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And Just Like That in the Media

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6 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

Has Cynthia Nixon decided to forego separation of character and actress and chosen to morph Miranda into herself?

Glad to see we aren't the only ones who see it.

7 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

Che’s entire gimmick, from the very moment they introduce themselves on their podcast X, Y, And Me (which is a terrible title and also, coincidentally, the title of IVF Books for Children, per a random Google search), is simply to discuss one of three limited traits: their gender, their sexuality, and weed.

A male character written this way would have been written as a villain.  



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4 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

Glad to see we aren't the only ones who see it.

A male character written this way would have been written as a villain.  



If the "comedian" was a man, he would've been Me Too'd and Times Up'd by social media and every other media outlet. 

I saw a clip of Cynthia on WWHL and she mentioned Miranda having a midlife crisis. I guess that's her way of trying to answer for Miranda's behavior, because I feel like the show is trying to tell us that hers feelings for the "comedian" are very real and very right and everything she went through with Steve could not hold a candle to being fingerbanged in her ailing friends kitchen. 

Edited by funnygirl
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15 minutes ago, funnygirl said:

I just saw the preview for episode 10 and it's more of the same with Miranda's rom-com.

I saw it too and all I can say is ugh.  


How many times have we heard don't put your life on hold for a man and now we have Miranda (who should really fucking know better) choosing Che over a career opportunity.

This show really missed the mark on so many things but Miranda's story will go down in history as one of the absolute worst plotlines I have ever watched on any show.

Edited by ifionlyknew
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I listened to the Writers' Room podcast for episode 9. Much of it annoyed me. The biggest thing: The writers are convinced that we viewers are unhappy with the Miranda-Che story line because we like and are so invested in Miranda-Steve. They are absolutely sticking to this and it's so demeaning to the viewers. They just don't get it. They are refusing to get it.

These writers claim that viewers are hung up on Miranda and Steve being together. They will not admit that it's not that we can't handle a Miranda-Steve breakup, it's that we hate the way Miranda disregarded and diminished Steve as she ran heedlessly toward someone new, and that even now she is not admitting that she blindsided her husband and hurt him deeply. The message that's being sent is that Miranda was miserable so she now deserves her happiness and Steve deserved to get dumped. 

And now Cynthia Nixon is doubling down in this appearance on Watch What Happens Live and saying that often the other person in the marriage is also miserable but "they're just not admitting it". OMG. The conflation of Miranda and CN is complete.

The one good thing I heard is that the writers have been getting LOTS of negative feedback on Miranda and Che. They bad thing is that they refuse to hear what the viewers are actually saying. 

Edited by RedHawk
Added link to CN's appearance on WWHL, and her exact words about Steve being "miserable" in the marriage
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It's not like there was a giant Miranda and Steve fan base.  I did not like them together.  However I hated how cavalier Miranda was with cheating on her husband.  And just because she was unhappy doesn't mean it wasn't cheating.  Add in the hypocrisy of Miranda excoriating Steve when he cheated on her one time.  Plus the zero chemistry between Miranda and Che.  And finally the school girl crush Miranda is exhibiting and this story has been just an awful unbearable mess to watch.

I guess I should be glad Cynthia Nixon and the writers haven't called us bigots or unwoke nitwits for not liking the story. 

If Steve and Miranda were already separated at the start of the series and Miranda had met someone and there was an attraction and we saw them get to know one another and start a relationship I would have been fine with that. But don't serve me garbage food and tell me it's haute cuisine.   They fucked up and they can defend it all they want.  But all us viewers are entitled to call things the way we see them. And this storyline sucked like nothing has ever sucked before.

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1 hour ago, RedHawk said:

I listened to the Writers' Room podcast for episode 9. Much of it annoyed me. The biggest thing: The writers are convinced that we viewers are unhappy with the Miranda-Che story line because we like and are so invested in Miranda-Steve. They are absolutely sticking to this and it's so demeaning to the viewers. They just don't get it. They are refusing to get it.

