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S01.E12: Sinners in the City

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The Vegas trip implodes during dinner when Jen feels betrayed by Meredith and Lisa, yet again. Later that night, the ladies, sans Jen, gather together and discover there is more deception brewing amongst the group. Mary reminds Lisa of Jen’s destructive behavior, and Whitney arranges a spiritually healing activity for the ladies only to be derailed when Meredith’s marriage rumors are brought up, Jen is confronted and the women are left questioning who to trust.

Air Date: 01.27.2021

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I don’t know why Mary is on this show. I’m thinking she didn’t want to leave her house because of Covid? At this point I’d rather watch Mary than Jen. 
I really wanted to like this franchise but I think I’m done. 

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My two favorite things about this episode:

1. The counselor - who did a GREAT JOB as a counselor - being repeatedly, almost relentlessly credited by Bravo as HYPNOTIST.  

2. Jen saying "I feel like my reaction was completely justified, don't these women know me?  I'm an asshole!"  Well, or whatever she thought the reason was.

Edited by Lassus
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Ohhhh, now I understand.  Jen needed all that luggage because it surely must have been used to transport the Shah Squad to Las Vegas.  I guess she hadn't unpacked them yet in the last episode.

Seriously.   Plus a bodyguard?   WTF!

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Was Jen wearing that same Versace print that Jennifer Lopez wore as a dress in 2000?  I hate when they take a glam squad with them on a trip.  How much work does it take to look as mediocre as Jen?

The NoMad Hotel appeals to me not at all.  A bathtub in the bedroom is not novel or appealing.  The steam alone would be a nightmare.  

Wow, two weeks in a row that Heather disappointed in the fashion arena.  What was with the late Elvis crushed velour suit that made her shoulders and everything else look like a linebacker?  She was so self-conscious in that outfit, and it was so obvious because she was twisting her arms around herself to hide her body.  Why do people think it’s cool to go to Vegas and wear tacky, unflattering shit?  Her hair looked horrific too.  Girl, run a straightening iron over that tangled mess, and even out the color.  This woman is a salon owner?  And this is her camera-ready look?  Then a skintight leather jumpsuit over a white tee?  Three strikes over the course of just over two episodes, you’re out, honey boo boo.  I take back everything I said about her knowing how to dress her body last week.  Maybe she used to know how to dress her body, but she got a heavy case of amnesia.  

Why is Jen so invested in Meredith and Lisa not forgiving Whitney?  Everyone in this group—especially Jen and Heather—is so insecure that someone is going to—God forbid—like someone else and therefore side against them.  It’s so immature.  I don’t know why Mary isn’t filming with the rest of the cast anymore, but I think it’s a really good thing.  Now that Mary has been removed from the situation, there’s no more scapegoat and everyone is showing their true colors.

I cannot believe Jen’s attitude is that, if Lisa forgave Whitney, then it stands to reason that what Whitney said about what Mary said about Lisa is true (I can’t believe I just typed that crazy sentence).  But it is so sad how Jen treats life like it’s a zero sum game, and anyone’s friendship gain is her loss.  Heather has expressed the same exact sentiment in the episode with the bathtubs—that she wanted shit to go down at her good friend Shah’s birthday party so that Jen would side against Lisa and Meredith and with Heather.  This is so irreligious.  Meredith won the season for me by walking away.  Lisa, by choosing not to walk away, looked like a drama-seeking jerk, but I think she’s the best or the worst.  

This is some of the worst acting with some of the worst storytelling I’ve ever seen.  The big secret that came out about Jen was that Jen told Whitney that Lisa was talking about Whitney?  Ok...I’m sure Lisa was talking about Whitney.  They’ve been on the outs for several episodes now.  Lisa doesn’t really like Whitney.  Ho-hum.  But then, in her talking head, Lisa converts the message from “Jen said you were talking about Whitney” to “Jen is going to come for you.”  How did Lisa get there from here?  She sounds really dumb.  She’s trying to create something from nothing, and they’re all biting.  

I know I complained about it last week, but I renew my objection to Whitney’s outfit in Vegas.  Bitch couldn’t be bothered to throw on a cute cocktail dress for dinner?  She really had to wear the same faded Mom jeans and skanky top that she wore to the racetrack to a lounge?  This is the furthest thing from aspirational I can possibly imagine.  

