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S13.E03: Welcome to the Future

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I completely understand Sandhya winning two of three challenges thus far; her looks have been wholly different than anything else on the runway in their respective episodes.  Yet they didn't feel forced, or give the impression she was putting out unusual garments solely to separate herself from the other designers.  There was thought, and a clear story behind each look.  More importantly, she is fearless.  There is so much gamesmanship on this show, with designers calculating how far they can push the envelope without risking an early departure.  Or they assume they can put out 'safe' garments that are well-executed, and perhaps skate by for an extended period of time.  For many the goal is to simply make the latter stages of the competition; they want to avoid elimination, as opposed to winning (and potentially losing) challenges.  There is none of that going on with Sandhya; she has a POV and isn't deterred by fear of losing, or even words of caution from Tim.  Obviously that mentality can backfire as easily as it can prove beneficial, which we saw in Episode 2.  Yet the harsh feedback she received on her unconventional garment didn't cause her to second guess herself the next time out.  I love that about her, and expect we'll continue to see up and down results for the duration of her tenure in the competition.  I should also say her unique story, clear POV and fearlessness won't trump a disastrous garment, and I disagree with those who say she won solely because her garments were so much different than everyone else's.  You may not have liked them (as was the case with Heidi in this challenge), but you have to respect the effort, and can't really argue with the decision to give her the win. 


As far as Tim's comment about euthanizing a garment, I actually thought he was referring to another designer.  I will have to go back and watch the episode again, but IIRC he made the statement immediately after Zac attempted to defend Sean's look.  Whatever the case, I am always wary of editing.  There is always a great deal more that happens during designer feedback sessions that we actually see on-camera, and it could be Tim gave someone very specific advice that was totally ignored.  If the designer does okay in spite of it, the panel is none the wiser.  But if he is ignored, and the look is disastrous, I think that is the kind of information the judges want to be made aware of. 


I am surprised Mitchell's garment wasn't in the top.  I thought the whole relationship to water, and global warming, made perfect sense, and I thought it looked amazing on the runway.  It certainly turned out better than I expected it was going to.

Edited by NY2TX
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Let's just skip ahead and annoint Sandhya the winner. 


This was her second win (out of 3 rounds) and I have yet to understand why she's won anything.  There is a good deal of talent and some great looks coming down the runway this season, and they selected that pink thing that looked like it had snakes crawling up the sides.   But she was "brilliant" because the model was able to sit in the dress, and because she told some story about women not needing men anymore blah blah blah.


This show used to be fun and while I used to enjoy some snarkiness from the judges - they have become mean for the sake of being mean. Zac Posen prancing around in the hat along with some of the other comments.  For the most part, these contestants work hard on their designs and they don't deserve being laughed at and ripped to shreds, especially when fashion by nature is subjective to begin with.


Ugh.  I could be over this show.

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I didn't like Sandhya's design but agree that, at least, it was different.  I also felt like I had seen all of the other contestants' outfits before.  I think they sent Angela home over the guy who did the burlap sack dress because she was so fragile - they were probably concerned about liability.


This season seems especially mean-spirited to me.  Not just the judges - but every contestant's confessional to the camera was to say negative things about other contestants' designs.  Maybe it was editing.  I recall that in past seasons, they would also show contestants saying positive things about other designs.

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Was Mitchell's outfit two-piece or one-piece? It looks like it's all one piece. I don't like it much either way because it just looks like exercise clothes, but if it's one-piece I dislike it more because the stripes don't line up quite right. If it's two-piece, it's better.

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I am SOOOOO tired of Amanda's THs. "I have an advantage because I know where everything is at Mood". "In 1994 I was jamming with my brother, laying down some sweet tunes". If those are your strengths, Amanda, please go on Guy's Grocery Games and American Idol - just stay away from PR.

She was also talking back to the judges on the runway (albeit in a friendly way) like they were nuts to criticize her design. 

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For the third week in a row Sandhya sends the stupidest piece of crap down the runway and somehow manages to not go home.  Ugh.  Giving her the win?  Double ugh.  The judges have no taste.


Angela's departure was a mercy kill but I would have sent Sandhya home first.

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I think they managed to get just about every contestant in a talking head that began with "I'm REALLY concerned about ......(insert name of designer)". 


