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S07.E04: Poor Little Lamb

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I think if Jury ratted 'em out to the Chinese, that was the best way to handle it. Look what THEY lost. If they knew Jury knew, the Sons probably would have killed him before he could form a plan of retaliation.

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If that boy was supposed to be Jury's son, and assuming that Jury turned on the SOA due to them killing him, it really doesn't make sense that Jury wouldn't have just said who the boy was.  Except for plot, which is a bullshit reason.  There seems to be no reason Jury would keep it quiet.  Unless the boy was his lover.  Even still, Jury could have made up some story to relay enough info to let them know this kid was important to him rather than just saying that they were random muscle he met somewhere.

When Jury went into the house to find the two murdered men, there was a shot of him holding one of them in his arms and looking at the kid's dog tags. Jury is a Vet as well, so those two may have been quite close and bonded through their Vet status and Jury maybe very much viewed him as a son. That was just my take on  it anyway.


It certainly wouldn't surprise me if Jury rated them out given his reaction to the kid's death. I'm not sure who else would have done it except for maybe Taylor?Tyler? whatever the name is of the guy that's the head of the 19ers. I can't remember how much he knew about what Jax and the club were doing to harm Lin and the Chinese but I thought he knew something about the guns?

Edited by Rapunzel
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Paraphrasing the Sheriff: "What if that ice cream shoppe had been full of kids??"



"Eh, everybody seems to have written off that school shooting at this point, so..."


Of course considering they were all just blown up the rest of the dialogue really should have gone "WHAT? WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU, MY EARDRUMS HAVE RUPTURED!"

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Did the lads have new rides in this ep?


This brings up a real world question I have had for awhile:  If you are a Harley dealer and a notorious club decides it wants to buy goods from you, what do you do?   Is there some code amongst MC's that you do not mess with bike dealers and that you do treat them well?  


I am so not looking forward to Juice's "redemption."  He killed his own.  I get that Clay really messed with him.  I do.  However, Juice knew he was literally dead wrong.


I very much enjoyed the reminder that Gemma is a supreme racist.  She was consistent with Althea in that she always sought to establish some kind of superiority with any LE she came across.  At a minimum, she never failed to establish that they could never, ever, get her to do something she didn't want to do.  She may have bent on occasion, but she always showed fierceness on first encounters.


August got his signature, so maybe - just maybe - this is how Sutter will justify a 180 for Jax as he desperately needs any ally, any ally, and turns to August for back-up.

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Could someone decipher for me the meaning of the opening conversation between Jax and Marilyn??

Jax wanted to sell the heroin he stole to white supremacist club since they deal regularly with the stuff and he was willing to sell it at a bargain price, just to get it off their hands.  They kept talking about dog food instead of drugs because the cops would NEVER figure that out.  Then again, it didn't matter -- Marilyn had "bought" the room so no one was listening in anyway.  He just wanted to talk about dogs.  


BTW, I think the drugs are still in the storage compartment of Chibbs' bike, which is god knows where right now since Chibbs is driving the lady sherif home in her cruiser.  I'm betting that's not a good thread to have left hanging loose.

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Guest Accused Dingo
Umm yeah, Grandma's also a racist ( her comment toward the sherrif, ugh)



Moving  my response  to the Gemma Thread.    

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Was Abel physically picked up by Courtney Love? Um...isn't that putting the child actor in danger of a drug overdose? You know, contact high and whatnot?

Doubt it'll amount to anything, but Gemma physically threatening another parent is tres stupid. I had a parent do that to me once in the parking lot at my daughter's grade school. I reported him to the school administration along with his license plate number. Now I don't know what was said after that, but I do know that I didn't see the guy in question back at that school for literally a month and when he DID show up, he went out of his way to avoid and ignore me. My point is that there could be legal repercussions from this that neither Tara nor the club would want. They just can't keep beating the shit out of every civilian who irritates them.

Meanwhile, we have two LEOs killed and third one on death's door in a matter of weeks. In the real world, the FBI and possibly National Guard would be out there. But in Sutter's world, we'll probably get nothing more than a lot of frowny faces and solemn declarations by Sheriff Jarry.