Meredith pulled some shady shit there by shutting down all the gossip about the other guy she was seen with when she said that she and Seth had been separated so long and so much that of course they’ve seen other people.  Nope.  Got to check your storyline, girl.  The storyline was that—she and Seth were!  Separated!  <insert Macaulay Culkin face from Home Alone here> and everyone was supposed to be so shocked and awed, including her best friend, Lisa.  So to switch stories midstream makes me really feel like Meredith is spinning yarn.  If this was such a nontroversy, it should have been Meredith’s party line from the beginning.  Fucking amateurs.  

I can’t believe Mary is filming an ensemble reality show from her closet.  Why didn’t they just cut her the way they cut Danielle from RHOC season nine before the season aired?  This is absurd.  

So, now that Mary is gone, everyone is circling the wagons against Jen?  Jen is crazy and she appears to have a problem with alcohol just about every episode, but everyone was kissing her ass in the beginning.  She’s always been like this.  It was ok for Jen to be a psycho hose beast as long as it was against Mary?  This is like that war confessional “When they came...”.  To apply the wisdom of that to this show, I would just say, when Jen was raving to everyone who would listen that Mary was “a grandpa fucker,” her behavior should have been arrested then.  But everyone sat at Meredith’s birthday party and Mary’s Louis Vuitton earbud lunch and let Jen chew Mary out and they placated it.  

Either Jen is toxic or she isn’t.  I saw it right away, and I would have had very little to do with her ever.  What I wouldn’t do was make her my friend, watch her hate on Mary, nod, not care, but have a cow as soon as she exhibited that exact behavior that I have always known she was capable of toward me.  That’s such weak sauce.  What Heather was doing by confronting Jen in the hotel room like they were brand new wasn’t quite gaslighting, it’s just so fucking inconsistent that I think it would make anyone bananas, when Jen’s relationship with sanity is already hanging by a thread.  Why poke the crazy?  Because the reality show trumps everything, even basic human kindness.  

Jen’s assistant #2—heaven help him—looks like a thin Albert Manzo.  Maybe this is where he’s been when Caroline thought he was at the Brownstone?

I’m quite grossed out by the unholy alliance of Lisa, Meredith and Whitney.  The two brunettes don’t like Whitney and vice versa, but now they are all up each others’ asses because there’s safety in numbers.  Such a poor showing of adult behavior.  

I hate psychics.  They give bullshit a bad name.  All I’ll say about that, is that at the psychic, Jen’s kelly green Girl Scout uniform (?) looked like it was trying to make an exit from her body more desperately than Coach Shah when the bitch has been doing shots and is possessing a blunt object.    

Jen completely talked about Meredith’s marriage, specifically the idea that Meredith was cheating on Seth, as did Whitney.  Why does Whitney get to skate and add fuel to the fire???  Does Whitney not remember snowmobiling, when Whitney approached Heather to speak about Meredith’s marriage and Heather completely shut it down?  Every single one of them trusts Whitney???  I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.  This better come up at the reunion.  

Welp, that was it for me.  An extended episode that gave us nothing?  Fuck off, Bravo.  How many times are they going to rehash the Jen drama?  She’s a destructive person!!  I said last week they got exactly 12 episodes to impress me, they didn’t get the job done, so I am going to sail on over to Netflix to watch Bling Empire, a reality show where people not only have two quarters to rub together, but they are filthy rich.  They are also allowed to say “fuck” and show nudity.  And the cast is so much more freaking likable.  This group is pure trash, save for Meredith’s one moment of sanity by disengaging.  That was all I got from 44+  minutes of nonsense and antics.  I’ll be back for the reunion for reasons I should explore with a mental health professional.  

I am so sad that I am going to miss the finale, where it appears Heather’s dubiously valued business reopens at a brand new location, the atrocious pink dress Heather should have taken out back and shot reappears, and—gasp—everyone confronts Jen again!  I’m not sure I’ll ever recover from the devastation of the loss.  

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Jen should be fired.  She's a liability.