These writers claim that viewers are hung up on Miranda and Steve being together. They will not admit that it's not that we can't handle a Miranda-Steve breakup, it's that we hate the way Miranda disregarded and diminished Steve as she ran heedlessly toward someone new, and that even now she is not admitting that she blindsided her husband and hurt him deeply. The message that's being sent is that Miranda was miserable so she now deserves her happiness and Steve deserved to get dumped. 

And now Cynthia Nixon is doubling down in interviews and saying that Steve was also miserable but he just didn't know it. OMG. 

The one good thing I heard is that the writers have been getting LOTS of negative feedback on Miranda and Che. They bad thing is that they refuse to hear what the viewers are actually saying. 

Well, there are certain politicians who insist the sky is bright orange and although we can all see it's blue, plenty of people believe the sky is orange because they are that suggestible. Perhaps the writers are hoping that if they repeat themselves enough times with enough conviction, they can convince the viewers of what they are saying.

I think they are privately sweating the poor reception and saying whatever they can think of to get themselves a second season. I bet they thought they'd be renewed by now. Chances are they left the "plotlines" (such as they are) intentionally hanging in order to hedge their bets.

Edited by Jillybean
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9 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

Well, there are certain politicians who insist the sky is bright orange and although we can all see it's blue, plenty of people believe the sky is orange because they are that suggestible. Perhaps the writers are hoping that if they repeat themselves enough times with enough conviction, they can convince the viewers of what they are saying.

I think they are privately sweating the poor reception and saying whatever they can think of to get themselves a second season. I bet they thought they'd be renewed by now. Chances are they left the "plotlines" (such as they are) intentionally hanging in order to hedge their bets.

There is no way they are going to tie up everyone's stories in a nice little bow.

And yes I bet the writers were shocked by the negative response.   For the most part SATC had mostly positive reviews from reviewers and viewers.   Even when there was a poorly received story like Carrie cheating with Big at least the audience understood it whether we liked it or not.  So I'm inclined to believe the writers and especially MPK thought the audience is going to be so happy to have this they will love it no matter what.  They wrote this for themselves.  These stories could have been written for a completely different show with completely different characters.   These stories were not stories written for Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte. 

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First Michael Patrick King shit on just why Miranda and Steve got married.

But apparently that wasn't enough. Now he shits on their Brooklyn Bridge reunion in movie #1. I reiterate: Fuck Michael Patrick King! (And if you were ever geeky enough to freeze that list he discusses - and I may have - the cons may have been longer, but it listed stuff like "too much nose hair", i.e. nitpicks.)

So I reiterate yet again: Fuck Michael Patrick King.

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1 hour ago, WendyCR72 said:

First Michael Patrick King shit on just why Miranda and Steve got married.

But apparently that wasn't enough. Now he shits on their Brooklyn Bridge reunion in movie #1. I reiterate: Fuck Michael Patrick King! (And if you were ever geeky enough to freeze that list he discusses - and I may have - the cons may have been longer, but it listed stuff like "too much nose hair", i.e. nitpicks.)

So I reiterate yet again: Fuck Michael Patrick King.

Liar, liar pants on fire.  I read the headline and that's enough for me.  I will get too upset.  Now I hate MPK and Cynthia equally.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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4 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Yeah, it's all about the audience being bigots! That's it! I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with the shitty writing used for checking boxes and glorifying a pothead at the expense of a longtime beloved (by many) husband of the very woman said pothead cheats with.

Whomever Ms. DeLaria is, she can kindly have several seats.

 Oh, puh-lease!


Being as Ms Blue Jay sat you down, Lea DeLaria...


I haven't read or heard one single person state the thing they hold against Che is gender non-binary. status... to a person they state it's Che' s non-comedic status. Nor have I encountered anyone stating they dislike Miranda being with someone  gender non-binary. Lea DeLaria is reaching straight up  their own ass   attempting to attribute some narrow-minded, hate fueled attitude  as having colored  the audience's  judgement.

