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Small Talk: Just Peachy

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I kind of like Fix it Jesus.  My friend and I use it all the time.  I would buy one, but it may give my mother the impression that I would start going to church.  Can't have that now. 

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Nene's bride of Frankenstein wig would be AWESOME on a tshirt. Everyone would get that for their birthday. I don't know how she's not dying a little every time the clip is shown.


I think it would be interesting if this show evolved to being about single black professional moms; not celebrities necessarily but doctors, lawyers, nurses, professors. Lol it would probably just be "life" for the other ladies on this board.


ETA: Oooh I would watch Solange.

Edited by ThomasAAnderson
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It should read, "Who gon' check me, boo?!"  Gotta get that accent right.  And I would wear the hell outta that shirt.


This.   With an image of a handprint on the side where the shirt hits your hip.

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"Who gon check me, boo?" is the first one I support...I miss the days of Sheree!


My second...:


"Gone With The Wind Fabulous"...on the front...


"Now Twirl"..."Twirl"..."Twirl"..."Twirl"..."Twirl"...going down the back...


As a guy I can honestly say I'd rock that...

Edited by CyberJawa1986
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**waves hands**, I'll take Keanu!...I mean if you're handing men out. ;)

Um, he's a little tied up at the moment. Please leave a message at the sound of the beep.

(***sigh*** I always did like imjagain's & ZaldamoWilder's comments. ***taking off my earrings*** Damn shame it's got to go down like this. ***reaching for the Vaseline***.....)

Edited by NowVoyager
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Question: If we were to design and sell a t-shirt here at PTV that shows you are a Housewives fan, what would you like it to say? And would you buy one?

"Fix it Jesus!" or "Who gonna check me, boo?"

Give me your ideas.

I dunno if I'd wear it on a t-shirt myself, but my all-time favorite quote: "Close your legs to married men, TRASH BOX !!!!" Lo, on that day, a new insult was born. Edited by NowVoyager
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Hi guys, please stop speculating about why mod and admin actions happened. Tons of things go on behind the scenes y'all aren't privy to and ultimately admin choices are made and aren't a great topic for discussion. Thanks. 

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Thought y'all might appreciate this:

On Sunday, I went on a date with someone I met through OK Cupid.  He's a really cool dude and we had a really nice time/discussion.  At one point he said, "I gave my birthday to my dog, since I don't celebrate mine anymore," then went on to talk about something else.  I was like, wait a second, rewind, and asked him why he didn't celebrate his birthday, thinking that he was going to say he's a Jehovah's Witness or 7th Day Adventist or something.  So he said that when he was in his 20s, he decided not to be "constrained by the binds of time" and didn't want to be locked into having to think or act or achieving anything by a certain age.  And after that point, he told everyone family, friends, wife (at the time) not to ever celebrate his birthday.  Of course, all I could think of was Apollo and his views on not "living by a sector of the time scale" and I had to restrain myself from busting out with a loud laugh in his face, cause he's was totally being serious!  Then I remembered this little gem:

On ‎11‎/‎15‎/‎2014 at 2:10 PM, qtpye said:

"Don't let the sector of the time scale tear asunder your juviality" .

and I was sent into a fit of giggles!

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7 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:

Thought y'all might appreciate this:

On Sunday, I went on a date with someone I met through OK Cupid.  He's a really cool dude and we had a really nice time/discussion.  At one point he said, "I gave my birthday to my dog, since I don't celebrate mine anymore," then went on to talk about something else.  I was like, wait a second, rewind, and asked him why he didn't celebrate his birthday, thinking that he was going to say he's a Jehovah's Witness or 7th Day Adventist or something.  So he said that when he was in his 20s, he decided not to be "constrained by the binds of time" and didn't want to be locked into having to think or act or achieving anything by a certain age.  And after that point, he told everyone family, friends, wife (at the time) not to ever celebrate his birthday.  Of course, all I could think of was Apollo and his views on not "living by a sector of the time scale" and I had to restrain myself from busting out with a loud laugh in his face, cause he's was totally being serious!  Then I remembered this little gem:

and I was sent into a fit of giggles!

So listen. Prince didn't celebrate his birthday, either. And this is before he became a JW. He said something like why mark the time?


