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S25.E03: Week 3

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At least Sarah gets to throw some shade at the beyotches in the house before she leaves.

So when Matt chooses no one at the end of this, he can always call Sarah.* Nice set up, show.

(*Not a spoiler, just snark.)

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“I think that’s why he let me go because he saw my heart.” Girl, you were not kidnapped. You chose to leave with your own free will. And if you were bluffing for days on end and wanted him to beg you to stay, that’s on you. He should have “walked you out” three days ago.

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1 minute ago, tennisgurl said:

Oh my God MORE names I have to remember?! WHY?!

Because so far this season lacks any better substance, they had to call for reinforcements, that aren’t going to be any better. I kid, I actually like some of these ladies.

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There wasn’t one tear when Sara was crying in the car.  She said he saw her heart and that’s why he let her go?  So people really say things like that?  And why leave her family for this show if her dad only had weeks to live?  It’s funny how the one girl said Sara interrupting the group date meant others might not get a rose and it was “terrifying”.   That’s terrifying?

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I bet Sara returns in a few weeks, claiming she made a mistake by leaving & that she realized her heart was shattered to pieces after she left & she no longer wanted to wonder "What if?" So, she had to return to find out for certain if Matt is really her true love forevah & evah!

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This episode was just bad. Matt is awkward and had zero chemistry with anyone this week.

 I see why tptb force him to keep awful Victoria because what else would there to be to talk about if not for her Sarah confrontation?

 I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s inexperienced with women. Maybe if he embraced his nerdiness  it would be endearing. But he plays cool which doesn’t work without the charm. Ladies man he is not, which would be good if he was commitment oriented but he’s not that either. 

Edited by dirtypop90
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That they are adding five new ladies leads me to believe that Matt isn't happy with the current group.  They did the same thing when Jillian was the Bachelorette.  She wasn't happy with the original group of guys so they brought in five more.  And, Ed was one of the five.  

Edited by Adeejay
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1 minute ago, Adeejay said:

That they are adding five new ladies leads me to believe that Matt isn't happy with the current.  They did the same thing when Jillian was the Bachelorette.  She wasn't happy with the original group of guys so they brought in five more.  And, Ed was one of the five.  

I think it's the new "the thing" since they did the same with Tayisha. Dude with the mustache was in the second group and caused drah-mah. I've already forgotten his name. Maybe they brought all the new guys in for Clare, not that it matters. I've already forgotten that entire season.

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Random thoughts.  Do they bleach all their teeth or do they get veneers?  Because all of their teeth are perfect and shiny.  
Why do so many past and present huff and puff to show how nervous they are.  Sarah did it several times when talking to Matt and he did it during the rose ceremony.  

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45 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Oh my God MORE names I have to remember?! WHY?!

Why is it not a rule to have names on the screen at all times?  These people are always indistinguishable.  I FF'd through the entire porn scene.  Ugh.  I FF'd through a lot more.  Got the gist. 

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Wow , this has to be the cattiest group of bitches I have ever seen . It felt straight out of the movie Mean Girls and it really felt like watching a junior high school sleepover . Is Sarah extremely dramatic ? Yes . Is she an eeyore ? Yes . But have some class and stop bullying her . 

I hate when they cast all 21-24 year olds on this show . I know it creates the drama they want  , but it feels creepy and unrealistic watching a mature , much older lead deal with this pettiness . And barely any of these girls are attractive with the exception of Rachael and maybe Serena . Did they have trouble casting during covid ? 

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There are a lot of things I do like about Matt, and I'm relieved to have someone new as the lead, but I don't think he really has the personality for this show. 

I do agree that, just like all the other leads, when the Bachelor/ette zeroes in on someone, it doesn't really matter what the others say. He clearly wanted to be around Sarah. Not in a blinders-on way like Clare with Dale, but in the way that he was all on her side. He didn't interrogate the women about what was going on, just like he didn't about Marylynn. He wants to be with whom he wants. 

