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Pretty Hard Cases - General Discussion

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Pretty Hard Cases is a Canadian police comedy-drama television series that premiered on CBC Television on February 3, 2021. The series was created by Tassie Cameron and Sherry White, creators of Rookie Blue. The series follows two detectives - Sam, an uptight and by-the-book guns and gangs detective; and Kelly, a streetwise narcotics detective, in their early 40s. Both are ambitious and accomplished in their own way excelling at work while their personal lives are a disaster. They could have a great partnership if only they didn't drive each other nuts.

Now that Pretty Hard Cases is shooting their second season and is on streaming, it seems a good time for a thread.

It's a drama, but I find that it's really funny too, between Meredith McNeill's (Baroness von Sketch) super up-tight obsessiveness and Adrienne Moore's (Orange is the New Black) laid back attitude and the situations they get into. A strong supporting cast including Karen Robinson, Tara Strong, Dean McDermott, Kim Coates and the amazing Jackie Richardson.

I find that the writing is smart as well as funny. Lots of twists that I'm not expecting. The kids do a very good job.

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Huzzah that there's a forum for this!

I agree that this show is well done. CBC has really upped its game.

The first few episodes were a little formulaic and predictable (perhaps unsurprisingly so), but the show really found its footing after that and managed to sidestep a lot of predictable tropes and cliches -- except for the obvious sassy black woman and uptight white woman, which I'm willing to forgive only because the two actresses are so good. It's a really nice blend of comedy and drama.

really wish they had kept the original Lady Dicks title, though.

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7 hours ago, Birnam Wood said:

uptight white woman

I know that it's a trope but Meredith McNeill does such as good job of channelling my inner neurotic that I love it.

@Birnam Wood, anyone can start a thread for a show. My problem was that I didn't know whether to put this one in the drama or the comedy section.

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So happy to see this thread and really looking forward to season 2. 

When I started the show I was iffy the first two or three eps and then I was all in- I can't remember exactly what swung me but it was something to do with the woman criminal. Sorry I am terrible with names. 

I need to go back and read a summary of the first season bc I can't remember it all.

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'who invented pencil skirts and are they still alive because we need to have words."

I was worried that this the quality of the show would drop in season 2 but that was a really good episode. I wonder if the drug gang is going to be the overall case for the season.

Anna Hopkins does a great airhead.  l think Ben Bass's character could be a good addition. (Forever Knight feels so long ago.)

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I just watched the first episode. I hope this show doesn't become all about the couples. Last season was a good balance.

Not sorry the kid is gone for a while, I mainly liked the kid plot in small doses. 

I like the actor playing the new guy, he was in Rookies 

Super irritating 'Greater Toronto Police' is not a thing. It drives me bananas.

But I did enjoy the ep, esp the cold open with Sam trying and failing to let Kelly take the lead.

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S2 Episode 6 Life Jacket

A Rookie Blue reunion with Charlotte Sullivan (as a super seductress)  joining Ben Bass on the show, although not sharing scenes.

This show is still a lot of fun but I'm glad that Sam's mother hasn't been around for a while. Len is growing on me.

I find myself rooting for kids to clean up their acts.

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I'm a couple eps behind but I don't like the mother. Not sure why TV writers think shitty relatives are cute and funny. They're not. I have shitty relatives and I don't speak to them lol. So maybe I'm biased. I also think it's kind of unrealistic that she would have wanted her grandson to get back together with Jackie- far more realistic that she would have judged her negatively and blamed her for him getting into trouble.

I thought the fight between the two women was kind of contrived. 

I'm not enjoying this season as much as last. 

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Yeah it seems like that's all they do. Inhave found this season a bit of a slog and I was close to bailing.

They really lost something when the two sisters- the drug dealers when that storyline ended. Including their perspective really balanced the show and also had some of the funniest scenes. 

The show felt unique and original....now it just seems like a mediocre cop/drama. 

Also finding the 'quirkiness' of Sam so repetitive and one note.

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They need Karen Robinson's character back, ASAP.

I realize that the actress is currently juggling two shows, but Kelly is being an idiot about her obviously ne'er-do-well boyfriend, and Commander Shanks would have put a stop to that right quick. For the sake of my sanity, I need this to happen.

And yes, the sisters were awesome. Replacing them with the stupidest teenager on the planet was... a choice.

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I can't help picking out the fake stuff in the show. Lakeshore Shopping Centre is not a thing. I think that's actually Woodbine in the ep where they go to the mall.

Also it's spelled Lake Shore.

I enjoyed the stuff with Jackie and Elliott. 

Not enjoying the roundabout couple stuff with Sam and Kelly. The writers are already running out of ideas if they're just having the breakups/makeups. 

Adeline character has potential. I'm an ep behind. 

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I love the relationship between Sam and Kelly so much.  They bond stronger and harder all the time -- just when you think they can't bond anymore than they have, they do.

I also love the general lack of glamour.  The epi I watched today, Duff threw herself at a fleeing female criminal and instead of looking like some frat boys' "girls catfighting fantasy" both went down like a couple of sacks of potatoes.  The actress who plays Duff is so cool; she just throws herself all in.

Being Sam's mother was a terrible role for Sonja Smits.  She brought shine to places in the role, but mostly her written character was so godawful.  I guess there has to be an explanation for Sam's neuroses, but who thought, hey let's make Sonja Smits irritatingly dislikeable?

My favourite line this season was when Tara Swallows told Kelly and Sam to tiptoe out of there, Duff did some sarcastic fancy tiptoe and Tara said, "Hmm, more like a pas de bourree". The unexpectedness made me laugh.

I also like how the tone of the whole show is always shifting.  I don't know how they've made it work so that I like this aspect.  I can't imagine liking such a shift in other shows.





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I found this season a disappointment. Too much of the relationship merry go rounds. And too much 'undercover' for 30 mins.

Jackie, her mother, and sister really brought something the first season and just going to straight standard good guy/bad guy wasn't that interesting.

The criminal stuff didn't even make sense. They arrest the mayor. They have no evidence she knew what was coming in on a plane. We know she did, but there is nothing to back it up. A good lawyer would have her out in 40 mins. There was other stuff that didn't make sense earlier on.

Not sure I would watch another season if it was the same. 

The actors are good, it has potential, so I was mainly watching out of hope it might improve.

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Season 3 is out in full, on CBC at least. They backed off of the personal life romantic drama a lot compared to season 2, thank God, but it was still present. The overarching plot was also much better — I loved Adeline French, but it took too long to get to the point, and I don't even remember what she did or what the team was busting, whereas this season was much more coherent and cohesive. Another major plus for me was that Elliot-and-Jackie only showed up for an episode.

Also, I really wish they would have done a "Last season on Pretty Hard Cases" before jumping into the action 8 months later.

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