I'm not down with it, cuz I want gifts but if it's good enough for Prince, I don't mind your OKCupid Boo doing the same.

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Just now, Watermelon said:

So listen. Prince didn't celebrate his birthday, either. And this is before he became a JW. He said something like why mark the time?


I'm not down with it, cuz I want gifts but if it's good enough for Prince, I don't mind your OKCupid Boo doing the same.

I definitely don't think there's anything wrong with it.  And this guy is a pretty huge Prince fan, so I'm sure that was part of his inspiration.  I just couldn't stop thinking of Apollo when he said, so I was trying real hard not to laugh during his "this was how I found myself" story.

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I celebrate my birthday in honor of my mother who was in labor for almost 20 hours. I weighed close to 10 lbs. She deserves the accolades. And I like cake. With ice cream.


"Don't let the sector of the time scale tear asunder your juviality" .

The greatest quote in the history of any HW show.

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Hey fellow posters.  I don't know how many of you are also watching Vivica's Black Magic (Vivica Fox's attempt to create an all black [or mostly black] Magic Mike-style Vegas show), but if you are, I got a thread started.  If you're not, I hope you do solely to bring the snark.  I hope see some of you over there!

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On Fri Jan 27 2017 at 4:48 AM, queenjen said:

Go Porsha!

She's going to appear in 'Star' which also has Miss Lawrence. I've watched about 3 episodes and think I'll continue with it. Kenya is going to hate this!! I'm almost twirling with impious delight over how baked Kenya's biscuits will be over Porsha getting an acting gig beside Queen Latifah and Lenny Kravitz. 


I was SO excited to see Miss Lawrence! But, his character said something insulting one episode about Asian women being weak or docile. I changed the channel & haven't watched since. Not Miss L's fault, but it just didn't sit well with me. I was hoping Miss Lawrence would sing on the show--- he released a single a while back & his voice was really great. Porsha's on her grind. She's popping up everywhere these days. No wonder she was so mad at that cutie-pie for quitting his only job.

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3 hours ago, Drumpf1737 said:

So the new episode played for me until Marlo started reading Kenya then suddenly my sling TV went to commercial, came back from commercial to Married to Medicine. Just me?

it was just a preview since there was no episode due to the Super Bowl.

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Oh, I love my beloved UNC Tarheels basketball team. Never miss a game. I wore my UNC hoodie to the store today and three different people commented on it, saying Thursday's game will be a good one. We play Dook.... I hate Dook.... LOL

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On 02/07/2017 at 8:09 AM, RealReality said:

sports :(


On 02/08/2017 at 2:49 PM, Petunia13 said:

My version of sports is makeup collecting and looks. It can be a very competive and exhilarating pursuit  ?????

I watch the Olympics unabashedly (curling & hockey are my jam), but need to hide eleventy billion sports channels (evergrowing) from my onscreen tv guide.

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On 2/8/2017 at 5:49 PM, Petunia13 said:

My version of sports is makeup collecting and looks. It can be a very competive and exhilarating pursuit  ?????

My SO refuses to watch sports with me because of my tendency to comment on bad fashion choices and questionable personal grooming. I insist that some of these men don't have any friends, because friends don't let friends look bad on national tv.  How hard is it to ask for a uniform that fits or to comb your hair on the morning of a game?

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On 28/03/2014 at 1:01 PM, nichelle said:

I heard about the beatdown, too. I read that Kenya brought sex toys to the reunion and used them to talk about Kordell. I have no idea if that's what started it, but that was referenced in the article. In any case, I'm disappointed. I dislike Kenya the most on the show but I don't want RHOA to cross over the line into gutter TV.

I like Kenya. She's fun! She's glamorous and beautiful.


I didn't know if she brought sex toys to Kodell that was our of order and not classy. 

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On 06/01/2015 at 5:03 PM, Neurochick said:

I'm so annoyed with so many of the women on this show.  Smart women vet men and chose wisely when they want a father for their children.  It pains me that an intelligent woman like Phaedra chose someone like Apollo.  It's like these women don't even think of dating or marrying men who are not black. 


