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S24.E30: Eviction #10

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Brittany is TOO MUCH.  Too much.  Stop whining for cod’s sack.

Turner and Alyssa saying they are each others “best friends” is so out of left field to me, because I feel like we have seen NO evidence of this.  Not even after Dyre Fest.

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I almost hope Alyssa's ploy works because of the effort she's putting in. Almost . . . Now she's getting too extreme. No way is Turner her best friend in the whole world. And he knows it.

Edited by Lamb18
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Brittany cried because no one was sleeping with her. She cried because Monte and Turner are not buying what she’s selling. She’s crying because they like Michael more than her after what he did last Thursday. And she’s not even on the block. 

Alyssa is crying to turner for a sympathy vote. That girl is sneaky in her innocent strategy. Who said she’s not playing the game. 

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Both women are dressed beautifully dressed.

Brittany voted to evict Taylor.

Turner voted to evict Alyssa.


Monte voted to evict Alyssa.

I like how she held the door open a bit longer so the others could see out.

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3 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Brittany's good-bye message was crazy.

Everything she says sounds nutty these days. She has such a weird take on everything.

I feel tense about this HOH. I really want Taylor to win so she’s guaranteed safety. I know the POV winner holds all the power but I just want Taylor to be safe now.

Edited by Michichick
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Brittany and Alyssa have talked this last week, and that’s pretty much it for the entire summer, but Brittany is going to fight for the both of them?  Sure, Jan.

If Kyle were still in that house, Kyle and Alyssa would be staying up until 8 a.m., and not talking to Brittany.

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Just now, mojoween said:

Brittany and Alyssa have talked this last week, and that’s pretty much it for the entire summer, but Brittany is going to fight for the both of them?  Sure, Jan.

If Kyle were still in that house, Kyle and Alyssa would be staying up until 8 a.m., and not talking to Brittany.

Staying up all night?  That's being way more generous about Kyle's stamina than anyone thinks is possible.

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Well if that wasn’t a crapshoot at the end. I wasn’t expecting Taylor to be closer on that last one. Who knows how long that comp actually was. We can’t prove that wasn't rigged, 

Edited by dizzyd
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A TikTok of Julie's worst fashion crimes? Um. Okay. It feels like punishment and I don't know what I did to deserve that.

I was dying at the HoH comp. You had Taylor, calm as could be. You had Brittany, having an emotional meltdown. And you had Turner, trying to make the most memeable faces he could. Shoutout to Alyssa for her Brave Little Toaster face, trying not to sob live on camera when she thought Julie was throwing it to a commercial and instead they zoomed in on her. Heh. Too bad she won't go to the actual jury house to have ten second sex with Kyle.

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Turner is a jerk. If he voted out Taylor she would not now be the new HOH and he would not be the next one sent to jury. Monte and Taylor will sit in the final 2 seats. Taylor wins BB24. I like Taylor but I also feel bad for Turner because he is so stupid. 

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31 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Uh, Julie.  Don't quit your day job.  I don't see a career in dancing. 

Julie is a real klutz and a fool. She seems so damn stupid to me. She is married to that Les Moonves and when they used to go to award shows she would drape herself all over him as if she didn't do that he would look elsewhere for some good lovin'.

I can't stand her. 

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I can't believe it! That has to be the first time the person I wanted to win the numerical tie breaker question actually WON!

This is great! Good on Taylor.

Brittany would have been insufferable had she won based on her performance since winning veto. So happy to be spared that.

I want to see the awkward aftermath when Brittany has to explain betraying Taylor.

Monty has lost his eye on the prize engaging in a  last minute showmance after getting disqualified from the veto. Still it is Taylor so I have to give him some slack.

Alyssa seemed genuinlly hurt. I hope she doesnt' forgive Turner.

Edited by North of Eden
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9 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Alyssa seemed genuinlly hurt. I hope she doesnt' forgive Turner.

Alyssa is not known for holding long term grudges in the game. She’d be mad at Kyle one minute for lying to her in the game and then he’d smile and apologize and she'd let him fuck her the next minute. I do see her voting for a female winner though. I wonder if Mrs. Capener is concerned her baby boy is now going to be back with the not good enough for her son seductress for the next 2 weeks.

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Alyssa has nerrrrrrrrrrve.  She was so ridiculous fake-crying to Turner.  How many of her own friends has she voted out of the game?  Every single one of them?  Puuuhhhleeeeeaaaze!  Turner is her new BFF in the world because she voted out all her other ones!  LOL!

BUT AT LEAST SHE ISN'T BRITTANY!  Brittany is a hypnotherapist?  Anyone that has ever been hypnotized by her looks stupid now, I'm sorry.  She's so fake in her goodbye messages, it's so obvious what she's doing!  And the way she took Taylor cozying up to Monte so personally?  What the hell!  Is she a child?!  What have you done for Taylor lately, Brittany?  Give me a break!  Taylor was having sleepovers and was up until 8 am (GOD FORBID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and Brittany was so angry about it that she voted against her?  How petty can you be!  I get that she thinks that Monte was Taylor's new #1 but Turner was Alyssa's Number 1 so what is it exactly that you think you're doing?

I swear, Michael's game now looks even better in retrospect.  He had to manage Brittany's ego this entire time.

