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He is such a punkass!  Hoping I'll post this link right, but the comment he makes about his kids' college make me want to grab him by the throat.  Short man syndrome at it's finest!  




Such a total douche.

Complete douche

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It couldn't have happened to a better person. It seems he has issues with everybody but they are the ones who are wrong and it's fault. If the world time and time again tells you are a douche bag there is a pretty good chance there is something to it.

I bet Dina and the sisters are inwardly smiling.

This is a true case of schadenfreude.

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On 4/25/2016 at 0:20 AM, phoenix780 said:

So they were engaged in pda to such an extent someone thought she was being attacked? I guess that's better...

I guess that's what perfect gentlemen do.

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And, now they say they're suing for $100 million.  http://www.people.com/article/amber-marchese-jim-marchese-on-domestic-abuse-allegations

So sad that we live in such a litigious society (and I say that as an attorney myself, although, thankfully, I've never been a litigator).  Whether or not their story is true, it's amazing how people have one thing happen to them and think they're entitled to a payday that will set them up for the rest of their lives.  

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On 5/3/2016 at 7:49 AM, Giselle said:

Sounds like lil Jimmy coached her on what to say to save his ass.

Well he had to beat it in to her how important this was.


On 5/17/2016 at 10:26 AM, MMLEsq said:

And, now they say they're suing for $100 million.  http://www.people.com/article/amber-marchese-jim-marchese-on-domestic-abuse-allegations

So sad that we live in such a litigious society (and I say that as an attorney myself, although, thankfully, I've never been a litigator).  Whether or not their story is true, it's amazing how people have one thing happen to them and think they're entitled to a payday that will set them up for the rest of their lives.  

Isn't that already little Jimmy's m.o?

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That sorry little weasel of a husband of hers is tweeting like crazy about the show. Doesn't he run the federal reserve and the attorney general's office? How does he have time.for so much tweeting? 

Edited by ElsbethTascioni
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I'm sure it's killing Little Lord Fuckpants that an esteemed gentleman such as himself has been cast aside in favor of Juicy Joe. Amber definitely thought she would be the new Teresa, and that season 7 would feature her as the star, with Melissa as the jealous wannabe and the twins as her loyal henchmen. 

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47 minutes ago, truelovekiss said:

I'm sure it's killing Little Lord Fuckpants that an esteemed gentleman such as himself has been cast aside in favor of Juicy Joe. Amber definitely thought she would be the new Teresa, and that season 7 would feature her as the star, with Melissa as the jealous wannabe and the twins as her loyal henchmen. 

He's going to be richer than all of them. He's suing Virgin Airlines for $100 million. With that money, he's going to hire someone to walk around with Amber, carrying a neon sign that reads "I had the cancer".

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6 hours ago, ElsbethTascioni said:

He's going to be richer than all of them. He's suing Virgin Airlines for $100 million. With that money, he's going to hire someone to walk around with Amber, carrying a neon sign that reads "I had the cancer".

Ah, yes, I'm sure he'll see get ever dime of it too! ?

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I hate to say it, but Jim is good in getting paid for his horrible actions.

He worked for a shady pharmaceutical and when he did not get a promotion or raise, he turned them into the government.  I think he will get like seven or nine million for this.

However, all the money in the world does not turn scum into a prince.

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On ‎7‎/‎18‎/‎2016 at 1:34 PM, ElsbethTascioni said:

He's going to be richer than all of them. He's suing Virgin Airlines for $100 million. With that money, he's going to hire someone to walk around with Amber, carrying a neon sign that reads "I had the cancer".

$100 mil would buy a hell of a set of shoe lifts, too bad it can't buy a soul.

So, "The Cancer" has lyme now. Hope she pulls a nice long Yolanda style recovery/non-recovery on her lil' feller. Nobody deserves it more.

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I'm sorry - this bitch is crazy (I truly sympathize with her and her family about the cancer).

My husband has Lyme disease. It was also caught in the "early stages". His only symptom was pain in his knee he thought was bursitis. Praise Baby Jesus for the orthopedic Dr. who thought it was suspicious (pain when even lying down) and decided to give him a precautionary blood test. 

My husband then spent a week in the hospital being pumped with very serious antibiotics (according to the nurses who were confused cause he was in the orthopedic ward). They actually realeased him before they were positively sure it was Lyme (apparently cultures take a long time to diagnose). He had a pic(?) line installed before he came home to continue intravenous antibiotics (very cool actually - he was able to carry the anti-gravity IV around in his pocket). We also had a home nurse who came by a couple times a week to check everything was OK. So I find the "no treatment" very specious. Unless chemo somehow does the same thing?