No, you are NOT "concerned" with that person.  You are COMPETING with that person and you want them to flame out spectacularly.  You WANT to say that they are a talentless hack with the design aesthetic of a Baboon, but you just passive-aggressively say you are "concerned".  You all lie! 

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Sandhya is rapidly becoming Anya 2.0 at this point. I didn't see the episode last night because I completely forgot about it, which tells me something about this season, but I looked at "Rate The Runway" this morning and was WTF-ing all over the place for the third week in a row. The dress was a pink sack--too long (which is usually the kiss of death with Heidi), too shapeless, and the hose thingie? Unless it's serving up martinis, just no.

It would be really nice if they actually had a designer with a more international viewpoint win this for a change, but I am not feeling the Sandhya love AT ALL.

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I was actually happy with this episode:


- Angela was the right person to go home.  Yes, the post-apocalyptic muumuu was terrible, but Angela's been on a downward trajectory each of these episodes.  Tim's right.  This isn't the right venue for her personality or talents.  Or her thin skin.


- Speaking of post-apocalytic muumuu's, Alexander you made a mess this week.  Ugly, sad, but even as bad as it was, it wasn't the worst.  


- Amanda got the smack down that outfit (and last week's) actually deserved.  She was already sketching out her Fashion Week collection in her head, but has a lot of competition yet to go before she gets there.  Amanda needs to drop the attitude and get her head in the game.


- Char disappointed me mightily this week.  The pants were nice, but just pants.  That stuff around the model's neck was a monstrosity.  Not her week.


- Emily's outfit was beautiful and well made, but not really ground breaking.  It deserved to be in the top but not to win.


- Fade, once again, made something fascinating.   The shapes were fairly standard, but his use of pattern was awesome.  I'd also have put him in the top.


- Hernan, sweet heaven, that was horrible.  Horrible.  Unflattering.  Ugly.  Trashy looking.  He should have been one of the bottom two.  Yes, the post apocalyptic muu muu was bad, but it was better than this hot mess.


- Kini.  It looked well made enough, but it was just sort of dark and sad.  This man's from Hawaii and he sees a future this dark?


- Korina, honey, I was wearing something close to that in the mid-1980's just with larger shoulder pads.  Meh, at best.


- Kristina's outfit was gorgeous.  Absolutely gorgeous.  We've seen things like this before, but she did a great job.  She deserved to be in the top two.


- Mitchell's Miami roots really show through, although a woman wearing a neoprene jump suit (it was two pieces but looked like a jump suit) in Miami's heat would fall over from heat stroke.  This outfit looked like workout wear that you can buy at any of a range of upscale shops right now.  Not exactly pushing any boundaries.


- Samantha, that's a whole lot of look.  I wish she'd have edited back a little.  If it's cold enough to wear a giant cowl around your neck, perhaps the model should be wearing a nice pair of leather pants or tailored slacks rather than a short skating skirt.  It didn't make sense.


- Sandhya's look was funky, imaginative, and fun.   I think Kristina's was actually better but Sandhya's showed a lot of imagination.  I also enjoyed it immensely when all the haters were shocked...again.  At some point they have to stop saying that they don't understand how her looks could win and start looking at what she's doing that they AREN'T.


- Sean's look was designed for a modern day Puritan or Calvinist minister's wife who is too stern and hardcore to own something as frivolous as an iron.

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While I may not like Sandhya's designs, she does seem to have a clear point of view. Perhaps the team last week would have done better to follow her lead instead of Hernan's. But I doubt Hernan would have let that happen.

This. I don't have a horse in this race - yet. But it seemed that the losing team's biggest problem was Hernan insisting that they march in lockstep to a "vision" that failed to appeal to the judges. That loser girl basically reproduced what she was told wasn't a huge surprise. That Sandhya did told me something about how that running conversation really went in the work room.

Earth to Hernan: she's won every time she wasn't forced to listen to you.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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Sandhya's dress reminded me of one of those air hose thingies you put your deposit into when you go to the drive-in window at a bank. The judges made such a big deal that the dress was designed to enable you to sit in a chair ... like that was the most clever design detail ever. But could you lean back in a chair wearing that dress?


Maybe in the future there are no chairs.

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B1GEHVh.jpgTim's lucky he wasn't sporting a pair of shears between his shoulder blades after trying to kiss Angela "good-bye".

