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S02.E17: Birds of Prey

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Oliver expects the Huntress (Jessica De Gouw) to return once her father (Jeffrey Nordling) is arrested; Laurel is involved in a hostage situation at the courthouse; Roy tries to keep Thea safe.
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The only thing anyone in the ep description got right was Helena coming to town. Roy, going by Oliver, breaks up with Thea (steady, berserker-stopper and boss!) and she's consequently picked-up by Slade! Oliver, instead of owning all the shit he's let Thea deal with, lets her marinate in the feeling of betrayal/lies of omission everyone but (supposedly) Oliver has handed her. Laurel, while her intentions were heroic in wanting to save the hostages, she ended up not helping things in the end. Then blackmailing the DA for her job back? These folks didn't mind if you were killed by Helena, a psycho in their eyes. (To be fair, Helena's give a damn broke, but yeah, she's a murderer.)

Not dissimilar to the "Does Quentin know?", is my "How could Laurel not know?!"  Surely she's seen her sister a time or two since Sara revealed herself to the family. Plus, all the growing up years? *sigh*

Felicity and Digg's "kick her ass" agreement was great. Not only was it funny, but it served better than the episode "Blind Spots" where Oliver has his. Then again, just about everything Felicity and Digg is gold, imo.

I just hope, for Thea's sake, there are some actual truth bombs laid on her; she is so going to tear Oliver and Roy new ones if she gets a chance.

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"How could Laurel not know?!"  Surely she's seen her sister a time or two since Sara revealed herself to the family. Plus, all the growing up years? *sigh*

This! I mean they were sitting like 5 inches from each other when they were hiding behind the desk having a heart to heart. I'm pretty sure that Laurel should have recognized Sara!

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I agree. I actually thought Laurel knew what Sara was up to in the last five years (or at least some of it), so I thought she knew she did the vigilante thing sometimes. I guess not, but that would have been kind of a nice move for the show. It sucks to be the characters in the dark, because it just makes them look stupid. If Laurel at least knew about Sara, it would have been a good start.

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I wonder just what Sara did tell Laurel about where she had been the last five years. At one point Sara assumed Laurel would have questions. Did the subject just never come up again?

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That's what I was wondering. Laurel said to Canary about her Sara. "She's been through a lot and must've been so strong" So how much did Sara share with Laurel about her time away? Instead of stupid drama scenes or Laurel being the relationship advisor they could've had the sisters actually talk to each other like people. 

As for not recognizing her, this is a show based on a comic book, in the comic people don't even know that Clark Kent is Superman, glasses change your appearence even less than a mask does. So that one I just have to ignore no matter how ridiculous it is.

I would love to see Helena return to work with Canary. They can have their "You threw me out a window", "You tried to choke me to death" convo then kick some ass together.

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I too join those wondering what Sara told her family about where she'd been those 5 years. Quentin knows the truth and is hiding her secret too (and can the show runners reveal he knows Oliver's identity already? Because c'mon..) and Dinah knows this mysterious woman we know as Nyssa kidnapped her because of Sara. Are we supposed to believe she didn't ask Sara about that later and that Laurel didn't ask anything afterwards when she made up with Sara?

These are conversations I would've liked to see during the show, even if Sara told Laurel and Dinah nothing but lies.

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I can't accept at this point that Quentin doesn't know. No matter what shows up on my screen in the future I'm just going to assume Quentin was faking not knowing and that he's really dedicated to his pretense.

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I mean, he knows Sara's dating Oliver, and he knows she running around with the Oliver-shaped vigilante.  I really can't deal if they say definitively later on that he hasn't known it was Oliver all along.  I need to believe he's just going along with it at this point.  Also I know it's a comic book convention, but I have to suspend my disbelief really fucking hard to believe you wouldn't recognize someone you've known your whole life because they were wearing a Zorro mask.