I liked Sarah a lot last week, and I understand she's emotional about her dad, but if he has WEEKS left, why did she come? 

I'm not a Katie fan, but she was very fair and compassionate with Sarah. 

So Ashley I., famous virgin and cryer, is the MC for an erotic reading, now that she's a married lady? Also I just hated that date. I don't remember Chris having written a soft-porn book, but that sounded amateurish and awful. 

Serena seemed perky on her one-on-one. New girls are a-comin' so I guess they needed to amp up the drama factor. I think the alleged escort is one of the new girls, not Victoria. 

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11 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Wow , this has to be the cattiest group of bitches I have ever seen . It felt straight out of the movie Mean Girls and it really felt like watching a junior high school sleepover . Is Sarah extremely dramatic ? Yes . Is she an eeyore ? Yes . But have some class and stop bullying her . 

I hate when they cast all 21-24 year olds on this show . I know it creates the drama they want  , but it feels creepy and unrealistic watching a mature , much older lead deal with this pettiness . And barely any of these girls are attractive with the exception of Rachael and maybe Serena . Did they have trouble casting during covid ? 

This is an excellent point. Watching these younger women behave like children is such a turn-off. I'm a fair weather fan mostly because of it.

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If last week’s episode ended like that mysterious brown alcohol you probably shouldn’t have tried at 2 AM then this week’s begins with more of the same as we watch Victoria utter her scripted (by her or others) lines and we get an involuntary shudder just like we do when putting the empty shot glass down.

Sarah’s ‘medical emergency’ has been completely forgotten and the rose ceremony concludes with, er, whatshername, Marylynn and the other whatshername leaving the premises with only Marylynn given another second of camera time.

Toastmasters Inc. will be sending Matt a sternly-worded letter about his awful, awful post-ceremony speech devoid of inspiration.  The only positive thing that might be said about it is that it manages to include every catchphrase and cliché including the interminable ‘journey’ and that Matt is excited to get to know each of them better even though Matt sounds like he’s about to fall asleep on his feet.  ‘Here’s to love’ he says in a monotone as the women can barely be fussed to raise their arms to clink glasses.  Oh Lord, Victoria’s talking again and looking around the room with her usual crazy whites-of-the-eyes expression.

Group Date Pt 1 will, regrettably, include Vic and her shiner.  Rachael is killing it with the Naughty Secretary glasses, an undimmable beam of sunlight alongside Eeyore, sorry, Victoria.  Kit has taken an extra morning Valium or perhaps she’s dreading an outing with Victoria.  Kaili has staged a predawn raid on everyone’s makeup kit and is wearing enough foundation to build a castle on.

Matt has inexplicably been given an outfit remaindered from the 1977 Sears Wish Book catalogue:  a turtleneck and a leisure suit [edit:  didn't see the mention upthread til now!].  Oh goody – Ashley I’s back.  What a relief. We feared she might have obtained a job at some point.  Now she’s reciting passages from dirty chick lit and doing her best (or worst) book-club sales pitch and telling the conscripted authors ‘That’s. Hysterical.’ without actually laughing.  Sex Toy Katie should have no trouble scrawling filth across the page. 

Suddenly Matt’s Dirk Diggler ensemble makes a bit more sense since he will be listening to the equivalent of Boogie Nights-era porn film dialogue.  Cue the wah-wah guitar.  Harrison is like the overbearing youth leader dealing with recalcitrant campers but the women quite obviously aren’t having it.  Sarah is worried about his relationships with other women but surely she’s noticed they’ve only been there for a few days.  Matt’s brought out the flat voice again.  Don’t call us, Matt, we’ll call you, say RADA.  Katie loves hearing him talk – but then, Katie thinks dial tones and the white noise of jet engines are exciting.

Copywriter Anna’s writing is so trite that we are compelled to ask which ad agency dared put her on the payroll.  Not quite Peggy Olson material.  Rachael is taking the bold step of using first-person pronouns.  Predictably, Victoria’s reading is pedestrian Penthouse Forum stuff.

