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S03.E07: Together

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As the school year comes to an end and the students begin thinking about their futures, Charlie and Nick struggle to find a moment alone together.


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I was honestly surprised that any of the parents were going to be okay with a sleepover. In my generation, anybody having sex was doing it in a car or outside somewhere or when parents were out of town or unaware. I truly hope things have changed and this was a true portrayal of parental non-freaked-out-ness.

I wanted to know where/when Michael thought they should do it, since he kept saying their idea of a sleepover was not necessary. They seem to be using him as comic relief, which I find exploitive, instead of developing his character more. Is he just awkward, or is he neuroatypical, or what's the deal? Just like with Tori, I like him and I want to know more.

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