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Was anyone else bothered by Mommy Fetish scene between Jax and Gemma and how almost carefree Jax seemed? His smile was beaming throughout it and  they had this joking dynamic going on that just seemed so out of place given the time frame of Tara’s death. I just remember how deeply Opie was effected by Donna’s death and how the man seemed to carry the weight of her loss so heavily. I could be wrong, but I don’t remember one “playful” scene Opie had so soon after the loss of his wife. I guess we are to presume Jax didn't really love Tara as much as he said?

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That homeless woman made in appearance in last season's finale. She watched Juice throw out the evidence from Tara's murder. I think she is important. One, I think she witnessed JT's death and knows Gemma and Clay were responsible. I think she's the "dead mother" of that young crazy girl from last season who threw a rock through the window of the ice cream shop. That girl's mother "died" in the same accident that killed JT, but for whatever reason, I don't think she really died. I think she faked her death and now wanders the streets of Charming as a homeless woman but she's really keeping tabs on JT's son Jax. I know that's a crazy theory. But even if that's all bullshit, and she knows nothing about JT, she did witness Juice throwing out the murder weapon and other evidence from Tara and Roosevelt's murder, so she has to be important somehow. She's been on the show every season as far as I can remember. And she shows up in the oddest places. It's like she is Jax's guardian angel.

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I now think the sole purpose of the show is so Gemma can be the badest bad ass that ever lived. I was just so pissed off that she can walk up to a car at Abel's school and make her stupid threats. That everyone in the world is just so scared of her is just annoying me. Yes of course if the mother reported her, Gemma would send Jax to beat her up. 


Can't imagine the new Sheriff having any interest in Chibs. To us, I guess he is one of the least objectional of the morons, but to her he would be a greasy, criminal. Also can't see him having any interest in her.


Tired of seeing endless scenes of Juice hiding out I actually liked Juice up until last season, and I still wish he could drop the dime on Gemma and disappear.. Of course, Gemma is going to kill him, she is all powerful. I'm also thinking the club will have Unser take out the cop who was shot and in the hospital. I didn't feel a thing for the whore house murders, cause anyone who is involved with the sons must be complete idiots. 


Are the only working businesses in Charming the whore house and the drug trade? You would think they would make national news for the sheer body count and the fact that there appear to be very few everyday citizens. And why is Courtney Love at Able's school? I get it that people what to make cameos (or more) in the last season, but are we supposed to think she is a new love interest for Jax? Yes, I am bitter about this show. The only people I hope stay alive are Abel and Thomas and Nero, maybe Wendy.

Edited by Madding crowd
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Was anyone else bothered by Mommy Fetish scene between Jax and Gemma and how almost carefree Jax seemed? His smile was beaming throughout it and  they had this joking dynamic going on that just seemed so out of place given the time frame of Tara’s death. I

He seemed lighter in a sense through the entire episode, the Venus/Tig stuff he was also amused with and joking about. I don't think it was just the Gemma interaction. 

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What a bunch of idgits. I kept yelling at the TV, "When are you guys going to realize that you're not very good at this?!" "Now?" "How about now?" Nope.


I thought Venus was annoying last time around, and she's annoying this time around. I don't need them to bring in a lot of new and/or tertiary characters for these final episodes.

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I now think the sole purpose of the show is so Gemma can be the badest bad ass that ever lived. I was just so pissed off that she can walk up to a car at Abel's school and make her stupid threats. That everyone in the world is just so scared of her is just annoying me. Yes of course if the mother reported her, Gemma would send Jax to beat her up.

This!  I guess I have no faith in Sutter and I think he thinks that Gemma is the best Mom ever. She's so horrible that I really hope I'm wrong and that she gets her comeuppance.  After all he allowed Otto to meet his maker, so I'm hoping he will do the same for Gemma. 

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That everyone in the world is terrified of Gemma is no problem for me.  I would be terrified of her.  She killed her daughter-in-law and mother of her grandchildren with a BBQ FORK TO THE BASE OF THE SKULL.  [blank stare]


So, even if I didn't know she'd done that -- I would have figured out she was capable of it a long time ago.  Even if only by the  Evil Karmic Vibes that must emanate off her body like tsunamis.

