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Chit-Chat: What's On Your Mind Today?

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

We all have been drawn into off-topic discussions, me included. There's little that's off-topic when it comes to Chit Chat, so the only ask is that you please remember that this is the Chit Chat topic and that there's a subforum for all things health and wellness here.

If there's something you need clarification on, please keep in mind that it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; talk to them and not about what they said.
If you disagree, consider how we can express our differing opinions and still respect the other's opinion and recognize it as valid.
We're all different people, so different perspectives and points of views are natural, welcome even for growing a healthy community. What is important is that we disagree with empathy and consideration. (If need be, check out the how do we have healthy debates guidelines for more).

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1 minute ago, shapeshifter said:

I thought I knew this, but I've been using the pt-mind.png all wrong.
It's supposed to mean "Mind Blown = Awesome/Amazing/Astounding"
but I thought it was more like: Are you f'in' kidding me???

I think a great many people misuse it that way, because that is one unhappy-looking emoji.  When the slew of new reactions came out, I knew I was interpreting that one and the flames (which, not knowing the phrase "that's fire", brought to my mind something along the "flames on the side of my face angry" or "this post should die in a fire" lines) wrong, because it has been A Thing since day one of the site that they customized out any negative/downvoting reactions that came with the software.  (So I'm curious to see what they do with their upcoming angry emoji.)

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31 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Here's what they're all intended to mean.


Thank you. I know of "fire" from social media, so that's why I took it as a good response, not a bad one. 

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1 hour ago, Anela said:

Thank you. I know of "fire" from social media, so that's why I took it as a good response, not a bad one. 

I used it for "anger" because the "mind blown" one isn't for that.

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23 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I did buy my first Mac computer online this year, but I did it through Best Buy so I could return it to the store if there was an issue (there wasn't).

Similarly, my son-in-law has recommended I buy my iPhone at the Apple Store because if there are any issues, it will be much easier to deal with than an online purchase. He works in technology, and he appreciates being able to talk to me about technical things, so it's not some sort of mansplaining situation between us — it's based on his own experiences. 
I also just want to hold and compare the different models with regards to size and weight. Reading the difference online is one thing. Feeling them is another.

Any thoughts about this, @Caoimhe (or anyone else)? 

Now I'm probably going to obsess over some off-hand, techy statement I can make to rattle an ageist Apple store so-called Genius, LOL.

When I was in an Apple store about 5 years ago trying stylus sensitivities on iPads, I didn't think they were dismissive. But I've aged a lot physically since then. 

You can go to the Apple store for service regardless of where you bought your phone!  I went last week to get them to unclog my microphone.  I bought my phone on line from Verizon.  They had a special brush to remove lint/debris.  If you're talking about setting up a new phone purchase, you can still get phone support or live support from your phone carrier or Apple. 

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I am in my late 30s and love it here too! I find that people are way more willing to have discussions about TV and not let their emotional attachment to characters and shows get in the way, as I recently experienced. Even in the off topic threads, people are way nicer and supportive and no one tries to control or overly moderate what you say. When I was on Reddit, people would go through post histories and track new accounts and use it as a means to target you if they didn’t like your post. I like that here, I can talk to you guys openly and no one has time or energy to go through my past comments and hold it against me. 

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Just a thought on why time goes by faster when you get older.


You or at least I start really thinking about things right now in the future.  Like how I’m going to adapt to losing an hour sleep next weekend.  Or starting the process to prepare 

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4 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

You can go to the Apple store for service regardless of where you bought your phone!  I went last week to get them to unclog my microphone.  I bought my phone on line from Verizon.  They had a special brush to remove lint/debris.  If you're talking about setting up a new phone purchase, you can still get phone support or live support from your phone carrier or Apple. 

I don’t have that special brush. I just blew hard in the microphone area and the debris blew right out. Then I used a q-tip with alcohol to cleanse it. I was on a chat with Apple with no solution, talked to Apple  store employee (65 miles away) no solution but they made me an appointment to come in. I was getting ready to head there when the hubster came in and he said “blow on it and use a q-tip with alcohol to clean it”. Presto, I could hear through the ear part instead of having to do speaker option. I said MaaHaa,Thanks for not telling me that for months you twerp. He said I love you dear, let me buy you some supper. All was forgiven.

