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Tensions escalate and vulnerabilities break the surface as the reunion continues. Sai opens up about her relationship with her mom. Erin and Sai try to find closure with Jessel. Ubah sets the record straight about the reason she was so upset with Erin in Anguilla. Brynn breaks down when sharing more about her childhood.

Original air date 2023.10.29

More tears as we wrap up the most morose season ever of Real Housewives of New York. 

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Erin and Sai really thought they were going to successfully "No I didn't" their way through this. I feel like half these reunion episodes have just been the editors stepping in with flashbacks like, "Actually..."

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Erin & Sai both:

“I never said that!”

clip runs. 

“I’m sorry, ok? I said I’m sorry, but …(says same thing she’s apologizing for in a different way)

Loving Brynn jumping in to hold their feet to the fire to defend Jessel. Sai Really didn’t like that even tho she & Erin keep jumping in to defend each other. 


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Why are they always crying?  Especially about their Mothers.  Here we go again .. more tears from Sai.  She has to make up for being a Bitch all season.  They all are so boring it’s pathetic.  I just cannot see another boring season.

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These women are all young, thin, have money and nice homes, the ones with kids-their kids are healthy, and they’re all Sad. Every conversation comes back to their childhoods and their pain. Who put this group together?!  

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E15 and 16 were two hours of nothing. I've sat through some bad reunions before, but I've sat through them. I didn't even bother to pause these ones when I got up to do something else for a few minutes.

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This was honestly horrible and I’ve watched the different housewives for years. I had to FF thru a lot of this garbage.

I wish Sai would honestly shut up. She’s always yelling about nothing. She’s fake as hell too and just apologizing to save her rep and look better.

Brynn’s whole act is not entertaining. Ugh. She’s so annoying.

Erin is just a bitch. Can’t believe I kind of liked her in the first episode.

Not sure what Bravo is gonna do with RHONY but this season did not work at all for me.

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I'm 50 minutes in and have yelled at my TV to "Shut up" four times. Ubah becomes unhinged and manic over things that should not rise to that level of outrage. I wouldn't want to be around her cuz she's too unpredictable. Furthermore, when she asks "Why did you say...?" she refuses to accept the answer they give. I was team Erin during that fight, so why can't she accept that Jenna said it as well?

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1 hour ago, Marley said:

This was honestly horrible and I’ve watched the different housewives for years. I had to FF thru a lot of this garbage.

I wish Sai would honestly shut up. She’s always yelling about nothing. She’s fake as hell too and just apologizing to save her rep and look better.

Brynn’s whole act is not entertaining. Ugh. She’s so annoying.

Erin is just a bitch. Can’t believe I kind of liked her in the first episode.

Not sure what Bravo is gonna do with RHONY but this season did not work at all for me.

THIS!!! X10000000!!!  I just CANNOT with any of these bitches!  They just need to give Jenna her own show and be done with it. HA!

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I do not  understand  Ubah being so upset at Jenna,  just because cameras  were there? She's  squirrely.  I wish Jessel had mentioned  the IVF to them. Not just us. I never  heard her mention PPD either.

I'd hate to be on a show like this, I think  back to what I went  through with my mother, and later, my adult son, and I'd honestly  end up in tears, just like them, which makes for horrible  TV.When I grew up, we were quite poor, and all 4 of us , grew up very differently. I think  Sai shoulders  a lot of guilt, about her mother,  but there's  only so much a person can do. It does seem they been together  throughout  the summer, Erin and Bryn, Erin and Ubah. Maybe there are friendships.?

  This group don't  make for good tv, they need a whole new group imho

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9 hours ago, chick binewski said:

Near unwatchable.

Ubah seemed to be using the reunion as her audition for a spot on the second season and I can't believe this sh*tshow is going to get one.

I didn’t even understand a word she was saying.

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9 hours ago, Chalby said:

Ubah becomes unhinged and manic over things that should not rise to that level of outrage. I wouldn't want to be around her cuz she's too unpredictable.

100% Ubah's reactions are so disproportionate to the issue at hand. She demands that everyone see her POV yet refuses to give the same grace to others. She's frighteningly confrontational. I would never want to spend any time in her presence. At the end, I felt like they were all apologizing just so she'd finally shut up and calm down.

Can't believe they didn't address Jessel and her various lists of grievances. I wanted to see the notes!