Matt’s turtleneck is gone leaving the rest of us to cringe like terrapins tucking their necks into their shells at his lame patter full of non sequiturs like ‘You all really pushed the limit today…it was great to see you in your element.’  Well, Matt, either they are smut peddlers or they are ladies.  Make up your mind.  Surprise!  Rachael is pulled aside first again and gets a snog this time.  Bri gets a follow-on as well.

Serena P gets a single date card and the girls are well grumpy about it.  Those frowns have edges so sharp they might damage the Nemacolin carpet. 

Sarah is sprinting headlong into bunny-boiler territory, interrupting Katie who informs the others.  Victoria pretends not to know the name ‘Sarah’ but given that nobody wants to converse with Victoria maybe it’s not an act after all.  Katie returns but can’t break Sarah’s white-knuckle grip.  Matt delivers a few very audible (to Katie) kisses in a desperate bid to send Sarah packing.  Sarah, unable to take multiple hints, heads into the lionesses’ den and becomes their scratching post.  ‘It’s literally just between me and him,’ announces Sarah very publicly to a roomful of very annoyed rivals.  Irony isn’t her long suit.

Victoria’s nose is sweating again.  It’s probably cold like a dog’s.  She hounds Sarah about their previous encounter.  ‘We’re worried about you,’ she says unconvincingly.

Extending the zoological metaphor, Matt either has the emotional intelligence of a goldfish or doesn’t notice the snarls and scowls when he enters the room.  Several of them look to be on the verge of nausea.  Anna is a picture, gritting her teeth and making a fist unconsciously.  Unfortunately, the picture in her case is ‘Guernica.’  In the second non-shocker of the evening, Rachael gets a rose.  Attention Veronica:  Rach is obviously the real queen here.  You may not even be a lady in waiting.

The Sarah approach has been tried before.  The tears keep The Bachelor on his toes but eventually he tires of it – usually around the final 6 or 8 mark.  ‘If you left that would be a tragedy’ says Matt robotically and rather un-tragically.  Has anyone checked his back for a battery compartment?  And damn me if he doesn’t have another turtleneck on – this one paired with a Steve Austin buckskin jacket.  Maybe Matt is bionic.  Sarah gets her kiss and the smirk gives the game away.

Bit early to be breaking out the horseback riding date, innit?  A braying ass in a brown coat settles in for a picnic with Serena P.  A donkey is there also.  Matt’s toasts are getting worse, if that’s possible.  Maybe let the lady handle it next time?  Matt must really like Serena – he’s approaching coherence and eloquence here.  Another hot tub!  Or is it the same tub on caster wheels?  Bit of advice to Serena:  don’t go back with that ponytail still wet!  It's a telltale!  The girls’ mood is bad enough and getting worse with Sarah returning.

Katie doesn’t want Sarah to think she’s been bullied out.  Except she was.

Edited by Rainsong
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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

I think it's the new "the thing" since they did the same with Tayisha. Dude with the mustache was in the second group and caused drah-mah. I've already forgotten his name. Maybe they brought all the new guys in for Clare, not that it matters. I've already forgotten that entire season.

Well that was because tayshia didn’t start the season and Clare sent home a number of guys already so they wanted to give her a fuller cast

matt feels like he has too many women. The group date last week was packed and this week it still felt like a lot of filler girls remained even though he sent home five. Now it looks like we’re getting five more and I remember a preview showing Heather’s arrival. 

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So was Sarah's problem that she was upset about seeing Matt dating other women, or was she upset about her dad? Because she was apparently fine doing this before even though her dad is sick (and hasn't apparently gotten worse since she went to the show) and its not like she should be surprised that Matt is dating other women (that's the plot of the show and all) so what was the problem? I guess it was just everything and the high pressure situation? Or maybe she realized when the women got all pissed at her that her pitching a fit about Matt speaking to other women that this all made her look really bad, so she decided to make it all about her dad instead? I don't mean to downplay what really is a tragic family situation, but it was really weird how it went from "I hate that Matt is talking to other women after our date" to "I have to go home because of my dad" really quickly. I guess I can appreciate that she stuck to her guns and left when she realized that this wasnt for her, but all of the drama leading up to it was just such a drag. 