IMHO... this show has completely de-railed, jumped the shark, hit the skids... and a million other ways to express my disappointment.

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LOL, you are most welcome. :)

I agree. It was a mean comment. And felt two-faced. On the one hand, he's the designers' mentor, their guide. Then, behind their backs, he cuts the legs out from under them.

I don't know if the judges-only comment session started just this season (I haven't watched since Season 10) but I find it very distasteful. Critique is one thing; ridicule is quite another. Zac Posen's bit with the hat was cruel, not funny. They come off like a clique of grade-school bullies.

Especially since they're critiquing construction when the designers were given one day! And yeah, Tim's comment was inappropriate - not necessarily bc he was giving his opinion but bc the judges were going on about how they hated the burlap sack and drew attention back to Angela's by saying he doesn't know how that design should be aufed when Angela's should be euthanized. It's one thing to give your opinion about the design but Tim should not be deciding who is out

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GaT, I had the same thought about using tape.  I seem to remember an episode some years ago where someone was accused of using tape, which was not allowed, and there was a big foofaraw about it.  

The whole concept of Tim as mentor is puzzling to me, as it is to many others.  I was a mentor teacher for many years, and one of the biggest strictures was never, ever to make commentary to an administrator about the teacher you mentored -- negative OR positive.  We were to be support, advice, push-towards-excellence,  and shoulder to cry on, but absolutely no part of evaluation.  I wish that paradigm were in force for Tim.  

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Sandhya's dress was ok IMO but I hated the way the two hoses were tacked down on the front and when the model walked they bunched up.



This. I thought her design was visually interesting, and stood out from all the others, but I really wish she'd sewn the tubes down the entire front of the dress.


I also realized this episode why I don't like Amanda. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but then I realized that it's not quite arrogance (although there's a bit of that), it's that she acts like she's on the same level as Tim and the Judges. Like when they critique her, she responds not as a contestant talking to a judge, but as a designer talking to another designer. And she's always flabbergasted when they don't like something because how could they NOT like something she'd designed? CRAZY!

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I'm glad Angela went home just so I don't have to take anxiety meds to watch the damn show next week.  She made me so jumpy.  She came across so fragile and weepy and delicate, but there's something very strong/confident/cocky about her.  She was very stubborn in team challenge vs. submissive doormat.  She was amazed she was getting so much criticism as if she never heard a negative word her entire life.  She complimented herself often a la "it has my delicate touch".  Weird juxtaposition IMO.


I really liked Christine's, Emily's and Samantha's designs.  I thought Mitchell's was pretty cool.  Fade's was nice, but it looks like something I already have from J. Jill.  Very soft, flow-y and comfy like pajamas you can get away with wearing out of your house. And even though I'm not a fan of her personality,  I thought Amanda's was good too. I didn't get why the judges were so judge-y and told her she was lucky she had immunity.  There were FAR worse ensembles out there!


Which brings me to the "winning" design.  WTF?? I am no fashion maven but HUH?  If the goal is to be as different or weirder than everyone else, I can see other designers compromising their own aesthetic to create some Barnum & Bailey Clown Gown just to get attention from Prissy-pants Posen and Nina the Grinch Garcia. BTW Nina- read your magazine's beauty pages once in a while...perpetual frowning and scowling causes wrinkles.


I too am sick to death of the "Warrior" theme.  If they want to portray women as independent or fierce then why do many of the designs incorporate kick-pleats up to the coochie and plunging guess-my-cup-size necklines?  As a woman, I know we are strong and sexy in thousands of ways. Looking great and feeling confident can be accentuated by the clothes and makeup we wear.  However, I feel its BS to tell women and young girls they are valued for their strength -  but only if they have the right shoes and show enough side boob. 


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Sandhya's sketch looked very promising, but the live garment didn't live up to it. When I saw her in the final 6 though, I just knew she'd be in the top.


I wonder how Angela survived 7 years on Wall Street? That seems even more high pressure than PR.


Did they not get tablets this year for sketching? Looked like everyone was using a sketchbook. I can't remember if HP is still a sponsor? If not, I wonder if they'll be doing the create-your-own-print challenge.

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Another annoyance: the 20something guy (Alexander?) forced to work around his model's "huge" breasts to avoid the dreaded "uniboob."

First thought: what breasts? The woman is pencil thin. If you can't stand the burden of covering/accommodating the female breast, pick another career field.