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I mean, he knows Sara's dating Oliver, and he knows she running around with the Oliver-shaped vigilante.  I really can't deal if they say definitively later on that he hasn't known it was Oliver all along.  I need to believe he's just going along with it at this point.  Also I know it's a comic book convention, but I have to suspend my disbelief really fucking hard to believe you wouldn't recognize someone you've known your whole life because they were wearing a Zorro mask.

"Oliver-shaped vigilante" - This phrase needs to be used at least once a week; it is full of win (Oliver-shaped win?).

I'm rooting for a line from Quentin along the lines of, "Duh, of course I knew. I've got Dad-Sense and could shoot the cad dating both my daughters from a league away if I wanted to."

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I think there is consensus that Oliver was the worst kind of fool for letting Thea walk away unprotected with the threat of Slade so close.  What made it even worse in my mind was in rewatching BoP I noticed that at the end we see Felicity wait and then leave with Diggle  (while Roy forlornly watches Thea storm off alone, freaking out 'cause he's not allowed to be with her/watch over her anymore).

Without the threat of Slade hanging over everyone's head, I would have thought little about Felicity and Diggle leaving at the same time, but it was that pause while she waited that made me remember that Diggle had been trying to watch over Felicity while Sara was staying close to Laurel and Roy to Thea.  Diggle also was the one arranging security for Moira.  Was Oliver doing nothing in the protecting the ones he loves game?   Is that why he let Thea go without a second thought, he is completely not involve in protecting their safety?  

It's just so utterly awful and stupid and with the other little subtle touches, it really kinda feels deliberate. 


On a different note, also rewatched Laurel's scene where she blackmails for he job back and then after bosslady is impressed, Laurel spouts that line about the darkness not coming out.  It was either the worst written line or KC totally botched the line reading.  I'm really not sure which but it is really bugging me. 

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The Huntress is an interesting character, and in my opinion, in a single episode they did a good job of setting up the transition from what she has been to whatever she will be the next time we see her.

It is also interesting that this episode followed the Suicide Squad episode. There are both themes and characters that tie the two together nicely.

As for not recognizing her, this is a show based on a comic book, in the comic people don't even know that Clark Kent is Superman, glasses change your appearance even less than a mask does. So that one I just have to ignore no matter how ridiculous it is.

Indeed. It pops into my head when the sisters are having a conversation 18 inches apart from each other, but I have the part of my brain that believes in super-soldier serums and earthquake machines shout down the common sense part until the scene is over.

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Finally got around to watching this episode.  I had to laugh at that keychain that Laurel had that said "30 Days Recovery" in big ass bolded capital letters.  Surely actual Alcoholics Anonymous recovery chips/keychains are a little more subtle than that I hope.

Laurel should look into investing in a cute pair of flats.  Girl is always trying to run in a three inch pair of heels.  Escaping is easier when you can run at full speed, Laurel!   


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I can accept super soldiers and earthquake machines, and your average person on the street not getting a good enough look at the Arrow or the Canary or even Roy in his hood to recognize them. But Laurel, being that close to her sister for that long, looking at her face and hearing her voice, not being able to see past the little domino mask is hard to swallow. I mean, I know it's just part of the world and all, but Oliver at least makes the effort to be in shadow and turn away when he is talking to Quentin. Laurel not being to recognize Sara makes her look blind, dumb, or both, and I doubt that's what they're going for.

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This episode frustrated me so much. I thought I finally had a feel for where the writers were taking Laurel: down a dark path. But nope. Didn't happen. She wad still a lovely, wholesome character who believed in Oliver in her bones. Gah.

Also Laugh Out Loud at Oliver showing Lance his phone when Arrow got a call.

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I liked this episode better on re-watch. Before it felt disjointed and I was really annoyed with so many characters. I realize the things I didn't like about this episode overshadowed the stuff I did like. I like the extended team arrow scenes, but I would prefer going forward that they give more time to the original crew. But, of course even with nothing much to do DIggle and Felicity still manage to own. I don't believe though, that just because Oliver was too dumb to look out for Thea, that Diggle wouldn't. The moment Roy was out, he would have had a detail on her.


