet, I changed the channel to the Bulls/Rockets game. Sadly, I missed the video montages of the bachelorettes. Which one is a widow? Who has a kid?
  • I'm surprised he kept Drunky Duke after she looked as if she was ready to keel over. I guess Fleiss told Chris that she was good television.
  • Also, what's with the stunt casting? A WWE girl? A plus-sized model? I guess the Duggar girls and the Teen Moms had better things to do. Ironically, neither were picked. Thank you, Chris. You show you have a bit of integrity in you.
Edited by Nedsdag
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It occurred to me as I was watching the women meet Chris that several of them had a familiar look.  Someone mentioned an Amy Adams look-alike and Kelsey looking like a cross between Alyssa Milano and Jackie from Roseanne.  One of the girls, I think Samantha, looked kind of like Sandra Bullock.  And after thinking about it for a while I decided that Kaitlin reminded me of Mimi Rogers.


I think a lot of the women, Britt especially, are way more attractive than Chris. 

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Sorry, I'm late! ;-)


A few things:


  • Fleiss won't pay for and televise Des and Chris's wedding, even though they seem they have a puncher's chance of making it because they're "boring"? Sean and Catherine are a barrel of laughs, I guess (yawn!). Heck, Des/Chris weren't even invited to that circus they called a red carpet, but that clown Brooks is walking down as if HE was the one that was scorned.
  • Once I saw Steven Stagliano's twin brother, his fame whoring sister-in-law (Deanna), and their baby on the red carpet, I changed the channel to the Bulls/Rockets game. Sadly, I missed the video montages of the bachelorettes. Which one is a widow? Who has a kid?.


Mackenzie has a son named Kale. (got a rose)

Michelle has two kids (didn't get a rose)



Kelsey's husband died suddenly a bit over a year ago. (got a rose)

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Fleiss won't pay for and televise Des and Chris's wedding, even though they seem they have a puncher's chance of making it because they're "boring"? Sean and Catherine are a barrel of laughs, I guess (yawn!).



But with Sean and Catherine they could promote the heck out of the "they're totally going to sleep together for the first time as soon as the cameras turn off!" and do a lot of elbow nudging and chuckling about the "wedding night" which couldn't do with any other couple. 

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i thought Britt was very pretty and I liked what she said to Chris about a wife having a shoulder for her husband to lean on, or cry on or seek comfort on as well as her leaning on him. After twenty years of marriage, I agree that most men want someone who they can lean on too. It sounded a bit cheesy, but genuine. I also liked the widow with the short dark hair. Being in Illinois, I paid attention to the too from the Chicago area, but the Minnie Mouse voiced one was so annoying I couldn't believe he kept her.


I always wonder how the bachelor can remember all of the names or even remember who he talked to. I can only guess he goes back into the room and just chooses from the pictures (with the help of production), and the names are somehow on the roses. I looked really close though and couldn't see any names last night.


Chris is good looking and seems pleasant, but right now there is something a little off about him to me. Of course, I actually like Sean and thought he was a nice guy so I might have a different world view.

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It occurred to me as I was watching the women meet Chris that several of them had a familiar look.  Someone mentioned an Amy Adams look-alike and Kelsey looking like a cross between Alyssa Milano and Jackie from Roseanne.  One of the girls, I think Samantha, looked kind of like Sandra Bullock.  And after thinking about it for a while I decided that Kaitlin reminded me of Mimi Rogers.



It was bugging me all night who Tara, the drunk girl, reminded me of, and then it hit me. She looks like former Bachelorette Ali Fedotowsky. Or she looks like Ali if Ali had recently been sick, and left her sick bed about a day too early to attend the first cocktail party. And of course later on she kind of looked like a sick, drunk Ali. 


And while I was sad to see the Amy Adams look alike get the boot, I did think it was fitting that Big Eyes (Amanda) also was sent packing on the same night. That is the type of synergy you just can't buy.

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I missed a lot of the show, but all I want to know is if the big-eyed girl got sent home.  I couldn't stand to look at her. 

I hated the way she talked -  Something about the way she emphasized certain syllables, while opening her eyes REALLY WIDE, bugged me.  Reminded me of a preschool teacher my son had, that he thought was creepy. 

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