So what are the odds that Sarah shows up again dramatically later on? 

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2 hours ago, GracieK said:

Matt looks like Gonzo 

Gonzo is one of my favorite muppets so I’m not sure I can be objective. On Sesame Street, I get more Bert (of Bert and Ernie) vibes but it’s likely just the fashion. 😉

So many of the women are beautiful but I just can’t get over how stunning Rachael is. She has this Isabella Rosalini thing going on (apologies if someone already pointed that out) I can’t stop staring at her face. 

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Most boring episode ever. And I've sat through all of them. I was appalled by the porn date. Crude and offensive. Sorry not sorry. 

What a lame ass bachelor and pissy women. Anna had a permanent stink face going on. She really needs to work on that or not go on tv. As for Sarah, she just wasn't that into Matt after he "suctioned cup" to her face. I noticed the open eyed kissing this week too. How about you don't, Matt.

I too am annoyed that more women will be joining the fray. Why? I am deeply concerned that the year is 2021 and this is considered entertainment. The sociologist in me will watch, but the woman in me is truly saddened.


Edited by sauce62
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1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

That they are adding five new ladies leads me to believe that Matt isn't happy with the current group.  They did the same thing when Jillian was the Bachelorette.  She wasn't happy with the original group of guys so they brought in five more.  And, Ed was one of the five.  

I think they are just doing it to add some drama because they are stuck in one location. 

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1 hour ago, Rainsong said:

A braying ass in a brown coat settles in for a picnic with Serena P.  A donkey is there also. 

Rainsong, you can have all my roses!

39 minutes ago, sauce62 said:

I noticed the open eyed kissing this week too.

Did you notice that he closed his eyes when kissing Serena?

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2 hours ago, Laurie4H said:

Random thoughts.  Do they bleach all their teeth or do they get veneers?  Because all of their teeth are perfect and shiny.  
Why do so many past and present huff and puff to show how nervous they are.  Sarah did it several times when talking to Matt and he did it during the rose ceremony.  

Her puffing was driving me nuts!!! When he opened the door to her in their last conversation she puffed before she said a word. She sounded like she was in labor!!

Edited by Alexander Pope
edited upon further thought
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2 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Katie, you are now officially Katie, and not Dildo Girl any longer. Congratulations to you, and to your dildo. 

I would not have guessed after the first episode that Katie would be my new favorite. I mean, the bar is low, but she was great this episode. Loved her less than subtle smackdown, essentially boiling down to Stop Being Bitches, damn.

Sarah's a drama queen but that pile on was pure mean girl. Kit acts as bitchy as she looks, and Victoria showed way too much glee at getting to berate someone. Ick.

I missed the first date, and from reading here, I'm glad I did, lol.

Serena is stunning and seems reasonably down-to-earth for this show. I want to be at that picnic, that setting and the animals were just gorgeous. 

Matt had the hiccups. Cool.

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I think TPTB knew from the beginning Matt would be boring, but it was too late to make a change so they planned from the beginning to bring  these new women in because, 1) quarantine and 2), 3 weeks in tv time is only 9 days real time.  

And I admit I now totally get why they recycle the lead.   Matt doesn’t realize that everything happening is a Bachelor cliche and is clueless in how to behave.  It doesn’t help that he doesn’t have the charisma or confidence a lead needs.  

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33 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

I think TPTB knew from the beginning Matt would be boring, but it was too late to make a change so they planned from the beginning to bring  these new women in because, 1) quarantine and 2), 3 weeks in tv time is only 9 days real time.  

And I admit I now totally get why they recycle the lead.   Matt doesn’t realize that everything happening is a Bachelor cliche and is clueless in how to behave.  It doesn’t help that he doesn’t have the charisma or confidence a lead needs.  

