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Tristan, you dodged a bullet.

Sorry, your marriage lasted less than 72 hours...

Seems Jesus and Tarrant County did you a solid.

How did this nutjob get past the producers, Dr. Jessica, Dr. Pepper and Pastor Cal?

Who in their right mind stalks their ex ...then auditions to get on a basic cable marriage show?

Why would her sister and father  go along with the show knowing Mia had an arrest warrant out?

I would love her ex to give a TMZ interview...but he is probably too afraid of her to come forward.

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1 minute ago, humbleopinion said:

Tristan, you dodged a bullet.

Sorry, your marriage lasted less than 72 hours...

Seems Jesus and Tarrant County did you a solid.

How did this nutjob get past the producers, Dr. Jessica, Dr. Pepper and Pastor Cal?

Who in their right mind stalks their ex ...then auditions to get on a basic cable marriage show?

Why would her sister and father  go along with the show knowing Mia had an arrest warrant out?

I would love her ex to give a TMZ interview...but he is probably too afraid of her to come forward.

I think she was trying to teach the boyfriend a lesson but thats major stalkishery... i understand being angry for 6months but over a year is ???. BTW warrant isnt a conviction so it might not show on the basic background check.. she also wasnt arrested until honeymoon. 

4 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Tristan, you dodged a bullet.

Sorry, your marriage lasted less than 72 hours...

Seems Jesus and Tarrant County did you a solid.

How did this nutjob get past the producers, Dr. Jessica, Dr. Pepper and Pastor Cal?

Who in their right mind stalks their ex ...then auditions to get on a basic cable marriage show?

Why would her sister and father  go along with the show knowing Mia had an arrest warrant out?

I would love her ex to give a TMZ interview...but he is probably too afraid of her to come forward.

I dont think anyone knew she had a warrant even her. 

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 It appears the warrant wasn't issued until after the background check for the show was done.

She would have not been arrested if the honeymoon was domestic, not international...

You would think that in the vetting process Mia must have done some epic lying and major side stepped of questions about past relationships.

Instead of Dr. Pepper pawing at her butt bows, they could have sent a show intern down to the courthouse and look at public records....

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Just now, humbleopinion said:

 It appears the warrant wasn't issued until after the background check for the show was done.

She would have not been arrested if the honeymoon was domestic, not international...

You would think that in the vetting process Mia must have done some epic lying and major side stepped of questions about past relationships.

Instead of Dr. Pepper pawing at her butt bows, they could have sent a show intern down to the courthouse and look at public records....

Her current name is Mia (social media and show) but its Ameea thats on record/passport. I wonder if that played a factor.

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Guess the new M@FS questionnaire needs to add a few additional questions...

List all alias used in the past 10 years....( if you need more space continue on back of this page)

What is the name on your passport?

Other than traffic infractions, are there any outstanding warrants are out in your name(s)?

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I'm still hyped to see what Tristan's, "She lied to me!" is all about. Did he flat out ask her if she had any outstanding restraining orders and arrest warrants? Like you do.

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5 minutes ago, 2727 said:

I'm still hyped to see what Tristan's, "She lied to me!" is all about. Did he flat out ask her if she had any outstanding restraining orders and arrest warrants? Like you do.

It could be the 'are you over your ex question?'

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2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:


March 2018

Mia and Tristan married. Mia detained when trying to leave the country for a honeymoon.

Feb 6, 2018 Monroe, LA

Warrant for her arrest issued for 3 counts of stalking and use of credit card( order of an iphone and 2 Amazon protection plans)

Jan 18, 2018

 Another complaint filed

Jan 4, 2018

 Another complaint filed

August 7, 2017

Report filed Mia was calling texting and showed up at his home.

June 27, 2017

 While the police were taking the complaint report from the ex that Mia kept showing up at his work and home...Mia shows up!

The police warn her in person to stay away and stop all contact.

Breakup with ex Christmas 2016

Mia is a REAL Crazy EX Girlfriend


2 hours ago, LilaFowler said:



I am shook y'all.

So much for seeing an accurate and respectful representation of my culture....sigh. Maybe they should have brought back thug life Ryan for her to marry. They could see who freaked each other out first. Tristan, your Jay Z ain't gonna find his high yellow Beyonce...divorce and run.

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Maybe now we know why none of the contestants have public profiles on SM this season...This is another shit show of a season. The Bachelorette casts men who have records of sexual assault/have to register as sex offenders and this show casts women who are stalkers...Reality shows really are scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to casting.