Second, "uniboob" was not that wonky first attempt's biggest problem.

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I'm glad Angela went home just so I don't have to take anxiety meds to watch the damn show next week.  She made me so jumpy.  She came across so fragile and weepy and delicate, but there's something very strong/confident/cocky about her.  She was very stubborn in team challenge vs. submissive doormat.  She was amazed she was getting so much criticism as if she never heard a negative word her entire life.  She complimented herself often a la "it has my delicate touch".  Weird juxtaposition IMO.


I really liked Christine's, Emily's and Samantha's designs.  I thought Mitchell's was pretty cool.  Fade's was nice, but it looks like something I already have from J. Jill.  Very soft, flow-y and comfy like pajamas you can get away with wearing out of your house. And even though I'm not a fan of her personality,  I thought Amanda's was good too. I didn't get why the judges were so judge-y and told her she was lucky she had immunity.  There were FAR worse ensembles out there!


Which brings me to the "winning" design.  WTF?? I am no fashion maven but HUH?  If the goal is to be as different or weirder than everyone else, I can see other designers compromising their own aesthetic to create some Barnum & Bailey Clown Gown just to get attention from Prissy-pants Posen and Nina the Grinch Garcia. BTW Nina- read your magazine's beauty pages once in a while...perpetual frowning and scowling causes wrinkles.


I too am sick to death of the "Warrior" theme.  If they want to portray women as independent or fierce then why do many of the designs incorporate kick-pleats up to the coochie and plunging guess-my-cup-size necklines?  As a woman, I know we are strong and sexy in thousands of ways. Looking great and feeling confident can be accentuated by the clothes and makeup we wear.  However, I feel its BS to tell women and young girls they are valued for their strength -  but only if they have the right shoes and show enough side boob. 


I was WTF'ing when Angela replied to whomever said that they knew when Angela was coming into the room as she had such a heavy footstep.  She was all "it's my sandals, my feet are thin and delicate".  Sweetie, I can go up the stairs and not make a sound like a ninja, my nine year old and three year sound like elephants going up.  It's not the "thinness of the feet" it's walking like you are plowing a field that makes the noise.  So glad she's gone, she reminds me of so many women who claim to be demure, shy and a doormat but are so fucking passive aggressive they are the ones with the best desk, best lighting, etc as there is a layer of selfish bitchy steel right underneath that very thin skin.

Edited by karmas bitch
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Ooh, I LOVE the create your own print challenge!  


Sarah's recap above called Angela "A human flinch".  SO perfect a description!


The main problems I had with Kristine's outfit were that the Olive coat material looked like a cheap hotel comforter and the chiffon tank-thing had crooked, exposed seams, dangling threads and no hems.  That sucker was already fraying when the model put it on.  It would be in shreds after 2 wearings.  Things like that bother me, even though I know they only had 1 day.    



a layer of selfish bitchy steel right underneath that very thin skin.

Awesome phrase!

Edited by leighdear
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Especially since they're critiquing construction when the designers were given one day! And yeah, Tim's comment was inappropriate - not necessarily bc he was giving his opinion but bc the judges were going on about how they hated the burlap sack and drew attention back to Angela's by saying he doesn't know how that design should be aufed when Angela's should be euthanized. It's one thing to give your opinion about the design but Tim should not be deciding who is out


And there have been plenty of times over the seasons where Tim's "advice" to the designers has resulted in their being at the bottom.  So he can stop with the critique any time.

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Sandhya is rapidly becoming Anya 2.0 at this point.


Oh gawd, don't think I could live thru that again.  In her defense, Sandhya seems really comfortable with the sewing machine and actually uses patterns and all her fun rulers and such, I haven't seen damn basting shit that Anya relied on over and over.


Never thought I would say this - I'm kinda digging Sandhya's designs.  Of course the team challenge, boy that was a clusterfuck of epic proportions, but even if it's odd, it's still interesting to look at, and I understand her explanation behind the design.  We've seen the audition rack of clothes, so she does make designs that are more 'normal' - but I think her clothes are...happy.  Cosplay meets Bollywood meets Betsey Johnson. 


Korina can stuff a sock in it.  When she designs something that doesn't look like the rack at Debs in 1985, then I'll take notice.