It is funny how many of us are seeing now the benefits of having someone experienced with the show be the Bachelor.  Not that they all do well, but at least they have some exposure.  I don't think Matt is what they expected--he isn't the confident leading man they project on the commercials.  Plus he doesn't seem like he really had ever wanted a relationship that much anyway.  

As for adding in the new ladies, I do think it is a bit much.  There have been so many that took the time to be there, and we hardly know them...so many of them.  Adding more just really isn't right, but this is what they do on the Bachelor.  I guess they think it is Love Island or something.

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Episode 3 brief recap:   Victoria is happy now that the rest of the girls know shes not the only whack job (sarah) . Sarah receives a Oscar nomination for best supporting actress in a drama for her Rose Ceremony crash and burn. Matt is honored by local police/fire depts for his heroic action in performing mouth to mouth resuscitation which included tongue on Sarah as she lay motionless just off camera. Sarah recovers, but is now blackballed by the rest of the girl scouts and spends entire show crying and mumbling incoherently. Sara cant take it any longer and decides to leave the show. Matt carrys her like a bag of flour out to the waiting black SUV, tosses her in the back and watches in agony as it lives the villa, hoping it wont have a flat tire and Sarah has to stick around a little longer. Meanwhile our resident horndog Matt, continues his one on ones with the remaining ladys. The brief conversations with each are pretty much the same, the women talk about life, future, past, dreams and hopes, while Matt bobs his head up and down in agreement, the whole time rubbing his big paw on thier thighs and wondering " hmmmm, id like me some of dat".  The one on one date, takes us out to the ranch with lucky gal Serena. She was expecting a romantic lunch in the Swiss Alps or French Riveria, what she got was a horseback ride on Brokeback Mountain.  Seven Foot tall Matt was saddled up on retired rodeo star "Widowmaker", while petite 4 foot tall Serena rode along side him on a Shetland Pony named "Pokey".  The happy couple stopped briefly to toss down a blanket and enjoy a gallon of cheap Costco Rosé wine. Matt makes sure to say " I dont drink wine that much", but his half gallon sippy cup proves otherwise.  Just as Matt is going in for his anticipated "french kiss and thigh rub", a couple asses show up, literally, donkeys, mules whatever they were. No, one of them wasnt Victoria, but it was Chris Harrison and a cameraman in one of the donkey outfits. That was pretty much it for that date, the two did enjoy a fancy dinner later, Serena spilling the beans on her life, while Matt dreamed once again about " gettin him sum." You could get the drift that Serena will soon be gone , bye bye.  Anyway, no Rose Ceremony this week. The final scene showed Victoria, behind the scenes, sharpening up her set of back stabbing knives in anticipation of next weeks show. She honestly feels she will be around to the end, even if it involves killing off some of her rivals.  Cant wait for nexts weeks show!

Edited by drkshades
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9 hours ago, Refresh said:

Gonzo is one of my favorite muppets so I’m not sure I can be objective. On Sesame Street, I get more Bert (of Bert and Ernie) vibes but it’s likely just the fashion. 😉

So many of the women are beautiful but I just can’t get over how stunning Rachael is. She has this Isabella Rosalini thing going on (apologies if someone already pointed that out) I can’t stop staring at her face. 

He’s got Gonzo’s nose.  He really is dull.   

Rachel has a unique beauty, such a pretty tiny face.

Sarah and her cliched psycho babbling, so dramatic!  If anyone you know in real life acted like that after one date you’d worry about their mental health.  

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12 hours ago, SallyAlbright said:

What a waste of two hours of my life. Sarah interrupts horrible group date, the girls freak out and bitch about her for three days straight, and then she leaves.

I can't believe I just watched that. 

Sad night in TV land for sure!

