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Halloween Wars - General Discussion

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Perhaps with all of the teams they simply didn't have time to do two competitions...or if they did they didn't have time to show it.  Giving all of the teams screen time while they did their work was definitely a lot!  I had trouble keeping up with what team was doing what.

Or maybe that's just me...LOL!

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11 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

'm dying to know why the Snack Sabbath team had to drop out.  I hope the bakers/carvers will be invited back for future seasons.

I just read it was covid. One member tested positive, then the other two tested positive soon after. 

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The right team went home.  I'm sorry to lose the French guy but I haven't liked the woman since the "Road to....." show when she interviewed.  I'm rooting for Dean's team all the way.

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I was impressed with the displays this week.  I really loved both the Witch's Kambucha Kafe and the Creature from the Black Lagoon.  The work was detailed, beautifully carved and sculpted, and neat.  

I wouldn't have enjoyed working with some of those umami elements in the tasting element.  Some teams put a lot more effort into their tasting element than others.  For example, a handmade croissant with jam vs a jelly drop.

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No small scare again, guess that was just for qualifying.  Boo.

I love how that one guy dismissed doing a werewolf “because everyone will think of that” so they did the oh-so-original … vampire.

Although the werewolf team went home, so what do I know.

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I wish they would pick a winner each week. All the teams did a good job. But I loved the backdrop and Victorian dress of the tea party. That was amazing. Sock hop was good. Luau should have done a grass skirt. Marti Gras did have an odd color for their building. But that one zombie was so tall.

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I think that was a foregone conclusion. The best 2 teams are in the finale. Glad Lori got validation of her tasting element. Dean was so dismissive of her efforts. He was the reason I rooted against that team, he was always telling them to hurray up and calling them girls. The all female team really stepped up and seem to be the favorites. I'll be good with either team winning since I like Nils.

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7 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Was it just me or was the voiceover explanation of why the eliminated team was eliminated not Jonathan's voice? 

I remember thinking that something sounded as if it was edited afterward, but I don't remember whether it still sounded like Jonathan's voice. 

It was nice to see the small scare again.  The infomercial Vampire Expire presentation was silly but fun. This whole season has a better sense of fun. Jonathan's return is a big part of that, of course, but even the teams feel more cohesive and invested.

The Nosferatu vampire face was fantastic.

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1 hour ago, ElleryAnne said:

It was nice to see the small scare again.  The infomercial Vampire Expire presentation was silly but fun. This whole season has a better sense of fun. Jonathan's return is a big part of that, of course, but even the teams feel more cohesive and invested.

The Nosferatu vampire face was fantastic.

I am really enjoying this season more than in the past and many of us know the reason why! 

Yes, that Nosferatu was a work of art! 

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 That explanation was definitely looped in in post production.  I thought it sounded like Jonathan but that he was shouting it for some reason.  Something was definitely off there. 

 I don't know why they were making such a big deal about how draining the small scare is.  Teams did it for a decade before all the recent changes and it was part and parcel of the show.   This season still feels a little wonky with elements dropping in and out at random (the "house" delivering challenges, the small scare).   


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I've always liked Dean so I was sorry to see him leave but I have to admit that it was the right decision.  I like Nils too so now I hope his team wins.  The all-women team did a great job this time but they've had some clunkers so I guess the finale will be anyone's game.

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It's been such a joy this season to have Jonathan back. And we have a more mature version, he's not being asked to do those juvenile shticks. Too bad he couldn't stick around for the Holiday show. Shinmin's earrings were gorgeous. Her outfit didn't quite measure up. Both displays were awesome. I couldn't tell which one would win. The witch was scarier but the octopus was definitely in an attic.

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Those were both great pieces, but I think my favorite part of the episode was the one competitor anticipating a critique from Aarti and Shinmin and mimicking their style: "I wish we would have seen..." It's been a great season, but I'm glad to have a brief break from them reacting like someone's been shot.

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I personally thought the other team had the better presentation, not to mention did not receiving the criticism on their tasting element.  I do think the judges really loved the pumpkin carver for the winning team and that might have tipped in their favor, plus that witch coming out of the wall was pretty amazing.

