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S07.E10: Scared Silly


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From the recap:

Dina's tornado clown ... doesn't blow me away,


I see what you did there.


To stretch the contestants' creativity, I wish the assignment had been to design clowns that weren't creepy. That would have been a challenge. I'm not a fan of clowns.

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From the recap:

I see what you did there.


To stretch the contestants' creativity, I wish the assignment had been to design clowns that weren't creepy. That would have been a challenge. I'm not a fan of clowns.



That would have been impossible because all clowns are creepy evil things.  

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FWIW, my grandparents came from Friesland and my mom and aunt both had porcelain dolls. They did indeed have the holes in the head for the hair, so perhaps it's something more scarce to find, or maybe it was only done during a certain time period, or region.

The holes would weaken the head, making them easier to break, so less likely to survive to be found later. Doll makers that weren't very skilled might have considered them too fragile to make.

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Yeah, not a fan of that doll, precisely because Sasha didn't set up to fulfill the parameters of the challenge, but rather went ahead, did a porcelain doll, and added limited touches of make-up afterwise to fulfill the clown quota.


Not saying that it wasn't deserving of a top 3, cos it was. But a win ? Nope.


As for the bottom looks, George's worm-clown should have been an instant worst look.

Edited by Kaoteek
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We live in the Chicago area and my son took a class last summer from Anthony Kosart. He won Face Off season..? It was a really cool experience for him and Dina was one of the people that assisted him in the class so we are rooting for her.

I think someone else will win though, they have a lot of talented people this year!

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I agree that Sasha's doll should have been found to not fullfill the premise of the challenge. The clown elements were minimal and more afterthoughts than anything. It did not look very creepy to me; it was simply a strange looking doll with a few cracks added. I suppose the judges were impressed by the technical skills involved and it also allowed them to present this as a validation of using the Save on Sasha (I think it was Glenn who said words to that effect).


It also afforded her another opportunity to engage in her usual girly and immature reactions after the critique and win.

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As for the bottom looks, George's worm-clown should have been an instant worst look.

While I love his personality.. yeah, George put out by far the worst make up this week in all ways. Technical, concept, meeting the challenge, it was just bad on all fronts.

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