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That everyone in the world is terrified of Gemma is no problem for me.  I would be terrified of her.  She killed her daughter-in-law and mother of her grandchildren with a BBQ FORK TO THE BASE OF THE SKULL.  [blank stare]



Honestly, that's her lesser evil. That happened in the heat of the moment. The scarier issue is that she manipulates the dumb asses around her to do what she wants. That way she doesn't get her hands dirty. This show has often been called "The Sopranos with motorcycles," and just like with Tony Soprano, once you know Gemma - doesn't matter if it is in a good way or a bad way  - your life goes to hell.

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Point well made and taken.  Gemma is a horror all the way around.  (I don't remember -- other than playing on Hamlet's Mommy- complex, was Gertrude a manipulative monster?  I thought she was just another dupe to Hamlet's unbalanced mind.)


The most recent example of her amazing ability to manipulate people (especially men) down into their own personal Hell is poor Nero.  That slob.  (At least in my opinion.  Nero seems to want to be a Good Guy.  Jax I have no sympathy for.  None.  Bupkiss.)


God, I love this show.  Did I mention that?  When it returned with all the graphic violence, I laughed at every commercial break because I'd say out loud to the cats, "Welcome back, Show.  I missed you."

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I so wish I hadn't missed the "Sopranos".

If you have Amazon Prime, all six seasons are available for free streaming. Dig in!


SAMCRO is the most ineffective gang of all time lol.

In the real world, definitely. Their actions would have turned Charming into some kind of National Guard-controlled martial law zone by now and landed half of them on Death Row and rest of them deluxe lifetime accommodations in either Pelican Bay or San Quentin.
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Was I the only one that was confused with the cop that was shot and survived? I thought it was the new sheriff but ended up being another cop.  What made that cop see the SONs roll by and want to follow them? I remember her recognizing them and saying their names and that's why they follow them. That had me thinking it was the new Sheriff.

The cop that survived was the blonde cop who went to the brothel as back up for the sheriff. Sheriff told them to find Jax and Chibs but to keep it off the radio which is why she didn't call it in right away. That said do they not have cell phones?


And re Girl Power: Sutter Style, let's not forget that "girls can't do maths". SO HIGH-LARIOUS and SO original!! Next week, one surviving hooker tries to change a tire.


I would say it is less a comment on girls in general can't do math and more one about girls who have to work in a brothel run by Samcro probably aren't to bright. That said anyone who chooses to do business with SAMCRO probably isn't too bright.


Meanwhile, we have two LEOs killed and third one on death's door in a matter of weeks. In the real world, the FBI and possibly National Guard would be out there. But in Sutter's world, we'll probably get nothing more than a lot of frowny faces and solemn declarations by Sheriff Jarry.

The whole thing with the amount of crime in Charming and the area makes no sense. I mean highlights from the past few years in Charming include a school shooting, a massacre in a brothel (have to assume that some of the clients would be important), 2 shot sheriff deputies, an actual dead sheriff, a dead ATF agent, a dead deputy police chief, a blown up club house, and now a blown ice cream shop. How have they not declared the town a state of emergency and just added like military check points or something. Hell just send have a couple of cop cars follow Jax around 24/7 and crime would probably drop 50%. 


Not to mention the brutal unsolved murder of an attractive white baby doctor, married to an organized crime boss is the kind of thing that would make national news. Wolf Blitzer or Nancy Grace would be talking about it every night until after someone was convicted. 

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Girl Power: Sutter Style, let's not forget that "girls can't do maths". SO HIGH-LARIOUS and SO original!! Next week, one surviving hooker tries to change a tire.


It even extended to the policewoman, who ran away from her patrol car willy nilly, shrieking and arms flailing, instead defending herself or calling it in.

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I think I need time to reflect on how much I hate the SoA for being so horrified when bad shit happens to their investments and/or people they know and/or care about.


Like, they go and shoot up rival gang members and fuck up other gang's deals all the damned time. So, do they somehow think that they should be the only ones who deal out retribution and hurt business prospects? What the fuck world are these idiots living in? Frankly, I'm amazed that the porn studio didn't get hit too...that's another investment of the Sons.

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