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So many thoughts.

I finally figured out that Kevin/Keisha’s mom, Nina, has a new girlfriend (Dre). She is not the same character from previous seasons. The last girlfriend worked at the post office (I think). I understand Nina’s grief, but she was hasty to kick Dre out. Of course she is the first person she calls when Keisha was found.

The range of emotions on Kevin this episode—mad at old girl for putting his business in the street, but still likes her. Bout to get some, then gets busted by her dad. Fear of having to explain to the dad about trying to get some, then finds out his sister is alive. Thanking the man who found his sister who also happens to be the man you saw murder someone. Kevin and Keisha will both need therapy  

Emmitt is stupid and needs to grow up. 

I too hope the Ronnie redemption tour is over as I am over it. 

Poppa is my favorite character, but how did he get out of his Dad’s office with all his teeth after calling him out? 

Don’t  care about Jake, Douda, Kandi (or whatever her character’s name is) and that whole running for mayor storyline. 

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2 hours ago, DiabLOL said:

So Kevin's mom kicks out her wife and packs her belongings in a bag: a strap on dildo, what appears to be other sexual paraphernalia and Lacy underthings?

Then the wife is seamlessly back in the hospital once Kiesha is found? That's it?

For real?  I must not have been paying attention.  Guess it's a way to be edgy, show what's important in a lesbian marriage.

OK so they finally finished the season-long abduction plot.  They needed a long story arc to structure the season but it doesn't seem well-planned.

Until this episode, they didn't explicitly show that Keisha had been raped.  Instead it was this creepy guy brushing, cutting and kissing her hair.  Of course this was his high school dream girl replacement or whatever.

What did this subplot accomplish, other than filling time?  Well they could do a PSA about how dangerous it is in the hood or maybe more specific like girls shouldn't go out there alone in some neighborhoods because there's a lot of opportunistic crime.

Unless this abductor had targeted her for some time and grabbed her when he saw his chance.  They don't show that though.

Sure they showed a bit of how Keisha's abduction put severe stresses on the family, almost leading to a break up of the new marriage.  Kevin was unhappy but he essentially was back to living his life like he would have otherwise.

But what little they showed of the effects on her family wasn't that well done.

Emmet banging his business partner, that would have been the first two seasons.  He supposedly made this big commitment to his current baby momma and he throws that away?  Of course it doesn't bode well for the business arrangement lasting.

Douda just beat a man, probably to death, the other episode and now he's on the verge of being elected mayor?  Or at least getting the black community support all to himself?  Douda's life is nothing like the black people depicted on the show.  They're going to back him because he gave out some free pizzas here and there?



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Ya'll don't even know how skeeved out I was watching that kidnapper in bed with Keisha.

I'm with Nina.  Dre would have to get out if I told her to leave my child's belongings alone and she took it upon herself to pack my daughter's stuff up.  

Was there really a pristine crowbar awaiting Ronnie to break into the back door?   

I was not ready to see Kev and his girlfriend get busy.  Dad broke that shit up with the quickness.  Go Dad.

Kandi is still terrible.

LaLa looks old enough to be Emmet's mom.  And really Emmet?  Raw dog on the kitchen counter?  Sigh.

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Finally Keisha is free thank fuck. I hope she killed that creep.

Nina packs her wife’s dildo? Lol what an odd scene.

I like the Douda and Jake SL but Kandi isn’t a great actress. I think Douda has crafted this image of himself that I guess everyone is buying.

i was going to FF if we had to watch Kevin and his girlfriend hook up so I’m glad the dad broke it up lol.

Of course Emmett hangs the chef chick I knew it was going to happen from the beginning. So stupid tho. They just start fucking in the kitchen of a job they just finished? I was hoping the guy would walk back in and take back his business offer. I hope that Vick gets pregnant. Lol that sounds bad but this is such a stupid SL at this point. What does Emmett even really bring to the table in this business they are starting. I guess he takes orders lol.

I don’t like Jadas new guy. Why is he offering an opinion on her son. You w been dating like a couple months? Fuck off guy.


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The actor playing Kevin is so good.  He gets difficult storylines and plays them beautifully.

I seriously hope Ronnie now joins his friends in not Chicago.  They have done everything they can with the character.