Nope, EVERYONE objects to Miranda  being portrayed as not having the decency to tell her partner of 20 years she wants to end her marriage and be free to pursue a different life...The f'ing nerve! @%#?$#&@. We object to the rewrite being done to the character, Miranda. We  spent 6 years+ getting to know  her as a decent thoughtful person who doesn't just kick people aside when she no longer has use for them. 

It's not our fault that  MPK + the team can't write for shite.  So ego driven are they, that they seek to include the experiences, traits  and statuses of those in  their own immediate circle in this  what is supposed to be  a SATC reboot. Because the  writers and their  experiences are just so interesting  and   important that they should supersede what we, the viewing audience tuned in  for, right?

MPK + the team can't even write when given a template... 6 years of established  characters   with a backstory, the  series comes with  the incalculable  gift of a huge built-in fanatically loyal audience that MPK + the writers haven't even been able to repel  with two horrendous moneygrabs masquerading as films. One worse than the other. All they had to do was show   us where their lives took them over the last decade and a half. Any 4 posters here probably could have done a  better job of it. At least we wouldn't have had to obliterate what was known and loved about the main characters to do it.

...and we'd have sprinkled  in a bit of humor. here and there.


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5 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Yeah, it's all about the audience being bigots! That's it! I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with the shitty writing used for checking boxes and glorifying a pothead at the expense of a longtime beloved (by many) husband of the very woman said pothead cheats with.

This, unfortunately, is where we are in the last 5-7 years in the intersection of "beloved franchise" properties and the internet. After a while, it got so unpleasant trying to discuss the Disney Star Wars movies as movies; they had become some kind of ideological litmus test. If you felt the trilogy was poorly planned and uneven and some of the new characters were badly conceived/developed, you must be anti-diversity, racist, misogynist, etc. Maybe you were even one of the ones who harassed that actress and made her delete her Instagram!

I look for the narrative (re: AJLT) to pick up steam when/if a second season is announced. The people who made or green-lit the creative decisions will try hard to make it the dominant POV that AJLT season one was great, the mixed (to put it kindly) reaction to it was because the audience was full of middle-aged "Karens" unwilling to accept the changing world the show beautifully portrayed, and liking AJLT is proof of virtue. They'll have a certain segment of the media and the "influencers" to act as midwives for that narrative. For evidence, they'll screenshot the two out of 100 negative Rotten Tomatoes audience reviews that really are offensive (like some woman saying she's sick and tired of POC actors being "shoved down [her] throat") and paint everyone with the same brush.

Edited by NotMySekrit2Tell
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9 hours ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

Lea DeLaria: ‘And Just Like That’ audience has a ‘problem’ with non-binary people

“I think the show appeals to a certain generation of people who have issues,” she continued. “I don’t think it’s the show’s fault. I think it’s the audience’s fault.”

Seriously?  She should know better.  She played a lesbian character on Orange is the New Black and was well received. 

I am so fucking over MPK telling the audience he knows better and if the audience wants something different than they have written then the audience is stupid and should watch some other show because we just aren't getting it.

Does anyone know if any LGTBQ+ organizations have said anything about AJLT? I'm curious how the Miranda/Che storyline is being received and if they think any criticism is simply because it involves a formerly straight woman involved with a non binary character.

How do my fellow LGTBQ+ posters feel about all this?

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I don't know about LGBTQ+ orgs, but I posted a link not too far upthread to a commentary written by a non-binary writer on AV Club. And another further upthread that had commentary from several queer individuals. Generally my takeaway is this is not the representation they were looking for.

Edited by Jillybean
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AJLT Miranda has been made so unlikeable. Sure, the writers can remind us that people really do have these mid-life changes/crises and that miserable people sometimes blow up their lives in order to be "happy". In general, most of us don't like people who do this and hurt the ones who love them. Blindsiding your innocent spouse with "I want a divorce! I met someone!" isn't usually immediately met with "I just want you to be happy." And running off to that other someone while screaming "I'm in a rom-com!" is seen by most as ridiculous. I still don't know what we viewers were expected to make of that line. 