Edited by CherryMalotte
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This show used to be fun and while I used to enjoy some snarkiness from the judges - they have become mean for the sake of being mean. Zac Posen prancing around in the hat along with some of the other comments.  For the most part, these contestants work hard on their designs and they don't deserve being laughed at and ripped to shreds, especially when fashion by nature is subjective to begin with.


I dunno, if these people think this is the worst criticism they'll hear then maybe they need to pick another profession.  Fashion critics are even worse than movie critics.  And they are hardly worried about offending someone when slamming their collections after they debut at fashion week.  I haven't heard anything said on any season that I would consider mean spirited.  However, I do hear designers constantly complaining that they don't get enough feedback.  Well, you got some....be careful what you wish for.


I was shocked by the winner, but then again I'm a jeans and t-shirts kinda girl so most of these wins shock me.  And Korina is a bitch.  Can't wait until she goes home.  Constantly slamming other contestants even though she has yet to win squat....sit down sweetie.

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I kind of like Sandhya's design, but I should qualify that by saying I'm kind of like "oooooo shiny!" so I'm not sure I'm the best judge in that area.


This was why I was surprised Heidi didn't love it - she ALWAYS loves the shiny designs.  The fact she didn't love it but it still won...wow.


I loved (and want) Emily's cowl/hood and Kristina's coat, but yeah their underneath outfits were not all that original.  

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Based on this challenge, Alexander should have gone.  But it was Angela's time.  She wasn't cut out for this competition. That said, I don't appreciate the fact that Tim threw her under the bus with the judges.


SMH as to Sandhya.  I don't get why the judges are raving.  I would have given the win to Kristine.

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Char's pepto bismol pink lipstick was absolutely tragic. I hope she burns that crap.

Angela's outfit wasn't the worst but I'm so glad she's out. She was painful to watch.

I also just do not get Sandya's designs. And I hate the color pink with the heat of a thousand suns. I am resigned already to not liking the winners designs.

Edited by TiredMe
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This was why I was surprised Heidi didn't love it - she ALWAYS loves the shiny designs.  The fact she didn't love it but it still won...wow.



The dress was too long for Heidi.  She likes shiny and super short minis.

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This was why I was surprised Heidi didn't love it - she ALWAYS loves the shiny designs.  The fact she didn't love it but it still won...wow.


It's because Nina loved it.  She's a steam roller and always gets her way.  Hence, Gretchen and Anthony Ryan's many inexplicable wins.  I wish PR would replace Nina and Zac Posen.  They're both non-constructive, humorless, and mean.

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"Future" doesn't necessarily mean "futuristic." Even Anne Fulenwider, during the instructions for the challenge, mentioned that grunge comes back every 10 years. The same goes for every decade--over the past years, we've seen 60's, 70's, and 80's inspired trends come back up... I mean, wasn't neon in fashion just a few years ago? 


Which is why Sandhya's win makes no sense to me. NO SENSE. Wearing those hanging vacuum hoses (tm someone upthread) is about as practical as it would be right now.... which is to say, not at all. The dress underneath was completely basic, and the soft color with that garish metallic hose was ugly. UGLY, I say. I guess I just don't get Sandhya's aesthetic at all, so if the judges keep rewarding her every week for things that I think are underdesigned and ugly, I may have to stop watching.


Aufing Angela was a mercy kill if I've ever seen one, and I'm glad they did it--watching her descent into a nervous breakdown is something I would not have enjoyed.

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 And even though I'm not a fan of her personality,  I thought Amanda's was good too. I didn't get why the judges were so judge-y and told her she was lucky she had immunity.  There were FAR worse ensembles out there!

That was Step Two of Operation Damage Control.


Last week all 15 designers were lined up to exit the stage and the judges pulled out a big hammer just for Angela:  "YOU!  Your design was so bad, your teammates aren't being considered for the win."  Then everyone filed out.  (Someone here compared it to sending a bloody gazelle off with the lions.)


Either because Angela's a nervous breakdown in the making, or maybe just because that was a brutal move no matter how thick the target's skin, they worked up a little retcon.   The opening sequence showed two cuts from another portion of the judging which made it seem like Heidi sort of randomly cruised the contestants and noted this one was good, that one was bad, here's another good one. Then they made sure everyone heard another designer get a dose of the same medicine.


(Yes, I know the judges direct criticism at individuals all the time, but I've never seen one person get cut out of the herd for a smackdown where that's the only commentary for the entire segment.)