How TF is Douda big, bad, evil gangster and in the running for mayor of Chicago?  I am not naïve enough to think all mayors are great human beings, but he is a murderer and a sloppy one at that.  He's not going to keep that side of his personality in check.  

I could not see Dre saying, "It's been two months. Time to pack up her stuff."  Seriously, two months.  Not two years.  

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15 hours ago, Marley said:

I don’t like Jadas new guy. Why is he offering an opinion on her son. You w been dating like a couple months? Fuck off guy.

He’s right, though. It’s tacky as hell for them to be lazing all over furniture they didn’t pay for and having her place a mess. They’re not motivated to move out because they don’t have to be. She needs to start charging them rent. Not much, but something. I heard a financial advisor say parents should charge their adult children 25% of their take-home pay.

I also don’t buy that Emmett would go behind Sonny’s back like that. I DO buy that he would fuck LaLa (who, yet and still, can’t act.

Keisha has so much work ahead of her in order to be healthy again. Seeing her in bed with her captor (when they showed him getting out of bed, I thought “if they show his bare ass, I will lose it”) so that it was made plain what she was going through, and then seeing her lose hope with that noose, and then seeing her scared of Ronnie because she didn’t know if she could trust him ... oh, that was so hard. I’m so glad she’s home but she’s far from okay.

I’m not ready to see Kevin having sex.

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Jadas guy is right Emmett and his lady are bums lol but I don’t think he has a right to be rude about it and almost get mad at Jada for it. She’s not an idiot and knows how Emmett is she doesn’t need this random judging her for it.

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Yeah. Emmett going behind Sonny’s back like that was out of character. And, although not out of character, it was lazy writing for the woman to predict Emmett would cheat and then he cheats.

Waithe is not a good actor.

I agree that the young man playing Kevin is a good actor. I also think the actors playing Jake and Poppa are consistently getting better. And just because I am always citing who is acting poorly, I will say that I think the actors portraying Keisha, Emmett, and Tiffany are ok too.

I am ok with Jada’s new guy offering advice but he was a bit too judgmental to be that new. I like them together though. I am team Nina when she was kicking Dre out though. Dre made it seem as if Keisha was gone for two years and not two months.


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18 minutes ago, Enigma X said:

I am team Nina when she was kicking Dre out though. Dre made it seem as if Keisha was gone for two years and not two months.

Yeah. And then complaining about Nina's grief, how she sits in Keisha's room every day ... like, her child is missing. Even if Keisha was dead, two months is still too early for the "you need to try to function again" talk, especially when it's your child. 

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Team Nina here too Dre totally overstepped. Plus like others says it’s been 2 months! A friend of mine killed himself a few years ago and the mom still isn’t the same. Dre was being a dumb bitch. Also I still don’t know why Dre was just brought in and married to the mom in episode 1. I guess the other actress left but couldn’t Nina have just been single? I can’t just instantly care about a character I know nothing about.

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I can't imagine giving anyone a time limit on their grief ever nor would I tolerate it from anyone else either. 

Lena Waithe can't act at all. It's so distracting. She can't even deliver a single line adequately. I'm sure there are perfectly good actors out there who could use the work! 

Edited by DiabLOL
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On 8/3/2020 at 4:59 PM, Empress1 said:

Yeah. And then complaining about Nina's grief, how she sits in Keisha's room every day ... like, her child is missing. Even if Keisha was dead, two months is still too early for the "you need to try to function again" talk, especially when it's your child. 

I mean, how dare Nina be upset about her daughter being missing and possibly dead! Its time to pack her shit up and move on! Get it together Nina!

Seriously, that was a terrible thing to say, losing a child isn't something you just shrug off, especially if the child is missing and you dont know what happened, and two months? Two months is nothing! Her child is missing! Of course she is heartbroken! No wonder Nina was about to throw Dre out (including her dildo!) especially after she tried to guilt Nina about her grief. I hope they at least put all of poor Keisha's stuff back, it wont make her feel much better thinking that her family had already moved on after only a few months. 

I always get bored with this show, then I end up getting pulled back in. 

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S3.E8: Frunchroom


Kiesha remains trapped in her own personal nightmare while Kevin, Nina and Dre worry about the future; Ronnie hopes to be absolved of his past transgressions.