Oddly back when Mary was with the group with Jen after her..she held her own with little to no support from the others.  Also, mary's pink top looked...dare I say it... nice on her.  She was also right when she said she warned them about Jen and they didn't listen so they deserve what they get.

Since the show started, anytime someone annoys me in real life... I pull a Meredith Marks and disengage:)

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This show continues to be a clusterfuck of epic proportions.  I cannot figure out who said what to whom, and who told whom what was said about anyone, or why.  

All I can figure out is that Jen Shah is a seriously dangerous person with a totally out of control temper.  I noticed during that dinner that never happened that Jen put down her glass and then picked it back up again.  It appeared to me that she was arming herself to be able to either throw the contents in someone's face, or again throw a glass against a wall or the floor.  

Didn't this all start because Whitney told Jen that Mary told Whitney that Meredith and Lisa told Mary they were afraid of Jen - well....if that was said, I have to say that I am in total agreement with Meredith and Lisa.  If I were in Jen's presence for any time at all, seeing her behavior on this show, I would be scared shitless of her, too!!  I don't know why any of the women did not bring that fact up to Jen - just say "Look at you-you're holding a glass in a defensive manner, you've thrown drinks glasses before, you've verbally attacked people, you've shoved people, you've approached them in a threatening manner, pointing your talons in their faces, you've threatened to drown someone in a lake, you have to have a big bodyguard get between you and others.....NO WONDER WE'RE FUCKING AFRAID OF YOU!!!!!  YOU'RE A PSYCHO BITCH!!!!"

Does Jen think that NO ONE talks about her behind her back??  What planet is she living on?  Certainly not one that involves Real Housewives (or, even, "real" housewives).  Everyone gossips at one point or another - it's just a part of life.  Grow up and get over it, or better yet, don't act like an escapee from an asylum and people won't have to be afraid of you.

I liked that Meredith walked away from the situation - good for her, although, sad for her because of the reason behind her disengaging.  Lisa tried to be calm with Jen, but Jen wanted a full on brawl, and was frustrated she didn't get one.

A few small takeaways:

Why is it okay for Mary to wear shoes/boots in her house but she makes others put those disposable booties over their shoes?  Plus, one thing that drives me crazy about these housewife shows-for the most part, these women always look just tooo dressed up for a day at home, alone (or with their cleaning ladies).  Who, in REAL reality, walks around their houses in 5-inch heels/boots??  No one that I know!  Why is Mary even still on the show, when all she is doing is literally "phoning it in"?  

Also, why is Meredith (or was it Lisa) calling Mary to update her on the Vegas craziness?  Shouldn't Meredith/Lisa be annoyed at Mary for telling Whitney what they said (or didn't say) about Jen?

That "hypnotist" was one of the biggest frauds we've yet to see on a RH show.  I was mesmerized by her wig, and just kept waiting for those candles on the dining table to ignite all the greenery around them.  Her home seemed extremely cluttered, in an upscale hoarders kind of way.  I was getting some major Allison DuBois vibes from her - I was just waiting for her to pull out an e-cig and start puffing away!  

I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Lisa's pink jogger outfit during the non-dinner dinner.  I thought it was gorgeous....and the necklace she was wearing was spectacular.

Lastly - I wonder what happened to that dinner?  Guess the restaurant's waitstaff and maitre'd weren't too happy (or maybe they were, after seeing Jen acting like a fucking lunatic!)  


Edited by njbchlover
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Jen is the worst, and the rest of them need haircuts.  I wish they would have sat down for their nice dinner after she left and called Meredith back down - that's how you teach an attention whore a lesson.  

1 hour ago, njbchlover said:

I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Lisa's pink jogger outfit during the non-dinner dinner.  I thought it was gorgeous....and the necklace she was wearing was spectacular.

I felt sorry for her in that - clearly she's neither wealthy nor cool enough to own a "Brooks Marks" 😄😄 😄 

Edited by princelina
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So, either Jen’s husband is one of those that gets off on having a crazy-ass wife, he’s crazy himself or he chooses to ignore her behavior because he’s scared of her.  In any case, he needs to wake up.  Unless she plans on getting on a good prescription med regimen to help get herself together, there’s no hope for her.  They’ve helped me and a lot of other people.