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I actually found Victoria funny in this episode, at least in the first half.  Then she did become a bit of a bully to Sarah.  But the girls seemed like they were getting along with her and she had a few humorous comments in an otherwise very boring show.  I thought the group "erotic" date was pretty cheesey but the girls actually seemed to be having fun versus when they are all usually sitting around just pouting.  The requisite "cocktail parties" always look SO boring.  They sit around freezing in their dresses waiting for their turn to get sloppy seconds or third makeouts from the lead.   That to me is way more gross than the erotic chapter writing.   And how long are these parties?  It seems he only spends 10-15 minutes with each girl max.  There were about 10 girls so that would only be 2.5 hours.  And yet he had no time to talk to half of them just because Sarah showed up for a few minutes.  Again, it didn't seem like she was there for that long.   Seems like it would be more fun if the lead sat around with all of them for awhile and they all just chatted.  I don't know, maybe just have some FUN, vs all these depressing conversations that go nowhere. 

I think Katie is fun and actually a caring person.  She at least has some personality.  I think Serena is beautiful but she already seems too mature for Matt despite only being 22.   Matt is just BLAND.  Seems like he hasn't dated since high school, probably just random hookups since then.  His super long fingers actually scare me.  He just literally has nothing to say.  And making out with Sarah right before his date with Serena was just gross.  And walking Sarah our while Katie was waiting for her time with him was also gross.  If I was Katie, I would have just left the show then and there. 

After Tayshia's season I thought we might start seeing some real conversations between contestants but clearly that is not the case here.   Matt just has nothing to say.   I think what I liked about Zac was that at least he had lived.   He came across as sincere because he actually had life experiences.  This season is like watching a sorority house full of 21 year olds fight over the dumb football quarterback.  And not even at a D1 school.


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@Rainsong, you'd better order a dozen more vases because you are getting all my roses too. Your posts are the best, and one of the main reasons to read here.

@chocolatine, you are getting roses too because your fish picture made me LOL and I kept laughing for an extended time. It was a nice way to start my morning, so thank you. The photo is perfect, and I can see Matt in it. Ladies, just imagine those romantic lips coming your way. Suction cup alert!

ETA: I just scrolled past the fish picture and started laughing again.

Edited by saber5055
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I don’t post much, but I love reading the clever snark. You guys are great!

I don’t know how you all manage to keep all the names straight. Like someone mentioned upthread, I wish they had their names on the screen...at least for a few weeks while we’re trying to remember who’s who.

My main point in posting is about Sarah’s tearless meltdown (which someone also mentioned upthread). Head in her hands, hands on her face covering her eyes, shoulders and arms shaking, and not One. Single. Tear. I was yelling at the TV, “C’mon Sarah, can’t you muster just one tear?” I’m sorry that her father is ill, but question her decision to agree to be on the show in the first place...unless it was a financial/help out with medical bills kind of thing.

Also, I’m not a prude by any means, but the erotica reading was so awkward, which sort of defeats the purpose of erotica.

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I wish the cocktail parties were structured differently.  LIke, have Matt introduce a topic (not related to childhood trauma r anything serious)  and they just all chatted together.  Then, MATT could take aside each woman for a little one-on-one "chat" to get to know her.  None of this "Can I steal you?"  crap, just everyone getting a few minutes to talk (or makeout, if that's how they want to spend the time)  

The emphasis could be getting to know someone, not having the women claw each other in an effort to "win".  Even last week, Chris H announced an activity with "Matt wants someone who will FIGHT for him."   Really?  is that an admirable quality - someone who sees "LOVE"  as defeating the competition to win the prize?   Take Victoria, for a prime example - does she even LIKE Matt?  because it seems she is so focused on defeating her competition, that she lost sight of what the prize is.  I'd like to see some of these women grapple with their feelings - are they ALL really ready to get engaged to this guy, just because that's the premise of the show?  In the real world, haven't they ever met someone they liked, and NOT "fallen in love?" 

I guess the producers assume that we all want to see women talk dirty, be embarrassed, compete, backstab, gossip, etc.   And maybe some people do.  I'd like to see one man meet a group of women, try to figure out what it means to fall in love, how to figure out your feelings in this artificial situation, and how to navigate several relationships that are building, to find what you really want. 

This show could be so much more. 

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