Just like you left it:

Does it get better?

Original air date: 8/9/20

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Normally I'm not a fan of bottle episodes but this one worked for me because I appreciated that they weren't going to just gloss over what happened to Kiesha and have everything go back to normal. When someone experiences major trauma, there are repercussions for the survivor as well as those in her immediate circle. It's typical to have the parents arguing about how to deal with it so that was realistic as well.

As obvious as it is to anyone with a brain that what happened to her was absolutely not her fault in any way, rape/assault/kidnap victims often need to be told explicitly and repeatedly that it was not their fault. No one is to blame but the perpetrator. As Nina pointed out, you can walk down the street naked and that doesn't give anyone the right to put their hands on you.

The one thing that annoyed me was everyone just assuming that Stanford pulling Kiesha's track scholarship meant that going there was no longer an option. Stanford is a private school with a huge endowment and plenty of wealthy alumni. If Kiesha or her mom contacted the school and told them what happened, the school could easily provide a non-track scholarship for her and let her be a walk on. Private schools charge so much tuition that it is well within their power to just waive tuition for one student or ask one donor to create a special scholarship.

Honestly, I don't know if Kiesha is ready to be on her own without a support system around her yet, but I think it's worth exploring her options at Stanford. That might be the light at the end of the tunnel that motivates her to open up in therapy so that she can heal and get the hell out of her neighborhood.

One thing I enjoyed about this episode was Kiesha and Emmett. There is something about the relationship between two exes who know each other and aren't afraid to call each other on their shit that I love. He bluntly told her that she wasn't fine and she KNEW he was lying to her about everything being great with Tiff. I think Kiesha needed someone who wasn't going to tiptoe around her the way her family was.

When all that pent up tension within the family finally exploded, it was raw (and I felt bad for everyone involved, but especially the non-family members who were present) but the scene was given some much needed levity with Jake and Papa. Ha, and I loved when Emmett reminded Jake that he already told him to use cologne, not air freshener, to cover up the smell of his vaping. Kids!

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It's not her fault as far as the way she may have dressed.

But Kevin implies that he's covered for her many times while she's been sneaking out by herself.


We will see if the actress playing Keisha is good enough to depict getting over sexual assault.  Not sure they will do too much more with that story line.  Maybe the burning of the clothes (ruining the bathtub) is meant to signal that she will recover and find her way to college, despite this experience.

It just seems this season is all over the place, with the weirdo abduction plot and now her recovery.  Real departure from the previous seasons.  If they wanted to depict how violence could touch the lives of these characters, they could have done it in other ways.


They must have had increased production budget to get aerial skyline shots at night, as well as time lapse.  Looked gorgeous, don't often see Chicago this way on shows or movies.  However, it's out of place here since the characters on this show have little to do with those famous downtown skyscrapers.

So two more episodes before the finale?  We going to find out if Douda wins the mayoral race or will it be a cliffhanger?  Or whether Trig gets custody of Jake and moves him out of the hood?

Maybe show Ronnie taking positive steps, after feeling better about himself for rescuing Keisha?  Not seeing too many exciting possibilities for these characters.  Showtime usually renews their shows though.

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Oh, Keisha.  Girl, you never saw TLC's Behind the Music?!  I should think that anyone contemplating an arson burn in a tub would refer to Left Eye as a cautionary tale.

Dre is too annoying for words.  Nina should've clearly explained to Keisha that Dre packed up her room.  

So now, Jada is a social worker???


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55 minutes ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

Oh, Keisha.  Girl, you never saw TLC's Behind the Music?!  I should think that anyone contemplating an arson burn in a tub would refer to Left Eye as a cautionary tale.

Maybe she only saw Waiting to Exhale!

2 hours ago, scrb said:

It's not her fault as far as the way she may have dressed.

But Kevin implies that he's covered for her many times while she's been sneaking out by herself.

Still not her fault. I don't care how many times she snuck out of the house to see her various lame boyfriends. That doesn't mean it was her fault that a fucking pervert kidnapped her and raped her.

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No it's not her fault.  She didn't deserve what happened to her.

But she took risks.

The Williams family has a nice renovated apartment.  Keisha has a nice MacBook laptop and Kevin has a nice video game system with extra controllers which cost $50 each and a good sized room.