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Yes, the face on that witch was great. Very "The Ring" kind of thing.  The knitting basket and yarn were great, too.  At a glance, I'd never have thought those were pumpkin.  I thought both teams did pretty well, though neither display would rank in my top 10 of all Halloween Wars pieces.  Still, they were generally decent and it made for a good finale.

Overall, it's just been such a good season, with Jonathan Bennett's return, and good displays, and tasting elements and some small scares. I would still like them to get back to the old kitchens and for someone to tell the judges not to wander around talking to the teams during their work giving tips and hints, but I've definitely been happy with the show this year. 

Edited by ElleryAnne
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I was glad Spice Ghouls won.  I really like Theresa from that team so am happy for her.  I thought the witch coming out of the wall was more Halloween than an octopus, and was frightening!  I liked the two guys from the other team though.

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 Both pieces were good but I agree not the most memorable pieces of a finale or even this season.   I still remember the first season when they turned that Atlantic Giant into some hell beast that a pumpkin devil was riding.   

 I am really sick of the "omigosh that's so risky....aaaaaaa it's going to fall!!"   Like take an effing Xanax ladies, it's sugar not cocaine.   I also wish they'd stop have the judges go into the kitchens.  I don't like them distracting them but i really, really hate them offering critiques and advice.   They need to do the work on their own, then get judged.  What's next, are the loser going to get participation awards on the way out?

 Jonathan being back is a huge help but they still need to fix the judging panel.   Aarti's ok but I don't like her here.  She's not a pastry chef, sugar artist and doesn't have a background in horror.   If if they don't bring back the rotating third judge they need to bring back Todd or someone in the same vein as his predecessors. 

 Also, they really need to stop with the randomness of the small scare.  I have no idea what the point is of just including it whenever.  


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This season was definitely more enjoyable than the past few seasons. I agree with all of you.  It was delightful to have Jonathan back and I wish he were doing Holiday Wars. I cannot stand Mauro. The quality of presentations was pretty good but we will never see the glory of seasons 1-5 again. Yes, Aarti needs to be replaced with someone in the horror industry. I think I’ve mentioned it before but you can find the early, superb seasons easily on the web!

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Halloween Wars is coming back for 2024 on September 22nd.  Sounds like this year will be eight teams, and two qualifying rounds.  Six of the eight teams move into the regular challenges.

This year's twist is apparently that each team will be captained by a former champion. 

Jonathan Bennett is back (yay!!!), and so is Shinmin Li (also yay!).  Aarti Sequeira is also back.

Halloween Daily News article about this season's Food Network lineup.

Season 14 Episodes titles and descriptions (still incomplete), on Food Network page.


Edited by ElleryAnne
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In the intro show basically everyone made sure to mention how long they’ve been with their partner which is weird.

Reva seemed not nice, so it’s not a bad thing for her team to have been bounced.  That cat was really bad though.

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I am happy this show is back. It's starting to look more like the original show with a tasting element instead of cake and larger displays.  I sort of miss the small scare but maybe they decided to give the teams more time on the main event.  

I wonder why they dropped Eddie.  I like Aarti but I've never thought she's the best fit for this show.  ShinMin is the baking expert.  They need a second or third judge who has more to do with horror or stage sets or something like that - Todd or the other guy whose name I can't remember right now.

I've always liked Al so I was glad to see him.  I've never liked Reva so I was happy to see her leave.  I don't really remember any of the other leaders even though I recognized their displays when they flashed them on screen.  The woman who was threatening to have a meltdown can go any time.

I remembered Jonathan (the contestant) right away.  He was on the first or second season of the Halloween Baking Show and came in second.  He was my favorite and I was disappointed when he didn't win.  I hope he does well.  I'm glad Jonathan Bennett is back too.



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2 hours ago, Rammchick said:

Do they have a requirement to make a large number of the tasting element (and did I have a brain fart and just forget)?  I realized from these episodes that they seem to make many more than they need.

I've wondered the same thing for years.  They need only one for each judge, one for the beauty shot and maybe a few extra in case of some disaster but they always make a couple dozen.  

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