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The drive between Dallas and Monroe, LA is 4 hours one way so Mia wasn't accidentally showing up at her ex's home or work....

How will the show respond?

Will they bring in a new bride for Tristan since he didn't get to know Mia/Ameea/whatever... a do-over would be quick and easy....he can wear his pink shirt again.

Bring JamieO dressed in a new tablecloth to do an interview with Tristan about his experience and...of course, Jamie will  hog the show, making it about her, Henlyshirt and Doug....

Just go with 2 couples like they did when Heather bolted from the honeymoon...Nick/Sonia and Lily/Tom got plenty of attention...

Tristan can have the lonely walks( Derek had his doggie to take walks with)...the soul searching thousand yard stares into the Texas landscapes...visits to the jail to visit Mia...

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First a disclaimer: I know stalking is serious business. A good friend of mine has had a women stalk him off and on for more than a decade. Through cross country moves and restraining orders. Thankfully she’s in a dormant stage right now. I had an ex do some  nasty stuff with trackers on my car and in my computer before he took his brand of bat crap crazy elsewhere. I am not discounting the seriousness of a stalker  

However this is a bottom tier reality show and this woman voluntarily auditioned for it so let me say: hahahahahahahahaha! I’m not laughing at stalking, or the guy whose life she has interrupted, and I’m not even laughing at Tristan. Okay, I may be laughing at him a little. Had he not seen any of this trash fest before? I am laughing at Mia for being so amazingly stupid. She stalked her ex to the point the police got involved, more than once, and still decided that getting married to a stranger on tv was her ticket to... Love? Happiness? Reality faux fame? Her ex realizing he missed her? What a doofus. I wonder if her family knew she was harassing her ex.

Did the show really not know any of this until she got detained at the airport? Excuse me while I legitimately laugh out loud some more. I hope the show doesn’t gloss over this and pretend it away. This is a heavily edited show about finding “love” with people who want to be on tv for a few minutes. Don’t act like you’re high class show. Give us the nitty gritty good stuff. Uh-oh! Am I a bad person for finding this entire situation hilariously enjoyable? 

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 I find it hilarious that the most religious ones are the ones doing shady stuff.  Tell us, Mia, what Jesus thinks of stalking and credit card fraud/theft.

Edited by PityFree
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I am with you @ramble I am not laughing at the seriousness of stalking but I will be sitting back with my popcorn watching the crazy unfold, Mia has to be seriously stupid to think that going on TV was even remotely a good idea within months of stalking her ex. If it was a one off incident then I may believe that it was a vengeful ex but she was told by the police in June 2017 to leave the guy alone and she continued. Maybe the warrant was unknown to her seeing as it was only issued 6 weeks before the wedding and in another state but she knew she was still stalking an ex while actively casting for the show.

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2 minutes ago, PityFree said:

that the most religious ones are the ones doing shady stuff.  

Thats it... she and her family were acting so pure.  I cant kiss the guy. Don't sleep with her bla bla... 

What if she was just trying to pay the guy back for wasting her time? What if she wasnt in love with the ex? 

I can bet it that production would spin it a different way.  Its no wonder they are showing 2hr episode. I think they want to get that part over with. So ready for the drama

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Moustachly's reason to be on M@FS was motivated by revenge...showing an ex that she was worthy and she was a winner...too bad David was the road kill....

For Mia/Ameea the deeper and deeper she got into the selection process she began to believe her own lies and that she wasn't the out of control stalker known to Ouachita Parish, LA.

Agree with above...we are not diminishing the seriousness and terror from stalking of Mia's ex to him and his family.

Stalking is psychologically damaging to all involved so when we snark we are not saying it isn't criminal.

My question is why was Mia's sister sweating so much and had the audacity to act like Khloe Kardashian when grilling Tristan at the reception?

Mia's dad really think Mia's sex life is still under his jurisdiction?  That ship sailed long ago....

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2 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

My question is why was Mia's sister sweating so much and had the audacity to act like Khloe Kardashian when grilling Tristan at the reception?

Mia's dad really think Mia's sex life is still under his jurisdiction?  That ship sailed long ago....

This is why i am irritated by shady Mia.. The guts to act pure ??

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If yall knew Tristan would you tell him to proceed with the marriage or abort? He is looking in the zone with her. I think he proceeded. 