But that's TV show realism.  They're suppose to be in a neighborhood with a very high violent crime rate.  

It seems highly unlikely that responsible parents would allow teens 16-years old like Keisha go out by themselves into that neighborhood at night or for that matter, even younger Kevin to ride his bike along with friends to a "trap house" at night.

That's not to blame Nina but apparently Keisha went out by herself without her knowledge.  It's one thing if Keisha goes behind her back once or twice but many times means the parent is negligent.

She also had what looked like a nice phone the night she was abducted.  People know not to flash certain things of value in certain places.  For awhile, you didn't show a fancy new iPhone in some parts of the NYC subway.  Or some grown men knew not to walk certain streets wearing a Rolex or some other expensive watches.


It's incredible that these characters don't have more street smarts, living where they do.


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“I don’t want no mistress-y food!” was funny. 

7 hours ago, scrb said:

No it's not her fault.  She didn't deserve what happened to her.

But she took risks.

The Williams family has a nice renovated apartment.  Keisha has a nice MacBook laptop and Kevin has a nice video game system with extra controllers which cost $50 each and a good sized room.

But that's TV show realism.  They're suppose to be in a neighborhood with a very high violent crime rate.  

It seems highly unlikely that responsible parents would allow teens 16-years old like Keisha go out by themselves into that neighborhood at night or for that matter, even younger Kevin to ride his bike along with friends to a "trap house" at night.

That's not to blame Nina but apparently Keisha went out by herself without her knowledge.  It's one thing if Keisha goes behind her back once or twice but many times means the parent is negligent.

She also had what looked like a nice phone the night she was abducted.  People know not to flash certain things of value in certain places.  For awhile, you didn't show a fancy new iPhone in some parts of the NYC subway.  Or some grown men knew not to walk certain streets wearing a Rolex or some other expensive watches.

It's incredible that these characters don't have more street smarts, living where they do.

Her abductor didn’t kidnap her for her phone; he kidnapped her because he was a lunatic who had built her up to replace a girl who rejected him when he was a boy. And it’s impossible for parents to know their teenage kids’ whereabouts every second. Even if they think they do, kids lie. Nina and Dre were on their honeymoon when Keisha was taken, and it’s not unreasonable for parents of teenagers to leave them alone for a weekend. Keisha was supposed to be going off to college, which means her parents would no longer have any say at all in where she went or what she did. Her kidnapping is her kidnapper’s fault, not hers, or her parents.

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I enjoyed this episode. It brought a lot of things to light about the impact of trauma, not only on the victim but the entire family. Nina blames herself and lashes out at Dre for not feeling the same way she feels. Dre is trying to fix everyone. She is able to be less emotional about it because she is a counselor and Keisha is not her biological child. Kevin is relived that his sister is back and ready for things to go back to “normal”. His sister did lay a heavy burden on him by asking him to lie for her over and over. Friends of the family want to show support but don’t really know what to say. 

And then there’s Keisha. She is relived to be home, but fearful that it could happen again. She is showing classic symptoms of PTSD—lack of sleep, remembering /reliving the trauma, feelings of guilt, anger, blaming herself. She wants it all to just go away and go back to how it was before. But like Emmitt said, she is different now and has to learn how to live in her new normal.  Talking to friends helps, but she needs to see a professional counselor. I’m glad she finally decided to do that in the end. 

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4 hours ago, Empress1 said:

“I don’t want no mistress-y food!” was funny. 

Her abductor didn’t kidnap her for her phone; he kidnapped her because he was a lunatic who had built her up to replace a girl who rejected him when he was a boy. And it’s impossible for parents to know their teenage kids’ whereabouts every second. Even if they think they do, kids lie. Nina and Dre were on their honeymoon when Keisha was taken, and it’s not unreasonable for parents of teenagers to leave them alone for a weekend. Keisha was supposed to be going off to college, which means her parents would no longer have any say at all in where she went or what she did. Her kidnapping is her kidnapper’s fault, not hers, or her parents.

I didn't say that's why she was abducted.

But this plot is fictional.

More likely, people will be targeted for having valuables on them.  That is the real world.  That is the probability of people, especially women, being alone in certain high-risk crime areas.