I had been dealing with it for several months. I fixed my settings, everything. Apple even did the thing where they remotely take over to check your system, said go to geek squad pay $40 fee, or set up appointment with Apple. I checked all my settings again, sons did all their tricks, nothing worked. They had never had that issue. Hubster said he forgot that it happened to him a couple years ago. I hadn’t really bugged him about it while it was happening. Just kept saying immediately upon answering “ you’re on speaker” because he has these little things he says, even after being together for for 40 years. Don’t need others involved in the romance, lol 

Anyway, all that to say, I have no confidence in Apple service. I only have it because the hubster and I were feuding and he was getting a new plan. My dil said he asked the salesperson when asked which phone, Do you have any purple ones? And he said yes in the back. So it killed the feud when I realized he was trying to kill the feud and not prolonging it. It’s pale purple, with a clear Otterbox case that has some glitter in it. But I always wish I had my Blackberry phone back. 

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My post isn’t about not needing a brush. It’s that they probably knew what the issue was, knew I would travel 65 miles or pay geeksquad $40 plus and that there was nothing wrong with the phone, I just needed to clean the microphone and they could have led me to that and I probably would have ordered one.

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Ah, @stewedsquash, if I didn't work two blocks from the Apple store, I would have tried harder to clean it out myself.  They had given me a troubleshooting list on line. I really didn't have a good brush.  I think a toothpick might have helped.  Or one of those Proxy dental brushes.   There are lots of tiny holes. 

Edited by EtheltoTillie
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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

To clean my phone's lint-clogged charging port, I very carefully used a wood toothpick, tweezers, and blowing.

I had to clean the teeny microphone holes on either side of the charging port.  I was unable to use the speakerphone setting without cleaning.  For regular speech, they told me, the phone uses the microphone up near the top.  Go figure. 

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I’ve been getting FedEx emails about packages being undeliverable in my Junk folder. Let’s count the ways they could possibly be spam: I didn’t order anything; it’s FedX in the body of the email; the tracking number is not the format that FedEx uses; one came at 5:00 am and said they tried to deliver at 9:09 am (time travel!); and, my favorite, the 2 that are in there now said they tried to deliver at 9:64 am and 9:91 am. They are consistent about trying to deliver in the 9:00 am hour! Oh, also FedEx leaves a post-it on the door, not email.

Edited by chitowngirl
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Hi folks. I've been lurking here at Chit Chat for a bit, reading the most recent dozen or so pages of the conversation. This seems like a nice place to hang out. 

I haven't had to clean out my phone's nooks and crannies, but omigosh is my Fitbit Charge 5 a collector of - whatever! Skin cells, dirt, or ???  I keep a couple of soft-bristle toothbrushes around just for that kind of cleaning. The crud builds up a bit on the back - and a lot where the band connects to the device. I got home recently from a four week trip that was mostly spent camping, and when I removed the band from the device? It was epically and grossly plastered in those areas with crud. I also use Q tips and alcohol to clean the device after I've brushed off the crud.

A page or two back there were comments about people being notified - or not - of the death of someone they know. I'm hoping to help my family deal with that, and other things. In a fits-and-starts manner, I'm working my way through a book I bought last year, I'm Dead, Now What?  I'm finding much of it not relevant to my situation, but a lot of it is prompting me to collect and write down information. In some cases I'm filling in blanks in the book by hand, but I'm finding it easier to create and then print a document with information on the topic and then just staple or tape it into the book at that page.

One of the subjects is, who should be contacted when I die. I'm single, and my circle of friends and my local family, don't really intersect at all. I hope I keep that information up to date over time. It includes information on the online communities I belong to. 

I don't think I've posted in this thread before. So, I show up and talk about crud collecting in the crevices of my FitBit and writing down information that will be useful when I'm dead. Sigh.

The life of the party, that's me.

Edited by Jeeves
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23 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

I'm working my way through a book I bought last year, I'm Dead, Now What?