Surprisingly, On second viewing I didn't hate Laurel in this.But did she not only stay behind when she shouldn't have, but also got taken hostage and then kidnapped.Lmao. I didn't like the stuff with Laurel and Sara in the finale but I did enjoy their scenes this episode. I think last time I was distracted by the fact that Laurel didn't realize that was her little sister. Sara makes we want to wield a bow-staff in real life. But, there is no reason for me to.


Even though Oliver was being ridiculous, as usual, I really enjoyed his scenes with Roy.Can't  wait to watch them next season. Thea broke my heart. Thea and Oliver are one of my favorite relationships on the show, I hate Oliver for continuing to lie to her. Especially, when its obvious to any sane person that the truth would give her a better chance at safety. Oliver's still my favorite but boy can he be dumbarse sometimes, my goodness.


I think Blackmail Canary is a hero I can get behind. That's how the show should solve it's two canary problem. Slade unfortunately decapitated the engineer, Slate is crazy funny. I zoned out through most of the flashback, all I remember was Oliver shirtless and intense hostage negotiations. Oh like in the present plot, hostages situation I get it now. On rewatch I'm still enjoying Oliver and Sara.  I really liked having Detective Lance in the mix.

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This episode just made me angry at the writers all over again, for Laurel's mistreatment. She's brave! (Only she's dumb, getting actually captured and used as a hostage when she didn't need to be.) There's more, but I'll take my gripes to the appropriate thread.


I continue to love Anatoly!


Even if bad things happened, can we call him Assistant Douche Adam Donner?


Hey, Laurel? Consider your sources for "deep wisdom", okay? You were told by an unrepentant (at the time) murderer that the darkness "never comes out." She hasn't tried to get it out is what I'm sayin'. Just... *sigh*


I know the cops, in general, aren't keen on costumed vigilantes, but when did the higher ups just decide mask= shoot regardless. Hopefully, street cops are more discerning than the brass and more elite squads. (Brass and elite squads not seeing/receiving the direct help Arrow and Canary can bring.)


I want Silky to meet Sally; they could be friends.  Thanks, Silky, for saving Sara. Mr. Actionmage thanks you too.


Laurel, the last time you were hanging out with Helena, you creeped her out with your relationships with Tommy and Oliver. Quit trying to "understand" her; she doesn't want to identify with you. (Plus, you crashed Oliver and Helena's date, then creeped her out so, why think you have some connection? You are a bad association to her.) To be fair, KC's delivery of Laurel's "Oh, trust me; I do" [need a drink] was great!


"Oliver sure likes to dress up his girls" will never not be funny. Jessica de Gouw was better as Helena this time, and I really felt for her. I'd like to see her again. Also fun was Helena's "Does this make us girlfriends?" to Laurel. If I was a hostage, I'd be working to shut this Lance chick up!


Random Observation: Sara has some damn good wig glue or tape. Folks keep grabbing her head and flipping her, yet the wig stays in place. That's something every super-gal needs to know about.


Oliver (to Helena): "You are not alone." Aside from bringing memories of the 10th Doctor, was that a mantra for season 2?


Diggle Shoulder-Touched Roy! It's infectious!


I recommend watching this episode for the Felicity and Diggle scenes and the Thea scenes. Okay, also the scene at the end with Oliver and Helena. Anytime there are Quentin scenes, I'd recommend an episode (that's what FF is for, at times), but Quentin gets a good amount of screen time, so worth a look.

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What is that silk thing the League uses and where do they keep it? Sara was able to shoot it out of her sleeve like she was spiderman or something. 