Remember, this show started with the murder of a kid and there was a chain involved.  It's been established since the beginning that it's not safe for people going out alone.  We've seen Ronnie beaten up repeatedly.

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I appreciate that they showed the effects of trauma too.  So many TV shows have the person immediately being okay or only occasionally thinking back to the event. At the same time, Dre is not a good counselor based on her actions in this plot line.  I know that we do not react the same when it is someone close to us as we do with emotional/clinical separation. However, all of her interaction with Nina (other than the wedding and sexy times) have been poor; this includes what we saw prior to the abduction.  Leaves me wondering why they got married. 

As to why Keisha was abducted, I doubt anything she had on her was to blame.  Yes, the show started with a murder based on the chain. However, Ronnie saw the chain as proof of the initial murder.  Do we know that the chain was the reason for the initial murder? (I can't recall). 

There are always reasons to think about safety wherever one lives.  These kids know their neighborhood.  They have taken some risks - Keisha's most recent love interest, Kevin going to the trap house, etc.  However, she was abducted sitting at a bus stop, which was her most economical and likely oft used way to get around.  People take buses all the time, even in rough neighborhoods and at night. She was abducted because someone out of a Criminal Minds plot decided she looked like his college crush.  That is a fully random event, not something for which she could have prepared.  I would have liked to see something more realistic/common, rather than this type of event.  

Still tired of the redemption of Ronnie, although I thought the conversation with Ronnie and Keisha was well done.   I also enjoyed Keisha's talk with Emmet (and when he called himself trifling.  If only his mother was there to hear him own it).  Points to Keisha for saying if they were still together he would be cheating on her too.  

The light things on fire in the bathtub was played out.  Seriously, that's what it took for Nina to see that Keisha needs help?  It was another thing that felt more like a trope and less like what someone would do.  


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3 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

I appreciate that they showed the effects of trauma too.  So many TV shows have the person immediately being okay or only occasionally thinking back to the event. At the same time, Dre is not a good counselor based on her actions in this plot line.  I know that we do not react the same when it is someone close to us as we do with emotional/clinical separation. However, all of her interaction with Nina (other than the wedding and sexy times) have been poor; this includes what we saw prior to the abduction.  Leaves me wondering why they got married. 

As to why Keisha was abducted, I doubt anything she had on her was to blame.  Yes, the show started with a murder based on the chain. However, Ronnie saw the chain as proof of the initial murder.  Do we know that the chain was the reason for the initial murder? (I can't recall). 

There are always reasons to think about safety wherever one lives.  These kids know their neighborhood.  They have taken some risks - Keisha's most recent love interest, Kevin going to the trap house, etc.  However, she was abducted sitting at a bus stop, which was her most economical and likely oft used way to get around.  People take buses all the time, even in rough neighborhoods and at night. She was abducted because someone out of a Criminal Minds plot decided she looked like his college crush.  That is a fully random event, not something for which she could have prepared.  I would have liked to see something more realistic/common, rather than this type of event.  

Still tired of the redemption of Ronnie, although I thought the conversation with Ronnie and Keisha was well done.   I also enjoyed Keisha's talk with Emmet (and when he called himself trifling.  If only his mother was there to hear him own it).  Points to Keisha for saying if they were still together he would be cheating on her too.  

The light things on fire in the bathtub was played out.  Seriously, that's what it took for Nina to see that Keisha needs help?  It was another thing that felt more like a trope and less like what someone would do.  


You said everything that I wanted to, but the bolded especially.

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Yeah, I can understand Nina not wanting to hear what Keisha went through and I can also understand not wanting to push her, but this is not the kind of thing you just get over. She needs prolonged, sustained psychological help. (Not from Jada and I’m with y’all - the show seems to have retconned her social work background.) Even if she eventually goes to college (and I think she should), she should continue therapy wherever she ends up. Not only was she kidnapped and abused, she killed someone. Motherfucker deserved it (although I wish he’d suffered more - let HIM see what it’s like to be locked up) but that doesn’t make it any less traumatic.

Who finished doing Keisha’s hair?

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I am glad that they focused totally on Keisha and her family and them all trying to deal with what happened, using the bottle episode format to focus on how Keisha was feeling trapped and only leaving the apartment when she was ready to start dealing with things, I thought that was all well done. 