I love that book; I came across it years ago in a catalog and immediately posted about it here, knowing others would get a kick out of it as well.  There was another version - same contents, just different title and cover art - that used gentle language in the title and had a serene pattern as the cover.  I utterly adore the I'm Dead, Now What? version for its toe tag cover art.

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9 hours ago, Jeeves said:

I keep a couple of soft-bristle toothbrushes around just for that kind of cleaning

Right! I forgot I used a soft toothbrush too for my phone port lint.

Thanks, @Jeeves, for the reminder!

Edited by shapeshifter
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I think this is going to be my last year in my current choir. I still like the people but it’s becoming…not super practical to be kept at practice for an hour+ and then have to drive 20-25 minutes home after working a full day and still having some housework to do. I’d kind of like to relax a little more after work and get stuff done at a reasonable time. Tonight we were about to wrap it up and people were getting ready to go home, and the director even said we were done, but then he decided we needed to do one thing again because the priest swung by, so practice ended up being an extra 20 minutes. Another lady had to leave before the end too, so I wasn’t alone, but I still feel bad about leaving early. I could join the choir closer to me at home and that way if that director wants to run a 1.5-hour practice or longer I can be home within 10 minutes and be less stressed out. At the end of the day, it’s still a church choir and I don’t want to be at rehearsal all night. 

I was actually talking with my mom over the weekend about what church I wanted to be a member of and I was telling her how torn I felt. I’m not going to ignite a religion debate but 🤷‍♀️it was feeling like a hard decision at two churches where I liked the people I’ve met and the priests are great. She encouraged me to think about it more over the summer when the choirs aren’t practicing and make a decision when that’s not in the way. Maybe I have my answer tonight… 

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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I used a toothpick and my sewing machine brush to clean out my husband’s charging ports but went out and bought some little plugs to protect them.  Mine never have problems but I tend not to keep my phones as long as he does, plus they don’t fit in my pockets and my handbag doesn’t have linty stuff in it.

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Thanks, everyone, for your kind and welcoming comments. 

I mentioned that I got away from our winter here for four weeks. I went out to the Arizona desert and spent most of the time camping in my minivan. With old friends, and new ones. I had a short detour to visit cousins in LA. With my fine timing, that was when the Pineapple Express, that rainstorm of almost Biblical proportions, had also come to town. That was crazy!

This trip was my first time to boondock, and my longest camping trip evah. I had fun and met some great folks. I want to do it again.

Here's a photo of a sunrise at camp, taken by one of the folks I was camping with. My minivan is the white one facing away from the camera, with the rooftop box. I was still asleep when the photo was taken. EDITED to add: this photo was taken the morning that we broke camp there. The evening before, we'd stowed away our campsite amenities - rugs, chairs, tables, dog beds, etc. So the scene looks a little different than it did when we were in actual camping mode.


I got some nice sunset shots and I'll share one of those. 


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1 hour ago, Jeeves said:

Thanks, everyone, for your kind and welcoming comments. 

I mentioned that I got away from our winter here for four weeks. I went out to the Arizona desert and spent most of the time camping in my minivan. With old friends, and new ones. I had a short detour to visit cousins in LA. With my fine timing, that was when the Pineapple Express, that rainstorm of almost Biblical proportions, had also come to town. That was crazy!

This trip was my first time to boondock, and my longest camping trip evah. I had fun and met some great folks. I want to do it again.

Here's a photo of a sunrise at camp, taken by one of the folks I was camping with. My minivan is the white one facing away from the camera, with the rooftop box. I was still asleep when the photo was taken. EDITED to add: this photo was taken the morning that we broke camp there. The evening before, we'd stowed away our campsite amenities - rugs, chairs, tables, dog beds, etc. So the scene looks a little different than it did when we were in actual camping mode.


I got some nice sunset shots and I'll share one of those. 


That sounds like an absolute blast! I'm so glad you did that. I wish I could.

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1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

That sounds like an absolute blast! I'm so glad you did that. I wish I could.