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I was nonplused that Sandhya won for that outfit until after I read TLo's commentary about this episode and why they stand by Sandhya's win.  They explained it as this was more of an advant garde type challenge and she was really the only one who got that.  even though there were better executed designs comeing down the runway, hers was the only one you wouldn't see at Sears. 

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Sandhya's pink color was a little deeper and richer than Angela's pale pink. I liked Angela's idea and think it might have worked in a deep blue or green with the white lapel. It also needed to fit the model. The top was two sizes too big. 


Sack dress was my choice to go. When I first saw the dress come out on the runway, I thought it was made of astroturf. 

Not only was Sandhya's pink a little deeper and richer than Angela's but Sandhya's dress had other elements that added visual interest to it (whether or not you liked them). Angela's overall design was too blah. It also seemed too retro (i.e. 1960s) to me.

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While I liked Sandhya's dress in the pilot, I thought this one was a mess. The dress itself looked rough. I agree with Heidi that the dress was too comical. It didn't fit the challenge. The challenge was to create a dress that a woman in the future would actually wear. Sandhya's dress was a futuristic costume, not future fashion. For as much as these judges like to question "taste," I'm seriously questioning theirs. 


I like Angela's dress, but she really need to go home. Although, Alexander's look was far worse, IMO.

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What the heck??  After all the praise for Emily's and Kristina's designs, and Heidi not really "getting" Sandhya's dress... Sandyha won??  Thanks, editors, that made no sense.


While I may not like Sandhya's designs, she does seem to have a clear point of view.  Perhaps the team last week would have done better to follow her lead instead of Hernan's.  But I doubt Hernan would have let that happen. 

Well, this was a Marie Claire challenge and Nina love it, so there you go.   In discussing some of the other designs, Heidi was saying that she liked them because they weren't gimmicky or costumey. She said it a few times so I thought that perhaps Sandhya wouldn't win.  Silly me. 

I am SOOOOO tired of Amanda's THs. "I have an advantage because I know where everything is at Mood". "In 1994 I was jamming with my brother, laying down some sweet tunes". If those are your strengths, Amanda, please go on Guy's Grocery Games and American Idol - just stay away from PR.

They honestly don't bother me.  I'm certain production is asking her questions about her advantages for the THs.   Kate talked about them in her "redemption" season too.  

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Korrina's face when she saw that Sandhya won was giving me life. Reminds me of Gretchen's epic pouting face after the Team Luxe fiasco where Tim scolded everyone. <3 


I understand why Sandyha won the challenge. The other two people in the top created clothes that are more on trend for now than twenty years from now plus Sandyha was the only one with a clear narrative about her look. Her win made sense given the challenge and hers was the only garment that embraced the spirit of the futuristic challenge. I was very happy for her and I look forward to what else she will bring to the table. It's been a LONG time since we have had a designer with a POV as distinct as Sandhya's. 


Other Notes:


-Jumpsuits need to be BANNED from the runway. I am so over them. 

-Amanda's look was ugly and I'm glad she was called out on it. 

-Fade continues to intrigue me. 

-Angela was the right person to be sent packing. 

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When they showed Hernan taping the dress to the model, I thought he would be disqualified because I seem to remember that they aren't allowed to use tape. Does anyone else remember that, or am I just hallucinating again?


As far as I know they are not allowed to glue the clothes to the model's skin. Olivier from Season 9 tried to do this and Tim reminded him it was against the rules. Michael Costello (Season 8) was called out by Ivy for using tape on his model, but he insisted it was for the model's chest (probably to keep her breasts in place if the garment had no bra) and was not to stick her to the clothes. Tim never pushed the issue or commented on it because the challenge in question had been over for almost 4 episodes at that point so I have no idea if a designer is allowed to tape a model in or not. 

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The poll bug that takes up 35 percent of the screen

How are we supposed to interact on social media with a show we can't see on the screen? Shrink it, tech team.

YES! I have HAD it with twitter and this bullshit on all shows. I hope we can look back on this trend in ten years and say "wow we were such idiots in the Teens - we thought Twitter was cool back then. we thought being on our laptops while watching TV was cool, boy were we idiots" and previews for shows will say "NO TWITTER FEED at the screen bottom!! tune in tomorrow!"