Edited by ctbabe
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Mia is obviously not over her ex....understatement of the year...

If Tristan decides to stay on the show then what are his options?

Wife 2

Solo with lots of lonely gazing into sunsets....

Continue with Mia with her craziness, her legal problems as the engine that runs the marriage.....

I vote for Wife 2.....let's have another wedding!

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31 minutes ago, ctbabe said:

If yall knew Tristan would you tell him to proceed with the marriage or abort? He is looking in the zone with her. I think he proceeded. 


That's the same apartment shown at Tristan's  bachelor apartment, there is also pictures of them drinking wine and some drinking coffee in the same clothes and in similar positions so I suspect those are promo photos for the season. There is some clips of them shown in the upcoming season trailer but I am wondering if they do not last long enough to get much footage. Tristan would have to be pretty stupid forgiving to continue on in a marriage where his wife was stalking an ex just two months before the wedding.

Agree with the above posters Mia's family seem so high and mighty about their little princess, wonder what they think now that the truth has started to emerge. I would also love to have seen the production crew crap there pants when they realized that one of there 'stars' was getting hauled to jail, this is even lower than casting Ryan DeNino and his anger and Douchey David's past charges.

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1 hour ago, ramble said:

Did the show really not know any of this until she got detained at the airport? Excuse me while I legitimately laugh out loud some more. I hope the show doesn’t gloss over this and pretend it away. This is a heavily edited show about finding “love” with people who want to be on tv for a few minutes. Don’t act like you’re high class show.

Pepper called this their best season yet & was very excited about it, which for some reason, doesn't surprise me a bit.

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20 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

Pepper called this their best season yet & was very excited about it, which for some reason, doesn't surprise me a bit.

Well it was advertised as 'the most dramatic' season it looks like they are not wrong, I think Dr Pepper knows that it has not been about successful marriages for a long time and we tune in for the train wreck.

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sadly, I feel the need to speak up for stalkers.

after 25 years of marriage when we were going to marriage counseling, my ex blamed everything on me.  He said I was acting weird, I was cold and unfeeling despite crying endlessly in confusion, so I followed him after work and found he was with someone 20 years younger than me.  a little more research on her and picking up his office messages because of course I knew his message code (always set it back to new messages), found the affair was going on for months, so that pretty much convinced me counseling was a waste of money, time to move on.  if he  didn't lie and gaslight me, I would not have had to stalk,  didn't take me more than a week or so to find out the truth, cant's say got over it fast, but at least I found out what I needed and bought a dog and moved on, finding dogs nicer then men at that point.  Mia should have bought a dog, She should have done that instead of going on this show. 

Edited by holly4755
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Mia wasn't just charged with stalking. She was also charged with using her ex's credit card to buy an iPhone and some other things on Amazon. If she makes six figures at her job, why does she need to her ex's credit card?

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1 hour ago, holly4755 said:

, time to move on.


1 hour ago, holly4755 said:

didn't take me more than a week or so to find out the truth,

Seems like a world of difference here... long term marriage, husband up to something, wife needs to know truth so she can make decisions - quickly moves on.

That was not Mia/Ameea.

Sounds like she did months of stalking an ex-bf who was clear he was not interested & wanted her to leave him alone. She continued going after him, even driving hours to do so. He wants nothing from her but she uses his cc number for a purchase for him (theft).

All this leads to a warrant & detainment.

Please don't put yourself in the same league as Mia/Ameea - you don't belong there.

1 hour ago, holly4755 said:

but at least I found out what I needed and bought a dog and moved on, finding dogs nicer then men at that point.  Mia should have bought a dog, She should have done that instead of going on this show. 

Good advice - enjoy your (I'm sure) truly, fur real, loyal companion. :)

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5 hours ago, crazychicken said:

Well it was advertised as 'the most dramatic' season it looks like they are not wrong, I think Dr Pepper knows that it has not been about successful marriages for a long time and we tune in for the train wreck.

For once the 'experts' should just get real & instead of toasting to imagined successes, clink the glasses to celebrate the drama & heartache they take part in creating.

Edited by gonecrackers
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5 hours ago, ctbabe said:

If yall knew Tristan would you tell him to proceed with the marriage or abort? He is looking in the zone with her. I think he proceeded. 