I should disclose, however, that the trip ended in tears. Truly. Sadly, my old bod let me down. Don't want to get too far into the deets because this isn't the medical chat thread. Short version: I woke up one morning experiencing a nasty flareup of sciatica, the worst I've ever had, thanks to an unstable SI joint. The SI joint had been kept from too much mischief for years thanks to my chiro, some exercises, etc. Not sure what happened to set it off, but there was no way I could maneuver around in the back of the minivan for sleeping, etc. in that painful condition. I got some chiro adjustments that helped, but I still had to stay in hotel rooms vs camping. After a few more days of that I headed home, rather than keep burning money paying for hotel rooms. The worst of it is over now. I'm happy to be home and determined to follow a new program of exercises etc. that may help prevent another such bad experience.

Because I wanna go traveling in my minivan again!


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1 minute ago, Jeeves said:


I should disclose, however, that the trip ended in tears. Truly. Sadly, my old bod let me down. Don't want to get too far into the deets because this isn't the medical chat thread. Short version: I woke up one morning experiencing a nasty flareup of sciatica, the worst I've ever had, thanks to an unstable SI joint. The SI joint had been kept from too much mischief for years thanks to my chiro, some exercises, etc. Not sure what happened to set it off, but there was no way I could maneuver around in the back of the minivan for sleeping, etc. in that painful condition. I got some chiro adjustments that helped, but I still had to stay in hotel rooms vs camping. After a few more days of that I headed home, rather than keep burning money paying for hotel rooms. The worst of it is over now. I'm happy to be home and determined to follow a new program of exercises etc. that may help prevent another such bad experience.

Because I wanna go traveling in my minivan again!


Probably the combo of a different mattress and the cold desert air. I'm sorry it ended that way but I bet you'll look back at it fondly later.

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I'm another Counting On refugee. I've been lurking here. Seems like a nice bunch here! I'm retired and have kids and grandkids. I spent the last weekend visiting my grands in WI. Today was a trip to the dermatologist. I suffer from eczema from time to time and am currently in a stress related flare up. The doc is great. He listens, which I appreciate. We treated ourselves to lunch at Portillo's (popular Chicago area restaurant - I hear there's a few in AZ now). The stress is from losing my Mom in December and some disagreements about her estate. I think it will all work out and boy, do I hope the eczema subsides! I don't look too cute right now!

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Ha! It took me until clicking on the hamburger to realize there was a little animation thing going on with the menu choices at Portillo’s. I was, is there a bite taken out? and then clicked every offering to see the changes when you click. 
The chili and the fish sandwich interest me but sigh, I will probably never get there. 

But! Maybe you locals could put in a word for NC? We have a couple Culver’s( not sure of spelling for the apostrophe). A town I visit frequently is getting a WaWa( again spelling?) that I am kind of excited about, just from the chatter about them in this thread.

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I went to a Supercuts for a haircut late yesterday. I liked this sign on the wall there.  I'm pretty sure it's not part of their corporate decor package. 🤣


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Coca Cola has a new flavor-Spiced. It is raspberry flavored. Not quite on a Dr. Pepper level, but not too bad. I noticed the new flavor on the shelf because they changed the label on Cherry Coke. I read that label carefully to make sure it WAS Cherry Coke and not Diet Cherry Coke, Cherry Coke Zero, or any other variation that was not Cherry Coke.

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4 hours ago, Jeeves said:

I went to a Supercuts for a haircut late yesterday. I liked this sign on the wall there.  I'm pretty sure it's not part of their corporate decor package. 🤣


There are SO many places I’d like to post or hang this.

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47 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

Coca Cola has a new flavor-Spiced. It is raspberry flavored. Not quite on a Dr. Pepper level, but not too bad. I noticed the new flavor on the shelf because they changed the label on Cherry Coke. I read that label carefully to make sure it WAS Cherry Coke and not Diet Cherry Coke, Cherry Coke Zero, or any other variation that was not Cherry Coke.

I liked raspberry ginger ale, but can't find it anymore. I don't known if I'd like raspberry coke.

I found, when I had a cold after Thanksgiving, that I like ginger juice. I don't like it in chunks in my food, but I like the juice in a hot drink with honey and lemon. I've added it to cold fresh juice before, but I've never really liked it outside of that. 