We see this behavior in real life and judge it, judge the person doing it, and usually find them wanting in morals, maturity, kindness, empathy, rationality, etc. So why do the writers expect us to think what Miranda is doing is just fine and should be cheered on and applauded? 

It's not about Che. It's about Miranda behaving in a stunningly awful way. If she were my friend, I'd rethink the friendship. 

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20 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

AJLT Miranda has been made so unlikeable. Sure, the writers can remind us that people really do have these mid-life changes/crises and that miserable people sometimes blow up their lives in order to be "happy". In general, most of us don't like people who do this and hurt the ones who love them. Blindsiding your innocent spouse with "I want a divorce! I met someone!" isn't usually immediately met with "I just want you to be happy." And running off to that other someone while screaming "I'm in a rom-com!" is seen by most as ridiculous. I still don't know what we viewers were expected to make of that line. 

We see this behavior in real life and judge it, judge the person doing it, and usually find them wanting in morals, maturity, kindness, empathy, rationality, etc. So why do the writers expect us to think what Miranda is doing is just fine and should be cheered on and applauded? 

It's not about Che. It's about Miranda behaving in a stunningly awful way. If she were my friend, I'd rethink the friendship. 

I agree.  Yes this behavior does happen but I don't think it should be celebrated.  When men do this we aren't supposed to say you go guy.  We aren't supposed to think they are living a rom com.  But according to AJLT Miranda is right to blow up her family because she was so miserable. Nobody is saying she should put Steve wishes ahead of hers.  But her wishes shouldn't outweigh being a decent human being and ending her marriage and leaving Steve with some dignity.   And none of that has anything to do with Miranda falling for a non binary character. For anyone to suggest viewers are being bigoted in our dislike of this storyline does nothing but contribute to the devisiveness in this country. 

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7 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

Seriously?  She should know better.  She played a lesbian character on Orange is the New Black and was well received. 

I am so fucking over MPK telling the audience he knows better and if the audience wants something different than they have written then the audience is stupid and should watch some other show because we just aren't getting it.

Does anyone know if any LGTBQ+ organizations have said anything about AJLT? I'm curious how the Miranda/Che storyline is being received and if they think any criticism is simply because it involves a formerly straight woman involved with a non binary character.

How do my fellow LGTBQ+ posters feel about all this?

I think her lens may be dirty here. Please excuse me if Lea is using other pronouns, I understand she uses she/her but if I'm wrong I will edit my response.

The truth is, while we on this board understand that it's the bad writing we object to, there are plenty of folk who just hate people who do not conform to their preconceived gender assignments. They hate women with short hair or underarm hair, men who wear makeup, and disguise their bigotry with "joking" complaints about "wokeness" and wield the word "woke" as an insult. Perhaps Lea is talking about those fans who DO hate Che for their nonconformity. There are plenty of people who, for no other reason than their targets don't fit into a preapproved box, hate others.

It may be hypersensitive--I still have to correct people who call me a lesbian. You marry ONE woman, and suddenly you're a lesbian. Might as well just rename it LGT, because the rest of us don't exist.

However, the knee-jerk reaction exists for a reason, and while we on these boards can safely state with confidence that it's the awful storylines we hate, not Che, there are plenty of people who watch this show who hate Che for the mere fact that they exist. You were born a woman, dammit, and a woman you will stay ever since you fell in love with George on Grey's Anatomy. It's stupid, and while we in our own minds may know Lea's wrong about us, she's right about other people.

I'll admit I'm playing devil's advocate in my above screed. I think these writers are out of touch, and I think Cynthia Nixon is trampling a beloved character for her vanity project. Their shoehorning of certain issues into this disaster and then blaming it on fans who thought the original series was too privileged is just a way for the to absolve themselves of their lack of talent and creativity.

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25 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I'm so tired of people calling me names when I have an opinion that they don't like.

This.  It's ironic that people like DeLaria feel free to assume things about people they don't know when they criticize people for assuming things about them.