5 hours ago, crazychicken said:

I am with you @ramble I am not laughing at the seriousness of stalking but I will be sitting back with my popcorn watching the crazy unfold, Mia has to be seriously stupid to think that going on TV was even remotely a good idea within months of stalking her ex. If it was a one off incident then I may believe that it was a vengeful ex but she was told by the police in June 2017 to leave the guy alone and she continued. Maybe the warrant was unknown to her seeing as it was only issued 6 weeks before the wedding and in another state but she knew she was still stalking an ex while actively casting for the show.

I almost feel sorry for Tristan, he looks so happy in that picture. I hope he gets out of this marriage fast...this woman is probably not stable.

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The best part about Mia's past is when she had driven hours to stalk him at his home and when she showed up, the police were there taking his statement about her stalking him.

This poor man. I wonder if he will come forward about her participation on the show and her past behavior.

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8 hours ago, holly4755 said:

sadly, I feel the need to speak up for stalkers.

after 25 years of marriage when we were going to marriage counseling, my ex blamed everything on me.  He said I was acting weird, I was cold and unfeeling despite crying endlessly in confusion, so I followed him after work and found he was with someone 20 years younger than me.  a little more research on her and picking up his office messages because of course I knew his message code (always set it back to new messages), found the affair was going on for months, so that pretty much convinced me counseling was a waste of money, time to move on.  if he  didn't lie and gaslight me, I would not have had to stalk,  didn't take me more than a week or so to find out the truth, cant's say got over it fast, but at least I found out what I needed and bought a dog and moved on, finding dogs nicer then men at that point.  Mia should have bought a dog, She should have done that instead of going on this show. 


Personally, I don’t think of what you did as stalking. I did much the same thing with my ex-husband I just hired a private eye to do it for me. Stalkers, in my own experience, seem to do things to get attention, to keep tabs on you, and hope that their ugly antics somehow convince you that you need them in your life and when that doesn’t work they move onto intimidation and threats. And yea dogs! I have three. (And I’m sorry you had to go through that!)

Topic: These folks are crazy for going on this show thinking they have a true chance at true love, however if they do believe in the possibility I imagine they never imagined being involved with a mess like this. Bad for them. Fun for us. 

Edited by ramble
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9 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

The best part about Mia's past is when she had driven hours to stalk him at his home and when she showed up, the police were there taking his statement about her stalking him.

This poor man. I wonder if he will come forward about her participation on the show and her past behavior.

Do we know she drove? She works for an airline so I bet she can fly for free. Maybe that is why she was able to stalk him so easily, just hop on a quick free flight.

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On 7/14/2018 at 10:48 AM, ctbabe said:

Thats it... she and her family were acting so pure.  I cant kiss the guy. Don't sleep with her bla bla... 

What if she was just trying to pay the guy back for wasting her time? What if she wasnt in love with the ex? 

I can bet it that production would spin it a different way.  Its no wonder they are showing 2hr episode. I think they want to get that part over with. So ready for the drama

Maybe, instead of talking up Mia's purity and innocence, they could have done Tristan a solid and told him not to leave his credit card information lying around.

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The picture of Tristan and Mia in his kitchen makes me kinda sad ...for him.

Agreed, I hope he has his credit card, social security, safety deposit box, tax documents, all under lock and key.

Hide his spare keys to his car, his businesses, his parents' home from his bride.

 Anybody else think... Jodi Arias?

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15 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

The picture of Tristan and Mia in his kitchen makes me kinda sad ...for him.

Agreed, I hope he has his credit card, social security, safety deposit box, tax documents, all under lock and key.

Hide his spare keys to his car, his businesses, his parents' home from his bride.

 Anybody else think... Jodi Arias?

He seems to be quite enamored of her and I have no idea why beyond that she is a somewhat attractive woman with no neck.

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Ameea has a neck...it is her especially high clavicles that gives the illusion that her head sits on top of her upper torso....

Tristan may be under her love spell if she started putting out during their staycation/jail conjugal visits  to make up for the disappointment of missing their honeymoon with the other couples.

Bet the camera and production crew were very bummed they had to stay in Dallas.

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On 7/13/2018 at 5:00 PM, ctbabe said:

Mia AKA Ameea is beginning to look very shady.. faking naive and innocence.. we shall see. The warrant was issued in February and it seems the background check was done before it got issued. 


Ok,,Mea is a loony tune.  Probably went on this show to make ex-bf jeaslous.  No wonder her sister was so upset.