I hope the writers weren't thinking that this episode was a starting point for Laurel to become a hero or member of the Birds of Prey. She refused to leave when she had nothing useful to offer, got her usual one punch in, then immediately needed to be rescued and that happened twice in this episode. then they showed Sara being a real badass for us to compare the two even more. Not recognizing her sister, I gloss over because it's a masked super hero trope that's always been in place no matter how ridiculous it is. Look at Superman, no one knows who he is just because he's not wearing glasses. Of course Laurel's thought process to figuring it out was just as ridiculous. I'm going to assume that Laurel knows Sara about as well as she knows Oliver and that's why she couldn't recognize her.


Oliver pissed me off this episode because he keeps saving Frank Bertinelli's life, that man is a murdering mob boss why don't you focus on saving the actual innocent people or even Laurel whom you told Sara you'd look out for? 

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I forgot that Quentin knows that the Canary is Sarah. How did Laurel not recognize her sister in the light?

All those people dead just so that jackass Bertonelli could live- oh, Oliver.

Poor Roy- he really needed a hug and Diggle reassuring him was nice to see.

I really like that through the Sarah/Oliver stuff they didn't have a jealous Felicity making eyes at them or being jealous of Sarah. That's why I can't help shipping Olicity. No angst and craziness (well not yet anyways).

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I don't know if I'm missing something but, why did Oliver decide to use baby arrows with Helena? I know he took the no kill vow but he was bent on killing her in the previous Huntress episode after she took things too far. Now he was straight up defending her again.

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So this felt like I was watching a brand new episode because I barely remembered anything.


1. I love watching Sara beat up all the baddies, even throwing them out the window. She makes it look effortless. 


2. After watching the episodes back to back, the lack of Felicity (and Diggle, although Digg featured more) is really obvious and when she came on screen I was like 'FINALLY.' I know people have argued against this but I'm sorry, she was very clearly pushed aside from 212 to 218 (with the exception of ToD of course).


3. I'm honestly surprised Oliver still has all his teeth after the beating Slade gave him in the flashbacks. 


4. When Laurel said she was an alcoholic I was surprised because I thought she was more addicted to pills than alcohol. Did I miss something? It's possible I just switched off when it was happening on screen. 


5. "Anyone with boobs can get a frat boy to do anything." "I was a frat boy." "I rest my case." LOL I love her.


6. Roy does not like nicknames. Especially Speedy. I wonder if they will call him Arsenal in s3 though?


7. I don't understand Oliver's logic of telling Roy to stay away from Thea, especially as Roy has been Mirakuru'd for months now. The only thing that stops Roy from going too far is mentioning Thea and yet Oliver tells him to stay away? Huh? Sense much?


8. I know it's a quick storytelling technique but does the news really announce the return of lawyers to the DA office? Weird.


9. Is it just me or does Oliver seem weirdly attached to all his ex girlfriends? It's like he can't seem to let them go.


10. "Oh, I think if the Huntress shows up you should totally kick her ass." *Digg nods in agreement* Love them. Digg, never change.


11. The whole Laurel wanting to save the hostages thing was a good idea in theory but so heavy handed. "What's so special about me?" Why do they insist on handling her like this? They might as well hang a sign around her neck that says "I'm gonna be BC and here are the reasons why." Be more subtle please.


12. How does Laurel not recognize her own sister? I'm all for a small amount of suspension of disbelief in superhero shows but come on. It's frustratingly ridiculous.


13. I also find it hard to believe that a LoA trained assassin such as Sara can be overpowered by Helena. Um. No.


14. I liked the scene between Oliver and Helena at the Police station. I actually liked Helena but her storyline became repetitive so I'm glad it finally reached its conclusion. But it was a genuine moment between them and I actually felt for her there, when she said she thought she would feel different after her father died. Maybe she would feel different if she had actually killed him herself?


15. I can understand Laurel blackmailing the DA to get her job back as a 'I've got nothing else to lose' type mentality but a) KC doesn't play it that way and b) I hate it that she doesn't really earn it. Things like this do not make me like her more. We need to see her earn these things and then we can be "Yay, go Laurel." Instead I'm sitting here like a disapproving relative or something.