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18 hours ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

Lea DeLaria: ‘And Just Like That’ audience has a ‘problem’ with non-binary people

“I think the show appeals to a certain generation of people who have issues,” she continued. “I don’t think it’s the show’s fault. I think it’s the audience’s fault.”

No I don’t have a problem with non-binary people, I have a problem with the plot line they wrote for the character of Che.

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11 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

Does anyone know if any LGTBQ+ organizations have said anything about AJLT? I

When I put myself  through  listening to 3 of those Inside the writer's room podcasts with MPK where he has discussions with the writers, he  emphasized having  always checked in  with G.L.A.A.D.  during  the writing process.

it's @29:00 in the video below if you want to hear his exact words:

from the G.L.A.A.D. website "Our WorkLeading the conversation. Shaping the media narrative. Changing the culture. That’s how GLAAD accelerates acceptance for LGBTQ people."


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21 hours ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

Lea DeLaria: ‘And Just Like That’ audience has a ‘problem’ with non-binary people

“I think the show appeals to a certain generation of people who have issues,” she continued. “I don’t think it’s the show’s fault. I think it’s the audience’s fault.”

And if that’s what they really think of their audience, then maybe they just don’t deserve us.  That is as big a pile of manure as I have ever heard.  

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I also can't understand why Cynthia Nixon is trampling all over the character that, honestly, she will be remembered for.  And Miranda was a good character - she was smart, she was independent, she was successful, the character grew immensely, she was respected, she ended in a really wonderful place, and Cynthia Nixon is the one who brought Miranda to life.  Why shit all over that professional legacy for the purpose of....telling your own story that's already been told?  That just doesn't make any sense to me.   Even "ego" doesn't explain it.  

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32 minutes ago, BrindaWalsh said:

I also can't understand why Cynthia Nixon is trampling all over the character that, honestly, she will be remembered for.  And Miranda was a good character - she was smart, she was independent, she was successful, the character grew immensely, she was respected, she ended in a really wonderful place, and Cynthia Nixon is the one who brought Miranda to life.  Why shit all over that professional legacy for the purpose of....telling your own story that's already been told?  That just doesn't make any sense to me.   Even "ego" doesn't explain it.  

It's a shame, because Miranda Hobbes had been, when you think about it, a special character in the annals of tv history. In a similar vein to Mary Tyler Moore, but in a way more befitting of the '90s, she was single, independent, hard working and self-assured without being devoid of flaws. She represented a woman who played what was a traditionally more masculine role in her relationship with Steve at a time when that wasn't necessarily seen everywhere.

Samantha is probably the character that will get highlighted as particularly special in the show, as she should be. And for similar reasons, too! They were displayed in different ways, but at their cores, the two women shared similar traits that made them stand out. Only now, Miranda will be remembered at best with an asterisk, and at worst in a completely different way from that because of And Just Like That... Not to over-dramatize it, but that's a shame for any woman who may have related to her, whether then, now or in the future.

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59 minutes ago, BrindaWalsh said:

I also can't understand why Cynthia Nixon is trampling all over the character that, honestly, she will be remembered for.  And Miranda was a good character - she was smart, she was independent, she was successful, the character grew immensely, she was respected, she ended in a really wonderful place, and Cynthia Nixon is the one who brought Miranda to life.  Why shit all over that professional legacy for the purpose of....telling your own story that's already been told?  That just doesn't make any sense to me.   Even "ego" doesn't explain it.  

No, but toxic narcissistic ego might.

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12 hours ago, b2H said:

And if that’s what they really think of their audience, then maybe they just don’t deserve us.  That is as big a pile of manure as I have ever heard.  

This is true.  It's a pretty risky move to not only criticize your audience for not liking the garbage you are selling but to also say it's because we aren't "woke" enough to get it.  

11 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

I also can't understand why Cynthia Nixon is trampling all over the character that, honestly, she will be remembered for. 


11 hours ago, BrindaWalsh said:

Why shit all over that professional legacy for the purpose of....telling your own story that's already been told?  That just doesn't make any sense to me.   Even "ego" doesn't explain it.  