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Cant Bravo see they had a perfectly good show with fabulous ladies before and call it a day?  So it had some tweaks .. so what?  Everyone related to Sonja, LuAnn and the rest.  Bring them back.  All the other housewives shows are still functioning, why not N.Y.?  Big mistake to scrap it.  This new show was crap.

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Really don't enjoy seeing a pissing contest over who had the worst childhood. The older I get the more I realize we all had some bad times, some worst than others. But these are now successful women  who,ok, can talk about their childhood to show how they have overcome it, but to have a contest about who had it the worst is unflattering and immature.

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After finally watching this part...here is how I sum it up:

Erin seems to be confused alot..maybe that's why she lies because she's just plain confused.

Ubah needs therapy and we need to provide shelter for Mr Connecticut because we know she'll turn abusive.

Jenna is treated with kid gloves...but I think she does the woe is me as a defense mechanism.

Ubah points out how Jessel, Erin and Sai didn't want Jenna on the show...me also thinks she also didn't want Jenna on the show.

And Jenna was hesitant to do the show and was given outs that the others couldn't get in order to do the show..so I can see why the others were resentful and probably knew they would look the bad guys if they called out her exercising those 'outs'.

Jessel and Pravit are the modern day Alex and Simon Mccord.

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And that comment about how Ubah physically attacks everyone she dates just got dropped & ignored.  She’s a liability & lawsuit waiting to happen. She just steamrolls over everyone than cries for sympathy. Not unusual in the Housewives playbook, but she takes it to a whole other level. 

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it won't happen .... Andy has pretty much doubled down on this cast and hes happy with the reboot 

3 hours ago, kristen111 said:

Cant Bravo see they had a perfectly good show with fabulous ladies before and call it a day?  So it had some tweaks .. so what?  Everyone related to Sonja, LuAnn and the rest.  Bring them back.  All the other housewives shows are still functioning, why not N.Y.?  Big mistake to scrap it.  This new show was crap.

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1 hour ago, Pi237 said:

And that comment about how Ubah physically attacks everyone she dates just got dropped & ignored.  She’s a liability & lawsuit waiting to happen. She just steamrolls over everyone than cries for sympathy. Not unusual in the Housewives playbook, but she takes it to a whole other level. 

I agree totally. Ubah is a physical danger to the rest of the cast. She attacked Erin with cameras rolling. And then at this reunion she bragged about beating up every one of het past boyfriends . If this cast gets a second season she does not deserve to be in it because of her propensity for physical violence.

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16 minutes ago, janiema said:

I agree totally. Ubah is a physical danger to the rest of the cast. She attacked Erin with cameras rolling. And then at this reunion she bragged about beating up every one of het past boyfriends . If this cast gets a second season she does not deserve to be in it because of her propensity for physical violence.

I actually thought that when Andy reached into the brown box sitting on the table beside him, it either held a panic button or was a signal to call security to haul Ubah off the set. It was likely just a box holding kleenex I realized when that did not happen, but OMG. If she routinely assaults boyfriends, what is to stop her from attacking a cast member, not just ripping glasses off the face of one. 

Andy actually looked relieved when the reunion was over. I don't think it was because he thought it went well, I think it is because he knew what a shit show it was. It is very obvious that these women do not like each other, and that at least one is very volatile. It is not fun to watch, as much as Andy may declare the reboot to be successful.

The only positive thing to come out of the whole season was Jessel realizing that she doesn't always treat Pavit well. He's the only house husband I liked, and grew to like him more each episode. 

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32 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:


The only positive thing to come out of the whole season was Jessel realizing that she doesn't always treat Pavit well. He's the only house husband I liked, and grew to like him more each episode. 

Me too. While the other husbands were boasting, in front of their wives, about how they would leave them/have an affair if they couldn’t have sex for a period of time, Pavit lived that scenario and, as far as we know, did not step out and continues to love his wife. I think THAT makes Erin and Sai very jealous and was the impetus for all their chatter and attempts to tear the couple down. As the season developed it became clear to me that Jessel and Pavit have a sweet, tight relationship, albeit she does need to appreciate Pavit a bit more. 

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1 hour ago, janiema said:

I agree totally. Ubah is a physical danger to the rest of the cast. She attacked Erin with cameras rolling. And then at this reunion she bragged about beating up every one of het past boyfriends . If this cast gets a second season she does not deserve to be in it because of her propensity for physical violence.

Ubah is a child in a woman’s body.  Everything is a tantrum.  I feel sorry for the new boyfriend.  I don’t understand why these women went on as they all are accomplished in other jobs, especially Jenna and Erin.  Don’t they ever have enough?  I think they don’t even like each other.  Sai acted like a lunatic towards the end.