And her behavior is not a good look for her marketing career, or whatever she does for a living.  The Shah squad might have to look for new employment after this season.

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32 minutes ago, Jets4274 said:

So, either Jen’s husband is one of those that gets off on having a crazy-ass wife, he’s crazy himself or he chooses to ignore her behavior because he’s scared of her.  In any case, he needs to wake up.  Unless she plans on getting on a good prescription med regimen to help get herself together, there’s no hope for her.  They’ve helped me and a lot of other people.

I think he ignores her behavior to a certain extent and is scared/checked out and that’s why he travels so much. I don’t know the timeline of her mental decline. I do think a lot about their kids, especially with Coach Shah absent so much. From the little we’ve seen, those sons were too familiar with her outbursts and handling her behavior.

I definitely believe in meds, but Jen has mentioned she’s already on them. It might not be the right regimen or she’s not taking them appropriately (IME, drinking and psych meds don’t mix well). I also suspect that she’s dealing with issues that aren’t as possible to treat with medication (like a personality disorder). I know Coach Shah staged an intervention of some sort to make her get help, but have we heard her mention seeing a therapist? Is meds the extent of the help she gets?  She needs therapy just as much (if not more) than she needs meds.

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Whitney is immature and Jen and Mary are delusional. If the producers got rid of those three and added 3 more relatable individuals to Heather, Meredith and Lisa, this show might have a chance.

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8 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

so I am going to sail on over to Netflix to watch Bling Empire,

I am watching it, it has real estate porn, jewelry and clothes porn too, it also has crazy characters that I never seem to meet in my world, in some ways the Bling is more satisfying than all of the HW's shows. 

The SLC HW's have the worst wardrobes, nobody ever seems to be on the page when they are all at the same event, Whitney lost me with her mom jeans and lug boots at dinner the first night, Meredith in a sweat suit and the others dressed up and then again at that nutjob hypnotists, Heather in that black leather and white tee shirt ensamble was shameful, Jenn in that lime green retro 1960's too tight jumpsuit, was it Lisa or Meredith (they are the Chip and Dale of this show, I could never remember which chipmonk was which), that wore the animal print with the sparkles top was horrid.  

So the hypnotist has the women sit at a table and imagine balls in their hands (Whitney, you actually like balls as in men's balls? Really?), and they are supposed to be hypnotized? Then they all move the to Sofa of Truth to fight some more, if they are hypnotized will they remember they had this interaction? LOL.

 BTW, I won the pool about when Jenn would flip out (but did not throw a glass so it is only half of a win), the first night was my bet, am I splitting the pot with anyone?

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9 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Jen should be fired.  She's a liability.

Well, except for the fact that she's all anyone can talk about in the aftermath?  You say liability, BRAVO says they hit a gusher.

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10 hours ago, Straycat80 said:


I don’t know why Mary is on this show. I’m thinking she didn’t want to leave her house because of Covid? At this point I’d rather watch Mary than Jen. 
I really wanted to like this franchise but I think I’m done. 


Agreed on all accounts!!! And I don’t often completely turn off a RH episode midway through a season I’d so faithfully watched, but I finally realized midway through this episode that I am officially too bored/apathetic to care about any of these lame broads and their equally lame antics anymore, Heather included. In the semi-memorable words of Mrs. Marks: I’m disengaging. 

It’s a shame too because this show had such promise, but watching Jen act like a psycho bitch EVERY EPISODE over completely stupid shit while the other women sit around placating her is just frustratingly bad television.

None of them are really interesting and/or beautiful/fashionable enough for me to remain interested. All of them annoy me on varying levels. And their “wealth” isn’t all that either.
There aren’t even any cute/funny pet moments and too many annoying kids moments.

And making Las Vegas seem boring is a reality show cardinal *sin* in my book. When there’s a Sin City getaway, I wanna see stupidly funny drunken group behavior and shopping/dining excess, not a one woman production of “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf.” 

Jen gives me shades of RH of Dallas’s former psycho hosebeast Leanne Locken, therefore I’m thinking her shelf life will be cut similarly short; a little of that madness goes a long way and audiences tire of that. Not to mention this current Dallas season is soooo much better and lighter without her former dark energy. 