10 hours ago, Yeah No said:

No, but toxic narcissistic ego might.

This is just my opinion but I have found her so annoying since she left her long term partner for her now wife.  She ran for governor. She ran for mayor. Despite not being remotely qualified for either.  Somewhere along the line she decided what she had to say was so much more important than.....well just about anything else.  If she is happy with her life then good for her but for her to decide (and no matter what her and the writers say I 100% believe CN insisted this is be the storyline for Miranda) her character become her is the height of narcissism.  If she (and the writers) didn't anticipate viewers at best were going to be disappointed and at worst be furious with the character assassination then they are clearly are so out of touch with the SATC fanbase and shouldn't have been writing this show in the first place. 

10 hours ago, buttersister said:

MPK, LDL and anyone else in the writers' room or with an EP credit, we admit we have a problem. It's shitty writing. Miss me with the rest of your craptastic rationales.

Blaming a viewer for not liking what you wrote is just childish.  Take your lumps and for the love of god do better if there is a next time.  

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It’s funny, because when I first saw Che, I did indeed think of Lea DeLaria, tho SR is far more physically attractive, imo (in spite of the hair, which I just can’t help but find fug). Lea is kind of aggressively unattractive to me, but maybe that’s just me. But this statement is BS. I’m sure there are those who find trans/non-binary characters objectionable just cuz they’re bigots, and I’m sure that is a factor for some not to like Che, but I haven’t once seen that given for the general dislike of the character and the storyline. Overwhelmingly, it’s just because the character is a cliché, not well written (tho SR tries her hardest with it), arrogant and swaggery as Andrew Dice Clay, not funny, whose sole characteristic seems to be bragging about weed and sex. But mostly, it’s not even about Che, it’s about the destruction of the character of Miranda, not for questioning her sexuality or her marriage or her happiness, but for becoming a completely different, shrill, weird, selfish, desperate shadow of her former self who we are inexplicably supposed to root for.

I’m sure writers and MPK and CN choose not to believe this and prefer to cry Homophobia/transphobia/bigotry, which should indeed be called out, except it’s mostly not the case here. DeLaria can take a seat tho.

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19 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

. Overwhelmingly, it’s just because the character is a cliché, not well written (tho SR tries her hardest with it), arrogant and swaggery as Andrew Dice Clay, not funny, whose sole characteristic seems to be bragging about weed and sex.

You know the last couple episodes they seem to have pulled that back.  I wonder if while they were writing the episodes they realized they needed to make them more likable.  

21 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

the destruction of the character of Miranda, not for questioning her sexuality or her marriage or her happiness, but for becoming a completely different, shrill, weird, selfish, desperate shadow of her former self who we are inexplicably supposed to root for.

We can all say (type) this till we are blue in the face and the writers are never going to acknowledge our valid criticism.  And it's not like we have just said we hate it without explaining why.  Just on this board we have wrote well thought out articulate posts about why this is so out of character for Miranda and it feels like a storyline that was written for someone else (Cynthia Nixon).    But whatever.  I guess we will see if the writers get another chance to continue to write for these characters.  And if they do will they double down or try to repair some of the damage?

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On 1/26/2022 at 4:38 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

IF I HAD SPENT 12 YEARS PLAYING A CHARACTER based on *someone else's writing* I would have to respect that!  Don't artists feel like they owe SOME kind of grace to their fans?  Does she have no thankfulness towards the fans at all?  Why is Cynthia spitting in our faces?  It's just so................I don't know.  I don't have the right word for it.  I can't wrap my mind around it.  

It's insulting to all the fans and as a superfan I am particularly pissed.  After two years of the pandemic full of dark/depressing (and yet well done) movies I was so looking forward to revisiting the fun of SATC with AJLT.  But I guess the only way to do that is a SATC rewatch.  This could have been so good. 

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1 hour ago, WendyCR72 said:

If there are viewers that want to prolong the AJLT agony after the finale, I saw on Twitter that there will be a documentary about And Just Like That that will stream on HBO Max starting February 3rd.