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I understand WHY Sandhya won. She did something different, something that hasn't been seen a thousand times before, and she was also able to articulate a vision for what she was doing that sort of made sense. However, to me, her designs are much better in the idea than in the execution. Take that 3D detail off that pink dress, and what you are left with is a very basic design. Add the 3D detail back in, and then it becomes, did she use that detail in a way that made sense? And for me, that's where her design became muddled. As others have noted, you wouldn't want those tubes running down your back in reality, because you couldn't sit in a chair. But beyond that, do the two lines running down the front of the dress do anything to enhance the model's figure or to draw the eye to some focal point in the design? I don't think so. I wish she had just used that feature around the top of the dress in some way, and maybe down the center of the front. Visually, that would have made more sense to me. (And then I would have tacked it down all the way down, instead of leaving it loose so that the model could pull the dress up to put her hands in her pockets. That was a weird extraneous detail)

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I wish that Tim would stop opining during the judges' deliberation. If Heidi is going to insist that he's not a judge, he shouldn't be talking about how Angela's design should be euthanized.


The funny thing about this is that, as I was just reminded, Tim and the Under the Gunn editors attacked Nick really hard for daring to criticize someone on the bottom, "throwing her under the bus and backing over her a few times", because as a mentor he should have been supportive.  Then he comes out and basically insists that Angela must be the one to go?


Years ago I never would have thought that Heidi would be the only persona on the show I could still stand-- she's like our Obi Wan Kenobi of not-being-a-total-miserable-downer: "Help us Heidi Wan Kenobi, you're our only hope."


Heidi is definitely the best these days.  It almost makes me want to go back and watch the older seasons, and see if I respect her opinion more than I used to.  She focusses on whether she would wear something--but she's sincere about it.  And if you've ever seen her Halloween costumes, she's down to wear some weird stuff!  I appreciate her forthrightness. 


I still like Zac--I suspect they're editing out most of his constructive criticism because the viewers supposeldy want bitchy drama.  I was glad to see him in supportive mode today about Sean.  (I have to say, when Sean was like, "I have time, I'll make a hat!" I thought, no, buddy, don't do that~~)


I also realized this episode why I don't like Amanda. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but then I realized that it's not quite arrogance (although there's a bit of that), it's that she acts like she's on the same level as Tim and the Judges. Like when they critique her, she responds not as a contestant talking to a judge, but as a designer talking to another designer.


Haha, this is what I like about Amanda.  I don't like the obsequious kowtowing some designers do.  I don't respect Nina's opinion in th slightest--why should the designers?  I can see how some people think she's arrogant or whatever; I just think she's comfortable in her own skin.  Not folding under the criticism is a positive thing, to me.  (I could see the 90s clearly in her look, which I did not like at all, but not the future.)


I dunno, if these people think this is the worst criticism they'll hear then maybe they need to pick another profession.  Fashion critics are even worse than movie critics.  And they are hardly worried about offending someone when slamming their collections after they debut at fashion week.  I haven't heard anything said on any season that I would consider mean spirited.


In my experience the vast majority of so-called fashion critics are completely cowed by the designers--people who write negative reviews are regularly (and childishly) barred from coming to subsequent shows, and fashion magazines never have any criticism in any substantial sense because they are almost entirely paid for by advertising from the people they are criticizing.  Bloggers and stuff are harsher these days, but most of the harsh criticism in fashion comes down on the (mostly) women wearing the clothes, not the (mostly) men who make them.  Which to me is like writing positive reviews of a terrible movie and then taking pictures of the audience and saying "Look at these tasteless fools going to a shit movie!!"


I thought Sandhya had a good idea, the technique of the tubey things looked good, but it just ultimately didn't work for me on a design level. They were placed wrong, there was just something uninspiring about them.  She needed to "push it further", as Tim's favorite non-advice puts it.  I would put her in the top, to encourage her thought process, but not give her the win.


Alexander's was clearly, clearly the worst to me, and while I sympathize about the time issue, they gave him a pass for exactly the thing they didn't give the losing team a pass for last week.  "Oh this wasn't your original plan, well then that's OK."  They just wanted to get rid of Angela, I guess.  I think they got her off on the wrong foot with their inane "slutty" criticism of her first look and she never recovered.  Not a terrible loss, but a little frustrating for me.  Also Alexander's dead-eyed openmouthed stare that someone pointed out makes me more uncomfortable than Angela's weird self-hating narcissist routine.