I feel like Jen ruined this series’ potential with her thirst monster antics and we’d be watching a completely more balanced and engaging cast without her chewing up every damned scene. 

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12 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

At this point I’d rather watch Mary than Jen. 

This is a hard call, and I get it, subjectively; but god help me, I'd still go with the latter. 

Jen is a four-car pile-up staged by the Metropolitan Opera, while Mary is a pandemic comic strip from the guy who did Mallard Fillmore.

Edited by Lassus
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Call me insane (I'll embrace it), but I want Heather to migrate south-eastern-ish and form a posse with Pumps and Jen  (the decorator, not the psycho with the babysitter/bodyguard) and have a Sweet Home ExUtahan season.

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26 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

Jen gives me shades of RH of Dallas’s former psycho hosebeast Leanne Locken, therefore I’m thinking her shelf life will be cut similarly short; a little of that madness goes a long way and audiences tire of that.

I agree with the parallels of Jen and Leeann, but Leeann wasn't fired because she was violent or unpredictable, she was fired because she repeatedly made blatant racist remarks.  Bravo rewards violent and unpredictable behavior.

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2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I would have LOVED that!!!  Better yet - I wonder who cleaned it up??  Just for the record - I really don't blame the dog for pooping in Brooks Marks' closet.  The poor thing is probably just as sick of Brooks' voice and whining as we are!  😂

It’s probably still there.   And he threw the coat away I’m sure. 

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8 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

P.P.S.- On another note, if you insist on featuring Brooks Marks, can you please at least balance it out with more dog footage? Your shows are much better when you give us furry respites from the crazy. And if I have to listen to Brooks Marks talk about stepping in dog shit, I want to actually see Brooks Marks stepping in said dog shit.

I want to see that too and because he said he almost cried because the dog shit on his blue coat I want to see him cry. 

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11 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Why is Mary even still on the show, when all she is doing is literally "phoning it in"?  

I looked but I didn't see any explanation, but (allegedly) she was only a friend of until they got rid of Sara the (alleged) Insurrectionist so they had to go back and make up scenes. I assume Lisa's call was way after the actual trip. Why they couldn't do that with them meeting for coffee or Italian food, I don't know. This was pre-COVID.

Jen is beyond. She is unwatchable to me. She is such a jerk to Heather just to be friends with Meredith. If I was her kids, I would be mortified and ask her not to do the show next year. 

1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

Call me insane (I'll embrace it), but I want Heather to migrate south-eastern-ish and form a posse with Pumps and Jen  (the decorator, not the psycho with the babysitter/bodyguard) and have a Sweet Home ExUtahan season.

This would immediately become my favorite show on tv. I'm now irrationally disappointed something I neve thought about will never come to fruition. 

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12 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:



Wow, two weeks in a row that Heather disappointed in the fashion arena.  What was with the late Elvis crushed velour suit that made her shoulders and everything else look like a linebacker?  She was so self-conscious in that outfit, and it was so obvious because she was twisting her arms around herself to hide her body.  Why do people think it’s cool to go to Vegas and wear tacky, unflattering shit?  Her hair looked horrific too.  Girl, run a straightening iron over that tangled mess, and even out the color.  This woman is a salon owner?  And this is her camera-ready look?  Then a skintight leather jumpsuit over a white tee?  Three strikes over the course of just over two episodes, you’re out, honey boo boo.  I take back everything I said about her knowing how to dress her body last week.  Maybe she used to know how to dress her body, but she got a heavy case of amnesia.  


I agree with everything you said EXCEPT for dressing tacky in Vegas.  I am not a huge fan of Vegas, but when I go, I wear my tackiest, tightest outfits with lots of shiny "bling."  It is like an excuse to dress like a hooker.  In the words of Lisa, I love that.

Dressing like Elvis - no.  There is no excuse for that.