I won't ask how she got it. We joke how my husband hates the outdoors and we live in the city (DC). He got it at our dog park (Congressional Cemetery - very interesting place if anybody wants to look it up) where they hadn't cut the grass in months, and believe it or not DC has a ton of deer.

Sorry for the rant. But these people make Teresa look good.

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7 hours ago, Jennifersdc said:

I'm sorry - this bitch is crazy (I truly sympathize with her and her family about the cancer).

So I find the "no treatment" very specious. Unless chemo somehow does the same thing?


I only skimmed the article and missed the part about no treatment. So I googled "lyme disease and chemo" and apparently, yes, some Lyme patients are given breast cancer chemo drugs as treatment. Interesting.

My dog had Lyme and he went from paralyzed to 100% within 24 hours on antibiotics. I mention that only because I'm still amazed by it. In humans it is a much bigger deal, as you and your husband found out. I hope he's doing well!

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On August 25, 2016 at 7:11 PM, SongbirdHollow said:

I only skimmed the article and missed the part about no treatment. So I googled "lyme disease and chemo" and apparently, yes, some Lyme patients are given breast cancer chemo drugs as treatment. Interesting.

My dog had Lyme and he went from paralyzed to 100% within 24 hours on antibiotics. I mention that only because I'm still amazed by it. In humans it is a much bigger deal, as you and your husband found out. I hope he's doing well!

Wow! Awesome! I had a good friend in my dog park (rodhesian ridgeback) that got Lyme too and he too ended up being somewhat OK after a lot of treatment. My husband is doing well, but every time he gets a blood test it comes up.

I reread the original article a few times before I posted to make sure about the no treatment, then subsequently found another that said she had antibiotics. Just curious - did your dog need intravenous? 

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I'm not surprised Jim has had to pay for sex. I'm not watching Marriage Boot Camp but it's hard to avoid articles about it. I saw one last week where Amber admitted to cheating on Jim - with another woman. She didn't think it was a big deal. I guess this was his way of getting his digs in.

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On 11/4/2016 at 0:04 PM, tvfanatic13 said:

I wouldn't put it past Jim and Amber to have staged this whole thing. Why she would do that and make herself look like a fool I don't know, but that is my suspicion.

I understand that some women have a humiliation kink, but this is way beyond. 

Jim blaming her for The Cancer and saying he resents paying for her chemo is the worst thing I've ever heard. If anyone is to blame, it's him for attracting bad karma from his pharmaceutical scandal. I can't think of a more despicable person.

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On 11/4/2016 at 0:04 PM, tvfanatic13 said:

I wouldn't put it past Jim and Amber to have staged this whole thing. Why she would do that and make herself look like a fool I don't know, but that is my suspicion.

I understand that some women have a humiliation kink, but this is way beyond. 

Jim blaming her for The Cancer and saying he resents paying for her chemo is the worst thing I've ever heard. If anyone is to blame, it's him for attracting bad karma from his pharmaceutical scandal. I can't think of a more despicable person.

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I thought Jim was rich! Millions of dollars from being a "whistleblower". Hundreds of thousands in chemo? Should be a drop in the bucket! Don't they have insurance anyway?

He's a truly awful person. But we knew that before anyway.

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18 hours ago, MrsPatrickBateman said:


They have to be trolling right? No one actually blames their spouse for getting cancer because of lifestyle choices right?? Especially on National TV??

I think it's abysmal behavior, but I'm choosing to believe that they have decided this is what they need to do pay her medical bills. I've read that 30% of bankruptcies are because of medical bills or have medical debt as a significant role. But either way it's still terrible.

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I can't even find the words.  Jim is an entire basket of deplorables unto himself.  I can see any decent human being getting frustrated and angry at "the cancer" itself, but to blame and abuse their loved one for having cancer is beyond despicable.  This is the mother of his small children.  She may very well not live to see them grow up.  His children may grow up without a mother and he is concerned that he is not getting good enough blow jobs from his dying wife.  Amber must be in great despair at the thought of leaving her children behind in the custody of this "man"  She needs to get one hell of a kick ass lawyer and get sole custody of her children to keep them safe from this monster.  Amber needs the power to place her children in a loving home, with little to no contact with their abusive father, if she does lose her battle with that bitch, cancer.

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But is there any amount of money worth this?? I'm going to break from conventional wisdom and say that there IS such a thing as bad publicity. The again, if Jim makes his bread and butter by suing companies, rather than trying to attract clients, he may not care so much about being someone that people will want to do business with.

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