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...This was the most useless episode ever. It added nothing new, it made Laurel look worse than she already did, I feel like this episode was just for the sake of giving Laurel and Sara screen time and it was blatantly obvious. I hated what happened to Helena at the end... It was just so bad


Cutting episodes like this one and The Promise is what could help tighten the narrative of the season. I feel like cutting those two episodes would've just made the overall season a lot better because I remember thinking that the promo for this, suicide squad, and the promise was a lot more epic than the episodes themselves. The only reason why I accepted the Suicide Squad because it actually lead to somewhere. Diggle and Lyla, Diggle becoming a father, Diggle and Deadshot which will be revisited in season 3, just more Diggle makes the world better imo. 


But this was just an unnecessary episode. 

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...This was the most useless episode ever. It added nothing new, it made Laurel look worse than she already did, I feel like this episode was just for the sake of giving Laurel and Sara screen time and it was blatantly obvious. I hated what happened to Helena at the end... It was just so bad


Cutting episodes like this one and The Promise is what could help tighten the narrative of the season. I feel like cutting those two episodes would've just made the overall season a lot better because I remember thinking that the promo for this, suicide squad, and the promise was a lot more epic than the episodes themselves. The only reason why I accepted the Suicide Squad because it actually lead to somewhere. Diggle and Lyla, Diggle becoming a father, Diggle and Deadshot which will be revisited in season 3, just more Diggle makes the world better imo. 


But this was just an unnecessary episode. 


I agree. I don't think anything would have changed in the narrative if they had cut it and it was just more Lance family stuff when there had been far too much of that already. But it did very much feel like they were starting the hints of Laurel's path to BC, you know, wanting to stay behind and help the poor little hostages and she even threw a few punches here and there and oh, she's let the darkness inside now. Plus she gets her job back so problem solved! It was pretty contrived as episodes go. 


Also, The Promise was terrible. Too much flashback. Or was it just one giant flashback? I only watched it the other day and I've forgotten already.

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I've been catching up on the last few weeks of Extra Hot Great and on the week of eps with Alan Sepinwall as the guest, he proposed in one of the minis that Arrow might be better on a cable network because then it wouldn't have to be 22 episodes. And yeah, this string of eps certainly feels unnecessary and hurts the momentum of the larger narrative. I love this show, and I usually enjoy even the lesser eps, but yeah, I can see how a 15 ep season might have allowed them to cut some fat.

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I agree with all the comments on here about these episodes being filler, not adding anything to the larger narrative, etc.  I think we are missing something though.  The EPs keep talking about doing things sooner rather than waiting.  I think they wanted to do The Promise, Suicide Squad, and Birds of Prey because they could, not because they had too many episodes to write and didn't know how to stretch it out.  They found a way to insert, however loosely, some of their favorite comic book  characters into the narrative and ran with it.  Only SS had any bearing on the finale.  They should have spent more time developing the Isabel and Slade revenge plot present day instead.


BTW, I enjoyed (not liked, but enjoyed) this episode when it originally aired.  My expectations were so low that it wasn't hard for it to be better.  I was amused by the absurdity of it all.   Sometimes it was so bad I couldn't help but laugh.  However, it is one of the episodes I skipped when rewatching.  Once was definitely enough.

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I definitely think there were several filler episodes in 2b but at the same time season 1 had the same amount of episodes and nothing felt like filler. I didn't agree with the O-L-T triangle but it didn't take away from the wonderful Undertaking.

I was disappointed with this episode because I thought I finally had a grasp on where Laurel was going and that was dark, only to feel really disappointed as the storyline carried on. Also why was Oliver all pro baby arrows when he straight up wanted to kill Helena in season 1? He almost went too soft.

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I definitely think there were several filler episodes in 2b but at the same time season 1 had the same amount of episodes and nothing felt like filler. I didn't agree with the O-L-T triangle but it didn't take away from the wonderful Undertaking.