I can get just about everyone's perceptive here, Keisha wanting to get back to the way things were but not sure how to do that after going through so much trauma, Kevin is happy his sister is back but also wants to get back to normal and still has kid issues with his sister that he now feels like are getting shut up, Nina blaming herself and being afraid of making things worse for Keisha by making her deal with what happened, even Dre made some decent points about how no one can just shake off this kind of trauma and Keisha clearly needs to talk to a professional. I still dont like Dre though, yeah you can treat Kevin and Keisha like both of your kids when you stop acting like Keisha kidnapping was all about you and how it ruined your honeymoon stage. Yeah, I am still pissed about her wanting to box up all of Keisha's stuff like week and her getting on Nina about still holding out hope that she could be alive and daring to be sad about her possibly dead daughter, so even when she makes solid points about moving forward and trying to deal with this, it just comes off as annoying and lacking in empathy. She even told Nina that she was "broken"? Isn't Dre supposed to be a therapist? I feel sorry for her patients. 

This episode was pretty intense with the emotions, so the boys and their getting high chit chat was welcome comic relief. "Do you think in China, they just call Chinese food, food?" 

Ronnie, the killing you did is nothing at all like the killing Keisha did. 

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Ugh I hate Dre. She’s such a whiny bitch. Like stop thinking about yourself for once. Also they are not your kids. First they are grown up. Second you’ve been married for like a few months.

This episode was boring to me. I hate these kind of episodes. I wanna see all the storylines not just this one thing.

What an asshole Kevin is. I wish his mom would’ve smacked his stupid ass. Keisha just fucking got home. He’s complaining that he wants things to go back to normal. What the fuck is wrong with him. 


Edited by Marley
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1 hour ago, Marley said:

What an asshole Kevin is. I wish his mom would’ve smacked his stupid ass. Keisha just fucking got home. He’s complaining that he wants things to go back to normal. What the fuck is wrong with him. 

Awwww....be easy on my boy, Kev.  I think he carries around a ton of guilt about covering for Keisha when she was sneaking around.  It's easy to be an asshole now that she's home.  And he's got raging hormones.  He's seen so much in his young life---I just want him to be happy.

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S3.E9: Lackin'


Ronnie is praised by his church community, while others won't let him forget his mistakes; Emmett and Dom prepare for their grand opening; Kevin tries to balance obligations.


What Are Y'all Gonna Call It?

Say something

Original air date: 8/16/20

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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So that's one way to end Ronnie's arc.  How convenient, random shooting on the streets, though guess it was some revenge killing in the name of Coogi.

3 years later?

Tiffany and Dom didn't know Smokey Robinson?  But Emmet their contemporary does?

Douda gets screwed over by the ex wife, Jake and Trig.  But why would messing up his candidacy make it easier for Jake to get away from him?

The Chi hasn't been always uplifting or happy but this season, they've gone to some dark places.  Thinking that is suppose to get them more respect?  But the kidnap plot wasn't received that well and now the random murder of Ronnie.

Yes there are random killings in Chicago but it's also a convenient plot device.  Maybe they wanted to spare us another redemption arc, followed by a big fall, followed by another redemption arc.  It's one way to end a cycle.


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I laughed when Keisha & Kevin went running and Kevin was flailing trying the keep up. “KEISHA! SLOW YOUR ASS DOWN!” 

So I guess the show remembered Emmett has two other kids by two other women. That look they shared during the proposal was funny.

I assume Ronnie’s killer was the guy in church who called him a murderer.

Keisha having her rapist’s baby doesn’t track for me, and I hope she doesn’t.

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I really hope Keisha does not have the baby.  There is a long running issue in TV shows of 1) having people get pregnant really easily (even ones who you would assume are on birth control - Keisha being abducted means she would not have been anymore); 2) having the child even if it makes no sense from a character standpoint that they would, and 3) in those rare occasions that the person chooses to have an abortion they are punished for it.  If Keisha does have an abortion, I hope it is shown in a positive or neutral light rather than leading to further issues for her. 

Buh-bye Ronnie.  You far outstayed your welcome on this show.  I would have preferred if he sailed off into the sunset with his friends that got work elsewhere (although asking his drunk ass to join was not showing great decision-making on their part), but I'll take his story arc being over. 