Wow, tptb really want to curry good favor with viewers so that it will gain better press if there's a season 2. 

The damage is done, as far as I'm concerned. 

ETA: Someone in the Youtube comments said This is like watching the Captain of the Titanic high fiving his crew after hitting the iceberg. 

Edited by funnygirl
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3 minutes ago, CeeBeeGee said:

I ain't gonna lie, I would watch a season 2. I despise Che and Cheyranda but I really like Carrie's journey, and seeing Charlotte's girls grow up.

Honestly, I feel the same. I love SATC too much and want to watch the ladies forever.

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For the people who aren't watching, if you care to answer


is it because you don't have access to HBO MAX and would watch if you did?

or some other reason like want to remember SATC the way it was?


Thanks in advance :)

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20 minutes ago, T Summer said:

For the people who aren't watching, if you care to answer


is it because you don't have access to HBO MAX and would watch if you did?

or some other reason like want to remember SATC the way it was?


Thanks in advance :)

Because I watched the first couple episodes, and it was so bad, I ran screaming away from it. MPK tearing down the original series didn't help my opinion, and I was DONE.

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1 hour ago, WendyCR72 said:

Because I watched the first couple episodes, and it was so bad, I ran screaming away from it. MPK tearing down the original series didn't help my opinion, and I was DONE.

ahh. forgot to add  being discerning to the choices. I admire that!

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3 hours ago, T Summer said:

For the people who aren't watching, if you care to answer


is it because you don't have access to HBO MAX and would watch if you did?

or some other reason like want to remember SATC the way it was?


Thanks in advance :)

I loved SATC too much to let this ruin it for me. I saw 3 eps of this and then went back to watch SATC. I'm up to S5 now. Samantha is and always will be fabulous 🥰

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2 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I loved SATC too much to let this ruin it for me. I saw 3 eps of this and then went back to watch SATC. I'm up to S5 now. Samantha is and always will be fabulous 🥰

I used to not like Samantha, but now that I’m around her age in the first couple of seasons, I think she’s absolutely fabulous as well!  I’m a married mom of a toddler, but if I wasn’t, I’d totally do what she’s doing.  

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16 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

It's insulting to all the fans and as a superfan I am particularly pissed.

We need to form a support group.  I loved SATC. Watched it multiple times.  Posted a lot on the SATC board here.  Have the SATC books.  I know these characters.  I have admired and identified with these characters (even Carrie) and to have them written like this is beyond disappointing.  And as been said several times already when Carrie is looking the best you know something ain't right. 

13 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

If there are viewers that want to prolong the AJLT agony after the finale, I saw on Twitter that there will be a documentary about And Just Like That that will stream on HBO Max starting February 3rd.

I will watch it but it's not going to change my mind about how awful this show is.  If anything it will probably make me dislike the writers even more.

9 hours ago, CeeBeeGee said:

I ain't gonna lie, I would watch a season 2. I despise Che and Cheyranda but I really like Carrie's journey, and seeing Charlotte's girls grow up.

Yep I will watch if only to see how much worse can things get it.  And if by some miracle it gets better well then I will be here for that.  But I swear to god if Miranda and Che are married and having a baby I am out like I've never been out before.  Miranda's transformation to Cynthia Nixon will be complete.

58 minutes ago, PRgal said:

I used to not like Samantha, but now that I’m around her age in the first couple of seasons, I think she’s absolutely fabulous as well!  I’m a married mom of a toddler, but if I wasn’t, I’d totally do what she’s doing.  

If I had been single and living in a big city I would have lived like Samantha in a heartbeat.  She was having fun.  And looked fabulous while doing it.

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8 hours ago, T Summer said:

For the people who aren't watching, if you care to answer


is it because you don't have access to HBO MAX and would watch if you did?

or some other reason like want to remember SATC the way it was?


Thanks in advance :)

I love original recipe SATC way too much to let this mess taint it more than it already has. And I'm a pretty easy person to please! If you've made me this turned off and unhappy, you done fucked up.

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