9 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

Dear Bravo,

RE: Jen Shah, Braunwyn Windham-Burke, LeeAnne Locken et. al

I know casting people who have Cluster B personality disorders can seem like a good idea at first- they can be loud, erratic, self-absorbed, manipulative, dramatic, mean, incapable of emotional regulation, all things that theoretically help create drama on a show. I get it! But they’re rarely a good long-term bet. Their violence and anger scare me and propping them up on your shows is cheap, lazy, and also exploitative. I know your producers will have to work harder in casting and stirring up drama if you find more non-Cluster Bs*, but I promise it will be more fulfilling for the audience. And won’t leave us all wanting to pull a Meredith Marks and “disengage.” 

TLDR: Bravo, your completely unhinged housewives aren’t entertaining. I know you can find fame whores who are just slightly unhinged. TRY HARDER! 


Mrs. Pacey Witter 

*P.S.- Don’t believe someone when they tell you they just have a “big ego” instead of a diagnosable personality disorder. K thanks!

YES!  We don't want crazy.  I am very disturbed that she said that she wants to drown Whitney.  I don't like Whitney, but I don't want to see any death threats while watching RH. 

I want delusional nuts who think they are grand (Vicki OC) and rich (Alex Van K NYC) and fancy but are actually kinda sad and pathetic.  I want to laugh at the housewives while they think we are admiring them.  

Meredith is right to disengage, but I am sure the producers will be speaking with her about not just up and leaving a dinner.


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4 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:


The SLC HW's have the worst wardrobes, nobody ever seems to be on the page when they are all at the same event, Whitney lost me with her mom jeans and lug boots at dinner the first night, Meredith in a sweat suit and the others dressed up and then again at that nutjob hypnotists, Heather in that black leather and white tee shirt ensamble was shameful, Jenn in that lime green retro 1960's too tight jumpsuit, was it Lisa or Meredith (they are the Chip and Dale of this show, I could never remember which chipmonk was which), that wore the animal print with the sparkles top was horrid.  


It was OCELOT!  Meredith made sure to point that out.  🙄


58 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

I want to see that too and because he said he almost cried because the dog shit on his blue coat I want to see him cry. 

He said it was his Monclear coat!  They are about $2,500 so of course he had to throw that in. 


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2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

It was OCELOT!  Meredith made sure to point that out.  🙄


He said it was his Monclear coat!  They are about $2,500 so of course he had to throw that in. 


Ah, yes.  Moncler.  The brand that innovated puffer ballgowns.  Ha ha, eyeroll.  Of course Brooks Marks loves them.


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3 hours ago, 65mickey said:

I want to see that too and because he said he almost cried because the dog shit on his blue coat I want to see him cry. 

Have someone tell him that his tacky black joggers with personalized self-stick bias tape* down the sides aren't "all that" or at all innovative - he would probably start crying.  Or, film him at an upscale grocery store that doesn't carry any "carb free, gluten free, soy-based, no flavor" food.  

*That named/personalized bias tape reminded me of the self-stick label tape I used to use for my kids' clothes when they went to sleep-away sports camps.  

Edited by njbchlover
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1 minute ago, TexasGal said:

She may have been a fraud, but watching her cut Jen off every time her apology started to veer into an excuse was greatness.  "I'm so sorry but" "NO NO NO"  "I'm so sorry if" "NO NO NO"

Exactly! The "hypnotist" was a better counselor than every therapist ever to appear on a Housewives show. Bravo needs to book her for all the other cities too.

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2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

He said it was his Monclear coat!  They are about $2,500 so of course he had to throw that in. 


WTF is a $2500.00 coat doing laying on the floor of his closet??  Unless, of course, the dog is so amazing that he can jump up and poop on a coat on a hanger??  You would think that as a "designer", Brooks would have more respect for clothing than to just throw it on the floor.

1 minute ago, TexasGal said:

She may have been a fraud, but watching her cut Jen off every time her apology started to veer into an excuse was greatness.  "I'm so sorry but" "NO NO NO"  "I'm so sorry if" "NO NO NO"

Yes....that was the BEST!!  Finally, someone who was schooling a Housewife on the what is the correct way to apologize!   🙂  

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It has been interesting seeing how the women react to Jen.  A

Heather: enabling.

Whitney: Confused and apologetic 

Mary: reading Jen without breaking a sweat.

Meredith (my spirit animal): disengages

Lisa: Not sure of her approach yet.  She seems outspoken, yet trying to diffuse the situation at the same time.  