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does anyone know how long she was at her job?  They do ask if you have been arrested on your application.  I believe with one of the previous people.  The MFS interviewers could ask questions that have to do with arrests, charges etc.  they may someday get someone out from the straitjacket

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On 7/14/2018 at 8:26 AM, ramble said:

First a disclaimer: I know stalking is serious business. A good friend of mine has had a women stalk him off and on for more than a decade. Through cross country moves and restraining orders. Thankfully she’s in a dormant stage right now. I had an ex do some  nasty stuff with trackers on my car and in my computer before he took his brand of bat crap crazy elsewhere. I am not discounting the seriousness of a stalker  

However this is a bottom tier reality show and this woman voluntarily auditioned for it so let me say: hahahahahahahahaha! I’m not laughing at stalking, or the guy whose life she has interrupted, and I’m not even laughing at Tristan. Okay, I may be laughing at him a little. Had he not seen any of this trash fest before? I am laughing at Mia for being so amazingly stupid. She stalked her ex to the point the police got involved, more than once, and still decided that getting married to a stranger on tv was her ticket to... Love? Happiness? Reality faux fame? Her ex realizing he missed her? What a doofus. I wonder if her family knew she was harassing her ex.

Did the show really not know any of this until she got detained at the airport? Excuse me while I legitimately laugh out loud some more. I hope the show doesn’t gloss over this and pretend it away. This is a heavily edited show about finding “love” with people who want to be on tv for a few minutes. Don’t act like you’re high class show. Give us the nitty gritty good stuff. Uh-oh! Am I a bad person for finding this entire situation hilariously enjoyable? 

She bought an iPhone through his Amazon account.  How about that, “Thou shalt not steal” stuff?

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On 7/14/2018 at 11:48 AM, crazychicken said:

 I would also love to have seen the production crew crap there pants when they realized that one of there 'stars' was getting hauled to jail, 

Haha you're so right!  I'm dying picturing it!

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4 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Mia is a practical criminal, she made sure to  buy the protection plan for the iPhone.

Smart. Cause you never know what accidents can happen when you’re skulking around in the bushes. 

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On ‎7‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 9:21 AM, holly4755 said:

sadly, I feel the need to speak up for stalkers.

after 25 years of marriage when we were going to marriage counseling, my ex blamed everything on me.  He said I was acting weird, I was cold and unfeeling despite crying endlessly in confusion, so I followed him after work and found he was with someone 20 years younger than me.  a little more research on her and picking up his office messages because of course I knew his message code (always set it back to new messages), found the affair was going on for months, so that pretty much convinced me counseling was a waste of money, time to move on.  if he  didn't lie and gaslight me, I would not have had to stalk,  didn't take me more than a week or so to find out the truth, cant's say got over it fast, but at least I found out what I needed and bought a dog and moved on, finding dogs nicer then men at that point.  Mia should have bought a dog, She should have done that instead of going on this show. 

Holly, this is not "stalking."  This is "research" with a dash of "due diligence," IMO.  My husband of almost 20 years had a girlfriend just before me who stalked us; she even sent a letter to my parents claiming that my husband and I were plotting to murder them for their money (!!!).  She is the reason that, to this day, our phone numbers remain unlisted and unpublished and we have no social media presence.  Thanks to the internet, I've been able to keep tabs on her through the years, mostly through court records searches, but I would never disrupt her life.  I consider my actions to be research similar to yours.  Stalking is more nefarious, as the victim's life is disrupted by the stalker.

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Wonder if American Airlines is doing something about Ameea using employee perks to fly across state lines to stalk an ex?

Is she still employed by AA?

It is really irksome that none of this season's cast has a Twitter or SM accounts to dig up dirt....

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While AA and Southwest are the big airlines in Dallas they did not hire her.  According to LinkedIn she is employed by Delta and was hired in Aug 2017.  Prior to that worked for CenturyLink and Fossil.  The stalking is so surprising given her sister went on about how a past boyfriend really “wronged” Mia.  Guess Mia told her family lies about the boyfriend and how the relationship ended.

Edited by Booger666
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Let me play the angel advocate. Why did the network not scrap this couple if things are really that bad for Mia? They always have a backup couple. Why air this instead of having the backup couple get married? I think there is more to this story. My opinion..

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I have a feeling this is the most interesting thing about this couple.

Tristan has a get out of jail free card so he can ride the wave of free publicity for his tutoring empire, raise his personal profile and have the rush of being a basic cable show star...

I am interested how this all plays out...

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