Kristine is my favorite for now.  I liked her coat; I saw the 90s-future-Prada thing she had going on with the pieces underneath, and I just like her as a person.  I liked her last week too, as a person and as the designer of the best of the terrible winning team.  She seems chill and talented.  I dig it.

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Haha, this is what I like about Amanda.  I don't like the obsequious kowtowing some designers do.  I don't respect Nina's opinion in th slightest--why should the designers?  I can see how some people think she's arrogant or whatever; I just think she's comfortable in her own skin.  Not folding under the criticism is a positive thing, to me.  





Amanda could have been more graceful about letting the judges know that she did not agree with their assessment. (See Kenley for how not to do this.)



Alexander's was clearly, clearly the worst to me, and while I sympathize about the time issue, they gave him a pass for exactly the thing they didn't give the losing team a pass for last week.  "Oh this wasn't your original plan, well then that's OK."  They just wanted to get rid of Angela, I guess.  I think they got her off on the wrong foot with their inane "slutty" criticism of her first look and she never recovered.  Not a terrible loss, but a little frustrating for me.  Also Alexander's dead-eyed openmouthed stare that someone pointed out makes me more uncomfortable than Angela's weird self-hating narcissist routine.

Angela's piece had issues, but Alexander's piece looked like a burlap sack. The color was drab, and the styling was too basic. I understood that he had to start over, but he couldn't have come up with anything else that did not look like a burlap sack?

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Hmmm, clothes in 20 years.  I see jeans having a natural waist and everyone cracking up about "the muffintop era."


My favorite moment was Sandhya's TH, with some sentiment like "I didn't know it would be so tough with the other designers, but whatever.  On to the next challenge."


Maybe they can ratchet up the stress and knock that sensible attitude out of her before it catches on entirely.  Korina.  How about a challenge with only one pair of scissors for the whole room or a three-legged race around Mood?

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Amanda could have been more graceful about letting the judges know that she did not agree with their assessment. (See Kenley for how not to do this.)


Haha, I actually loved Kenley too.  "I wasn't going for elegant, Heidi"


I guess Amanda's reaction just didn't feel that bad to me.  She just seemed surprised, which I think is fair enough.  But like I say, I can see why people disagree.

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Looks like the judges are slowly coming to their senses.  This time, it seems they got things "1/2 right" in getting that gaggle of unchecked nerve endings Angela out of there.  She doesn't have the temperament.  (Notice how she tears up before anything actually transpires and any work is begun.)  No confidence whatsoever.


With respect to Sandhya, I can only ask, "Why are the judges so seemingly mesmerized by this woman?"  Already, she's demonstrated that she isn't a team player in any sense.  Her initial win looked like a high school art project and her second appeared to have snakes slithering from behind the back, over the shoulders and down the front.  The problem is that the entirety of the look had no relation to such a reptile.  She continually states that she has a "story to tell".  How about doing that on your own time and try designing looks that are bold, brazen, daring and fresh.  With each minute of her day, she had better be thankful for having immunity for the Episode 2 challenge.  Ask Carrie about that.

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Tim's comment about euthanizing Angela's sad "suit" was just a glimmer of the Under The Gunn version of Tim. I didn't like it then, and I don't like it now. And in what universe is that not judging? Is it just because he doesn't get to write down a number on the little cards?

I have no problem with Sandhya's win because when her design came out, I thought it was the only future looking outfit out there. I'm not sure what the tubes were supposed to be, but I'd imagine that we'd have solar panels and electrical outlets in our clothes in the future. Maybe the tubes are a solar coffee heater you wear while outside. :-)

The only reason that Angela went home is because the other two had never landed in the bottom before. I can't get worked up about it because it was going to happen much sooner rather than later. Angela didn't seem to be able to create in the time limitations this show gives.

PS I'm glad they didn't eliminate Kiwi (Aussie?) guy since he is about the only guy with any looks at all, though there are many beautiful women (yes, I know this is shallow, so sue me).

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Haha, this is what I like about Amanda.  I don't like the obsequious kowtowing some designers do.  I don't respect Nina's opinion in th slightest--why should the designers?  


Because they're in a contest in which Nina is a judge.  In this event, Amanda is NOT their equal.  They're judges and she's a contestant.

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