I need Michael to come back for an All Stars.  To reiterate some other posters in the last topic - I am not satisfied.  LOL.  I can't stand Brittany nor her gameplay.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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33 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:


Alyssa has nerrrrrrrrrrve.  She was so ridiculous fake-crying to Turner.  How many of her own friends has she voted out of the game?  Every single one of them?  Puuuhhhleeeeeaaaze!  Turner is her new BFF in the world because she voted out all her other ones!  LOL!

BUT AT LEAST SHE ISN'T BRITTANY!  Brittany is a hypnotherapist?  Anyone that has ever been hypnotized by her looks stupid now, I'm sorry.  She's so fake in her goodbye messages, it's so obvious what she's doing!  And the way she took Taylor cozying up to Monte so personally?  What the hell!  Is she a child?!  What have you done for Taylor lately, Brittany?  Give me a break!  Taylor was having sleepovers and was up until 8 am (GOD FORBID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and Brittany was so angry about it she voted against her?  How petty can you be!  I get that she thinks that Monte was Taylor's new #1 but Turner was Alyssa's Number 1 so what is it exactly that you think you're doing?

I swear, Michael's game now looks even better in retrospect.  He had to manage Brittany's ego this entire time.

I need Michael to come back for an All Stars.  To reiterate some other posters in the last topic - I am not satisfied.  LOL.  I can't stand Brittany nor her gameplay.

Aside from Taylor winning the best part was the Fab Four up in bed having a ball while Brittany was down by herself. And that's because nobody likes you Brittany. You were just Michael's toady and that's all you ever were. Without him I seriously doubt she ever would have been in The Leftovers.

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17 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Aside from Taylor winning the best part was the Fab Four up in bed having a ball while Brittany was down by herself. And that's because nobody likes you Brittany. You were just Michael's toady and that's all you ever were. Without him I seriously doubt she ever would have been in The Leftovers.

Honestly, I did feel bad for her in that moment.  It was kind of mean that they excluded one person.  But, like you said it seems like they are all of a sudden some understood foursome - Alyssa and Turner (like @mojoweensaid when the hell did that happen) and Monte and Taylor.  I don't like Brittany, but that was........ weird.  Especially because Turner is in a relationship at home, right?  They could have let her chill with them on the couch.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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This thing with Monte and Taylor all of sudden seemed utterly contrived to me. Ugh. Plus, I wanted to see Taylor with Joseph, dagnabbit. 🎶These hoes ain't loyal.🎶 (Especially when there's $750k on the line.)

But I loved how the new development between Taylor and Monte got Brittany all discombobulated.

OMG, Alyssa is the worst actress, with her crocodile tears. Turner almost busted out laughing in her face when she was making her pitch to him.

I guess Julie's not easily embarrassed. That wannabe TikTok outfit/dance  montage was cringe.

Yay, Taylor! Yas, queen!

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I know nothing about fashion, but Julie dancing with all the outfits she wore throughout the season?  I was transfixed - so much fun! 

I liked that she was having a good time with it and laughing at herself a little, too.  She's really come a long way from her robotic delivery in the early seasons of this show.  Probably my favorite HOH competition of the year (yet I only got 2 correct answers! lol).

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I always thought there were rules when it came to sleeping at night/during the day. Like, lights went out at a certain time and then they weren't allowed to nap. I seem to recall one season wearing sunglasses indoors was banned because the house guests were using them to hide their eyes while they slept. 

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19 minutes ago, Gregg247 said:

I know nothing about fashion, but Julie dancing with all the outfits she wore throughout the season?  I was transfixed - so much fun! 

I liked that she was having a good time with it and laughing at herself a little, too.  She's really come a long way from her robotic delivery in the early seasons of this show.  

I, too, liked this competition.  I really enjoy it when people can laugh at themselves and it seemed like Julie was in on the joke yet still had fun with it.  Anytime I can just laugh at something intentionally funny is a win for me.

In other news, with so few house guests left they are showing more of Brittany and, wow, is she exhausting.  It's one thing to show some anxiety, it's another to go to everyone and go on and endlessly go on about it.  I guess Michael really was an amazing social player if he helped contain her anxiety.

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I've lost so much respect for Taylor. Not that I begrudge her a little showmance, but with Monte? He's the one who started the whole bully ball rolling towards her at the beginning of the season when he ran to Paloma and told her what Taylor said to him. He's been mostly awful to her and he's a smug asshole. I don't know if she understands what he did to this day, I hope when she gets home someone fills her in.

And yeah I'm glad she won HoH but she will probably do whatever Monte tells her to do, which means putting up Turner and Brittany. I just hope Brittany wins Veto and Monte goes up because that last thing I want to see is a Turner/Monte F2. 

I was actually hoping Brittany would win HoH - not because I like her but because the other three's heads would explode, and I would enjoy watching them all squirm.

I don't get why these people are always SO BAD at the tiebreaker question. Don't they know how many minutes, even approximately, the Veto comp lasted? It's just 60 times whatever that number is. Both Brittany and Taylor were WAY OFF. I think the answer was one thousand and something? Meaning the comp lasted between 16 and 20 minutes? I would have guessed much longer but I didn't play it live like they did, and Taylor guessed 400 something and Brittany 2700. Can't either of them do simple math?

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