What women like Claudia and Kenya need to realize is that the black men they want, the millionaires, have a HUGE pool of women to choose from.  Black men who are millionaires marry and date who they want to; they don't feel they have to be "loyal" to black women, and that's okay.  But it pains me when I see women like Phaedra who were probably schooled with "you have to marry a black man" no matter who he is, the most important thing is that he is black.  The problem is that the black men didn't get the same memo that black women got, that said, "you have to marry a black woman."  I think people who date and marry who they choose, but goodness, was Apollo the best thing Phaedra could find?

Phadera and Apollo are like chalk and cheese. It was obvious that relationship was not going to work. She obviously went for looks and is clearly very shallow. 

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@Neurochick I don't even think Kenya is going for the millionaire.  She was dating a guy who couldn't afford his own plane ticket.

And, to me at least, i have no problem with someone wanting their s/o to bring the same things to the table that they do. Kenya is educated, beautiful, and fairly successful in her chosen field.  She seems like she is pretty well off financially.  Why should she be forced to settle for less than what she brings to the table?  Maybe she isn't going to land Russell Simmons, but there is no reason why she shouldnt be able to land a nice guy with some bucks.  Maybe a doctor or something, or an i-banker.  

I remember thinking, a long time ago that I needed to get my degree for a bunch of reasons.  One of the lesser reasons was that I wanted to be the type of girl that would interest the type of guy I wanted.  And I didn't expect that hypothetical guy to want a girl who didn't have a BA under her belt.

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Funny thing is her pal Cynthia did date  Russel Simmons (I think they were engaged and Cyn called it off). But she ended up settling with Peter. It's kinda crazy to me the Atlanta HW are so attractive, witty, have money and fame and have issues getting dudes with careers of their own or maturity. 

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3 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Funny thing is her pal Cynthia did date  Russel Simmons (I think they were engaged and Cyn called it off). But she ended up settling with Peter. It's kinda crazy to me the Atlanta HW are so attractive, witty, have money and fame and have issues getting dudes with careers of their own or maturity. 

LOL, I remember that new york visit when Cynthia saw Russell Simmons.  Cynthia is looking so absolutely gorgeous these days, he must wonder.

Cynthia has her issues, but I don't think she has ever looked better.

But, yeah, I think a lot of men get intimidated and would like a woman a little "under" them so to speak.

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I grew up in the south and there was a big push that if you wanted to keep a man, you had to  take care of him.  I understand that a loving relationship means taking care of your partner, but it felt like the message was very one sided.  It always came off to me that we had to prove to the men that we were worthy enough to have them in our lives.  It also felt like, it did not matter if the guy was a millionaire or did not have two cents to rub together, he wanted you to cater to all his needs (not every guy, but a good bit had this attitude).

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On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 8:02 AM, qtpye said:

I grew up in the south and there was a big push that if you wanted to keep a man, you had to  take care of him.  I understand that a loving relationship means taking care of your partner, but it felt like the message was very one sided.  It always came off to me that we had to prove to the men that we were worthy enough to have them in our lives.  It also felt like, it did not matter if the guy was a millionaire or did not have two cents to rub together, he wanted you to cater to all his needs (not every guy, but a good bit had this attitude).

It gets old when there's little appreciation or acknowledgement! After 4 days, I'm ready to kick out anyone; even my own mother! ;-)

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3 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

Beyonce mentioned the twirl right after Kenya did it the first time, and Kenya has referred to it several times, I think. Beyonce is a fan, that's for sure. :)

Thats so neat.  Especially that Kenya's "twirl" made it into Formation....I don't particularly like Beyonce, but thats pretty cool!

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On ‎4‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 8:22 AM, cooksdelight said:

Beyonce mentioned the twirl right after Kenya did it the first time, and Kenya has referred to it several times, I think. Beyonce is a fan, that's for sure. :)

Queen Bee has been accused of ripping off other artists' ideas before; documented from lyrics to camera/video shots. ...

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10 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

Really? I had no idea, since I don't follow her, and only know from what I hear in the news. 

I personally don't understand the "big deal" as well! If not for the news, I'd forget about Beyoncé in a hot second! It's a brand that I just don't follow!

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I saw Nene on Kelly and Ryan this morning, the show was filming from the Bahamas.  Nene's PR person must have performed miracles to get that to happen considering she has nothing new going on.  Nene got first class accommodations with Gregg and her son and has nothing to say.

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