To me, most of what happened from Heir to The Demon to Seeing Red was filler.  But I have a feeling that the EPs didn't see it that way, they thought of the episodes as stories they really wanted to tell and tell in depth.   Stephen Amell was so hyped up for The Promise as the best episode they'd done up to then and I can see his point -- it was full of action and must have been a good challenge to shoot. But for me, as a viewer, it was 45 minutes spent on something I could have have done with in 15.  Or maybe 5.


I wonder how much the perception of filler for other people, like Sepinwall, has to do with the O/D/F Team Arrow combo, and especially Diggle and Felicity,  pretty much dropping out of the picture for 8 episodes and the stories focusing on Slade and the Lance Family Drama (the latter coming from an attempt to make Laurel relevant to the show).  For Birds of Prey, I already didn't care much about Helena (she won the Worst Character in s1;s Green Arrow fansite poll), I didn't care about Laurel, and between the flashbacks and current Slade story where she was the only one who Oliver could talk to, I already had enough of Sara.  An episode focusing on Helena, Laurel and Sara was pretty much all filler for me.


If this was an attempt to get a BoP spin-off, their timing was awful.  It would have been better placed amongst a series of O/D/F Team Arrow episodes where we could appreciate the break for another storyline.

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If this was an attempt to get a BoP spin-off, their timing was awful.



It was a soft pilot, but whether the timing was awful or not depends entirely on your point of view. From the point of view of viewers and the plot, sure. From the point of view of WB execs, a soft pilot in March couldn't have been more ideal. First, if it flops, it doesn't impact sweeps. Second, networks start finalizing both fall season and mid season pickups in April/May, so having the soft pilot air at the end of March, perfect.  And speaking of April/May - when "Birds of Prey" aired in March, Constantine and Gotham hadn't been picked up yet.  WB had to confirm to any wavering Fox and NBC execs that yes, a superhero show could work even if it wasn't tied into the MCU films or focused on Stephen Amell. Thus, two episodes in a row focusing on other DC properties, airing not at all coincidentally during the negotiations for the Constantine and Gotham pickups.


So from WB's point of view, "Birds of Prey" was a spectacular success. Sure, the ratings and post-views may not have justified a spinoff, but they were good enough to get two other, more expensive, superhero shows picked up by major networks about a month later.  It's also probably very relevant that "Birds of Prey" earned comparatively decent ratings - it's the third highest rated episode for the season's second half (behind Tremors, which was another soft pilot, and Heir to the Demon), and "Suicide Squad" did well in post views. So from the overall corporate point of view, the timing could not have been better.

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Yeah, the episodes felt like filler because they didn't really contribute to the greater storyline. They weren't used wisely. I agree with @Sunshine. They should have developed Isabel and Slade in the present rather than have so much time focused on the Lance family and too much flashbacks. It's really noticeable just how much time and focus they had when you watch the episodes back to back. 

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This episode didn't have to suck so hard. But it was as if they took the wrong path at every crossroads. I don't understand why they took so long to ground and humanize Helena. And it was barely about the Birds of Prey - we didn't get to see them work together like we did the Suicide Squad. It's a complete waste of an epic episode title.

And there's no way Helena could have taken Sara in a fight. Are you kidding me? I didn't mind Jessica de Gouw as Helena, but I disliked the direction that Arrow chose for Helena. And as mentioned upthread, it became repetitive.

Helena's final scene in the jail was her best one, imo, but it's like the writers went out their way to turn the character into Faith from Angel/Buffy. It's been a square peg-round hole situation from the beginning and they finally just sawed off the corners to force Helena to be what they wanted.

But Helena and her dad were more entertaining together than I would have expected. I hope that next time we see Helena it will be to work with Sara and Felicity. Squandered opportunity otherwise.

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I share your doubts, but they were pitching it as "Young Justice" more than "Teen Titans."  Colton Haynes has a pretty solid fanbase and Tremors also had Sin and Thea.  All three of them plus a few others does sound like a fairly natural fit for a CW show - more so than Suicide Squad or Birds of Prey, really.