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1 hour ago, chitowngirl said:

Coca Cola has a new flavor-Spiced. It is raspberry flavored. Not quite on a Dr. Pepper level, but not too bad. I noticed the new flavor on the shelf because they changed the label on Cherry Coke. I read that label carefully to make sure it WAS Cherry Coke and not Diet Cherry Coke, Cherry Coke Zero, or any other variation that was not Cherry Coke.

I can never drink fruity colas ever since my BF at the time told me that they put prune juice in Dr. Pepper. I turned out not to be true but I swear, I can still taste it.

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I really like ginger tea. It settles my stomach. However, I got distracted today and put EmergenC in my hot water when I meant to put in a ginger tea bag. Boy, did it bubble up! It didn't taste too bad either. Senior moment, I guess!

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

There are SO many places I’d like to post or hang this.

I was just gonna say, what I wouldn't give to hang up that sign in every single retail outlet imaginable. 

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On 3/4/2024 at 9:47 PM, emma675 said:

Hi, @Jeeves! Another Counting On refugee has made their way here, lol. People here are great and have wonderful insights and suggestions. 

Ha! I love the counting on refugee! That’s also meeee.

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6 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

I can never drink fruity colas ever since my BF at the time told me that they put prune juice in Dr. Pepper. I turned out not to be true but I swear, I can still taste it.

Mmm prune Dr Pepper lol

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So, these are the "winners":

On 3/2/2024 at 9:40 AM, shapeshifter said:

I'm okay with Angry. It's more like Annoyed, which is more my default than anger.

Grateful looks anything but grateful to me. More like someone holding their head in their hands and looking hopeless — something many do these days.

The rainbow circle for Thanks worked for me as partially explained in my post upthread.
But was never a universally recognizable symbol:  image.png.9da75655a7c599fd25a53fa1b9692b2f.png

Something like this might work:


Or is it illegible?

Is THX or something else universally recognized?
thx.png.41130b9f73d7f91688c85226429fc4e7.png or maybe: thx-blue.png.4e2528173b5eaf6faf5bbfc77ed1c229.png

Have PhotoShop - Will Travel.

But I don't work here and a lot of my art winds up tossed and in my 70 revolutions around the sun, I've finally figured out that unsolicited suggestions tend to be resented.



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31 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

So, these are the "winners":

I'm okay with Angry. It's more like Annoyed, which is more my default than anger.

Grateful looks anything but grateful to me. More like someone holding their head in their hands and looking hopeless — something many do these days.

The rainbow circle for Thanks worked for me as partially explained in my post upthread.
But was never a universally recognizable symbol:  image.png.9da75655a7c599fd25a53fa1b9692b2f.png

Something like this might work:


Or is it illegible?

Is THX or something else universally recognized?
thx.png.41130b9f73d7f91688c85226429fc4e7.png or maybe: thx-blue.png.4e2528173b5eaf6faf5bbfc77ed1c229.png

Have PhotoShop - Will Travel.

But I don't work here and a lot of my art winds up tossed and in my 70 revolutions around the sun, I've finally figured out that unsolicited suggestions tend to be resented.

I gave you a “thanks” mostly so I can see if it changes. I posted on the Bugs etc. thread (let’s see if it gets approved) to note that the new emoji is very difficult to distinguish from anything else on a small screen (looks more like Humpty Dumpty than anything else, on my phone), and maybe they should allow comments or “none of the above” options on this kind of survey in the future before making that kind of change. 

18 minutes ago, Anela said:

I thought the lightbulb was a thank you.  I usually just use the like button, or the heart.  

Yeah, there’s some overlap there, for sure. I think of the lightbulb as more of a “thanks for the info” or “I didn’t know that!”  while the rainbow was more like “thanks for doing that” (like when a mod [rip?] fixes something or starts a topic I requested).

Edited by SoMuchTV
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5 minutes ago, Anela said:

I thought the lightbulb was a thank you.

No, that's for "Useful".  The TV color strip from the Primetimer logo was used for thank you, although I never quite got the connection there -- the new "Thanks" icon looks more embarrassed than thankful/grateful to me, but makes more sense than what it replaced.

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10 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

Ha! I love the counting on refugee! That’s also meeee.

Me too!  I'm more of a reader and observer than an active poster, but it's nice to have a place to post if I need/want to.  

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