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I dont have other sides .... as she's screaming at Jenna .... I told you I go from 0 to 100 quick .... Umm Ubah the 100 screaming is a side sweaty unless you are screaming at all times of the day its not your normal behavior 


I am thinking maybe it's a trasnlation between languages thing and her taking things literally with everything .... but it makes her seem unhinged 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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37 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I dont have other sides .... as she's screaming at Jenna .... I told you I go from 0 to 100 quick .... Umm Ubah the 100 screaming is a side sweaty unless you are screaming at all times of the day its not your normal behavior 


I am thinking maybe it's a trasnlation between languages thing and her taking things literally with everything .... but it makes her seem unhinged 

I have thought also that language difference affects her understanding (especially of idioms) but that doesn’t explain her aggressive violent behavior.

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Enough of Brynn with her twisted faces and puckered lips. Just looking at her gets on my nerves. 

Ubah doesn't even know what Ubah is upset about. 

At the end, Andy toasting them and thanking them all for a wonderful, amazing season was the icing on the cake. He's not serious, right? 

How many "I'm sorry's" did we hear? I'm sorry I said that even though I really didn't say that. I'm sorry I thought that. I'm sorry I felt that. I sorry I don't like you. I sorry I was mad at you.  I'm sorry I'm an asshole and I have no comeback for my taped loathsome behavior except to say I'm sorry. 

We all realllllly love each other! 


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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Enough of Brynn with her twisted faces and puckered lips. Just looking at her gets on my nerves. 

Ubah doesn't even know what Ubah is upset about. 

At the end, Andy toasting them and thanking them all for a wonderful, amazing season was the icing on the cake. He's not serious, right? 

How many "I'm sorry's" did we hear? I'm sorry I said that even though I really didn't say that. I'm sorry I thought that. I'm sorry I felt that. I sorry I don't like you. I sorry I was mad at you.  I'm sorry I'm an asshole and I have no comeback for my taped loathsome behavior except to say I'm sorry. 

We all realllllly love each other! 


If Andy is picking these women, Bravo better get someone else to pick.  He knows diddly squat about women.  This is the worse bunch I’ve ever seen.  Brynns lips look like the Joker.  Plus, she’s too old to be the sex kitten.  It’s not that cute like he thinks.  Some don’t even live in the City.

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27 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

If Andy is picking these women, Bravo better get someone else to pick.  He knows diddly squat about women.  This is the worse bunch I’ve ever seen.  Brynns lips look like the Joker.  Plus, she’s too old to be the sex kitten.  It’s not that cute like he thinks.  Some don’t even live in the City.

Sai lives in Brooklyn. The rest live in Manhattan. That's pretty NYC for me. That's the LEAST of the faults of this shit show.

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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15 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Jenna’s reactions to accusations and hurt feelings were exactly how I would have reacted. Rarely defensive. Explain how she didn’t understand the magnitude of the moment, then apologize sincerely. 

Jenna is an actual real human being who cares about others and is upset when she “hurt” someone’s feelings.

Jenna is a real person who cares deeply about others - a much need  presence on Bravo and the world

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7 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

Jenna is an actual real human being who cares about others and is upset when she “hurt” someone’s feelings.

Jenna is a real person who cares deeply about others - a much need  presence on Bravo and the world

Jenna is too good for this. If it returns, I seriously doubt she will. 

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36 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Sai lives in Brooklyn. The rest live in Manhattan. That's pretty NYC for me. That's the LEAST of the faults of this shit show.

Being a New Yorker myself, I’m aware of where they live.  Im expressing my opinion.


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1 hour ago, kristen111 said:

If Andy is picking these women, Bravo better get someone else to pick.  He knows diddly squat about women.  This is the worse bunch I’ve ever seen.  Brynns lips look like the Joker.  Plus, she’s too old to be the sex kitten.  It’s not that cute like he thinks.  Some don’t even live in the City.

Well, Andy hates women and loves drama. He created a nightmare and seemed incapable or managing or dealing with that nightmare at the reunion. This has been going on for way too long.

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15 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Why cast Sai in the Ninja commercial? Way to read a room.

Kadooze to the makeup and lighting crew members. We could see every line and imperfection. 

I’m think they cast her adorable daughter and thus Siam but yeah, Sai is a shallow, shallow person who only apologized at the reunion because she was pilloried on social media.

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