Anyway, someone must have seen something - we now have a Teen Titans show, even if it might not be in the Arrowverse or on the CW.

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217 (Birds of Prey) – Oliver Queen’s voiceover intro:
Oliver (voiceover): "My name is Oliver Queen. After five years on a hellish island, I have come home with only one goal-- to save my city. But to do so, I can't be the killer I once was. To honor my friend's memory, I must be someone else. I must be something else."

217 (Birds of Prey) – Felicity refers to Helena Bertinelli (AKA the Huntress) as Oliver’s “psycho ex-girlfriend”:
Diggle: "Helena Bertinelli. Daughter of mafia boss Frank Bertinelli."
Felicity: "Or as I like to call her, Oliver's psycho ex-girlfriend hell-bent on revenge against her father."
Sara: "Ex-girlfriend?"
Oliver: "That's what you took from that sentence?"
Roy: "Wait, why does she want her father killed so badly?"
Oliver: "He had her fiancé murdered. She wants payback."
Sara: "Puts the many fights I've had with my father in perspective."
Felicity: "I've been keeping tabs on Helena over the past year. Last known sighting was a month ago. Palermo."
Roy: "She's been busy."
Felicity: "If by 'busy,' you mean torturing and killing mafiosos that might know where her father is."
Diggle: "Bertinelli's arrest just hit the wires. How long do you think we have before Helena books a ticket back home?"

217 (Birds of Prey) - Laurel attends an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting; and ADA Adam Donner offers Laurel her old job back:
Laurel: "Hello. My name's Laurel. I'm an alcoholic.
Group: "Hello, Laurel."
Laurel: "And this is actually my second meeting today. It's just, uh - it's just so hard because I don't know what to do with myself all day. I'm a lawyer - I was a lawyer. I loved it. But, I guess, I loved drinking more. I know I can make it down here with all of you. I just - I'm not sure I can make it out there. (Big sigh) Anyway. Thank you for letting me share."
(Laurel's phone rings. It's a call from Adam Donner.)
*  *  *
Adam: "Thanks for coming. Sorry about the way things ended here."
Laurel: "No, don't be. You did me a favor, Adam. It was the only way I was gonna hit bottom and... and I did."
Adam: "How about you do me a favor now? Come back to work."
Laurel: "You want me back?"
Adam: "I'm looking for someone to try this case that just came in and, honestly, yours was the first name that came to mind."
Laurel: "I'm still facing sanctions from the Bar."
Adam: "I got a buddy on the Disciplinary Committee. I squared things for you. An SCPD raid last night brought in Frank Bertinelli. Came back to Starling to collect some old debts. Now the D.A.'s Office is cleared to prosecute him - for you to prosecute him."
Laurel: "I appreciate the offer, Adam, but why me?"
Adam: "Well, there are RICO counts that your time at CNRI make you ideally suited for. Laurel, it's a case. If you want it, it's yours. But only if you're ready."

217 (Birds of Prey) – Felicity helps Oliver track Helena:
Oliver: “Hey, what's going on?”
Felicity: “I got a line on Michael Statton - Helena's fiancé.”
Diggle: “Felicity, he's been dead for five years.”
Felicity: “Which makes the fact that he rented a car last night very impressive.”
Oliver: “That's Helena.”
Felicity: “The car's got GPS, I hacked into it. Yeah. She's heading straight for Starling City.”

217 (Birds of Prey) – Felicity takes a jab at frat boys:
Felicity: "According to the SCPD, the guy that gave Helena a ride into town is a 22-year-old Poli Sci major at SCU, and a member of Gamma Tau, which totally explains the whole 'I didn't know I was aiding and abetting a known felon' thing. Anyone with boobs can get a frat boy to do anything."
Oliver: "I was a frat boy."
Felicity: "I rest my case."
Diggle: "At least she didn't kill him. That's something."
Oliver: "It's not like Helena to show restraint."
Sara: "It sounds like you have a type."
Oliver: "Keep tabs on the police. Let me know if they get any leads on her."