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3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

It was OCELOT!  Meredith made sure to point that out.  🙄


He said it was his Monclear coat!  They are about $2,500 so of course he had to throw that in. 


Then what was it doing on the floor where the dog could shit on it?!?! 

I hope he slipped and fell down in it, making it a truly BM track suit.

There has to be home security camera footage, doesn't there? I mean, it's Brooksie's closet!

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50 minutes ago, larapu2000 said:

Ah, yes.  Moncler.  The brand that innovated puffer ballgowns.  Ha ha, eyeroll.  Of course Brooks Marks loves them.


I remember seeing a few years ago, they remind me of the Michelin Tire Man or they were made by a balloon animal artist, they are sort of iCKy.

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47 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

WTF is a $2500.00 coat doing laying on the floor of his closet??  Unless, of course, the dog is so amazing that he can jump up and poop on a coat on a hanger??  You would think that as a "designer", Brooks would have more respect for clothing than to just throw it on the floor.

Seriously, do we really think he has a Moncler coat...most likely he meant to say the dog shat on his H&M puffy packable coat, $79 retail.

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2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I want delusional nuts who think they are grand (Vicki OC) and rich (Alex Van K NYC) and fancy but are actually kinda sad and pathetic.  I want to laugh at the housewives while they think we are admiring them.  


Exactly!  I wish Bravo would learn the distinction between shows featuring Housewives people love to hate and those who make it a situation of continuing to watch a franchise despite them.  For me, Jen falls into the latter category.  Unfortunately, the rest of the cast hasn't proven to be  very compelling.  Heather is harmless but I'm already tired of her trilogy (spa, Mormon royalty, looking for a man).  Lisa fills the "they they are grand) but is otherwise boring and kind of annoying.  Meredith appears to be there for Brooks and a bit of self marketing but doesn't want to engage.  Mary living large while preaching overshadows everything else for me and I would rather not see her on the screen because of that.  I've decided that Whitney is actually perfect for a HW show.  She's a willing shit stirrer, has just enough odd family stuff going on, and seems to be up for whatever. She's not a HW star, but shows like these need some 2nd tier members to keep things moving.  Unfortunately, Jen sucks all the oxygen out of every scene she is in.  Something went awry in casting this franchise.  It seems like they took a chance on people who looked good on paper but couldn't sustain whatever made then interesting during the process.


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Jen Shah seems truly insane and meaner than a junkyard dog. Aside from doing their job and filming with her, I’m not sure why anyone would ever want to be around her. What an embarrassment she must be to her husband and family. 

Speaking of instability- what is wrong with Mary? She seems so physically frail she can barely speak. 

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13 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

P.P.S.- On another note, if you insist on featuring Brooks Marks, can you please at least balance it out with more dog footage? Your shows are much better when you give us furry respites from the crazy. And if I have to listen to Brooks Marks talk about stepping in dog shit, I want to actually see Brooks Marks stepping in said dog shit.

IKR?!  I took comfort knowing that since this was a girls trip we wouldn't have to see Brooks but NO they had to get his whiny ass voice on the phone!  I wanna see BM slip and fall in BM bwhahaha

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29 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:


Speaking of instability- what is wrong with Mary? She seems so physically frail she can barely speak. 

She does seem to have a problem speaking.  She also has some very strange facial tics.  I can't figure her out.  I think she really loves to brag about all of her stuff and her homes, but she kind of keeps it in the back of her head that she should not really do that because a pastor shouldn't brag.  And a pastor shouldn't really be using her money from the church to buy GUCCI!  But she can't help herself so she brags.  

I really feel for her maid, her cousin Charlinda.  She doesn't treat her well, she really shows a lack of respect.  Also she has this woman wear a hair net?  I am sure it is to make sure that the cousin knows her place.  When she said that she knows nothing about the cousin's private life, it was said in a way to show that Mary doesn't consort with the "help."

I kind of hope that Charlinda is stealing from her.  Or, I hope Charlinda starts fucking the grandpa and gets to kick Mary out of the 25 homes.  I shouldn't wish this, I know it is wrong.  


Edited by heatherchandler
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