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If Keisha has the baby I might quit watching. It would be idiotic lol.

Kevin continues to be a little dick. What is his deal lately. What the fuck does he expect with Keisha.

Blah to Dom.

I FF most of the scenes with Nina and Dre. Dre just annoys the shit out of me.

I want Jakes bro to go away. There’s no point to him.

I was glad Ronnie got killed. I was sick of him as a character. Kind of weird reasoning tho. Kill him for Coogi how many years later?

I wanted Douda to become the mayor cause Lena as Camille is garbage acting.

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I guess they finally found a way to deal with Ronnie, just have some rando shoot him over what he did to Coogi. I guess I should have seen it coming, with him going on and on about his fresh start and moving to a new place, he was basically announcing his retirement, and we all know that means death, but I am mostly just glad to be done with him. The show has never had any idea what to do with Ronnie (even more than all of the other characters that they dont know what to do with) so while I would have preferred him to just leave so we dont have to sit through his sure to be long and rambling funeral, I am fine with him being gone. 

Poor Keisha, this just keeps getting worse. Is this whole situation not dramatic enough, now we have to add a pregnancy into it? Really? I so dont care about Dre at all, I feel like Nina still really needs to call her out on how fast she wanted to move on from Keisha being gone. Kevin's reactions to this whole terrible situation has been really interesting, he is still really young and has a lot of feelings about what happened to his sister that he hasn't worked out. He wants things to go back to normal, but its clear that things are not even close to normal, and in trying to act like things are normal things are getting worse. 

I cant help but enjoy Emmett's trifling ass, he cracks me up. I also loved the "you seeing this shit?" look his two baby mommas shared when he proposed. 

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Dre is being written as the very worst. Everything she says and does hits a sour note and she's so damned pushy about it all, too! Just shut up and offer help and support on terms if taking care if stuff like food and errands and hugs during a huge crisis!  I'm assuming that Nina will finally break up with her once she catches her breath. 

Still don't care about Jake's brother's storyline. They really could have done so much more with him and the other kids. Also Douda and his ex and his mom who cares. It's like they came up with the dullest stories ever.

Can't say I'll miss Ronnie. I was over him in season 1 but I sure do miss Jason and Reg.


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23 minutes ago, Marley said:

I miss Reg so much! I don’t know why but he was an interesting character to me. I also found him very attractive so that helped lol.

Same! He was scary but also hot and very funny and amusing!

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On 8/16/2020 at 2:28 PM, scrb said:

Tiffany and Dom didn't know Smokey Robinson?  But Emmet their contemporary does?

I really need them to clarify if Dom is supposed to be a young girl or if they just have Emmitt screwing some woman his mom's age.  Because LaLa trying to pull off being a twenty-something?  Is not working.    I'm sorry, she looks every bit of 40 and her scenes with Emmitt are just pitiful.  But Emmitt's dad just makes me laugh whenever he shows up.  He was the best part of the episode for me--him and his shameless ass.

Moreover, that whole Sonny's storyline irks my soul.  Emmitt has money to take over Sonny's but still living on his Mom's couch.  Right.  And he spent all that time worrying about a name change and all we see is that little-ass sign in the window and the "Sonny's" is still up on the main awning??  Sonny should've shown up to shut that whole Grand Opening down.

I know I must be in the minority of Ronnie sympathizers and I hate seeing his death.  This show has killed/written off damn near every major character from the seasons that made everyone get hooked on The Chi.  What remains seems to be a bunch of secondary characters with weak storylines.  What a shame. 


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5 hours ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

And he spent all that time worrying about a name change and all we see is that little-ass sign in the window and the "Sonny's" is still up on the main awning?? 

Thanks for reminding me about the name.  OK, this may be picky, but I kept thinking that they would have needed one for the city licenses paperwork.

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3 hours ago, One Imaginary Girl said:

Thanks for reminding me about the name.  OK, this may be picky, but I kept thinking that they would have needed one for the city licenses paperwork.

You're thinking logically.  Seems they took over a restaurant without a business license, business plan or extensive financing. I don't know how they are even paying for the food at this point.  Then again, Emmitt found a way to buy an engagement ring and did so without checking any other places or even identifying what he was actually buying.  

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