217 (Birds of Prey) - Team Arrow hears news about Laurel on TV; and a concerned Sara pays Laurel a visit:
(Oliver, Sara, Diggle and Felicity are in the Foundry.)
Felicity: "Laurel."
News Announcer (on TV): "ADA Adam Donner announced the return of Laurel Lance to the D.A.'s office after a brief sabbatical. She will lead the prosecution of Mr. Bertinelli. Jury selection starts today."
*  *  *
Sara: “Hey.”
Laurel: “Hey. What are you doing here?”
Sara: “I heard you picked up some big new case on the news. How come you didn't call me?”
Laurel: “I was going to, but it all happened so fast. Plus, I thought you and Dad would try and talk me out of going back to work so soon. Which is why you're here."
Sara: "I'm just worried about you."
Laurel: "If you're worried I'm going to slip, I'm still going to two meetings a day, and –“
Sara: “Laurel, it's not that. Everybody knows what kind of guy Bertinelli is. And not to mention his completely psychotic daughter, who's already on her way back to Starling City to kill him.”
Laurel: “How do you know that?”
Sara: “I don't. I just want you to be safe.”
Laurel: “And I love you for caring. But Sara, you've never seen me be a lawyer before. And I am really good at it. And I miss it. I have to run. I can't be late for court.”

217 (Birds of Prey) – After Oliver and Sara have a disagreement about using non-lethal arrows to take down Helena:
Sara: “What do you guys think?”
Felicity: “Oh, I think if the Huntress shows up, you should totally kick her ass.” (Diggle nods in agreement.)

217 (Birds of Prey) – Keeping track of who knows Oliver’s secret identity is confusing even for Felicity:
Felicity: "Oliver, where are you? Are you okay?"
Oliver: "I'm with Lance as Oliver, and he just called the Arrow." 
Felicity: "Oh. Oh! It's getting really hard to keep track of who knows whose secret identity."

217 (Birds of Prey) - Helena Bertinelli AKA The Huntress attacks when her father is brought to the courthouse for his trial (per script):



217 (Birds of Prey) – As one of the Huntress’s hostages inside the Starling City Courthouse, Laurel tries to talk down Helena:
Laurel: “We talked that night. You, Oliver, Tommy, and I. At dinner. I remember you telling me your fiancé was killed. I'm so sorry.”
Helena: “Does this make us girlfriends?”
Laurel: “No. But I know what it's like to lose someone.”
Helena: “Ohh. Poor Laurel. Did Tommy dump you?”
Laurel: “No. He died. And I couldn't deal with it. So I became a drunk. Every problem I had, I solved with a pill or a drink. My friends and my family, they tried to help me, but I wouldn't let them. You don't have to do this, Helena. It's not too late.”
Helena: “Yes, I do. Because once you let the darkness inside, it never comes out.”

217 (Birds of Prey) - Oliver and Sara save Laurel, who's being held hostage by Helena; and Laurel stops Sara from killing Helena (per script):



217 (Birds of Prey) - Laurel blackmails D.A. Kate Spencer into giving her her old job back on a permanent basis:
Kate: "Look, on behalf of the entire D.A.'s Office, I have to apologize. Adam Donner's employment here has been terminated. Obviously, we had no idea what he was plotting."
Laurel: "I would hope not."
Kate: "Unfortunately, Adam was not authorized to offer you your job back. I'm sorry, but nothing has changed."
Laurel: "Yes, it has."
Kate: "Excuse me."
Laurel: "You are going to rehire me, Kate, unless you feel like explaining to the press that your own Assistant District Attorney was the brilliant mastermind behind tonight's hostage crisis."
Kate: "Welcome back... I have to say, I’m impressed. I would have thought blackmail was a little dark for you."
Laurel: "Someone recently told me, once you let the darkness inside, it never comes out."

Edited by tv echo
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